King Jason The 'Orgasm on Command' Technique

Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
Jason King Presents&
The  Orgasm
On Command
The Complete Guide To Giving Your
Woman A Powerful And Pleasurable
Orgasm Every Time You Make Love!
By Jason King
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
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Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
One last thing before we begin.
You do not have reprint rights to this manual. You may not give this
manual away. You paid for it, and only you should be reading it. You
made a decision to step up and take charge of this area of your life.
Don t devalue yourself by letting other people see what you paid for.
The only way you get value out of this information is if you invest in
it, and if you respect it. Passing it onto others is a guaranteed way to
make sure that these techniques won t work for you. Please don t
compromise your integrity in any way. Karma is real. I ve lived long
enough to see it in action.
Okay, now let s get onto the secrets for making women have
incredible orgasms.
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
The Orgasm On Command
You re about to learn my most prized sexual technique ever. This is
the one that my ex-girlfriends remember me by, and it s the reason
they keep coming back and asking to sleep with me again& long after
the relationship is over.
What you re about to learn is something not one man in ten thousand
knows about. Once you master this technique, you will no longer be
just an average man. You will possess the single ability that escapes
most guys in this world& namely, the ability to make a woman
orgasm uncontrollably almost every single time you have sex with
There are very few men in this world who can do this, and I m one of
them& and it s all thanks to this simple, but powerful technique that
you re about to learn how to do. Don t let the size of this small report
fool you. You only need a tiny nuclear bomb to do a lot of damage,
and you only need a tiny amount of the RIGHT information to make a
huge difference in your sex life.
Think about the woman in your life. If you don t have one right now,
then think about the woman who you d like to have in your life.
Imagine the new way she ll perceive you when she experiences
ultimate sexual pleasure as a result of being with you in bed.
This guide is your key to becoming the only man she knows who can
set her off like a friggin BOMB in the bedroom!
In order for you to understand why this technique is so valuable, I
want you to read an email that I recently sent out to my newsletter
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
Dear Subscriber,
I just got the best compliment from one of my ex-
girlfriends, and there's something important that you
can learn from this.
You see, when I first created Makeout Mastery, my
goal was to teach you practical tools that you can
use with women that are so pleasurable... you will
instantly set yourself apart from every other guy out
These are powerful make-out tools that I use on every
date, and they work like CRAZY!
Anyway, back to my ex-girlfriend...
As of last week, I was seeing 3 women... but I had to
let one go, because she was becoming too clingy (and
I'm not looking for a relationship right now).
Well, that woman who I broke up with just sent me an
email saying the following:
"I realize that it's over, but my body doesn't want
it to be. Is there any chance that we can "be
together" one last time? I'm literally craving you,
and I can't stand it!!!"
The email said more than that, but that's the
important part that I wanted to share with you (I
wish I could get an email like that every day).
SIDENOTE: Yes, this was a real email that I really
DID just get from her. I know it's hard to believe,
but when you know how to make a woman feel REALLY
good, she doesn't want to let you go.
If you d like to have the ability to make any woman crave you like a
drug, then you need to read every word of this short report. You see,
this report isn t meant to be read like a novel. It s more like technical
how-to guide. You will want to refer to this again and again.
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
Once you master this one, simple technique& you will be one of the
few men in this world who can make a woman orgasm almost every
single time you have sex.
I m going to attempt to be as descriptive as possible when teaching
you this technique, because I really want you to get it. So if it seems
like I m going into excessive detail at first, don t let that overwhelm
you. You ll appreciate the level of detail later on, when you re looking
to refine this technique a little more.
I don t have any live pictures or video to demonstrate this technique
to you, but I do have some illustrations that I created especially for
demonstrating the correct positioning. So please be patient, and
follow along here. This description is going to be very detailed, but the
technique, once you get the hang of it, is very simple. The images
should make things a lot easier to understand.
Okay, let s dive in, and learn this awesome technique.
