Angels Among Us

Angels Among Us @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } ----------------------------------- Angels Among Us by C. E. Barrett ----------------------------------- Science Fiction/Mainstream SynergEbooks Copyright ©2001 by C.E. Barrett First published in SynergEbooks, 2001 NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment. Angels Among Us by C. E. Barrett Copyright, 2001 by C.E. Barrett All Rights Reserved Published by SynergEbooks CONTENTS Dedication CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 CHAPTER 5 CHAPTER 6 CHAPTER 7 CHAPTER 8 CHAPTER 9 CHAPTER 10 CHAPTER 11 CHAPTER 12 CHAPTER 13 CHAPTER 14 CHAPTER 15 CHAPTER 16 CHAPTER 17 CHAPTER 18 CHAPTER 19 CHAPTER 20 CHAPTER 21 CHAPTER 22 CHAPTER 23 CHAPTER 24 CHAPTER 25 CHAPTER 26 CHAPTER 27 CHAPTER 28 CHAPTER 29 CHAPTER 30 CHAPTER 31 CHAPTER 32 CHAPTER 33 CHAPTER 34 CHAPTER 35 CHAPTER 36 CHAPTER 37 CHAPTER 38 CHAPTER 39 * * * * Dedication For Shannon, Logan and Bailey, who endure my endless scribblings with minimal complaint. [Back to Table of Contents] Acknowledgments To, who, despite their name, welcome more than just moms into their group. Without Momwriters’ Novel Challenge 1999, this book would never have been completed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 1 The force of his landing drove the air from his lungs in a great śwhoosh.” He lay, stunned and disoriented, for a long moment before pushing himself up onto his hands and knees. He stared without comprehension at the bent and crumpled long grass where he had lain. It should have been the icy concrete of the streets of Montreal. Hmmmm, he thought. I must have hit my head on something when I fell. I'm dreaming, I suppose. I hope someone calls an ambulance soon. Maybe I'm already on my way to the hospital. He felt his head for a bump and laughed to himself. That's silly. I wouldn't have a bump in my dream. But I've lost my hat. He shrugged philosophically. Dreams were like that sometimes. He stood upright and looked around. The grassy meadow stretched to the horizon in all directions but one. To his right, a road ran along the side of a hill. A brilliant sun shone high in the sky. He removed his gloves and put them in his coat pocket as he began to walk towards the road. * * * * What the heck is this? She rose, somewhat unsteadily, to her feet and essayed a cautious look around. This is not at all right! Of her car, the parking lot, the grocery store, her entire town, not a shred, not a speck remained to be seen. Even the contours of the land didn't match Weymouth's topography. Over there! A road, perhaps? Something, anyway, that made a straight horizontal line along the hillside in that direction. All else was a seemingly endless field of grass, tall, yellowing and waving gently in the warm breeze. She turned in a slow circle; straining her eyes for a glimpse of anything she considered ścivilization.” Nothing. She remained perfectly still for a moment, letting the scene sink in. There was an almost dreamlike quality to her surroundings, and she was more than a little disoriented. Then she shook herself mentally and decided that, dream or not, there was no point in standing here. To the road it would be, then. She picked up the grocery bags she had dropped when she hit the ground. She had tripped over a pebble in the Foodland parking lot on her way to her car, and had thrown out her hands to catch herself. Now, though, she had no idea where she was, and did not intend to abandon her purchases, even if a lot of it was junk food. She waded through the grass, the hillside slowly looming larger. The horizontal line was somewhere above the top of her head, but the slope to it wasn't too bad. She should be able to make it in one trip, even with the groceries. She would just hang them all on one wrist and use her free hand as needed. As she got closer, she could see that it was, indeed, a road. Quite a ways in the distance were small groups of people. Some were heading this way, some resting, and some apparently milling about aimlessly. Halfway up the hill she paused to rest, and realized she hadn't been alone in the field, either. Dotted here and there were other lone figures with paths behind them leading from sudden flat spots. Her own trail through the grass looked just like theirs. What the heck? She wondered. It looks like we were all just Śdropped off'. But ... never mind right now, Seren. Just get up to the road, and take it from there. She resumed her climb. For miles in either direction, others were doing the same. The road, when she reached it, proved to be a two-lane blacktop with the familiar yellow lines down the middle. She looked left and right, wondering which way to go. Off to her left, the road turned away, disappearing behind the breast of the hill, only to reappear further on, continuing its journey. To her right, it ran straight, disappearing in the distance. She crossed the road, dropping her bags to the level shoulder. Sighing, she sat with her back to the uphill slope, much steeper than the one she had just climbed, and considered her situation. Paved roads meant civilization somewhere, preferably not too far away. But no vehicles had passed, and there were far too many pedestrians, most of whom, even from a distance, appeared to be as lost and confused as she was herself. śI hate dreams like this,” she murmured to herself, knowing she often recognized dream states and was frequently a lucid dreamer. śI hate thinking it's real, and getting sucked in until I wake up. I don't want to be here ... so, TIME TO WAKE UP!” she yelled at her subconscious. śWAKE UP!! I have to get up and go shopping.” She waited. śDammit all!” She tried every trick she knew to control the dream, to restart it in the parking lot, to fly, anything"everything. Nothing worked. Maybe I'm not dreaming, she thought, and on the heels of that, thought, Oh, yeah. Like when you think the flying dreams are real, too, and then you wake up. She opened a grocery bag. She knew that in her dreams small tangible items tended to be distorted or senseless"written words that could not be understood, or remembered, that changed every time she read them. Everything in the bag looked real enough. She pulled out a box of cereal. The name was right, and the ingredients made as much sense as a mouthful of chemical compositions could. And the polysyllabic words were the same when she reread them. She tapped the box with her fingertips and returned it to the bag. śBut what if...?” she asked herself. She smiled to herself wryly. She had read enough Science Fiction to entertain the idea that she had dimension-hopped, or quantum-leaped, or some such thing. How come it couldn't happen when she was out camping and had a bunch of survival gear on hand? Of course, she hadn't actually gone camping in about four years, but still.... The possibility that she really had traveled to a parallel world or something equally improbable began to sink in. Panic nibbled at her mind. She didn't know where she was or how to get home from here, and her children were waiting for her. She stepped on the panicky thing that was struggling to overwhelm her. I don't have time for you right now! You're not helping. A sudden alternative popped into her mind. Maybe I'm dead, she thought. Maybe I smucked my head on the fender when I fell, and this is the afterlife. She pondered this possibility for a few moments. But why would I be carrying groceries, or ghost-groceries to Purgatory or wherever? That just doesn't make sense. Oh, and being in Dimension X or on Planet Wheretheheck does, replied her sarcastic side. śEither way, sitting here is getting me nowhere, and if I want to find a town or something, I better get going.” The sound of her voice gave her courage. Once again, she gathered her plastic bags and set off down the road, taking the long straight route that disappeared in the distance. To her right, the people scattered through the meadow were slowly approaching. Just ahead, a man was climbing onto the roadway. His heavy overcoat was much too warm for the weather. His balding head gleamed with perspiration, which trickled down his temples and face into his neatly trimmed beard. He reached the top and rested, bent over with his hands on his knees, to catch his breath. As Seren drew closer, he straightened to his full height. He was easily over six feet tall, and was quite stoutly built, firm rather than flabby, and well dressed. His blue eyes regarded her with wary curiosity. This woman in front of him was not what he had expected to see. He studied her briefly, noticing little details; the deep pockets of her shorts, the bulge in one where something wallet-sized sat, her bare ankles above the leather of her sneakers. He wondered what she represented. Weren't people you met in dreams supposed to have some meaning? He was somewhat bemused by the whole situation, and was more than half-convinced he was hallucinating after having hit his head when he fell. Still, there was no point in being rude. His voice, when he spoke, was pleasant and cultured, with a hint that it could become supercilious and snobbish at the drop of a hat. He merely smiled politely and said, śExcuse me ... but are you from around here?” He indicated the grocery bags. śI see you've been shopping and I was wondering if you would direct me.... śHis words trailed off as she shook her head. śSorry. I came from out there, too.” She jerked her chin at the field behind him. He turned, and for the first time realized the situation as he noticed all the people making paths from nowhere. Most were moving toward the road, but some were wandering in seemingly random directions. śWhere did they all come from?” he murmured and looked back at her with a quizzical expression. She shrugged. śWell, then, I don't suppose there's any point in asking if you know where we are, or how, indeed, we got here.” She shook her head. śNope. I know as much as you. One minute I was in the Foodland parking lot, I tripped over something and BANG! landed here.” śI was running for a taxi, and stumbled over the curb.” He frowned and looked back over the field. This isn't real, he thought. I'm hallucinating. I must be hurt worse than I thought. Maybe I'm dying. He felt a momentary pang of regret for the symphonies he would never direct, the pain his family would feel at his death. Then he pulled himself together. He was not a man who fell apart easily. He had spent too many years developing the control for which he was well known. He reached into an inner pocket of his coat and pulled out what appeared to be a tiny cell phone. She watched as he pushed a button with his thumb, and held the phone to his ear. śNothing,” he said. śNot even static.” He switched it off and returned it to his coat pocket. śIt was worth a try,” he said. śToo bad it didn't work,” she said sympathetically. They looked at each other. He indicated their clothes, his heavy overcoat, her T-shirt and walking shorts. śIt would appear we're from different latitudes,” he said. śWhere, exactly, were you?” śI was in a small town in Nova Scotia,” she said, and added automatically, śCanada.” śReally? I was in Montreal. There'd been a heavy snowfall just a few days ago.” śIn June? That's hard to believe, even for Montreal.” śNo. January the fifteenth.” He looked at her clothing more closely. śYou were in June?” An eyebrow lifted as he considered this. He wondered if she meant the June past or the one coming up. śWhat year?” ś1999. You?” ś2008.” They stared at and then through each other. He began slowly to think he might actually be awake and aware. He couldn't explain how or why they were here, but the reality was sinking in. śOh good. We're not only from different Śwheres’ but different Śwhens', too,” she said. She focused her eyes on his face. śThis can't really be happening. I bet I hit my head when I fell and I'm in a coma in the hospital and pretty soon, I'll come to, and everything will be okay again.” He made a tentative gesture, as if to pat her shoulder reassuringly, but withdrew his hand, wiping it across his forehead instead. śI rather doubt we are sharing a coma dream, Ms....” śBaker,” she supplied the name automatically. śSeren Baker.” He held out a hand. śDaffyd ap Owen.” śPleased to meet you,” she shook his hand and then laughed. śI can't believe we're doing this ... acting like we've met at the mall or something. I mean ... LOOK!” and she dissolved into laughter. He chuckled quietly with her. She was right. The situation was insane, and their reaction possibly more so, for all it seemed so Śnormal'. She regained her composure, but with occasional snorts of suppressed giggles. śWell, Mr. Owen or ap Owen?” śap Owen.” śMr. ap Owen ... no sense standing here. I think I'll keep moving along.” śDo you mind if I join you? I can carry a couple of those for you.” He didn't relish the idea of being alone in this place. It made him uneasy, which he successfully hid under his confident demeanor. She shrugged. śSure. I don't mind.” He seemed nice enough; not really the ax-murderer type. She grinned inwardly, thinking she had written one horror novel too many. But she supposed there were worse things than having company in this strange world, especially when the company in question was this pleasant. He took off his heavy coat and draped it over his arm. śI'd hate to be returned to Montreal without it,” he explained, relieving her of a pair of grocery bags. They headed down the road in companionable silence. Occasionally they passed a lone person sitting or wandering on the side of the road. No one responded to their greetings, so they didn't bother to stop. There was enough weirdness going on today without them going out of the way to add to it. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 2 The sun beat down steadily. Seren and Daffyd took turns carrying his overcoat. To their right, the field of grass stretched to the horizon. To their left, the hillside rose precipitously, covered with scrub brush and evergreen trees. The road stretched on before them. In the distance, there appeared to be trees and a building of some sort overlooking the grassy plain below. śWhat do you suppose that is?” Seren asked. Daffyd squinted in the afternoon sun. śHard to say from here, but it looks like a house. Those big trees make it hard to be certain, though.” śAnd it sure doesn't seem to be getting any closer. I feel like ŚAlice Through the Looking Glass', running like mad to stay in the same place.” A brief smile touched his lips. śMost people would have said ŚAlice in Wonderland',” he said. She glanced up at him. śYeah, well, I know my ŚAlices'.” She moved to the shoulder of the road, overlooking the meadow below, and put down her bags. She opened and closed her hands to relieve the cramp that was building in them. He joined her and followed suit. She continued to speak, śAnyway, let's take a break. I could use a bit of something to drink and I'm hungry. Somehow, I don't think I'm going to get these groceries home today and there's some stuff that won't keep in this heat.” Daffyd spread his coat on the ground where they could look out over the grass. The road hugged the rising hillside, as it drifted to the left, and the ground opposite was getting wider between the road and the descending slope. It was here they sat, Daffyd gazing at the people below them while Seren rooted through her groceries. She pulled out a package of Kaiser rolls, some sandwich meat, and a 2-liter bottle of Pepsi. śI don't suppose you carry a pocket knife?” she asked hopefully. He shook his head. She tore the package of sandwich meat open with her teeth. śPardon my rudeness,” she said. He merely smiled and opened the bottle. śHang on a sec"there should be some plastic cups in one of those bags. We were going to have a picnic-barbecue kind of thing today...” she trailed off, and looked across the field, a troubled expression on her face. He regarded her as she stared out into nothing. Her hair was dark, liberally threaded with silver, and pulled back into a short tail at the base of her neck. She was pleasantly curved, perhaps with a little extra weight, but she had struck him as somewhat athletic and fit. She had kept stride with him easily, although she was quite a bit shorter than he was. Even when carrying his heavy coat, she hadn't seemed out of breath or struggling to keep up. Her face was oval, with expressive dark eyes and a ready smile that brought out dimples. When she frowned, vertical lines appeared between her eyebrows in a way that suggested she was not a woman to tangle with. She brought herself back from wherever she'd been and looked at him. He almost flushed at being caught examining her so closely. It would not do to have her think him some kind of pervert. He enjoyed her company and didn't want her to run from him. śSo ... let's eat. Did you find those cups?” He hadn't even looked for them, to his chagrin, but he did so now and quickly found them. After he poured them drinks and took a Kaiser from Seren, he eyed the meat dubiously. śWhat IS that?” he asked. It appeared to be thin slices of square bologna with little pieces of cheese and white morsels he couldn't begin to guess at. She laughed. śIt's macaroni meat. My kids love this stuff. It looks disgusting, I know, but it's not THAT bad.” She peeled off a slice. śHere. Try it.” The almost horrified expression on his face as he examined it nearly sent her into gales of laughter, but she controlled herself by concentrating on tearing her roll open. She only succeeded in tearing it apart and decided eating the bread and meat separately wouldn't kill her. In the meantime, Daffyd had nibbled experimentally at the meat and decided he'd had worse things in his life. They ate and watched people wandering by. śYou notice everyone seems to be alone? Even when a group goes by, they don't seem to be really together.” He nodded and swallowed. śYes, I have. I also haven't seen a single person who seems to be from Śhere’ and Śnow'. They all appear to be like us"displaced. I wonder....” śWhat?” śHmmm?” śYou wonder ... what?” śOh. I wonder what other times and places everyone is from. What they do for a living, what we have in common, if anything.” He stopped again, considering, then looked directly at her. śWhy US, in other words.” śTell you something else to wonder. Why are we the only ones talking to each other? I mean, isn't it natural to seek company, some contact after something like this? Don't survivors of earthquakes and tornadoes talk to each other, help each other out, and turn to each other for comfort? This is just ... weird.” She waved at the silent drifters-by. śPerhaps they all think it's a dream. I did, at first.” He sipped thoughtfully at the warm cola and grimaced. śNow, I don't know what to think. The afterlife? I just don't know.” śI thought of that, too, but I pretty much ruled it out. I don't think groceries die and go to hell or wherever with you.” She pulled her Kaiser apart even more and nibbled at the pieces. śHey! Maybe we'll run into Amelia Earhart, or Judge Crater!” She laughed. He puzzled over that. He was familiar with the names; she had been the first woman to fly around the world, and Judge Crater was largely known for his unexplained disappearance. He could see why she'd mention the judge, but why Seren thought Amelia Earhart might be here eluded him. śI wonder what the people back home think,” she said softly. śI wonder what it looked like from that end. Any idea how long we've been gone?” He looked at his wrist, and shook his head. śMy watch stopped when I got here.” He showed her. It said 10:53. śWas that morning or night?” she asked, more from idle curiosity than anything. śMorning. What time was it for you?” śAround five in the afternoon. How long do you think we've been walking? About an hour or so?” He nodded again. śThat sounds about right.” śAnd we've been sitting here for another fifteen or twenty minutes. My kids must be frantic by now!” śHow many Śkids’ do you have, Seren?” He was unfamiliar with the usage of the word, but suspected it referred to her children. śFour. Karina's nineteen. I know she can watch out for the others, but she must be worried about me. I know I'm worried about them.” śHow old are the others?” He had never heard of one person with that many children, and he was intrigued. śTheo and Matt are sixteen, and Meggie is eleven.” He nodded his head. śDo they not have another parent to look after them?” Seren shook her head; staring at the roll she was demolishing. śNo. Terry was killed in a car crash a long time ago. It's just been the five of us ever since.” She shook off impending sadness and looked at her companion. śHow about you, Daffyd? You have any children? Anyone special worrying about you?” she asked. He shook his head. śNo. Well, my family"my father, my sister and her daughter and granddaughter. That would be about it for me.” He brushed breadcrumbs from his vest. śAnd now, shall we be going?” śSure. Just let me repack and clean up here,” she suited her actions to the words and in a few moments they were back on the road. The afternoon sun was warm, the breeze soft and gentle but lacking somehow. Generally, country air always seemed fresher, more alive, with the aromas of hayfields and wild flowers or the ranker odor of newly fertilized fields. But this was curiously devoid of smell. Even when the breeze flowed down across the evergreens on the hillside above them there was no tantalizing tang of pine or spruce. Just bland currents like those wafting out of ceiling vents in an office building. It wasn't unpleasant but neither was it the invigorating stuff Seren expected from country air. As they walked along, Seren surreptitiously studied her new companion more closely. He carried himself with a quiet confidence, bordering on arrogance that suggested to her whatever it was he did for a living, he was good at it and knew it. It also said that he didn't need to hear about it from others; that his own opinion of himself was enough. His three-piece suit and his overcoat appeared to be of high quality, expensive, but he hadn't hesitated to throw down the coat for a seat, or to care much if the suit got wrinkled from his sitting on the ground so casually. She inferred from this that he was at least moderately wealthy, since he could afford to treat good clothes somewhat cavalierly. Overall, he seemed quite distinguished, the silver streaks in his beard adding to this impression. He seemed solid and reliable somehow, Seren thought, and trustworthy. She laughed inwardly at herself. She'd only known the fellow for a few hours, and she already had him sorted and filed. She decided he was probably a banker or a lawyer, something along those lines. She wondered what he made of her, or if he'd even given her more than a cursory thought. They started seeing others who seemed to have joined company, most often in pairs, sometimes a group of three would walk by, talking quietly among themselves. From time to time they would nod to each other, these small groups, but no one, Seren and Daffyd included, was inclined to stop and make a larger group. The building in the distance began to take form. They could clearly make out the huge shade trees surrounding what appeared to be a farmhouse. They were still too far away to see if anyone was in the yard. It stood on the hilltop overlooking the plain below. Here the land had widened considerably. The road was still following the contour of the upper hillside. It made a sharp turn to the left at the house, and went on to meander away to unguessable destinations. For reasons they didn't understand, no one else was approaching the house. Surely, it only made sense to knock at the door, ask for help, but it seemed they were the only two so inclined. A driveway led from the road around the far side of the house, under the tall trees, which cast cool shadows over the house and yard. A tire swing hung from a branch of a tree to the left of the drive, the bare patch of dirt below it testifying to its popularity with someone. A tricycle lay on its side nearby, speckled with rust and a heavy coat of dust. It seemed somehow forlorn and pathetic as if it had been suddenly abandoned. A porch swing hung motionless on the wide verandah. Beside it, an open window allowed lace curtains to sample the view. Seren shivered suddenly, perhaps affected by the drop in temperature as they moved into the shade. śThis is creepy,” she said, looking at the tricycle, the flapping curtains. He nodded his agreement but continued down the driveway around the side of the house. The side yard was almost gloomy in the shade cast by the trees and the house itself. It was quite a bit cooler here. Seren followed Daffyd closely. śI really, REALLY don't like this,” she said quietly. śI can't say I'm very keen, either,” he replied. śBut we need to know where we are, and the people who live here should be able to tell us something.” śPersonally, I don't think anyone lives here, anymore,” she said. śDidn't you see the dirt on the trike ... and that curtain flapping out the window? Who's going to let their best curtains flap out the window? NOBODY, that's who.” She cut herself short, realizing she was starting to babble, something she often did when nervous or distressed. śLet's just find out, all right? Even if there's no one here, perhaps we can find a vidphone, or something ... a newspaper, anything that might help. Stay here, if you like. I'll be back soon.” śNo, thanks. I'm coming with you.” They stepped up into a dark back porch. Daffyd knocked at the inner door. There was no answer and no sound from inside. He knocked again with the same result. He tried the doorknob. The door swung open into the house. Seren peered past Daffyd's shoulder. A large country kitchen opened up before them. The remains of a meal sat on the table. On the right, a hand pump looked quaintly out of time on the counter beside a big double sink. A full load of dirty dishes sat in one side. A loaf of bread was turning quietly green in its wrapper, and other food items were scattered around. Straight ahead, a doorway led to what appeared to be the formal dining room, the kind used for special occasions. A layer of dust covered everything, most notable on the polished oak dining table. Even here in the kitchen the food mouldering on the plates was covered with dust. Daffyd stepped into the kitchen, Seren close behind him. Seeing him open his mouth as if to call out to the house's inhabitants, Seren took his arm and shook her head. śDon't,” she pleaded. He looked into her eyes for a moment, studied what he saw there and acquiesced. śI'm going to explore the house,” he said. śAre you coming with me?” She shook her head. śNo, thanks. I'll just poke around here. Maybe there's something we can use, one way or another. You go right ahead.” She couldn't explain to him that she was afraid they might encounter the former homeowners mouldering in their beds, like the food on the table. The whole place gave her the willies but she preferred to keep the feeling to a minimum. Right now, staying put seemed the best way to accomplish that. Daffyd went into the dining room while Seren surveyed the kitchen. To the left of the door they had come in was another door that led to a pantry. This door was half-open and she could see the shelves and counters along one wall. She made a mental note to check it out later. She turned back to examine the rest of the kitchen. A window over the sink looked out on the sideyard. The old-fashioned hand pump was on the right side of the sink, and a small jug stood nearby, presumably used to prime the pump when necessary. A large wood cookstove was farther up the outer wall, its flue pipe leading to a brick chimney. It had a good size water-heating tank on one end, and was very solid looking. She could remember her gramma cooking on a stove like that. However, over the middle of the table hung an electric light fixture. She saw the wall plate near the door to the dining room. It gave her something more to wonder about. As if today needed more weird, she thought. The table looked as if it could comfortably hold ten or twelve people, with benches lining both sides. Heavy chairs with ornately carved arms stood at each end. Places were set for five. One set of dishes was obviously for a young child, with smaller utensils and colorful pictures on the sides of the cup and bowl. Seren didn't care to examine whatever the meal had been too closely. The fur and fuzz of green and yellow, even blue, mold kept her at bay. Footsteps overhead startled her before she realized Daffyd must have gone upstairs by now. She hoped Daffyd had gone upstairs. With a quick glance at the ceiling, she resumed her examination of the kitchen. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 3 śAll right, Mr. Gaudet,” said Constable Sylvie Muise of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. śJust tell me what you saw.” śWell, now,” began the older gentleman. śI was just driving in to go to the store and, uh, I saw Seren, Mrs. Baker, that is. Well, I wove to her, you know, and she kind of just nodded back. Her hands was pretty full with grocery bags, you know. Well, Ma'am, I just parked my truck, when I saw her fall pretty hard. I thought, well, maybe she skun herself pretty bad, or maybe even hit her head. So I run over, but she just wasn't there.” His pleasant, earnest face showed concern for the missing woman. There was nothing to indicate he had been drinking, or was lying. Muise finished writing and sighed. śDid anyone else see anything?” The tired Mountie asked. A young man put up his hand. śI did, Constable. Like, I was walking right towards her, eh? And she was going towards that car? And it was like, y'know, like, she tripped and POOF, she was just gone. It was like, weird, eh?” Constable Muise rubbed her temples. This was the fifth person to tell her that Seren Baker had popped into nothingness. It had started with a frantic phone call from a Foodland employee who had hysterically reported an abduction in the parking lot. Ms. Baker's children had been notified, and Constable Muise was doing her best to put the pieces of this puzzle together. She really didn't relish the idea of having to tell the Baker children that their mother had sidestepped into the Twilight Zone. She wished she'd called in sick this morning. * * * * śI told you our equipment didn't malfunction!” Proto-Leader Gerri Reznik said in exasperation. śI'm sorry I didn't believe you, but REALLY! What else could I think? I mean, look at this!” The little man waved a dramatic hand to indicate the waving fields of grass. śI just want to point out that we've never made a trans-space jump WITHOUT OUR SHIP!!” She shouted down at him, her fists planted firmly on her hips. śNo, but we DO have teleporters. I thought we'd just popped down to the holo-arena on Base 36-Delta.” He looked at the people straggling through the grass, and continued, śI have NO idea where we are.” śWell, my dear Rapsim, neither do I.” They looked around for a few moments. śAny suggestions on a course of action, Proto-Leader Reznik?” The young woman shrugged and shook her head wearily. śI don't even know where to start,” she said. śI haven't got a clue where we are, how we got here, or how to get home. What's the multi say?” She watched him fiddling with a small device he had removed from his belt. He frowned, shook it and fiddled some more. Then he looked up at her. śWe seem to be nowhere, and nowhen,” he stated simply. She stared. śHow do you go NOWHEN?” she asked. He made a complicated gesture that meant, śI haven't the faintest, but we did it anyway.” She interpreted this correctly and sighed. śThat's great. Just peachy keen. Neato-Guido,” she said, and brushed her bangs off her forehead with a weary hand. śWe're nowhere, nowhen, with no way back and no one knows where we are or how to reach us. I'm not going to ask what else can go wrong. I don't want to know.” Rapsim was still studying his device. śI might be able to send a signal,” he said. śBut we need a power source. This isn't enough by itself.” He waved the hand-held unit. Gerry Reznik looked around. śWell, Rap, it's not likely to fall on us here. Let's get going.” They climbed to the road, turned left and started walking. * * * * Mykal's aura shimmered in confusion and dismay. He had intended to transport only the male Dral, not the female Human as well. This would certainly count against his grade, but perhaps it would work out for the best. Sometimes, seeming errors turned out to be serendipitous happenings. He would wait and see. Restoring her now to the place of origin would only serve to confuse the Dral, and he might not perform as needed. He checked the rest of his project. The first two had just made contact with each other; only one more remained. He found the Earth he wanted, and pinpointed the last element. He waited for a propitious moment to transport it to his work area. * * * * Blagdur scratched himself idly and yawned in boredom. Graz lifted his head suddenly, his eyes narrowing. He poked a talon into his companion, who grunted in response. śWha'?” Blagdur muttered. śFeel that?” Graz said. He grinned suddenly, revealing a mouthful of sharp teeth. śThey're at it again.” He chuckled then, a hideous sound. Blagdur flared his nostrils and twitched his ears. His laughter was no more pleasant than the other's. śSo they are!” He bounded to his feet, the tiny distortions in the multiverse tickling his awareness. Finally, something to play with. śI think we should take a peek around, don't you?” he said, beginning to focus his attention on the alternate space where their opponents performed their experiments. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 4 Daffyd felt odd prowling around the house. He wasn't a man given to wandering around other people's homes. He valued his privacy, for a variety of reasons, and preferred to respect the privacy of others. However, desperate situations call for desperate measures. The dining room was neat although dusty. It had the look and feel of long disuse. Windows to his right and in front of him looked out on the driveway and front yard respectively. To the left, an open door led to the front hallway. From the hallway, he went straight across and paused in the door to the living room or parlor, where the lace curtain waved out the window. From this vantage point, he surveyed the room. In an armchair near the window was a square of some kind of handiwork he couldn't identify. A trail of yarn led to a large wicker basket beside the chair. On a small table near the chair sat an exquisite teacup. Everything had the layer of dust he had already come to expect. The general appearance of the room was early to mid 20th century, he guessed, with electric lamps, but no three-D set or computer anywhere apparent. An upright piano stood against a wall, sheet music waiting for someone to bring life to its song. A long, deep couch loomed behind a coffee table. There was another door, securely closed, in the back wall. He strongly doubted anyone was behind it, and he decided to look there later. Right now, the stairs in the hallway beckoned to him. As he climbed the broad steps, he noticed how worn the carpet was in the center, how bright the colors along the edge where feet seldom, if ever, trod. The banister rail was smooth and polished from years of hands gliding up it, and, possibly, young bottoms sliding surreptitiously down. He paused and looked down at the newel post at the bottom. Its top was wide and flat, perfect for landing on. A childhood memory flashed through his head of his grandmother's farm. Childish laughter echoing through an upstairs hallway as six-year-old Rhiannon ap Owen chases her big brother, Daffyd. śI gonna getcha, Daffy,” she shrieks in delight. He, aged eight years, and already stocky, laughs as he vaults to the banister rail and slides to the ground floor. He has barely dropped to the floor when Rhee hurtles into him. She hasn't yet mastered the art of slowing her speed with her hands. "Oooof!” The air rushes out of the boy as they tumble down in a heap. śYou two better not be sliding down that banister again!” Gramma Jones’ voice shouts from the kitchen. śI told you I'd warm your bottoms for you if you did!” śMa!” Evelyn's voice drifts to them. "We just fell down, Gramma!” Daffyd yells, gesturing to Rhee to be quiet. They subside into smothered giggles and dash upstairs to repeat the game. He smiled to himself and resumed his climb. The stairway hugged the left wall as it rose in a straight span to the next floor. At the top was a wide area with a window that looked out over the back yard. Over the tops of the trees, he could just see the ubiquitous field of grass. The yard seemed quite spacious, with a long row of lilac bushes off to the right and a small orchard leading to the edge of the hill. He looked around the landing. A waist-high rail ran around the stairwell, allowing him an unobstructed view of the second floor hall. There were six doors in all, most slightly ajar. He started with the half-open one closest to the top of the stairs. It led him into a large square bathroom. After the hand pump in the kitchen, he was surprised to see a flush toilet, a sink and a tub with a shower. He turned the tap on the sink, and was rewarded with a few distant clanks and rattles, but no water. A coat of dust dulled the chrome of the fixtures. There was nothing out of the ordinary in the cupboard under the sink, merely a dry sponge, and an old rag. The medicine cabinet was curiously empty. He left the bathroom and went straight across the hall to the next door. This room proved to be someone's arts and crafts room. A treadle sewing machine stood mutely near one window, a half-stitched quilt square still caught under the needle. Shelves on the wall nearby it held bolts of material, packages of buttons, rickrack, ribbons, and lace. Whoever the seamstress or tailor had been, they had certainly been ambitious. Near the other window stood an easel with a half-finished painting on it. It appeared to be a view of the field below from this very window. He looked at it, wondering why anyone would paint that boring scene. On a small table, close to the easel, were a palette with dried blobs of paint, a bottle of brushes standing bristles up, and another large bottle with dried pigment crusting the bottom, evidently once a container for cleaning fluid, and a paint-spattered rag. He wondered if the painter and seamstress had been the same person, or perhaps two different sorts of artist sharing a space and a passion for creating. He imagined them working together, laughing, each urging the other to new heights, and he smiled again at his own fancy. He saw other paintings stacked against the wall behind the open door. He went to them, and flipped through them quickly. They were all landscapes of varying kinds; mountains, seasides, cities, farms, villages, and places that could surely only exist in a fevered imagination, with purple grasses, and green skies. Someone's been having interesting nightmares, he thought. One picture was of this house, as if seen from the crest of the hill on the other side of the road. He could even see the tire swing and the tricycle, and it gave him an odd feeling. He set them back in place, glanced quickly around once more, and went out into the hallway. The next room was a child's bedroom. It held a small bed, a dresser, a desk with the drawer under the seat, the desktop connected by a wooden arm. He hadn't seen one like it since his earliest childhood. It even had a hole for an inkpot in one corner. A half-scribbled page lay on the desk, either gibberish or a language with which he was completely unfamiliar. On the little bed sat a handful of forlorn-looking stuffed toys, looking as though someone in a hurry had casually thrown them there. There was nothing to indicate what had happened to the inhabitants. Meanwhile, downstairs, Seren had located a good canvas knapsack hanging on the back of the kitchen door. It would be a lot more efficient than her plastic bags for carrying supplies. She felt somewhat guilty about absconding with it, and decided she would leave a note for the homeowners, in case they ever returned. She seriously doubted it would really be a problem, but she didn't want to feel a total vandal. What do we need? she pondered their situation. Food would be good, and a pot or pan to cook in, some utensils. What else? She tried to remember the last time she had gone camping. Blankets or sleeping bags; maybe Daffyd will find that upstairs. You don't have to camp out, a voice in her head suggested. śI'm not staying in a house full of dead people,” she said out loud, and jumped at the sound of her voice. Maybe it's just an empty house. Maybe you've just seen one scary movie too many. Or written one horror novel too many! A laugh very like Vincent Price's drifted through her memory. She shuddered and then laughed. Vincent Price had always been one of her most favorite actors. She thought the voice might have a point about her novels, though. One critic had referred to her as a ŚStephanie King wannabe'. Seren had sent a note of apology to Stephen King. She had not wanted him to think the phrase was of her doing. As far as moving on or staying put, she would have to talk with her new traveling companion and find out what he thought. It might not be too bad to camp out in the yard, or even the living room, but she had already decided sleeping in the beds upstairs was just too creepy for her, at least right now. While she thought this all through, her hands had been busy moving things from the plastic bags into the sturdy knapsack. Then she folded the bags as small as possible and jammed them into the small pocket on one side of the knapsack. They would probably turn up useful for something; they almost always did. Next, came the pantry. It was dark in there. No window let light in to spoil the food on the shelves, but there seemed to be a light in the ceiling. If she could just find the switch. Her hand fumbled up and down the wall beside the door. An unfamiliar rounded bump under her searching fingers caused her to pause. It didn't feel like the light switches at home, but she wasn't AT home, was she? She tried rolling it, pushing it up, down and side-to-side. Finally, she simply pressed it. It made a little Śtick’ sound, and the room filled with a soft glow. The light was like afternoon sunshine, not like any electric light Seren had ever encountered before. She almost expected to feel heat washing down over her as well, but the light source was cool. It was really rather nice, comforting somehow. She began to feel less tense. Now she could see the whole room clearly. A counter ran around three walls. Below it, cupboard doors hid their wares behind impassive carved faces. Above the counter, shelves lined the walls. There were deep shelves along two walls, a shallower set on the last wall. The shallow ones held bottles and jars of what appeared to be an assortment of home canning. The labels were neatly printed in an alphabet, or possibly pictographs, she really couldn't be certain, of a language utterly unknown to her. This, more than anything, drove home the fact she really wasn't anywhere near home. Seren was no fool, nor was she uneducated or ignorant. These labels were in no Earth language, she was certain. The letters, or whatever they were, weren't Cyrillic, were nothing like the Oriental languages, nor even the pothooks and swirls of Arabic languages. They were simply, utterly, alien. She began to search the cupboards methodically. Upstairs, Daffyd continued his own exploration. The remaining doors led to two more bedrooms and a linen closet. The two bedrooms were quite large. One had two tiers of bunks and an assortment of dressers and desks. A collection of toys and models suggested the room had been shared by at least three people of vastly varying ages or interests. There were toy vehicles he could not identify. They might have been tiny farm equipment or they might have been military vehicles. His own childhood had been so focused on music that he'd never had time for these sorts of things. Then he had lost all interest when puberty struck and he had developed a whole new set of problems to occupy his mind. One bottom bunk was strewn with small stuffed animals similar to those in the smaller bedroom. A desk under one window held a globe of a world similar to his own but with subtle differences. He toyed with it for a moment, watching it spin. It was mounted so that it rotated vertically, the poles appearing off to the sides. The desk also held what appeared to be schoolbooks written in a language he did not recognize. This surprised him somewhat because he was fluent in several tongues and could hobble along in a few others. Pictures and diagrams in one served to identify a math or possibly a science text. Other books had too many words and not enough graphics for him to guess at their content. The other bedroom appeared to be a master bedroom shared by a man and a woman, judging by the clothes in the closet. He marveled over this for a moment. The clothes were neatly separated and organized. Two dressers also contained male and female garments, one dresser for each. A dressing table with a mirror and a chair stood against one wall. Nearby stood a simple straight back chair, a man's sweater thrown casually across the seat. Taking up most of one side of the room was a king-size bed. The far side was close to a window that looked out over the front yard. There was enough room to walk around the bed, but only just. The blankets had been carelessly thrown back and were covered with dust, as was everything else he'd encountered. He looked again at the big bed, the dressers, the closets, and frowned thoughtfully. As he turned to leave, he noticed something unusual. All the rooms had had paintings on the walls; landscapes like the ones in the art room. He had given them a cursory glance but hadn't really looked at them closely. Now he approached one and stared intently at it. He reached out a cautious finger and ran it across the frame first, then the painting itself. His finger came away spotlessly clean. The colors of the painting gleamed brightly, undimmed by dust or grime. He examined the other paintings in the room. They too were curiously free of the ubiquitous dust. He retraced his path through the other rooms and the hallway, checking all the paintings on the walls. None held so much as a single mote of dust. Now why is that? He wondered. He started down the stairs, intent on his own thoughts. He failed to hear the sound of a door quietly opening downstairs. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 5 śHe was supposed to be here an hour ago!” The theater manager was fuming. The orchestra had been sitting, essentially twiddling its collective thumbs, waiting for the conductor to arrive for rehearsal. This was their first meeting with ap Owen, and the musicians were all eager to see if the Great Man was all he was reputed to be. śWhat do you want me to do about it?” whined his assistant. śHe's not at his hotel. He doesn't have any boyfriends in town. Or girlfriends, for that matter,” he added after a thoughtful pause. You never could tell with these creative people. The manager looked at him with distaste. śHow dare you suggest such a thing! Ap Owen is extremely well regarded, and your casting aspersion on his character is unbecoming, at best. Still, if he thinks we're going to pay him three quarters of a million not to be here, he can think again!” He paced anxiously, anger warring with concern. śBut where can he be?” Not turning up for a rehearsal without ample warning was unheard of for Daffyd ap Owen. He was one of the world's most respected and sought after conductors. It was rumored he could craft an orchestra to make angels weep with joy, in a single afternoon, even if the musicians had never played together before. Right now, the Place-des-Arts orchestra members were restless. Monsieur Balmont, the manager, had had the option of pacing and fuming, but the musicians had been sitting in one place for over an hour. Finally, the First Cellist rose to his feet and approached the frazzled M. Balmont. The manager looked at him in irritation. śWhat is it?” he snapped. śExcuse me, m'sieu', but we have been waiting an age for the illustrious Mr. ap Owen. The lunch hour is almost upon us. Might we be dismissed for a time to get something to eat, walk around.... śHe looked hopefully at M. Balmont, who was prevented from snarling a reply by his assistant's restraining hand on his shoulder. Balmont reconsidered his reply. The request wasn't that unreasonable. śWhy don't you and the others go backstage and wait there. In case you forgot, where ap Owen goes, there is ample food and drink for everyone. You might as well start in on the buffet.” He bared his teeth in what was intended as a smile but looked more like a death's head. The musician acknowledged this unprecedented generosity with a graceful nod. He had understood that there would be refreshments every day during the conductor's three week stint, but he hadn't expected to be allowed to sample it without ap Owen being there. He hurried back to the orchestra pit to share the good news. In a matter of minutes, instruments were set aside and a mob of disgruntled players was descending on the splendid spread backstage. The long tables were laden with platters, plates, and bowls of food, ordinary and exotic. Two trestles, draped in linen, held cold items: meat trays, cheeses, salads, fruit, breads, and seafood. A third was for hot dishes, with three young waiters ready to carve the roast beef or turkey, to serve the soup, and to dish out the rice or vegetables. A bar stood in one corner, with a generous assortment of soft drinks, and a selection of wine. Everyone stood in awed silence at the sumptuousness of it all. Josée Malenfant, the First Violin, turned to the Second Trombone, Darren Johnson. śMa!” she exclaimed. śThis is quite the feast, enh?” śThat's for sure!” he agreed enthusiastically. śI hear ap Owen does this everywhere he goes.” ś'E paid for this?” she said in surprise. śWhy, I t'ought the t'eater did this for Śim!” śOh, no,” said Darren. śap Owen likes to reward his musicians. He claims happy, well-fed performers make for a happy, well-fed performance. Or so I've heard.” He picked up a china plate from the stack on a serving table. Josée followed suit. They joined the queue. ś'Ave you work with Śim before?” she asked, helping herself to a lobster tail. śNo. I met him once, though, in New York. My brother plays French horn with one of the orchestras there, and ap Owen was the guest conductor. My brother has worked with him quite a bit. He says that ap Owen drives you harder than you think you can stand"he's very demanding"but he makes it worthwhile.” He put one piece of smoked salmon on his plate, and wolfed down a second. śIt was my brother that told me about this.” He waved a hand to indicate the generous supply of delectables. śIt must cost Śim a fortune,” said Josée, taking it all in. One of the oboe players overheard and commented, śYes, I'm sure it does, but do you know how much he makes in a week? He can afford this, no sweat.” śBut still!” she exclaimed. When she had heard there was to be a buffet, she had expected the meat and cheese trays, perhaps some crackers and rolls, and juice or other soft drinks. Nothing had prepared her for the lobster, the caviar, and the wine. Nor had she expected the linen tablecloths, the china plates, and the heavy silverware. This was magnificent. śI heard they're paying him three quarters of a million for the three weeks,” someone said. śHow can they afford that?” śBecause when he's here, they can charge whatever they want. Some of those seats will go for a hundred, easy.” He popped an olive into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. śLook, the Place holds about thirty thousand people, am I right?” Nods greeted this. śAnd it's already sold out for all performances. Even if you average the tickets at around seventy-five a head, that's two and a quarter million per performance. That's a lot of money. Is it worth less than one to make over eighteen, when all's said and done? I think so.” śYou're not counting the one show he does at the regular price,” said the Timpanist. śIt's sold out, too, though, and that still brings in around half a million. I'm telling you, he's worth the money.” śWhy does he do that one cheap show? I mean, who's going to pay seventy-five or a hundred to see him, when they can get in for fifteen or twenty?” śI heard him say in an interview that his music isn't just for the rich. The people who go to the cheap show have to bring pay stubs to prove their income is below thirty-five grand a year. He's covered the loopholes as well as he can, I guess. In any case, his contract specifies at least one regular price concert, even if it means a cut in his own salary.” śI Śad no idea Śe was so generous,” Josée shook her head in admiration. śYou don't know the half of it,” said the Third Trombone. Everyone looked at her expectantly. She sipped her wine, then said, śSeveral years ago, I was the First, actually, Only Trombone, in a small town orchestra. Really, we were not much more than a band. This was in the middle of absolute nowhere. The town had a population of maybe three thousand people, if you counted all the surrounding farmers. śOne day, we heard a rumor that ap Owen was coming to our dinky little theater. Naturally, we thought someone had gone delusional, but a week later, the rumor was that he had settled in at Mae Foster's boarding house.” She tasted her drink again, and continued, śWe came in that Wednesday afternoon to rehearse a new song, and there he was, wearing jeans, mind you, and a plaid shirt. He looked like a local yokel, except for that ... presence. He was standing with Ray Bob, our conductor, talking and laughing. You could have knocked the rest of us down with a feather.” A flurry of questions filled the air. śHow did you get him? How could such a small town afford him? What did you do? What did he do?” She held up her hand. śI'm getting there,” she said. śIt seems he takes a couple of weeks once or twice a year, and chooses some little hole-in-the-wall town and goes there. For fun, I guess. I don't really know why. But he showed Ray Bob some tricks he knew, and he worked with us for two weeks. He even bought us new instruments with his own money, and he didn't get us cheap stuff, either.” She looked around, as if defying anyone to call her a liar. śWhen the weekend came for the show, I tell you we were some good! He directed a couple of shows, but he mostly just sat in the audience with everyone else and watched Ray Bob do his bit. He even paid for his ticket!” She shook her head in remembrance. śHe's more than generous. He's an amazing man. And you know what else? Even with all his fame and money, he acted like a regular person. We had him to supper one night, and he was such good company! Oh, we all chatted till the wee hours, and laughed like loons. He looks so hoity-toity, but he's very down-to-earth and nice.” śNow I want to meet him even more,” said the Flautist. śI hope he gets here soon.” śI Śope nothing bad Śas Śappen,” said Josée. The conversation wandered off into other topics as they ate and drank their fill at Daffyd's expense. Many in the music business preferred to be affiliated with a particular theater. They enjoyed the security of regular paychecks and the comfort of knowing each member of the orchestra. Others, like Daffyd, preferred the challenge of being a free agent. He took great pride and pleasure in his ability to bend almost any group of musicians to his will, to weave their individual efforts into a harmonious blend of glorious sound. He would coax, cajole, sometimes intimidate and threaten to achieve his goal. The players would listen to themselves being drawn to heights they had never dreamed they could reach, and marveled at his skill. For this reason, he was greatly in demand. His appearance at the Place des Arts was quite the coup. But he had apparently vanished without a trace somewhere between his hotel and the theater. No one had seen him after the doorman had unsuccessfully tried to hail him a cab. He had set out for the theater, so said the hotel doorman when questioned by a gofer sent to find the conductor. He, the doorman, had noticed a cab discharging a passenger down the block, and he had seen ap Owen running toward it. He assumed he'd made it, because moments later the cab had pulled away with another passenger, and the famous conductor was nowhere to be seen. What other logical conclusion could be drawn? The theater manager was becoming frantic. Calls to ap Owen's agent had produced nothing, calls to his personal communicator, which he always had with him, met with the message that the communicator was out of range, and that had been an hour ago! From Montreal, ap Owen's communicator should have been in range from the Arctic to the equator, and from Saskatchewan to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It was unthinkable he'd gotten out of range in a matter of minutes. He sat down with his head in his hands. He supposed the police would have to be notified"an idea that had all the appeal of walking barefoot on a carpet of slugs. He didn't need this, didn't want it, and fervently wished the fires of damnation on ap Owen's head. Then he reached for the vidphone to contact the police. * * * * Seren Baker's children were becoming increasingly worried. The youngest was close to tears, convinced that her bratty behavior of the morning had driven her mother to run away from home. The oldest was too concerned with having the heavy responsibility of being head of the household to comfort her sister. The middle children, a pair of sixteen-year-old boy-girl twins, were taking turns trying to help the other two. Right now, Matthew was doing his best to reassure Meggie that she could never be so bad that Mum would run away. He was having a hard time, because, just lately Meg's behavior had been such that he had wanted to run away, or at least sell Meg to a circus or something. Mum kept saying it was just puberty rearing its ugly head, and that, REALLY, Meggie would grow out of it. But Matthew had his doubts. His twin, Theodora, who preferred to be called, simply, Theo, was sitting with their older sister. Karina, at nineteen, had recently finished her first year of university, and was now on summer holidays, working at a small law office, as a general assistant, gofer, and aide. She lived at home, paid a small amount of rent to her mother, and was in on all the financial ins and outs that related to running the house and supporting a family. She knew she could handle things for a little while. Seren took weeklong business trips several times a year, leaving Karina in charge. But all those times, Karina knew where Seren was, and how to get in touch with her, and when she'd be back. Now, no one seemed to know anything. One of her big fears was that Children's Aid would get involved and take Meggie out of the house. The twins were deemed old enough to choose where they would live, but Meggie was only eleven. Karina hoped it wouldn't come to that, but the fear gnawed at her, adding its power to the fear about her mother. Something must have happened. Police had found Seren's car keys under the trunk of the car, as though she had tossed them, or dropped them as she was falling. Karina wondered if someone had hidden himself beside the car and had grabbed her as she came around the back. But all the witnesses said she had just vanished. Karina's mind refused to consider this as a possibility. She put her head down on her folded arms, her thick hair hiding her from the world. She was aware of Theo's arm across her shoulders, her hand patting Karina's back in a manner so like their mother's that the older girl gave way to her fears and wept. * * * * In the pantry of the deserted house, Seren lifted her head as if listening to a distant sound. A frown creased her forehead. śI'm okay, honey,” she whispered. śI'm okay. I'll be home as soon as I find out how to get there.” Her throat tightened with unshed tears; her eyes burned. For a wild moment, she entertained the idea of tapping her sneaker heels together while repeatedly reciting, śThere's no place like home.” She laughed quietly to herself. Be nice if it would work, she thought, and then wondered if it might be worth a try. It was certainly no more offbeat and strange than what had already happened today. She went back to examining the contents of the pantry cupboards. