anonymous ftp sites list fr 2

Anonymous FTP Sites In Domain FR (2/3) (2003-11-02) Anonymous FTP Sites List / Home ac ai ar at au be bg br by ca cc ch cl cn com cr cx cz de dk edu ee es fi fr ge gov gr hk hr hu id ie il in info int is it jp kg kr kz lt lu lv mil mx my net ni nl no nu nz org pl pt ro ru sa se sg si sk su th tk tr tv tw ua uk us ve ws yu za Version: 2003-11-02 Anonymous FTP Sites In Domain FR (2/3) Parts: 1 2 3 Total file number: 30 Total file size: 1.62 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.0(1) Tue Jan 18 17:10:44 CET 2000) ready. INSTITUT GEOGRAPHIQUE NATIONAL Welcome, archive user! If your client hangs after logging in, try using a dash (-) as the first character of your password -- this will turn off the continuation messages that may be confusing your ftp client. Please read the file README it was last modified on Fri Dec 31 09:01:22 1999 - 1336 days ago Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 288 Total file size: 29.27 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: cs/, dif/, f90/, lss/, newsletter/, tas/, tofhr/ Welcome message:"ILL FTP server." Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 42,975 Total file size: 5.20 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: archive/, bibliotheque/, labo-CLIPS/, labo-GRAVIR/, labo-ID/, labo-LEIBNIZ/, labo-LMC/, labo-LSR/, labo-TIMC/, labo-VERIMAG/ Mirror directories: experimental/ Welcome FTP server ready. This site is in France, local time is Fri Aug 29 13:02:03 2003 MET=UT+1+dst. The server runs WU extensions: tar, untar, compress & uncompress on the fly (e.g. if there is a file foo.gz, "get foo" will uncompress it). Please read the file README it was last modified on Thu Aug 29 12:13:38 2002 - 365 days ago Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 50,972 Total file size: 52.45 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: eudora/, linux/, pc/ Welcome FTP server ready. Bienvenue sur le serveur FTP mirroir de Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 56,304 Total file size: 33.24 GB System: UNKNOWN Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: CPAN/, CTAN/, OpenAFS/, OpenBSD/, OpenOffice/, OpenSSH/, OpenSSL/, bind/, bind9/, cygwin/, dhcp/, gnu/, gnupg/, ietf/, inn/, internet-drafts/, linux/, lsof/, lynx/, mirror/, mozilla/, mpich/, openmotif/, pine/, porcupine/, postgresql/, python/, sendmail/, ssh/, stunnel/, tcl/, wmaker/, xemacs/ Welcome message: * * * W A R N I N G W A R N I N G * * * FRENCH GOVERNMENT COMPUTER If not authorized to access this system, disconnect NOW. Authorized access is allowed for Anonymous FTP ONLY! -- IN2P3 Centre de Calcul - anonymous ftp server. -- Please login as 'anonymous' with your e-mail address as password. Report unusual problems to Anonymous FTP server ready YOU SHOULD HAVE NO EXPECTATION OF PRIVACY. By continuing, you consent to your keystrokes and data content being monitored. If you do not have authorization you are warned to disconnect at once. Actual or attempted use, access, communication, or examination by unauthorized persons is a criminal violation of French Law. This service is being provided to the Internet community as a public service and may be restricted or denied to anyone at the sole discretion of the National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics. This service should not be viewed as an endorsement of any software found here. Any abuse of this service will result in the immediate shutdown of this service for the internet community at large, and will be strictly provided for IN2P3 use only. Authorized use of this service is granted to anyone for the sole purpose of obtaining public software that has been mirrored on this system. Any other activity is not authorized and will be subject to criminal investigation. Any problems, issues, concerns should be reported to =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This site is in France, Europe. If your FTP client crashes or hangs shortly after login, try using a dash (-) as the first character of your password. This will turn off the informational messages which may be confusing your ftp client. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 5,060 Total file size: 586.06 MB System: Windows_NT version 5.0 Welcome message:web Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0). Anonymous user logged in. Total file number: 14,100 Total file size: 15.32 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: linux/ Welcome message: FTP Server ready. Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 354 Total file size: 192.68 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: SUNOS Directories in /pub/: doc/, logiciels/ Welcome message:babbage FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2+Sun) ready. Welcome on the INFOBIOGEN ftp server from This is Evry, Essonne (Paris suburb) - FRANCE, local time is Fri Aug 29 13:06:06 2003 You are 2 user(s) (max=128) in your class All transfers are logged with your host name and email address. If you don't like this policy, please disconnect now ! If your FTP client crashes or hangs shortly after login, try using a dash (-) as the first character of your password. This will turn off the informational messages which may be confusing your ftp client. Note: this server supports file compression and decompression on the fly. You can download uncompressed files in compressed form (UNIX compress) by adding a .Z to the filename in a "get" command. Similarily, you can download compressed files in uncompressed form by specifying the filename without the trailing .Z. Using .gz or .bz2 instead of .Z is also possible, it simply means the use respectively of "gzip" or "bzip2" program instead of "compress". mailto:<> Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 1,016 Total file size: 151.82 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: PPP/, WWW/, analdonn/, heaviside/, hopfield/, install/, mac/, pc/, unix/ Welcome message: -- Bienvenue sur le serveur ftp de l'INRETS -- Utilisez le compte `anonymous' avec votre adresse e-mail comme mot de passe Merci de signaler les problemes eventuels a -- Welcome on the INRETS ftp server -- Please login as `anonymous' with your e-mail address as password Please report problems to FTP server (Version wu-2.6.1(1) Mon Nov 25 16:25:41 MET 2002) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 236,415 Total file size: 26.86 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: Apache/, LDAP/, MySQL/, OpenSSH/, OpenSSL/, TeX/, faq/, htmlrfcs/, internet-drafts/, isc/, mozilla/, rfc/, sendmail/ Mirror directories: documents/, experimental/, incoming/, newsgroup/, redcode/, related-games/, systems/, tools/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Thu Aug 14 16:16:49 CEST 2003) ready. **************************************** * WELCOME to the NEW INRIA FTP server * **************************************** ***WARNING***: do an "ls -l" or "dir" instead a simple "ls"***WARNING*** =============================================================== nouvelle organisation du serveur/new server's organisation ============================================================== INRIA INRIA publications, Scilab, caml, FRACLAB... pub mirrors... archives Oldies but some godies Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 562 Total file size: 243.96 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: INRIA/, securite/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Tue Jan 8 14:10:06 MET 2002) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 98,741 Total file size: 105.91 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: amanda/, linux/, local/, openpkg/, patches/, rfc/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.1-20) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 4 Total file size: 418.00 KB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: POUGEOL/ Welcome message: -- Bienvenue sur le serveur ftp de l'IPSL Jussieu -- Utilisez le compte `anonymous' avec votre adresse e-mail comme mot de passe Merci de signaler les problemes eventuels a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Welcome on the IPSL Jussieu ftp server -- Login as `anonymous' with your e-mail address as password Please report problems to FTP server (Version wu-2.6.1(1) lun jan 15 20:48:45 CET 2001) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 66 Total file size: 74.88 MB Directories in /pub/: IRCAM/, ircam/ Total file number: 91,317 Total file size: 42.70 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: FrameMaker/, OTP/, PostScript/, RFC/, TeX/, c++_critique/, gentoo-sources/, m-emacs/, mirrors/ Mirror directories: BlockSolve95/, Java/,, gnu/, gnuplot/, mirror/, mpi/, netlib/, petsc/, plapack/, romio/, xinetd/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Mon Aug 25 14:47:19 MEST 2003) ready. If your FTP client crashes or hangs shortly after login please try using a dash (-) as the first character of your password. This will turn off the informational messages that may be confusing your FTP client. +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | Institut de Recherche en Informatique et Systemes Aleatoires | | (INRIA/CNRS/Universite de Rennes I/Insa de Rennes) | | located in Rennes, Brittany, France | | | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Welcome "anonymous", you are connecting from "". Local time is Fri Aug 29 13:00:37 2003; This system may be used 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any unusual problems, please report them via e-mail to "". Warning --- All informations are provided "as-is", without any express or implied warranty. In no event will IRISA or INRIA be held liable for any damages arising from the use of any software found in this anonymous ftp site. