beading beaded scarf pattern

Vogue Knitting Winter 01/02
Beaded Scarf Pattern
there is about 4 feet of yarn without beads Row 17 (12) P2, P-B 3 times, p1, P-B, p9, P-B
(except those for the current row) near your twice, p2, rib 10, p2, P-B twice, p10, P-B, p1,
knitting. It is important to keep your tension P-B 3 times, p1.
tight when bead knitting, so that you can slide Row 18 (14) K1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
the bead into the stitch as it is made. twice, k1tbl-B, k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B twice,
k1tbl 5 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice, rib 8,
k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 5 times, k1tbl-
Cast on 50 sts.
B twice, k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl twice,
Row 1 *K2, p2; rep from * to end.
k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice.
Row 2 *K2, p2; rep from * to end. Rep last 2
Row 19 (22) P2, P-B 3 times, p2, P-B, p2, P-B
rows for rib until scarf measures 17d""/44.5cm,
5 times, p3, P-B twice, p2, rib 6, p2, P-B twice,
end with a WS row. Thread the beading needle
p4, P-B 5 times, p2, P-B, p2, P-B 3 times, p1.
with a 10"/25.5cm strand of pearl cotton and tie
Row 20 (22) K1tbl, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl 3
to the end of a new skein of yarn. Be sure to tie
times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl, k1tbl-B 5 times, k1tbl 5
the thread around the yarn, so the yarn is sim-
EXPERT times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice, rib 4, k1tbl
ply folded in half, not knotted, or the beads
twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 5 times, k1tbl-B 5
38 Ribbed scarf with knit-in decorative
won t slip onto the yarn. String the large beads
times, k1tbl, k1tbl-B, k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B 3
beaded edges and fringe. Shown on page 80.
onto the yarn to measure seven feet or 722
times, k1tbl.
beads. Attach the bead strung yarn to the knit-
Row 21 (20) P2, P-B twice, p4, P-B 6 times, p6,
" 8" x 54"/20.5cm x 137cm (not including
ting and work the pattern as foll:
P-B twice, p2, rib 2, p2, P-B twice, p7, P-B 6
Row 1 (0) P3, rib 44, p3.
times, p4, P-B twice, p1.
Row 2 (4) K1tbl, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice, rib
Row 22 (22) K1tbl twice, k1tbl-B, k1tbl twice,
40, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl.
" 3 2oz/75g balls (each approx 200yd/184m) of
k1tbl-B 4 times, k1tbl, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl 3
Row 3 (4) P2, P-B twice, p2, rib 38, p2, P-B
Blue Sky Alpaca 100% Alpaca Sport Weight
times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B twice,
twice, p2.
(alpaca ) in #000 ecru
k1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 4 times,
Row 4 (4) K1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
" One pair size 5 (3.75mm) needles OR SIZE
k1tbl-B, k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl,
twice, rib 36, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
k1tbl-B 4 times, k1tbl twice k1tbl-B, k1tbl
3 times.
" 2oz/55g size 6 pearl toned seed beads
Row 5 (4) P4, P-B twice, p2, rib 34, p2, P-B
" 1d"oz/35g size 11 pearl toned seed beads
Row 23 (16) P3, P-B, p1, P-B 3 times, p1, P-B,
twice, p4.
" DMC pearl cotton size 11
p6, P-B, p5, P-B twice, p2, P-B twice, p6, P-B,
Row 6 (4) K1tbl 5 times, k1tbl-B 2 times, k1tbl
" Beading needle
p6, P-B, p1, P-B 3times, p1, P-B, p2.
2 times, rib 32, k1tbl 2 times, k1tbl-B 2 times,
Row 24 (18) K1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B 4 times,
k1tbl 5 times.
28 sts and 30 rows = 4"/10cm over k2, p2 rib
k1tbl, k1tbl-B, k1tbl 5 times, k1tbl-B twice,
Row 7 (4) P6, P-B twice, p2, rib 30, p2, P-B
(slightly stretched) using size 5 (3.75mm) nee-
k1tbl 6 times, k1tbl-B 4 times, k1tbl 6 times,
twice, p6.
k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 5 times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl,
Row 8 (4) K1tbl 7 times, k1tbl-B 2 times, k1tbl
k1tbl-B 4 times, k1tbl 4 times.
twice, rib 28, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B 2 times, k1tbl
Row 25 (14) P5, P-B 3 times, p1, P-B, p5, P-B
7 times.
twice, p7, P-B twice, p8, P-B twice, p5, P-B,
Row 9 (4) P8, P-B twice, p2, rib 26, p2, P-B
p1, P-B 3 times, p4.
