05 Arrays

[MUSIC] Okay, let's continue our discussion of how manipulate data and memory in the C language. our next topic is going to be how we talk about arrays. basically arrays are adjacent locations in memory that store the same type of data object. So here I'm in this example declaring an array of integers. it's name is big_array and there is 128 integers in that array. that number between those square brackets. this is going to allocate 512 bytes of adjacent memory starting at some location. What location? Doesn't really matter. The one I'm showing here is pretty arbitrary but it will be easy for us to use in our examples. but basically the compiler will take care of that and will decide where in memory that data will go. now our pointer arithmetic can be used for indexing in this array. So let's take a look at some examples here. First of all, let me start with just declaring a pointer to an integer type. and we're going to call that pointer array_ptr. Okay? Now, the very next statement says, let's take big array, and assign it to array ptr. Well, because that's an array, and I've declared it as, as such. C knows that I don't mean the value big array, because there's 128 different values. What I really mean is. The address of the first location of that array. So what's going to be assigned to that pointer is the address of that first location. That is exactly what the second statement is going to do. You'll notice in this case what I've said is go to the zeroth element of the array, the first one. And get me its address by using the ampersand. So, of course, that, that will be the same address. In the next case, I have now used an index of 3. That really corresponds to the 4th integer in the array. There is one at index 0, one at index 1. One at index 2. And the fourth one at index 3. So how far down the, the array is that one? Well, this is where that pointer arithmetic becomes important. Since integers are of size 4 bytes. What I really mean is at 12 bytes passed the start of the address is where that fourth element will begin. So the address that I just generate here is ff000c. That c corresponds to 12 in decimal. 3 times 4 bytes. Okay? Now, that's exactly the same thing as the next statement. And why is that? Because, in this case, what I've done is first taken a, a, a pointer to the first element. And then said, add 3. But remember, c knows that if we're adding to a pointer, we don't mean just add the value 3. But rather, the 3 times the size of the data element. Or in this case, an int 3 times 4. Okay, so now you can kind of see why C does this in this pointer arithmetic. What about the next statement? Here, I'm just saying big array plus 3. Well again, that's the s-, same situation as the very first line, where we've taken big array to indicate just the first address of the array. And the plus 3, again, is to an address. We're adding 3 to an address. So we're going to multiply that by the size of the data item. Alright, in this next example is a bit more complex. You'll notice that it's using 2D reference stars, one on the left hand side and one on the right hand side. The one on the right hand side is saying get the value at array pointer, and use that as an address, and go get the value there. Well, what is the array pointer been set to? Well, we had just set it to this address that ended in 0c. So we're going to go into that location, get the value stored there, add 1 to it. Okay, and then where are we going to go put it. Where are we going to put the result? Well, the result, it says, to go put in this, at the same place where we got the value. So it says, go to the address pointed to by address by array_ptr. That star in front, again, is saying the reference, the value in array ptr and go to that location. Well again the value in array _ptr is 0c, so we going to go to that location again. So what does this accomplish? Well, what this has accomplished is to increment the value stored in that fourth element of the array. At index 3. but it does not change the value of the array_ptr variable. That stayed the same. And it's still pointing to that address 0c. Okay, what about our next statement. You'll notice here we're trying to reference the 130th element of the array. well, our array was only 128. What happens here? Well turns out C doesn't care. It just applies the same point of arithmetic rules it did before. In this case multiplying 130 by 4 and adding that to the starting address of the array, and will just give us an address that points to that location. That turns out to be out of the bounds of our array. We've gone too past the end of the array. But C doesn't check for that. And will see later on, other languages do, but C does not. And that's one of the dangers in using C. Now, the general rule here is that if I have an expression that looks like this. that is the same as saying bigger A plus I because just bigger A by itself is the starting address. And plus i gets multiplied by the size of the element of the array before its added to that address. So that it implicitly computes this expression. Which you'll notice is the same thing by saying the starting address of the array plus i times the size of the element of the array. Okay, and in C we can use the size of function to tell us what size the element of the array is. Okay, let's take a look now at strings rather than intergers. A C-style string, a character string, is represented by an array of light. Each byte has a code in it two digit hex code and one of the more popular ones is the ASCII code that uses one byte for each character. And here you see a map of most of the characters in the ASCII character set. And the way C's, indicates the end of a string, is with a byte