SHSpec 18 6404C28 Wisdom as an Auditor

6404C28 SHSpec-18 Wisdom as an Auditor

Australia is in only one difficulty: They have yet to follow an
instruction or order. Scientology is under investigation by the Australian
government, which should beware, because when you cut a theta comm line, you
will get an explosion. This is because the secret of power is that truth is
on a theta line. Power is truth. You can extend untruth in a certain
direction and derive power from it for a certain time, but what you are really
deriving power from is the amount of truth in the situation. Censorship is a
cutting of a theta line. So is failure of the mail, interruptions, etc. No
government ever survives a war. You get a new regime, at least. The
government that caused or allowed the war cuts the natural being-to-being comm
line and gets thrown out as a result. The violence of the war is secondary in
effect to this: the result of cutting the natural theta-line between people.
The effect of this is obscured because the same being or state may still be
there. The war itself is temporary. The real effects of the war last much
longer, when the violence recoils upon those who started it. This is the
mechanism that gives people their almost pathetic belief in retribution. You
have to cut or interfere with a flow before you get much of an explosion as a
result of a flow. The cutter of the ARC will explode, sooner or later.

The whole auditing cycle is based on this, and this is the mechanism that
causes the ARC break that results from a cut comm line. This can happen in
auditing, with a rough auditing comm cycle. A cut theta line in session gives
rise to an ARC break. It is always the auditor who started it, and he usually
started it much earlier than he would have thought. The result is that you
get a dirty needle, then a stuck TA, then an ARC break, maybe 1 1/2 hours
after the first auditor mistake. If the auditor doesn't realize what he has
done, he is confused and mystified about where this explosion came from. That
is why the auditor should tape his sessions and find the point where he cut
the PC's comm line. A cut ARC line is similar to a cut itsa line. The comm
lag can be an hour, which makes it hard to spot. The first minor mistake is
the starting point which permits further mistakes, PC loss of ARC, etc. The
auditor can see it coming before the ARC break hits. His error there is to
ignore it and hope it will go away. This is the black panther mechanism. You
can make a lot of mistakes, but never be dishonest about your mistakes, or you
become unreal to others. The mistake should be handled when the first signs
of it show up.

In looking for the point of cut comm, you can find all sorts of by-passed
charge. You could take someone and treat this as a front-rank auditing
problem, by running, "When has your ARC been cut?" This can't be run as the
only process, since it is an out-of-ARC process. You could knock a PC to
smithereens with a process like, "Look around here and tell me something you
could go out of ARC with." Anything similar to that will do someone in,
because it cuts his comm line, right and left. "Look around here and tell me
something you don't have to have," would be a killer, too.

The way the psychologist gets in trouble is in not knowing this datum,
nor the datum that a thetan never gives up. A thetan never gives up. He says
he does, and that fools people, but he never really does. The way to handle a
revolutionary is to channel his revolution slightly, not to stop him in his
tracks with force. People get fooled because the guy will say he has given
up, but this is window dressing. If you see a nation that can't produce, you
know that it is composed of people who are unwilling to do or support what
they are being required to do or support. (Cf. Castro) There can be
communication, but if there is no reality or affinity, and no ARC returned
from people to government, you would only get a shadow of return flow from the

You can make a tremendous number of mistakes, but don't be dishonest
about them. That breeds unreality. Self-immolation isn't the answer,

Complete ignorance results in great bravery and lots of opinions. A
system of education based on non-inspection, like that of scholasticism,
results in something like the Dark Ages. It cuts the ARC of knowledge. Part
of being a wise individual is being able to perceive when and where one's ARC
is being cut. This would be a person's ability to exercise wisdom. When
there is a problem with a group, wisdom consists of discovering what A, what
R, and what C is being cut between what terminals. You could locate the
problem in the group by finding the area of maximal confusion, e.g. the area
of maximal number of dispatches, and minimal production. There must be two
terminals, where one is trying to flow ARC and the other is trying to cut it,
or both are trying to flow some ARC and also cutting it. Get the terminals
involved and find what is being cut by which (it could be both). Locate the
cut A, the cut R, and the cut C. Then unblock the ARC.