Purl, pushing a bead into the stitch as it is made.
twice, p8.
Row 26 (15) K1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B 3 times,
K1tbl Knit one through back loop.
Row 10 (6) K1tbl 9 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B, k1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B 3
twice, rib 24, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B 2 times, k1tbl
times, k1tbl 16 times, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl,
K1tbl, pushing a bead into the stitch as it is
twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 5 times.
k1tbl-B, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B, k1tbl twice,
Row 11 (11) P5, P-B 4 times, p1, P-B twice, p2,
k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl 4 times.
rib 22, p2, P-B 2 times, p2, P-B 3 times, p5.
Row 27 (16) P4, P-B 3 times, p2, P-B, p2, P-B,
K2 together through back loop.
Row 12 (16) K1tbl, k1tbl-B, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-
p1, P-B 3 times, p9, P-B, P7, P-B 3 times, p4,
B 5 times, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
P-B, p2, P-B 3 times, p3.
Sl 1 purlwise, p1, psso.
twice, rib 20, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
Row 28 (24) K1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
twice, k1tbl-B 5 times, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B,
twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl, k1tbl-B, k1tbl
Sl 1, k1tbl, psso.
twice, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B 5
Row 13 (20) P2, P-B 8 times, p2, P-B twice, p2,
times, k1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl
rib 18, p2, P-B twice, p3, P-B 8 times, p1.
Begin scarf at center, work in k2, p2 rib and
twice, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl, k1tbl-B twice,
Row 14 (12) K1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl
bead pat. Then pick up sts at the center of the
k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice,
twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl, k1tbl-B, k1tbl 3
scarf and repeat the process in the opposite
k1tbl 4 times.
times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice, rib 16, k1tbl
Row 29 (27) P4, P-B, p3, P-B twice, p1, P-B
twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B,
twice, p1, P-B 3 times, p1, P-B 5 times, p3, P-
k1tbl, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B, k1tbl
B 6 times, p2, P-B 3 times, p1, P-B, p1, P-B 3
The number in parentheses, following the row
3 times.
times, p3, P-B, p3.
number, is how many beads are needed for the
Row 15 (8) P4, P-B twice, p8, P-B twice, p2,
Row 30 (29) K1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl
row. Slide that number of beads up near your
rib 14, p2, P-B twice, p9, P-B twice, p3.
twice, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl, k1tbl-B twice,
knitting before beginning each row. About
Row 16 (10) K1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl,
k1tbl, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl, k1tbl-B 7 times,
every four rows, it will be necessary to slide the
k1tbl-B, k1tbl 9 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B 6 times, k1tbl, k1tbl-B
remaining beads away from the knitting to have
twice, rib 12, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
twice, k1tbl, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl, k1tbl-B 3
enough yarn to knit with. To do this, keep the
9 times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
times, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B, k1tbl 4 times.
skein in a basket and slide about 4 to 6"/10 to
Row 31 (29) P7, P-B 3 times, p1, P-B 3 times,
15cm of beads at a time along the yarn, until
p1, P-B, p1, P-B 8 times, p2, P-B 7 times, p1, times, k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice,
P-B, p1, P-B 3 times, p1, P-B 3 times, p6. k2togtbl.
Row 32 (24) K1tbl 7 times, k1tbl-B 3 times, Row 49 (8) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p4, P-B 4
k1tbl, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, times, p6, P-B twice, p2, p2tog.
k1tbl, k1tbl-B 5 times, k1tbl, k1tbl-B, k1tbl Row 50 (6) SKPtbl, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice,
twice, k1tbl-B 4 times, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B k1tbl 6 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 4 times,
twice, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl, k1tbl- k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice, k2togtbl.