SIDENOTE: For the sake of being brief, I m going to refer to the
 Orgasm On Command Technique as the  OOC Technique for the
rest of this manual.
A Little Background On The O.O.C Technique
I m actually kind of proud to say this, but I didn t learn this technique
from a porn video, or some sex book. It came from my own mind at
the young age of 19 (at the time of this writing, I m 29, so I ve had ten
years to practice and refine this little trick).
Back when I was 19, I was dating a cute little red head named Rachel.
She was a tiny little thing who only weighed about 100 pounds
soaking wet, but boy was she fun.
I kept trying to think of a better way to please her in bed when I had
an idea. I realized that if I could overwhelm her with stimulation, she
would almost be forced to have an orgasm.
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
I discovered that the best way to overwhelm a woman with pleasure is
to stimulate more than one part of her body at the same time. I call
this  Dual Stimulation . The very first time I experimented with this
technique, I knew I had discovered something really powerful. After
only 30 seconds of  performing the technique, she exploded from the
inside out with the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced in
her life!
I knew I was onto something, and I verified it with literally dozens
and dozens of women throughout my 20 s. I tried it with all kinds of
women too. Women of all ages, shapes and sizes all had powerful,
almost uncontrollable orgasms whenever I used this technique with
them in the bedroom.
In other words& IT WORKS!
By the way, let me just give you an update about my ex-girlfriend,
Rachel. She called me up not too long ago, and as we were talking, the
conversation eventually turned to sex (as usual), but this time it was
different. You see, she had finally found the man she would marry,
and she became engaged. She began complaining about how  lousy
her fiancée was in bed. I have to admit, I felt sorry for her (and him
too). Apparently she had been with this guy for over a year, and she
never had one single orgasm while having sex with him. This was a
serious problem for her, because when she was with me, she had one
every single time we were together. EVERY time.
Then she asked me a question that made my jaw drop to the floor!
She asked me if I d be willing to create some kind of tutorial to teach
her fiancée how to become a better lover. She said,  I wish I could
show him how you did that thing with your hand& you know, that
little trick that you used to do that made me orgasm so easily.
Well, needless to say my ego was exploding for a few days after
getting a compliment like that. Wouldn t yours? When I finally came
back to earth, I realized that she was right. Most guys really don t
understand how give a woman an over-the-top orgasm on a regular
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
And what makes it worse& most guys don t even care to learn. I ve
tried to explain my special technique to a few of my friends, and they
all gave me a blank stare. They didn t get it. I could tell that they had
never given much thought to how satisfied their woman was in bed.
It was then that I realized that most guys don t even know that this
technique exists! I knew I had to create something to help Rachel out
of her jam, and to help as many other guys as I could as well. This
report is the final result. If there s one thing that I hope you re
beginning to understand after reading these stories about ex-
girlfriends, it s this. Most guys don t have a clue that a technique like
this even exists, and so by reading this report and putting this
technique into action, you re slingshotting yourself ahead of every
guy you know& at least as far as the ladies are concerned.
You re welcome. Let s get started.
The Basics
Okay, before you practice this technique with your lady, you are going
to need a couple things. First, you need some good water based
lubricant. I personally recommend  I.D. Pleasure . I.D. Lube is the
brand that makes it. Here s a picture of it, so you can be sure you get
the one.
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
This is the stuff to get. It s the best there is.
I ve tried a lot of other lubricants, and this one does the job better
than any other one I ve tested. It has a little bit of a menthol zing to it,
which I don t really like, but trust me& once you use it a couple times,
you won t even feel it anymore.
This is by far the best lubricant on the market, in my opinion. It can
be a little hard to find, and you might have to order it online, but it s
worth it. Buy two bottles, one large one, and one tiny one. You want
the small bottle so you can take it with you when you go to your lady s
house. Trust me on this& it s very handy to have a travel-sized version
or to have a second bottle that you leave over her house.