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 6 Protoleader Gerri Reznik plodded along the road. Counselor Rapsim ba Sharaval was close behind, almost trotting to keep up with her longer strides. He was grateful that she wasn't really powering along or he would have had to jog to keep up. He preferred not to have to do that. He continued to scan with his multi. It stubbornly insisted they were not on any known star map and that they were in a non-existent time. Even Rapsim, as experienced a traveler as he was in multi-dimensional space, was having difficulty with the concept of no time. The scenery was excruciatingly dull. The endless plain stretched off to their left, the tall grasses gently undulating in the breeze. A hillside of trees rose on the right. It seemed to go up for quite a distance and was much too steep to want to climb to see what might be on the other side. The multi gave no more information than that which was patently obvious. The only life signs it showed, besides their own, were the other people on the road and in the field. There were no birds in the forest, no small animals scampering in the undergrowth, no bugs trudging industriously up a tree, not even a worm wriggling through the dark earth. Reznik reached down suddenly and grabbed Rapsim's shoulder. śAim your doohickey over there,” she said, pointing across a space where the road curved in the distance. From where she was standing, all she could make out was the dazzling glitter of sunlight on water, somewhere on the far side of the road over there. Something about it seemed contrived, artificial, and she wished she had been carrying her helmet with her when they had been whooshed off on this magical mystery tour. A Recruit Mission helmet had a visor with multiple modes of vision, including infrared, ultraviolet and distance. Rapsim aimed his device and squinted at the read out. śIt's some kind of waterway,” he said. She glared and rolled her eyes, but held her tongue. śIt seems to be man"or whatever"made ... seems to be some sort of concrete course, and the water is coming from an underground source at that end.” He waved in the general direction. I can't tell where it leads, though.” śWell, let's go check it out. You want to cut through the field or stick to the road?” He looked down at the grass that came up to his forehead. It had left him feeling more than a little disoriented and claustrophobic. śLet's stay on the road, shall we? We'll make better time here, anyhow.” Reznik smiled inwardly and agreed. They resumed their trek. * * * * The doorman of the Sheraton Hotel was nervous. He had never been questioned by the Surêté before for anything and he knew they thought his story was a little strange. The officer on the other side of the table smiled pleasantly. śLet's just review this, m'sieur. You saw m'sieur ap Owen running for the taxi, yes? You looked away as someone bumped into you just as he stumbled and when you looked back, the taxi was pulling away with a passenger you assumed was ap Owen.” śYes. That's it exactly.” The policeman sighed. The doorman had no reason to lie. Neither did the taxi driver or the passengers"the one who had just gotten out and the one who had hopped in immediately after. Both of them remembered seeing the conductor; he was, after all, a big and imposing figure of a man. Neither of them could say where he had gone or what had become of him. The cabbie said he had seen ap Owen in his side mirror, that he had stumbled, fallen and vanished in a flash of light. All of the cabdriver's friends and relatives were being questioned as to the regularity of his use of recreational substances. So far, his reputation was spotless. The only explanation seemed to be that the world-famous conductor had simply vanished off the face of the earth. The impossible had happened and in Captain Ruisseau's precinct! It just wasn't fair. Ap Owen's agent and manager were frothing with rage at what they considered to be the ineptitude of the Montreal Police Department. Political pressure was being brought to bear and the Chief was in an uproar. It didn't help that the Quebec Provincial Police were being called in, as if to underscore Ruisseau's inability to handle the investigation. The QPP were operating on the assumption that international kidnappers had somehow nabbed him right off the street, despite the lack of any evidence supporting the theory. Ruisseau supposed it made more sense than the cabdriver's assertion, though. The whole thing was a huge headache that the good Captain would much rather not have. He stood up from the table and told the doorman he was free to leave. He returned to his office, closing the door firmly behind him. He opened the bottom drawer of his filing cabinet and took out a bottle he hadn't opened in many months. He poured a generous amount in his coffee cup, returned the bottle to its hiding place, and sipped the whiskey thoughtfully. If he could solve this case.... * * * * Llewellyn ap Owen, a robust man in his late eighties, reached for the telephone as it shrilled for the second time. śYes?” he said into the receiver. Unlike most of his neighbors, he had refused to upgrade to a vidphone, preferring the machines of a decade ago. śMay I speak with Mr. ap Owen?” said an unfamiliar voice. śSpeaking,” said Llewellyn. śThis is Captain Ruisseau of the Montreal Urban Police. Are you the father of Daffyd ap Owen, the conductor?” The voice had a carefully neutral tone Llewellyn did not care for. śYes,” he replied, wondering what it was all about. śHas something happened to Daffyd?” śWe don't know for certain,” replied the policeman. śHas he been in touch with you recently?” śHe called two nights ago to tell me he had arrived in Montreal. Please tell me what is going on.” Worry and anger struggled for first place in his heart. śMr. ap Owen, I regret to inform you that your son has disappeared. He left his hotel yesterday morning, but did not make it to rehearsal, nor has he returned to the hotel. No one has seen him since then.” Llewellyn sat down heavily. For Daffyd to miss rehearsal was unthinkable. He was never even late, unless something catastrophic happened. He had been caught in an earthquake in San Francisco once, and had called the hall to tell them he would be delayed. Llewellyn began to be very concerned. śIf you hear from him, please contact me immediately.” The Captain gave Llewellyn his office and home numbers. He wanted ap Owen to be able to reach him at any time, night or day. śYes, certainly. Of course.” Llewellyn wrote down the digits in his precise hand. He hung up the phone and stared at it for a few minutes. Then he picked it up and dialed from memory. Across the continent, a phone rang. śHello?” said a woman's voice. śRhee? It's Dad,” said Llewellyn. śDad! Hi. What's up?” Rhiannon was surprised to hear from him on a Wednesday morning. They usually chatted on Saturday nights. śHave you heard from Daffyd?” he asked. śNo, not since he left for Montreal. Is something wrong, Dad?” Worry sidled into her consciousness. śI'm not sure. I just had a call from the Montreal police. Daffyd's gone missing.” śMissing? How? When?” Her mouth went dry. śThey said he didn't turn up for rehearsal yesterday. Listen, Rhee. Do you think Morgyn has any contacts up there?” Llewellyn asked, grabbing at straws. Perhaps if Morgyn could reach a colleague, she might get information not readily available to the general public. śI don't know, Dad,” said Rhiannon. śBut I'll ask her. You know how much she loves her Uncle Daffyd. If there's anything she can find out, or anything, I'll let you know right away. I'll call her right now.” śThank you, Rhee. I'll let you go, then.” He hung up. Rhiannon looked up the number of the police station where her daughter was a patrol officer, and punched it in. The desk sergeant answered. śJohn? Rhiannon ap Owen here. Is Morgyn around?” she asked. śShe just went out on the street, Rhee. Is there anything I can do for you?” he asked. śGet her to call me as soon as she can, would you? My brother has gone missing in Montreal.” She hadn't meant to blurt it out to anyone before talking to Morgyn; it had simply fallen out of her mouth. śDo you want me to tell her he's missing, or just to call?” asked the Sergeant. śI don't know, John. I'm so upset, I can't think straight. My father just called from Kansas. The Montreal police just told him. It's just not like Daffyd to run off somewhere.” She paced back and forth in her kitchen. śI'll pass on your message, Rhee. I think I'll break it to her, if that's all right. And I'll try to reach some of the folks I know up that way. Maybe I can find something out for you.” śThanks, John,” Rhiannon made a few more polite comments and broke the connection. She sat at the kitchen table, her coffee growing cold in front of her and thought about her brother. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 7 Seren had exhausted the possibilities of the lower cupboards and was now inspecting the upper ones. They proved to be well stocked with boxes, packages, and cans. Some of the labels had clear pictures of the contents but others had what appeared to be fancy logos and more of the indecipherable print. She didn't want to load the knapsack with cans but they were the easiest to understand and there was a good variety. She didn't fancy opening the other packages and boxes to find out what they contained. She was a little leery of meat products, though. It was too hard to tell dog food from corned beef. She stretched to relieve her cramping muscles and yawned prodigiously. It must be getting late, she thought. She had been on her way home to make supper and she had been in this place for hours, what with all the walking, the impromptu picnic and then more walking. She must have been here in the pantry for a good hour. Just as she decided she should go track Daffyd down, he appeared in the doorway. She jumped. śHoly shit!” she exclaimed and laughed shakily. śYou scared me half to death!” śI'm sorry. I didn't mean to.” His smile barely moved his lips, but crinkled the corners of his eyes. śI thought you would have heard me coming. Are you all right?” śYes. I'm fine. I think the danger of heart attack is past. But don't do that. Whistle or something, let me know you're around. Man!” She smiled to take any possible sting out of her words. śDid you find anything useful?” śPerhaps not so much useful as interesting. And puzzling. Would you mind coming upstairs with me? I'd like your opinion on a few things.” śSure. I need a break, anyway. And maybe take a nap. I was hoping for some camping gear somewhere. I don't fancy lying out in the night in just this.” She gestured at her clothes. He looked at her sharply. śSay that again!” śSay what? I don't want to sleep outside in a strange world without a tent. How's that?” śNo ... you said, Ślying out in the night'. What time do you suppose it is by now?” śI haven't a clue. It looked to be about noon here when I arrived. The sun was pretty high. I'd guess we've been here about four or five hours. But don't quote me on that.” She leaned against the counter behind her. śWhy?” śBecause I agree with you. It did appear to be about noon when we met. Four or five hours seems a good estimate ... we walked a long time ... and then we've been here quite a while. The sun should have moved substantially by now, Seren. But look outside.” She pushed past him into the deceptively shadowy kitchen, remembered the trees shading this side of the house, and went on through the dining room to the living room. She looked out the window. Clouds were beginning to scud across the sky, but the sun was still there, its position unchanged as far as Seren could tell. śWhat does it mean?” she asked. He shook his head. śI don't know. I just noticed it myself. Come on, I want to show you something.” He turned away and stopped abruptly, holding out an arm to keep her back. The door at the far end of the living room was open. Something moved suddenly beyond the open door. They looked at each other. Then both gestured to the other to be silent. Seren grinned, despite her anxiety, and they crept toward the open door. Daffyd pushed it firmly so it swung all the way open. Bright sunlight fell through one window, dust motes dancing merrily in the light, disappearing when a cloud cast its shadow and reappearing a moment later. The glare of the sun made the shadows in the corners darker, more mysterious. Seren squinted against the brightness, hoping to be able to make out more detail. As their eyes adjusted, they could see the room appeared to be an office or a study of some kind. There was a desk against one wall, its companion chair snugged into the kneehole. Another window with the curtains closed was just above it. Beside the other window stood a four-drawer filing cabinet. A comfortable looking couch with a coffee table was across the room from the cabinet. There was a brightly colored afghan thrown across the back of the couch. A sudden small sound came from beside the filing cabinet. Seren and Daffyd both turned quickly and strained their eyes to see into the gloom of that corner. Daffyd stepped closer for a better look. He stopped in amazement. A young child crouched fearfully between the cabinet and the wall. Daffyd gestured to Seren who joined him in stunned silence. Where had the child come from? How had it been surviving? Where had all the adults gone? What to do now? All these questions bounced between them, unspoken but understood. The child stared back with huge frightened eyes. It squeezed itself even farther into the corner. Seren crouched down a short distance away and held out her hands. śCome on out, honey,” she spoke in the soothing tones used by mothers since the beginning of time. śWe won't hurt you.” The little waif cringed away from her. Seren looked over her shoulder at Daffyd. śGo in the kitchen and grab a goodie out of the knapsack on the table. Maybe we can lure him, or her, out of there with food.” Daffyd nodded his understanding and went to look for something to use as bait. Seren returned her attention to the corner. Not knowing whether the child even understood English, she continued speaking in a soft voice. śIs this your house, baby? I'm sorry if we scared you. We found this house and we needed some things. I wish we could find someone who could tell us where we are or how we got here.” She sighed. The child crouched in her nook. śI don't even know how long we've been here.” She smiled sadly. śI just want to go home.” śSo do I.” The voice was so quiet, so timid that Seren almost thought she had imagined it. She stared into the shadows. śI want to go home, too,” came the quiet whisper. The child edged a bit closer. Seren pretended disinterest and glanced out the window. The clouds were getting darker and it looked as if a storm were brewing. She almost thought she heard laughter in the distant rumbles of thunder. Daffyd, just returning from the kitchen with an orange in his hand, paused outside the door when he saw the success Seren was having. He waited to see what would happen next, not wanting to alarm the child by bursting in on them. He quietly backed away a few steps where he could listen without intruding. He heard Seren ask, śWhat's your name?” A murmur in response, then Seren again. śStephanie? No? Say it again. Oh! That's a nice name. How old are you, Devany? Seven? Well, you're getting to be quite a big ... person, aren't you?” She had hesitated because she was still uncertain about the child's gender. She thought the name was a girl's name but so many unusual names could be either/or. The clothing, what she could make out in the increasing gloom, was as unisex as an outfit could be, consisting of sweat pants, a plain T-shirt, and sneakers. All the garments were devoid of any decoration whatsoever. She wondered how to ask without having the child thinking she was the least intelligent creature ever to walk the face of the earth. Instead, she craned her neck to look back over her shoulder. śI wonder where Daffyd is,” she said. śHe's supposed to be bringing something good to eat. Are you hungry?” Devany nodded and edged closer. Outside the door, Daffyd thought, There's my cue. He called out to alert them to his presence. śI'm just coming, Seren.” He walked into the room, holding out the orange. śHere. These looked good.” He smiled briefly. śThank you, Daffyd,” Seren replied, reaching for the fruit. Devany eyed the orange uncertainly from her haven. śWhat is it?” she asked. śIt's an orange,” said Seren. śI can see that it's orange,” said Devany. śBut what is it?” śI just told you. It's an.... śSeren stopped herself before the whole conversation degenerated into a poor man's version of Who's on First by Abbott and Costello. śHaven't you ever seen one before?” she asked instead. śNo.” śOh. Well, it's fruit. We call it an orange because of its color, or maybe the color is named after the fruit. Never mind.” She laughed at herself. She was descending into babble mode again. śLook, Devany. You peel off the skin and eat the insides. Watch out for seeds, though. They're not very nice to bite into.” She peeled as she spoke. Devany crept from her hiding place to watch. Seren broke the orange in two and pulled off a segment. Then she held the segment to the waning light from the window to look for seeds before giving it to the child. Devany examined it carefully, turning it this way and that before taking a tentative nibble. Juice squirted, surprising her. Seren smiled. śIt's okay. Watch.” She pulled off another segment, popped it into her mouth and chewed. Devany followed suit. As the tart-sweet taste flooded her mouth, her face underwent a rapid series of expressions. It was all Daffyd and Seren could do to keep from laughing out loud as surprise, sour face and delight chased each other over Devany's fine features. śCan I have some more?” Devany asked after she swallowed the first piece. Seren fed the rest of the orange a segment at a time to the hungry child. Devany licked the juice from sticky fingers. śThat was really good! It tasted just like the juice we drink at home, only better. Where did you get it?” śI bought some at the store before I ... came here,” Seren told her. śWhat's a store?” asked the child. Seren and Daffyd exchanged glances. śIt's a place where you can buy things,” Seren began, but was immediately interrupted. śWhat does Śbuy’ mean?” Daffyd joined in. śIt means to trade something of value for something else of equal value that you want more. We use money. How do you get the things you need?” She looked at him uncomprehendingly. śFood and clothing and things,” he clarified. Seren and Daffyd exchanged a very long glance. For the first time, they began to think Devany wasn't from the world they knew. Perhaps she was from a distant future time; a time perhaps centuries from their almost shared Śnow'. śDevany,” said Seren. śDo you know when your birthday is? What year you were born?” śOf course I do! I'm not a defective, you know.” The look suggested that Devany thought Seren might be. śMy birthday is day 235 and I was born in the 28th year, New Era.” Daffyd studied the design in the carpet as if the mysteries of the universe would be revealed there. Seren stared blankly at Devany. śDo you know what year it was in the old era, before the New Era started?” śYe-e-e-e-s.” More and more, Devany's expression suggested that she was probably dealing with defectives of the least developed kind. śIt was one thousand, nine hundred and forty-five.” Seren looked up at Daffyd, who stared back into her eyes. Here was something new to consider. When they had met and found out they were from different times, well that was not too bad. It was weird but manageable. Now, here was this child from what appeared to be 1980, but not a world that either of them recognized. The realization that travelers were coming from different realities as well different times made the prospect of getting home more remote than ever. A sudden loud spatter of rain against the window startled them. They jumped when lightning flashed and thunder boomed. Devany cried out in fear and when Seren held out her arms, the child fell into them, trembling. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 8 The long walk in the heat of the unmoving sun had left Reznik feeling hot and sweaty. After all, she had been dressed for a Mission, and Recruit ships were notorious for being kept at the minimum Ścomfort’ temperature. Each species could keep personal quarters warmer or cooler than the rest of the ship, depending on personal preference. They would dress accordingly the rest of the time. This mission crew comprised humans, Sharv and Poltari. The latter were from a planet that had been in an ice age for countless millennia and showed no signs of thawing any time soon. As a result, the Poltari had evolved thick furry coats to protect themselves from the elements, and they were not comfortable in warmer climates. This meant that Gerri Reznik had been preparing for subfreezing temperatures. She had donned a layer of thermosilk, covering her from neck to toes. Over this she wore a suit of woolfelt and then her outer uniform, including thermgloves. She had just put on her boots when Rapsim had turned up at her door. He wasn't going to be Mission Counselor this trip and he wanted to be sure that Reznik, his protégéé, was comfortable with his replacement. He was convinced no one understood her as well as he did or could advise her as well as he could. On the other hand, Reznik was chafing to be out from under Rapsim's watchful eye. He had recruited her and had been her mentor and friend from the beginning. She felt she could talk to him about anything, but sometimes you needed to get out on your own and discover your own talents and flaws. They had had a brief conversation during which Reznik had reassured the little man that she liked the mission advisor, Shaya, perfectly well, and that she had no qualms in talking with a Sharv, should the need arise. They had left her quarters and were on their way to Shaya's office to drop off Reznik's personal disk when the ship had apparently lurched. At least, that's what it had felt like. Rapsim had been thrown off balance and had grabbed at Reznik's leg for balance. They had both fallen then, and landed on the grassy plain. Now they stood gazing at the waterway. It consisted of a series of concrete Śsteps', each measuring 30 feet across and 10 feet front to back. The drop from step to step was around 6 inches. The water flowed out of an apparent spring in the hillside and rushed over the concrete, chuckling to itself as it spilled down the course. A hundred or so yards from its origin, the water disappeared into a grate that stretched across the end of the mysterious channel. Neither of them could begin to guess its purpose. It seemed awfully wasteful instead of just running an underground pipe. Rapsim examined it with his multi and pronounced the water clean and fit for use. Reznik cheered and quickly shed two layers of clothing. She folded it and put her boots on top of the pile. Then, clad in her thermosilk undersuit, she waded out into the middle of one of the steps. The water gurgled and splashed around her ankles, just deep enough to cover her feet. It felt deliciously cool. She sighed delightedly and stretched herself out full length on her back with her head upstream. The water ran over and around her, cooling and refreshing. She stared up at the cloudless blue of the sky and relished the feel of her impromptu bath. Rapsim sat quietly beside the pile of Reznik's clothing and waited for her to be done. He had known her long enough to recognize when she needed Śalone’ time. It wasn't necessary for her to physically isolate herself, but sometimes she needed to feel alone, to tune out everything around her. This was her method to restore her spirit and sanity. Speaking to her now would only lead to her ignoring him for the next several hours in retaliation. So Rapsim sat and waited. Reznik stretched her arms out to the side, making a T of herself. The water, finding her a living dam, backed up a little and flowed over and around the barrier of her arms. She opened and closed her legs, flapping her arms slowly up and down like a child making snow angels. She found it curiously restoring. Suddenly she sat up and looked over at Rapsim. His attention was once again directed at the multi. She folded her legs and sat in the water, thinking. śRap,” she said. śMmmmmmm?” he murmured, looking up at her. śI was thinking,” she said. śYes?” śWell, somebody must have built this, right? Now, you'd think that they'd want the water to go someplace where it would be of some use, right? AND you'd think if they can build something like this, they must have a pumping station somewhere, and it must have a power source that you might be able to use to boost the multi with. You think?” He studied her for a long moment, frowning in thought. śYes. I suppose you have a good point, Rez. But how shall we locate it? I don't think I want to squeeze through the grille down there, and there's certainly no access at the other end.” His words were accompanied by gestures to indicate the sites in question. śWe can use your multi to find out if that grille leads to an underground pipe or lake or whatever. If it's a pipe, we can follow to wherever it leads. The multi should be able to track it, right?” She held out her hands in a Śvoil ’ gesture. śWe're bound to hit civilization sooner or later.” He nodded. śWell get out of the fountain, or whatever it is, and let's go look.” She rose gracefully to her feet and walked down the gently sloping steps. As she went, she called over her shoulder, śBring my clothes with you, will you, Rap?” He sighed and gathered up her things. Sometimes he longed for the days when she had looked up to him, and wasn't quite so casual in her treatment of him. On the other hand, they were much more on equal footing now, and in many ways had a much better relationship. He followed her down to the grating. They stared down into the darkness between the silvery bars. The bars made a complex pattern of diamond shapes, none more than two inches at its widest. The entire grille stretched the full width of the waterway and was about two feet across. Judging by the sound, the water fell quite some distance before striking bottom. They could hear it splashing and gurgling far below. Rapsim changed the settings on the multi to scan below ground. He frowned at the results. Reznik tried peering over his shoulder, an easy enough task, given that she was almost two feet taller. However, he had set the multi to print information in his native language. She had learned to speak it, but had never mastered the written form. śWell?” she said, annoyed at having to ask. He continued looking at the results for a few moments before replying. śIt seems that there is a large chamber below us. Large bore pipes lead off in three directions; that way,” he pointed back the way they had come. śThat way,” he gestured along the road before them, where it turned to the right past the grille. śAnd that way,” his hand waved toward the grassy plain. They stared. śI'm telling you right here and now that I am not going back through that. I've been developing a very serious antipathy,” she savored the word. śFor that damnable field.” śI quite agree,” he said. śI didn't care for it much, right from the very beginning. So shall we just continue that way?” śWe might as well. There was nothing back the way we came, not as far as I could see. And your doohickey there didn't pick up any technology, did it?” śNo,” he agreed. śLet's get on, then. Here.” He handed her clothing to her. She put on the outer uniform and boots. She folded the woolfelt garments, pulled a small carryall out of what she laughingly referred to as her Śbatbelt', to Rapsim's mystification. She tucked the warm outfit into the sack and attached it to the back of her belt. She would have it if she needed it but it was out of the way. As it had been designed to do, her thermosilk had dried almost instantly. She was much more comfortable. śLet's go, Rapmeister.” He smiled to himself. Reznik tended to make up nicknames for him as she went along and he often never knew what she would call him next. They were almost always entertaining, though. They set off along the road. Rapsim kept a close watch on the underground waterway that paralleled the road. They discussed whether to stay on the road or follow the water, should the two diverge. For now, both were headed in the same direction and the point was moot, but it made for a lively discussion. * * * * Blagdur struck Graz a blow across the face. śThat didn't work too good, you Stupid! Look! The little one went right to the others!” His claw left an oozing scratch behind it. Graz snarled and snapped back. śFine, then! You're so wonderful, let me see you do better!” śI will! Just watch me.” Blagdur focused his attention again on the project. śFirst to get rid of that.” [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 9 śHow long do you think you've been here, Devany?” Seren asked the child in her lap. A movement outside caught Daffyd's eye. He looked up quickly and saw a ripple move across the sky. A moment later, the sun broke through the clouds that broke up and blew away. In moments, all was as it had been. He frowned and made a mental note to mention it to Seren later. Devany shrugged. śI don't know,” came the reply. śNot very long. I can't tell without a chrono. I had a sleep, though, since I got here but I don't know for how long.” Seren rose and put Devany on the couch with a reassuring smile for her and then conferred quietly with Daffyd. śYou think it's been less than a day?” she asked him. śYes. I'd say so. She would be much hungrier if it had been longer. Besides, there does seem to be quite the influx today. That's my impression, anyway. If this happened all the time, this place would be completely inundated, I would think.” His expression said he was out of any further opinions at the moment. Seren turned back to Devany. śCan you tell us where you landed?” Any information about the surrounding area might prove useful in the near future. śYes, of course.” Devany rose to her feet and went to the window. śYou can just see from here. Look.” She pointed between two trees on the crest of the hill. śSo you saw this house right away,” said Seren. Devany nodded. śYes. I came right here but I couldn't find anyone.” Her diction and vocabulary struck both Seren and Daffyd as curiously unchildlike. They wondered about her world. śI couldn't find any Nannies or Bushkas. I know not to go upstairs so I came in here. I like this room.” She couldn't explain how exposed she had felt being outside in the open field, or how foreign the rest of the house had seemed to her. This little room had seemed the safest place to be. śWhy shouldn't you go upstairs?” asked Daffyd. She gave him her best Śwhat sort of imbecile are you?’ look. śUpstairs is for the older ones. I don't want to get caught by one of them!” Suddenly she switched topics. śMay I have another one of those orange things?” śOf course. Come with me.” Seren held out her hand. Devany stared at her uncomprehendingly. Feeling awkward and a little stupid, Seren dropped her hand to her side. She led the way back to the kitchen where she pulled three more oranges out of her newly acquired knapsack. She handed them around. They sat at the dining table to eat. Seren started peeling Devany's and then gave it to the little girl to try on her own. Devany took great delight in the way the thick skin lifted away from the fruit beneath. Then she marveled at how it divided into segments. She rubbed a clear spot in the dust on the table and tried fitting the pieces of peel back together. Seren had not seen anyone derive so much fun from food since her children were a year or two old. śDevany,” she said. śYou mentioned that you've had orange juice before, but you've never seen an actual orange. That seems strange to me.” śWhy?” śWell, usually the juice comes from the fruit. Don't the bottles or cans have a picture of an orange on them?” The child looked baffled. śI don't know what you mean,” she said. śThe juice is just in cups. To drink. There's no bottle or can.” Seren remembered Devany's mentioning a nanny. śWhere does your nanny get the juice for the cups?” Now Devany was completely confused. Nanny512 opened a slot in the wall and the tray of cups was there; one cup for each child. When they had all finished, the cups and tray went back into the slot. She had never wondered how they got filled or what happened to the empty cups. It was just part of her existence. The same sort of thing applied to meals. Four times a day, the children were herded to the eating hall. Each group sat at a large table with their Nanny at the head. The bowls and spoons were already in place, the bowls filled with warm mush. Sometimes it was a grain-based porridge, other times it might be a mix of beans and vegetables, but so cooked and processed as to be unrecognizable. Devany had never seen fresh fruit or vegetables. In fact, she didn't know that such things existed. She had no need to know. Only the children who would end up as farmers or workers in the food processing plants would learn of these things. Devany's future lay in a less mundane field. She had demonstrated an easy affinity for communication, speaking in small sentences before she was a year old. She had been weaned from her mother then, and taken to this Complex where she was put into the Language Center. She had spent periods of time with different experts, being exposed to a new language for three or four months at a stretch to assess how adaptable she could be. In almost every case she had picked up the rudiments by the end of the allotted time. Apart from her native Russian, English had proved to be the easiest for her to learn, followed by German. However, the State decided she would learn Japanese instead of the almost extinct tongue of the former Third Reich. Therefore, at the age of two and a half, she had been placed with Nanny512. Nanny512 was in charge of a group of sixteen children, ranging in age from Devany's two and a half to Hideo's seven years. They were all learning Russian, English, and Japanese. The children were divided into smaller groups each day, according to each child's ability. The day would be spent using only one of the three languages for all purposes. This meant that when they spoke to each other, or to Nanny512 or any other adult, they would use the language of the day. The younger ones, like Devany, would spend the day with an expert in the language. They would practice their colors, numbers and alphabet, and simple words until they could use small sentences. As time passed, they moved on to more complex sentences and began learning to print their letters or characters. Those who had absorbed all this information then moved on to translating words from one of the languages to the others. From words, they progressed to sentences, learning to express an idea in all three tongues. Their other studies consisted of the history of the New Era; when it began and how much better it was to be living now than in previous times. They learned simple arithmetic, reading, and writing, and had vigorous physical exercise to keep their bodies strong and healthy. They learned nothing about the world that had existed before and little about the world around them beyond what they would need to perform their duties for the State. Their reality was limited to the lower floor of the Complex where the only windows looked into the courtyards and playing fields within the walls. They never saw what lay beyond. Earlier today, Devany and the others in her group had been in one of the exercise yards. It was their daily ninety-minute exercise time outdoors. They were running, climbing, and scrambling over an obstacle course. It was designed to work every muscle group and to provide an aerobic workout, while keeping their minds focused on the task at hand. An occupied mind didn't have time to wander or wonder. Devany's mind, though, was capable of processing several things at once. Therefore, while a part was taking her body over, under, and through the barriers before her, another part was playing. She was imagining that she was an Athlete competing for her Complex. She knew enough to keep this to herself, and to look as though her every fiber was tuned into the exercise, so no one would suspect she was having unregulated thoughts. While she was negotiating a particularly tricky part of the course, trying to swing hand over hand across five rings suspended over a shallow muddy pit, she had lost her grip and fallen. She had landed in the field of grass. She had never seen such a thing in her life"so many long, waving sticks or something. When she saw the house, she felt a surge of relief. There would be a Nanny or ŚSomeone In Charge’ to tell her where she should be, how to get back to her group. But the house had been empty on the ground floor and a lifetime of conditioning prevented her from climbing the stairs. When she had wandered into the office, she found it not unlike Nanny512's private room off their main room. Perhaps this was ŚSomeone In Charge's’ personal space. She might get in trouble for coming in, but if she didn't touch anything, and just stayed put, then someone would find her eventually. She sat on the couch and waited. Finally, her fear and confusion had overwhelmed her and she had slept. Sometime later, footsteps overhead woke her up and she had peeked out the door to see who might be there. Suddenly frightened by the strange voices, and realizing that someone might not understand why she was in their private place, she had tried to hide. Now, talking with Seren and Daffyd, she was beginning to realize they might not be the ŚSomeone In Charge’ she was hoping for. They didn't know any more than she did, or so they acted. It certainly didn't seem likely that they would be able to help her find her way home. She concluded her narration of her arrival here. Seren and Daffyd sat back in their chairs and thought about what they had just heard. The details of Devany's life confirmed for both of them that she was not from a world they recognized. They wondered what it all meant. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 10 Nanny512 counted the children one more time and still came up short by one. She even used the infrared scanner to check nearby rooms, closets, and wall spaces. It wasn't normal for a child to go missing, to disobey the rules. Individuality was carefully eliminated from their make-up as early as possible, but it still often surfaced in the brightest. Devany certainly fit that category. Nanny512 realized she would have to confer with the Sports Supervisor, a task she did not relish. The Sports Supervisor was brilliant at devising games and obstacle courses to challenge the mind and body without allowing any time for free thinking. Of course he was, he had been trained from earliest youth for this position. He had been a child when the New Era began, and was now in his early thirties. He couldn't remember anything else. You could talk to him about his work for hours, but any attempt to direct conversation to anything else almost shut him down. He was a perfect New Era person. Nanny512, on the other hand, had been a woman grown when World War II ended. She remembered the diversity of countries and cultures before the War. She remembered the books, music, and beauty. She also remembered the cold, hunger, and hard times. In that regard, the New Era was much better. No one went hungry, no one lacked for the necessities of life. But, oh, no one read fiction anymore, or painted pictures from their imaginations. Music was allowed once a week. The children would gather in the auditorium and a small orchestra would play Tchaikovsky or other Russian composers. The Germanic influence was eliminated. There was no more Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, and Bach. New music was being composed, but only under State approved conditions and rules. Everything was so controlled now, and a person had to conform if she wanted to remain herself. She, herself had learned this quickly and had become a model New Era Nanny. She had carefully hidden any passions, any creativity she might have. Deep inside, she was still Irina Gorbacheva, the aspiring singer and mother of two. They had been taken from her when the New Era began, their father shot at her feet when he tried to resist. She had given in then, and pretended she thought it was a good thing. She had seen them years later, but they hadn't recognized her and she hadn't dared remind them of the old days. It would only lead to trouble. But they were alive, and as happy as anyone in this brave new world. She looked up at the great seal above the door. It was inscribed with the State Motto"Obedience, Conformity, Duty. The children had been drilled on those concepts from earliest memory. Every morning they were required to face the portrait of the Founder of the New Era and recite their Promise of Patriotism. Not since Piotr, had any of this group shown any signs of initiative or imagination, although Nanny suspected that Devany had at least a spark. She also suspected that the girl had the intelligence to hide it. Her disappearance had caused Nanny512 to have mixed emotions. She was afraid of the consequences for the child when she was found, but a carefully hidden part of her rejoiced that perhaps Devany had escaped. There were still places a person could go, and although she couldn't imagine a seven-year-old child finding them on her own, she prayed and hoped for Devany's safety and freedom. She composed her features and contacted the Sports Supervisor. His face appeared on the small screen on her desk. He was incredibly unhelpful. He thought he had seen a child fall from the rings into the mud, but at the end of the day, none of the group was muddy. The sun or something must have dazzled him. There had been a bright flash of light from some source just then, perhaps it was the sunlight glinting off the metal of the rings. He didn't bother to count the children coming and going. There was no place they were out of his sight during exercise time, no exit besides the one he guarded. Since it was impossible for a child to vanish, she must have wandered off on her way back to her Main Room. Nanny512 broke the connection and contacted her Section Head. She reported the missing child and the Sports Supervisor's claim. The Head smiled grimly and said he would take care of the Supervisor. Nanny nodded politely and waited for the screen to blank out. Then she shuddered to herself. She knew that if Devany were in the building, she would be found. She also knew that she, herself, was off the hook. The children had been escorted from her care to the exercise yard, and back again by a Monitor. Nanny had carefully noted the number going out and the number coming back. The Monitor showed her that the Sports Supervisor had accepted sixteen, and that only fifteen had been returned. The tally sheet showed it clearly. Nanny512 was deeply grateful not to be SS431. She turned to the remaining children. They had gone about their routine without her, for which she was thankful. They had removed their exercise clothes, showered and changed and were now waiting obediently to be taken to their afternoon meal. Nanny put all thoughts of Devany out of her head and, with a nod to the children, led them down the hall. * * * * The Interrogator calmed the Sports Supervisor with a word and a gesture, both of which had been implanted in his subconscious some time ago. Then she sat him in one of the Questioning Chairs. It was actually quite comfortable, being well padded. When it was put back in the reclining position, a footrest rose from the lower portion to support the legs. SS431 was now lying back and beginning to relax even more. The Interrogator moved across the room with a wheeled tray that contained a variety of tools of her trade. She set up behind the Supervisor's head, humming a State-approved song quietly to herself. It helped her to concentrate on the job at hand. This entailed boosting the Supervisor's memory output. So far, the information gathered about the girl's disappearance had been minimal. In SS431's limited consciousness, the child had not been there at the end of the class; therefore she had never been there. It was the Interrogator's duty to tap into the brain of the unfortunate teacher and extract the subconscious memory. No alarms had gone off, so the child had not run off in any conventional manner, or been abducted. But she was nowhere to be found in the entire Complex. If the Interrogator did her job carefully and well, the Supervisor should awaken with nothing more than a headache. If she were careless, well, the Section Head would have to requisition a new Sports Supervisor. Such were the hazards. She had instructions from the Complex Chief herself to get the information, regardless of the cost to SS431. She strapped the teacher firmly into the chair and began the delicate job of inserting the fine wires into the tiny holes drilled into his skull. Ultimately, they would connect to the memory centers of his brain, snaking and worming their way through the gray matter to their destination. Trial and error had shown this to be the most efficient questioning method. The Supervisor was already in the hypnotic state necessary for questioning, thanks to the word and gesture used on his arrival. The Interrogator checked the dials and gauges on her machinery. Everything looked normal. She congratulated herself mentally, and began the session. śDo you know who you are?” she asked. śSports Supervisor 431,” came the dreamy reply. śVery good. Do you know what day it is?” śDay 195 of New Era Year 35.” śVery good. Now go back earlier today when the Language 2112 group came to your area. Can you see them?” śYes.” śDo you see the girl you were asked about earlier? Is she there?” śYes.” śGood. Now watch her and tell me everything she does.” The narrative was dry, lacking any real expression as it described Devany's actions. There were a few moments when the Supervisor had not been looking directly at the child, but he had been peripherally aware of her position. Then she had reached the rings. He saw her swing from the first to the next, and release the grip of one hand to grab the third ring. She had slipped then, fallen, and vanished. śRepeat that part,” said the Interrogator, turning up the power. Sweat beaded on the Supervisor's brow, but all that happened was the memory sharpened somewhat. śShe lost her grip, and fell. I saw a flash of bright light and heard a strange sound. And she was gone.” The Interrogator boosted the power one more time. SS431 cried out, but his story remained unchanged. Slowly, the Interrogator turned the dial lower, easing the teacher out of the danger zone. She would take the recording to the Complex Chief and let her worry about it. If more questioning was needed, the High Comrades could decide. She had done her duty. She gently eased the wires out of SS431's brain. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 11 śIt's your turn,” said the child, looking from Seren to Daffyd and back again. śWhat Centers are you from? How did you get here?” Seren wondered how to explain a grocery store to a child who had no concept of either groceries or stores. Devany's world seemed communist to Seren, but to an extent she had never imagined. She wondered how parents"mothers"could give up their children, and then thought. They probably don't see anything strange about it. She shuddered inwardly. The idea of giving up her babies to a State-run institution filled her with horror. Daffyd, looking at Seren, realized she was lost in thought. He cleared his throat. śI'll go first, then, shall I?” he said. Seren glanced up at him and nodded. śYes, please, Daffyd.” She was curious to hear his story. Devany turned her face toward him with interest. He looked at them, wondering where to begin, what to say. śWell,” he began. śToday started out badly and went downhill....” He had wakened to the sound of the vidphone in his hotel room. He fumbled for it blearily and was greeted by the cheery tones of the hotel clerk whose job it was to make the wake-up call. Unfortunately, the call was an hour early. Daffyd had growled something unintelligible and hung up. For the next twenty minutes, he tried unsuccessfully to resume his interrupted sleep. He had punched the pillows into new and inviting shapes, he had rearranged the blankets, pulling and kicking at them, he had changed position two dozen times. Nothing worked. Finally, disgusted and still tired, he had gotten out of bed and headed for the shower. In the middle of a nice hot downpour, the hot water had suddenly run out, which was unheard of for this hotel. He was instantly subjected to one of the iciest cold showers he had ever had. In his haste to shut off the spray, he had slipped and fallen heavily, knocking the wind out of himself for a few freezing, frightening minutes. Finally, he was able to crawl out of the tub and turn off the cold stream. Shivering and wet, he had wrapped himself in the hotel towels, which were never adequate for a man of his girth. He went in search of his warm bathrobe, the soft wool one lined with thick terrycloth. And of course, that one hadn't been packed, only the silk one that he was not about to put on his wet body. He had mentally cursed his valet. Eamon knew he was going to Montreal in January, so why had he packed warm weather things? It wasn't as if he had never done this before. He had worked for Daffyd for over five years now! He sighed and finished drying himself. Then, after deciding that getting dressed and ordering breakfast from room service might be a good idea, he had spilled his coffee on his white shirt and had to get changed. The front desk rang back with his second wake-up call. He had been so frustrated and angry by this time that he had wanted to scream incoherently into the vidphone for a quarter of an hour, but fought the urge down. The terrified face of the young clerk helped him to get a grip on the tattered remnants of his sanity. He was essentially a kind man and had no wish to see the boy dismissed, although he knew it was within his power to achieve that if he so desired. Instead, he had forced a rather frightening smile onto his face and reassured the clerk. When the connection had been broken, he had given in to his primal urges and had raged around the room cursing volubly. He was well read, well traveled, educated and possessed an extensive vocabulary. His ire was expressed in terms unknown to many; in fact a thesaurus would have been helpless in the face of Daffyd's anger. His cursing could take on epic proportions that left lesser mortals speechless and quivering when they witnessed an episode. This remained a private performance. During his narrative, Seren had gotten up to pour them all drinks. He paused now to sip at his. Seren was smiling and shaking her head at his series of misfortunes. Daffyd's lips moved slightly in what Seren had come to recognize as a smile. It was such a subtle thing that she thought many people would miss it altogether, and think him somber and serious. But the smile was there in his eyes, shining gently. He caught Seren's amused look and the compassion behind it. He wondered what she would think if she knew the real reason behind his morning's anger. The run of bad luck he had experienced this morning temporarily overshadowed the events of last night. But as he had calmed down, he realized that he was more upset over his indiscretion of the previous evening than anything else. One of the tabloids had been dropping hints that his sexual preference might not follow society's Śnorm'. It was really no one's business but his own, but he knew these rumors could lead to his ruin. The classical music world was very conservative. It insisted that no breath of scandal should touch any of its members, especially the most renowned. And no one was more recognizable the world over than Daffyd ap Owen. Last night, he had lost control of it all. He had gotten tired of the tour. In fact, his last trip home had lasted all of fifty hours. No wonder Eamon had been confused. Daffyd's calendar was such a jumble of flights, rehearsals and performances that it was a wonder the conductor hadn't collapsed of exhaustion. He had recently been through a score of cities where the orchestras had worked with him before and hadn't required many rehearsals to meet his standards. Therefore, instead of spending three weeks in each place, he had only had a week or ten days before moving on. He was tired and lonely and ready for a change of pace. Montreal had seemed ideal. For the past several years, he had been the soul of discretion. He was seen in public with the right sort of escort on his arm, young, blond, attractive"and hired for the occasion, the transaction in cash. Now he was weary of the pretense. He just wanted to find someone he felt comfortable with, that he could be himself with, nothing hidden, no secrets. But, oh, how society frowned on the choice he would make if he were free to follow his heart. Nature had made him different from the majority, and he had learned early to hide it. The others he knew who were like him, also hid their inclinations in rough talk and badinage. However, the signals were there for those who knew how to read them, and Daffyd was an adept at this. He was equally adept at sending discreet signs, himself. He did not often go to Śthose’ bars that seemed reserved for those who shared his preference. His face and demeanor were far too easily recognized for him to risk his reputation, indeed, his life, by being seen in such a place. Usually, when he met someone compatible it was in unlikely places; a dinner party given by the First Violin, a chance meeting in a grocery store. However, none of the relationships had amounted to anything in the long term. He was too afraid to live openly with his partners, and they eventually tired of the pretense and the sneaking around. They could never have a romantic dinner at a restaurant, but always pretended it was a business meeting, or a meal shared with an old friend. In truth, he himself wearied of the acting after a time, and the breakups were always mutual, usually graceful. Once, he had found someone so right, so perfectly suited to him, that he had almost given up his career. He had been on the verge of retiring and buying property on a remote South Pacific island when he discovered his belovèd was having at least one affair with another man. He had been devastated by the betrayal, and had sworn never to get that deeply involved again. For the past few years, none of his partners had lasted more than a few days before he would end it. He was always direct at the beginning, and clear in his intentions. So far, he had been lucky in that none of these liaisons had been with someone eager to sell a story to the National Questioner. Then last night, the loneliness of his life had led him to be careless. A friend had told him of an obscure little club off de Maisonneuve Boulevard in Montreal. It was called Les Copains, and catered to an eclectic crowd. He could be seen there without risking his reputation, but also might have a chance to meet someone. He had gone, not realizing a reporter who frequently sold articles to the Questioner was following him. Someone had been putting two and two together and Jess Beaulieu was out to prove the rumors one way or another. As Daffyd sat at the bar, using the big mirror behind it to observe the room, someone had bumped his arm. His cognac spilled. He turned to speak to the clumsy oaf and found himself looking into a pair of hazel eyes that were contrite and embarrassed. śI'm so sorry,” said the owner of the eyes. śThat was terribly clumsy of me. Please ... let me buy you a new one.” Daffyd gestured to the stool next to his. Jess smiled and sat, waving to the bartender. Daffyd's drink was replaced, and Jess ordered a beer. śI hope I'm not intruding,” said Jess. śI mean, if you're waiting for someone....” śNo,” Daffyd shook his head. śNo, I'm out alone tonight.” He smiled briefly, the smile Seren would later find so appealing. śI see.” Jess's eyes studied Daffyd surreptitiously, making liberal use of the mirror and sidelong glances. śI don't recall ever seeing you here before.” Amusement at the line sparkled in Daffyd's eyes. śNo, I don't get to Montreal very often,” he said. He offered his hand. śI'm Dave,” he said, using the anglicized short form he had gone by in school. śJess,” said the other and shook Daffyd's hand. śSo what brings you here?” śBusiness,” said Daffyd. He had no desire to reveal his identity. If this person didn't recognize him, that was fine. He preferred to be found attractive for himself, not for his wealth and fame. Jess made a polite face that said, Oh, a business trip. How nice. Let's talk about something else. śDo your business trips allow you any time for sight-seeing?” śSometimes. Why do you ask?” Are there sights you want me to see? he thought, smiling to himself. He waited to see where this conversation would go next. śOh, well, it's just that I come to Montreal quite frequently and I know it very well.” Jess smiled. śThere are a lot of fascinating places most people would never find. For instance, I know of a little art gallery a few blocks over that has some very interesting paintings.” Jess had another sip of beer. śOf course, most of it is quite erotic, but some of it would offend some people, I'm sure. It might not be to your taste.” Daffyd raised an eyebrow. He wasn't particularly interested in erotic art, but neither was he offended by it. Most of the mainstream eroticism had little effect on him, anyway, although he was partial to simple nudes. He didn't care for paintings that showed people swarming each other, but a single nude, artfully posed pleased his eye. śWould you like to go? They're open quite late at night.” Jess smiled softly. Daffyd raised his cognac to show that it was still more than half full. śPerhaps,” he said. śWhen I've finished this.” The other nodded. śWell, why don't we move to that table; let someone else belly up to the bar.” The table in question was in a quiet corner and had just been vacated by another couple. He acquiesced. They took their drinks to the little booth and sat across from each other. Their conversation drifted into general topics. They discovered they had been to several of the same cities overseas and compared notes on favorite places to see in London, Paris, Vienna, and Rome. Daffyd made Jess laugh out loud with his impersonation of an excitable maitre d’ whom they both knew from a little bistro near the Colosseum on the Via Arcolano. Daffyd managed to capture the Italian's accent and mannerisms perfectly, and they laughed together at the poor fellow's expense. How can you seem so normal? thought Jess. How can you be so much fun, so interesting, and still so unnatural? The reality of Daffyd did not match the preconceived notion. Maybe the rumors are wrong. Maybe you're not a twist. Well, there's only one way to find out for sure. śYour cognac is all gone,” Jess pointed out. Daffyd looked down at his snifter. śSo it is,” he remarked. śAnd my beer is done,” Jess added with a suggestive smile, looking into the startlingly blue eyes across the table. śWould you like to go to that art gallery now?” He thought about it for a moment, his brow furrowed as he considered the possibilities. śDave?” Jess reached across the table and touched his hand. The contact decided him. śYes. Sure. Why not?” They left their cozy corner. Stopping at the coat rail, they collected their winter outerwear and bundled up against the cold. The sidewalks had been shoveled and salted for safety, but they walked carefully, hands thrust deep into coat pockets for warmth. They looked like any two friends out for a nighttime stroll. śYou know, my hotel is on the way to the gallery,” said Jess. Somehow, Daffyd wasn't surprised to hear this. śWe could pop in there and warm up. I didn't realize it had gotten so cold!” śIf you like,” he replied. He didn't believe in revealing himself too early in a potential liaison. He liked to be certain where exactly he stood before committing to any action. Jess took him up to a small room in an elderly, but clean-looking hotel. He declined the offer of rum and juice. He had already reached his self-imposed limit in the bar. Jess had suddenly seemed nervous, but that was not unusual under the circumstances. Something, though, nagged at Daffyd's subconscious. Something didn't feel quite right, but he couldn't put his finger on it. He had opted for hushing his intuition. Having been celibate for over a year, mostly by choice, he was more than a little interested in what the evening might hold in store. Jess crossed the room, ostensibly to check the heater below the window, and to make sure the curtains were tightly closed. In reality, it was also to make sure the vidcam was in place and carefully concealed by the heavy drapes. With the touch of a finger, it began to record. Jess returned to Daffyd, took his overcoat, and tossed it on one of the beds. They had both already removed their boots to prevent tracking snow and salt all over the carpet. śLook, I'm all slushy and wet from that car that went by. My pantlegs are soaked! Why don't you make yourself at home, and I'll put on something dry and more comfortable. Okay?” A flash of eyes, a meaningful glance and the click of the bathroom door closing. Daffyd removed only his casual jacket and sat down in a chair to wait. He wasn't about to get undressed without being absolutely certain he had read the signals correctly. However, a few moments later, the bathroom door opened again. A leg appeared, followed by a hand, and then a body clad in a silk kimono. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He had not mistaken the signals tonight. He stood with the intention of putting his arms around this delightful vision, but he was gently restrained. śLet's lie down and get comfy, okay?” came the soft whisper in his ear. He let himself be deftly maneuvered into facing the windows, stretched out on the bed while fingers not his own unbuttoned his shirt. When the fingers reached for his belt, he stopped them. śNo, wait a bit,” he said, preferring not to rush into it. He had never been a Śthis won't take long, did it?’ kind of man. He enjoyed tenderness, and kissing, and caressing. While Jess returned his kisses, it was with a curious lack of enthusiasm. The fondling Daffyd was receiving was almost mechanical and he began to wonder if he had been picked up by a prostitute of some kind. There was such an artful avoidance of his touch that quiet alarm bells began to sound in the back of his mind. But he ignored them and persisted in his efforts. Jess had had to give in, or blow the whole cover. With closed eyes and rising gorge, the reporter focused on the faithful woman waiting at home. Marie knew what her ŚSignificant Other’ was up to, the kind of story under pursuit, but not the actual target. All she knew was that Jess was out to expose some famous man as a twist. She hated it, but was as supportive as she could be. śIf you have to kiss him, okay. Even if you have to touch his ... well, you know. But nothing more than that, or we're through!” Jess had promised and now was trying to fend off ap Owen's wandering hands. It was manageable until Daffyd's hand stroked up Jess's inner thigh. The reporter couldn't fake it anymore and had pushed him away. Surely there was enough on the camera by now, at least enough for some really good stills. Enough was enough! She pushed him away. śStop it, you sick twist! Get your filthy hands off me!” She sprang from the bed, grabbed the camera and locked herself in the bathroom. Daffyd's heart had sunk through the floor. He had been set up, and had taken the bait: hook, line and sinker. He rearranged his clothing, donned his winter gear and left. There was no point in creating a scene and having the police come. The scandal would only hit the papers that much sooner. He left the hotel and walked briskly down the dark street, careless of the winter conditions. He was angry at himself for ignoring his intuition and letting himself be ruled by lust, and he was dismayed at Jess’ deceit and treachery. As soon as he was gone, Jess peeked out of the bathroom, then double-locked the door against his possible angry return. She reviewed her video. Perfect! Ap Owen's face was clearly recognizable, while her own identity remained concealed. However, her gender was obvious. This was going to be her big break. She decided to offer stills to the other tabloids. Maybe she could start a bidding war. This could mean big money for her and the recognition she felt she deserved. Rumors had been circulating about the conductor off and on for years, but no one had ever been able to prove anything. And now, she had this wonderful video. She picked up the vidphone and called home. śHi, honey,” she said when Marie's face appeared on the tiny screen. śI got the job done! You'll have to see the tape ... no, no ... I didn't have to do too much. Well, I had to kiss him, and let his hands wander some, but that's all I could stand ... what do you mean, did I like it? Ewwwwww. Marie! He's a man. Would you enjoy kissing a man? No, I didn't think so. Anyway, I want to have a quick shower, get the feel of his hands off me. I'll be home soon. Love you.” She broke the connection, thinking it would be nice to bring home wine or flowers or something to show Marie how much she appreciated her support and understanding. Maybe she would stop and pick up some Chinese food as a treat. Marie had stuck with her through some pretty lean times, and Jessica wasn't always easy to get along with when money was tight. But now.... She watched the video one more time, suppressing a shudder as she relived his touch. God, what made some people be that way? It was disgusting! One current theory said that hets were born that way, but she didn't believe it. She was convinced that somewhere along the line, something awful happened to turn them off their own gender and seek the opposite one. She didn't really care what had made ap Owen twisted, although some background research might be in order. If she could tie his heterosexuality to a domineering father, or a molesting babysitter or something, it would extra zing to her story. Maybe she could do a sidebar about the causes. After a quick and very hot shower, she packed up her camera and video and headed home, singing a cheerful tune as she went. She had called her favorite Chinese restaurant just before getting in the shower, so her order would be ready when she arrived to pick it up. A quick stop at a corner grocery for a bottle of wine, and she and Marie would have a lovely late supper. She envisioned a pleasant evening of celebration and loving. Her pace quickened. She gave no further thought to the man whose life she was about to destroy. * * * * Daffyd walked the streets aimlessly. As the full realization of what this was going to mean began to dawn, he stopped in the middle of a block, staring blankly ahead. Late-night pedestrians dodged around him, tossing casual curses his way for obstructing the sidewalk. Their words fell on deaf ears. I'm finished, he thought. Everything I've worked for, everything I've ever done will mean nothing. I'll never conduct another performance. I'll have to hide ... run and hide like a hunted animal ... they'll kill me when this gets out! Dad, Rhiannon ... I'll have to tell you what's happened. You'll need time to get away ... Oh my God! His hand rose to his mouth in horror at what was to come. He felt nauseated and terrified. śExcuse me, are you all right?” came a strange voice at his side. He glanced down at a young man who was looking at him with concern. śYes,” he managed. śYes, I'm fine. Thank you. I ... I must have eaten something bad.” He smiled weakly and resumed walking. He imagined how the polite concern would turn to contempt and brutality if the stranger had known the truth about him. He shuddered inwardly. There had been more than one heterosexual death in the past year caused by Śharassment'. He, himself, knew one man who had been beaten senseless and had later died in the hospital from the injuries. No one had been caught. The sad thing was, the woman Mario had been seen walking with, laughing together in the park, his arm around her shoulder, and whom he had kissed on the cheek at a bus stop, had been his sister. The group of Śnormals’ following them didn't know and wouldn't have cared. Mario had had a reputation for liking women, and this behavior was enough to seal his fate. Daffyd knew there were incredibly well organized hate groups out there who would delight in destroying him. Literally. He closed his eyes for a moment against the pain he felt for his family. They wouldn't be immune, either. Silent tears silvered his cheeks, freezing in his beard, as he thought of Ria, his little grandniece. He imagined the teasing she would have to endure, and how she wouldn't understand it, or why it was happening. She was only five years old. What did she know of hatred and loathing? It wasn't fair that she should suffer because he had been careless. He wiped his face and fought for control. He had been slumping with the weight of this burden, but he pulled himself erect and held his head high. The papers weren't out yet. He would have a few days, perhaps a week or two, to prepare for the worst. He could do this. He had the money, the influence, and the power to protect himself and his family. He hoped. Tomorrow, he would turn up for rehearsal, and afterwards, start the ball rolling to salvage as much as he could before his world crashed down around them all. All this played through his mind as he gazed at Seren's amused and compassionate expression. He resumed his narrative. Once he had regained his composure, he realized he was going to be late arriving at the theater if he didn't hurry. He grabbed his coat, and, not even bothering with overshoes, hastened out the door. He was just going to grab a cab, and run into the Place; he could live without the galoshes. When the doorman hadn't been able to hail a taxi for him, he had simply hurried along down the street, hoping to get one himself. He had seen one just ahead, discharging a passenger. He increased his pace in order to catch it, but had slipped on the icy walk. As he fell, the thought went through his mind, śLovely. I'll be in the papers twice. Once for serious injury and then for being het.” Then he had landed. The story he told Seren and Devany did not include his last thought, or any details of the previous evening. The tale they heard was liberally laced with ironic humor, and caused Seren to smile in sympathy more than once. She had laughed quietly in a few places, thinking she hadn't had a day like that for a long time, for which she was deeply grateful. śAnd then I met you, Seren,” he concluded. śThe rest you know.” He finished his drink, and looked at her expectantly. Devany, too, turned her eyes to Seren. Seren glanced from one to the other, and then out the window. The unchanging light was bright and cheery, dappling through the leaves of the trees. She wondered again how long they had been there, although, in a way, time seemed meaningless here. She thought over Devany's and Daffyd's stories, thinking how different Devany's world was from her own and Daffyd's. His narration had been of a world and a life so similar to hers that it never occurred to her he might be from a different reality. She still assumed he was from her own world's future, just as he assumed she was from his past. Her eyes returned to her companions. śI guess it's my turn, now,” she said. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 12 Your project progresses well? Dommi's thought drifted gently into the other's mind. Mykal replied without taking his focus from the subjects of his work. Very well, so far. Three of them have come together and are bonding. The other two should be there on schedule. Two more? I thought you wanted only one. Mykal's aura dimmed. I erred. When I took the one, he grabbed the other and I wasn't certain I could remove him without injury to her. So I transported them both. Perhaps it will work to your advantage, Dommi reassured him. May I look? Dommi waited at a respectful distance for the answer. Although he was senior, this was Mykal's effort. Dommi was there for support and as a resource, not to take over. Certain. Mykal gestured for Dommi to come near. Together they gazed down into the dining room of a lonely house perched on a hillside overlooking endless fields of grass. Dommi listened to the conversation and the thoughts of the people around the table. As always, it took him a moment to sort through the confusion of overlapping ideas. The difficulty was compounded by the fact that there were three minds to sort, not just one. ...I wish Nanny were here; I want to go home ... that endless daylight ... would she smile if she knew ... am I being Tested? ... his eyes are so blue ... how long have we ... home, I want to go home ... home, they must be worried ... home, can I ever go home...? May I offer? Certain. You have forgotten the movement of the sun. They will find it less disruptive if it appears to be moving as it normally does in their worlds. Mykal's aura underwent a series of color changes in his embarrassment. He had forgotten their perception of the sun! He had been so caught up in trying to get just the right ones from just the right realities, he had missed one of the basic precepts. Once your subjects were moved to the work area, you changed the way they saw the light source. It was one of the earliest things you learned. There were too many projects going on at one time to have the sun actually move. It was much easier to tap into the minds of the subjects and have them see what you needed them to. He quickly regained control. Yes, Dommi. I did forget. I am at a loss to explain how. He felt Dommi's reassurance. You are not the first, nor will you be the last. May I ask for advice? Certain. How best to rectify? Dommi pondered a moment, dipping again into the minds below. Bring it now to the western horizon. The adults both think it is getting late; make it so. Then just a mere touch to make them forget it was standing still. That will not harm them? Mykal's concern flickered around him. He wanted so much for this to work out well. Not at all. Dommi radiated warm humor. It is one of the benefits of choosing human beings. They are remarkably resilient. Now, repair. Mykal concentrated on his three subjects. In a moment, he glanced over at Dommi's glow of approval. Nicely done. Dommi moved on to the next apprentice. Mykal sat and watched his project unfold. * * * * śDo you think they'll find Mum today?” Meggie asked through a mouthful of oatmeal. The twins looked apprehensively at their older sister. It had been almost a week since Seren's disappearance. So far, Karina had been able to fend off Children's Aid but she knew things couldn't go on like this forever. Sooner or later some busybody would report them, which might cause them to be split up. She hated the thought of being on her own altogether. It was funny. A week ago, she would have loved to get her own apartment and start living her own life. But that was with the security of knowing that Śhome’ was there to go to if she felt lonely or just wanted to be with her family. The idea of being alone in the house, her mother missing and her siblings scattered to the four winds filled her with horror. As a result, her temper had become somewhat frayed. She had been snapping at the younger ones with no real provocation and instantly regretting it. She wanted her mother home as badly as the others did. Today she managed to keep her cool. śI don't know, Megalicious. Maybe. We just have to wait and see.” She was feeling a little more hopeful this morning. She had had a strange dream last night. The memory was fragmented and fading but certain images had stayed with her, offering comfort. She remembered staring at a painting of a lonely farmhouse surrounded by big trees. It was not a place she recognized but she could feel her mother's presence very strongly. She could almost hear her voice telling her that everything was all right, that she would be home as soon as she could. Karina had woken with a start, convinced that her mother was alive and well somewhere. She had no idea who had taken her or why she was being held incommunicado but the feeling Karina had was strong and brought comfort to her. śCome on, Meg. Eat up and get ready for school. I'll drop you off today.” The younger girl's eyes had glowed with pleasure. Usually, she had to take the bus to school with that hateful Sonny Macumber. He almost always pulled her hair or punched her in the arm or something equally stupid and annoying. Boys! They were such a pain to have around. It was much nicer to ride with Karina. Meggie felt important somehow, as if she were someone famous with her own chauffeur. She hastily finished her cereal, gulped her juice and ran upstairs to grab her book bag. In a few minutes she was back downstairs, tying her unruly curls back into a ponytail. śCan you braid it for me?” she begged her sister. śNot right now, Meg. Tonight, after your bath, okay? I'll put it in two pigtails for tomorrow. Right now, we're running late, so just get a move on!” śBut ... arrrrrrrrghh ... okay.” Meg knew better than to argue when Karina used that no-nonsense tone she had picked up from Seren. Thinking about her mother almost brought Meggie to tears but she stopped herself. Karina had enough to worry about without Meggie adding to it. In the car, Karina checked to make sure Meg's seatbelt was securely fastened before starting the car. She backed carefully out of the driveway and turned down the road toward Meg's school. The twins had opted to ride their bikes since both were involved in after-school activities today. As Karina drove, she hummed a snatch of music. Meg echoed her, dum-de-dumming along. After a few moments, Meg asked, śWhat is that song, Karina?” Karina glanced over at her sister, puzzled. śOh, it's the new one from...” she paused. śNo, it's from the TV show ... you know, the one with the ... no, it's not that, either. I don't know. I just woke up with it going through my head. I thought I must have heard it on the clock radio or something.” She shrugged. śHey"you were singing it, too! Why are you asking me?” Meg rolled her eyes in the way that only eleven-year-old girls can. The expression on her face suggested that she was in the company of an unbelievably dense person and that it was a miracle Karina had survived infancy. śI just heard you humming and I remembered hearing it before. But I don't remember where. I was just asking.” Karina's forehead creased in concentration. She thought the song might have been in her dream but how could Meg know it? She must have heard it in her sleep. She often put the clock radio on the timer at bedtime and fell asleep to the music. Maybe Meg had done the same. Even though they kept their radios tuned to different stations, the same song could have played. It was odd, though. Meg puzzled over it, too. She had a picture in her mind of a tall, heavyset man rocking a little girl in his arms and singing quietly to her. Seren was there, too, somewhere in the background, watching. It must have been a dream. She had probably heard the music in her sleep, and dreamed this dream to go with it. She shrugged mentally, and turned her attention to the passing scenery. * * * * Seren looked out at the gathering twilight. It had crept up on them so gradually, it almost seemed to have happened suddenly, one moment"bright afternoon, the next"deepening gloom. śPerhaps we should turn on some lights,” she suggested. śAnd I'll tell you about my day.” With the soft glow, that was so much like sunshine, pouring down on them from the overhead globes, Seren told her companions about her afternoon. Ordinarily, a trip to the grocery store involved the company of at least one child, sometimes two or three, and rarely, all four. Today, she had been able to persuade them that she wanted, no"needed"an hour or so to herself and that she was quite capable of making a trip to Foodland alone. They had all put in requests that she had mentally filed, finally threatening them with no goodies whatsoever if they didn't all hush up and let her go. śReally,” she had said. śI do know what you all like and don't like. Now just let me go!” As she fastened her seatbelt and turned the key in the ignition, she rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh of relief. If she took her time, she might actually have a whole hour just for her! The day was warm, sunny, and glorious. The sun beamed out of a summer blue sky, while white fluffy clouds posed artistically in the middle distance, just in case someone wanted to paint their portraits. She smiled at her fanciful thoughts and cranked up the volume on her new CD player. Many people of her generation looked askance at some of the music she listened to. Of course, she considered their tastes pedantic and dull. Her own preferences in music ranged from Louis Armstrong to the Beatles, from the soothing Native American flute of R. Carlos Nakai to the bubble gum music of the Danish group Aqua. She listened to it all. As she drove, she played the song The Highwayman, by the group called The Highwaymen. Johnny Cash's unmistakable voice grumbled out of the speakers, singing about flying across the universe divide and finding a place to rest his spirit on the far side. She was certain there were other intelligences out there. The God of her understanding did not possess an imagination that ended with human beings as the sole sentient species in the wide-flung reaches of the galaxies. She believed that the phrase Śin God's image’ had nothing to do with physical form, and everything to do with spirit and creative ability: to love, to paint, to write, to design, to build, to create beauty in whatever form, merely for its own sake. And if humans could imagine life as an intelligent gaseous cloud, or a lump of semi-molten rock, then what might really be out there? God, if such a being existed, must have an imagination vaster and wilder than that of mere people. She wondered what it would be like to be the object of an alien abduction. A part of her wished she could actually visit other worlds out there, but oh well.... She pulled into the parking lot of her usual grocery store. She liked the small town life and enjoyed the familiarity of the clerks, who probably knew way more about her than she cared to think about. As she walked from her car to the store, she was greeted or waved at by several acquaintances. She smiled to herself. It was just so much more congenial here than in the big city where she and Terry had lived during the early part of their marriage. She wandered through the store, choosing things for today's barbecue-picnic. The twins could make sandwiches, Meggie would be in charge of Śbuilding the salad', as she called it, and Karina would help Seren with the barbecuing. The kids would probably all have friends dropping in, which was fine with Seren. She would rather have the house and yard full than to be wondering where her children were, with whom and into what mischief they were getting. With her purchases complete, she paused to talk with one of her favorite cashiers for a moment. They were in a reading group together and discussed the latest book under review: a Maeve Binchy novel. Seren had lived in Ireland for a couple of years as a young teen and loved Maeve's characters. She always felt as though she were reading about people she knew or had met. But Charice felt differently. She enjoyed the story well enough, but had a bit of difficulty with some of the slang. It was going to be part of tomorrow evening's discussion, and Seren had prepared a list of terms with their North American translations. At last, she was done. She gathered up her plastic bags, declining the offer of Ścarry out’ help, and headed for her car, her keys in her hand ready to unlock the trunk. Ray Gaudet had waved to her from his truck as he was pulling in and she had seen Bobby Melanson walking toward her. A small pebble had insinuated itself under her left foot just as she reached her car. She tripped and fell, dropping her car keys, dreading the impact ... and landed in the field. śI didn't know what to do, but the road seemed the most promising lead. Then I just picked a direction and started walking. That's when you turned up, Daffyd. And the rest is history.” [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 13 They looked back and forth at each other. The sun was sinking toward the horizon, the twilight deepening even more. Devany's eyes were huge with amazement. The world Seren described was so far removed from her experience that she couldn't grasp it. śAre you a Nanny, then?” she asked. Seren raised questioning eyebrows. What do you mean, Devany?” śI mean, if you are caring for young people, children, don't you have to be some kind of Nanny?” śNo, sweetie. I'm their mother.” śYou're a Mother?” skepticism showed all too plainly on the little face. śYes, of course.” Seren suddenly remembered Devany's description of her world, and added, śMy children live with me and I take care of them.” Devany's forehead creased as her confusion grew. śWith you? Why? What can you do for them?” Seren didn't care much for Devany's tone, but made allowances based on the image in her mind of the sterile world the child had come from. śWell, I taught them to walk and talk, their alphabet, colors, numbers, how to dress themselves, how to feed themselves. I taught Theo and Meggie how to crochet. I taught Matt how to cook and knit. I taught Karina how to run the house, write checks, do laundry.... śShe smiled and directed her next comment to Daffyd. śYou know, you don't realize how much you do as a parent, until you start thinking about it.” She turned back to Devany. Devany was now convinced that Seren was either a dangerous defective or an incredible liar. No one person could do all those things. There wasn't a need for it, for one thing, and who ever heard of a single human being capable of reading, and cooking, and knitting? It was completely unbelievable and she said so. śWhat makes it so hard to believe?” asked Daffyd. Apart from the unusually large number of children, he found her description of life just a few years before his Śnow’ very familiar. śBecause it's not like that at all!” replied the child. She continued, in her curiously unchildlike manner, śEveryone knows that mothers grow the babies, and give them milk for the first year. That's all they do. They don't read, they don't cook, they don't knit. All they have to do is make babies and care for them until they go to their first Nursery. Why would they need all that other knowledge? They don't.” śWhere I come from, almost everyone can read. We need to be able to read labels, street signs, magazines, newspapers.... śSeren's voice trailed off when she saw Devany's puzzled expression. śYou don't know what I'm talking about, do you?” Devany shook her head. The words made sense individually; she knew what they meant. But they didn't belong in a sentence like that. She struggled with the meaning of the word Śnewspaper'. She could understand Śnew paper', but what Śnewspaper’ might signify, she couldn't guess. Perhaps it was a regional accent or something. That was a possible explanation. Seren looked to Daffyd for help. At least he shared her frame of reference and knew what she was talking about. He read the unspoken plea in her eyes, and made an attempt to get through to the little girl. śWhere we come from, Devany, all children are taught to read. Then, when they get older, they can learn about whatever it is they decide they want to do when they grow up.” This only served to increase her confusion. What could he mean by Śthey decide'? It sounded as if he meant that the children would make the choice of what their career paths would be. As if that would work! Everyone knew the State decided what you would be. When you had a natural early talent for something, like language, or art, then you were trained according to that. If your skills hadn't surfaced by the age of three, then your path was decided by whatever field the State expected would need filling in fifteen years. If you were lucky, you would be utterly devoid of imagination and would live out your years unaware that you might be missing out on something. Lately, she herself had been displaying signs of imagination, which she was careful to suppress when she thought someone might be watching. As a matter of fact, because she had been using her imagination in the sports class, she thought that whatever was happening now might be some form of punishment. She thought that the adults might be Testing her, telling her things to make her imagination fly and then when she fell into their trap, she would have her memory erased, her mind reset. She thought about Piotr for the first time in a long time. He had been bright and quick to learn, but hadn't realized early enough to hide his tendency to pretend things that weren't real. He had never been the same after his treatments; he hadn't been able to concentrate, and he forgot things almost as soon as he heard them. Soon after his return to the group, he had been removed, and sent to another Center. Languages were no longer his strong suit. She often wondered what had become of him, and had no desire to join him, wherever he had gone. She considered the things Daffyd and Seren were telling her. She thought they must consider her defective, expecting her to believe any of this. How on Earth could you possibly wait until you were grown up to decide what to do with your life? How would you ever have time to learn everything you needed to know about your job? She suddenly realized she had blurted these last few questions out loud. Seren and Daffyd were staring at her with faces on which amusement and dismay were warring for the upper hand. She ran her mind over her recent thoughts and realized she had said it all out loud. Including the part about using her imagination. She clapped her hands over her mouth! Reprogramming! Oh no! She half started to her feet, but realized there was no place to run, no one to save her, and she slowly sat back down. * * * * Blagdur grinned at Graz. There! See that? She told her darkest secret. That should cause some trouble! He laughed. Graz sulked even as he fed off the terror that radiated from Devany. I can do better than that, he muttered. Blagdur snorted his disbelief and turned his attention to the other projects, looking for others to ruin. * * * * Seren reached out a hand to comfort the child. She didn't know where the sudden terror had come from, but she wanted to reassure Devany. She wanted to convince her that they weren't in her world anymore, that she had nothing to fear from either Seren or Daffyd, that there was no danger here. Of course, she wasn't completely convinced of that last part, herself, although the house certainly felt a safer haven than when they had first entered. Still, how much nicer to be home, curled up on the couch drinking tea and watching śNYPD Blue” on TV. śDevany,” she began. śYou know we're not anywhere near your Complex.” Devany nodded, her eyes huge with fear. śWell, we, Daffyd and I, we're not ... I mean, we don't ... arrrrrghghgh.” She made a wordless sound of frustration. śOur world isn't like yours, baby. We don't erase people's minds, or take away their imagination. We really do do a lot of different things. It's how we live.... śShe brightened suddenly. śI know. I'll show you. Come on.” She rose and led the way to the kitchen, turning on the light over the big table as she went through the door. śDaffyd, can you get the water going?” He shrugged in reply. śWell, see if you can find some water to pour in there, see? And then just pump the handle up and down. I hope there's water in the well.” Daffyd peered into the various jugs and containers on the counter, and looked under the sink. Seren examined the woodstove, opening the damper, checking flue. Devany stood to one side, watching, wondering what they were up to. Seren and Daffyd reached for the lid to the water reservoir at the same time. She grinned at him. śGreat minds think alike,” she said with a twinkle. The reservoir was more than half full. Daffyd filled the priming jug and turned to his task. Seren looked around the room. śIf we can get the stove going, and the water running, then we can clean the kitchen. Then I can make us some supper.” She caught Daffyd's expression as he worked on the pump. śWhat?” śWhat do you mean, Śwhat'?” he looked at her with a raised eyebrow. śThat funky little smile ... what's that all about?” He puzzled over the word Śfunky'. It must have fallen out of use, although their times weren't that far apart. He must have consorted with a different set. śI was just thinking how reluctant you were to enter earlier, and now you seem intent on making yourself at home.” śWell, it felt creepy before,” she said, squatting and opening the front of the firebox of the stove. śAnd I'd still like to know where the people went. But now we have Devany to worry about as well.” She looked up at him, pausing in the middle of cleaning out the ashes. śIt just makes sense to stay here, or don't you agree?” śNo, I think it's a fine idea. There are enough rooms upstairs for us all. I think we should stay ... for a few days, anyway.” He poured more water into the pipe and tried the handle. It was stiff from disuse, but he was a powerful man under the excess weight. The handle began to move. śThen we'll need to clean this up. I can't cook supper in furry pots. How's the water coming along?” She was now filling the stove with kindling and lengths of wood from the box in the corner. Daffyd pushed mightily and was rewarded with a gush of water into the sink. The handle was now moving more easily and the water ran freely. śComing along just fine. Now, how do we test it for potability?” Seren stepped over to the sink and cupped her hand under the flow. She sniffed for weird smells, then sloshed the water into her mouth. śIf I keel over in the next little while, don't drink it.” He and Devany stared at her, horrified. They were both aghast at the idea of someone drinking Świld water'. Seren rolled her eyes and went back to the stove. She lit it with the matches she had bought to start the barbecue, and in a few moments had the beginnings of a roaring fire. She hoped it would turn into a roaring fire. Right now, it was mostly murmuring, but it seemed to be growing. She closed the front door of the firebox, adjusted the dampers and turned back to the room, rubbing her hands together in a no-nonsense, let's-get-with-it, gesture. śIf you would fill the reservoir, Daffyd, it should heat up soon and we'll have hot water to wash with. Now, young lady, I have a different job for you.” Devany looked at her as though Seren had suddenly grown three heads and started speaking Swahili. śI want you to scrape those dishes into one of these,” she pulled a plastic grocery bag out of the knapsack, and at the same time tracked down the matches she had bought for starting the barbecue. śUse one of the forks to scrape with, and then pile the dishes over here on the counter.” When the child made no move to comply, Seren asked, śDo you not understand what you're supposed to do? Look. I'll show you.” She demonstrated the fine art of removing elderly mold from dishes. Then she put the fork in Devany's hand and gave her a plate. She watched as the child essayed an attempt. To her own amazement, Devany found that she could perform the task easily, even though she had never done it before, and it wasn't on her Approved List. She put the empty plate down and reached for another. Seren smiled her satisfaction at Devany's work, and turned to her own jobs. She added a few more lengths of wood to the fire, which was now roaring merrily. She quickly wiped the surface of the stove with a damp cloth to remove any dust, thinking she should have done it sooner. A quick check of the reservoir showed the water was rapidly losing its chill, but was not yet really warm. In the meantime, Daffyd had emptied the sinks and rinsed them out with cold water. A search in the cupboards underneath had turned up a bottle with something that looked and smelled like dish detergent. He also turned up a reasonably clean sponge, so he set to and made the sinks fit for human use. He glanced up from his scrubbing and caught Seren looking his way. She smiled at him, a warm, companionable smile which he couldn't help returning. For the first time in a very long time, he felt content ... and safe. He believed that if Seren knew his secret, it might make her uncomfortable to be near him, but she wouldn't shriek and scream and cause a fuss. Most likely she would continue to be polite and pleasant, if somewhat distant. This led him to wonder about the reporter from last night"was it only last night"and what was happening at home? Then he dismissed these thoughts and returned to here and now. He looked at the little girl, her curly head bent over her task, and at the woman who had assumed leadership so effortlessly. He thought about how well they were working together, almost like a family. Odd idea! Imagine ... a family with a man and a woman and a child. He smiled inwardly, wistfully. A quiet voice in his mind whispered, but isn't that what you want? He hushed it, but the sad little smile had become outwardly evident. Seren noticed it, and was struck suddenly by how utterly lonely Daffyd seemed at that moment. She resisted the impulse to go over and hug him, but made a mental note to talk with him later. She wanted to know more about him, especially if they were going to be keeping house together, as it were. His aloof manner made him seem snobbish at first, but he had proven to be anything but that. He was actually quite friendly, warm, funny, and easy to be silent with. That was her acid test for potential friendships"the ability to be together without feeling the need to fill every quiet moment with meaningless sound. The water was now warm enough to start the dishes. She found a big metal scoop hanging on the side of the warming oven above the stovetop, and began to fill the sink. Daffyd added the dish soap, whipped it into a lather, and attacked the pile of dishes. He put the clean ones in the empty sink, while Devany kept bringing him more of the dirty ones. Seren scoured the table itself. In a short time, the kitchen had been transformed. It now had a comfortable, homey feeling and was ready to be put to use. The adults searched the cupboards and drawers for pots, pans and utensils. Then Seren emptied the backpack onto the table and sorted through the food items. śAre you any good at making salads?” she asked Daffyd. He replied in the affirmative. śGood, then you get this stuff.” She handed him a lettuce, tomato, celery, and a bag of miniature carrots. Then she took the package of ground beef and one of onion soup mix and proceeded to mash them together to make hamburgers. Devany watched the proceedings with great interest. She didn't recognize most of the food items Seren had produced, although she correctly deduced that the hamburger buns were a form of bread. She recognized the few remaining oranges from her earlier exposure, and idly toyed with them. She roamed back and forth from one adult to the other, entranced by their activity. Daffyd was busy chopping, slicing, and tossing. His hands were deft and almost delicate in their movements. It was clear, even to Devany, that he was accustomed to doing this sort of thing. Seren was making patties out of the meat mixture and putting them into the frying pan she had already set on the stove to heat. When they were all sizzling, she stepped past Daffyd to wash her hands. Returning to the stove, she paused to admire his handiwork, resting her hand casually on his back. She felt him flinch under her touch, but so slightly that she thought she had imagined it. He glanced down at her, and gestured at his work. śDoes it meet with your approval?” he asked archly, a humorous glint in his eye. He was doing something artistic to the little carrots with the small sharp knife he had picked up, turning them into flowers. śThat's really neat,” she smiled up at him. śI have every faith in your ability, Daffyd.” śI appreciate your confidence, Seren. But do you know what would be a nice touch?” he said. śWhat's that?” śHard boiled eggs. I like eggs in a salad. Do you?” He glanced at her. śAs a matter of fact, I do. You're right, that would be good. So would some celery and some radishes.... śHer smile was wry. śOh well. Too bad I didn't buy some today.” She squeezed his upper arm briefly and went back to watch over the burgers. She didn't see his head swivel to follow her, or the strange expression that crossed his face. Devany now pulled up a chair to watch what Seren was doing more closely. She almost sustained a nasty burn, but Seren grabbed her in the nick of time. śCareful, kiddo! It's hot! See?” She held the child's hand close to the stove, careful not to make actual contact. śYou don't want to burn yourself.” Devany nodded. She didn't really understand; she had never been burned in her life, but she trusted adults to tell her what was good for her and what to avoid. She stood on the chair and stared with fascinated eyes. śWhat are you doing?” she asked Seren. śI'm cooking the meat so we can eat it. I hope you like it.” Seren smiled at the child's intent look. In a few moments, Devany climbed down and dragged the chair closer to Daffyd so she could watch him. śWhat are you making?” she asked. śSalad.” śYes, I heard that, but what is it? Can you really eat it?” This got his attention: Seren's too. Their eyes met; she gestured for him to go ahead and explain. He cleared his throat and gathered his thoughts. śIt's, uh ... raw vegetables cut up together, usually with some kind of salad dressing,” he looked at her blank face, his nimble mind searching for a different description. śIt's a kind of sauce, um, a liquid you pour on to add flavor.” Seren smiled. She had never heard salad dressing called Śsauce’ before, but really, that was what it essentially was. She pointed to the little bottle on the table. śDevany, that's the Śsauce', there,” she said. Devany looked over at it and then back at the big bowl. śYou can eat this stuff? But it's not.... śShe didn't know how to explain how food should appear, but she knew it wasn't like this. She didn't know much about things outside her regimented life, but she did know that the food they ate was cooked. And it didn't have bright colors or much in the way of texture. This was perplexing. śAnybody besides me want cheese on their burger?” Seren asked. śWhat's cheese?” Rather than try to explain, Seren simply opened the pack of cheese slices, took a few out, and peeled off their wrappers. She handed one to Devany. śTry this.” Devany did, her face undergoing another series of expressions before she decided it was not only edible, but tasty besides. While she was busy with the rest of the slice, Seren checked again and discovered everyone wanted cheeseburgers. She quickly added the slices to the meat, and then took out the buns. śThese are just about done,” she said of the meat patties. śIf you would get me some plates, Daffyd, I can serve up supper.” In a few moments, they were gathered around the table with a veritable feast before them. Besides the burgers and salad, there was a big bag of potato chips, and, since Seren hadn't died from drinking it, glasses of water for everyone. Daffyd was looking at his burger curiously. śSomething wrong?” Seren asked him. He shook his head. śNo. No, not at all. I just usually have the meat and bread separate.” He lifted one shoulder in a half-shrug, his little smile surfacing. śIt's not important.” śBefore we eat,” said Seren, somewhat self-consciously. śWell, I don't usually say a prayer at meal time, but I think today calls for something. Do either of you object?” Devany only looked confused, but Daffyd said he didn't mind. They always used to when he was a boy, but he had fallen away from the habit. śYou go ahead, Seren,” he said. śBut, uh, perhaps we should hold hands?” He was embarrassed to make the suggestion, although that was how they had done it in his house. His parents and his sister and Daffyd would clasp hands around the table and Llewellyn or Evelyn would say the blessing. He was grateful when Seren merely nodded her agreement. She was glad he had offered. She felt strongly the need for physical contact with other people right now. She reached out to the others. Devany watched Daffyd's big hand close over Seren's and his other move toward her. She looked back and forth a moment, and followed suit. Seren and Daffyd bowed their heads. Seren was suddenly very self-conscious, an odd state for her. She licked her lips and spoke quietly, śGod, Creator, Whoever You are, thank You for bringing us together to help each other out in this strange place, and for the food that came with me. Please keep our families and loved ones safe and well. Amen.” śAmen,” murmured Daffyd, and Devany copied him. The ritual was unknown to her, but she took it all in and filed it for future reference. They looked at each other. Daffyd gave Seren's hand a quick squeeze of approval before he released it. She dimpled in response, smiled at Devany and attacked her meal. The others did the same. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 14 śI'm done, baby,” said Gerri Reznik. śZapped. Wiped out. Fagged. Dead on my feet. You understand me?” She tugged at her companion's shoulder. śI hear you,” Rapsim's attention remained focused on his device. śWhat do you suggest we do?” śGee, we could STOP!” She suited her actions to the words. śWe could even sit down.” She did so. Rapsim stopped and looked at her. śI thought you had more stamina than that.” śUsually I do. But a: I was up half the night getting ready for today's Mission, which I notice I'm not on, and do you have any idea how far we've come so far? Or how long we've been walking?” śWell, no,” he admitted. śAll right then,” she bent to her boot. śLet's just have a look at my trip odometer, pedometer, whatsit.” They examined the counter embedded in her boot. It showed a distance of just over 25 kilometers. śNow, even with that little rest at the fountain thing, we've been hiking a long time. We need to rest, and we need to find something to eat, or at least some water we can drink. Can't you reprogram the multi to find one of those fruit trees? I'll even settle for that.” śI can try,” he said. śNothing so far,” he turned in place. śWait a minute ... there's something over that way.” He gestured without looking. śOh, great,” muttered Reznik. Rapsim looked up. śOh, I see.” They stared at the wooded hillside that rose steeply for some distance. śI can't, Rap. I just can't.” śLook on the positive side, Rez. There's lots of handholds.” He smiled brightly. She groaned and started up the hill, making liberal use of the tree branches as climbing aids. Rapsim trailed behind her. śWhere is this treasure trove, Rap?” she called down to him. śHow much farther?” śOver the top of the hill somewhere,” he shouted back. She grimaced, but pressed on. At length, they crested the brow of the hill. The far side proved to be a forest of mixed types of trees that stretched for kilometers in all directions, sloping away so gently it was hardly noticeable. śOkay. Now where?” He studied the multi. śDown over there. Seems to be fresh water and some more edible fruit.” śRight now I'd settle for just about anything. Even Poltari beer and babble blubber steaks.” Rapsim snorted amusement at the thought. Reznik had the reputation of possessing a stomach of ironplas, but even she had serious difficulty downing and keeping down the favorite meal of Poltari Recruits; steaks made from babble blubber. Babbles were something like sea lions on Earth, and named for the noises they made at airholes chopped in the endless sea ice of Poltar. Few human species could pronounce the Poltari word for them, and someone had coined the cutesy one in its place. It had stuck. Their thick layer of fat was an essential element in the Poltari diet, providing energy, as well as being laced with veins of vital nutrients. Even space-going Poltari preferred real babble blubber to any other food source, and judged shipmates by their ability to ingest and digest this rich food. Reznik had passed the test, but only just, and had foregone all animal based protein for weeks afterward. Rapsim smiled at the memory, and brought his attention back to the forest. They stepped into a small clearing. Clear, cold water bubbled out from between a pair of large boulders, forming a small pool where the rock had been worn away over centuries. A small cascade chuckled its way down the face of the huge stone, and became a happy-sounding brook that wandered off into the woods. Nearby was a large fruit tree they hadn't encountered before. The fruit most closely resembled peaches, but were darker and less fuzzy. A smattering of berry bushes decorated the perimeter of the open area. Rapsim examined it all carefully before pronouncing it all edible. There were no signs of any known toxin. Since the multi could identify over half a million potentially harmful substances, Reznik decided things were probably safe to eat. But first! She scooped up a handful of the water and sampled it. Then she bent to the little pool, pursed her lips and sucked up water like a horse, she was so thirsty. Rapsim settled for drinking from his cupped hands. When she was done, she splashed some over her head and shoulders. śPhew ... that feels better,” she smiled at Rapsim. śI still really hate being here, but I guess it's not as bad as it could be.” He nodded and sampled the berries. They were something like strawberries, large, with a sweet-sour taste that was quite delicious when you got past the initial zing to the tastebuds. The Śpeaches’ were also curiously satisfying, and soon both Recruits were full to repletion. They sat on the mossy ground and sighed contentedly. śYou know what we should do now?” said Reznik. śI'll tell you, Rap. We should have a snooze. Set the perimeter alarm on that thing, and let's get some rest.” Without waiting for a reply, or even an acknowledgement, she settled herself into a comfortable position and was instantly asleep. Rapsim shook his head in fond exasperation, but followed her instructions. He too, slept. * * * * Karina Baker thanked the manager of the Credit Union again and again. He smiled pleasantly and told her it was okay. He was certain he was doing what Seren would have asked, had she had the time to do so. He reassured the girl that he was sure her mother would be home soon, safe and sound. He stood and shook Karina's hand. She grinned at him in relief, and left the branch of the Caisse Populaire de Clare with more confidence than she had entered. He watched her go, and let the concern he felt over Seren's disappearance show. He felt no qualms about what he had done for her children. Seren had quite substantial savings, RRSP's, and plenty of money in her chequing and savings accounts. He also knew the terms of Seren's will, having helped her to draw it up. But she had been gone for almost two days, now. He looked out the window at Karina, hurrying through the parking lot. He smiled at her courage, and returned to work. Out in the car, Karina turned to her siblings. śWe're going out for supper tonight!” she declared. A loud cheer greeted the announcement. śSo they let you have money?” Theo asked. śWell, they're giving me a big overdraft on my account, based on Mum's accounts. It means we have enough to live on until she gets home, or...” she faltered a moment, and caught herself. śOr she gets in touch.” She forced a brightly happy expression onto her face. śSo, where do we want to go? And please ... not McD's, okay?” Meggie pouted a moment, but then they all shouted the name of their favorite family restaurant. It was run by a charming Oriental family and they had the best Chinese food around. Karina grinned and started the car. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 15 Daffyd stood on the front porch, staring out at the last rays of the sun setting behind the hills in the distance. Long shadows crept across the road. Dusk held sway in the yard. He could see the occasional pair or trio of people still wandering by, seemingly oblivious to Daffyd's presence. Seren was inside, trying to talk Devany into going upstairs to sleep in the child's bedroom Daffyd had discovered. Devany stubbornly refused. Daffyd had been unable to help, and had come outside for a breath of fresh air. Through the open window, he could hear the rise and fall of their voices without being able to discern the words. He smiled at the mulish determination in the child's voice. A silence fell. A few moments later, the door opened and Seren joined him on the porch. She sat on the wide swing and pushed it idly back and forth. śWhat was the final verdict?” he asked, turning his back on the sunset to look at her. The last errant rays caught the silver streaks in her once-auburn hair. Stray tendrils curled and danced around her face, having escaped from the elastic that held the ponytail. Dark half-circles of weariness underscored her eyes. śShe's sleeping on the couch in that little office where we found her. It just wasn't worth the fight.” She sighed and rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands. śI don't know all the ins and outs of her world, but I'm glad I don't live there. She keeps insisting that upstairs is for the older ones, and she'll get in trouble if she's caught. Apparently, we are not enough of an authority figure. I guess it's because we don't have a designation ... Writer839 or Director102 or something.” She shook her head. śI think she thinks she's still on her home world and is being tested ... I don't know, and I'm too tired to think clearly.” She squinted at him against the fading light behind him. His face was in shadow and she couldn't make out his expression, but his tone was soothing. śYou did the right thing, Seren. It doesn't matter where she sleeps as long as she feels safe. Why don't I sleep on the couch in the living room, in case she wakes in the night? You take the big bed upstairs.” śYou sure?” śYes, I'm sure.” Seren heard the smile in his voice. It sounded warm and comforting. She couldn't help but smile back. śWhy don't you go up now?” he said quietly. śYou look terribly tired.” śNo. It's nice out here. Quiet. Relaxing.” She yawned prodigiously and laughed. śI know ... it looks like I want to go to bed. But really, I'd rather just sit out here with you for a while.” He examined her in the gloom. As she rocked, she moved in and out of a square of light from the window beside her. She reached up, pulled the hair elastic free and tucked it into her shorts pocket. She shook her hair loose with her fingers, rubbing at her scalp to restore circulation. Unbound, her hair fell just below her shoulders. His eyes drank her in, filling his heart with her image. He wanted to sit beside her, touch her hair, tell her how lovely she seemed to him. But he could imagine her reaction; the polite rejection. He couldn't see her being openly repulsed; she was much too kind to hurt his feelings like that. But she would turn from him, politely tell him she didn't go that way, and whatever friendship they might have had would be done. It was funny, they had only known each other for a few hours, but her strength and courage had drawn him to her as the day had worn on. She had adjusted to new and bizarre circumstances without flinching. She had made supper for two strangers, and had got them working together as a team cleaning up before and after the meal. Then she had coped with Devany's fears and settled her for the night. And now, here she was, so close and yet on the far side of the moon as far as he was concerned. śCome sit with me?” She patted the seat beside her. He hesitated a heartbeat or two, then took his place on the swing. She held it still so it wouldn't slip out from beneath him, and when he was settled, she set it in motion again. They swung in silence, pleasant and comfortable. For the second time that day, he felt a contentment he was unfamiliar with steal over him, seducing him with its siren song of promise. She reached over without thinking and patted his hand. As before, when she had touched him, he started. He wished he could control the reaction, but he was unused to casual physical contact from women. Seren kept catching him unexpectedly. He knew she noticed his response because she removed her hand almost immediately. He didn't have any idea how to get her to put it back, and he wished she would. He liked the feel of her hand on his. He simply liked her. He glanced down at her, at the faraway sadness in her eyes, and wished he could put his arm around her and comfort her. Instead, he simply said, śYour children will be fine, Seren.” She looked up at him in wonder. śHow did you know I was thinking about them?” she asked. The compassion in his face, the concern in the blue eyes, touched her, almost reducing her to tears. She fought the feeling down; she had never been one to cry in front of people she didn't know well. His brief smile surfaced again. śPerhaps the look on your face,” he said. śPerhaps it was the fact that I was thinking about my family, and realized you would be worried for yours.” śTell me about your family, Daffyd,” she said. She did want to know more about him, and now was as good a time as any. śThere's not much to tell, really,” he said. śMy father, Llewellyn, lives in a small town in Kansas. That's where I grew up. He turned eighty-seven this year, and he still manages on his own.” He shook his head in admiration. śRhiannon, my sister, is a bank manager in northern California. She has a daughter, Morgyn, who is twenty-eight and a police officer. Morgyn has a daughter, Ria, just turning five in June.” His smile grew broader. śRia is my honey, and I'm her ŚAnkle’ Daffyd.” He grinned at the name. ś'Ankle’ Daffyd?” Seren's grin matched his. śShe couldn't say ŚUncle’ when she was smaller, and now we're all used to it.” He chuckled. śBesides, I rather enjoy the distinction. It makes me different from all the other uncles in the world.” śThat's so cute!” Seren laughed quietly. śAnkle Daffyd. I don't think I'll ever forget that one.” śYou know, I look at her, and wonder where the years go. It seems only yesterday that Morgyn gave birth to her. It was absolutely incredible. I have never seen anything that compares with it.” He drifted off, remembering. śPoor Morgyn didn't let go of me until the doctor put Ria on her chest to nurse. I didn't think I would be able to conduct for a week, Morgyn had been squeezing my hand so hard.” śYou were there?” Seren asked in surprise, wondering if she was misunderstanding. śOh, yes. Morgyn asked me to be her labor coach.” He looked into Seren's face. śI know ... I know. It's not the usual situation, but Morgyn was, and is, single, and she wanted someone she trusted.” He shrugged. śRhee wasn't too thrilled, but she got to be there, too, so that calmed her down. I just helped Morgyn focus and, well, you've had children, you know what it's like.” Seren nodded, thinking what a lucky girl Morgyn was to have had this incredible man at her side during that time. śAnyway, now Ria's four and a half, and I'm two years from sixty, and I don't know where the time has gone.” Seren stared at him, open-mouthed. śYou can't possibly be fifty-eight!” she exclaimed. śYou're not anywhere near fifty-eight.” śI'm afraid I am, Seren. Well, almost. My birthday is next month: February twelfth.” She continued to stare. śI would never, ever have put you at fifty-eight. Fifty, maybe, tops. Wow. I mean, you look great!” She strained to see him in the meager light. śYou must live right, or something.” He laughed outright at this, leaving her somewhat in the dark. He thought of all the years of hiding his real nature, of last night's fiasco, and decided if he didn't look his actual age, it was a miracle he didn't look older. His laughter subsided into chortles. He saw her puzzled look as they swung into the light. śJust something rather personal,” he said. śI'll tell you sometime, when you know me better.” She eyed him curiously. śOkay. But please understand that I will keep you to that.” He nodded in acknowledgement. They fell silent again. Privately, Seren thought she knew what Daffyd's Śrather personal’ secret might entail. She had noticed his reserve when it came to her; how he avoided touching her as much as possible, how he flinched when she made contact with him, no matter how casual. He was more at ease around Devany, perhaps because of his little grandniece, and didn't seem to mind her as much. Seren had known quite a few gay men in her life, largely thanks to her younger brother, Roy. Although many of them had been of the huggy-kissy variety with their female friends, a few had been like Daffyd; standoffish and aloof with everyone in public, and probably dynamos in private. She suspected that Daffyd was of this variety. He didn't seem the type to flaunt his sexual preference openly, and his manner suggested he was used to hiding it. She also sensed that he was an intensely passionate man, and she thought it was a shame she would never get to see that side of him. He was extremely attractive to her; elegant, dignified, intelligent, humorous, with an inner strength and courage she admired, unaware he saw the exact qualities in her. The hypnotic movement of the swing was slowly putting Seren to sleep. She jerked suddenly, almost drifting off completely. Daffyd looked at her. śYou should go up to bed, Seren,” he said. śYes, I should,” she agreed. She slid off the swing and stood unsteadily, shaky from weariness. He was at her side in an instant, a hand on her elbow to provide support. It was an opportunity to be close to her without her thinking him perverse. śAre you all right?” he asked. śI will be,” her dimples made a brief appearance. śI'm just really tired. I didn't realize it till just now.” śLet me help you upstairs, then.” He kept a gentle grip on her arm. śOkay. I just want to check on Devany first.” They went into the house. Seren went into the office to make sure Devany was sleeping peacefully, while Daffyd watched from the doorway. When she came out, she was walking a little more strongly. He stepped back so she could get by, and rather than take her arm again, he merely followed closely. As they climbed the stairs, she called down over her shoulder, śYou never did get to show me what was so interesting.” śThat's right. I didn't,” he replied. śAre you sure you want to see it now? It can wait until morning.” śNo, now is fine. I mean, really, we're upstairs finally.” She laughed softly, as he joined her in the upper hall. śCome here, then,” he led her into the art room and showed her the paintings there. She looked at them cursorily, not registering anything beyond the images represented. She looked up at Daffyd with tired eyes. śWhat am I missing?” she asked. śDust,” he said simply. She stared blankly. śCome look in the bedroom. I'll show you what I mean.” She followed him into the master bedroom. śSee here?” he said, running his fingertip across the dresser. He held it up for her to see. She examined the grime on his finger, then lifted her gaze to his face. He led her to one of the pictures on the wall. śTouch it,” he said. She did so, tracing a line along the frame and then on the painting itself. śNow look at your hand.” It was clean. Her brow furrowed. She took Daffyd by the wrist and studied the black smudge on his index finger, and then looked at her own again. Finally, she sighed, dropped his arm and stepped back. śI think I want to think about this tomorrow,” she said at last. śIt's weird, but the whole day has been weird, and I think I've reached my limit. Right now, I just want to put fresh sheets on the bed, crawl in and pass out.” Daffyd had taken out his handkerchief and carefully wiped his hand. Although he would have liked to discuss the strangeness of the paintings with Seren, he understood her position. He didn't blame her in the least. His own considerable internal strength was beginning to falter under the day's accumulation. Sleep would probably be the best thing for all of them right now. śI'll help,” he offered. While Seren pulled the old covers off the bed, Daffyd searched the linen closet in the hall, looking for the right size sheets. He located a set, and brought them into the bedroom. Seren was peering down a chute in the wall, the old sheets clutched in her arms. śI hope this is for laundry,” she said, and threw them in. śAnd if it's not, at least I don't have that musty smell in here.” She smiled in satisfaction, turning toward Daffyd. śOh, you sweet thing! You found new ones.” Together, they made the bed ready for her. When it was done, she reached out a tentative hand, almost, but not quite touching him. śDaffyd, wait a minute.” He paused in the act of turning to leave. śYes?” She looked up at him, an uncertain expression on her face, almost a frown. śI just want to say, Śthank you'.” He started to make an Śit's nothing’ gesture, but she stopped him. śI don't mean for this,” she said, waving at the bed. śI mean for everything today.” This time she did frown, as she searched for just the right words. śYou've been such an anchor for me. I'm not sure how well I would have managed on my own, and meeting you, having you with me, having you there has been so ... I don't know ... comforting? Reassuring?” She stared into the wide blue eyes, willing him to understand her meaning. śI feel blessed that I met you. Does that make sense?” He patted her shoulder, causing her some surprise. śYes, Seren. It does. I feel the same way.” He smiled his odd little smile, lips barely moving, eyes shining gently. She had grown quite fond of that smile over the course of the day. śCan I hug you?” A worried line creased her forehead. He had been so reticent whenever she came near him that she wasn't certain how he would receive her request. An odd look crossed his face, gone before she could quite identify it. śYes, certainly.” He opened his arms and stepped toward her. She put hers around him and laid her cheek against his shoulder. He held her awkwardly, trying to find the fine balance for a friendly hug between a man and a woman. This had always been difficult for him when he was attracted. He worried his body would betray his interest, and it was tricky to seem natural while keeping his pelvis maneuvered out of the way. On the other hand, he loved getting hugged. He was a warm and loving man, but tired of directing it at other men, and pretending attractions he didn't feel. This hug, though, was just what he needed right now. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the feel of Seren's embrace, the warmth of her body pressed against him. He felt her inhale deeply and then she sighed contentedly. śMmmmmm,” she murmured. śThis is so nice.” She pulled back a half step. śThank you, Daffyd. I really, really needed that.” She reached up and kissed his cheek, almost at the corner of his mouth. He merely nodded, not trusting his voice for a few seconds, Then he said simply, śI did, too.” He released her reluctantly. They looked at each other for a long moment before he turned to leave. At the door, he paused and looked back. śGoodnight, Seren. Sleep well.” śYou too,” she smiled softly. He left, closing the door firmly behind him. He stopped at the linen closet again, and gathered up bedding for himself; a sheet, a blanket and a pillow were enough for a night on the couch. He walked down the stairs slowly, reliving the hug in his mind. He made himself a bed on the couch in the living room, grateful that it was such a big one. The idea of cramping his height and bulk on a too-small piece of furniture did not appeal to him in the least. This was long enough for him to be able to stretch out on, and deep enough to get comfortable. He undressed to his T-shirt and shorts, and lay down, using the folded sheet as top and bottom. He tugged the blanket into place, and wrestled the pillow into submission. He lay in the darkness, images of Seren alternating with the woman from last night. He wondered what ruckus his disappearance was causing at home. Then Seren drifted back, and in his mind's eye, kissed him on the lips instead of the cheek. He sighed, thinking how nice it would be if such a thing were possible. Upstairs, Seren had skinned out of her clothing to her panties, and then put her shirt back on in case she had to go to the bathroom in the night. It wouldn't do to run into poor Daffyd with her boobs hanging out. She grinned to herself at the thought, as she crawled into the bed. The clean sheets were cool and inviting. It felt so good just to relax, let all the tension flow out of her body. She lay in the velvet darkness, drifting closer to sleep. She hoped her children were all right, and not too worried about her. She hoped she would be able to find a way home soon. She thought about Devany and her world, and how much better off the little girl would be in Seren's. Wouldn't it be neat if she could bring her home? Funny idea. Daffyd's image floated into her mind, and wouldn't leave. The memory of the hug, the solid warmth of him in her arms, the gentle strength of his arms around her, his odd little smile, his humor, intelligence, and adaptability to this place ... all these kept circling in her head. She wondered what it would be like to really kiss him; he had a wonderfully expressive mouth that she wouldn't mind getting closer to. But then she remembered her theory that he was gay. Darn! she thought. And he's such a teddy bear, too. How come all the seriously good men are gay or related to you? She snuggled into her pillows and was soon sound asleep, her dreams a jumbled confusion of home, Devany and Daffyd. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 16 Marie Lamère walked into the kitchen of the apartment she shared with Jessica Bricel. Marie had a copy of that morning's Montreal Gazette in her hand and an unhappy expression on her face. Jessica was sitting at the table, her morning coffee within easy reach and a pad of paper in front of her on which she was furiously scribbling notes for her exposé on ap Owen. śHave you seen this?” Marie asked, tossing the paper down on top of Jessica's work. Jess pushed it aside and continued writing. śIt's the paper. So what?” She sipped at her coffee. Marie folded the paper to the headline she wanted Jess to read. She was extremely upset. When Jessica had gone out yesterday to hunt down and expose a famous twist, Marie had no idea she was after Daffyd ap Owen. Had she realized that he was the target of Jessica's story, Marie would have done her best to dissuade her ŚSignificant Other’ from pursuing him. She loved his style, the distinct sound of an orchestra led by his inimitable genius. He was the last person on Earth she would have suspected to be hetero, but even if he were, it shouldn't matter. His sexual preference had nothing to do with his music, and it was none of her business. Seeing the video that Jess had taped last night had made her queasy. Not for the reasons that Jess believed; that she was nauseated watching her make out with a man, but for the disillusionment she felt seeing her hero kissing and fondling a woman. She knew that this story wasn't going to destroy ap Owen alone, but would devastate many of his fans as well. She wouldn't be the only one to feel betrayed somehow. She pointed to the picture and the headline, finally getting Jessica's attention. śLOOK!” Jess looked, then snatched the paper from Marie's hands and crowed. śThis is great!” she laughed. śWhat!!” Marie was shocked at Jessica's reaction. Jess jumped to her feet, waving the paper. śThink about it, Marie!” Jess was jubilant. śHe disappears the day after I get those videos ... Why? Because the dirty, disgusting freak knows his cover is blown. This is gonna sell my story even more!” She read over the article quickly, not seeing the growing anger in Marie's eyes. When she finally looked up from the paper, Jess was startled at the intensity of Marie's glare. śWhat's wrong with you?” Jess asked, genuinely confused. Marie was speechless for a moment, and then found voice, śWhat's wrong with me? Look at what you're doing! What you've done!” She snatched the paper from Jessica's hands. śWhat did he ever do to you that you decided to ruin his life? Why did you have to pick on him, of all the people out there, all the ones who are truly perverted ... why not go after one of them? What good are you going to do by destroying him?” śHe's a freakin’ het, Marie! People have a right to know these things. What if it was our daughter he went after? What if it was her he wanted to stick that thing into?” She shuddered at the thought. śAnd what if that's what she wants when she grows up? What if she decides she wants to be with a man? You going to destroy her, too?” She rubbed her temples, realizing that Jess had deftly turned the argument away from the main point. She closed her eyes, and tried to calm herself. Lowering her tone, she said, śThis isn't about Daphne, this is about you and your attack on Daffyd ap Owen. People have a right to listen to his music, go to his concerts, stop him in the street to ask for an autograph, or shake his hand ... they do not have the right to follow him into his bedroom to watch him do whatever he does, with whoever he does it with.” Her voice began to rise again with her ire. śWho is he hurting? Did you find him hanging around outside a school, waiting to lure young girls? No! You had to go to a Hettie bar to pick him up, and from what you said, you went after him. He was sitting there having drinks until you threw yourself all over him. And even if he had made the first move, he was looking for a grown woman who shared his taste in sex. BIG DAMN DEAL!” Jessica folded her arms across her chest and stared at Marie. śWhy are you so worked up about this? Do you have hidden twist tendencies I should know about? Are you sure Daphne came from a donor at the Bank, not a live injection? You did go get fertilized without me being there.” Marie's mouth fell open. śExcuse me? You dare accuse me of having hetero leanings? You were the one with your tongue in his mouth, and his hands on your breasts! You sure weren't fighting him off too hard, not till the end, anyway.” śThat was different! That was for my job!” Jessica was angry now, too. Things were beginning to spiral out of control, to her shock and horrified amazement. She had never thought Marie would be so defensive of a twist. Marie was still fighting the unjust accusations, śAnd for you to think that Daphne came from a live act ... that's just sick, Jessica! How could you even say such a thing?” She burst into tears and sat heavily at the table, her head on her arms, sobbing. Jessica hovered nearby, wondering what to do. Usually, she would put her arms around Marie, hold her and kiss her hair and tell her everything would be all right. She put a tentative hand on Marie's shoulder, stroking gently. Marie wanted to leap up and tell Jessica everything about Daphne's conception. When they had first decided to have a baby, the next big choice was which of them would be the birth mother, and which, the other mother. In typical ŚI-me-mine’ fashion, Jessica had explained all the reasons why she shouldn't bear the child herself; it would affect her career, she had to be able to keep going for long hours, she was the big money earner. Marie didn't really mind. She had always wanted the experience of pregnancy and delivery. Now, the next step was to go to the Procreation Bank, and choose a donor. The databases held information about thousands of men and women whose genetic material was available, cross-referenced according to race, hair and eye color, height, intelligence, talents and skills, almost anything that might be passed on to offspring. No donor could provide sperm or eggs for more than five offspring. This kept the gene pool diverse. And no one was exempt from providing a sample unless they carried some awful genetic illness. Most donor files had a picture, and the donor's name and city of residence. If they were agreeable, a face-to-face meeting could be arranged to find out what they were like in person. Secrecy was not generally a part of the system. Donors, male or female, had no legal ties to their biological children. Only the birth parent was responsible for the child. All in all, it was a big improvement over their grandparents’ days, when, if a woman wanted a child, she actually had to have sexual intercourse with a man. In fact, she frequently would make a deal to have two children, one for the father to raise, if he were so inclined. If he did not want that option, then they would make only the one baby. Marie had thought how natural that had been in many ways. It was a lot like some animal societies, where the males lived separate lives, joining the females only to reproduce and then going about their own business. Still, she was glad she had this option, and didn't have to endure the violation of her body merely for the sake of having a baby. She couldn't understand why some women would want that, but as long as no one was forcing her, she didn't really care. Jessica and Marie had talked and talked about what they wanted for their baby. But Jessica's career kept interfering in their plans. Twice they had made plans to go to the Proc-Bank to search the computers, and twice Jessica had failed to show up. Oh, she had had the most plausible excuses, but it should have been a warning sign. The third time, she had told Marie she just couldn't get out of a prior commitment, and that Marie should just go have it done. Jessica trusted Marie's judgment. Angry and hurt, Marie had gone alone. She had been skimming through the files, glancing at this and that attribute, looking at the pictures of the donors, when an idea crossed her mind. She quickly keyed in the name of the donor she was hoping for. To her delight, three samples remained and none had been claimed for future use. She smiled to herself as she noted the information code she needed to request insemination. He was perfect; intelligent, musical, tall, with amazing blue eyes that seemed to stare right out of the monitor. She double-checked the code to make sure she had copied it down correctly. She approached the woman at the desk. The woman smiled brightly. śHave you made your decision?” śYes, I have, but the sample isn't here. How long does it take to get it shipped in?” She passed the slip of paper with the reference number on it to the clerk, who quickly keyed it in. śOh, from New York ... it should be here the day after tomorrow. We'll call you.” śThank you so much. Um, I was wondering if I could reserve the last two from that donor?” She smiled hopefully. The clerk's eyebrows lifted in surprise. It was unusual to encounter someone planning to have three children, but she made the notation on the file. śThere you go,” she said to Marie. śAll done. If you don't make use of one sample in three years, it will revert back to free access. You do know this?” śYes, I do. Thank you again.” She smiled hugely. The clerk smiled back. śThis is an exciting beginning for you,” she said. śHere, you'll need this when you come back for the procedure.” She passed her a small card with the information the nurse would need when Marie came in for her insemination. She looked it over carefully before tucking it into her wallet. It read Marie Tanya Lamère, 05-712-86-934, Daffyd Merlys ap Owen. Jessica had never asked who the donor was, hadn't even accompanied Marie to the Proc-Bank for the procedure, to Marie's dismay. Jess had been there for the birth, though, which made up somewhat for her earlier neglect. Jess had wanted to name the baby ŚClarice', but Marie insisted on Daphne. śWhere on Earth did you pick up that name?” Jessica had wanted to know. śI don't know, I read it in a book somewhere, I guess,” Marie had replied in an offhand manner. She didn't tell Jess that in her secret heart, it was a form of Daffyd, her tribute to her baby's sperm donor. And now, here was Jessica not only doing her best to destroy this man, but rejoicing in the fact of his disappearance. Marie was more furious than she had ever been in her whole life. Daphne wasn't even a year old yet, and Marie had always imagined telling her who her donor was when she was older. Now she didn't dare. And it was all thanks to Jessica's greed! She lifted her tear-streaked face. Jessica, who had expected to see grief on Marie's features, fell back from the hot hatred that poured out at her. She half-lifted her hands, as if to ward off an assault. But in a moment, the expression was gone and there was just a weary sadness in its place. Jessica wondered if she had been imagining things. śJessica.... śMarie began. śBefore you go any further, I want you to tell me something.” Jessica nodded. Anything to get Marie out of this horrible mood. śLast night, before you took him back to your hotel, what did you think of him? What was he like?” Jessica thought over the events of the previous evening. Marie did have a point, she thought. Ap Owen had been sitting quietly at the bar, enjoying his cognac, not even looking around the room. She had bumped his arm deliberately, thrown out the bait and reeled him in when he had taken it. However, during their conversation he had been pleasant, witty, a charming companion. He had made no overt moves until she had come out of the bathroom almost naked. Really, he hadn't been as predatory as her rough draft was making him out to be. Still, there was no doubt in her mind that he was a twist, and this story would definitely boost her career. On the other hand, she could play it down right now, just to placate Marie, and work on it at the office. She sighed, śHe was very nice, very charming. I guess he was the kind of man a lot of women would enjoy talking to, before he showed his true colors.” Marie frowned slightly. She didn't care much for the aspersions being cast on ap Owen's character, but at least Jess was admitting he wasn't all monster. śWhat do you want me to do, Marie?” Jessica asked, almost pleading. śI think you should go to the police and tell them what you know,” said the other. śHe might have gone hiding in places that normal men wouldn't go to, you know, some het hideouts or something. Anyway, it might give them a new lead.” Oh yes, thought Jessica. Let the cops blab the story, ruin my exclusive. I don't think I care for that idea. What she said was, śI'll stop in at the precinct tomorrow and talk to the captain personally. Will that make you feel better?” Marie nodded, hoping that Jessica would keep her word. Daphne woke in her room at the other end of the apartment. Marie stood up, looked deep into Jessica's eyes for signs of deceit. Jessica met her gaze unblinkingly, a conciliatory smile on her lips. They hugged and kissed briefly, a quick make-up gesture, and Marie hurried off to tend to the baby's growing cries. She returned with Daphne in her arms, and sought one more concession. śPlease, Jess,” she said. śIt's important to me that you give him a chance. How about holding off the story until he turns up? Could you do that?” śSure, Hon, I could do that,” said Jess. I could. You big innocent! Don't you realize what this can mean for us? She chucked their daughter under the chin and made her smile. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 17 Daffyd awoke to the smell of coffee brewing. He looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, uncertain where he was. The previous day's events flooded his mind, and he sat up, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. śWhat's that smell?” The small voice came from the doorway to the office. Devany made her way to the couch where Daffyd sat, the blanket puddled in his lap. She climbed up on the far end, sat down and looked at him. śWell? What is it?” śI think it's coffee, Little One. It's a stimulant.” He swung his long legs out of his makeshift bed and reached for his pants. Tossing back the covers, he rose, pulled on the pants, and picked up his shirt. The rest of his suit he left where it lay. He wished he had been wearing something less formal when whatever it was had happened yesterday. He didn't care for the idea of wearing one of his good suits to rags, but the chances of a dry cleaner's appearing next door seemed slim. He buttoned the shirt and tucked the tails into his pants as he and Devany made their way to the kitchen. Seren looked up from the stove where she was busily stirring something in a pan. śHi, you two,” she smiled. śWhat on Earth did you find to cook?” Daffyd peered over her shoulder at the contents of the pan. śEggs.” śEggs? Where did you get eggs?” He remembered discussing them last night and that Seren had not brought any with her. śFrom the chickens out back.” She grinned at him. śThere's a henhouse out back, and chickens scratching around the yard. I don't know how we missed them yesterday.” śAnd is that coffee I smell?” he asked hopefully. śYes, it is. I found coffee in the pantry"by the aroma"and the percolator right above the coffee canister. The coffee mugs are in that cupboard there"and if you would get plates down, too, we can eat.” Devany stood in the doorway, rubbing her eyes in astonishment. She was having the hardest time accepting that one person could do so many things. What kind of a place had Seren been raised in? Seren gestured at her. śCome on, kiddo. Get out forks and spoons. You know where they are.” Daffyd poured coffee and sniffed at it appreciatively. Seren laughed. śDon't get too excited about it. That's my third try at it so far. I've never used a percolator before and it's been kind of an adventure.” She divided the scrambled eggs among the three plates. śOh, and I couldn't find any milk, powdered or otherwise. After the chickens, I was hoping for a milk cow or a goat or something.” She opened the warming oven above the stove and took out the toast she had put there to keep warm. śI don't suppose we should push our luck,” Daffyd replied, blowing on his coffee to cool it. śIs there any sugar, do you know?” śCheck the pantry. There are some canisters there that look promising.” She set the plates out on the table and showed Devany how to put the forks at each place. Daffyd disappeared into the pantry. A moment later, his cry of triumph announced his success. He reappeared with the large enameled container. śIt's almost full,” he said. śThis is positively civilized.” Devany settled for water with her meal. It was what she was most accustomed to, anyway. Seren and Daffyd decided that the coffee wasn't too bad, and an altogether pleasant meal was enjoyed by all. As they tidied up afterwards, Seren said, śI want to explore the yard today. It seems different somehow. I thought the edge of the hillside was much closer, but it almost seems to have moved in the night. And there are more trees than I recall seeing. The chicken coop was behind some lilac bushes. Do you remember seeing lilacs, Daffyd.” śI think I noticed them from the window upstairs,” he admitted. śBut I didn't see the henhouse.” śWhat are lilac bushes?” asked Devany suddenly. Seren, standing at the sink, washing up the dishes, was brought up suddenly by the unexpected gaps in Devany's knowledge base. śI'll just show you later, okay?” Devany had already deduced that Śokay’ was a form of verbal short speak that meant Śis that fine’ or words to that effect. She tried it out as a reply to see what would happen. śOkay.” Seren nodded, satisfied and finished the last dish. She pulled the stopper and let the water drain. Daffyd stood nearby, drying and putting away. He passed the utensils to Devany for her part of the chores. śPut them back in the drawer, Devany,” he told her. śWhy?” śSo we'll know where to find them when we need them the next time. Seren worked hard to make breakfast for us all; it's only fair we clean up.” He looked pointedly at Seren. śThe next time you cook, Seren, please let us do the dirty work after.” śI guess I'm just too used to cleaning up after the kids. I mean, they do help, but I have to jump-start them.” She wiped her hands on her shorts to dry them. śMy part is done. I'm going outside. Join me when you're done?” she asked, part way out the door. śWe'll be along in a few minutes,” said Daffyd. Devany listened to this exchange with a worried expression. She wasn't certain about this Śgoing outside’ plan. There were no walls around the yard, no boundaries. How were you supposed to know where the limits were? She saw Seren bounce down the steps and disappear around the corner of the house. śWe'd better hurry,” said Daffyd, breaking into her thoughts. She looked up at him and shook her head. śDon't you want to come outside?” he asked her, sitting on the bench. This brought him closer to her level so she didn't have to look up quite so far. She shook her head again. śWhy not?” he set the dishtowel on the table, folded neatly. śDon't you want to find out about this place?” She shrugged. śI don't want to get into trouble,” she said. śYou won't get in trouble, Devany,” he looked at her earnestly. śYou'll be with me and Seren. Aren't you supposed to do what grownups tell you to?” śOnly Nannies and Supervisors, Teachers, people like that. You're not an Authority Person.” He decided to try another tack. śDon't you think Seren is an Authority Person? Who else would know so many things?” Devany frowned as she thought this over. So far, it seemed that Seren was pretty much in charge. Daffyd had been doing the things she asked without seeming put out by it. And Seren did know an awful lot. More than anyone Devany had ever imagined. śShe did tell us to come out when we were finished,” he reminded her, hoping to convince her. He didn't understand the deep fears the wideness of the world stirred in her. śYe-e-e-e-e-s, she did.” She scowled. śAre you sure I won't get in trouble?” śYou're just following orders,” he inadvertently chose the perfect line to ensure her cooperation. She nodded. śGive me your hand, then,” he stood and held his down for her. She took it hesitantly and went outside with him. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 18 Gerri Reznik woke suddenly. The sun's rays were slanting obliquely from the east through the foliage. This was an ordinary enough event for early morning, but something about it was not quite right. What could it be? She turned off her conscious mind; a trick she had learned during her first year in the Recruits, and let the information, which she knew was lurking at deeper levels to slide through her mind unhindered. The piece she sought surfaced. She shook Rapsim awake. He sat up immediately, wide-eyed and alert. śWhat do you remember about yesterday?” she demanded of him. Without stopping to think, he replied, śWe were plucked from The Taravalan, your Mission ship, and set down in this godforsaken place. We're following the underground water course, and time here is not moving at all, although it seems to be passing very slowly at home. Why do you ask?” śBecause time seems to have resumed, or started up, or something. At least the sun has. Look!” She gestured at the early morning light filtering through the leaves. Rapsim looked around. śSo it has. Wasn't it at mid-afternoon yesterday, the whole time we were walking?” śThat's how I remember it. What does the multi say?” Her tone was curious and more than a little perplexed. He took it out and checked. śIt still says we're not anywhere in charted space, but local time seems to be ticking along at a regular pace. ŚOur time’ seems to have moved along briskly by a whole minute.” śOoooooh,” she rolled her eyes. śI wonder why time is going so slowly at home ... I'm not wild about this, Rap.” śLook on the positive side, Rez,” he replied in his unruffled way. śWhen I finally figure out how to get us home, hardly any time at all will have passed ... unless we're here for years.... śHe let the thought drift away into silence, and abruptly changed the topic. śSo, ProtoLeader, back to the road for us then? Would you like to fill up on some fruit first?” She gave him a look that said, quite clearly, Don't try playing any games with ME, Rapsim ba Sharaval. But nice try. He grinned at her, knowing his remark about being stranded for years was rankling and that she would never admit it. śYes, Rap, let's eat first, have a drink, and then hit that road again.” She had noticed he had been deferring to her all along, presumably because of her ProtoLeader status. She couldn't decide whether to be annoyed or flattered. The first, because he was so much more experienced and knowledgeable; she knew he had traveled to parallel universes before, as well as extensively throughout their own galaxy, while she had only been on twenty-five missions, and always as a Trainee. This led to the second feeling. His allowing her to make the decisions suggested that he trusted her judgment, and was actually letting her try her wings. She adored Rap, but sometimes he made her crazy. As she bent to drink from the rock pool again, Rapsim said quietly, śThat's odd.” Reznik lifted her head, water dripping from her chin and lips. śShould I be worried?” she asked. śOh, no. It's just this Śspring’ here ... it seems to be a feed from the main pipe. There's a little one just between those big rocks that leads from the big one we've been following.” He looked at her with a puzzled expression. śWhat?” She wiped her chin and moved over beside him. śLet me see that!” She studied the schematic on the tiny screen. śHow did you miss this last night ... yesterday ... whenever it was?” śIt didn't show up last night, just like the sun wasn't moving. Or I wasn't paying attention.” He looked unhappy. Neither explanation made for peace of mind for him. He didn't care to have things changing at random, nor did he care to think he was losing his touch. Reznik passed the multi back to him. śI am really, seriously, honest-to-all-the-gods starting to hate this place,” she said in a quiet, matter-of-fact voice. śThe peaches and berries and water are all still safe, if that's any consolation,” he said, privately agreeing with her. śWhoopee.” Her tone did not match the word, being somewhat dry and unenthusiastic. She drank deeply, then climbed nimbly into the tree to reach the better pieces of fruit on the higher branches, tossing them down to Rapsim. After returning to the ground, she sat with him and ate in almost grim silence. Then, shaking her head in disgust at their situation, she led them back to the road. * * * * Dommi again checked on Mykal's project. You are managing well? He noticed the slight deviations in the perceptions of the two in the forest, but forebore from mentioning it. Mykal himself indicated them. I was able to change how they perceive the sun, he sent. But I cannot erase their memories. Their minds are different, somehow. Dommi examined them more closely. You are correct, Mykal. They think more clearly, they have more discipline, especially the male. However, I believe this will not interfere with the success of your work. I thought at first that you might have to start over, when you took the two instead of the one. But there are times when what seems to be a mistake turns out to be the very thing you needed. It seems well so far. His warm glow of approval pleased Mykal. He projected humble gratitude. Dommi moved on to the next student. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 19 Seren waved her hand above her head and called out to Daffyd and Devany, śOver here!” Daffyd acknowledged her with a nod and a lifted hand. śCome see what I found!” she called to them. They walked past the lilac bushes and the henhouse, which Daffyd knew he hadn't seen last night, although it should have been visible from the upstairs window. They found Seren on the far side of the hedge. She was standing at the edge of a tidy garden plot that apparently was nearing the end of a very healthy growing season. Fruit and vegetables abounded. It meant nothing to Devany, but Seren and Daffyd were pleased. Devany was more interested in the lilacs. She slipped her hand from Daffyd and wandered over to the bushes. śLots of fresh veggies,” Seren enthused. śI wonder what else there is.” śIt's certainly very convenient,” said Daffyd, in his cautious manner. His mind was beginning to wrap itself around some things, to connect and sort information. He said nothing, but let things simmer on a mental back burner. Seren noticed the serious look on his face. śIs something wrong, Daffyd?” His brows drew closer together as his frown deepened. He scratched his jaw through his beard. śI don't know a lot about gardens ... but I do know that lilacs bloom in the spring, and that this kind of harvest shouldn't be ready until late summer.” Seren looked over at the purple blossoms springing from the tall bushes, and sniffed the familiar sweet aroma as it drifted past on the breeze. śMaybe the rules are different here,” she suggested. śI mean, we're not in Kansas, anymore, Toto. You know what I mean?” He stared blankly, shook his head in bewilderment. śThe Wizard of Oz? Dorothy? Somewhere over the rainbow?” She threw snippets at him. He indicated ignorance of the reference. śOh my god,” said Seren. śWhat ... eight or nine years go by and The Wizard of Oz is gone? Where the heck did you spend your childhood that you never heard of it? I mean, in my time, you would have been about fifty ... how could you live for fifty years and not ever hear of The Wizard of Oz?” She stared at him accusingly, as if he had deliberately avoided any exposure to one of the most visible icons of her time. He held his hands out in a warding-off gesture. śI'm sorry, Seren. I've never heard of any of that. Perhaps we travel in different circles.” śDifferent worlds, more like,” Seren rolled her eyes"stopped"and looked sharply at him. śThat's it! Daffyd, who is the President of the United States in your time?” śAl Gore, for his second term.” He saw where she was going. śAnd before him?” she asked. śHillary Rodham,” he replied. A shriek of laughter escaped her lips and she clapped both hands over her mouth, her eyes dancing with delight. śReally? Hillary Rodham?” śYe-e-s,” he said slowly, realization growing. śWhy?” śIn my world, it's Bill Clinton,” she said. śAl Gore is vice president.” He raised an eyebrow in amusement. śBill Clinton? Your world elected Bill Clinton?” He laughed out loud, a low rumble. The realization reached full growth. śWe are definitely not from the same world, then, Seren.” śNo, we're not.” He breathed deeply, blew out. śThe plot thickens.” śYes, it does.” She looked from Daffyd to Devany who was sniffing the lilacs and touching the delicate blooms, and back to Daffyd. śHow are we all ever going to get home?” śTo be honest, the way things were going for me, I'd be just as happy not going back.” He smiled ruefully. śPerhaps I can tell you about it one day.” śIf we can't find a way home, we'll have lots of time to tell each other lots of stories.” She shook herself mentally. śRight now, let's get back on track. I bet we find lots more useful stuff. Let's go exploring.” She headed off through the orchard toward the edge of the hill. Daffyd looked over at Devany and called to her. She turned her face toward him. śComing?” he asked, forgetting for the moment she was unused to making decisions for herself. śYes,” she answered. She reluctantly left the flowers. They smelled nice and underneath them it was shadowy and safe looking. She would have liked to crawl in between the trunks, but she didn't know how to go about asking such a thing. Surely, it wasn't an approved activity. It was probably best right now to stay close to Daffyd and Seren. If a real Authority Person came along, it wouldn't do to be caught out all alone. She ran over to where Daffyd was waiting patiently for her and took his hand again. She looked up at him, and he smiled down and winked at her. She puzzled over that, although it gave her a warm feeling inside. She felt safe with Daffyd. She didn't know why, but his presence was comforting to her. They strolled toward Seren, Devany's little hand lost in Daffyd's. She reminded him in many ways of his grandniece, Ria. Not in physical appearance so much, but in her demand for information, and her direct manner. He didn't spend as much time with Ria as he would have liked; his work schedule saw to that, but he enjoyed her immensely when they were together. She was a bright and funny little girl. Having Devany here helped him keep a level head, thinking that if Ria were suddenly somewhere strange he would want someone there watching over her. Knowing Devany was dependent on him and Seren made it easier to fight off the nagging feeling that he had somehow lost his mind. Despite what he had said to Seren yesterday about the reality of it all, he still partly believed the entire episode was a dream induced by the coma he was probably in. But another part of his mind could not deny the very real feeling of Devany's fingers curling around his, the smell of the coffee this morning, and the clear sound of Seren's voice calling to them. His dreams tended toward being cloudy and disjointed, surreal almost. This was too cohesive, too linear, so it must be happening, although, had anyone asked him how, he would not have been able to hazard a guess. Science Fiction was a literary form that was in its infancy in his world, and the concepts of parallel worlds, space travel, and alternate dimensions were not anything he had ever given any serious consideration. They caught up with Seren. The hill right here jutted into the field like the prow of a ship. Seren stood quite a distance to the right of the point, at the top of a path. It sloped gently down to the left and vanished around the curve of the Śprow'. Devany frowned at it ... she had climbed up this hillside yesterday, not right at this spot, admittedly, but she had no memory of seeing any trail anywhere. She didn't like this at all. Seren looked at the other two. śShall we find out where this goes?” she asked. Devany was torn between the desire to stay with Daffyd and Seren and her need to return to the sanctuary of walls around her. The longer she was out here, the more nervous and frightened she was becoming. She fidgeted. Daffyd got down on one knee beside her, and looked into her worried face, still holding her hand. His free hand brushed a curling tendril of hair out of her eyes. śAre you all right, Devany?” he asked quietly. She shook her head. śDo you want to go back to the house?” A nod, her green eyes staring into his. śWould you like me to take you back?” Another nod. Daffyd raised his eyes to Seren. śI'll only be few minutes. Wait for me.” He rose gracefully, surprising in a man of his bulk, and lifted Devany into his arms. He settled her behind on his left forearm. śAre you comfortable?” he asked. śYes, thank you,” she replied. She couldn't remember ever being carried before. It was rather soothing. She put her arm around his neck and a tiny smile made a fleeting appearance on her delicate face. Daffyd's face softened in response. If this had been Ria, he would have kissed her cheek and blown into her neck, making goosebumps appear all down her arm, and setting off an explosion of giggles. With Devany, he merely smiled warmly, and gave her a brief hug with his free arm. Seren watched the exchange, thinking how wonderful he was with this lost child, how easily he related to her. It was a shame he didn't have children of his own; he would make such an incredible father. He set off at a brisk pace through the trees. Seren sat down and waited for his return, dangling her feet over the edge of the hill. When they reached the garden and the lilacs, Devany asked Daffyd to stop. śCould I get down here?” she asked. śOf course,” he said, and set her on her feet. A voice whispered in her mind and directed her words. śYou can go back to Seren, now,” she told him. śI can go the rest of the way by myself.” śAre you sure?” he asked. He was concerned for her emotional state, more than anything. There hadn't been any danger here, and he was quite sure that she was physically safe alone in the house, but he knew she was uncomfortable in the open. śYes, I'm sure,” she replied. śThe house is right there. I'm not a baby, you know.” He fought to keep a straight face, and succeeded. śYes, I know. Well, go on, then. I'll just watch you to the door.” She turned and ran to the back door, where she stopped and looked back. He waved to her. She waved back and stepped just inside the door and waited as the voice suggested. When he was out of sight, she crept quietly back to the hedge. Graz and Blagdur chuckled with their success. * * * * Daffyd returned to Seren. śAllow me to lead?” he asked. She made an Śafter you’ gesture toward the path. Daffyd bowed his head in acknowledgment, an elegant subtlety of movement that brought a smile to Seren's face. As they descended, Seren's eyes traveled from the path at her feet, to the field on her right, to Daffyd's broad back before her. śDaffyd,” she called out. He looked back over his shoulder. śWhat is it?” śThe people are all gone. Look!” She waved at the empty grass below them. He stared out at the emptiness, his gaze traveling from horizon to horizon. Seren was right. There was not a soul to be seen. śWhere the hell did they all go?” he asked no one in particular. śAnd why didn't any of them come to the house?” They stood and regarded the plain. Neither could know that everyone they had seen was part of someone's project, just as they were the subjects of Mykal's efforts. Each individual was drawn only to the other concerned subjects and to the place chosen by the tester as the work area. śThis place is giving me a brain stazo,” said Seren. Daffyd looked at her. śA what?” She laughed. śA brain stazo. It's one of those family words. When Matthew was little, I said I thought I was having a brain spasm. He thought I said Śstazo'. We've been using it ever since. I didn't mean to add to the confusion. I'm sorry.” He chuckled. śDon't be,” he reassured her. śWe have words like that, too. My sister's little granddaughter calls cupboards, Ścovereds'. Now, of course, so do the rest of us.” Seren was delighted. śWhat a good word! And it makes more sense than Ścupboards', too. That's so cute!” She thought of all the baby words that had come and gone, some only existing in her diaries anymore; craylons, and chwips, and muswic. A wistful smile surfaced with the memory, her eyes lost in the past. Daffyd watched the play of emotion across her face, wishing he could offer a hug for comfort. A tear tracked down her cheek, followed quickly by another and another. His heart ached for her sadness. She suddenly became aware of the wetness on her cheeks and scrubbed at it hastily. śSorry. I didn't mean to go to pieces.” śI wouldn't call six tears Śgoing to pieces',” he said, his voice low and comforting. He surprised her by reaching out a gentle hand and wiping away a tear from her chin. śYou missed one.” His blue eyes, compassionate and warm, met hers. The caring in them almost undid her completely and she fought for control. She had been a pillar of strength for seven years, ever since Terry's death, all her crying done in private, and she wasn't about to go public now. But, oh, sometimes she felt the need to share the burden and to let someone else be strong for her, just for a little while. And Daffyd seemed to be such a rock, so steady. How she would have liked to cuddle up to him and cry on his shoulder, even if only for a few minutes. Instead, she took a deep, shaky breath and let it out again, her tears held back until she could be alone. śYou're sure you're all right?” he asked. śI will be,” she smiled weakly. śThanks.” The urge to put an arm, or maybe even both, around her was almost overwhelming. Stop it! he told himself firmly in the privacy of his head. You don't need to alienate the only other adult here. She's good company, she's enjoyable to be with, don't ruin it now! He hesitated half a moment, then turned and resumed his trek down the path, Seren following a few paces behind. They rounded the corner and stopped in amazement. The hillside leveled off here, making a wide, level plateau several acres in size. A closed gate in a wooden fence barred their progress. A small barn appeared to be built into the hillside within the enclosure. They went through the gate, closing it behind them. Daffyd double-checked it, a habit acquired during the summers he had spent on his grandmother's farm. He decided to investigate the building first, and Seren simply fell into step beside him. Just as they reached the open barn door, a low sound from the far side of the pasture startled them both. They spun around to find the source. A moment later, a small cow with a young calf came into view. śFresh milk,” murmured