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 162 Total file size: 211.37 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: Blue_Ribbon/, IRIT/, aolpress/, incoming/, iraia/, mac/, pc/ Welcome message:extra FTP server ready. Bienvenue a : sur le serveur FTP du laboratoire IRIT/CNRS ***ATTENTION*** utilisez "ls -l" ou "dir" plutot que "ls" ***ATTENTION*** Ce site se trouve a Toulouse, France. Vous etes l'utilsateur numero 1 sur un maximum de 20. L'heure locale est Fri Aug 29 12:57:46 2003. Tous les transferts sont enregistres. Si vous n'etes pas d'accord, deconnectez-vous tout de suite. Si votre client FTP se bloque ou plante apres la connexion, essayez d'utiliser un tiret (-) comme premier caractere de votre mot de passe. Cela desactive les messages d'information qui peuvent perturber votre client ftp. Signalez tout probleme inhabituel a ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the anonymous ftp server of IRIT/CNRS ***WARNING*** use "ls -l" or "dir" instead of "ls" ***WARNING*** This site is in Toulouse, France. You're the 1 active user out of a maximum of 20. Local time is Fri Aug 29 12:57:46 2003. All transfers are logged. If you don't like this, disconnect now. If your FTP client crashes or hangs shortly after login, try using a dash (-) as the first character of your password. This will turn off the informational messages which may be confusing your ftp client. Report unusual problems to ***** ===== ***** ===== ***** Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 20 Total file size: 2.27 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message:ftp server ready Welcome, to JET MULTIMEDIA archive! If have any unusual problems, please report them via e-mail to: <> If you do have problems, please try using a dash (-) as the first character of your password -- this will turn off the continuation messages that may be confusing your ftp client. User ftp logged in. Access restrictions apply. Total file number: 855,040 Total file size: 202.63 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: FreeBSD/, OpenBSD/, TeX/, X11/, amstrad/, atari/, cygwin/, distributed_systems/, doc/, emacs/, freedos/, games/, gcc/, ghost/, gnat/, gnu/, hamradio/, ispell/, lang/, lesstif/, linux/, lyx/, mac/, mach/, minix/, networking/, pc/, pcg/, pvs/, python/, rfc/, sgml-tools/, unix/, www/ Mirror directories: LinuxFocus/, bin/, doc/, etc/, experimental/, files/, man/, scripts/ Welcome message: -- BIENVENUE SUR LE NOUVEAU SERVEUR FTP LIP6/JUSSIEU -- Utilisez le compte `anonymous' avec votre adresse e-mail comme mot de passe Merci de signaler les problÅmes éventuels Ä… -- WELCOME ON THE NEW LIP6/JUSSIEU FTP SERVER -- Please login as `anonymous' with your e-mail address as password Please report problems to FTP server ready. Ce service est assure par le Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'universite Paris 6 (LIP6) et le Centre de Calcul Recherche (CCR) du campus Jussieu. L'heure locale est Fri Aug 29 12:53:47 2003. Il y a 80 utilisateurs connectes dans votre classe. Tous les transferts sont enregistres pour permettre l'exploitation statistique de l'utilisation du serveur. Les fichiers avec l'extension .gz sont compresses avec gzip et non avec compress (voir /pub/gnu/gzip*). Veuillez consulter les fichiers d'information (cd /info). ---------- This service is provided by the ``Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'universite Paris 6'' (LIP6) and the ``Centre de Calcul Recherche'' (CCR) of the Jussieu campus. The local time is Fri Aug 29 12:53:47 2003. There are 80 connected users in your class. All transfers are logged with your host name and e-mail address to allow us to make statistics on the server use. Files with a .gz extension are compressed with gzip (see /pub/gnu/gzip*) Please take a look at the information files (cd /info). Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 111 Total file size: 54.34 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: Logiciels/, Publications/, disco/, ii/, olc/, ria/, tsf/ Welcome message:spiderman FTP server (Version wu-2.8.0-prerelease(1) Mon Aug 18 15:01:10 CEST 2003) ready. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bienvenue sur le serveur FTP du LAAS/CNRS Ce site se trouve a Toulouse, en France. Vous etes l'utilsateur numero 4 sur un maximum de 20. L'heure locale est Fri Aug 29 12:57:55 2003 Tous les transferts sont enregistres. Si vous n'etes pas d'accord, deconnectez-vous de suite. Si votre client FTP se bloque ou plante apres la connexion, essayez d'utiliser un tiret (-) comme premier caractere de votre mot de passe. Cela desactive les messages d'information qui peuvent perturber votre client ftp. Signalez tout probleme inhabituel a ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the FTP server of LAAS/CNRS This site is in Toulouse, France. You're the 4 active user out of a maximum of 20. Local time is Fri Aug 29 12:57:55 2003 All transfers are logged. If you don't like this, disconnect now. If your FTP client crashes or hangs shortly after login, try