cos handbook appendix d suggestions for further reading
COS Handbook, Section 6
APPENDIX DSuggestions for Further ReadingThe Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli1984 - George OrwellThe Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire - Edward GibbonLeadership Secrets of Attila the Hun - Wess RobertsVictory Secrets of Attila the Hun - Wess RobertsHow to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale CarnegieThe Ruins of Empires - Gonstantin VolneyThe Art of War - Sun TzuThe Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World - Sir Edward GreasyMethods of Logic - W.V. QuineMind Tools - Rudy RuckerClassical Rhetoric for the Modern Student - Edward CorbettThe Weapons of Chess - Bruce PandolfiniThe Inner Game of Chess - Andrew SoltisWill - G. Gordon LiddyMan and His Symbols and others by Carl Gustav JungTheatrical books on acting, directing, staging, lighting, timing, accents, makeup, set design, etc.