that only had the value 0 in it. So a string like Harry Potter for example would be represented by the following sequence of bytes. You'll notice that there is a byte for the space, between the two names. the, the value, the code for a blank is 32x. And, a 0 at the end, signifying the end of the string. So, the string, Harry Potter, is a 13 byte array. There are 12 characters including the blank, plus, a 0 at the end, to indicate the end. Now, the reason we put a 0 at the end, often referred to as a null 0, is, so that we can tell the end of the string. Alright, how would be compute the string length if we were given the starting point of the string? We would move 1 byte at a time down the string and checking for 0. When we find the 0, we would know we were at the end. And that's how we would compute the string length. Okay. Because we're dealing with 1 byte at a time, we don't have to worry about issues of little Indian, or big Indian, when we think about character strings. So, if we had the character string 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, it would actually be represented in precisely the same in little Indian machines, or big Indian machines. Now, later on we'll learn about unicode characters that have more bytes per character. unicode is a newer standard than ASCII that allows us to represent all the character sets around the world. And we need a lot more codes to do that for all the different alphabets that exist. So they can reach up to 4 bytes per character and Java has, Java as well as C have libraries for unicode. But Java commonly uses 2 btyes per character that's sort of it's default. So we'll see later the complexity of this but for now strings are 1 bit per character. Okay let's take a look at the C function that we can use to print out data that we store in memory. By printing it out one character at a time or 1 byte at a time as 2x digits. Alright, so here's a simple function written in C and it's called show bytes. It doesn't return a value so we've put a void in front of it to indicate that. And then it takes two arguments. The first one is the address of the starting location and memory. So, you'll notice it has a star there because it says this is a pointer to to a location a memory is not a value. And to what it kind of thing is it pointing, well it's pointing to character. And then see a char is a 1 byte quantity. So in this case, we're just saying we're point to a byte in memory, right. And then the second argument is an integer that is the length of, of bytes that we want to print, the number of bytes we want. Okay, the body of the function is just the simple four loop that goes from 1 to length or 0 to length minus 1 and increments the index by 1 each time around. That is what that i plus plus indicates increment by 1. The body of the loop is a, is a simple print statement that, we'll see the format of in a second, but it prints two values. The first is an address, the second a data value. You'll notice that we're using start, that pointer. So this is going to be an address. Then we're adding i, the index to it. Since we're doing pointer arithmetic, what do we multiple i by? Well, since it's only pointing to a character. We multiply by 1 because characters are 1 byte. And then we print the data stored at that address by de-referencing that address. That's why we have the star on this side. So here we have the address. And here we have the data at that address. Our print format screen says that we start off by printing a pointer. Okay, that would be that first element here, that address. So we're going to print a pointer. Then we're going to insert a tab. Then we're going to print the, the number 0 and the letter x. And we're going to do that to conform to C notation for hexadecimal values. And then the percent 0.2x is a special notation for saying, print the hexadecimal value of 2 digits, followed by a new line. That hexadecimal value of 2 digits is just the value stored at that address. Okay, the second element here in our print state. Okay, so that's a pretty nice little function. And we can call it from with anything actually, even integers not just not just characters. Because, when we call it here showing an example of another function that's going to show integers. We can call show bytes by casting the address of the integer as a character, address. Okay? This is C casting. What we've done is said, we have an address here, but it's the address of an integer. Can you please treat that as the address of a character and then pass it to the function? Okay? And then the length here is just the size of the integer. So here we would expect to see 4 bytes that are going to be printed out by the function. Let's take a look at some sample executions of this function. Here we see the function in integer 1,2,3,4,5 being placed in a, and when we call will we'll first print out that statement and then call the function, show int. So here's that first print statement, directly from above that prints out the value. And then you'll see that inside of show int, we've of course called show bytes. And it went for 4 bytes printing out each one in turn, successful bytes at cc, cd, ce and cf. And the rest of that address, you know, is pretty arbritrary. Again, it's just where that that integer a happened to be. And the, the integers. the, the values that got printed are 39, 30, 0, and 0x. Which we know, from previous examples, are the rep-, the hex representation of that value. Okay? So this is indicating that our machine is little Indian. Because we saw the least significant byte first. And that's how we can write a simple program to check the[UNKNOWN] of our machine.


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