using a dash (-) as the first character of your password. This will turn off the informational messages which may be confusing your ftp client. Report unusual problems to ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Please read the file README it was last modified on Thu Oct 24 15:40:50 2002 - 309 days ago Please read the file README.copyright it was last modified on Wed May 7 14:29:52 1997 - 2304 days ago Please read the file README.features it was last modified on Mon Aug 7 11:20:10 1995 - 2942 days ago Please read the file README.fonctionnalites it was last modified on Mon Aug 7 11:18:06 1995 - 2942 days ago Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 260,184 Total file size: 59.17 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: Enseignement/, Membres/, bioinfo/, publications/, specif/, sydra/ Mirror directories: DebianXfree86-4.2/, Distrib/, InetDoc/, Knoppix/, OpenOffice/, debian/, debian-cd/, debian-kde/, debian-non-US/, kde3_for_woody/, ocaml-3.06/, rfc/ Welcome message:Welcome, archive user ! There are currently 0 users of a maximum of 15 in your class. The local time is: Fri Aug 29 12:59:16 2003 This is the official FTP server of the Laboratoire des Methodes Informatiques (LaMI) of Universite d'Evry -- France. If have any unusual problems, please report them via e-mail to <>. If you do have problems, please try using a dash (-) as the first character of your password -- this will turn off the continuation messages that may be confusing your FTP client. FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Wed Oct 23 08:12:36 CEST 2002) ready. Welcome, archive user ! There are currently 1 users of a maximum of 15 in your class. The local time is: Fri Aug 29 12:59:18 2003 This is the official FTP server of the Laboratoire des Methodes Informatiques (LaMI) of Universite d'Evry -- France. If have any unusual problems, please report them via e-mail to <>. If you do have problems, please try using a dash (-) as the first character of your password -- this will turn off the continuation messages that may be confusing your FTP client. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 173 Total file size: 1.76 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message: -- Bienvenue sur le serveur ftp du LCPC -- Utilisez le compte `anonymous' avec votre adresse e-mail comme mot de passe Merci de signaler les problemes eventuels a -- Welcome on the LCPC ftp server -- Please login as `anonymous' with your e-mail address as password Please report problems to FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(4) Mon Jan 28 16:54:50 MET 2002) ready. ================================================================================ Vous etes sur le serveur ftp du Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussees. Tous les fichiers de ce site sont mis a disposition tels quels. En aucun cas, le LCPC ne peut etre tenu pour responsable des dommages pouvant resulter de leur utilisation. Tous les transferts sont enregistres pour permettre l'exploitation statistique de l'utilisation du serveur. Les fichiers avec l'extension .gz sont compresses avec gzip et non avec compress. L'heure locale est Fri Aug 29 13:45:45 2003. Il y a 2 utilisateur(s) connecte(s) dans votre classe sur un maximum de 10. ================================================================================ Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 38 Total file size: 248.60 KB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message:FTP Service Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 843,953 Total file size: 200.82 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: FreeBSD/, OpenBSD/, TeX/, X11/, amstrad/, atari/, cygwin/, distributed_systems/, doc/, emacs/, freedos/, games/, gcc/, ghost/, gnat/, gnu/, hamradio/, ispell/, lang/, lesstif/, linux/, lyx/, mac/, mach/, minix/, networking/, pc/, pcg/, pvs/, python/, rfc/, sgml-tools/, unix/, www/ Mirror directories: LinuxFocus/, bin/, doc/, etc/, experimental/, files/, man/, scripts/ Welcome message: -- BIENVENUE SUR LE NOUVEAU SERVEUR FTP LIP6/JUSSIEU -- Utilisez le compte `anonymous' avec votre adresse e-mail comme mot de passe Merci de signaler les problÅmes éventuels Ä… -- WELCOME ON THE NEW LIP6/JUSSIEU FTP SERVER -- Please login as `anonymous' with your e-mail address as password Please report problems to FTP server ready. Ce service est assure par le Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'universite Paris 6 (LIP6) et le Centre de Calcul Recherche (CCR) du campus Jussieu. L'heure locale est Fri Aug 29 12:53:48 2003. Il y a 81 utilisateurs connectes dans votre classe. Tous les transferts sont enregistres pour permettre l'exploitation statistique de l'utilisation du serveur. Les fichiers avec l'extension .gz sont compresses avec gzip et non avec compress (voir /pub/gnu/gzip*). Veuillez consulter les fichiers d'information (cd /info). ---------- This service is provided by the ``Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'universite Paris 6'' (LIP6) and the ``Centre de Calcul Recherche'' (CCR) of the Jussieu campus. The local time is Fri Aug 29 12:53:48 2003. There are 81 connected users in your class. All transfers are logged with your host name and e-mail address to allow us to make statistics on the server use. Files with a .gz extension are compressed with gzip (see /pub/gnu/gzip*) Please take a look at the information files (cd /info). Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 323 Total file size: 31.01 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: labo/, mac/, mulblast/, p-sea/, pc/, sgi/, sincris/, tito/, users/ Welcome FTP server ready. Welcome to the anonymous ftp of the Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 118 Total file size: 50.34 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: cecile/, cheruy/, enero 98/, enero 99/, fairhead/, idelkadi/, jegou/, jyg/, laval/, srk/, yano/ Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.7 Server (Serveur FTP anonyme du LMD) [] Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 95,626 Total file size: 9.42 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Mirror directories: experimental/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Tue Dec 4 14:19:13 MET 2001) ready. +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | Bienvenue sur le serveur ftp du LORIA | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ Si vous rencontrez des problemes dans l'utilisation de ce serveur, adressez un courrier a Tout est dans /pub. L'heure locale est : Fri Aug 29 12:50:02 2003. Vous etes l'utilisateur 9 sur un maximum de 60 pour votre classe. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 921 Total file size: 311.19 MB System: Windows_NT version 5.0 Directories in /pub/: expher/, expher_zips/, formats-src/, ftax/, hpux/, latex/, latex2html/, linux/, ltx2rtf/, mac/, music_scores_zip/, music_zips/, musixtex/, pc/, powder/, rtflatex/ Welcome message:ServeurWeb Microsoft FTP Service (Version 5.0). Physique des Solides Anonymous user logged in. Total file number: 91 Total file size: 3.20 MB Welcome message:--------------------------- Sun Nov 2 22:55:33 2003 Welcome on LRA FTP server --------------------------- Remote host: Server load: 0 currently connected users Warning: be aware of the fact that, as most sites do, we record files transfers, both upload and download, for traffic statistics. You may disapprove this policy; if so, please disconnect now. FTP server ready. Total file number: 2 Total file size: 5.20 KB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome FTP server ready Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 453 Total file size: 30.22 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: anglais/, expe51/, expe6/, franck/, italien/, pallier/ Welcome message: Bienvenue sur le serveur ftp de LSCP Welcome on LSCP ftp server Utilisez le compte `anonymous' avec comme mot de passe votre adresse e-mail. Use the `anonymous' account with your email address as password. En cas de problemes vous pouvez contacter If you have any problem, please contact Merci de votre comprehension. Thanks for your comprehension. FTP server (Version wu-2.5.0(1) Fri May 28 18:07:34 METDST 1999) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 115 Total file size: 105.58 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-200105 Directories in /pub/: linux/, macintosh/, magic/, palace/, selection/, windows95/ Welcome FTP server (BSDI Version 7.00LS) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 157,139 Total file size: 43.68 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: cdlibre/, linux/, software/ Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.8 Server (Debian) [] -------------------------------------------------------------- | Serveur FTP de l'Association MiNET, INT-Evry -------------------------------------------------------------- ! NOUVEAU ! Les images des CDs de la Woody (3.0r1) sont _enfin_ arrivées :) miroirs mis Ä… jour réguliÅrement: * debian * debian-non-US * debian-java(blackdown) * gnome * linux kernel * wmaker autres ... Pour tout problÅme, remarque ou question : Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 11,245 Total file size: 28.58 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: linux/ Welcome message:--------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd 1.0.14-privsep ---------- You are user number 1 of 50 allowed. Local time is now 19:47 and the load is 0.08. Server port: 21. You will be disconnected after 15 minutes of inactivity. Any password will work Total file number: 8 Total file size: 11.15 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Fri Nov 30 17:31:47 MET 2001) ready. Pour les acces publics cliquez sur le repertoire "/pub". Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 4 Total file size: 6.45 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.1 Server (ProFTPD Default Installation) [pasca] Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 295 Total file size: 258.64 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: audio/, demos/, doc/, images/, linux/, mac/, modem/, msdos/, nnx/, nt/, tempo/, win95/, windows/ Welcome message:FTPd Server ready. -*- FTP NeuronNeXion -*- Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 33,797 Total file size: 1.03 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: annuaire/, documents/, programmes/, statistiques/ Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.5rc1 Server ( [] Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 311 Total file size: 8.04 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: Digital UNIX V4.0 (Rev. 1229) Directories in /pub/: doc/, mignard/, pc/ Welcome FTP server (Digital UNIX Version 5.60) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 2 Total file size: 9.19 KB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: outgoing/ Welcome message:ready, dude (vsFTPd 1.0.0: beat me, break me) Login successful. Have fun. Total file number: 491 Total file size: 325.75 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: bourdin/, etc7/, guillot/, hubble/, kamm/, logiciels/, mathias/, mercier/, michard/, morel/, paper/, renaud/, scholl/, slezak/, toutain/, traina/ Welcome message:ready, dude (vsFTPd 1.0.1: beat me, break me) Login successful. Have fun. Total file number: 16 Total file size: 2.44 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-198911 Directories in /pub/: braine/, electronique/, maison/, wakelam/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.1(1) Thu Jul 6 17:49:59 MEST 2000) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 378,387 Total file size: 175.35 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: BIS/, FAQ/, GenSoft/, GenomeDB/, computing/, databases/, xemacs/ Mirror directories: IUBio/ Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.0 Server (Institut Pasteur) [] Pour toute information concernant ce service d'archives, ou bien Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 2 Total file size: 1.02 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Server: "WarFTPd 1.71.02" OS: "WIN32 (NT 5.0 2195 Pentium II 1-CPU)" Welcome message:Serveur FTP PC SOFT Please enter your user name. User logged in. Total file number: 5 Total file size: 270.38 KB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.0(1) Fri Oct 22 00:38:20 CDT 1999) ready. Welcome, archive user! This is an experimental FTP server. If have any unusual problems, please report them via e-mail to If you do have problems, please try using a dash (-) as the first character of your password -- this will turn off the continuation messages that may be confusing your ftp client. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 43 Total file size: 2.90 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message:neptune FTP server (Version wu-2.4(2) Thu May 22 11:47:07 WET DST 1997) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 6 Total file size: 594.95 KB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message: Bienvenue sur le serveur FTP du site Polygone CNRS de Grenoble FTP server ready. -- anonymous service requested from -- User ftp logged in. Access restrictions apply. Total file number: 1,162 Total file size: 1.11 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome message:Bienvenue sur le serveur ftp de ProFTPD 1.2.9rc1 Server ( FTP Server) [] Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 6 Total file size: 77.92 KB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: PSIG3D/, reports/, theses/ Welcome message:ProFTPD 1.2.1 Server ready. Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 2,457 Total file size: 1.95 GB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: linux/, mac/, ms-dos/, rfc/, sound/, unix/, unixware/, windows/ Welcome message:Bienvenue sur le serveur ftp de Pret Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 18 Total file size: 13.26 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-199506 Directories in /pub/: DNS/, INN/, perform/ Welcome message: Bienvenue au serveur ftp anonyme Veuillez utiliser le login "anonymous" et votre adresse email comme mot de passe. Welcome to Use "anonymous" as your login, and your email address as your password. FTP server (Version 6.00) ready. **************************************************** Bienvenue sur le serveur FTP de Transpac **************************************************** Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Parts: 1 2 3 Anonymous FTP Sites List / Home ac ai ar at au be bg br by ca cc ch cl cn com cr cx cz de dk edu ee es fi fr ge gov gr hk hr hu id ie il in info int is it jp kg kr kz lt lu lv mil mx my net ni nl no nu nz org pl pt ro ru sa se sg si sk su th tk tr tv tw ua uk us ve ws yu za


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