Daffyd. śDidn't you say we needed fresh milk?” śAs a matter of fact, Daffyd dear, I did. Unfortunately, although I know the theory behind getting it out of the original container, I don't have any practical experience.” śMy dear Seren,” he replied, adopting her expression, and rather enjoying the banter, śI not only know the theory, but have extensive practical experience.” śWell, aren't you a bundle of surprises!” She grinned at him, tickled at this revelation. śGeez, Daffyd, is there no end to your talents?” He shrugged modestly. śI have acquired a few skills here and there in my life,” he admitted. śI can't wait to find out more of them.” She cleared her throat. śIn the meantime, O Wise Milking Man, do you think she's approachable or has she gone wild?” śShe doesn't appear to be overly aggressive,” he said. In fact, the cow had seen them, paused to stare at them for a moment and then resumed her grazing, drifting slowly closer. Her calf peered at them from the safety of her far side, its ears sticking preposterously out to the sides. It made a hilarious, yet charming picture. śI don't think she's going to attack,” he said. śWhy don't we go see if there is a bucket or something in the barn, and I'll try milking her in a little while.” śSure.” She wanted to see this. The image of Daffyd as a farmer was almost more than her sense of humor could stand. The barn appeared, at first glance, to be a small outbuilding but on closer inspection proved to extend quite far into the hill itself. The doors slid on tracks instead of swinging on hinges. Right now, they were wide open, standing to each side of the doorway. Judging by the trail, the cow and her calf had been wandering freely in and out. A stone trough sat to the right of the doors, close to the rising hillside. A trickle of water burbled out of a short pipe, as though from an artesian well. The overflow at the far end made a narrow stream that wandered away to the far side of the pasture, and disappeared under the fence, presumably to run down the slope beyond. śThat's next,” said Seren, pointing at the water. śI want to see where it goes.” They entered the barn, pausing to let their eyes adapt to the gloom. There were large, roomy stalls, enough for several animals. The door to one was open, and the evidence suggested that this was where the cow and her calf bedded down. A cat, snoozing on a bale of straw, awoke, stood, stretched, yawned enormously and leapt down to caress itself against their shins. śHello, Pusscat,” said Daffyd, and bent to scoop it up. It purred loudly and rubbed its face against his beard. Seren laughed and reached out to scratch its ears. It purred even more loudly and butted its head against her hand. śThe cat's friendly enough,” she said. śAnd it doesn't appear to be starving. Either someone's been taking care of it, or the mouse population is sufficient to keep it well fed.” As he finished speaking, there was a rustle of straw in one of the stalls. The cat poured itself onto the floor and vanished around a partition. There was a flurry of sounds, and a sharp squeak abruptly ended. The cat reappeared with the obviously dead mouse dangling from its jaws. It jumped back onto its bale and began eating. śYACK!” Seren grimaced in distaste. śThat bone-crunching noise sends me!” She shuddered. śYou look for a milk pail. I'm going outside to see where that stream goes.” She walked out into the sunlight. He searched the barn. The hayloft was stocked with sweet-smelling hay, and two stalls were full of stacked bales of straw for bedding. Big covered bins contained oats and other feed grains. He examined it all. Finally he opened a door that led into a small room that contained everything the home dairy needed. There was a stool to sit on, stainless steel buckets, and even tall-lidded milk cans to empty the buckets into. He could identify the electric churn to make butter and saw something he thought was probably for pasteurizing. śHmph,” he muttered to himself, and added this information to the processing going on in the back corner of his mind. Having ascertained that he had everything he needed for his milking attempt later, he walked outside in search of Seren. He found her sitting on the top of the fence on the far side of the pasture, gazing down past the hill to something he could not yet see. He made his way over to Seren, absently patting the cow on the head as he passed. The cow wiggled an ear in response. He came up behind Seren, admiring her figure as she perched on the top rail, her feet resting on the one below, her hands out to either side, bracing her. He drew near, crossed his forearms on the fence post and leaned on it. śWhat did you find?” he asked conversationally. śThat,” she jerked her chin to indicate what lay at the bottom of the hill. Another path led down from a gate on this side to a small lake. The path debouched onto a grassy area where a short dock pushed its wooden finger out into the water. Farther out, a wooden raft floated serenely. Most of the rest of the shore was lined with trees or bushes, making a perfect, private swimming hole. Seren thought it would be a great place for skinny-dipping, if Daffyd wouldn't have a heart attack or stroke or something. The whole setting was idyllic. śIsn't that beautiful?” She sighed. śI don't suppose you remembered to pack a swim suit. The things we forget to bring on holiday!” He chuckled, and joined in her fantasy. śPerhaps we can buy some at the gift shop. I know the prices will be outrageous; you know how tourist traps are.” śIt's terrible, really, how they gouge you,” she agreed. śThe next time we take a trip together, dear, remind me to bring the bathing suits! And a change of underwear ... some socks ... more clothes.” She laughed. śOh god, Daffyd. I'm losing my marbles ... no, I've lost them.” He had been struck by her casual mention of traveling together. He was thinking how pleasant that would be; traveling with Seren. She was easy to be with"apart from having to hide his growing attraction"intelligent, fun, comfortable to talk to or to be silent with; a rare treasure. He also liked the way she had called him Śdear'. He knew it was just in fun, but it had sounded natural coming from her. He had had a few longer relationships with women, but terms of endearment had always sounded forced. He had often suspected that his partners felt as uncomfortable, at some level, as he did. He was so afraid of exposure, he could never really let his guard down, no matter how deeply he cared. Wouldn't it be nice, he thought, if she really meant it? He realized she was looking at him as if waiting for a response. He quickly replayed her last words. He hoped the expression meant the same to her as it did to him; that she was losing her mind. śI could help you look for them,” he offered. śI'll take you up on that, as soon as I remember where and when I had them last.” She leaned forward. śBut right now, I'm going to go check out that lake. You coming?” She vaulted lightly to the ground. Daffyd opted for going through the gate, latching it securely closed behind him. śWe can't have our little dairy producer wandering off, can we?” he said to Seren. This time, she led the way. At the bottom, she moved to one side and looked around, her eyebrows drawing together as she thought. He joined her. śWhat are you thinking?” he asked, noting the frown of concentration. śI'm thinking it's odd that the path doesn't go all the way to the dock. I mean, if anyone used this place regularly, you'd expect a trail, wouldn't you?” They both studied the area. śYou're right,” he said. śThere's another path, too, over there. It looks like it leads up to the driveway area.” He, too, frowned. śIt dead ends down here, as well. And did you notice how well manicured the grass appears? Someone must have cut it, and fairly recently.” śYou know, I don't know whether this place should send me screaming, or if I should just shrug and say to myself, Śdon't worry about it, just accept it'. Right this very minute, I'm leaning more and more towards the running and screaming.” She said this in such a matter-of-fact tone, that the meaning of the words took a few moments to sink into his consciousness. He turned his gaze on her. She stood with her arms folded across her chest, and a very annoyed expression on her face, staring out over the water. Her leg was jittering nervously. He wondered if she was on the verge of some spectacular blowout. She was wondering the same thing. Her nerves had been stretched to their limit, and she was thinking that an enormous primal scream, and perhaps some mindless acts of violence on an inanimate object, might be just the ticket to restore some kind of balance. On the other hand, she thought losing her cool in front of Daffyd might put undue strain on the friendship that was growing between them and she didn't want that. She liked him too much to subject him to one of her rare, but spectacular, emotional eruptions. She focused on her breathing for a few minutes, then, realizing she sounded more like a seething bull about to charge the matador than anything else, and seeing the moderately alarmed look on Daffyd's face, she dissolved into howling hysterical laughter. Daffyd's expression became even more worried, and this merely added fuel to the fire. She tried to explain, but words wouldn't, no, couldn't make it past the peals of hilarity that were falling from her mouth. Tears ran down her face and she finally just dropped to the ground, and sat there, shaking with mirth. Finally, the storm passed, leaving her weak and giggling. She felt much better, and if Daffyd had to see her unglued, at least this form was less of a shock than watching her rage up and down. She wiped her eyes, and looked up at Daffyd. He was gazing down at her, his blue eyes alight with merriment, his lips barely touched by his smile. He offered her a hand. She took it and he pulled her easily to her feet, and offered her the handkerchief he had taken from his pants pocket. She opened her mouth to apologize, but he cut her off. śIt's all right, Seren,” he said. śI have to admit I was somewhat concerned ... but really, with all you've been through, I think it's allowed.” His smile became an unexpected grin. śIt was certainly entertaining.” He chuckled and then laughed out loud. śYou know, of all the people there are in my world and yours, I'm glad it's you I'm stranded with.” He stopped suddenly before he said too much, and then, realizing he was still holding her hand, he let it go. But his eyes held hers a moment longer before he turned away. She watched him as he walked out onto the dock, balancing easily as it dipped under his weight. His words warmed her. She liked him very much, and it was nice to know that he liked her, too. She saw him kneel and dip a hand into the water. śHow is it?” she called out to him. śA little cool this early in the day. But it will probably be perfect by mid-afternoon,” he replied. Seren walked to the edge of the grass where lawn met lake, and dabbled her own hand in the cool, clear water. śYou're right. If it gets as hot today as it was yesterday, I might just come down later and swim. You can join me if you don't mind seeing me in my underwear.” She grinned inwardly at the thought. The image danced through his mind. He shook his head at her. śNo, I don't mind.” You could swim now; I wouldn't mind. I might have to leave, but I wouldn't mind. śThat's good,” she replied. śYou know, you could swim in your underwear, too. I mean, it covers as much as a bathing suit does.” śI shall certainly give it some consideration,” he said in an odd tone. She rose to her feet. I bet that means Śno'. Aloud, she said, śYou want to teach me how to milk a cow?” He looked over at her, his eyes dancing, another grin threatening to surface. śReally? You want to learn to milk?” śYes, really. Sure, why not.” She dried her hand on her shorts. The grin surfaced. śI just didn't picture you as the farming type.” He stood and strode back to shore. śWell, well, well. Let's go!” [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 20 Devany lay on her back under the lilac bushes. She had intended to return directly to the house, but the sweet, unfamiliar scent had kept her here. It had seemed safe and inviting under the bushes, among the thick stems. She discovered the perfect spot where several lilacs grew in a circle, with enough room between their trunks for her to wriggle her small body into the space in the middle. The ground was cool and dry and crumbly. It was kind of hard, but she didn't mind. She made herself comfortable, at first curling up into a little ball, but slowly unfolding until she was stretched out on her back. She gazed up through the leaves and delicate purple flowers to glimpses of the sky above. Here, in the near silence, with only the hum of industrious bees as background noise, she considered everything that had happened since yesterday. Her mind ran over everything she had seen, done, and heard. She remembered every word Seren or Daffyd had said, no matter how bizarre or unreal the meaning seemed. She still didn't believe the Śdifferent world’ story, but neither could she offer any more likely explanation. Her experience was too narrow, too limited, for her to postulate a theory. However, there was no denying that Seren could do an awful lot of things. Devany would never have believed this possible for one person if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes. She had even heard Seren humming a song this morning while she made breakfast! But she wasn't a singer. It was all too much for her young brain to process. Soon, the movement of the leaves in the breeze and the hypnotic swaying of the flowers lulled her to sleep. * * * * śMoving right along,” said Gerri Reznik, walking the seemingly endless road. Rapsim kept quiet. He recognized when she was venting and knew that input from him would only escalate her foul mood. They had been walking for hours without seeming to get anywhere. The landscape was essentially the same for kilometer after kilometer. It was like being in one of those old movies, Gerri decided, where the actors sat in a car, or walked a treadmill while the scenery moved around them. It provided the illusion of movement without anyone actually getting anywhere. śThis is insane! There must be something new around here. Anything! A flower, a big boulder"something as a landmark so we know we're getting somewhere.” She glared at the monotony around her. śI hate this. I want to go back to the expedition.” Rapsim jerked his chin at the fruit tree they were approaching. śLunch?” he suggested. śOh. Yay. More fruit.” Well, at least these were something new. They appeared to be apples of some kind. The multi declared them safe for consumption, so Gerri picked four or five. She gave two to Rapsim and sat in the shade of the tree to eat hers. śHow long have we been gone, Rap?” she asked. He checked the multi. śAbout two minutes home time,” he announced. śStill no time passing here.” śOh, yeah. Two minutes. I gotta tell ya, Rap, it's been the longest two damn minutes of my life.” * * * * The Captain of Expedition 292, on board the Taravalan watched the tri-d images for the umpteenth time. The picture was as clear as clear could be but it was a bit of a strain on the sensibilities. S/he replayed it one more time. Nothing had changed. The tri-d was from one of the many systems monitoring the corridors of the ship. There were ProtoLeader Reznik and Counselor Rapsim walking along the corridor. Rapsim stumbled, grabbed at Reznik, there was a flash of light and they were gone. The really irritating thing was that none of the security systems reported a breech of any kind. Nothing had malfunctioned, there had been no random teleporter activity and the transponders implanted below their ears were not registering anywhere. The range on those friggly things was measured in light years! How they could have gotten out of range was inconceivable. However, it was imperative they be found. The mission could only be delayed a very short while and Reznik's presence was essential. She was originally slated to be the ProtoLeader for the Team, under the watchful eye of the actual Leader, Lasver Noll. Then Noll had been struck with Betel fever and would be out of commission for weeks. The Recruits’ Number One had decided that Reznik would take over as actual Acting Leader. A Team had to have a Leader or the mission would be scrapped. No one else was available. Captain Chanruh watched the tri-d again"in infrared this time, just in case. S/he still saw nothing new. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 21 Daffyd leaned on the stall door and watched Seren with great amusement. She had tied her hair back out of the way and was squatting on the milking stool. The cow, which had apparently acquired the name ŚDammit', stood placidly enough, but with her head turned slightly to keep an eye on the woman at her side. The calf nibbled at the handful of hay Daffyd was holding down for it. Seren leaned her forehead against the cow's side and laughed softly. śDammit, what am I doing wrong? You gave all kinds of milk when Daffyd did this!” She looked over at him. śHelp,” she said in a small voice. śAre you sure? You seemed pretty confident earlier.” His lips twitched in a near-smile, his blue eyes dancing with humor. śI believe your words were, ŚOh heck, Daffyd, anyone can do that.’ Or something to that effect.” śI take it all back! It's not that easy.” She grinned mischievously. śYou are the God of Milking Cows. Now, please come help me, oh Great One, I beg you.” He drew himself to his full height and looked down his nose at her. śWell, I suppose ... when you put it like that. What self-respecting god would ignore such an eloquent plea from a worshiper?” His supercilious tone made her laugh out loud, causing Dammit to look at her in some alarm. Daffyd chuckled. He crouched behind the stool, Seren's back against his chest. He put his arms around her and covered her hands with his on the cow's udder. He had to lean over her shoulder a little to see what he was doing. Then, using his hands to control hers, he showed her exactly how to place, grip and squeeze, grip and squeeze. śGeez, Daffyd, you make it seem so easy!” She marveled at the streams of milk splashing into the bucket. śNow let me try again.” He released her hands, but kept his position behind her in case she needed him again. He steadied himself with a hand on her hip, his other arm resting on his leg. He continued looking over her shoulder to watch her efforts. She took a deep breath and tried again. A squirt of milk rewarded her efforts. śWooHOO!” she cheered and kept milking. She caught Daffyd's grin out of the corner of her eye and turned her face toward him. śThank you, Oh God of Milking Cows,” she said, and kissed his cheek impulsively. An odd expression crossed his face as he looked at her. His lips half-pursed, and for a moment she thought he would kiss her back. She held her breath. śYou're quite welcome,” he said, and stood abruptly. He went back to distracting the calf and watching from the door. His mind, his feelings were in turmoil. He wanted so much to return the kiss, to stay where he had been. He wanted the warmth of her against his chest, her hip under his hand. He liked the way her hands had felt in his. He wished he could tell her all this, but what good would it do? He remembered the first time he had ever let a girl know she had had an erotic effect on him and her scream of outrage and disgust. He had been embarrassed and ashamed. He couldn't bear the thought of Seren looking at him like that, so he withdrew. For her part, Seren continued to milk the cow, cursing her stupidity. She should have known he would panic and run. And it had felt so nice. He was solid and warm and she had wanted to lean back against him for comfort. His hands on hers had sent pleasant tingles through her, and when he had rested his left hand on her hip, the jolt was almost like an electric shock. Lord, he was an attractive man. She just wished he wasn't so heterophobic. She managed to almost fill the bucket. Daffyd took it and poured it into the big steel milk can and screwed the lid on. He rinsed the pail thoroughly with clean water and set it aside. śI'll bring the milk can up to the house, shall I?” he said. śThat'd be great.” She knew she sounded as unnatural as he did. They really needed to talk this out. śDaffyd,” she began. śYes?” His voice showed the strain of carrying the heavy container. śUm. You want some help with that? Getting it up the path is going to be fun.” She changed her topic gracefully. śThere ought to be an easier way,” he said, and set the milk can down. They looked around for something to transport the milk up to the house. Seren indicated a door at the back of the barn. śWhat's in there?” she asked. Daffyd shrugged. śI don't know. I must have missed it somehow.” Actually, I don't remember seeing it at all, and I'm sure I looked. They reached it at the same time. Seren tugged it open. A tunnel led into the hillside. They exchanged a glance, their earlier discomfort replaced by curiosity. Daffyd, glancing around the doorway, found the light switch. He pushed it and a series of globes in the ceiling of the tunnel sprang to life. śCool. Let's have a look, Daffyd,” and she stepped through the door. The passageway ran straight and almost level, ending at another door. When they tried it, it opened easily. Again, Daffyd discovered the switch and pressed it. They were in the cellar of the house. Bright cones of light illuminated various areas. The door they stood in was in one of the corners. Straight ahead were the support posts for the stairs that led up to the ground floor. Shelves ran between each pair of posts making convenient storage space for a variety of miscellaneous items. Beyond the stairs was a workbench, the tools hanging neatly on the wall. An ultra-modern washing machine stood beside a very old pair of stone laundry sinks. Beyond the sinks was a bin containing the sheets Seren had thrown down last night. A square hole in the ceiling above the bin proved her theory about a laundry chute. She pointed it out to Daffyd. He nodded to show he had seen it and turned his attention to the other door in their corner. This one led to a root cellar, with bins full of potatoes, turnips, carrots, beets and a few vegetables neither could identify. Bunches of onions and garlic hung from the ceiling, vying for space with huge sausages, hams and other smoked meats. A barrel was half full of apples. śSeren!” he called over his shoulder. śCome look at this!” She looked past him, then pushed him into the room so she could gain entrance. She wandered around the room, looking into bins, peering into the crates and boxes and barrels. Daffyd examined the bounty hanging from the ceiling. Their eyes met across the room. She blew out a long breath through pursed lips. śWow!” was all she said. śWow, indeed,” he replied. śIt looks as though we're quite well provided for.” śNo kidding! Holy cow! This is amazing. There's butter here in pound packages ... well they look about a pound each, anyway.” She indicated a barrel. śGod, Daffyd, I could make such a feast with this stuff!” śSo could I,” he remarked dryly. She dimpled. śI'm sorry. I'm so used to being chief-cook-and-bottle-washer, I forget other people can do it, too. So ... you like to cook?” śVery much. And I'm quite good at it, if I say so myself.” śWell, then, Daffyd. Why don't we split up the cooking duties?” śYes, why don't we. You made breakfast this morning. I'll make supper. Lunch we can work together on. Tomorrow, I'll make breakfast and you make supper. Fair enough?” śI think so. All righty then.” She held out her hand. He paused, then stepped forward and shook it firmly. śThen the deal is sealed?” he asked, to confirm his interpretation of the gesture. śYes, sir, it is.” She smiled at him. He seemed to have gotten over his earlier mood and she was feeling relieved. śThen I'll come back down later and choose my ingredients,” he said. śAll we need now is some good wine, and we could dine in style.” He smiled regretfully. śI do enjoy a nice wine with supper.” Seren nodded. śYes. It would be nice. Oh well, let's go see what else is here.” They returned to the main room. At the far end was yet another door. By unspoken agreement, they headed there next. As they passed the washing machine, Seren stopped. The machine was unfamiliar to her, seeming much fancier than the one in her home. Daffyd paused and glanced at it. śYou do laundry, too?” Seren asked him. He shook his head. śSorry, no. That is not one of my many talents. But I do have a machine like this one. I can probably figure it out.” She shrugged. śIt's okay. I can't expect you to be perfect.” She grinned her mischievous grin. He looked at her archly. śI may not be perfect,” he said with great dignity. śBut parts of me are excellent.” Seren goggled at him, her jaw dropping open. She laughed out loud. śDAFFYD! Oh my god! That's hysterical!” He maintained his superior mien, but his eyes twinkled. śI can't believe you said that! Oh! Oh!” and she laughed until tears ran down her face. śOh, Daffyd. You are so funny!” She subsided into intermittent giggles interspersed with snorts of laughter. His snobbish fażade never wavered and his manner was utterly dignified as he went on toward the door. But his heart hammered in his chest and he wondered what had possessed him to say such a thing to her. He was relieved at her response and he enjoyed her laughter. It touched his soul in a manner he couldn't begin to articulate, even to himself. It also meant that she had not taken offense at his comment, which was a blessing. He took a deep, slow, quiet breath to calm his nerves, and he opened the door. As the door swung open, the lights came on inside the room. He stepped in and stared. It was a wine cellar, possibly one of the nicest ones he had ever seen. The walls were lined with polished wooden racks that gleamed softly in the subdued light. The temperature was markedly lower than in the outer room. This strongly reminded him of one of his own wine cellars. It was very like the one in his home in Italy. He strolled the length of the room, touching the bottles, looking at labels in a language he couldn't understand. He marveled at the technological differences between this room and the root cellar at the other end. His mind fought to make sense of it all. Seren came through the door, the worst of her giggles under control at last. Her eyes widened in amazement. She turned and looked out across the basement to the other door, then back at the wine racks and the recessed lighting. śWhat the...?” she exclaimed. She wandered down the room, looking at the racks of red wine and white. There was even something that appeared to be like Champagne. She and Daffyd came together in the middle of the room and looked at each other. śDaffyd,” she said quietly. śWhat is going on?” [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 22 Karina sat at the kitchen table, dismayed at the pile of bills in front of her. She had put off paying them until she could put if off no longer. She knew the theory"you wrote the check and sent it out. But there were so many! She wished her mother would turn up. All this stuff had just been done. No, Mum did it all, all by herself, an unwelcome inner voice pointed out. Fine then, Mum did it all, the point is I didn't have to worry about it. Now she did, and she didn't like it. Not at all. She started by counting out a stack of file folders. Then she opened the bills and sorted them. She wanted to put as many as possible on the computer so she could pay them online at her convenience. She knew the password to access Seren's chequing account, so she wouldn't have to use the overdraft protection on her own account. That certainly made life a little easier. Then she divided the other bills into the folders, and noted whether each was a monthly, bimonthly, or quarterly payment. She wrote out checks for the most urgent and put them in the envelopes, checking and rechecking to make sure she had the right check with its proper invoice, and that the correct address was showing in the little window. She had visions of having her own address showing and the money coming back to her, and some vital service being cut off. Tomorrow, she was supposed to meet with someone from Children's Aid. A well-meaning neighbor"nosy old biddy, she thought privately"had reported that the Baker children had been left all on their own for over a week. Karina had been trying to contact her aunts and uncles to enlist their aid, but so far had been mostly unsuccessful. Renée lived in Europe, in any case, and wouldn't be likely to be of any practical help. Sally was on holidays somewhere in the Caribbean. Claude lived out in Vancouver, also kind of far, but he might be able to give her some advice, if she could just get hold of him. She had been unable to reach any of them, and it was making her crazy. That left Roy, in Toronto. She laughed to herself when she remembered her conversation with his spouse, Larry. She had waited for two whole days after Seren's disappearance before calling anyone, hoping that Seren would just turn up. When forty-eight hours had passed with no word, she started working her way through her mother's phone book. She was becoming increasingly frustrated and upset by the time she called Toronto. śHi! This is Larry, who's this?” The man she and her siblings referred to as ŚAunt Larry’ answered the phone. śLarry, it's Karina,” she said, a quaver in her voice. śIs Roy there, please?” śOh, hell no, Hon. He's gone on a buying trip for a couple of weeks. Is there something I can do ya for?” Despite her anxiety, Larry's perpetually light and carefree tone made her smile. śMum's missing,” she blurted. śShe disappeared a couple of days ago, and I need help.” śOhmigod, Kari! What happened? Was anyone hurt? Was there an accident? How can I help?” His words tumbled out in a rush. She told him all she knew. śOh, Babygirl,” he said when she was done. śI'll try to get hold of Roy as soon as I can. Do you want me to come down? I can always close the shop for a few days. Roy will understand.” śNo, that's okay. I can keep it together for a while. I just need to know there's someone out there behind me. It's scary,” she snuffled in his ear. śI know, Hon. But you're your mother's daughter, Kari. If anyone can hold on and tough this through, it's you. How are the other kids? Are they all right? Do you want to send them here?” He was a wealth of suggestions. Karina suppressed a grin through her pending tears. Larry was wonderful. śI don't know, Larry. We'll just hang on, I guess. If you hear from her, you call me, okay?” śAbsolutely! And I'll give her a piece of my mind, unless she was abducted. You don't think aliens took her? Were there any UFO reports that day? I mean, people don't just vanish, Kari. Maybe someone beamed her up, or something.” Karina had no better explanation, but she thought Larry might have been reading papers like The Star just a bit too often. śWho knows? I just want her home,” she said. śOf course you do, Kari,” he said. śWell, I'll see if I can track Roy down. He left me his itinerary, but he doesn't always follow it, you know? I might have to wait for him to call me. But I'll tell him to get in touch with you right away. You're sure you're okay? If you need anything, you just call me, all right?” śI will, Lar,” she said. śThanks, Auntie. I love you.” śLove you, too,” he told her, and they hung up their phones. Karina sat smiling for a few minutes. Knowing Larry and Roy would be behind her helped tremendously. But now, this whole thing had ceased being an adventure and was rapidly becoming a nightmare. She had always expected to be able to sidle into adulthood and serious responsibilities with Seren in the background as a safety net. But, no; she had been thrust, kicking and screaming, into role of a single mother of three, in a manner of speaking, and was terrified that she wasn't up to the challenge. For the first time in her life, she wondered how often Seren had felt this way. She was usually so calm outwardly, but so was Karina these days. Well, mostly. She had gotten a grip on her temper, realizing her outbursts were only making things worse. She thought of how hard it must have been right after Dad died, when Seren had suddenly had to take over everything, including becoming the breadwinner. She must have been so stressed, thought Karina, but we never knew. I'm your daughter, Mum. If you could do this for us, I can try to hold it together for you, till you get home. Her chin quivered. Just come home soon, ok? * * * * Reznik and Rapsim stood at a T intersection, where the road they had been following dead-ended. She armed sweat off her forehead. Even with her uniform shirt open, she was uncomfortably warm. śWell, Rap,” she said. śWhich way now?” Rapsim studied the information on the multi's screen and shook his head. Occasional knots of people drifted past the pair, heading along the road to their right. The few who had been behind Rapsim and Reznik mostly turned right at the corner, following the flow of the sparse traffic. An occasional independent soul turned left. śThere seems to be some kind of a power source up that way,” he said, pointing in the direction the groups were traveling. śBut I seem to be having one of those Śfeelings’ that I thought only you got, and it's saying we should go that way instead.” He gestured to the left and looked up at her. śYou're the Proto-Leader. You decide.” She smiled at him. śI never did like to follow the crowd, Rap. You know that. Besides, I'm getting that same feeling.” She pointed to the left. śGo south, young man; to paraphrase what's-his-name, some American, never mind. Let's just go.” She hated having to explain Earth references to Rapsim. Of course, she also hated when he had to explain Kerialdan expressions to her. They stepped out onto the cross bar of the T, and turned left. * * * * Mykal watched their progress with a smile. His little nudge had done the job just right. Soon, they should connect with the other three who were the main focus of his work. Once the male of the pair, the one he had originally intended to use, had done his part, Mykal could return them both to their own space-time co-ordinates, within a few minutes of their departure. This was progressing well, so far. He might be able to move up a level after this. * * * * The basement had not yet revealed all its secrets. Seren and Daffyd left the wine cellar, musing over their discovery. Daffyd closed the door behind them, making sure it had latched securely. śI wonder what else we'll find,” said Seren. She looked around. In the corner to her right stood a tall freezer. She went over to investigate. Daffyd stayed where he was, lost in thought. Seren ran her fingertips over the cool enameled surface of the freezer. It was an upright unit with double doors edged in bright chrome. She had wanted one like it when she was first married, but it had been beyond their means. Now, at home, she had a glass-fronted fridge and freezer, like the ones at a corner store. She liked being able to study what was inside without having to stand there with the door open, running up the electric bill. She opened one of the doors and examined the contents. Several loaves of bread, wrapped in plastic, filled one shelf. There were chickens, entire and in pieces, also in clear wrap, roasts, steaks, some kind of ground meat; all neatly sorted. The other side of the freezer contained ice cubes and tubs of what appeared to be ice cream. A cautious dip with a finger proved the theory. There were other items that she decided to investigate more fully later. Her brain was starting to overload again. However, there seemed to be everything they needed for an extended stay. She said so out loud. śHmmmm?” Daffyd looked at her, pulled out of his reverie by the sound of her voice. śI said, ŚEverything we need for a long stay is right here,'” she repeated, then added, śExcept for a change of clothes.” Daffyd nodded, then his eyes narrowed as he considered her words. śI want to go look at something upstairs,” he said suddenly. śWhat?” she asked. śI don't want to say until I've checked it out,” he replied, striding towards the stairs. śI have a thought about this place and I want to verify something before I tell you. I don't want you thinking I've gone insane. That's all you need right now; the fear that you're trapped here with a raving maniac.” His long legs carried him effortlessly up the stairs. Seren followed, curious to know what was going through Daffyd's mind. The landing at the top of the stairs had a small window with a clothesline just outside. A solid shelf below was big enough to hold a laundry basket, and a canvas bag of clothespins hung on a hook beside the window. A door on the right led out into the main hall. Seren paused to glance out the window and wondered why she hadn't noticed the clothesline before. When she turned around, Daffyd had disappeared. He had left the door open behind him. She hurried through, and down the hall. She called out his name, not knowing where he had gone. His voice replied from the second floor. She ran up the stairs and tracked him down in the master bedroom. He was going through the closets, examining the clothing with interest. śWhat was it you said about a change of clothes?” he asked, his face carefully devoid of expression. śWhy? What have you found?” She came farther into the room. śYesterday, when I was looking around up here, I noticed that the closet was divided and that there was clothing for a man and a woman in it, and in the dressers.” He paused to gather his thoughts. Deciding that it was easier to demonstrate than to explain, he pulled a casual jacket off a hanger and put it on. It fit him perfectly. He held out his hands and turned in a slow circle, modeling the garment for her. He took it off, and returned it to its hanger. śWhen I came up this time and looked, I discovered that the man's clothing seems to be my size. And I'll tell you right now, I can't buy clothes off the rack. I'm too tall, and too big.” He made a look at me gesture. śBut so far, this all looks like it was made for me. I think you should look at the woman's things.” She eyed him uncertainly. śWhat are you saying?” śPlease. Indulge me, would you?” He asked politely. She shrugged and slid open the door to the other side of the closet. A complete wardrobe hung in neatly organized sections. Shelves on one side held sweaters and T-shirts. The hangers displayed skirts, blouses, dresses, and slacks. The labels were in that strange language, but the clothes looked to be about her size. śTry something on,” he suggested. She leveled her gaze at him. śThere's not much here I can try on without getting undressed first. So, turn your back or leave the room.” She waited to see which he would do. To her surprise, he merely turned around, but put a hand over his eyes as well. She smiled at this, and, with her back facing his, quickly slipped out of her shorts and shirt, kicking off her sneakers in the process. She reached into the closet and took the first thing that came to hand; a dress. She pulled it over her head and looked at herself in the mirror. She gaped. śIt's safe to look,” she said in a quiet voice, staring at her image. He opened his eyes, turned back toward her and caught his breath. The dress she was wearing could have been designed and made just for her. The dark green fabric clung to breast and hip and fell softly to her knees. Its neckline followed the contours of her bosom and showed the merest hint of cleavage. The sleeves hugged her arms to the wrists. She saw him in the mirror and pirouetted. The skirt flared out, showing her thighs. śWhat do you think?” she asked. śI think you're beautiful,” he said before his mind could stop his mouth. She smiled at the compliment, to his immense relief. He had known a few women in his life who took admiring comments from men as a form of sexual assault. śThank you, Daffyd. It's sweet of you to say so,” She took a few steps as if dancing, and spun again. The skirt lifted higher, exposing a longer flash of leg. He swallowed. He could feel his pulse quickening at the sight of her and he wracked his brain for a graceful escape. śI love this dress,” she said. śIt feels wonderful. Here, touch this.” She held out her arm. śDoes that feel like silk to you?” He stroked her forearm with his fingertips. śYes.” His mouth had gone dry. He cleared his throat and tried again. śYes, it ... it does. Definitely silk.” He continued the soft and gentle caress of her arm, the texture of the material irrelevant. He realized suddenly what he was doing, and almost snatched his hand away. śI'm sorry, Seren. The, uh, silk ... is so nice and ... soft ... you know ... to touch.” He didn't think he was going to get out of this. śIt's all right,” she dimpled at him. śI don't mind you touching me, Daffyd.” In fact, I wish you'd do it more. śI'll remember that,” his smile verged on the grim. He desperately needed to remove himself from her presence before he lost whatever control remained. śI'll go see how Devany is, shall I, while you change back into your old clothes. Perhaps you could try on some other things.” He edged past Seren toward the door. Seren nodded. śI was thinking of doing that. This is gorgeous, but it's not terribly practical for every day wear.” śAbsolutely. Well, I ... I'll just give you some privacy then,” he said, and fled. Seren watched the door close behind him and wondered what had bitten him. Again, she wished he wasn't so paranoid about physical contact with her. It was really starting to get on her nerves. Just now"for a moment"while he was stroking the silk sleeve, she had had a strong feeling that he was becoming aroused, and not because of the feel of the material. She smiled wistfully at her reflection in the mirror. śI wish!” she told herself. She traded the dress for her old clothes. There would be time later today or tomorrow to play dress-up. She was just starting down the stairs when Daffyd appeared below. śSeren,” he called up to her. śIs Devany up there? I can't find her anywhere down here.” Remembering the difficulties they had had trying to get the child to go upstairs the night before, Seren doubted she would find her up here, but she agreed to search. She checked all the rooms, the closets, even knelt down and peered under all the beds. Nothing. She even looked in the linen closet. There was no sign of the little girl. With growing concern, she hastened down the stairs. She ran into Daffyd as he emerged from the living room. She looked at him questioningly. He shook his head. śWhere could she have gone?” she asked. śI don't know,” he replied, his mouth set in a firm line, his eyes worried. śI saw her go in the back door. I can't imagine where she would have gone. She wasn't in the basement....” śNot when we were there, but maybe she went down after we went upstairs. I'll go look.” Seren headed for the door to the cellar stairs. śI'll come with you,” he followed her. They searched the basement, the root and wine cellars, the tunnel that led to the barn and even the barn itself. She was nowhere to be found. They stood at the big doors looking out over the pasture. Seren had stomped on the fear that was gnawing at her, putting it aside so she could function. She knew that to give in to it would leave her paralyzed and helpless, and that would help no one. Daffyd was fighting feelings of guilt for having left the child alone. What if one of those other displaced people had come to the house and snatched her while he and Seren were off exploring? He should have been more responsible! If anything had happened to her, it would be his fault for abandoning her. He thought of the unpleasant things that could be done to a small child by the predators of the world, and his stomach did a slow forward roll. He didn't think she would have come out this far in the open but it was better to be sure. śYou go check the path we took down from the house,” he said to Seren. śI'll go down to the lake.” He looked down at her. Her eyes met his and she read the unspoken message, If she's fallen in and drowned, I don't want you to be the one to find her. śI think we should stick together, Daffyd,” she said, holding his gaze. If anything has happened to her, I don't think either of us alone should find her. He nodded slowly, understanding her meaning. Together, they ran down to the water, but there was no sign Devany had been there. They retraced their path to the pasture, and then followed the dirt trail back up to the orchard. They called her name as they went, but there was no answer, and no indication of her whereabouts. They passed the row of lilac bushes, the sweet flowers nodding and dancing in the light wind. Unseen by either of them, Devany slept beneath the protecting branches. At the back step, they stopped. Daffyd ran a worried hand across his head, his face a mask of deepening concern. Where could the child be? She might have been transported home as suddenly as she came. The unwelcome thought insinuated itself into his mind. He felt a sudden pang at the thought. He supposed it would be good for her, if it was so, but he would miss her. He sighed heavily. Seren stood beside him scanning the yard in all directions. She touched his arm to get his attention. His fears for Devany overrode everything else, and this time he did not move away from her hand, but merely looked down at her. śMaybe we should split up, now,” she said. śI'll take the yard and henhouse back here; you go check the side and front yards.” śAll right,” he agreed. He set off around the corner, while Seren went back to the chicken coop. The dooryard was empty, and he quickly reached the front of the house. He knelt to peer under the porch, but saw nothing beyond the criss-cross shadows of the latticework, and some shade-loving weeds. He rose to his feet, wiped the dirt from the knees of his pants and straightened. As he looked around, his eye fell on two figures approaching, a tall one and a very short one. They were coming along the road where it had gone off away from the house. They were still quite a distance away, so he resumed his search for the missing child. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 23 śI feel like we've been walking forever and a day,” said Reznik. Rapsim didn't want to agree with her out loud, but he privately felt the same way. The road curved again to the left. They trudged along. Suddenly, Reznik grabbed Rapsim's shoulder. Her voice was touched with excitement. śHey, Rap! Is that a house?” He scanned the image. śIt certainly appears to be. Let's go find out more. Maybe we can find an actual chair to sit in.” He grimaced. śMy legs are getting tired.” śYou want a piggy-back ride?” She grinned at him. Rapsim's home planet was much denser than Earth. The natives were short, stocky and densely built themselves. In Earth gravity, their strength was legendary as they were used to a pull almost four times that of Terra. In addition, their dense structure made them much heavier than a human of comparable size. Reznik had passed her basic training four years ago, and had acquired muscle mass since then. She could carry Rapsim, but not as easily as he could carry her weight, and not for as long a distance. However, his short legs were wearing out from trying to keep up with her longer strides, even though she had shortened them somewhat. śI would love one,” he said. śBut I think I can manage. You're giving me a foot massage when we get there, though.” śOnly if you give me one, too,” she said. śIt's a deal!” He adjusted a setting on the multi. śThere are human people at the house,” he announced. śThree of them, scattered about ... one male, two female. One of the females is quite small, the other is an adult.” Reznik's eyes rose. śInteresting. Can you tell if they're natives of this place?” He changed more settings, continuing to scan as they walked. śNo, they're not. One is from your Earth, though. The others are from alternate realities ... two different ones, in fact.” Reznik pursed her lips and whistled tunelessly, thinking over this new information. As they neared the building, they could see the male apparently searching for something around the perimeter of the house. He looked under the front porch, stood up, and looked their way. He appeared to have seen them, but whatever he was looking for must have been more important. He resumed his hunt. śDo you think he saw us?” she asked. śI'm certain he must have, we're less than a kilometer away.” śShould we wave?” śI don't know. I've only seen that quantum signature once or twice before. I'm not very familiar with the customs of his reality. Waving might be signal of hostile intent.” Reznik rolled her eyes. What Rapsim was suggesting wasn't completely impossible, but she thought it highly unlikely. Still, to be on the safe side, she refrained from waving. At their current pace, they would be upon him in another five minutes, anyway. * * * * Seren had looked every place she thought might conceal a small child. She had even peered under the lilac bushes, but their trunks grew so closely together in places, that she couldn't see between them. There certainly didn't seem to be any room under there. Now extremely worried, she went in search of Daffyd, in case he had turned something up. She found him in the front yard staring up the road. He had looked in the bushes along the side of the house, and, having run out of obvious places to search, was distracted by the approaching pair. He stood, watching their progress. Seren's first reaction was anger that he wasn't looking for Devany. Then she saw the two strangers coming down the road. śNow what?” she blurted out loud. Daffyd glanced briefly at her, śI can't imagine. The little one certainly doesn't appear very childlike, though.” Do we really need this? he wondered. How much more can either of us take before one of us, probably me, goes stark, raving mad? With Devany missing, possibly gone back to her own world, Daffyd had lost part of the anchor keeping him from drifting into madness. Her presence meant that he couldn't afford the luxury of a mental or emotional collapse. But he knew that Seren, despite what she had said last night, was perfectly capable of holding her own without his help, or that if he broke down, she would be able to cope. Seren moved closer to Daffyd, her arm lightly brushing against his. She didn't know what these new people intended, but she wanted the security of Daffyd's bulk beside her. She almost put her hand in his, but held back. He glanced down at her again when he felt the light contact. He, too, felt the need for this closeness, even debated briefly with himself whether to hold her hand, or to put an arm around her, but decided not to push his luck. The taller of the two arrivals nudged her smaller companion, and then raised a hand over her head in a greeting. Seren waved back. śHello!” she called out, hoping they spoke English. śAre you from around here?” Their clothing hinted that they might not be from the world she knew. She was hopeful that they were locals who would be able to give them some advice on getting home. Her heart leapt at the idea of being home with her family, but at the same time she felt an odd ache when she thought of never seeing Daffyd or Devany again. śSorry, no” said the young woman who had now come close enough to speak in a normal tone. śI gather from your question that you're not local yokels, either.” Gerri smiled pleasantly. One of the benefits of Recruit training was that you learned to put all manner of people at ease. śI'm Gerri Reznik, this is Rapsim ba Sharaval.” She put out her hand. Seren reached forward automatically, and shook it, saying her own name. Daffyd followed suit. They repeated the ritual with Rapsim, who always found it somewhat amusing. The custom did not exist on Keriald. The four of them lapsed into an uncomfortable silence. Rapsim finally spoke up. śWe noticed you were looking for something,” he said. śIs there any way we can help?” śOh, yes, please!” exclaimed Seren. śThere was a little girl with us, and she's gone missing. Her name is Devany. We've been trying to find her.” śOf course we'll help,” Rapsim maintained a carefully neutral expression. He had tucked the multi into his belt before they joined company. He didn't want to reveal it just yet, not until he knew more about these people. Some other-dimensional beings were a little unpredictable when it came to superior technology. However, he certainly intended to use it to pinpoint the child's location. He just needed to get out of Seren and Daffyd's sight. śPerhaps you could tell me where you've searched, so we don't duplicate your efforts,” Rapsim said. śWe've looked everywhere,” Seren replied. śThe house, the orchard, the lake ... I don't know where else to try.” śMaybe you missed something in the house ... an attic, or a closet or cupboard?” suggested Reznik. Daffyd spoke up, śI didn't think to look in the cupboards in the pantry,” he said. Seren's face took on hopeful expression. śMaybe she's there!” she said. śI'll go check.” She ran off around the corner of the house. śI hadn't finished with all the bushes here,” said Daffyd. śPerhaps you two can go over the rest of the yard, see if there's something we missed.” Reznik smiled at him. śWill do,” she said, and headed for the back of the property with Rapsim at her side. When they were out of Daffyd's view, Rapsim used the multi to show him Devany's location. He crept under the low branches of the hedge, found the opening any larger person would have dismissed as unusable. He crawled through, and there she was, sleeping peacefully. śShe's here,” he called to Reznik. She ran back to Daffyd. śRap found her. Go get Seren!” When Daffyd reached the back door, Seren was already on her way back out, shaking her head. śThey found her!” he told her. śCome on.” śWhere?” she asked in amazement and relief. śOver here,” called Reznik. She led them to the lilacs. śUnder there. It's a good thing we came along. I don't think anyone bigger than Rap would have found her.” They knelt and peered into the green gloom. Rapsim appeared, wriggling through the narrow gap. śShe's in there,” he said, gesturing behind him. śShe's quite deeply asleep. I didn't want to wake her; I thought a strange face might be frightening. Perhaps one of you could try.” śI will,” said Seren. She crept on her belly, like a commando, closer to the cluster of stems. She thrust her arm into the opening and groped around. The corner of her mind that supplied the fuel for her horror novels suggested slyly, What if he's lying? What if there's something toothsome and nasty waiting for you? What if Devany IS in there ... in pieces? What if.... SHUT UP! She slammed a mental trapdoor on the voice, cutting it off mid-thought and then almost shrieked when her hand touched Devany's leg. For a brief, hideous moment she thought the dismemberment idea had come true. The she realized that the leg was warm, and it moved slightly under her touch. She shook it, gently at first, and then more firmly. Devany squirmed and muttered. śCome on, honey,” Seren called. śWake up!” Devany grumbled again and tried to pull away. Seren changed her grip and began to pull the child through the gap. She got a grip on her waistband and soon had her free. She edged backwards on her knees and elbows, Devany cradled in her arms. When she cleared the edge of the bushes, Daffyd put his hands under her arms and helped her to her feet. śIs she all right?” he asked with obvious concern, his big hand cupping Devany's head. śI don't know,” she said. śI can't wake her up.” śGive her to me. I'll take her inside.” He tenderly took the little girl. She was like an infant in his arms, seeming small and fragile against his mass. Seren stroked Devany's hair back from her face. śWhat's wrong with her?” she asked. śI think I know,” he said. śLet's just get her settled safely in bed, and then I'll tell you what I surmise.” He started toward the house, Seren close beside him. Reznik and Rapsim followed at a respectful distance. Daffyd carried Devany upstairs. Seren almost made him stop, but decided to trust his judgment. He went into child's bedroom, with its cheerful decor, and stood cradling the sleeping girl. śGo get clean sheets and make up the bed, please, Seren,” he said quietly. śI'll wait here.” She hurriedly found what she needed. As she returned to the room, she heard a low, musical sound. She hesitated, and moved silently forward. Daffyd was slowly rocking side-to-side, singing a song she didn't recognize. His voice was a warm baritone, soothing and gentle. This was a side of him she had never expected to see. She watched, enchanted. The expression on his face was inexpressibly tender. She gazed at him in wonder, and then a deep sadness flowed into her. Watching Daffyd like this reminded her of seeing Terry with Meggie shortly before he was killed. Meggie had been feverish and restless. Seren had almost exhausted herself trying to comfort the unhappy child, and Terry had come to her rescue. He had walked the floor, singing lullabies, and old rock and roll songs, anything that came into his head. Meggie had always loved having her dad sing to her, and she had finally settled down and slept. Her chest felt heavy with the memory. She felt the emotion building; the tears she had been fighting were demanding to be set free. She tried to