B 3 times, k1tbl 7 times. Row 51 (5) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p4, P-B, p5, P-
Row 33 (17) P7, P-B 3 times, p1, P-B 3 times, B twice, p2, p2tog.
p1, P-B, p9, P-B, p3, P-B twice, p4, P-B, p1, P- Row 52 (5) SKPtbl, k1tbl, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
B 3 times, p1, P-B 3 times, p6. 4 times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B twice,
Row 34 (16) K1tbl, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 4 k1tbl, k2togtbl.
times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B Row 53 (5) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p3, P-B, p2, P-
twice, k1tbl, k1tbl-B, k1tbl 9 times, k1tbl-B B twice, p2, p2tog.
twice, k1tbl 9 times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl, k1tbl-B Row 54 (4) SKPtbl, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice,
twice, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 4 times, k1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice,
k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl. k2togtbl.
Row 35 (18) P2, P-B twice, p3, P-B twice, p3, Row 55 (4) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p2, P-B twice,
P-B, p1, P-B, p1, P-B 3 times, p5, P-B twice, p2, p2tog.
p6, P-B twice, p2, P-B, p1, P-B, p3, P-B, p3, P- Row 56 (4) SKPtbl, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B 4
B twice, p2. times, k1tbl twice, k2togtbl.
Row 36 (24) K1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl Row 57 (2) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p2, p2tog.
3 times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B twice, Row 58 (0) SKPtbl, k1tbl 4 times, k2togtbl.
k1tbl, k1tbl 6 times, k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B 3 Row 59 (0) SPP, p2, p2tog.
times, k1tbl 3 times, k1tbl-B 5 times, k1tbl, Row 60 (0) K2togtbl twice.
k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl Row 61 (0) P2tog.
twice, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl 3 times. Weave in ends.
Row 37 (24) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p2, P-B, p4, With a new skein of yarn, pick up 50 sts along
P-B 8 times, p2, P-B 4 times, p3, P-B 6 times, the first row of knitting and rep the
p1, P-B, p6, P-B twice, p2, p2tog. 17d""/44.5cm of rib pat and the bead knitted
Row 38 (23) SKPtbl, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B pat, so that the cast-on row becomes the center
twice, k1tbl 5 times, k1tbl-B 8 times, k1tbl 4 seam of the scarf. Block the scarf so the edges
times, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B, lay flat and the ribbing is almost as wide as the
k1tbl, k1tbl-B 7 times, k1tbl 5 times, k1tbl-B beaded area.
twice, k1tbl twice, k2togtbl. Fringe
Row 39 (20) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p3, P-B twice, Using the pearl cotton and beading needle,
p3, P-B 3 times, p4, P-B 4 times, p4, P-B 5 attach the pearl cotton at one edge of the "V" of
times, p2, P-B twice, p2, P-B twice, p2, p2tog. scarf. String 37 small beads, one large bead,
Row 40 (10) SKPtbl, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B and one small bead. Skipping the last bead
twice, k1tbl 6 times, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl 6 strung, pass the needle back through the large
times, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl 14 times, k1tbl-B bead and the 37 small beads. Make a small knot
twice, k1tbl twice, k2togtbl. through the edge of the scarf and bury the pearl
Row 41 (6) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p14, P-B twice, cotton in the yarn, coming out about µ"/.5cm
p14, P-B twice, p2, p2tog. away along scarf edge. Make a small knot and
Row 42 (9) SKPtbl, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice, rep the process all along scarf edge. Finish
k1tbl 8 times, k1tbl-B 4 times, k1tbl twice, opposite end of scarf in same way.
k1tbl-B, k1tbl 13 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl
twice, k2togtbl.
Row 43 (13) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p6, P-B 3
times, p3, P-B, p2, P-B 5 times, p6, P-B twice,
p2, p2tog.
Row 44 (15) SKPtbl, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B
twice, k1tbl 5 times, k1tbl-B, k1tbl, k1tbl-B 4
times, k1tbl, k1tbl-B, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B 5
times, k1tbl 4 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice,
Row 45 (13) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p5, P-B 4
times, p1, P-B, p1, P-B 4 times, p6, P-B twice,
p2, p2tog.
Row 46 (12) SKPtbl, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B
twice, k1tbl 6 times, k1tbl-B 3 times, k1tbl,
k1tbl-B, k1tbl, k1tbl-B 4 times, k1tbl 4 times,
k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl twice, k2togtbl.
Row 47 (11) SPP, p2, P-B twice, p4, P-B 3
times, p1, P-B, p1, P-B 3 times, p5, P-B twice
p2, p2tog.
Row 48 (9) SKPtbl, k1tbl twice, k1tbl-B twice,
k1tbl 7 times, k1tbl-B twice, k1tbl, k1tbl-B 3


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