SHSpec 82 6611C29 'OT' and 'Clear' Defined

6611C29 SHSpec-82 "OT" and "Clear" Defined

A majority of scientology's major executives are now clear. LRH noticed
that the statistics of divisions were in roughly the same range as the case
state of their heads.

We have tried to put together a scientology dictionary. It requires work
from LRH to make sure that the definitions are complete. He will take
students' requests on cards and define the words.

OT: Operating Thetan. "Operating" means "Manipulating, handling". You
operate a car, etc. Also, oneself can operate; one is operative. "Thetan" is
from the Greek letter, theta, traditionally used to mean thought. The letter
"n" is added to "theta" to make the noun, "thetan". We mean by "thetan" "A
life unit ... a being. An individual who is alive and who is capable of
thinking [and being] -- a spirit inhabiting the body." In Greek times, theta
was the thought in a person, as opposed to his body. The thetan inhabits the
"clay" and moves it around. To that degree, anyone who can move is operating
as a thetan. But "OT" means someone who "can operate without a body.... A being who is cause over thought life, matter energy, space and time." Someone who is being cause is being "a source of action or impulse," as in cause-distance-effect. This state is quite different from the state of clear. It is someone who can operate without the encumbrances of the common
clay. There are degrees of operation.

Wog. A "common, everyday garden-variety humanoid.... He 'is' a body.
[He] doesn't know he's there," etc. He isn't there as a spirit at all. He is
not operating as a thetan. The term comes from "Worthy Oriental Gentleman",
from the days of the British in Egypt. A humanoid is one who has human
characteristics, by which we do not mean that he is human in his treatment of
things. He isn't. It is simply that he is a body. He isn't there as a
spirit at all. He will develop a philosophy that says that everything is
matter, including the self. Wog is not the bottom end of the scale, which
would include psychotic, neurotic, catatonic, etc. This would be someone who
didn't even know that he was MEST. OT isn't the top end of the scale,
either. At the top, you would have a harmonic of the wog: "a thetan who
didn't have to operate ... at all," in an almost unattainable absolute,
outside of MEST altogether, so he would be serene, calm, and dissociated with
the physical universe -- not in the time-stream. Someone at the bottom of the
scale is the effect of everything. He has to cause everything and can cause
nothing. Someone at the top would be potentially able to cause everything,
but wouldn't have to. But this is a no-game condition, and thetans are
idiotic enough to like to have a game going. A PTP exists when one has to do
something about something. When audited thoroughly, a person is no longer
affected by the problem. Similarly, in Serenity, one doesn't have to do
anything about it. But one of the native characteristics of a thetan is
messing around. He gets bored at Tone 40. So just below 40.0, you get OT.

At the beginning of the universe, the thetan was potentially omniscient
and omnipotent, but he had no experience and knew nothing. He was pretty
stupid. When you put someone back to the state of OT, you are putting
somebody back who is different from anyone else on the track. He is operating
with experience. When we say, "OT", we mean "clear OT". A released OT is
someone who is exterior and feeling great; feeling powerful. For just plain
OT, we can just call it "exterior". There has hitherto never been anything
but a released OT. There are two parallel lines:.

1. How much is someone out of his bank?

and 2. How much less bank does he have?

Using techniques developed in 1952, you can bang nearly anyone out of his
head. He then exhibits the characteristics of a being who is not influenced
by a body. This state can last a third of a second, or it can last three
hundred years. It will make someone sane who is insane, but since one has
aberrations as a being, not just as a body, exteriorizing doesn't get rid of
all his aberrations.

Gautama Siddhartha was exteriorizing people in 523 B.C., making a state
called "Bodhi". We can make a Bodhi (a Buddha) in thirty seconds. The Lamas
in Tibet developed practices to assist exteriorization. When the Lamas
couldn't exteriorize people, they redefined "Bodhi" to mean someone who was
calm, refined, serene and had benign conduct. It is the mental mass that
prevents exteriorization. This mass is a composite of the thetan's own
pictures and aberrations that pins him to the body. Some people are harder to
exteriorize than others.

It is the mental mass called "the mind", with its pictures and masses,
that prevents some people from exteriorizing. A thetan exterior is simply
outside a body. This happens inevitably at death. It is only the worry about
getting a body that makes a thetan unhappy. An operating thetan is a thetan
exterior who can have, but doesn't have to have, a body, in order to control
or operate thought, life, matter, energy, space, and time.

Nirvana was added to Buddhistic doctrine at a later date. The original
idea was just to get away from the continual cycle of rebirth. There is no
goal to operate in Buddhism, however.