swallow the sudden lump in her throat, and bit her lips savagely to control the pending flood. A sound, not quite a sob, escaped. Daffyd stopped his singing and looked up, turning his face to the door. śSeren?” he said. śWhat's wrong?” She fought for another ounce of control and entered the room. śNothing, I'm okay,” she said brightly, her eyes shining with unshed tears. He assumed her emotion was due to her worry over Devany, and he understood. He was feeling much the same way himself. He hummed quietly to the child as he watched Seren make the bed. When she was done, he put Devany on the bed, and covered her. He tucked her securely in, and kissed her forehead. Then he took Seren's arm and led her out to the hall. He released her but stood close enough to talk almost in a whisper. śDaffyd, what's wrong with her?” She was caught and tumbled in a vortex of emotion; sadness at the earlier memory, anger at herself for being so weak, worry for Devany, fear, loneliness and confusion. She couldn't contain it much longer. śShe's just overwhelmed, Seren,” he sighed. śThis whole thing has been stressful for us all. But you and I have had lifetimes of having to cope with the unexpected ... not quite this extreme, I admit, but you understand what I mean, don't you?” She nodded and he continued, śImagine how this must be for her. Her whole life has been so controlled, so regimented. She even said she's not supposed to use her imagination, and without that, how could she hope to deal with what's happened? Mine isn't the most active, but I can accept that something beyond my knowledge, my experience, has happened to me.” He paused, trying to find the words he wanted. śI don't know how or why we came here, but I can function. Devany just needs to turn off for a while, to let her mind process all the new information. I have to admit, it's not an unattractive solution. If I could lie down somewhere and sleep until this resolves itself, I think I just might be tempted.” Seren looked past him, through the open door to the sleeping girl. śHow can you be so sure?” she asked, and turned her eyes up to his face. The emotional whirlpool she was trapped in was becoming evident in her demeanor. śI just am,” he said. He took her by the shoulders and stared down at her, his concern for her overriding his fear of exposure. śShe'll be fine, Seren. She just needs to sleep for a time. If she's not awake by noon tomorrow, I'll find some way to get her up and get some food into her, and then she can sleep some more.” He searched her face, his eyes warm and compassionate. Seren found herself unable to tear her gaze from his, and for the second time that day, she felt tears on her cheeks. śI hope you're right,” she said. She brushed at her face. Daffyd drew in a deep breath and stepped closer. She put her arms around him, and wept. All the fear, all the stress washed through her, and she clung to him, sobbing against his chest. He held her, awkwardly at first, and then his essential warmth asserted itself and his arms closed protectively around her. He rubbed her back comfortingly. His own stress levels had exceeded maximum safety limits, and part of him wanted to cry with her, just to relieve the pressure. But as Seren's arms tightened around his ribs, and her internal storm raged, he discovered that this close contact was soothing his tattered mind. Just being able to hold her like this, unafraid, feeling that she not only wanted him to, but needed him as well, was hugely comforting. He murmured soothingly, the words unimportant, his caring tone the essential factor. Seren allowed herself the luxury of uncontrolled weeping. She had often wanted to since the police had turned up on her doorstep one stormy night long ago. She had been utterly unprepared for the news they had brought. Terry's car had been found overturned off the side of the highway near the exit to Weymouth. It had evidently been struck by another vehicle and flipped over several times before coming to rest. Terry had not survived. The constables stayed with her while she numbly made phone calls to arrange for someone to come stay with the children. She had gone to identify the body, still functioning in an unfeeling way. She had gazed down at the wax figure that so resembled her husband, wondering why anyone would take the time to make something so like Terry, yet so cold and somehow surreal. śYes, that's him,” she had said, meaning, Yes, that looks like him. It's a pretty good likeness. Now where is he, really? This joke has gone on long enough. But no one else seemed to think it was a joke. They were all acting as though Terry was really gone, that this cold statue was him. Even as she made the arrangements for his funeral, spoke to the lawyer about Terry's will, accepted the tears and cards and words of comfort from friends and family, she didn't entirely believe the reality of it all. She walked through her days as though in a dream from which she would soon waken. But the days wore into weeks, and the weeks into months, and Terry never came back. The dream never ended. She lived on their savings, cashed in retirement plan money to pay the bills, and functioned; an automaton that looked like Seren Baker but which had none of her drive, or humor, or passion for life. She was living but not really alive. The children, devastated by the loss of their father and the remoteness of their mother, turned to each other for support. As a result, Meggie, spending more and more time with her older siblings, was exposed to movies and TV shows that Seren would never have let her watch at this tender age. One day, Seren was sitting in the living room, turning the pages of a magazine, not taking in much of anything, and idly listening to Meggie play with her dolls. Even at the age of four, Meggie had an active imagination, and was doing different voices for each of her Śpeople'. A snatch of conversation caught Seren's ear. śWhy don't you ask your mommy to come play with us?” asked one voice, evidently a little boy. śOh, I can't. She died,” a little girl replied. śI thought your dad died,” said the boy voice. śHe did. We were all sad, and then Mommy died, too. She's a Living Dead now. She walks around the house and looks like Mommy, but she's really dead inside. She's too scary to play with.” Seren had had to leave the room. She lay on her bed with her head buried in pillows and gave voice to her grief for the first time. She wept for Terry's loss, her own loneliness, the death of her dream of growing old together. But most of all, she wept for what she had inadvertently done to her baby. She had been so determined to function, to be a strong image, that she had very nearly become only the image, with no substance. She had abandoned her essential self on the side of a country highway, mourning at the wreck of smashed-up car. She really was one of the Living Dead. When she had cried out all the tears into her pillows, she had collected herself. śMeggie needs a mother,” she had told her reflection in her bathroom mirror. śSo do Kari and Matt and Theo. So go be a mom!” For the past seven years, she had done just that. Her strength came from her belief in herself, her knowledge that she could handle anything. There had been hard times, lean times, times of intense worry. But never again had she let despair overwhelm her. She worked out, went for bike rides with the kids, gardened. She threw herself into writing. Her first horror novel had sold remarkably well. śWrite what you know,” they said. She knew the horror of sudden death, of loneliness so vast, so consuming it was a monster by itself. She wrote of what she knew and the pain and terror came out on the printed page. Her money worries subsided to a quiet murmur. With subsequent books, life became increasingly easier, financially. Dealing with young teens was a different story, but she had regained her sense of humor, and was able to cope. The passing of the years had brought some healing of the wound, although it was still there, buried and aching sometimes. She never let her children see her continuing loneliness, but carried that burden alone. Seren had enormous reserves of inner strength, but the past two days had drained them dry. She let it all out; her confusion about this place, her worry for Devany, everything that had hurt or upset her for the past seven years, all poured out onto Daffyd's shirt. She was only peripherally aware of his arms around her, the feel of his beard against her temple, the sound of his voice in her ear. As the tempest passed, and the torrent of emotion receded, the reality of his presence impinged on her conscious mind. She felt his solid bulk under her hands, the warmth of his chest against her cheek. His voice soothed her weary soul. She hugged him fiercely and looked up into the summer blue eyes. śThank you,” she said simply. She wanted to say so much more; to tell him that she knew how difficult it was for him to do this for her, that she understood his aversion to women, and that mere words couldn't begin to express her gratitude for his caring, unselfish behavior. But somehow, the words wouldn't come. She repeated herself, śThank you.” His face was so kind, his expression so warm and tender, she wanted to reach up and kiss him. Oh, what a good idea. He's actually got his arms around you, without bolting, and you want to chase him off ... but oh, those eyes, and that mouth. It was a struggle to keep her composure. Daffyd's lips twitched in his little smile. śAre you feeling any better, now?” he asked gently. śYes, thanks,” she wiped her cheeks with one hand, the other still firmly holding onto him. śYou missed that spot again,” he said, and dried it with his thumb. śYou're sure you're all right?” She nodded and stepped out of the circle of his arms. śYes, pretty sure. Thank you again, Daffyd. You ... you're ... you.” She laughed shakily and tried again. śYou're so good. I think you might be the most decent man I've ever met.” His expression became wry, his smile crooked. śThank you for saying so.” He wondered what she would think of his decency if she knew his secret. He supposed the possibility existed that she would still like him, admire him, but it had the probability factor of his flapping his arms and flying home. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 24 Marie threw the tabloid angrily down on the kitchen table. śWould you like to explain this?” she demanded. Jessica sipped her coffee, carefully reading over the headlines. She debated whether to feign ignorance, but decided that honesty might be in order. Before she could open her mouth, Marie, her sense of outrage and injustice inflamed, spoke again. śYou told me you were going to the police!” She almost shouted. śYou told me you weren't going to do the story. You said you would wait! WHAT IS THIS?” Jessica adopted a patient, how-can-I-explain-this-to-a-civilian tone that only served to enrage Marie even more. śI did go to the police, baby. You remember. I told you about it. They didn't believe my story and wanted to see the vid. Well, if I gave it to them, they'd just keep it for evidence, wouldn't they? And then, where would I be? Where would we be? We'd have nothing and the cops would make a fortune off my video, and you know what I went through to get it.” Her story wasn't the complete truth. She had actually gone into the police station in charge of the investigation and chatted with the desk sergeant for a while. She had even made an oblique reference to ap Owen's sexual preferences, and that it might be worth while to check out known hetero hangouts. She made no mention of the video, or her encounter with him. Then, conscience assuaged, she had gone to the office and called the publishers of several of the tabloids to arrange a lucrative sale. Marie glared at her. śSo you published the stills from it.” śAll I did was write the story, and supply the pics. Falling Star published it. They were the highest bidder. Do you know that ten papers bid on it?” She gloated, oblivious to her spouse's outrage. Marie forced herself to remain calm. She had never wanted so much to strike someone as she wanted to hit Jessica right now. śWhy are you acting so stupid? Who do you think you're fooling? You went ahead with the story after we agreed that you wouldn't. You hid it from me and you lied to me ... again!” The betrayal was starting to sink in, the old hurts becoming one with the new. śFirst of all, we did not agree. You agreed. I just said that I would go to the police, and I did. You want to know how much money we have now? Right now? Sitting in my bank account? A bundle, honey. A big, sucking bundle.” Marie made a face of distaste at the crude expression. Jess knew she didn't like language like that. śI don't care,” she said. śWhat I do care about is that you lied to me. You hid something important from me, and you've ruined the name, probably the life, of a decent, talented, wonderful man!” Jessica leapt to her feet. śHe's a pig! He's a disgusting pig! Don't you remember what he wanted to do to me? He's grotesque ... a freakin’ throwback! He deserves every bad thing that can happen to him, and if he's killed himself, he shoulda done it sooner!” Marie stared at her in horror. śYou don't mean that! How can you possibly say that? He didn't do anything YOU didn't lead him to believe was welcome! He didn't force you; he didn't shove it in you; he didn't even let you open his pants and touch it! You lied to him, led him on, and now you hope he's dead?” Her eyes brimmed with tears of disappointment and dismay. She had never felt so hurt and betrayed. Jessica had done some unethical and even sometimes unpleasant things, but this ... this was unforgivable: not only the cruelty of exposing Daffyd ap Owen as a twist, but the lying, the deceit. After the last round of Jessica's lying, Marie had threatened her with desertion if she did it again. And this was so much worse than anything she had ever imagined. She walked out of the room, ignoring the demand that she return. She went into their room, and hastily threw her clothes from the dresser into a suitcase. Then, with another bag in hand, she went to the baby's room. With Jessica screaming at her not to be such a bitch, she packed all of Daphne's clothes, and some of her toys. She ferried the bags to the door of the apartment. Then she dressed Daphne warmly, and tucked her into her carry sling. Jessica stood near the door. śAnd just where do you think you're going?” she asked, a sarcastic sneer on her lips. śAway from you,” said Marie quietly. She took her warm wool cape out of the front closet and wrapped it around herself and the baby. Jessica moved to block her exit. śShall I call the police and have them lock you up overnight? Again?” Marie stared coldly into Jessica's eyes. Jessica jerked the door open. śGet out, then,” she hissed. śGet out, and stay out!” Marie picked up the suitcases and walked out into the hall. śI intend to,” she said. śYou're so much less than I thought you were.” The words stung, and Jessica slammed the door. She kicked the wall and cursed Marie's unreasonable nature. Then she returned to her coffee. She had a follow-up article to write about the wretched freak, ap Owen. Marie took the elevator to the ground floor. She hailed a taxi and gave the destination to the driver. She sat in the comfortably padded seat, and cradled Daphne, tears raining down onto the baby's colorful snowsuit. The driver glanced at her from time to time in the rearview mirror. She seemed like a nice young woman, and he hated to see people unhappy. He dropped her off at a comfortable house in the Notre-dame-de-Gróce area. He helped her carry the bags to the door. She paid him and tipped him generously. He waited a moment to make sure she got inside all right before he drove away. Marie stepped into the familiar vestibule and tucked her key back into her purse. She opened the inner door, and entered the house. śHello! Anyone home?” she called. Her father came down the stairs. śMarie!” His surprise was evident in his voice. śWhat brings you here?” śI came home, Papa,” she said. She wiped away a tear. śIt's a long story. I'll tell you later. Can I stay?” śOf course you can!” He took her heavy cloak, hung it in the hall closet. śMum,” he shouted. An elderly woman entered from the dining room where she had been working on a jigsaw puzzle. śMarie!” She embraced her granddaughter and took the baby to fuss over and pamper. Alec Lamère ushered his daughter into the kitchen. He busied himself making tea, hoping against hope that this time Marie was done with that no-good Jessica forever. He made the supportive and sympathetic sounds she needed to hear, but his heart sang as her story unfolded. It certainly seemed she was free at last! Thank Heavens! He told her that she was brave and wonderful and of course she could move home. There was lots of room, and Ethel, his mother, would be thrilled to have her and Daphne there. Marie hugged him and cried and was half-happy for the first time that day. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 25 When Seren and Daffyd walked into the living room, Reznik and Rapsim had already made themselves at home. Gerri was sprawled on the couch, her head on Daffyd's pillow from the previous night, and Rapsim was in the chair by the window. He had picked up the yarn and the half-finished item and was doing something Daffyd couldn't quite make out. It seemed to involve a cluster of small pointed sticks. When Seren glanced down, she realized he was knitting a sock, and was just coming around the curve of the heel. śHow is she,” asked Reznik, sitting up to make room for the others. They sat down gratefully, Daffyd maintaining a few careful inches between him and Seren. śShe's still sleeping,” said Seren. śDaffyd thinks she's trying to withdraw from all this"to sort of give her mind a chance to assimilate all the new information.” śI quite agree with him,” said Rapsim. śIt's not an uncommon response in many species, especially in the young. When a situation is too strong, too much to be handled by the person's coping mechanisms, the mind often seeks refuge in sleep. It allows the subconscious, which has much better resources than the conscious mind in many instances, to process each bit into something the awake mind can accept. She's probably having some very interesting dreams.” His calm voice, added to the visual effect of his sitting and knitting, helped to quiet Seren's concern. śHow long do you think she'll sleep?” she asked. śIt's hard to say. P'haps a day, maybe two. If she's not awake by this time tomorrow, we'll find some way to get her alert and fed.” He looked down at the work in his lap. śDaffyd said the same thing,” Seren said. śHe's a wise man,” said Rapsim, glancing up briefly. Daffyd smiled his little smile, with an assumed arrogance to his expression that amused Seren. He was inwardly pleased at the compliment. Seren startled him by patting his thigh. śI've been learning that about him the past twenty-four hours,” she said, and looked at him with growing respect and affection. A strange, but somehow familiar noise suddenly sounded. Reznik laughed. śSorry,” she said. śRumbly in my tumbly. All we've eaten since yesterday is fruit.” Seren's mom-nature jumped into action. śOh, you poor things! Come on out to the kitchen and we'll put something together.” She stood up and led the way. śDaffyd, would you bring up some bread from the freezer?” She stopped in the doorway to the dining room. śWait. We still need to bring that milk from the barn. Okay, Daffyd, if you would get the milk, I'll raid the freezer and the root cellar for lunch fixins.” śI'll give you a hand, Seren,” offered Reznik. śI'd like to see more of this place.” śSure,” said Seren. The four of them descended the stairs to the basement. Reznik and Rapsim looked around in astonishment. Rapsim's quick eyes took in the anachronisms evident everywhere. Daffyd headed for the door to the barn tunnel. Rapsim followed him, surreptitiously recording everything with the multi. He'd study it all later. For now, it was enough to gather information. Seren took two loaves of bread out of the freezer and put them on the steps leading upstairs on her way past to the root cellar. Reznik followed. śWow,” she breathed when Seren turned on the light. śLook at all this stuff! Doesn't look like we'll be going hungry anytime soon.” She wandered around the room, peering into barrels and looking at everything. śThis is absolutely incredible!” She turned toward Seren. śSo what are we gonna make to eat?” śSomething easy,” said Seren. śDaffyd was supposed to make supper tonight, but I think I'll let him off the hook. If we make a big enough meal now, it should tide us over, don't you think?” śOh, yeah. It's closer to supper time than lunch, anyway, I'm sure.” She examined the food hanging from the ceiling. śHow about sammitches?” she suggested, reaching up for something very like a salami. śThis looks good.” śI wonder if it would go with this cheese,” said Seren, holding up a small, waxed wheel. śAt least, I hope it's a cheese.” She laughed. śSounds good so far. Now, what about salad or veggies or something like that?” said Reznik. śWe can raid the garden and get something,” replied Seren. śYou think wine would go with salami and cheese and vegetables?” śI don't care if it goes or not, it sounds perfect all by itself,” Reznik grinned. śYou know, I didn't start drinking wine until about a two years ago, but I really like it.” śI sure could use a glass or two, after the past couple of days,” Seren smiled back. śWe'll get Daffyd to choose. I have the feeling he's something of an expert.” Reznik, being a good five inches taller than Seren, lifted down the meat from the hook in the ceiling. Seren carried the cheese, and together they left the room. They encountered Daffyd coming through the door from the tunnel with the heavy milk can. They moved quickly out of his way so he could put it in the cool cellar with the rest of the food. He heaved a sigh of relief as he set the almost-full container down. śMight I suggest we leave that down here, and just bring up what we need?” he said, arching his back. śI know I saw a milk pitcher somewhere.” śSure. Right now, though, how'd you like to choose a bottle or two of wine for us all?” Seren asked. He bowed his head, śAs you wish.” He and Rapsim went to the wine cellar while the women took their lunch/supper supplies upstairs, remembering to grab the bread on the way. They put everything on the counter then Seren dug out a basket from the pantry for bringing in produce from the garden. They went outside together and prowled around the neat patch of vegetables. As she examined and then picked some ripe tomatoes, Reznik asked Seren, śHave you known Daffyd long?” Seren laughed out loud. śHA! No. We met yesterday down the road a ways. He, uh, he and I aren't from the same world, or time, even. And Devany is from a third place and time. How about you? I notice you and Rapsim have similar uniforms.” śRap and I have known each other for, oh, I don't know, about five years, I guess. We got zapped here together yesterday. I was getting ready for a mission; Rap was on board to tell me something and we were walking down one of the corridors, when the ship lurched, he fell, grabbed me, and WHAM! here we were.” śI was in the parking lot at the grocery store. Only I lurched, and, as you said, ŚWHAM!’ here I was.” She examined a lettuce for slugs or other unwelcome life forms. She looked over at Reznik. śYou were on a ship, you said. What kind of mission were you going on? Navy? Marines? What?” Reznik grimaced. śI'm really not supposed to say, at least, not until after I talk with Rap. I hope you understand.” śSure. No problem,” Seren smiled to show she held no ill feelings. śI think we have enough stuff. Let's go make lunch ... supper ... whatever.” śLupper?” Reznik suggested. They laughed together, and took another quick look around for anything else that might appeal. Their basket was quite full by this time. They had been tossing in things here and there as they chatted. Now they each grabbed the handle, and carried it back to the house. When they entered the kitchen, Daffyd was opening the second bottle of wine. śThere you are! We wondered where you had gotten to.” Two more bottles stood on the table. A cheerful hum from the pantry indicated Rapsim's location. śFour bottles of wine? Aren't we going a little overboard?” Seren grinned. Daffyd raised his eyes to Seren's face without lifting his head. His little smile had an odd twist to it and his eyes held an odd twinkle. śWell, first of all, I don't know if you prefer red or white; we got two of each.” He looked back down at the cork he was pulling free and his smile became a near-grin. śRapsim tells me the red is quite dry, with an interesting aftertaste, and the white is not quite as dry, but very nice.” The cork slid free with a small Śpop', Daffyd twisted it free from the corkscrew, his attention apparently devoted to the task. Amusement continued to dance in his eyes. Seren and Reznik had emptied their harvest basket, putting the tomatoes to one side, and dumping the rest into the sink for rinsing. As Daffyd's words sank in, they turned in unison and stared at him. Rapsim came through the door with a jar of the homemade preserves Seren had looked at yesterday. He had found a stepstool to help him reach the shelves and had examined their contents cursorily. This bottle had caught his eye. He noticed the way Seren and Reznik were staring at Daffyd, and Daffyd's amused expression. śWhat am I missing?” he set the jar on the table and twisted the lid off. The women turned their eyes to him. śI think we're the ones who missed something,” said Seren. śWould you care to explain what you mean, Daffyd?” He had gone to the cupboards and was searching for wine glasses. śRap came into the wine cellar with me just now. Aha!” He reached up into a top shelf and carefully lifted down four stemmed glasses. śWhere was I? Oh, yes. I was trying to decide how to choose, when he took out a bottle, read the label and gave me his opinion on the wine in question.” He rinsed out the glasses, working around the produce in the sink. śChoosing wine is much easier when you know them, so I took his recommendations.” Seren and Reznik continued to stare. At length, Reznik turned to Rapsim. She reached over and picked up the bottle of what appeared to be some kind of pickle, and looked at the label. She recognized the peculiar characters of Rapsim's native language. Her eyes and her mouth made O's of surprise. Rapsim smiled brightly up at her, took the jar back, dipped into it to retrieve a morsel and crunched it happily. śI love these,” he informed them. śPickled arda. Like beets. They're one of my favorites. If you want to know what anything is back there, just ask. It looks like my mother's store room, only the shelves are higher here.” śI'll have some of that white wine, now, Daffyd, please,” said Seren. She sank into one of the two big chairs. He dried a glass, filled it and set it in front of her. Then he raised enquiring eyebrows at the others. śYes, please,” said Reznik. Rapsim nodded, his mouth full of the pickled arda. Daffyd poured white wine for the others, and a glass of red for himself. They looked at each other. Seren smiled wryly, and lifted her glass in a toast. śHere's to ... mysteries that never end!” she said at last. She sipped at her wine, the others acknowledged the sentiment and also tasted their drinks. Rapsim nodded at his approvingly, as if it were what he had expected. The others, uncertain what to expect, were all pleasantly surprised. śThis is good!” Seren exclaimed. śAnd just what the doctor ordered, too. Now, if I just had a clue about what's going on, I would be so much happier. Oh, well. Right now, I guess we should get our act together, if we want to eat.” She put the wine down, rose, and stood for a moment, trying to think how best to proceed with the meal preparation. The others waited. śGerri, could you start with the veggies, and Daffyd, do you think you could slice that salami thing nice and thin? Great. And Rapsim, maybe you could raid the pantry some more, find us some other yummies to go with salami and cheese sandwiches.” Everyone turned to his or her assigned chores. Seren opened a loaf of the still-frozen bread, separated the slices, fanning them out on a plate that she put in the warming oven. It was really almost too warm to have the stove going, but there was no microwave oven and no other way to thaw the bread quickly. Then she took the wheel of what she hoped was cheese, and found a sharp knife and a second cutting board. Daffyd had claimed the first and was busy making the thin slices Seren had asked for. To Seren's delight, the cheese, for such it was, proved to be the perfect counterpoint to the spicy meat. She found this out by pilfering a piece from under Daffyd's hands and sampling the two items together. Rapsim reappeared with a few more jars and bottles. He passed one to Seren. śI think you'll like this,” he said. śIt's a lot like mayonnaise; it should go well with the salami.” Daffyd had gone through half the meat, and now had a sizable pile of paper-thin wafers in front of him. śIs this enough?” he asked Seren. She glanced over, nodded briskly and reached for it. He left it in her capable hands and turned to help Reznik. Seren assembled an enormous plateful of sandwiches; salami and cheese, tomato and lettuce, and various other combinations. Plates joined the wine glasses on the table. A selection of raw vegetables, pickles, and condiments rounded out the meal. They all sat gratefully to their feast, suddenly realizing how hungry they were. While the other three helped themselves enthusiastically to the sandwiches, Daffyd took one and quietly examined it. He lifted the bread, looked at the filling, an interested frown furrowing his brow. Seren watched him with curious amusement. She nibbled a carrot stick and said, śSomething wrong, Daffyd? You look like you've never seen a sandwich before.” śHmmmm?” he looked over at her. śA sand witch? That's an odd name.” He peered at it some more, wondering how in the world this blend of bread and meat and cheese came to be known as a Śsand witch'. śAnd no, I have never seen one before.” The others stared, Reznik with her own sandwich just between her teeth. Rapsim gazed and chewed. Seren tapped another carrot stick on her plate. Daffyd continued to examine the construct, oblivious to their reactions. He had only been peripherally aware of her preparing the food but had been busy himself, helping Reznik chop the vegetables, getting down plates for Rapsim to use setting the table. Now, however, he had the time to examine closely what she had done. It was a marvel of simplicity. He wondered why no one in his world had ever thought of it. As he reassembled it, he glanced around at his companions. śI've had all these items separately,” he said. śI've had cheese in a salad, or an omelet. But I've never seen anything like this.” He took a tentative bite and chewed slowly. His eyebrows drew together as he sorted through the tastes. The others watched in varying degrees of amusement. śIt's quite good,” he announced after another bite. śBut where did it get such a peculiar name? A sand witch?” Seren laughed. śNo, not a Śsand witch'. A sandwich. S-A-N-D-W-I-C-H. Named after the Earl of Sandwich. Apparently he was in a hurry one day and slapped some roast beef between two slabs of bread, and hey, presto! The Śsandwich’ was born.” śFascinating.” He helped himself to more. As they ate, Rapsim cast meaningful glances at Reznik. She caught them and subvocalized back to him, using the transceivers which each of them had implanted below their left ears. You want to tell them what we know? Where we're from? she asked. Yes. I think they deserve at least that much. Seren has already told me they know that they're not from the same world. Go ahead, Rap. Rapsim cleared his throat. śRez and I have some things to tell you both,” he began. Seren and Daffyd looked at him. śFirst of all, Rez tells me you've already found out that you're not from the same world, and that Devany is from yet another. That's good. Now, Rez and I are from your reality, Seren. In fact, Rez is from Earth. I am not.” He waited for this tidbit to sink in. Seren merely lifted her eyebrows in mild surprise, but Daffyd stared in frank disbelief. Rapsim grinned. śIt's quite true, Daffyd. I'm from a planet most Terrans have never heard of, and actually, despite what appearances may suggest, I'm not a very short human, but a rather tall dral.” śA what?” said Daffyd, skepticism still evident in his look. śA dral. It's what my people are called. There are humans from Earth, rusae from Poltar, dral from Keriald. We look quite a bit like humans but we don't have the same genetic make-up.” śAnd don't forget to mention that Earth isn't the only human world,” interjected Reznik around a mouthful of sandwich. Seren stared at her in open amazement. śBut, how...?” Seren's voice trailed off. śJust go ahead, Rap. I'm going to shut up, and try to take this all in. But if my head explodes, it's because my brain overloaded, okay?” She shook her head, wondering just how much one mind could hold without burning out in a spectacular blaze of mental fireworks. Rapsim reached across the table and patted her hand. śIt's all right, Seren. Really. Rez is right, though. There are a lot of human worlds, and each one thinks it is either the only one, or the original one. No one knows where human beings started, but they've spread across the galaxy like dandelions.” He grinned again. śYou're a prolific species,” he said. śIn any case, there are many different species on many different worlds, and then there are the parallel realities.” śOkay, stop there,” said Daffyd. śParallel realities?” He was now completely out of his range of experience and imagination. Seren came to his rescue. śHe means universes that co-exist side by side, not touching or overlapping. There's a theory in my reality that every decision that could be made in a given situation was made somewhere, creating an alternate reality to the one that we know. That's why your world and mine and Devany's are similar, but still very different. Some major event in the past took a different path, so events that followed one wouldn't have occurred in the others. So Devany's world is institutionalized to the extreme, while yours and mine are more alike. You see?” She sipped at her wine. Daffyd struggled with the concepts. The others ate quietly for a few minutes, watching the external display on Daffyd's features of the internal processing of this information. Finally, he decided that what they were telling him made as much sense as anything else that had happened since yesterday morning. He looked at each of their faces, ending with Seren. He stared into her dark eyes for a long moment, looking for signs of mockery or deceit. He saw only a gentle compassion that made him want to reach out to her for comfort. When she took his hand and squeezed it, he didn't immediately withdraw. To Seren's surprise and delight, his fingers closed over hers and returned the pressure first. He was more grateful for her gesture than he could have said. śAssuming all this is so, and that we're all from different, yet parallel, realities, how did we all end up here, and whose reality is this?” he asked. Rapsim grimaced. śThis is the part I didn't want to get to. I don't know this reality.” He pulled out the multi and put it on the table. They stared at it. śThis handy little gadget has information on a myriad alternate worlds. But not this one. It doesn't look like the Recruits have ever been here before.” He looked at Daffyd. śIt recognizes your quantum signature, which means we know your universe, but I don't have anything on your Earth.” śWhat's a Śquantum signature'?” asked Daffyd. śIt's the frequency your molecules vibrate at,” explained Rapsim. śEach reality has a slightly different reading. It's how we track where we are, and where we belong. The Recruits get around,” he grinned. śOkay,” Seren said. śMy turn. Who, or what, are the Recruits?” Reznik waved her hand. śI get to answer this one!” She put her glass down, cleared her throat, and recited, ś'The Galactic Recruits are an interplanetary exploration, scientific and paramilitary organization under the umbrella of the Pan-Galactic Confederation of Sentient Beings.'” śBasically, we wander around the multiverse, which is what we call the multitude of universes, providing support to the colony planets, exploring worlds, making contact with previously unknown species and civilizations, patrolling borders, all that good stuff. It's quite an extensive organization, really.” She glanced at Rapsim, who nodded to her to continue. She did. śI've only been on missions in my own reality, but I know Rap's been to several others. It's not an uncommon practice. The Recruits are sort of spreading through the realities, tying them together in a way. It's interesting work.” śI'm lost again,” said Daffyd. śAre you saying you travel through space; go to the stars?” He shook his head. śIt's not possible. At least, not on my world. They've never been able to perfect an airtight ship that could withstand the temperatures and vacuum of space. They've tried, with some very ugly results, I might add.” śIt's quite common on other planets, and on other Earths,” said Rapsim. śI'm surprised your scientists haven't managed yet.” Daffyd shrugged. śI suppose it's not a high priority. After all, what's out there?” He laughed bitterly. śThe powers-that-be are more interested in putting up satellites to boost communication, and to spy on other countries. Maybe they should be looking outward.” He sighed heavily and rubbed his forehead wearily. śWhat you're telling me is so ... unbelievable, but I'm forced to believe it, anyway. Do you know what that's doing to my sanity? I can feel it slipping away.” He stood abruptly. śI have to go be alone for a while. I'll be back later, when I've had a chance to assimilate all this.” He smiled grimly at them. śLadies, Rapsim, please excuse me.” They watched him as he went out the kitchen door to the back yard. Seren bit at her lip, torn between her desire to go with him and offer him whatever comfort he would accept from her and the knowledge that he wanted solitude. They sat silently after he was gone. Seren spoke first. śSomething tells me he hasn't read a lot of Science Fiction.” She sipped at her wine, then drained the glass and refilled it. śOkay. Back to boldly going ... I feel like I'm trapped in one of those dimension-hopping shows, like ŚSliders’ or something. I really, really hate this, I want you to know.” They nodded sympathetically. śEvery time I turn around there's some weird new development ... like the labels in the pantry and on the wine being in Rapsim's language ... what's that all about? No wonder Daffyd feels like he's going insane. If my kids hadn't already driven me there, I would be, too.” Reznik laughed at that, and even Rapsim smiled. Seren continued, śCan I ask you some more questions?” Rapsim nodded. śAll righty then. The reality that we're in right now ... is there any chance of contacting the Recruits?” she lifted hopeful eyebrows over the rim of her wineglass. śNot without a power source to boost the multi's output,” replied Rapsim. śThis universe isn't in the catalogue, I'm afraid. That means that the Recruits have never been here before, so there's no Headquarters, or Substation, to contact.” śFine. What are our chances of finding a power source? How big a power source?” Rapsim shrugged eloquently. śI'm not certain, but there's always hope. There's a fluctuating field around this house that may prove useful or at least interesting. I'm planning on trying to track it down later. P'haps I can find out what's causing it, and that may lead us to what we need.” śGood. Okay. That's better than nothing. Now, you said that each of us is vibrating at our universe's frequency, right? Is there any danger in us interacting with each other ... I mean, you and I are from the same reality, that's not a problem. But what about Daffyd and Devany? The different frequencies won't interfere with each other or anything?” śOh, no. The difference is extremely slight. In fact, a person from one reality can comfortably live in any other. We Recruits do it all the time. Sometimes, a person's universe can be very inimical to that individual, so we just transfer him or her or it to an alternate one. We do a cover-up on the home planet to explain the disappearance, and they're all set.” Wheels began to turn in Seren's mind. śWhat about on the new world? Can you change things there so the person fits in?” śUsually they're not coming to a world, as such, but to the whole Recruit conglomeration. But yes, if it's necessary, we can create entire histories, complete with aged documents in the right offices to prove the person has always existed. Birth records, school records, and medical ... you name it. We're very thorough, when we have to be.” He smiled. śI think I'll leave that lie, though. I might be revealing too much.” śThat's okay, Rap,” Seren said. śYou've given me enough for now.” She rose to her feet. śIf you don't mind, I'm going to go sit on the porch swing and think about this for a bit. Daffyd's got the right idea.” She topped up her glass, and took it with her. When she was gone, Reznik turned to Rapsim. śWhat do you think?” she asked. śI think they're both much more resilient than they realize. They'll be fine in a while. In the meantime, I'm going to have more food, and more wine. How about you?” śI'll open the other bottle,” she said. She stood up, collected the bottle and the corkscrew and rejoined Rapsim at the table. She deftly opened the wine and refilled their glasses. They sat in comfortable silence. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 26 Daffyd wandered out into the orchard. He passed by the trees laden with fruit until he came to the bluff that overlooked the path and the endless plain below. He idly considered simply walking over the edge but suicide wasn't his style. Perhaps he could just wander out into the grass. There must be something on the far side of it. Maybe he would fall through the hole that had brought him here, assuming that's how it had happened. He remembered Seren mentioning the śAlice” books yesterday and thought, That's what it is! I've fallen down the rabbit hole. It was the only reference in his life that remotely came close to what he was experiencing. He had a whole new appreciation for Alice's courage, now that he was in the middle of something similar. He had always enjoyed the stories, although they had seemed incredibly farfetched at the time. Now, he held on to them as tightly as he could; a place to tether his unraveling mind. My home, my world is a little town surrounded by, but cut off from, a million other towns, his mind began to process the input from Rapsim. Seren and Devany each come from a different town. We've all fallen down a rabbit hole and ended up in Wonderland. He felt this idea settle somewhat more comfortably than space travel and dimension hopping. Now, here we all are, and somehow we have to find the right rabbit holes or some other way back to our homes. He walked along the edge of the hill to the top of the path and started down. He might as well check on the cow while he was out. As he strolled along, another voice spoke up inside his head, I just want to point out that Alice dreamed the whole thing. You DO remember that part don't you? And I really, truly don't think this is a dream. I just wanted to point that out. So you said, he replied to himself. Now shut up and let me think. I'm simply saying.... SHUT UP! He laughed quietly. I'm fighting with myself. Oh god. He went through the gate into the pasture, checking the catch as he always did. The cow was drinking at the trough, the calf busy underneath her, helping itself to her rich milk. Daffyd made soothing noises and approached her. She lifted her head, looked at him and mooed. He smiled and patted her, then leaned on her back. śHow about you, Dammit?” he asked. śDid you fall through a rabbit hole, too, or is this your home?” She made another low sound and moved away in search of a spot to graze at. He watched her for a moment and went into the barn. The pressures that had been building inside him since the night before last were reaching a critical point. He had to do something to let off steam or he would simply explode. He stripped off his shirt and hung it on a hook on the wall. Then he found a pitchfork and wheelbarrow and set to, cleaning out the stall the cow apparently used. The first few forkfuls were awkward, but his muscles soon fell into the old rhythm he hadn't used in years. It felt good. He hadn't had enough strenuous physical activity in too long and he knew he was going to be achy tomorrow, but that was all right. As he worked, he puzzled over the fact that the stall did not appear to have been neglected for more than three or four days at the most and possibly not that long. Maybe the cow was good about going outside to relieve herself. He was starting to think that nothing would surprise him anymore. When all the old straw and dirt had been thoroughly cleaned out, he wheeled the heavy barrow out to the pasture. He paused to consider the best place to dump it, thinking whoever had cleaned it last must have had a place. He finally decided to go to the far side of the pasture. Sure enough, in a distant corner, he located the manure heap. He returned to the barn with the empty wheelbarrow, set it aside and then went to where the fresh straw was stacked. He heaved a couple of bales into the empty stall then searched the storeroom until he found a knife to cut the baling twine with. A few moments later, fresh bedding was spread comfortably around. He finished by climbing the ladder to the hayloft. He decided he liked whoever designed this barn. Above each stall, positioned over the mangers, were three-foot high-railed openings. All he had to do was collect an armful or two of fresh hay and toss it over the rail. It landed neatly in the rack below. He then sat on a still-bound bale to rest and to think. He felt better after his exertions, and was starting to think he might survive with portions of his sanity intact after all. A sound from behind startled him. He turned. Gerri Reznik entered from the tunnel, Daffyd's glass of red wine in one hand, her own of white in the other. śI saw you in the pasture a few minutes ago,” she said. śI thought you might like this.” She passed him the wine. He accepted it gratefully, and examined her. She was quite tall, lean and muscular, with short dark-red hair. Her eyes were hazel, leaning toward brown, her nose short and straight. Her manner was very no-nonsense but he sensed it was a fażade. She was too young to be as tough as she pretended. She was actually quite an attractive girl and he thought of how she and Seren had been laughing together when they had come in from the garden. He felt a pang of jealousy, but put it aside. Seren's personal life had nothing to do with him, much as he would like it to. śThank you,” he said after a slow sip. He rolled the wine on his tongue, savoring the spicy bouquet. When he swallowed, a smoky aftertaste lingered on his palate. Rapsim had been right; this was unlike any wine he'd ever had but it was very nice. He waved a hand at the other bales. śHave a seat,” he invited. She sat down at looked at him. śAre you going to be okay?” She asked, a faint frown of concern on her face. He nodded seriously, and then the smile Seren was so attached to made its appearance. śOh, yes. We ap Owens are a hardy breed.” He tasted his wine again and gestured with the glass. śThis is really good.” He stared into it for a moment then met Reznik's gaze. śIt isn't easy for me to accept what you and Rapsim have told us,” he said slowly. śBut you don't have any reason to be lying to us and Seren seems to find your story plausible ... so I'm forced to believe something I had never conceived of before. I'm too old for this, Reznik.” śGerri,” she supplied. śOr Rez. ŚReznik’ sounds too formal, coming from you.” She smiled at him. His eyes smiled back. She reminded him of Morgyn when she had first become a police officer; all tough exterior masking the tender interior. śGerri,” he amended. śHave you or Rapsim found out how we all came to be here?” śNo, not a clue. The best we've been able to come up with is some outside force. But who or how or why ... no idea. None. Sorry, Big Guy.” She caught the surprised and amused look he threw her and grimaced in embarrassment. śWhoops. I'm sorry, Daffyd. I hope I didn't offend you. It's a bad habit of mine; using nicknames.” He laughed at her discomfort. śNo, I'm not offended. It's quite all right. I am a big guy. Now, back to our situation ... what do you think our chances of getting out of here are?” śI can't say,” she said. śBut, if there is a way, Rap will find it. He's incredibly persistent, and determined, and resourceful. He's quite an amazing man.” Daffyd nodded. śI guess that all we can do, then, is try to survive and hope for the best.” He stood up, claimed his shirt from where it hung on the wall and put it back on, buttoning it over his T-shirt. He brushed at the dust and dirt on his pants. śShall we go back to the house?” śSure.” Reznik rose to her feet, and put a hand on his arm. śYou're really okay with this?” śNot yet,” he said. śBut soon.” They headed for the tunnel. * * * * Seren sat in the porch swing and rocked it slowly back and forth. She looked into her glass and, discovering it was empty, set it on the wide railing of the verandah. The sun was still a hand's-breadth or two above the horizon, the light slanting into the yard where Rapsim was prowling around, searching for signs of the energy field he had caught earlier. She watched him, thinking how childlike he appeared at a distance. This brought her to thoughts of Devany. She rose and went inside to check on the little girl. Devany lay almost in the same position as when Seren had seen her last. Seren crouched beside the little bed, and stroked the curls back from Devany's forehead. The child looked peaceful enough but Seren felt strongly her inability to help. śOh, baby,” she sighed. śI wish I could help you through this. I wish there was an easy way to help you understand what's happening. I wish I really understood it, myself.” She lightly ran the backs of her fingers across the soft cheek. Maybe, just maybe, if"no, WHEN"we find a way home, you can come home with me. Meggie wants a little sister, so she keeps telling me, and I don't really want to make one from scratch. Would you like that? She smiled, thinking what an uproar the sudden appearance of this child would cause, but Rapsim did say the Recruits could create records for someone. Why not for a little girl whose home world most certainly sounded inimical to her well being? She remembered the terror on Devany's face when she thought Seren and Daffyd were going to take her to have her memory erased. If having your entire mind wiped out wasn't inimical, Seren didn't know what was. She stood up straight, wincing as her knees unlocked, and started for the stairs. Daffyd, looking incredibly dusty and disheveled, was just coming up them. śWhat the hell happened to you?” Seren exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement. A smile put in a brief appearance on his face. śTherapy,” he replied. śI cleaned out the cow stall, put down new straw, threw down some hay. In other words, I worked off some steam.” He stood beside her in the upper hall. śDid it help?” she asked, thinking of her own steam-releasing methods earlier today. śYes, in fact, it did. I feel somewhat better. Not a great deal, but some.” He moved past her on his way to the master bedroom. śNow, I'm going to get a change of clothing, have a shower, and pretend that I'm sane.” He looked back at her. She caught the humorous glint in his eye, and laughed. śTell you what,” she said. śI'll join you in that pretense.” I'd really rather join you in the shower, but I don't think you'd appreciate it. Her smile was full of mischief he was at a loss to explain. He nodded. śAll right. I'll see you downstairs in a little while, then.” He continued on his way. Seren grinned at his back, and skipped down the stairs. In the bedroom, staring into the closet, Daffyd berated himself. For a minute, you thought she was going to say Śjoin you in that shower', didn't you? He shook his head at his delusions. You're losing it, do you realize this? He did. However, his mind had seized on the image of Seren in the shower with him, and he was having a difficult time concentrating on the task at hand. A sigh heaved itself up from the depths of his soul and he pushed the image as far back in his mind as he could. Finally settling for jeans, a casual shirt and clean underwear, he headed for the shower. Downstairs, Seren had recovered her wine glass from the porch and refilled it. She went back out to the swing and found Reznik sitting in it. śOh!” Seren exclaimed in surprise. śWhere did you come from? I was out here two minutes ago to get my glass, and I didn't see you.” śI was talking to Rap over behind the trees there,” she waved her hand. śHave a seat.” śThanks.” Seren sat beside her. She indicated her wine. śI haven't had this much to drink in years,” she said. śI think this better be my last glass. I think I'm getting tipsy.” She took a sip, then, śDid you see Daffyd? He's all covered in dust and I don't know what. He said it was from therapeutic work.” śActually, I was talking to him shortly after he was done. You can see the pasture from over there,” she pointed behind them past the side yard. śI noticed him pushing a wheelbarrow, and thought to myself, maybe he'd like the rest of his wine. So I waited a bit more, just in case he needed more alone time, and then I took it down to him.” She looked at Seren. śHe's a very nice man, isn't he? I can't quite figure him out, but I like him.” śI do, too. And yes, he's very nice. Or he seems to be. I mean, I've only known him for a day. For all I know, he's a psycho ax-murderer or something. But, so far.... śShe smiled wistfully at her wine. śHe seems extremely nice.” śYou like him big time, huh?” Reznik asked quietly. Seren nodded, still gazing at her wine. śSo, why don't you say something to him?” Seren shook her head. śI don't think I'm his type,” she said, not wanting to explain that she thought he was homosexual. Besides, his sexual orientation was no one's business but his. śYou won't know if you don't say something,” said Reznik. She, herself, tended to be very direct in her personal relationships. When she found someone attractive, she said so. If he was interested in her, that was great! If he wasn't, nothing had been lost. She had made some good friends with this approach. Seren shook her head again. śNo. I just don't feel comfortable doing that. Not with him, anyway. I think I'll just work on being friends with him. That's enough for now.” She lifted her eyes to Reznik's. śAnd don't you dare tell him a single word of this conversation! Promise me.” śI promise.” Reznik sighed. She had been planning on how to play matchmaker, but her word was inviolate. She wouldn't reveal Seren's secret to Daffyd, unless Seren gave her express permission to do so. Long shadows were now creeping across the yard. Rapsim came around the corner and joined them, sitting on the top porch step. śAny luck?” asked Reznik. śNo,” he said. śWell, yes, but all bad. There's something very strange about this place.” śNo! Really? Ya think?” Sarcasm dripped from Seren's words. She flushed. śSorry, Rap. I didn't mean to sound so rude, but you have to admit this would seem self evident.” śYes. You do have a valid point,” he admitted. śHowever, it's even stranger than you know, or I suspected.” He frowned at the multi. śAll the time that Rez and I were walking along, the readings were consistent; the quantum signatures and so on. Now, here, they're all muddled. The only ones that aren't changing are ours; yours, mine, Rez's, Daffyd's and Devany's. It's most peculiar.” Daffyd walked out onto the verandah in time to hear Rapsim's last sentence. He stopped in the doorway and looked down at the smaller man. śIf it's all the same to you, I'd rather not hear about Śpeculiar’ any more tonight,” he said. śThat's perfectly understandable,” said Rapsim agreeably. śI'll keep it for tomorrow. Talking about it won't change anything. Pull up a step, Daffyd....” śOr squeeze here between Seren and me,” Reznik interrupted, moving far to one side on the swing. Daffyd considered his options. The only way he could fit on the bench would be to spread eagle both arms across the backrest. This would put Seren and Gerri close against him on either side, with his arms half around them. He sat on the steps with Rapsim. Reznik looked over at Seren and shrugged as if to say, I tried. Seren suppressed a grin. She could have told Reznik not to bother. śOkay, since we've abandoned Śpeculiar’ as a topic of conversation, which pretty much excludes the past couple of days,” said Reznik. śI think we should learn more about each other. What do you say?” She looked at the others. śWell?” śWhy not?” Seren agreed. śI'll go first ... as soon as I figure out how to start.” She frowned. śHow about if I ask you some questions?” suggested Reznik. When Seren nodded, the other woman continued. śFirst of all, are you an only