CPA Acceptance

How To Get Accepted into CPA Networks
No Need To Figure Out How To Get Accepted To a CPA Network
by Mark Dickenson
I got a email from my friend Andy on the warrior forum who is new to internet
marketing and he wanted to know if CPA was a good way to go and how to get accepted
into the networks.
So I decided to make a quick report for those who are struggling with this
But to answer the first question...YES!
CPA is a GREAT way to go...especially for newbies
Because it is some of the easiest money you can make
And CPA and Youtube go together like Peanut butter and Jelly.
To start with, I only use a few networks currently, and those are:
Max Bounty
Never Blue
Basically, what CPA networks want to know is if you can drive traffic.
I tell them I use several different types of traffic depending on the offer such as
Youtube ...but I usually use Pay Per Click
This is Key
CPA managers LOVE to hear Pay Per Click
So just tell them you plan on using pay per click with the intention of maybe learning
pay per click in the future.
If you tell them you are new and aren't sure how you are going to drive traffic, then it is
going to be hard to get accepted.
If you have a concience about it, just run a quick ppc ad and take it down shortly after .
Anyhow, enough of that.
The other thing they will want to know is how much you budget on testing an offer
I usually say something like $100.
Again, I don't spend that much nor do I recommend it.
I just tell them that and change my mind later :)
Also, make sure you call them right after you submit your application and be proactive
That is about it.
Just remember, its not as hard as some make it out to be. I have never had an issue
That is enough to get you started.
I wish you luck with your CPA marketing...I think you will really like it once you get


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