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Readme - ChooseMediaPlayer

ChooseMediaPlayer v1.53

ChooseMediaPlayer is a upgrade version of 'TC2MP'. Many features are added.
Features :

Installation Guide :
   1. First of all, Modify paths of players in TC2MP.INI to fit your computer.
      If you would like to use [Auto] mode, be sure to modify [Auto Decision] Group of TC2MP.INI to choose the most suitable player for each types of media.

   2. Append a button in Total Commander button bar.

   3. Fill in the blanks like this,

   4. Everything is done. Select files and folders, and then just press the button.

Tip) You can make additional button for appending(enqueuing) files. You can append files by using another INI file which has different 'CommandLine' options to append files.
'CommandLine' options of designated INI file would have additional parameter '/ADD'. This addtional option depends on each player.

1st button : Winamp:%L
2nd button : Winamp:%L/TC2MP_Append.INI

Tip) How to enqueue files with ChooseMediaPlayer with keeping the playback status of your player
'Append' of CMP means a new playlist which is made up from new files and existing files. And players like Winamp play the playlist from the first entry when receiving a new playlist file. So ex-position of playback does not remain.
But when you try to enqueue files from the context menu of explorer like 'Enqueue in Winamp', ex-position of playback remains originally.
This method registered in 'Registry' is /ADD %1

This means - When you try to enqueue files using 'Enqueue in Winamp', Windows calls Winamp.exe several times for all selected files, and passes files one by one. So if you enqueue 50 files, Windows calls Winamp.exe 50 times.
This method is very slow and does not fit the basic mechanism of ChooseMediaPlayer.. But there is a good solution.
You can enqueue playlist files like normal media files into Winamp, Foobar2000 and etc.
In other words, CMP makes 1 playlist file and you can enqueue this playlist using basic options of CMP. When you enqueue a playlist into a player, the player will read all entries of the playlist.
1) WritingMode = 0
We need to append only new files, so we need to set this option to 0. And do not use 'Append' option of ChooseBox of [Choose] mode.
2) CommandLine = /ADD "$PLAYLIST_"
'/ADD' option depends on each player, and popular players like Winamp, Foobar2000, Kmplayer and etc. support this option.
But Windows Media Player does not support this option. WMP uses COM programing for enqueuing files with using WMPShell.dll. But I am not going to adopt the mechanism which uses COM.

Tip) A preset to make 'Choice Box' (or Choose Box) more cute
If you would like to change the look of Choice Box like following image, Copy following texts and overwrite TC2MP_Look.INI.

ChooseBox_PosX = 8
ChooseBox_PosY = 78
ChooseBox_FontColor = 000000
ChooseBox_BG_Color = FFC0FF
ChooseBox_Width = 217
MessageBox_Default_Fontname = Times New Roman
ChooseBox_FontName = Times New Roman
ChooseBox_Button_Fontname = Times New Roman
MessageBox_Default_FontSize = 11
ChooseBox_FontSize = 12
ChooseBox_Button_FontSize = 19
ChooseBox_Frame1_Visible = 1
ChooseBox_Frame2_Visible = 0
ChooseBox_Frame3_Visible = 1
ChooseBox_Frame4_Visible = 0
ChooseBox_LR_Margin = 8
ChooseBox_Button_Height = 31
ChooseBox_Button_Interval = 4
ChooseBox_Button_StartTop = 9



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