Artist : Die �rzte
Song Titel : Shit Piece
Album : Unbekannt
Why do you hate me?
Why don't you love me?
You're so ugly and you're dumb.
You're really stupid, too.
And that's why we don't like you.
Yeah, you're nothing but a pain and everybody says.
So, learn to live with it.
Just a piece of shit.
Just a piece of shit.
Listen to regret.
Just a piece of shit.
Why are you so evil?
Why don't you love me?
Shut your mouth, you stupid shirt,
you do think to be cool,
and that's why we don't like you.
You're a wordless little punk,
you've realized it.
You're such an idot.
Just a piece of shit.
Just a piece of shit.
Be glad you won't be hit.
Just a piece of shit.
Just a piece of shit.
You've got to admit.
Just a piece of shit.
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