cos handbook introduction

COS Handbook, Introduction

This document was posted to alt.satanism by Electroid, accompanied by
the following note."This information is being posted for research
and bibliographic purposes as allowable by law. The poster of this message has
done so without financial benefit and no copyright notice appeared on the
original documents."I am doing exactly what I have done from the
beginning... "Question everything." And now I will begin to prepare you with the
appropriate material for you to do the same. The Cos is not my enemy, I am
theirs as they pronounced."Those of you who think that I am out to destroy
the CoS, think again. I could have done that a long time ago. I just will not
lie about things."Electroid"While I am not a member of the
LaVeyan Church of Satan, nor to I subscribe to or agree with everything they
have to say, I also have no conflict or argument with them, and have respect for
their practices (that said, I am unable to resist arguing with their Official
Women's Fashion Tips). Nor do I have any problems with non-CoS members who
subscribe to LaVey's belief system, or elements of it.I am including this
text as part of an archive of the most useful and informative articles I've
found on usenet & in the PD. I have corrected the most obvious apparent
errors from the orignal copies I've seen, but where it would come down to
guesswork, I've left the text as is.
Church of SatanGrotto Master's HandbookYou have taken a
new step in your journey along the Left-hand Path. This step provides an
opportunity for added respect and satisfaction, but also for added risk. Choose
well, act resolutely and keep close counsel with Satan.This book is
intended for your eyes alone. You won't find "TOP SECRET" stamped on it - only
this reminder of Anton LaVey's teachings regarding the power of keeping a
secret. This book and this position have come to you now because of the level
you've achieved in your quest. Don't cheapen your achievement or compromise your
power by disclosing the knowledge contained here to others who haven't advanced
themselves to this point through the same first-hand horrors, determination and
inspiration you've experienced.
Table of ContentsIntroduction1) General Administration2) Public Relations and Media
Procedures3) Direction and
Destiny4) Devils
Leadership-Strength and Strategy6) Satanic Spirituality7) Suggested Grotto
Activities8) Diabolical
SecurityAppendices:A) Sycophants, Unite!B) Initiation RitualC) Essential SatanismD) Further ReadingE) Necessary
forms to be photocopied (missing)

IntroductionSince 1966, when Anton Szandor LaVey founded the
first above ground organization dedicated to honoring Satan and his principles,
the Church of Satan has woven its influence into the fabric of society, through
overt and covert means. Grotto participation isn't required for active members,
but many Satanists find it invigorating and inspiring to be in contact with
others. We use the word "grotto" as a general term for an associated subgroup of
the Church of Satan, consisting of members of the Church of Satan and adhering
to our philosophy."Grotto"- which actually comes from the Latin word for
"crypt" or "vault"-has the appropriate connotation of diabolical, hidden rites
taking place in dank, ancient sepulchres consecrated in the Names of the Evil
Ones. In forming your group, you don't have to use the term "grotto" per se if
you feel more comfortable with Order, Corps, Troupe, Troop, Society, Coalition,
Tribe, Pack, Temple, Garrison, League, Lodge, Cabal. Consult your thesaurus for
other imaginative possibilities. More important than the name is your clear
understanding of Satanism, your unswerving dedication to the Church of Satan,
and your commitment to promote and apply Satanic values in the world. It only
takes you to make a grotto - you, your family, a friend - and you may choose to
keep it that way. That will depend on where you want to apply your ambition.
This is an organization for non-joiners, and many of our finest people choose
not to be involved in group activities of any kind. They want to concentrate
their full energy toward their own advancement and then contribute to the Church
of Satan through that power. You'll never know where all our grottos are located
or who among the thousands of people you encounter in your life may be
Satanists. But you'll benefit from their help when you need it if they know
you're a Satanist.You'll encounter a wide range of people in your role
as Grotto Master. Be warned: Many you attract won't understand the first thing
about Satanism. Since The Satanic Bible advocates selfishness and indulgence,
there will be those who think that means they can do whatever they want and call
it Satanism, no matter how anti-Satanic their actions may be. There will be
those who just want to use Satanism as a cheap identity. You may run across kids
who just want sex, drugs and rock and roll; some may want to sacrifice cats and
babies; others may want orgies or to see redheaded nude altars; some "sincere
inquirers" may want to attend a Satanic ritual "just to see what it's like"
(this request is usually accompanied by a giggle); they may be Christians or
misguided law enforcement associates who want to "infiltrate" to expose our evil
network once and for all. You can deal with all of these types confidently with
the instructions in this book.Most of this information, however, will
concentrate on true Satanists who want to feel connected to the full force of
the Church of Satan through you. Satanism has all the elements to qualify it to
become the major religion of the 21st century. You are a part of creating that
future. Many who are devoted Satanists may have nothing in common except their
Satanism. But if that is deeply-felt, it will be enough to bind us strongly
together. That is one thing that makes us unusual. The finest of our Advocates
exemplify a sense of discipline, determination, and destiny that sets them apart
from the crowd and marks them as one of Satan's Own. This handbook will instruct
you on how you can serve as a Grotto Master in a way that will honor Satan and
His church.


Podobne podstrony:
cos handbook section nine security
cos handbook section seven suggested grotto activities
cos handbook appendix d suggestions for further reading
cos handbook appendix c essential satanism
cos handbook section five leadership strength and strategy
cos handbook section five leadership strength and strategy
cos handbook section eight diabolical theatre
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