Someone who is a thetan exterior but not clear or OT may be in very bad
shape. He may barely be able to get to a maternity ward. He has no power of
choice over what body he gets. Etc. And sometimes, a thetan suddenly regains
his OT abilities, without knowing how he did it. This is quite rare. It
frightens observers. Suleiman, in The Arabian Nights, produced a big scare
about thetans. [LRH describes the embarrassment of the thetan in a battle, who
hasn't noticed that his body has been killed, and who just keeps hewing away
at the enemy on the battlements, until he notices that what he thinks is his
sword goes through the enemy without touching them. Then he looks down in the
mud and sees his old body.] A very aberrated OT could exist. He might
accidentally discover that he can move MEST, make sound, etc. He is liable to
do most anything, because he is operating automatically. He is not able to
control these manifestations. E.g. he may produce poltergeist phenomena.
This would be a released OT. Those beings can be upset. This is a
higher-scale wog amongst thetans.

It is also possible to be exterior, knowingly, but unable to move
anything or cause things. One eventually gets tired of this and wants a new
body. Previous released OT's had no one with whom to associate. A person who
went thetan exterior had no hope of anything else. He had a shut track.
Therefore the game of being a body became functional. Actually, an OT could
mock up a body out of whole cloth. How else do you have a body? An OT like
the above, with or without the ability to move objects, is not a clear OT. He
is a released OT, since he doesn't understand his state or what he is doing.
But the scientology definition of OT is clear OT. "A clear OT knows what [he
has done and what he] is doing.... He is a clear who can operate like


"A thetan without a bank," in or out of a body. The source of the bank,
the being himself. He is making himself the unknowing and unwilling effect of
his own bank. He is causing himself to receive, unwillingly and unknowingly,
the effect of his own bank. The person compulsively makes up pictures. When
he is bad off, all he's got is a blanked-out picture, a black mass that covers
up the picture, or pressure that crowds the picture into oblivion. [The Black
Five.] Below that, you get random pictures that flick by on automatic. The
word, "bank" is taken from electronic computer terminology, meaning a card
system, a file system. The machine pulls out certain data cards and puts them
into operation or computation in the machine, so that the machine can solve
problems. The bank-bound thetan is peculiarly affected by and operates on
banks. "There is no such thing as a crazy thetan. There is a thetan who is
mocking up craziness that he is the effect of." Otherwise, there would be no
hope. You can ask a guy with a fixed picture or a chronic picture, "What part
of that could you be responsible for?" This is a good process for the guy who
doesn't know that he has a mind. Someone can be so not-ised that he isn't aware that he has a mind. The level of not believing in a mind is below the level of not being able to see the mind, or pictures. Above being able to see the mind is not having one. "All [mental] masses do is not furnish you with data as they seem to do but charge the area of the data up, so that you can't directly recall it, and you get hit ... by the picture [or mass], and you think the picture is giving you the data. So therefore you 'mustn't get rid of the picture,' because if you got rid of the picture, then you 'wouldn't have the data.' ... This is silly, because if you didn't have the picture, then you could recall it all," without consequences. A clear doesn't have a mind, in that he is not the effect of this picture mechanism. But the clear still has the MEST universe around, and he still uses a body that isn't very strong and is made of cells that aren't invulnerable. So the fact that a person is clear doesn't say that he won't get sick, because there are such things as bacteria and viruses, and the body has finite strength. It is idiotic to measure a clear by his health.

When a clear exteriorizes, he may be a clear exterior, unable to talk,
etc., like a baby having to learn to walk. The state is stable, since he has
no bank to snap him in again. When a person is clear, he can more easily
become exterior.

[There are 140 clears as of this date, according to LRH.]

Getting someone from clear to OT is a job of proofing him up, so that
even if he mocked up a bank, he wouldn't be the effect of it. A cleared OT is
a proofed-up being who won't hit the banana peel. You could probably fix up a
clear exterior so he would go exterior to the physical universe. You could
use a command like, "Try not to be outside the physical universe." This would
make him exterior from the universe, but that would be unstable until he was
no longer at effect relatively to the physical universe. He would be
unstable, since he is still the effect of MEST, life, and thought. But a
person who can be at cause over something is not necessarily at total effect
of it. That doesn't mean, however, that he has nothing to do with it.
Because you can fix a car is no reason why you can't enjoy one.

Our adversary is the complexity of the "wisdom" of the ages, suppressed
and combined to keep people from doing it. It takes a lot of blood, sweat,
and tears to face this sort of thing. There is nothing mild about the way
course supervisors continue [to do their job].

There is "probably a greater distance between clear and OT than between
wog and clear."

A clear OT is "a walking miracle who ... comprehends the miracle." So
knowing and willing cause is part of the definition of OT. It is not an
accidental or automatic state. You get to a point where you can turn
automaticities on and off. Doing it on an unknowing basis is far inferior.

"If this crosses up your own reality in any way, shape, or form, by all
means don't [change] your own reality. Just run your auditing question!"


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