I personally have one really large bottle, and two tiny, travel-sized
bottles. I use the large bottle to refill the two smaller ones. One of the
small ones is for my bedroom, and one is for when I m going over to a
woman s place. The reason I prefer to use the small bottle for my own
place is because I always want it to look like it s new. I don t want a
woman looking at my large bottle and thinking that I either:
A  Screw a LOT of women
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
B  Jerk off way too much
If the bottle is always full, then she doesn t know how much lubricant
you ve used since you bought it, and that s a good thing. She doesn t
need to know. I personally prefer to order this stuff online, because
you actually save a lot of money by doing so. Here s the site I
recommend that you get it:
You can also find water-based lubricant at any adult store. They have
a couple different kinds available at pharmacies like CVS as well, but I
prefer the ones you get in the adult stores. The only two brands I
recommend are  Wet and  ID Lube . I.D. Lube bottles usually look
like this. The one I use is on the left.
I.D. Lubricant
If you absolutely can t find the I.D. lubricant anywhere, then pick up a
bottle of  Wet . It looks like this:
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
Wet Lubricant
Whatever kind you buy, make sure that it s water based, not
petroleum or silicone based. I made the mistake of using a petroleum
based lube once, and it stayed in her vagina for 2 days. It was sticky,
disgusting, and not pleasurable at all. The petroleum based lubes
aren t even that slippery, and don t feel good during intercourse.
Plus, petroleum lubricants won t come off your penis in the shower,
so you can count on going to work the next day with a little bit of
residue from it if you make the mistake of using this crap. Water
based lubes, on the other hand (no pun intended), will come right off
when you jump in the shower or rinse off with some water in the sink.
Okay, so you ve got your lube. Now you need a towel. Why? Because
after intercourse, she s going to be soaking wet, and so are you (from
the lubricant and her natural vaginal lubricant). You want to at least
pat yourself dry (and her too) after you re done.
By the way, I don t care if your lady is the type who gets really wet&
it s better to use lubricant for this technique. You don t have to use
the lubricant for your penis if she s already soaking wet, but you do
need it for the clitoral stimulation. I m speaking from experience&
just buy the lubricant.
Expect to spend around 30 bucks for a good-sized bottle, and a couple
tiny travel-sized bottles. If you re short on cash, and just want to try it
out, then pick up one of the tiny bottles.
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
This is what they look like:
I.D. Pleasure  1.1 Ounce Bottle
Now that you know all about the kind of lubrication you need, let s
move on to the next section, and learn how to actually perform this
amazing technique.
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
Basic Positioning
Alright, you ve got your lubricant and a towel. Make sure that the lube
is somewhere close where you can easily reach it during intercourse.
If you ve got a little table next to your bed, that is great. If not, then
just leave the bottle on the bed itself, and make sure you rest it on a
towel, so you don t get the lube on your bed.
SPECIAL TIP: If you know your woman is coming over, and you re
pretty sure that you ll be having sex, here s how you can prepare to
make things go a little smoother. Take a hand towel, and wrap the
bottle of lubricant in it, and place it under the bed. That way you don t
have to  interrupt the action by going to get it when the time is right.
You may have to add more lubricant as you go, and you don t want to
have to stop the action in order to re-lubricate your fingers. Keep it
near you the entire time.
Before you read the following description, check out image #1, so you
have a visual reference to go by.
Image #1
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
This is the position that she must be in when you re on top of her. It s
basically the standard missionary position (man on top), but it s
important to have her legs up at a 90-degree angle to her body
instead of just spread open and resting on the bed.
There are two reasons why her legs need to be up when you re
performing this technique.
First, because you re going to reach your left arm in between her legs,
and if they re not up in the air, they will get in the way and cause your
wrist to cramp very quickly.
Second, since your fingers are going to be interacting with her vagina
as well as your penis, you might not be able to go in as deep as you
normally would. By putting her legs up in the air like this, you ll be
able to go as deep in her as you possibly can, while still driving her
crazy with your fingers. The dual stimulation feels absolutely
incredible to her, and you ll feel incredible knowing that you re giving
her a mind-blowing orgasm.