All PTP's are suspended and non-delivered communications. You can't run
out a PTP by running undelivered communications, because the person with the
PTP went ahead and solved it, which stuck it. You can't solve the problem for
him and have any beneficial result. Solving others' problems doesn't work.
[Witness the poor results obtained in marital counselling.] Give someone a
hand? Sure. So how do you unravel a messed-up being? You have to find what
his ARC for his environment is. You will find that his C is to nobody; it is
at people. His R is continually changing and full of doubt, so it is shot,
and his A is a toss-up between his hating everybody and/or their hating him.
A one-shot, very limited process you could use to alter it is, "What
communication have you been unable to deliver?" This is not a repetitive
question, and it should not refer to the past, because the guy wants to do it
right now:

If you keep trying C without R and A, you spin in, because of the
incomplete cycle of communication. This could have something to do with
people getting spun in by prayer. They can't locate the terminal [God, J.C.,
Virgin Mary, Saints, etc.] so all the communications go undelivered.

How does Q and A, a failure to complete a cycle of action, tie in with
cutting ARC? An incomplete cycle of action causes an undelivered
communication, which involves a cut theta line. Thus it is inevitable that
you will blow up as his auditor.

"I have two different frames of reference by which to look at an
auditor's auditing. One is teaching him how to do it and whether he is doing
it the way he should be doing it, and the other is, 'What did he do that is
making him do it wrong?'" i.e.:

1. What is he doing wrong?

2. What is happening in the session that throws him off, so that he

Under the second heading, "I always assume he knows perfectly how to do it,
but that something is disturbing him.... I start looking for something that
has gone adrift in his auditing.... I don't immediately then go into the
subject of dressing him up on the subject of drills.... You have to have two
frames of reference: a critique of his ability to handle preclears and a
critique of his ability to handle drills." If he knows how to do the drill,
he has fouled up on handling a PC. It could be as corny as giving the PC an
undelivered communication, with an R-factor that says, "We won't cover what we
were on last time, because we have finished that," when the PC had more to

An overt act is the other side of the coin from the undelivered
communication. It is a communication that one didn't want to deliver but did
deliver. What saves your bacon in auditing is that the overt act is worse
than the undelivered communication, in terms of aberrative value, because you
have now perverted the theta line by causing it to deliver harm. This really
mucks up a theta-line. Our materials are not a dramatization of parts of the
bank, luckily. LRH has gone through moments of fear that such things as the
tone scale were based on implants or GPM's. They are not. We understand the
situation that we are looking at so well that we sometimes err by injecting
more into things than are there. All the other data about problems are true,
but a problem is still basically an undelivered communication. An overt act
[actually, a withhold is not a problem. It is a withdrawal from putting out
an ARC line, because you know that you will abuse it. It is a self-discipline
to prevent abuse of ARC. The basic withhold is, "don't cause harm". This is
more fundamental than GPM's. It is a complex reason for undelivered communication. O/W is an undelivered communication. The thetan delivered it far too well, so he had better not deliver any other comm along that line, and he better not have delivered that one. Look at a person with a lot of PTP's. You could say the following about him:

1. He is having an awful time, for whatever reason, because

2. He is braking himself because he might communicate, and therefore he
is withholding because.... These are all rationales.


1. He is in that state.

2. He is there because he hasn't delivered a communication.

(The ARC break process depends on regretted communication.)

The only way you can run an out-of-ARC process is to make it an alternate
process with a positive side. It is then barely workable. It doesn't
necessarily run well. The only difficulties in this universe or out of it are
based on these factors: What comm aren't you delivering because you have
delivered lousy comm? You may have to approach it through A and R, but you
want to increase C.


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