Back to the position&
Take your right hand and scoop up her left leg right around the where
the knee bends, and then grab the sheet to anchor yourself in
place. This will provide a nice little shelf for her left leg to rest on. If
you re doing it correctly, the bottom of her thigh (just under the area
behind the knee) should be resting on your bicep area. Don t worry if
this sounds too technical right now. You ll appreciate the detail later,
once you get the basic position down.
Take your left arm and put it in the same position for now, but don t
grab the sheet. She s going to have to keep this leg up herself using
her ab muscles& or she can grab her leg and hold it up manually with
her right arm. Trust me, after 15-20 minutes of having sex in this
position, she ll want to use that arm, since her stomach will probably
be exhausted from keeping her leg up. You need to have your left
hand free for this technique, so don t offer to hold her leg up for her,
or you won t be able to stimulate her clitoris.
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
Performing The O.O.C. Technique
Okay, so now you re on top of her, and her legs are up on a 90-degree
angle. Remember, you re just practicing this, so don t worry about
doing it perfectly just yet. Now you re going to gently insert your
penis, lean forward and lay down on top of her like you normally
would, and begin having intercourse with her.
Remember, at this point, you re letting the bottoms of her thighs rest
on the bicep area of your arms (right near the elbow crease). Let her
get comfortable with this new position for a few minutes before doing
anything else.
If she s never been in this position before, she might experience leg
cramps after 5-10 minutes. That s perfectly okay, let her put her legs
down on the bed
You can either continue having intercourse with her legs down on the
bed (still feels really good for both of you), or you can stop having
intercourse, and begin massaging the outside of her thighs.
Remember, this isn t about making her bend herself into weird
positions for you; it s about helping the two of you have better sex.
Give her some time to adjust to this new position if that s what she
Adding The Left Hand
Okay, so you re on top of her and you two are having intercourse.
Here s where the left hand comes in. Stop what you re doing for a
minute, and apply a little lubricant to your left index and middle
fingers, and rub the lubricant around between those two fingers and
your thumb. You need to do this for two reasons. First, you want to
spread the lubricant evenly on your fingers, and second& sometimes
the lubricant is cold, and that really does not feel good on her vagina.
You only need about a  nickel sized amount of lubricant if you re just
using it for her clitoris. What I suggest, however, is that you pull your
penis out of her vagina all the way, and put about a  quarter sized
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
drop of lubricant on your fingers, and rub some on your penis and on
the opening of her vagina. You ll notice the difference right away
when you put your penis back in. It ll be extremely slippery and you ll
wonder why you didn t discover this many years ago.
You re welcome :&
Now It s Time To Make Some Magic Happen
Pay very close attention now, because this is the most important part.
This is the part that makes the whole technique work. Before you read
the description, refer to image #2, so you can get an idea of what I m
talking about.
Image #2
Lie back down on top of her, and continue having intercourse. Bring
those two fingers on your left hand around her butt, and down to her
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
clitoris. Begin GENTLY stimulating her clitoris in a counter clockwise
circular motion as you continue to thrust in and out with your penis.
Now& instead of just stimulating her vagina with your penis, you re
also stimulating her clitoris (the most sensitive part of her vagina) at
the same time. This is the dual stimulation that I talked about before,
and the pleasure is completely overwhelming to most women.
Try to establish a rhythm. Every time you pump in and out, that
should equal one complete circle with your fingers. I like to time it so
that my finger rubs directly across her clitoris as I m thrusting into
her vagina with my penis.
If you both enjoyed some foreplay before you started having
intercourse, and you ve been having regular intercourse for at least a
few minutes& there s a very high chance that she will orgasm within
5-10 minutes if you continue to use your fingers to stimulate her
clitoris. Don t time it, though. Let her take as long as she needs to
Some women will orgasm almost right away. That s why I call this the
Orgasm On Command Technique, because you are basically the one
who can control when she orgasms by deciding when to begin using
this move.
SIDENOTE: Knowing how to perform this technique is not an
excuse for being a lousy lover. You should always spend some time on
foreplay, intimacy, and regular intercourse before you begin
stimulating her clitoris with this move.
Practice makes perfect. You might need to do this 50 times before you
get it right, but once you get it, and you don t have to think about it
anymore when you do it& you will be the master of a technique that
not one man in ten thousand knows about.
You will have an ability that most men cannot honestly say they have.
The ability to make any woman orgasm almost every single time they
have sex with you.
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
Last Minute Tips
Here are some tips that will make this technique go a lot smoother for
1 - Her clitoris is usually not sensitive enough, and not ready to be
pleasured when you first start having intercourse. You need to give it
a little time before you jump in and start using your fingers. She
needs to be sufficiently turned on before clitoral stimulation will start
to feel really pleasurable to her. Granted, it always feels good when
someone touches her there, but for it to REALLY work at the level
we re talking about& she has to be really turned on first.
2  You only have to use one finger to stimulate her clitoris. I like to
switch back and forth from the index finger to the middle finger, and
then sometimes I will use both fingers. Do whatever feels the most
comfortable to you.
3  Your left hand and wrist WILL get sore after about 10 minutes of
doing this. It s not a natural position for a guy, and believe me when I
tell you that you have to build up some stamina in your wrist and get
yourself used to being in this position.
4  Yes, your left hand will hurt a little bit, but do NOT let her know
that it hurts. The last thing you want is for her to feel guilty for you
experiencing a little soreness after she just experienced the best
orgasm of her life. If it hurts, just deal with it and keep it to yourself.
Trust me on this. You ll get used to it, and you ll find the exact
positioning that works for you. Just keep practicing, and expect your
hand to get a little sore at first. One of the main reasons that it gets
sore is because her right leg (the leg that s above your left hand) isn t
up at a 90-degree angle.
When she begins to have an orgasm, she might start to straighten her
leg and bring it down. This is not deliberate, so stay calm. I repeat&
she s not doing this on purpose, so just stay calm and relaxed. I made
the mistake of getting mad about this once, and it totally ruined the
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
It s just a reflex, and it means that you re doing a really good job at
making her orgasm uncontrollably. Congratulations :&
You can just gently remind her to keep her legs up. Just whisper in
her ear,  Keep your legs up, baby , and she will. Eventually she ll just
keep them up on her own without you having to remind her. If she
has a powerful orgasm, and forces her legs down involuntarily, don t
fight it. Just keep thrusting and having intercourse, and do your best
to stay on her clitoris with your fingers.
5  Always use very light stimulation on her clitoris. She might want
you to go a little harder later on during the sexual encounter, but
always start out gentle.
6  After she orgasms, there is a very high chance that she will want
you to immediately stop touching her clitoris with your fingers. It s
the same thing like when you have an orgasm, and the head of your
penis suddenly becomes overly sensitive in an almost unpleasant way.
If she motions or gestures for you to stop touching her clitoris, make
sure you stop right away or you ll ruin the moment for her.
If your lady does not ask you to stop after she orgasms, you should
ask her if her clitoris is getting too sensitive. She might be one of
those women who can have multiple orgasms, and she ll want you to
continue. You know your partner better than I do, but she will usually
either respond by wanting you to stop immediately, or to continue,
but more gently. Just ask her if you re not sure.
7  Try to wait until after she cums before you start working on
having an orgasm yourself. In order to be a skillful lover, you ve got to
learn how to control your own orgasm. I figured this out when I was
19 by experimenting. Here s what I learned to do. If I feel an orgasm
coming on, and I don t want to have one yet, I just stop moving. I
mean it& just stop thrusting in and out. Just freeze right where you
are, and wait 60 seconds before starting up again.
If she asks you why you re stopping, just tell her that you don t want
to cum yet, and you re just letting it  die down a little . Use this time
to kiss her, and tell her how sexy she is. Then, when you start again,
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
you ll probably feel the orgasm coming back within 2-3 minutes. Just
repeat what you did above. Just stop moving.
After stopping 3-5 times, your body will get the hint, and you ll be
able to just keep having intercourse for hours without having an
I actually became so good at this, that I started having the exact
opposite problem. I began having a hard time actually having an
orgasm myself. It s a bit of a pain in the ass, but you know what& it s
a quality problem to have. Most guys can only last a few minutes. If
you re the one guy who can take her all the way to orgasm without you
needing to have one first, you will be seen as a superhero in the
bedroom. Isn t that worth the effort?
8  The basic position that I described is the best position for this
technique, in my opinion, but you can also use the O.O.C Technique
in other positions. For example, you can use it in  Doggie Style
position by simply reaching around her body and stimulating her
clitoris from the front. It s definitely more difficult in doggie style,
though, which is why I rarely do it.
You can also do this technique in the  woman on top position. Just
place your finger or fingers down by her clitoris (palm up) while she s
riding you on top. Let her body do all the work. All you have to do is
place your fingers in the right spot, and she ll stimulate her own
clitoris by grinding into your fingertips. Remember to use lubricant
here too. I told you this was fun :&
9  Everyone has their own preferences, but I m going to suggest that
for the first few times you do this& don t have any pillows under her
head. They will actually get in the way of your face and head, and
make it hard for you to breathe. Putting your face into a pillow while
you re having intense sexual intercourse is not pleasant. You ll
understand what I mean if you accidentally forget to remove the
pillow one day. You ll be looking for a place to rest your head, and the
pillow will actually be in the way, because your head will be face
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
What I like doing is having her keep her left arm UP above her head,
and bent (like she s resting her head in the palm her hand). Then you
can rest your head on her forearm. You ll understand when you try it.
It s the most comfortable position in my experience.
10  After you re done, always dry her off first, especially if you came
inside her. Otherwise, it s going to come leaking out onto your bed,
and that s not cool. It s probably going to be a wet mess between her
thighs when you re all done. Remember she s got her own natural
lubricant combined with the lubricant you used (and if you came
inside her, you ll also have your semen to deal with as well). Make
sure you take care of her by gently patting her dry.
11  After you pat her dry with the towel, and wipe yourself off too&
you might want to massage the outside of her upper thighs. This area
will probably be exhausted from holding her legs up, especially if
she s not used to this position. Even women that I did this technique
with for over a year still had sore legs afterward& so expect it, and do
something to take care of her after the two of you are done with the
sexual experience. Let her see that you re not only a fantastic lover,
but also a fantastic gentleman. It s little things like this that set you
apart from all other men and put you in high demand with the ladies.
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved
Orgasm On Command  by Jason King
Some Final Words From
Jason King
I just want to take a minute to thank you for reading this report. This
really is the technique I use every single time I have sex, and believe
me when I tell you& women love it.
It s not something that you ll master the first time you try it, but if you
spend time practicing it now, your reward will be a lifetime of
confidence that comes from knowing you can satisfy any woman in
the bedroom. There are very few men who can honestly say that, and
actually be able to back it up.
I hope you ll take the time to write me and tell me how this technique
has improved your love life. I know that for me, I really enjoy
knowing that no matter how experienced a woman is, that I have
what it takes to please her in the bedroom. I m no longer intimidated
by any woman s sexual experience, because I know that I m more
than a match for her.
That s what I want for you too. If you ever want to reach me to tell me
how it s going, brag about your success with this technique, or to ask
me questions& here s my email:
I ll be releasing other mini-reports like this in the near future, so
make sure you open up and read the emails that I send you. Thanks
again for reading. Now get out there, pick up a bottle of lubricant
from (or head to the local adult store), and practice this
technique over and over again. The women in your life will be very
glad you did :&
Jason King
Copyright 2005  Jason King  All Rights Reserved


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