child or do you have siblings?” śI'm the middle of five,” Seren replied. śI have an older brother and sister and a younger brother and sister.” Daffyd turned his head to look at her in surprise. What a huge family! he thought. śWho's your favorite sibling?” Seren's eyebrows rose. This wasn't the kind of question she had expected. She paused for the merest moment before replying. śRoy, my younger brother. I'm hoping Karina has been able to reach him, because I know he'll move Heaven and Earth to be there for them while I'm gone.” śTell us about Roy; what does he do for a living?” Reznik was enjoying this. śHe runs a small interior design business in Toronto with his Significant Other, Larry. Larry does a lot of the designing and Roy does the purchasing and runs the business side. They're actually quite successful.” She glanced quickly around the group to see if anyone reacted to this tidbit of information. śHave they been together long?” śYes. In fact, their tenth anniversary is coming up in August. They usually throw a blow-out party. It's a blast. I swear they know the most interesting people! My kids love spending holiday time with them.” She smiled broadly. Roy was such a mother hen that she never worried when her children were in his care, even in the big city. śAnd what do you do for a living?” Reznik changed topics suddenly to keep Seren on her mental toes. śI write horror novels,” she replied. Her dimples appeared suddenly. śThe past few days, I've kind of regretted the part of my imagination that I draw on for writing. It's made being here a tad more exciting than it really needs to be.” She looked down at Daffyd. śThat's why I wouldn't explore the house with you yesterday. My imagination had run wild, and if we had found anything remotely like what was going through my head, I would have had a heart attack and died right then and there.” She laughed softly. The others chuckled with her, thinking it might be a good thing not to be too imaginative. śHow about you, Daffyd; what do you do?” Reznik suddenly switched interview subjects. Seren breathed an internal sigh of relief. Daffyd was momentarily taken aback by the question, but he rallied. śI'm a conductor/composer,” he said. śAnd sometimes musician but I don't play professionally very much anymore. When I do, it's usually my own pieces.” Seren stared at him in open astonishment. Had he said he was a lawyer, or a doctor, or a banker, she would have had no difficulty believing him. But this was utterly unexpected. śAre you well-known in your field?” asked Reznik. A short bark of laughter burst forth from Daffyd's throat. śYes. You could say I'm well-known.” If you enjoy understatement. Reznik exchanged a glance with Seren. She spoke directly to the other woman. śSomething tells me he's holding out on us. What do you think?” śI think he's more than well-known,” said Seren, remembering her impression yesterday that whatever it was he did, he did it well. Extreme fame would explain his haughty exterior; it would serve to keep him from being mobbed by fans. She was having a hard time imagining a conductor being swarmed by shrieking fans; in fact, she was hard pressed to think of any she had ever heard of in her own world. Zubin"or was it Zeren?"Mehta came to mind, but only because her mother had worked for his brother. Seren could never remember which was which. Daffyd looked modestly out into the yard, his smile secret and almost sly. śHow famous are you, Daffyd?” Seren wanted to know. He turned toward her. If Reznik had pushed him on this, he would have sidestepped gracefully. Seren's asking was a different proposition. He wanted to be as honest as he could with her. Since he was already keeping a big secret, he wanted no others between them. śExtremely, Seren.” He looked up into her eyes. śThis is going to sound boastful, but I'm probably one of the most recognizable men in my world. It makes life difficult sometimes. It's one of the big reasons I've never had children, never settled down.” He paused. His mouth felt suddenly dry. śCould I have a sip of that, please?” he asked Seren. She passed him her glass. He took a small drink and passed it back. śThank you. As I was saying, my services are very much in demand and I travel most of the year. Every summer I take a month off which I usually spend in my houseboat on a quiet lake in the back of beyond.” śA houseboat? How unusual!” Seren exclaimed. It sounded delightful to her. śIt is and I love it. I bought it twenty years ago, and I keep it in good repair. I have a wonderful caretaker who makes sure it's in perfect shape all year so I don't have any nasty surprises when my vacation starts.” I'd love to take you there, Seren. It's quiet, and it's remote, and beautiful. You'd love it, I'm sure. śDo you have anyone special in your life to share it with?” Reznik's question, coming on the heels of his thought, startled him. He looked at her sharply, wondering if she was reading his mind. She looked innocent enough. śNo. As I said, life's been too hectic to find the right person. And it's not a place I would bring a casual fling.” He smiled wryly. śIt's my haven from the world, a place for myself and my loved ones. My sister stays there sometimes, and Morgyn and Ria. It's too out of the way for my father's taste.” śWho are Morgyn and Ria,” asked Rapsim. He had been sitting so quietly, absorbing all the new information, the others had almost forgotten him. śDaffyd's niece and her daughter,” supplied Seren, and colored. śSorry, Daffyd. It's your story.” śIt's all right,” he reassured her. śAs Seren said, they're my family.” The sun had set some time ago and the yard was in darkness. The sky might have been overcast, for no stars were visible, but there was no moonlight to show the edges of the clouds. Daffyd had turned on the outside light which he had discovered just before joining the others. They sat surrounded by its comforting glow. Seren yawned suddenly. śSorry. I'm zapped. I think I've had too much wine and besides, the past two days have drained my reserves. I'm going to hit the hay.” She stood up. śAnyone want the last of this?” She offered her wine glass around. śI'll take it off your hands,” offered Reznik. Seren passed it to her with a smile. Daffyd rose to his feet. śIf you don't mind, I'll come upstairs with you and raid the dresser for pajamas of some kind.” śOh, I thought you could have the bed tonight,” Seren said. śNo, thank you. I'm very comfortable on the couch. Besides, if Devany wakes in the night, you'll be right there. I just want to get something to sleep in.” śOf course.” She turned to the others. śRap, Rez, it was nice meeting you. See you tomorrow. Oh, you do know about the bedroom with the bunks?” śYes, thanks. I even got a couple of them ready with fresh sheets,” said Rapsim. śAfter Daffyd went for his walk and you came out here, I checked out the house. I hope that doesn't bother you. I didn't stop to ask, since you seemed to need the time alone.” śIt's fine, Rap. I was just wondering when you managed it.” Seren smiled. śGood night, all.” She opened the front door, and went inside. Daffyd followed, closing the door behind them. He trailed behind her as she labored up the stairs. śWould you like me to carry you up?” he asked, only half-joking. She made a short sound of amusement. śI can manage. I'm just suddenly so incredibly tired,” she yawned as she spoke. śSorry.” śIt's all right. I'm not easily offended.” Seren decided she liked the sound of his voice. It was very soothing to listen to. She wished she had a book she could ask him to read to her until she fell asleep, just to hear him speaking. When they reached the bedroom, both went searching through the dressers for sleepwear. Seren found a nightie that appealed to her, a long T-shirt style in soft cotton. Daffyd chose pajama bottoms, and draped them over his arm, preparatory to returning downstairs. As he walked across the room, he noticed a strange expression on Seren's face. śSeren? Is something wrong?” he asked her gently. śNo. No, I just...” an embarrassed half-laugh came from her. śNever mind. I'm just going mad, that's all.” śYou're not alone, if that's any consolation,” he told her. He felt his earlier distress reasserting itself. The physical labor had helped reduce it, but it had merely retired to a corner of his mind where it had been busily nibbling. Maybe he would go curl up on the couch and try to forget it all, or give in to a major bout of weeping, something he hadn't done in years. He thought of Seren's outbursts earlier; the hysterical laughter, and later, the equally hysterical sobbing, and how comforting it had been to hold her. Did he dare? He touched her shoulder tentatively. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and questioning. śI, uh...” he began, trailed off, then tried again. śI was wondering if it would be acceptable to hug you good night?” śI'd like that very much,” she smiled warmly and stepped toward him. This was a most welcome surprise! She wondered if she should kiss him again but decided that was pushing her luck. She would settle for this; the cozy, safe feeling in the circle of his arms with her own securely wrapped around him. It's too bad we can't sleep standing up like this. She rather liked the idea of sleeping in Daffyd's embrace, even fully clothed. However, she could imagine his reaction if she were to suggest it. He would probably bolt from the room and gallop down the stairs in a panic. She sighed. He felt the sigh, and wondered what it meant. He hoped it wasn't an indication of displeasure, that she was merely enduring this because she felt obliged. He thought of her smile just before she walked into this hug and the strength of her grip around his ribs. He decided to risk prolonging this a second or two. They stood together for a long moment, each drawing strength from the other. Finally, he pulled back. With his hands on her shoulders, and hers resting lightly on his arms, he gazed down into her eyes. Then he surprised them both by kissing her forehead. śGoodnight, Seren,” he said, and released her. She just bobbed her head in response. When he was gone, and she was alone, she undressed, put on the nightie and flopped across the bed. I'm too old for this, she thought. Another part of her mind answered, Your problem is that it's been too long since you did the wild thing. It hasn't been that long, has it? She thought it over, and realized her last relationship had ended a year or more ago. It hadn't been a serious one, emotionally speaking, but at least it had provided her with an outlet for her sexual energy. Okay, you're right. It's been too long, and Daffyd gives me hot flashes. But you can't just tell somebody they make you hot and bothered. Besides, he's gay, remember? But he's so lovely to cuddle with. Wouldn't you like to.... Stop right there!! This is not helping in the least! She fluffed the pillows savagely, and tried to settle herself for the night. She firmly pushed Daffyd's image out the door and turned her mind to home and her children, wondering how they were, hoping to be home soon, herself. Daffyd refused to stay away, however, and kept turning up in unlikely places. She would be thinking of watching Mulan with Meggie, curled up on the couch, and when she turned her head, there was Daffyd on her other side. She drifted off to sleep, idly wondering if Daffyd would like to visit her world for a while. She thought her children would like him a lot. When he left Seren, Daffyd encountered Reznik and Rapsim just going into the third bedroom. śDaffyd!” said Reznik. śJust the man I wanted to see. I have a question for you.” He lifted polite eyebrows in reply. She continued, śI noticed that after your shower, you had clean clothes on. Don't tell me you were wandering around the streets of Montreal with a change of clothes.” He smiled. śNo, I wasn't. These were in the closet in the master bedroom.” śShoot! They sure fit you well for something you found! What are the chances?” Her surprise was evident on her face. śI have a theory about it that I'll share with you tomorrow,” he said. śI want to think it over a bit more first.” śOkay, tomorrow. If you find a way to get a change of outfits for me and Rap, too, let me know, eh?” She turned to go into the bedroom. Rapsim had already entered and was getting ready for bed. śTry checking the closets in your room,” said Daffyd. She stopped and looked at him curiously. Rapsim had heard the exchange and he lifted his eyes to Daffyd's. The little man turned wordlessly and opened one of the two small cupboards. A small step stool was tucked into a corner. Two rails with hangers, one above the other, held pants and shirts that might have been for a boy or a very small man. Rapsim's gaze took it all in. He closed the door and opened a dresser drawer. He looked inside at the small garments. Reznik peered over his shoulder. śHey, Rap, that looks like it would fit you,” she said in surprise. He nodded. śYour turn, Rez,” he said, and stared at Daffyd, who was leaning on the doorframe. When the other dresser and closet revealed outfits made to order for her tall, slender figure, Reznik too, turned to Daffyd. śYou knew this would be here,” she said, almost accusingly. śHow?” śBecause I didn't find these,” he plucked at his jeans and T-shirt, śUntil Seren mentioned how much we needed a change of clothes. She said we needed milk, we found a cow. I said I wanted eggs, Seren found a henhouse.” He looked at them both. śThis place is more peculiar than even you know, Rap. It's been giving Śask and ye shall receive’ a whole new meaning. So far, the only thing that hasn't turned up is bathing suits. Seren expressed a desire for them so we can go swimming but so far we haven't found any.” śYou can always swim naked,” said Reznik. śWe do. Of course, we Recruits tend to be a little less modest than most people.” She grinned at him. śAnyway....” śThank you for sharing this, Daffyd,” said Rapsim. śSomething more to puzzle over. Perhaps whoever or whatever brought us here is keeping an eye on us.” He shrugged. śRight now, I think I'd like to brush my teeth and go to bed.” His eyes sparkled. śI hope there are enough toothbrushes to go around,” he said, knowing the bathroom cabinet had been completely bare. śI'll just go check.” He trotted off to find out if Daffyd's theory held water. Reznik trailed behind. Daffyd paused at Devany's room to check on her. She had kicked off the covers, and he tucked them back in around her. Like Seren had, he brushed her hair out of her face and kissed her cheek. śSleep well, Little One,” he said quietly, and straightened. He paused in the doorway and said to no one in particular, śDevany needs clothes, too.” As he went past the bathroom door, Reznik stuck her head out at him, and grinned. śGuess what?” she said. śLots of toothbrushes?” he guessed. śYup. One is even in Devany's size. I know it's very weird, Daffyd, but it's very cool.” He smiled and continued down the stairs. He walked through the house, turning off the lights. He looked out at the dark sky. śIt's too bad there's no moon, tonight,” he murmured. śThere's something comforting about moonlight.” He shut off the light on the porch. He went into the living room and put on the pajama pants he had brought downstairs. When he switched off the lamp by the couch, soft, silvery light fell through the window. He gazed out at the heavy clouds that were moving away from a quarter moon. He smiled, made up his bed and lay down. śThank you,” he said, almost inaudibly, and was soon asleep. * * * * You're welcome, thought Mykal, although he knew the subject couldn't hear him. It was unusual for subjects to be this aware of his intervention; most assumed a series of coincidences was the cause. This man was not like many others. Mykal enjoyed this one more than most. He was very gratifying to work with. Everything was proceeding on schedule. The bonding between this male and the female was progressing slowly but it was progressing. Mykal was very pleased. * * * * Seren tossed and turned restlessly, caught in a series of unrelenting nightmares. Her face crumpled and smoothed and from time to time she whimpered in her sleep. She stood, helpless, held back by unseen hands gripping her arms. Darkness surrounded her, shrouding her captors in cloaks of utter black. A sourceless light illuminated a chair; a simple wooden kitchen type, standing alone. Somewhere near, Daffyd was also captive; held for what crime, she couldn't guess, but nothing here boded well for him. As she struggled for freedom, she saw him, bound and being led forcibly to the waiting seat. He was naked and helpless, bruised and beaten. She fought harder, called his name. His head lifted and he squinted into the darkness, trying to see her, but she was too deep in shadow. She saw the shape of her name on his lips, but no sound issued forth. He was pushed roughly into the chair and tied securely to it. Seren suddenly realized that beneath it was a stack of something she couldn't quite make out, but somehow knew was extremely flammable. Seated, he was turned away from her, only a quarter profile and his broad back visible to her. He looked weary and resigned, and had stopped resisting. Mocking laughter surrounded her; the raucous mindless noise of hateful crows. She screamed his name and his head turned toward her as someone threw a torch into the material underneath him. There were no visible flames, but she saw the heat shimmer distorting the shape of the chair legs. Daffyd writhed against his bonds. The heat rose higher. Seren saw the hair on his arm crisp and turn to ash. His back arched in agony and he cried out. His flesh began to run like tallow under his skin. She shrieked her horror and fear, and broke free. She ran toward him, knowing she couldn't stop this but wanting him to know she was there. She realized she had never told him how important he was to her, how very dear. Her eyes met his through the rising heat. Her lips moved. She felt herself saying, śI love you” to him. Incredibly, he smiled, his small, funny smile, and then he knew nothing but the torment of the fire. His beard, his hair, flared and were gone, his features melted and ran. Seren sat bolt upright in bed, a shriek barely held behind her clenched teeth. She trembled uncontrollably. Her nightie was soaked with sweat. śHoly shit!” she said aloud, somewhat shakily. śWhat the hell was that all about?” She fumbled for the lamp on the night table, turned it on and got out of bed. She found another nightgown and changed into it after wiping herself dry with a towel. She took a couple of deep breaths to calm her shattered nerves and quietly opened her bedroom door. She crept silently down the hall and edged down the stairs, keeping to the side of the treads to minimize any squeaks. Moonlight spilled into the living room and pooled on the floor. She walked across the room, carefully easing each foot to the floor before transferring her weight. She reached the couch and gazed down at the sleeping man. She crouched beside him and studied his features. She didn't want to wake him, but she had been so disturbed by the dream that she needed to reassure herself he was unharmed. He stirred in his sleep. She held her breath. An errant moonbeam touched him, highlighting the silver streaks in his beard. She smiled tenderly. He was such a delightful man to look at. She remembered the intensity of her emotions in the nightmare. A small thinking-frown creased her brow. I don't think I'm in love with you, she thought. And what good would it do me, if I were? But, oh, it wouldn't take much, would it? You're an amazing man, Daffyd ap Owen, and I like having you around. She leaned forward and pressed her cheek to his for a moment, then kissed the corner of his mouth lightly. A part of her, still suffering from the effects of the dream, wanted to stretch out beside him and put her arms around him. Instead, she kissed him once more, this time on the forehead. He moved again, and she froze in place. He sighed without waking. She smiled with relief and left as silently as she had come. She peeked in on Devany, who continued her sound slumber. Seren stroked the child's hair and went back to bed. It was a long time before she could allow herself to slide back into sleep. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 27 Daffyd woke and stretched luxuriously. The house was silent around him; no sounds of anyone moving about yet. He wondered if he could sneak into the bedroom for socks and underwear without waking Seren. Throwing on his clothes from last night, he went upstairs and crept into the bedroom. Seren was sleeping on her side, facing into the room, the window at her back. He pulled a drawer open and retrieved the items he was after. When he closed it, he glanced into the mirror attached to the dresser's back. Seren was still sleeping. Moving with a grace that belied his size, he left. He decided a shower would be nice to start the day. As he stood in the hot spray, he suddenly wondered where the hot water was coming from. Down in the kitchen, they had to rely on the stove to heat water, but up here it came from the taps. He decided whoever had built the house had been demented, or, just possibly, they had started renovating with the upstairs. Perhaps the modern plumbing just hadn't been installed in the kitchen yet. By the time he was finished and dressed, Seren was out in the hall, waiting for her turn. She was wrapped in a bathrobe and leaning on the wall outside the bathroom. She smiled at him when he came out. śGood morning, Daffyd,” she said cheerfully, although dark circles under her eyes testified that she hadn't slept particularly well. śMorning,” he replied. śForgive my saying so, Seren, but you don't look terribly rested.” śNightmares,” she said simply. He nodded in sympathy. He had had nights like that. śAny you want to talk about?” he asked. She shook her head. śNo. I just want a hot shower, clean clothes and coffee.” She pushed herself off the wall and started into the bathroom. śIt's my turn to make breakfast,” he reminded her as he started down the stairs. śI'll get the coffee going first. It should be ready by the time you come down.” śYou're an angel, Daffyd,” she called after him. She closed the door, and turned on the taps in the tub. When the water was the right temperature, she stripped off her robe and nightgown, and stepped into the warm spray. It felt glorious. She scrubbed herself vigorously, reveling in the feeling of being clean again. A quick memory surfaced of showering with Terry. She smiled sadly. They had been very good together. Being without him had gotten easier over the years, but she still missed him terribly now and again. She washed her hair, her fingers becoming Terry's massaging her scalp. She closed her eyes to help the image form; Terry standing behind her, his hands in her hair, working the shampoo into a thick lather. Then, while the water poured down, rinsing her head clean, he would rub her neck and shoulders, eventually reaching around to cup her breasts. The memory-fantasy progressed, and Seren's hands were less businesslike and more caressing to her body. Suddenly her eyes flew open and she jerked her hands away from her abdomen. Terry's hands had become Daffyd's, in her mind's eye and it had startled her. Didn't I tell you last night not to go there? she demanded of herself. Sexual fantasies about Daffyd are only going to make you horny and frustrated, more than you already are. So stop already! She finished her shower hastily. Back in the bedroom, she dressed even more hastily. She wanted to put the incipient fantasy behind her as far as possible, so that it wouldn't interfere with her real relationship with Daffyd. It wouldn't do to go downstairs and throw herself at him. He was rapidly becoming very dear to her in many ways, and she wanted nothing to come between them. She stopped on her way down the hall to check in on Devany. Rapsim was standing beside the bed, looking into his odd little device. Seren waited until he was done before she spoke. śHow is she?” she asked. He looked over his shoulder at her. śSeren! I didn't hear you come in. She's fine, just fine. All her readings are normal, and she's dreaming like mad. That's good,” he hastened to reassure her. śIt means she's processing things. I think we should give her at least until lunchtime before we wake her. She might even get up on her own before then.” He smiled at her, his wide green eyes radiating warmth and confidence. His open, pleasant face was comforting. He took her hand. śCome on, let's go down and get some breakfast.” He led her from the room and down to the kitchen. śThere they are!” Reznik exclaimed when they walked through the door. She was sitting on the table, her feet resting on one of the benches, a coffee mug steaming in her hands. Daffyd was busy at the stove. śSomething smells wondrously good,” said Rapsim, and peered past Daffyd's elbow, trying to see into the pan. śHe says he's making an Śap Owen special', which he learned from his dad. He's keeping the ingredients a big secret, though. Family tradition, and all that.” She grinned widely. śA man like this one doesn't wander by every day, Seren. If I were you, I'd scoop him now!” Seren smiled and poured her own cup of coffee. She had seen Daffyd's spine stiffen at Reznik's words, and she decided not to add to his discomfort. She shook an admonishing finger at Reznik, who only continued to grin mischievously around the rim of her cup. Seren decided she would have to speak to the other woman later about her suspicions regarding Daffyd, and why she shouldn't say things like that. Daffyd, watching his breakfast masterpiece like a hawk, heard Reznik's words, and had almost gone rigid with shock. He was able to control the worst of his reaction, but he felt the flush creeping up his cheeks. He was grateful his beard would hide most of it, and he might be able to blame the heat of the stove for the rest. He considered her words to be in somewhat poor taste, but he supposed she might just be very broadminded. With her exposure to other species and cultures, perhaps she thought nothing of men and women being together. Seren hadn't responded verbally, and he couldn't guess at her reaction. At least she hadn't reacted with an outburst against heterosexuals, for which he was thankful. When she leaned past his arm to peek at breakfast, he jumped. He had been so occupied with Reznik's offhand comment, he hadn't noticed Seren's approach. He felt her hand jerk away from his back, where she had rested it for a moment as she tried to see into the pan. No, don't pull away, Seren. I didn't mean ... you startled me, that's all. I like it when you touch me. He looked down at her and shooed her away from the stove. śOut!” he commanded. śYou can look all you want when it's on your plate. Go set the table. And you,” he waved the spatula at Reznik. śGet off the table and help.” śYes, Papa Daffyd,” said the young woman saucily, and hopped down. Daffyd snorted at the title and returned to his cooking. Rapsim was already getting out utensils, and putting them in place. Seren passed plates to Reznik, who ferried them to Daffyd for filling. In a few moments they were seated and eating. śThis is really good!” exclaimed Seren. śYou weren't kidding yesterday when you said you could cook! Gerri's right. Someone should scoop you!” Before he could respond to this, an unexpected voice spoke up sleepily. śWhat smells good?” asked Devany from the door, rubbing her eyes. śDevany!” said Seren in surprise. She half-rose to her feet, but Rapsim gestured her back. She glared at him but sat back down. There was something about the little man that commanded respect. śIt's breakfast, Devany,” he said. śWould you like some?” śWho are you?” śI'm the Counselor,” he said. śThis is ProtoLeader292.” He used the mission number to complete her title. The others looked at him curiously. Devany accepted his statement without question. The titles were unfamiliar but reassuring. Someone In Authority was finally here. She sat at the table. Seren rose again and got a plate out for the little girl. She transferred a portion of her own meal to Devany's dish. Daffyd added some from his, and they put it in front of her with a dessert fork, which was more her size. Silence descended as they ate. Conversation seemed superfluous at the moment. Each was lost in thought. Devany's arrival had eased Seren's distress considerably and she felt much better about facing the future. She had felt herself a colossal failure; first to her own children for vanishing without warning, although it was beyond her control, and then to Devany for failing to help her cope. This little girl represented her own family to her and she felt strongly the need to be a mom to her. She was bothered by the child's aloofness and emotional distance. How can I get through to you, Devany? A little punkin like you should be smothered with hugs and kisses, but you don't seem to know how to react. I guess you didn't get many, but don't you know that Daffyd and I would just love you to bits? Oh, Baby, I hope you learn how nice it is to have people love you. Reznik ate her Śap Owen special', which was possibly the best-tasting thing she'd ever had. It was something like an omelet but she couldn't identify everything he had put into it. It was incredibly delicious, whatever it was. She glanced from time to time at Seren and Daffyd, studying them covertly, a skill at which most Recruits were more than adept. She liked Seren and hoped they could be friends. Having someone like her to visit with on trips back to Earth would be mega-cool. Maybe I can be like you when I grow up, she thought at Seren. You don't have any training or experience with this cross dimension leaping, but look how well you're keeping it all together. And you still manage to keep your sense of humor! Rap will getcha home, Seren, don't worry. She turned her attention to Daffyd, without ever lifting her eyes from her plate. Now, you, Mr. ap Owen, she scrutinized him through lowered lashes. There's something more than meets the eye with you. You look so poised, so self-confident, but my-oh-my, the undercurrents running through you! At first meeting, she had thought him homosexual; something in his manner, the way he behaved on the surface with her and Seren. On closer examination, however, Reznik had noticed subtleties in Daffyd's reaction to Seren, and realized that he was more than a little attracted to her. Now, I wonder why you hide that from her? She likes you, too, in case you didn't notice, Mister. You and I ought to have a chat, I think. She plotted how to go about getting Seren and Daffyd to clue in to the fact of their mutual attraction. Rapsim ate his meal with slow deliberation. He was considering the meaning of the fluctuating energy fields the multi kept tripping over. At their highest peak, they almost resembled readings associated with portals; the technological devices the Recruits used to travel from one dimension to another. If there was a portal of some kind here, he wanted to find it, but the surges were randomly placed, irregularly timed, and the merest of swift flashes. He wasn't certain he could pinpoint one long enough to discern its origin. However, he was not a man who gave up easily. It was a Dral trait to persist in the face of adversity. I'll just have to go over every inch of this place; yard, house, barn, everything, until I nail the reading down. Some kind of portal brought us here, there must be a way back! He suddenly remembered the conversation with Daffyd last night, the appearance of the clothes and toothbrushes. He glanced across the table at the other man. What do you know, I wonder. Maybe we can talk later. I'd like to know what else you suspect. P'haps you'll give me a clue to follow up on, something you've seen, or found, that I don't know about yet. He returned his attention to his breakfast. Devany nibbled tentatively at the food on her plate. She had no idea what it was, but everyone else was eating it. Her portion had come from Seren and Daffyd's, so it probably wasn't drugged. She ate with increasing enjoyment. The presence of the new people offered her some comfort. They had titles, which meant that they were Authority Persons. That, in itself, was reassuring. She sneaked a quick peek at Seren. You're not a Mother, she thought accusingly. You know much too much to be a Mother. You're a Tester, aren't you? And I said I use my imagination sometimes. A thrill of fear went through her little frame. Please don't erase me! I don't want to be like Piotr. He was scary after, and they had to send him away. PLEASE don't do that to me! Her hand paused on its way to her mouth. Daffyd glanced down at her and caught her frightened look. He dropped her a quick wink and a warm look that told her not to be afraid. She felt the fear recede a hairsbreadth. There was something about Daffyd that made her feel safe when he was near. She went back to her meal. Daffyd was consumed by his own thoughts. The appearance of the moon last night, in addition to the other things, had confirmed his suspicion that someone, or something, somewhere, was not only paying attention, but taking an active part in their lives. Whoever it was didn't seem to be reading their thoughts, but responded to verbal expressions of need or want. How far does your power extend, he wondered. Was it you who brought us here, and if so, why? Are you going to send us home again? For himself, he didn't particularly care, except for missing his family. His life would be taking such a terrible, and possibly deadly, turn for the worse that staying here would almost be preferable. But Seren needed to go home. His reverie was interrupted by a quiet voice near his elbow. śDaffyd, what are you?” Devany looked up at him. śI don't understand what you're asking, Devany,” he said. śWhat's your Title? What do you do?” śI make music. And I lead musicians in making music,” he smiled down at her. śDo you like music, Devany?” He hoped she knew what he was talking about. śYes. We get to listen to it every fourday. Sometimes it's happy but sometimes it makes me feel funny inside. Is that right?” She looked concerned over her admission, almost as if she expected punishment. śOh yes,” he replied. śMusic can make you feel every kind of emotion. There's a piano in the living room; would you like me to play for you later?” śYes.” He smiled again. Her long sleep seemed to have done her a world of good. He was glad. He had been more worried about her than he had let on yesterday. He had thought it best to keep his concern to himself, not wanting to add to Seren's burden. The guilt he had felt over Devany's disappearance and subsequent condition had now been replaced by a deep relief. śWill you make music soon?” Devany asked. śAfter breakfast, when everything is tidied up, I will,” he said. The meal was soon over, and with everyone working together, the kitchen was soon spotless. Rapsim headed outside to examine the grounds more closely, and to investigate the grassy plain. Perhaps the portal readings were coming from out there. After all, that was where they had all landed. Daffyd took Devany by the hand and led her to the living room. Seren had found a notepad in a drawer in the kitchen, and a pencil to go with it. She sat at the kitchen table, putting her thoughts and impressions of the past few days down on paper. If she ever got home, this stuff was going in a book! Reznik made an attempt to talk with her but Seren asked if it could wait until later. She hadn't done any writing for days and it was taking its toll. śSure,” said Reznik. śIt's important, though, okay? Don't forget.” śI won't,” Seren glanced up, smiled briefly and returned to the notepad. Reznik wandered out after Rapsim. Seren sat and let her chaotic thoughts flow down her arm and out the pencil onto the paper. Slowly, she became aware of music drifting through the house. Her head lifted and she listened, a smile playing about her lips. The piece was nothing she recognized, although it was reminiscent of Beethoven's Fźr Elise. She stole quietly into the hall and stood silently in the doorway to the living room. Daffyd sat on the piano bench, Devany beside him, rapt eyes watching his hands as they moved over the keys. He was evidently playing from memory, as the sheet music that had been there was now neatly stacked on the piano top. From time to time, he cast a quick glance at the child beside him and smiled at the expression on her face. The music changed, becoming evocative and moving. Devany's face underwent a series of expressions and her chin quivered. Seren saw Daffyd notice the girl's reaction and the tune was suddenly cheerful and rollicking. Devany beamed up at the big man. He twinkled back at her. Seren watched the exchange, and thought, Oh, Daffyd, what a great dad you would make! It's a shame you won't ever be one. I bet Ria adores her ŚAnkle Daffyd'. Again, the music shifted moods, conjuring feelings of loss and loneliness. Seren felt a tear slide down her face. She wiped it away, and realized that Devany, too, was crying silently. Suddenly, the child sobbed aloud. Daffyd stopped playing immediately and turned to the little girl. He put a hand on her shoulder and she climbed into his lap. She put her arms around his neck and pressed her face into it, under the line of his jaw. His big hands covered her back and he patted her comfortingly, murmuring reassurances. Seren could hold back no longer. She walked across to the piano bench and put one arm around Daffyd's broad shoulders and the other around Devany. She leaned her cheek against Devany's hair for a brief moment. When the child's weeping had subsided into a series of hitching and catching, Seren pulled back a bit. Her eyes met Daffyd's and he nodded approvingly at her. She tore her gaze from his face and focused on Devany. The curly head lifted itself out of its hiding place against Daffyd's throat. Tears had soaked into his shirt and beaded the hair on his chest, where the top two buttons were undone. Devany's face was streaked, and so pitiful it tugged at Seren's heart. śAre you all right, honey?” she asked, and stroked Devany's hair. Devany shook her head. śIt's too strange for me here. I don't like it. I just want to go home to Nanny512 and the Language Center. I just want things to be the same as they were. Why can't I go home? What did I do wrong? Why am I being ŚTested'?” Her eyes went huge and her body stiffened in Daffyd's loose embrace. People being ŚTested’ weren't supposed to know, and if they guessed, it indicated that they had too much imagination. Her sudden terror was almost palpable. Daffyd's arms tightened around her, strong and protective. His deep voice made soothing sounds that quieted her fears to a manageable level. Nanny512 sometimes let her charges sit in her lap like this and Devany had always liked the comforting feel of it. Now, she concentrated on the feeling of safety that Daffyd's embrace provided and let her terror subside another notch or two. śWhat ŚTest', Devany?” asked Seren. śI don't know what you mean.” Devany looked at her distrustfully then turned to Daffyd. His wide blue eyes regarded her levelly, comfortingly. śWe really don't know what you're referring to, Devany,” he said. She examined his features for signs of deceit. She looked again at Seren. Finally, after some consideration, she decided to go along with what they were telling her. śThen what's happening?” she asked. Seren shook her head. śI wish I knew. We, all of us, were just transported here ... I don't know how....” śOr by whom,” Daffyd interjected quietly. śOr why.” Seren closed her mouth and stared at him. She had assumed they had been random victims of a series of hiccups in the space-time continuum; like people caught in a tornado. It hadn't occurred to her that someone might be behind their situation. Daffyd continued, śWhatever the reason, whatever the mechanism, the important thing is that we are here together. You should know that neither Seren nor I would ever abandon you, Devany. We won't leave you here alone, do you understand me?” He lifted her chin with a gentle finger. She nodded. śNo matter what it takes, if it's in my power, I'll keep you safe. All right?” śAll right,” she agreed hesitantly. She wasn't sure even Daffyd could keep her from falling through whatever it was that had brought her here. But she felt strongly that he would keep his word to the best of his ability. In many ways, he reminded her of Nanny512; he was capable, and knowledgeable, and in control. Even if he wasn't an Authority Person, he made her feel safe. śNow,” he said, setting her down and wiping her face with his shirttail. śI think you should go play for a while.” She looked at him blankly. śRun around, jump, swing ... that sort of thing,” he suggested. śBut it's not sports time, is it?” she asked doubtfully. He exchanged puzzled glances with Seren. śDon't you ever just play?” he asked. She shook her head. śWell.” He was stumped. He wanted some time alone with Seren, to talk with her about some things but he couldn't think how to get Devany to occupy herself. śI have an idea,” said Seren. śHow about if I get a bath ready for you? Would you like that?” Devany eagerly accepted. She liked bath time. When she was smaller, Nanny had always washed her but now she was old enough to bathe by herself. It was another of those safe places to use her imagination. Seren led her to the stairs. Devany balked at first. śI'm not supposed to go up...” she began. śBut you slept up there most of yesterday and all last night,” Seren reminded her. Devany frowned. Seren was right. She could remember coming down the stairs this morning and nothing bad had happened. She followed Seren cautiously. In the bathroom, Seren filled the big tub with warm water, just about navel deep on the child as she sat in it. Seren set a big towel to one side and tossed Devany's clothes in the hamper. She was certain they would find something she could wear; she wasn't that much smaller than Rapsim. She turned off the water, and asked, śDo you want me to stay, or would you like some time for yourself?” śI'd like to be alone,” said Devany, amazed that Seren would offer her a choice. Seren nodded, and left. śI'll leave the door open a crack,” she told the little girl. śShout, if you need anything.” Daffyd was waiting in the hall for Seren to return. As she descended the stairs, he said, śCould I talk to you for a moment?” She lifted her eyebrows at him questioningly and trailed after him back into the living room. He went back to the piano, and sat at it again, idly playing. Seren perched on the far end of the bench, half-turned toward him. śBefore you tell me what's on your mind, can I ask what that music was that you were playing to Devany?” she asked. He glanced at her, and played a piece. His smile appeared briefly. śIt's one of my compositions,” he said, and his hands dropped into his lap. She regarded him with delight. There is absolutely no end to the surprises you hold, is there, Daffyd? I could know you for years, and never reach the end of your layers, I'm sure. śHowever, that's not what I want to discuss.” He frowned, marshalling his thoughts. His lips pursed and relaxed, and he stared into Seren's eyes. His own were striking, Seren thought, wide, level and the clear blue of a summer sky. They were wonderfully expressive and right now seemed to be trying to convey a myriad of thoughts and ideas. At last, he took a deep breath and spoke. śI don't think that what has happened to us is accidental,” he said. She maintained a calm exterior. śGo on.” śI am utterly certain that someone, or something, is watching us and changing things to suit our needs ... our expressed needs.” śWhat do you mean?” she asked, already mulling over his suggestion. śI mean the way things suddenly turn up. It seems coincidental at first, but there have been too many instances. Yesterday, you wanted milk for coffee, and we found a cow. I said how much I like wine with supper....” śAnd we found a wine cellar.... śShe looked at him. śThe clothes, after we were talking....” śAnd not just for us, but for the others ... even Devany.” He smiled crookedly. śLast night I said out loud that Devany needed some, too. I checked her room this morning. There's everything a little girl needs.” They stared at each other. śI haven't told you the best part.” śWhat's that?” she asked, wondering if he had conjured up a way home, and then dismissing the thought. If he had, he would have used it by now. śLast night, I expressed a desire for moonlight, just before I went to bed.” His expression was almost disbelieving. śWhen I looked out the window, the clouds were just breaking up, and the moon broke through.” She looked into the bemused eyes. śI saw the moonlight,” she said. śI woke up in the middle of the night.” She did not tell him about her nightmare, or that she had come downstairs to check on him. She wasn't sure how he would react. śDo you think whoever, whatever, it is brought us here on purpose? Or were we randomly plucked and now being cared for like ants in an ant farm?” śI can't say,” he replied. śI can't see any reason to put us together unless.... śHis voice trailed off. śUnless what? Don't fade out on me now, Daffyd. I think you're on to something, and I want to hear what you think.” He looked down at his hands, watched his fingers lacing and unlacing for a few moments then turned his gaze back to Seren. śI think we might have been brought here for Devany's sake.” Seren's eyes narrowed in thought. She considered Daffyd's idea, staring past his shoulder out into the yard. An odd shimmer, like that over a highway on a hot summer day, moved past the trees and was gone. She blinked and stared but it did not recur. Daffyd cast a quick glance out the window, wondering what Seren had seen. śSeren? Something out there?” he asked, looking back at her. She returned her focus to his face and shook her head. śNo. It looked weird for a second. Probably just hot air or something. Anyway, about Devany"what are you thinking?” He chewed the corner of his lips briefly. śI think she has far too much potential to spend her life in the world she described. I think she would be so much better off in either your world or mine. I'm assuming that we will find a way home, or be sent home eventually, and I think one of us should take her with us. That is, if she can survive in our realities.” Seren smiled. śThat is something you missed out on yesterday, when you went for your walk. Rap said that anyone from any reality can live happily in any other. The quantum vibration, or whatever, doesn't matter. So, yes, Devany could come with either of us.” śIn that case, what do you think of my idea?” he asked. śI think she would love to stay with you, and that you would be an incredible father to her.” She smiled tenderly. śAnd if something happens that I can't take her?” His eyes pleaded with her to say she wouldn't let Devany go back to her sterile world. śThen I will do my utmost to bring her home with me,” she said. śI won't desert her, Daffyd. I promise you that.” And I won't desert you, either, dear Daffyd. If that dream looks remotely like coming true, I'll move Heaven and Earth to keep you safe, even if it's just to be friends. She reached out, squeezed his arm reassuringly, and drew her hand back. I wish I could bring you home with me, too. I'd like to keep you in my life. A twinge of sadness settled on her as she thought of them returning to their own worlds, and never seeing Daffyd again. As much as she wanted to go home, she wanted to keep him near. They sat together, wrapped in thought. * * * * Mykal's aura glowed golden with pleasure at the turn Seren's thoughts and feelings were taking. This was moving right along as he had hoped it would. Her nightmare had caused him some dismay. He was at a loss to explain it, unless it was some unconscious processing of Seren's, but he had not been able to detect any feelings in her that would lead to such violent images of pain for Daffyd. In fact, when it came to Daffyd, Seren's emotions were well on the way to the love she had felt in the dream, although she, herself, denied it. The rest of the nightmare smacked of interference, but there was no clear trail. His aura flickered unpleasantly. The mindless cruelty of the captors, those who had burned Daffyd alive, bothered him deeply. The mocking laughter, the hate, the violence, had left Mykal feeling uncomfortable, almost violated. Something impedes? Dommi's thought touched his mind. I believe so, Mykal responded. But there is no evidence. I fear for them. The Destructive Ones are sly, Dommi reminded him. Your project is worthy. You should expect them to try to sabotage it. Be wary and observant. Do you need reinforcement? No, not yet. But perhaps you could examine? He replayed Seren's nightmare. Dommi shuddered, his aura dimming at the evil that had touched Seren's mind. Be very careful, he warned. That was the work of the Destructive Ones, I am certain. Watch for them. But also know that you can turn their work to your own purposes. Dommi withdrew. Mykal resumed his monitoring of his scenario. Apart from the deviation of the dream, the rest seemed to be falling into place. Devany was developing trust and affection for Daffyd, and, although to a lesser extent, to Seren. Daffyd was genuinely concerned for the child's well being, and his respect and admiration for Seren were solidly in place. Love for her was growing, but, like Seren, he denied it, and fought it. Mykal was certain that it would win out in the end. If not, he would have to nudge them along. He preferred to have it happen naturally, however, so he would wait. He observed the other two prowling about the yard. That was good. He wanted them to go slowly before they found the portals and discovered how to use them. If necessary, he would keep them diverted until Seren and Daffyd were strongly attached. He didn't want them going back to their separate worlds. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 28 Rapsim sat on the dock and dabbled his toes in the water. He had been getting frustrated with the randomness of the readings, and was taking a break to let his mind reset itself. His boots were on the grassy shore, and his pant legs were rolled up above his knees. The multi was tucked into one of his boots, out of the way and out of easy reach. He sat and splashed, gazing out over the water to the far shore, watching the trees waving their arms as they danced to music only they could hear. Gerri Reznik, naked, floated on her back in the cool water. The sun warmed her exposed skin, while the lapping water made occasional cooling forays across her thighs and abdomen. She sighed contentedly. She was due for some ŚR & R’ after this current mission, or rather, the mission she was supposed to be on, and this, right here, right now was a very nice break. She hoped the powers-that-be had been able to replace her. It would be a serious problem if the mission had to be scrapped because of her disappearance. Her mind turned to her current situation. śRap,” she called softly. śMmmmmm?” he replied. śWhat do you think of Seren and Daffyd and Devany?” she asked. śNice people.” śYou are so incredibly unhelpful, sometimes, Rap!” She swam to the dock and e lithely out of the water. śTry not to drip all over me, Rez, please,” he said. She sat down beside him, hoping she wouldn't get splinters in her bum. Since joining the Recruits, she had developed a casual attitude about nudity she would never have suspected herself capable of a few years back. śDo you know their realities at all?” she asked, kicking her feet in the water. śI'm familiar with Devany's,” he said. śThey do have some space capability, and a flourishing Science Fiction underground. Australia is the best place there"very open minded, friendly"a wonderful place. Shunned by most of the rest of the world.” He looked at Reznik. śThere are a few pockets, in her reality, where Devany could shine like the bright little penny she is, but where she comes from.... śHe shook his head. śI imagine she would be having her mind erased a few times before they destroy her imagination"and you know she has one, or she couldn't have processed any of this, even subconsciously. She's a treasure, that one. Daffyd and Seren know it, too. I can see that he wants to keep her away from her world; perhaps he'd like to take her as his own daughter. He wants her to be able to grow"really grow.” śSpeaking of Daffyd, does he strike you as a bit ... odd?” śThat homosexual fażade, you mean?” His forehead creased and he gazed out at the trees again. śI don't know where that comes from, but he wears it like a second skin. It's become a natural part of him when he's around people. Unfortunately, we don't have any information on his Earth, so I can't say why he's like that. He's not sexually weird"I mean, he's not interested in Devany, or anything like that. In fact, he seems quite taken with Seren.” śYou noticed that, too, eh?” She kicked harder at the water. śSo why doesn't he tell her?” śHe's afraid to. Look deeper the next time you see him, Rez. He's completely terrified to let his mask slip. As long as he thinks we think he's homosexual, he's all right. But if he thought we knew"or if he thought Seren even suspected the truth"he would be devastated. Why; I haven't a clue.” He looked at her. śIt would be interesting to find out about his world.” She nodded. śYeh. It would. He seems to be a very nice man; a real Good Guy, you know what I mean? You don't meet them like him very often. I wonder if I can get him to talk about life back home; his home, you know.” śYou can try ... but you better put some clothes on first. I don't think you'd do him any good, turning up like that.” He grinned at her. She laughed out loud. śOhmigawd! Could you just imagine? Poor Daffyd.” She snickered and chortled to herself while she dressed. śI'm going to go track him down. Later, Rap.” śLater, Rez.” He returned to his meditation. She found Daffyd in the barn, milking Dammit. His big hands were knowing and strong, yet gentle. Dammit stood quietly as Daffyd worked. Reznik approached with a cheerful greeting, not wanting to startle him. He smiled his quirky smile. Reznik patted the cow and rested an arm across her back. Daffyd glanced up at her, then looked back at what he was doing. śSo, Daffyd. What are you missing out on at home?” Might as well jump right in. He shook his head. śRehearsals. Nothing much else.” śI guess your family must be worried about you,” she said. śI suppose so,” he replied. śYes, they will, when they realize I'm missing. I don't see them very often,” he explained. śI travel so much, and for such a large part of the year, that we don't spend a lot of time together.” śI see. You and your sister aren't too close, then?” She idly scratched Dammit behind the ear. śMore than some, less than others,” he replied. śWe've been getting closer the past few years. We had a ... falling out ... quite some time ago and were quite distant for several years.” He didn't tell her that it was because Rhiannon had been uncomfortable with her brother's sexual orientation. śBut, Daffyd,” she said to him, the day she had found out. He had managed to hide it from her until he was in his mid-thirties. One day she had come to the city unannounced and had let herself into his apartment, only to discover him in bed with a woman. The woman, he didn't remember now who she had been, had fled. Daffyd had dressed and the arguments began. śI don't understand why you want to be like this? If Father ever finds out, it'll kill him!” śI don't want to be like this, Rhee,” he had said, over and over, in endless conversations, his words falling on deaf ears and a closed mind. śI would give my right arm to be like everybody else. But I'm not. I just don't find other men attractive.” śBut what about Liam Sheeny? You and he were all over each other back in high school.” Liam had been one of his longer-lasting normal relationships. śI was trying to fit in. Besides, I liked Liam just fine. It was easy to fake it with him,” he had told her. śHis sister told me that he told her that you were"how did he put it"dynamite in bed. That sure sounds like sexual attraction to me.” She glared at him in triumph. śYes, well, I'm sure she didn't tell you that she used to walk into his room all the time, half-naked from the shower. You ever see Moira with just a towel around her waist?” He stared at her, and she flushed. He knew she had seen Moira with a lot less than that on. For a time, the Sheenys and the ap Owens had been quite the item. śThen you know how I felt. She'd come in, hair dripping, the water running over her naked breasts, which were practically in my face; say something pointless and then leave. Liam got lots of action from me that year, and it was all thanks to Moira's tits.” śDaffyd! Don't be crude!” śI'm just telling, you, Rhee. I've been like this my whole life. No matter what you think, no matter who I went with, who I used for sex, I have always, always wanted women.” His eyes pleaded for acceptance, if not understanding. śBut it's not right, Daffyd. Why don't you just change?” He had put his head in his hands. He despaired of ever getting her mind wrapped around the idea that it wasn't a choice he had made, it was the way he was inside. śLook, Rhee,” he had said finally. śAll these years, you never knew. Just go back there in your mind, okay? You can see my picture in the paper with this man or that, and tell yourself that I'm normal. All right? Just put tonight out of your head as a bad dream. You caught me experimenting with forbidden lust or something, and I got over it.” To his utter amazement, she had done just that. The power of the human mind to deny the obvious was astounding. They had drifted a bit, but were still able to get together and have fun as a family without undue strain between them"until Morgyn hit puberty and developed breasts. śNo, Daffyd, I don't think she should come down for the week,” Rhiannon had said to him on the phone. śWhy not? She always spends a week with me on the lake,” he was mystified. His holiday month had just begun, and he had looked forward to his annual seven days with Morgyn. śI just think it's a bad idea this year, that's all,” his sister had been evasive about her reasons. He started to suspect what underlay her change of mind. śCan I talk to her, then?” he asked. śShe's not here right now,” Rhiannon said smoothly. He could hear Morgyn's outraged tones in the background, śMother. I'm here, Uncle Daffyd!” śPut her on, Rhee, unless you want me to drive down,” his voice had been calm, but she heard the anger underneath. An angry Daffyd was the last thing she wanted on her doorstep. He didn't blow his top often, but it was spectacular when he did. śUncle Daffyd?” Morgyn's voice was trembly and full of tears. śWhat's wrong, Honey?” he asked. śWhy won't your mother let you come up this year?” śI can't tell you. She's breathing down my neck.” He could imagine the angry look the twelve-year-old was giving his sister. He smiled. Morgyn was more like him than Rhiannon, which aggravated her mother endlessly. She turned from the phone, śGO AWAY, Mother.” A pause. śOkay, she's gone. She says it's because I'm not a little girl anymore, and you don't need a woman at the houseboat.” He rubbed his forehead. śRun that past me again, Morgyn. I missed something somewhere.” He had a sinking feeling he knew what was going through his sister's mind and he wanted to pound her head on the wall until she understood he wasn't a predator, he wasn't a sex-crazed animal that would ravage anything female, and Morgyn wasn't in the remotest danger from him. In fact, she had been more at risk to one of Rhiannon's Śnormal’ female friends. Daffyd was of the opinion that any grown adult who wanted to use a child for sex was anything but normal. śI got my monthly ... you know,” said Morgyn. śAnd now Mother says I'm too old to be bothering you.” She sighed, sounding weepy. śI don't bother you, do I, Uncle Daffyd?” śNo honey, you're not a bother. You never have been, you never will be. I love you to pieces, and no matter how grown-up you get, you'll always be my little girl.” He gritted his teeth, but kept his voice calm. śPut your other mother on, Morgyn. Maybe we can straighten this out.” Morgyn had gotten Janet, her mother's life partner, and passed her the phone. Janet Brandt had taken the news of his hetero status with equanimity, and they got along wonderfully well. śHi, Daff,” she greeted him. śWhat's up?” śHave you talked with Rhiannon about Morgyn's holiday this year?” he asked. śNo. Rhee said Morgyn didn't want to go up, but she didn't say why.” Her voice took on a suspicious tone. śIs there something I should know about, Daff?” śYes. Morgyn wants to come here, I want her here, but apparently puberty is rearing its ugly head, and Morgyn is becoming a Śwoman'. Therefore I will be consumed with uncontrollable male urges and violate her in unspeakable ways.” He seethed into the phone. śOh, Daffyd, you're not serious!” she exclaimed. śRhiannon can't possibly believe that!” śApparently, she does. I don't know why she does, but there it is. Would you talk to her, Jan? Morgyn hasn't missed her week up here since she was three years old. And I really don't want to explain things to her right now. Maybe when she's older.” He sighed. śI'll see what I can do for you, Daff. Maybe I can talk some sense to her. I'll let you know, later, okay?” She hoped she would be able to knock some sense into her partner. Daffyd was one of the best people out there, as far as Janet was concerned. śThanks, Jan. You're the best. I'll be waiting for your call.” He hung up, feeling angry and frustrated with his sister, but hopeful that Janet would prevail. It had taken Janet an hour of arguing to convince Rhiannon that Morgyn should have her holiday. The compromise was that Rhiannon would go along for the first time in nine years. Daffyd didn't care, as long as Morgyn got to visit. Rhiannon was careful never to leave her brother and daughter alone for more than ten seconds at a time. A long and bitter distance grew between them, hurting Morgyn more than anyone. It had taken years for Rhiannon to realize that, no matter what public opinion said about heteros, Daffyd was not the predatory male out to seduce innocent females, or to force himself on unwilling women and girls. She eventually conceded that she had been wrong to come between him and his niece. She had even apologized to him for her blindness, but the hurt had been done. It had taken him a long time to forgive her for not trusting him. However, since Janet's death eight years ago, he and Rhiannon had slowly been healing the rift until they were as close now as they had been as children. They had both been with Janet in the hospital, one on each side of her bed, holding her hands as she lay dying. The cancer they thought she had beaten had recurred. It had spread through her body like wildfire, leaving the doctors no hope of stemming its growth. She had fought it as well as she could, but her strength had finally run out. Morgyn had visited and fled. She couldn't bear to be there at the end. Janet had asked for Daffyd as well as Rhiannon, and he had canceled a concert tour and flown home. She had looked at him and smiled weakly. Her voice was a mere whisper. śIf I had been het, Daff,” she took a slow breath. śI would have gone after you in a moment.” He had smiled, holding back tears he hadn't wanted her to see, and he kissed her hand. śI love you, too, Jan,” he said. She turned to Rhiannon. śStop hurting him, Rhee. He loves you, and I love you and you're going to need each other, okay? I'll be watching.” She pressed Rhiannon's fingers with her oh-so-trembling ones. Rhiannon leaned down and kissed her. śI love you, Jan. We'll take care of each other, and Morgyn. Won't we Daffyd?” She glanced at him. He could only nod and stroke Jan's pale hand. A few moments later she drifted into a sleep from which she never awoke. He had stayed nearby for Rhiannon and Morgyn. It was he who arranged the funeral, and provided a stable presence until Rhiannon could function. When he returned to his schedule, he made sure to call at least a couple of times a month, just to talk, and the healing began. Yes, his family would miss him, and would always wonder what had happened. He would like to be able to put their minds at rest. This much he told Reznik, keeping the rest to himself. śI see,” she said. śAnd if we're all stuck here for years, you'd be okay with that?” śI would for myself. But I'd like to see Seren get home to her children, and if she could take Devany with her, so much the better.” He smiled. śMaybe you should consider that for yourself,” she said. śWhat do you mean? Taking Devany home with me?” śHeck, no!” she exclaimed. śI mean going home with Seren!” He looked at her sharply, his eyes wary. śWhat are you suggesting?” he asked, his voice suddenly cold. Reznik noticed and hesitated. śListen, Daffyd, before I say anything more, I want you to know a couple of things. First, someone's sexual preference, orientation, whatever you call it, is none of my business. Okay? I don't care. Second, I can keep a secret like you wouldn't believe. Trust me on this. śNow, I know you're not homosexual,” she held up a hand to forestall his protest. śI can just tell, okay? How or why doesn't matter. I also know that you're attracted to Seren, which is fine, she's a very attractive woman. So, why don't you just tell her?” His jaw dropped. śAre you serious?” śSure. What's the worst that could happen?” He laughed, a short bitter sound. śLet me think,” he said with uncharacteristic sarcasm. śHow about, she never speaks to me again, and avoids me like the plague.” An ineffable sadness filled his face. śI couldn't stand that. She's much too important to me to risk losing now.” Reznik cursed herself for promising Seren not to tell Daffyd that he set all Seren's hormones in an uproar. She looked at him with great compassion. śShe wouldn't do that, Daffyd. You're important to her, too, you know.” śI know. But sometimes things are stronger than friendships and destroy them, no matter how much you care for each other. I've lost a few wonderful people in my life over this. No, I'll just keep it to myself, thank you. And you do the same. Promise me!” His eyes held hers until she vowed to say nothing to Seren about his feelings. She wanted to ask him more about his world, why he thought Seren would object to his being hetero, but he had thrown up a huge wall around himself. She knew it wasn't coming down anytime soon, so she left him to his chore. As she passed him, she paused and put her hands on his shoulders. śYou really should let her know, Daffyd,” she said quietly and kissed the top of his head before she left. He raised his head and turned it to look at her departing back. Her gesture, although completely surprising to him, had seemed natural and easy for her. He wondered what possessed her to do such a thing. He decided she had spent way too much time with alien species and had forgotten how ugly life on Earth could be for twists. Dammit switched her tail across his arm and brought his mind back to the work at hand. śYes, Dammit, I'm still here. Don't get excited.” He went back to his milking. Reznik found Seren sitting in the garden, pulling up weeds. śWhere's Devany?” she asked the older woman. Seren squinted up at Reznik, the sun behind Gerri's shoulder. śShe's in the house, playing on the piano, I think. She's still afraid to come outside for more than a minute or two at a time. Pull up a row and start weeding.” She waved a hand. śOr you can pick some veggies for tonight's supper.” Reznik sat down a row over from Seren and began to tug up the weeds from between the crops. śSeren, can I ask you something?” śSure, Gerri. What is it?” Seren glanced over at her companion. śWell, yesterday when we were talking about Daffyd, you said you didn't want him to know how you feel; that you're not his type. Why do you think that?” Seren shrugged. śI don't know. Just a feeling I have.” She moved down the row a few inches. śIt's not the end of the world, you know, if he's not interested in me romantically speaking.” She smiled, looking over at Reznik. śHe's lovely just to have as a friend, and sometimes, romance and friendship just don't mix. I don't want to risk alienating him and losing him altogether. He's very important to me.” Reznik wanted to pound her forehead on the hard ground. She had just had this exact same conversation with the man in question. She wondered how two otherwise-intelligent people could be so dense. She tried a different tack. śHow do you feel about him, Seren? I mean, really, deep down.” She looked over the tops of the lettuces to see Seren's face. śI'm not sure, Gerri. He's a remarkable man. He's kind, and warm, and there seems to be no end to him.” She laughed softly. śHe's what my sister calls Śan onion person'. You keep peeling away layers, and there are always more underneath. He's very complex.” śAnd don't forget easy on the eyes!” said Reznik, her eyes sparkling. Seren smiled at her. śYes, and that. He's very attractive, and he doesn't seem to know it. Or, if he does know, he doesn't care. He doesn't have that arrogance that so many good-looking men do, you know what I mean?” Reznik barked laughter. śOh, yes I do! There are a few of those in the Recruits. My god, they drive me crazy!” They grinned at each other over the lettuce. śYou're right about Daffyd, though. He's not like that at all. I still think you should tell him you think he's a babe, hunk, doll, whatever.” Seren shook her head. śNo, listen, Seren. You don't have to tell him you lust after him or anything, just let him know you think he's, you know, hot.” śI don't think so,” said Seren, smiling. Reznik invoked curses on her own head for the promises she had made to these very stubborn and blind people. śJust remember, I was the one who told you to try,” said Reznik cryptically. śI think I'll go see what Devany's up to.” She stood up and dusted herself off. śSee you later, Seren.” śYep,” said Seren, continuing her self-appointed task. Reznik jogged off in the direction of the house. Devany was not at the piano, nor anywhere downstairs. Reznik trotted up to the second floor, where she found the little girl in the art room going through the paintings. She had spread them out so that at least part of each was visible. She was sitting in the middle of the room, staring at one after another. Reznik knocked at the door. śHey, Kiddo! Can I come in?” she asked. śYes,” said Devany. She wasn't used to grown-up people asking for her permission and it made her feel awkward and shy. śHave you found any good paintings?” asked Reznik, as she settled herself on the floor with Devany. She looked at the array. śThere sure are a lot! That one looks familiar to me. Are there any that are like places you know?” asked Reznik, not expecting the affirmative answer she got. śYes. Over there.” Devany pointed to a medium size picture. It was of an enormous building, or perhaps a complex, set in an ocean of greenery. Most of the green appeared to be crops of some kind, laid out in orderly rows. The compound was gigantic, covering hundreds of hectares of land. The view was semi-aerial, perhaps from the vantage point of a tall hill overlooking the site, or from a low-flying plane. The many courtyards were clearly visible. Some had tall trees and low bushes growing in them, with fountains splashing and sparkling. Others had gravel paths. Some were the size of football fields, or bigger, with all manner of obstacle course equipment, or sports supplies in them. The outer walls had no windows on the ground floor, although many looked inward on the atria. Reznik examined the painting closely. The detail was incredible. When she looked at the various courtyards, she could see that each had its own purpose. Tiny figures were scattered here and there, walking the pathways, running around the track, dragging a net through a pond to clean the surface. A shadowy figure stood at an upstairs window, half-concealed by the curtains, apparently looking out at the field beyond the walls. Devany's eyes were taking in every inch of the picture. śWhat is this place, Devany?” asked Reznik quietly. Devany touched her finger to the obstacle course. śThat's where I was when I fell here,” she said. She continued to study the depiction of her home. śLook how big it is outside the Complex,” she said. śWhat is all that? It looks like the garden outside, here, but it goes on and on. What do you think it's for?” śWhat do you think it's for, Devany?” Reznik turned the question back to her. Devany frowned. The question smacked of a request to use her imagination. As she considered it, she decided it was more of an exercise in deductive reasoning. She thought about Seren's telling her about picking vegetables from the garden to cook for supper. She thought about the number of children in her group, the number of groups and the size of the compound. She thought of all the Nannies and Teachers and Supervisors. She looked at the fields that stretched off into the distance. The realization dawned. śIt's to feed the people in the Complex!” She looked at Reznik. śIsn't it?” śThat would be my guess, Punkin. It sure looks like an awful lot of people live in that place, and it takes a lot of food to keep them full.” śI didn't know what was outside. We little ones aren't allowed to know; we're not allowed upstairs. Ever.” She considered the painting some more. śLook! The windows upstairs look outside. Why can the downstairs people only look in?” śBefore I answer that, Devany, I have to ask you a question.” śYes.” śDo you ever play Ślet's pretend’ or Śwhat if ... Ś?” Devany looked hard at Reznik, striving to understand the meaning of the words. She thought she was being asked if she ever imagined things that weren't real. She didn't know if it would be better to lie or to admit the truth. Both choices had good and bad points. However, if she lied, and Reznik or the others found out, she would be in serious trouble. Alternately, admitting she used her imagination would also net her serious trouble. Reznik waited patiently, easily reading each thought as it paraded across the child's face. It wasn't her job to judge this little girl, but she could see the truth shining like a beacon. She would decide how to handle the situation based on what Devany told her. She would not condemn her for honesty, if that's what the child offered. If Devany lied, Reznik would have to find a way to lure the truth out of her. This could get tricky. She could use Rapsim's skills right about now. śI am not certain I understand the question,” Devany hedged. Reznik laughed inwardly. śWhat I mean is: have you ever wondered anything like, Śwhat if things were different?', or Śwhat if there's more than I'm being told?', or even, Śwhat if grown-ups don't know everything?'” She saw a flicker of something in Devany's eye. Good! Something to work with. She leaned down and whispered conspiratorially, śWhich one could you fool the easiest?” śThe Sports Supervisor,” blurted Devany, and clapped a hand over her mouth. Reznik smiled at her reassuringly. śDon't worry, Punkin. It'll be our secret.” She winked. śNow, you could only play Śimagine’ around your sport supervisor, right?” śYes. It was fun to pretend things on the obstacle course, or when we were swimming or running. I used to think about being grown up and doing my job in dangerous places. Sometimes, I would even pretend I did a different job than translating. Sometimes, I would think about being a Nanny, or a Supervisor.” She almost whispered these last sentences. It wasn't quite the wild imagination Reznik had been hoping for, but at least the child was capable of conceiving of things as different from what was right in front of her. śThat's good, Devany. It's good to let your mind stretch. It makes it stronger. Now, you asked me why there are no outside windows on the ground floor. Here's another question for you to answer. If you had been able to look out at all those fields of vegetables and things, and you could see the workers planting and harvesting, what do you suppose you would have thought?” Devany sat and considered this. She looked out the window, at the branches of the trees against the sky. She remembered sitting in class, learning Japanese, her attention wandering and her battle to keep it focused on the task. She thought about having a window to gaze out of while her mind was trying to escape and how easily her imagination would have taken flight into the fields. She stared at Reznik with growing certainty. śSo we wouldn't know, wouldn't think about anything new! Am I right?” śAbsolutely. Knowledge is power, honey. If you can keep people ignorant, you can train them any way you like. By the time you got old enough to go upstairs, you would be so used to following orders, you wouldn't think of daydreaming. You understand?” śI don't know the word Śdaydreaming', but I think I understand. You mean: we wouldn't think about going out in the fields, or being one of the workers.” śYou're bang on, again, Devany. You're pretty sharp for such a little girl.” Reznik grinned at her. śThank you.” She considered the painting again. śProtoLeader, what will happen to me when I go home? Will they believe me when I tell them what happened? Will they erase my mind?” śI can't answer that for you, baby. Do they erase memories a lot?” Reznik began to feel serious concern for the little girl. śI don't know. The only one I saw was Piotr. He was different after. I think they erased too much. He couldn't do any of the work; he couldn't even remember how to dress himself right any more. It was scary.” She looked deeply unhappy. śHe was my friend before, but I was glad when they moved him somewhere else. He only looked like Piotr, but he wasn't him inside. I don't want to be like that.” Reznik patted her shoulder. śDon't worry, Devany. We'll find a way to keep you safe. Maybe we can find a better place for you. Would you like that?” Devany looked doubtful. śI don't know.” Her troubled eyes moved from Reznik's to the painting and back again. śI don't want to be erased,” she said slowly. śBut I know it there. Even if I'm not me inside anymore, they would still take care of me. Maybe I wouldn't be a Translator when I grow up, but things would mostly be like they were before.” Her delicate features were twisted in a horror no one that young should know. Reznik's heart ached for the child. śI don't want to be like Piotr.” She looked deeply unhappy. śWhere else could I go?” Reznik chewed the inside of her cheek for a moment. Should I blab Daffyd's idea or not? It might give her hope. Go for it. śSeren or Daffyd might be able to take you home with them,” she offered the idea. śI like Daffyd. I like Seren, too, but I like Daffyd more.” Her brow furrowed as she considered this possibility. śI could go with one of them. They would take care of me, wouldn't they?” śYes, I bet you they would! Either one of them, or maybe both together. Maybe you could all go back to Seren's world.” There! That planted that idea in another mind. śI'm from there, too. Did you know that? I could come to visit sometimes.” Devany smiled shyly. She had never had such an open conversation with an adult in her life. She rather liked the experience, and decided she liked Reznik, too. śI'd like that.” Then her expression turned serious. śDo you think we'll ever get out of this place?” śIf I know Rapsim, and I do, he'll find a way to get us all home. He's very resourceful.” She stood suddenly. śCome on. Let's go make lunch for everybody. I'm hungry.” She held her hand down to Devany and helped her to her feet. Together, they went downstairs. Behind them, the curtains in the painting fluttered slightly, and the figure in the window withdrew farther into the shadows. Elsewhere, Rapsim's multi chittered a moment or two and then the reading was gone. He cursed under his breath. Where were the surges coming from? Daffyd had finished milking Dammit, and had brought the milk can to the cool root cellar. He had sat on it to think. He couldn't imagine how Reznik had guessed his secret, but he was concerned. Her reaction hadn't surprised him. She had struck him as being a young woman who took people as she found them and left judgment to the Almighty. Her suggestion that he tell Seren of his attraction had stunned him. How could Reznik be so casual about his sexuality, that she wouldn't understand the problems inherent in such an admission. He spoke quietly to whoever might be listening, śI don't suppose you have an answer for me, but what should I do?” He smiled at his foolishness. Whoever was watching and providing for them certainly wasn't concerned about his feelings for Seren. * * * * Has there been any more interference? Dommi approached Mykal. The latter diverted part of his attention from the people below. Not from the Destructive Ones. But the male is aware that someone is watching ... even of some of the changes, sent Mykal. He is even now asking for advice on how to proceed. I can only nudge him along so far, however. His nature is very resistant. Perhaps I should focus on the adult female. I think she will be easier to persuade to reveal her growing attachment. They are both very strongly attracted, which is promising. They're becoming quite protective of each other, and of the juvenile. Dommi radiated approval. Then he asked, You had a minor project with this one. I have been forgetting to ask about it. It progresses? Mykal glowed. Oh yes, the young adult female has risen to the challenge. She is discovering abilities she did not know she possessed. The fear she had of being inadequate is fading rapidly, and she is more confident every day. It is hard on the younger ones that the mother is gone, but it will only be a few more weeks in their time. And how much longer for the main group? I think another week will suffice at most. Dommi again showed approval before moving on to the next one under his guidance. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 29 Llewellyn ap Owen stared at the pictures on the front page of that trashy paper. śI thought maybe you should see this,” said Boyd Carver, who lived next door. śMy girl, Sue, brought it by to show me. I tell you, Llewellyn, it doesn't look good for your boy.” śThose pictures are easily faked, Boyd, and you know it,” said Llewellyn in a no-nonsense tone. He was surprised he sounded so normal. He had often wondered about Daffyd, ever since his son was a young boy, but he had never wanted to question him. Whoever Daffyd used for sex was none of Llewellyn's business, and it didn't make him love Daffyd any less. He admitted to a certain disappointment, but mostly he was afraid for Daffyd's life. The hate groups would surely descend on him and rend him limb from bleeding limb. He felt sick with fear. śYou might want to get out of town for a while, yourself,” said Boyd, almost as if he had read the other man's mind. śI can't say I approve of Daffyd being the way he is, if this is true, but he's a good and decent person, no matter what that paper says. Why, I've known him his whole life. In fact, I remember when you had him.” śYou remember that far back?” śSure, I do. I was, what ... about nine or ten years old at the time. It was a big deal. Everybody was talking about it. It caused quite a fuss in town! Or had you forgotten?” Llewellyn smiled at that. It certainly had created a stir! Up until that point, if a man wanted to raise his own child, he had to find a surrogate mother, who would be artificially inseminated, and hand the child over when it was born. The cost was prohibitive, but there were many agencies that helped defray some of the expense. And then had come the breakthrough from the procreative research scientists. The technique of in vitro fertilization, and implantation of the resulting embryo into the abdominal cavity of a male was perfected on animals. This meant that any man, at any time, could choose to bear his own child. Suddenly, women were expected to be donors at the Procreation Bank, as the old sperm banks were now called. New laws, new rules were drawn up worldwide, and society had changed forever. Llewellyn had read the news with growing excitement. He and Evelyn Jones had been together for five years, and their relationship was strong and stable. They had been discussing children for the past year, but couldn't afford the going rates for a surrogate. śListen to this, Ev,” Llewellyn had said. śIt says here that the research center is looking for human volunteers. They'll even pay the first five hundred men to do this!” śLew, it's too risky,” Ev had replied. śBut they're offering to pay ten thousand dollars! I won't have to work for the whole nine months. Their doctors will be watching me like a hawk. Come on, Ev.” He grinned. śWe'll make history.” śI thought we made history last night,” Evelyn grinned back. Llewellyn laughed. śThis time it'll go in the history books. Our child will learn about us in school. Let's do it. Let me do it.” His eyes pleaded and Evelyn had relented. They called the toll-free number in the magazine. At 28, Llewellyn was at the high end of the acceptable age range, but he was so physically fit from his years in the military, that he was considered a good candidate. At first, he had wanted to use Evelyn's sperm to fertilize the donor egg, but Ev had a low count. The scientists wanted Llewellyn's. So it was that Llewellyn ap Owen became one of the human guinea pigs for the fledgling worldwide Procreation Center. The in vitro process had resulted in several microscopic embryos. When told that the ones not used could be frozen for future use, Lew and Ev had opted for that, with only one being implanted in Llewellyn's abdominal cavity. The implantation was accomplished with a local anesthetic and a very long needle. Ev had held Lew's hand through the entire process. When he was ready to go home, the doctor handed him an appointment card. śFebruary 12, Mr. ap Owen,” said the doctor. śThat's your baby's birth date. Be back here at the Center on the eleventh for prep. And I want to see you in a month to see how you're doing. If anything feels strange, call us any time, night or day. The number is on the card.” He smiled pleasantly, and left the bemused couple. Llewellyn and Evelyn studied the card and then looked at each other, as the dawning realization sank in. They were going to have a baby! Evelyn grinned suddenly and put his arms around Llewellyn. śI can't believe this is happening.” He kissed him tenderly. śThis is wonderful. You are wonderful.” They went home to wait out the nine months, coming in for regular check-ups, as would any expectant parent. Llewellyn had been one of the lucky ones. His pregnancy had progressed as normally as it could, considering. His body had adjusted to the interloper. The first time he had felt the baby kick, he had been so excited he could hardly contain himself. People in town got used to seeing him wearing looser and looser clothing. Opinion was divided between Śwork of the devil’ and Śinspired by God'. Fortunately, the Śwork of the devil’ faction was not terribly vocal and not at all violent. February eleventh arrived and Evelyn drove Llewellyn to the Center. He was treated with utmost gentleness by the staff. They had already delivered over thirty babies, most of whom had been healthy, normal children. But two had been stillborn, dead before they were taken out of their grieving fathers, and one had had such grotesque genetic deformities it had not survived the first day. Llewellyn and Evelyn were nervous. Evelyn demanded to be present at Llewellyn's side, even though Lew would be under a general anesthetic. Because he had been an ambulance driver for several years, the doctors allowed his request. They considered him a low risk for fainting. It had been difficult watching them make the incision in Lew's abdomen, but when they pulled out a healthy eight-pound, seven-ounce, howling baby boy, Evelyn had been struck by the awe of seeing a new life enter the world. The doctors quickly checked the baby, declared him healthy and whole, and handed him, wrapped in a blanket, into the waiting arms of the man he would call his Śother father'. His birth father was still sleeping off the drugs. They had already chosen names, and Evelyn looked down into the slate colored eyes of his new son. śHey there, Daffyd,” he crooned. śWelcome to the world.” Llewellyn was moved into a private room, where Evelyn sat with the baby in his arms waiting for the new father to wake up. When Lew's eyes fluttered open and he was fully conscious, Evelyn brought Daffyd over. śWho did we have?” asked Lew sleepily. śIt's Daffyd,” said Ev softly, and tucked their son into Lew's waiting arms. They gazed at him, and at each other. śYou did it, Lew. You gave us a baby.” Evelyn stroked Llewellyn's cheek. śHave I told you lately how much I love you?” Lew nodded. śJust before I went in for the surgery, in fact,” he smiled. śI love you, too, Ev.” He looked down at the infant who was squalling to be fed. śAnd I love you too, little Daffyd.” Their pictures had made headlines as one of the first fifty babies to be born to men. Now the headlines were not as flattering. Llewellyn forced himself to look at the pictures that were splashed all over the front page. Daffyd's face was all too recognizable, although the woman's was always in shadow, or turned away. However, there was no doubt that it was a woman with him. Her robe was open, breasts clearly visible. He hoped against hope that the images had been created on someone's computer, but he was terribly afraid that Daffyd had simply been caught by a scheming woman who didn't care whose lives she destroyed. He considered Boyd's suggestion to get out of town. śWhat will people say if I cut and run, Boyd?” he asked, tearing his eyes from the paper, and flipping it over onto its face. śI'd be more afraid of what they'll do if you don't, Lew,” the other replied, his pleasant face seamed with worry. śWhat are you talking about? I haven't done anything,” Llewellyn was confused by the turn this conversation was taking. Boyd looked deeply unhappy. śI don't want to be the one to bring this to you, but someone has to warn you.” śWarn me about what? Boyd, I just don't understand what you're driving at.” Llewellyn's blue eyes, so like his son's, pleaded with Boyd to say what he meant. śYou remember back before Daffyd was born, when you were ... expecting, how some folk said it was the work of the devil?” Boyd's mouth turned grim at what he had to say next. Llewellyn nodded slowly. śWell, back then, they mostly just ranted on street corners, or wrote letters to the paper. I remember asking my mother what it was all about, and she wouldn't explain it. It wasn't until years later I figured it out on my own. Anyway, now they, or ones just like them, are saying that's the reason Daffyd's turned out wrong. That you were too much of a mother, so he's out looking for a woman.” He looked down at his hands, unable to meet Llewellyn's eyes. śThey're blaming you, Lew.” Llewellyn was speechless. Surely Boyd was joking; it was in pretty poor taste, but it must be a joke! Boyd looked up at last. śDon't be afraid to run, Lew. Maybe if Daffyd hadn't disappeared, he could defend himself, and this would all blow over. Everyone knows those damn papers lie all the time. But, that article says he took off the morning after them pictures were taken. That don't look good, you have to admit.” He looked away again, unable to bear the sick fear that appeared on Llewellyn's handsome features. Is this why you vanished, Daffyd? Lew thought. Why didn't you call your sister or me? Don't you know I would have done anything to help you out? Oh, my poor boy! His heart ached for his son. śYou're a good neighbor and a good friend, Lew,” said Boyd quietly. śI'd hate to see anything happen to you. Go someplace they don't know you until this thing is done. Maybe Daffyd will turn up and set things to rights, or people will just forget after a while. But right now, you're not safe here.” They sat in silence for a while. Llewellyn was already thinking which of his personal possessions he could not bear to leave behind for vandals and arsonists. He had seen the increasing violence of the anti-hetero groups, and he had no illusions about how ugly and dangerous things could get. He realized he might be in very serious danger. He rose suddenly to his feet. śThank you, Boyd,” he said. śI appreciate your honesty. Maybe you saved this old fool's life.” Boyd stood up. śYou're no fool, Lew. You never were.” He hesitated, then hugged his friend. śI never told you this when Ev was alive; I didn't want to cause trouble, but I always thought he was awful lucky to have you as a partner.” He kissed Llewellyn's cheek. śI hope this foolishness is just a flash in the pan, and that folks will get over it. But don't take any chances.” śI won't, Boyd. Listen, I hate to ask this of you, but would you keep an eye on this place for me?” He didn't want the other man to risk himself, but knowing someone who cared was watching over his home would make it easier to go away. śI was just going to offer. You could move some of your things into my place; keep them safe, just in case,” Boyd said. śI might do that,” replied Llewellyn, thinking it wasn't a bad idea. He knew he could trust Boyd to mind his possessions until he came home again. śYou better get going. I've got some planning to do.” śBe careful, Lew,” said Boyd as he let himself out the back door. Llewellyn watched his neighbor cross their shared double driveway and enter his own home. He turned the newspaper back over and looked at it. Daffyd, Daffyd; what have you got yourself into? He picked up the phone and dialed Rhiannon's number. śDad?” She answered on the first ring, seeing Llewellyn's name on the display panel of her vidphone. śHello, Rhee.” He didn't waste time on pleasantries. śHave you seen that scandal paper with Daffyd all over it?” śYes, I have. It's awful, Dad! I can't believe they printed it.” Mostly I can't believe he got caught. He's always been so discreet, so careful. śIs it true, Rhee? Is Daffyd hetero?” Lew asked her bluntly. The hesitation before she replied, gave him the answer. He interrupted her to ask, śHow long have you known?” She hesitated again. śMore than twenty years,” she said at last. śI didn't believe it for a long time, but eventually I realized he was telling me the truth.” śWhy didn't either of you tell me?” he asked quietly. śI didn't because it wasn't my place to tell Daffyd's secrets. You'll have to ask him, when he turns up.” Although, after reading the article, and learning the timing of his disappearance, she doubted that would be anytime soon. śIf he turns up,” said Llewellyn. Rhiannon was about to chastise him for thinking Daffyd would desert his family completely, when Llewellyn said something she hadn't considered. śWhat if that reporter was part of one of those groups, Rhee? What if they killed him and dumped his body somewhere?” Her knees went weak at the thought, and she sank into a chair. śNo, Dad, no.” She thought over the details of Daffyd's vanishing. śShe wouldn't have let him go, then. Remember, the hotel doorman saw him, and the front desk clerk called him in his room? Maybe he just decided to find a safe haven.” śThen why haven't we heard from him, Rhee? That's not like him at all!” He was frightened and angry and taking it out on her. śI don't know, Dad. I don't know.” She heard the underlying fear in his voice. śAre you all right?” she asked. śNo, Rhee, I'm not.” He told her of Boyd's visit and his advice to Llewellyn to get out of town. śYou don't really think you're in any danger, do you?” She couldn't believe her father's neighbors would turn on him. śIt's hard to say anymore. People are so much nastier now than they used to be. Those anti-hetero groups are bigger and crueler and better organized. You never know who might be a member. I'm going to take Boyd's advice, Rhee. I'm leaving tonight.” śWhere will you go?” she asked. śI don't know for sure,” he replied. śDaffyd always wanted me to see his island; maybe I'll go there.” The island under discussion was in the south Pacific. It was technically part of one of the many small kingdoms that dotted that part of the world. Daffyd had bought it outright as a getaway place, and had built a comfortable, but not ostentatious home there. He often used it for a week here and there, to get away from the prying eyes of fans. He loved his houseboat, but sometimes people he didn't know found him there. No one came uninvited to the island. śThat's not a bad idea,” Rhiannon said, privately thinking it was a little extreme. However, if Llewellyn felt safest there, then that's where he should be. śYou better go and make your flight arrangements then, Dad. Let me know when you're leaving, and keep in touch along the way. I want to know you got there safe and sound, okay?” śI'll keep in touch. You might want to consider your own safety, Rhee. If this gets ugly, we could all be in trouble.” śWe'll be fine, Dad. If it seems that there's even a chance of us getting hurt, we'll head for the hills.” She smiled to make her voice sound less strained. They bid each other farewell and broke the connection. She stared at the dead receiver. She wished she knew where Daffyd was. This upset and brouhaha was all his fault. If he had just tried harder to be normal, instead of saying that it was beyond his control, none of this would be happening. You know better than that, Rhiannon ap Owen, said a part of her mind she didn't want to listen to right now. You've seen him suffer over the years. NO ONE chooses a living hell like that. He has tried, and you know it. Right now, people are going to be saying very nasty things about him, and maybe Dad's right to run. It might not be a bad idea to go up to the cottage for a while. Take Ria, and just go up for a winter holiday. This sounded like a good idea. She would talk to Morgyn tonight and make the suggestion. She was sure her daughter wouldn't object. As a police officer, Morgyn knew better than anyone how the NoHets, as the radical heterophobic movement members were called in this part of Northern California, could get out of hand. Innocent family members of heterosexuals were not immune from the hate-inspired wrath of this mob. She took a small notepad and started making a list of things she'd have to take. It was chilly enough to need warm clothes, but still got warm enough on sunny days to get away with summer wear. Groceries, some games and toys for Ria, books for herself; she sat and jotted down everything that came to mind. The kitchen door opened and her Significant Other, Beatrice Lowell came in from outside. She tossed her coat onto a chair and kissed Rhiannon on the cheek, before sitting at the table with her. She indicated the list in front of Rhiannon. śWhat's that?” she asked. śI'm making a list of things to take up to the cottage. I think I want to go up there for a while,” Rhiannon replied, adding another item. śWhy do you want to go up there this time of year? It's cold and rainy. Is something wrong, Anna?” She refused to use the short form ŚRhee', preferring her own pet version of Rhiannon's name. ŚRhee’ reminded her of Daffyd, whom she detested intensely. She had never felt comfortable around him. There was something in the way he looked at her that made her uneasy. When she and Rhiannon had first started seeing each other just over ten years ago, Beatrice had not associated ŚDaffyd ap Owen’ with anything other than the music world. She wasn't a follower or fan of his, and had never paid much attention to him. Then Rhiannon had introduced her new love to her brother. Beatrice had looked into the startling blue eyes, and realized she knew them. When he spoke, the memory flew up from the deepest recesses of her mind; unbidden and unwelcome of a fraternity party twenty-five years ago, or more. It was the wildest event she had ever attended. Half the partygoers were in various stage of undress, there was every form of alcohol available, recreational drugs were set out in bowls like chips or candy. Sexual activity did not seem to be confined to private rooms; Beatrice had seen couples, and even a threesome or two being incredibly indiscreet in the corners of various rooms. She had wandered around, drinking a rum punch that seemed to be more rum than punch. One group she saw had involved both genders, and she had watched the proceedings from behind a tall potted plant. She had found the sight arousing, to her shame and confusion. Tearing her eyes from the erotic scene, she had found herself to be under the amused scrutiny of a young man who was in a position to see, not only Beatrice, but also the activity she had been so intently watching. She had flushed bright red. The tall youth had laughed at her discomfiture and turned away. Her embarrassment hadn't kept her curiosity at bay, and her mind kept replaying the images of the boy and the girls she had seen. What would it be like with a man? she wondered. This is the place to find out, if I'm ever going to know. Nobody cares who's doing what or whom. Somebody said there's private rooms upstairs; I wouldn't have to do it out in front of everybody. A warm tingle went through her at the thought. But who do I ask? How do I ask? What do I say? Who should she choose: the blond fellow she had seen with the two girls? She knew he was willing to have a female partner, but he might be worn out from his prior activities. Perhaps that swarthy fellow she had seen kissing a girl in the kitchen. Why not that tall one who was watching you before? He seemed kind of interested in the trio on the floor? Didn't you see his eyes go to them before he turned away? Maybe he wasn't laughing at you; maybe he was laughing because he wanted to be doing that to you and was embarrassed to ask. Bolstering herself with this thought, she went in search of the young man. She saw him leaning against a wall, talking to a very plain-looking girl. Beatrice had smiled to herself. She was extremely attractive in face and figure, and knew it. If he was after a woman, she wouldn't have any trouble replacing the homely one he was with now. She moved closer, trying not to be too obvious. śYou are so full of it, Dave,” the girl was saying. śThere's no way.” śI'm telling you I can and I did,” he replied, laughing. His companion shook her head in mock exasperation, smiling up at him. śYou'll have to prove it to me, then, because I don't think anyone can compose a symphony, or even a tune for a song, that fast.” Beatrice meandered past, pretended interest in someone else for a moment, then turned back, just as Dave lifted his head and glanced around. His incredibly blue eyes touched her and slid past, before returning to the young woman before him. śCome up to my room, and I'll write you a song right now,” he said, with an odd little smile that barely moved his mouth at all. śGinny's Song, just for you.” śHA!” exclaimed Ginny, laughing. śI'm sure. I come up to your room, you Śwrite a song', and the next thing I know, you'll be showing me your baton, or something.” She smiled in a way that suggested this wouldn't be an unwelcome situation. śI promise not to show you anything you don't want to see,” he replied. Ginny laughed. śTell you what, I'm going to the little girls’ room, and when I come back, you can write a song for me. Upstairs.” She smiled at him, squeezed his hand and walked away. Beatrice had heard enough to decide that he was just the one she wanted. She approached him with a suggestive smile. śHi there,” she said. śHello,” he replied. śI overheard part of your conversation with Ginny,” said Beatrice, as if the girl were a friend of hers. She licked her lips nervously. śI'd kind of like to see your ... baton. Music, I mean.” She was flustered now, under his steady gaze. She knew he understood her meaning, by the way he smiled. Her hands felt clammy and cold suddenly. This is it! she thought. I really did it. Why would he want to take that mouse up to his room when he can have me? She smiled invitingly. śSorry,” he said. śIt's a private performance.” The blue eyes flickered contemptuously, and he pushed himself away from the wall, away from Beatrice. She watched his tall form striding across the room. He encountered Ginny returning from the washroom and said something to her. Ginny glanced past his arm to where Beatrice stood, cheeks burning with shame and outrage, and laughed up at him. He shook his head and half-rolled his eyes. Beatrice watched them go up the stairs together. I'll get him some day! she had vowed to herself. If it's the last thing I ever do, I'm going to get that self-important asshole. She had left the party soon afterwards, not wanting to encounter either of the couple after they came back down. It was too humiliating. She had managed to forget the incident completely, burying it deep in the farthest corners of her subconscious, unnoticed, unremembered. Until Rhiannon had introduced her brother of the bright blue eyes and faintly mocking smile. Now, his world was crumbling around him, and Beatrice couldn't have been happier. It was hard to hide her joy from Rhiannon, but she played the sympathetic spouse to perfection. Her greatest hope now was that the great Daffyd ap Owen would come crawling to his sister for help, and Beatrice would be there. I'll help you all right, you evil, twisted thing. I'll help you straight to Hell! She focused her attention on what Rhiannon was telling her. śI just want to get out of town for a bit, in case this trouble with Daffyd blows up. I don't want Ria getting hurt.” Rhiannon turned worried eyes to her partner. śI'm scared, Triss.” śI don't blame you,” said Beatrice. śPerhaps it's a good idea to get away for a bit.” She couldn't tell her that Rhiannon and her girls were as safe as if they had a twenty-four hour police guard. As one of the founding members of the local branch of NoHets, Beatrice had made certain that her family would not be molested in any way. However, she knew Rhiannon wouldn't approve of her association with the group, and had kept it hidden from her. śI won't be able to come with you right away,” she said. śBut I'll come up on the weekend. Is that all right? Will you be okay up there with just Ria?” śI'll be fine, Triss,” said Rhiannon. śBut aren't you afraid, staying here alone?” śI'm sure Morgyn will make sure the police check in now and then,” Beatrice replied smoothly. śI'll be fine, I'm sure. But you and Ria might feel safer out of the limelight.” Besides, if that slithering snake brother of yours turns up, he'll likely come here first, and I'll be here to welcome him with open arms. She hid a sly smile. śLet me make you some tea and then I'll help you pack your bags, Anna. Everything will be fine, darling. You'll see.” She kissed her tenderly. śThanks, Triss. I need to hear that. This whole thing is a nightmare.” śIt'll all blow over soon, I'm sure. People don't seem to care as much anymore whether other people are normal or not.” She turned away to hide a grimace of distaste. She cared. She cared a lot. She put the kettle on the stove. Rhiannon sighed, and felt a modicum of relief. Maybe Triss was right, and this would pass before they knew it. She was lucky to have Beatrice. So many people wouldn't have been so understanding. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 30 Seren had finished weeding, and had fetched a basket to gather more produce. She was trying to pick only what they needed for each day, so that the vegetables would be at their peak of freshness for each meal. Besides, chores helped to pass the time, which would otherwise have hung heavy on her hands. Now, with her basket held in both hands, she came walking blithely around the end of the lilac bushes, unprepared for the sight that greeted her. Daffyd, stripped to the waist, was chopping firewood for the kitchen stove. A gleam of sweat shone across the broad shoulders as he swung the axe. Seren stopped and stared, struck by the image. Daffyd was so soft-spoken and genteel, she tended to forget how big he was. Looking at him now, she was impressed by his size. He was about six-foot-three, broad across the shoulders, and deep through the chest. His extra weight was well distributed, so, although his abdomen was far from flat, neither was it a flabby gut hanging over his waistband. He looked big and solid and firm. Light brown hair spread across his chest and down his belly. Seren felt an incredible urge to touch him, run her fingers across his chest, drag him behind the lilacs and have her way with him. Instead, she tightened her grip on her basket and waited until he had split another chunk of wood and was tossing the pieces onto a growing pile near the back door. śHi!” she said brightly. śWorking hard, I see.” She walked over, trying to keep her eyes on his face, although they preferred to wander the unfamiliar terrain of his physique. He armed sweat from his forehead. śJust keeping busy,” he said. He put another big piece of wood on the chopping block. śI used to do this on my grandma's farm,” he said and swung the axe. śBut it's been a long time. I'm going to feel this tomorrow. Or the next day.” He banged the wood against the block to force the axe all the way through. śI've been getting soft.” śYou don't look soft,” she blurted. śYou look good.” She could have bitten off her tongue for being so forward. His eyes smiled at her in a way that made her thankful her hands were busy clutching the pannier. Otherwise, they might have done something inappropriate. śThank you. You're very kind.” śNot at all. I'm just telling you what I see.” She stopped herself before she went too far. śI gotta get this inside. Don't work too hard.” She smiled and hastened for the kitchen door. He watched her go, bemused by her reaction, and wondering what it was all about. Reznik and Devany were assembling sandwiches and putting them on platters. Reznik looked up as Seren, looking quite flushed, came in. śWhat's up?” she asked, an impish light dancing in her eyes. Seren shook her head. śNothing. Just ran into Daffyd.” Reznik grinned. śHe still chopping wood?” She cut another sandwich into neat triangles. śYes. Yes, he is.” Seren turned toward the sink, putting her harvest on the counter. śDoesn't he look good without a shirt?” She passed the triangles to Devany to arrange on the plate. śI tell you, if he was about twenty-five, maybe thirty years younger"mmmmmmmmm, wouldn't I make a play for that!” Seren made a non-committal noise, and pumped water into the sink. Reznik continued, śYou know, a lot of big men are better with clothes on. See Śem in a bathing suit or something, and they've got boobs, or beer bellies, or they look like old bread dough. But Daffyd now"he just looks fine. I looked out just when he was taking his shirt off; watching him just about gave me hot flashes. How about you?” Seren was studying a cabbage for signs of pests, and was washing it carefully. He face felt hot and flushed, and Reznik's comments weren't helping any. She was trying very hard not to think about Daffyd's chest and how it would feel under her hands, or what it would be like to plant a series of kisses across it. Stop it! she scolded herself, and tried to think of other things. śI don't think this is something I want to talk about in front of Devany,” she said, keeping her flaming cheeks averted. Reznik grinned again. śSure thing, Seren. Topic dropped. For now.” She winked at Devany, who smiled back. Devany hadn't followed the conversation, being busy making interesting patterns with the sandwich pieces. śWhat did you bring in from the garden?” Seren was grateful for the change of subject matter. śI thought I'd try my hand at coleslaw, today,” she replied. śAnd here, throw some tomato in a few of those sandwiches.” She washed the fruit and tossed them gently underhand. Reznik caught them deftly. śHow's Rapsim's exploration coming along?” Seren asked suddenly. śAny progress?” Reznik shook her head. śHe said there's a migrating field that he just can't pin down. It's making him crazy.” She laughed. śRap is not used to being thwarted like this. He said there was big distortion wave across the yard earlier, but by the time he got close, it was gone.” Seren frowned, thinking of the heat wave she had seen. She mentioned it to Reznik. Reznik whistled softly. śTell him exactly what you saw, okay? It might be important.” śTell whom what?” asked Daffyd, coming in the back door. He was using his T-shirt to wipe sweat from his neck and chest. Both women looked over at him, mildly startled by his unexpected arrival. śWe think Seren saw one of the energy fields Rap's been chasing,” Reznik said. śWas that what you saw out in the yard earlier, when we were talking in the living room?” he asked Seren, throwing the damp shirt across one shoulder. She nodded, and dragged her attention back to her chopping and grating. śI'll be interested to hear what he thinks,” said Daffyd. śIn the meantime, I better go wash up.” He smiled at them both, and went on into the house. A few moments later, they could hear the shower running. Reznik looked over at Seren. śThis could be your big chance, you know,” she said, the impish smile back in place. Seren looked over at her, confused. śWhat do you mean?” Reznik rolled her eyes. śI mean: Daffyd; shower; naked; alone. Hint, hint.” Seren's eyebrows drew together. śGerri, just stop it, okay? Yes. The thought does things for me. He does things for me. I admit it. I think he's one of the most attractive and sexy men I've ever met. BUT, and this is a big Śbut', the attraction does not appear to be mutual.” She was becoming increasingly angry over the other woman's teasing. śWhat good will it do me to alienate him like that?” Oh, but Seren, if you only knew how much he would love to have you join him right now. Reznik knew the attraction was mutual, and stronger than either of them realized, and it was frustrating to watch them dance around each other. If they didn't sort things out soon, she was sure the tension between them would reach a critical mass and trouble of some kind would ensue. śI'm sorry, Seren,” she said. śI didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, or unhappy. I just don't believe that he would react as badly as you think. I'm sorry, though. I won't do it anymore.” śGood!” Seren turned back to her coleslaw preparations. Devany knelt on the bench at the table and wondered what all the fuss was about. She decided it was probably some strange grown-up thing. Maybe she would ask Reznik about it later. She seemed a good source for information. Or perhaps she would ask Daffyd. By the time Seren had grated the cabbage and carrots almost to molecule size bits, and the platters of sandwiches were ready for eating, Daffyd was back in the kitchen. He was wearing a polo shirt, unbuttoned at the throat, and shorts that came to just above the knee. His hair and beard were still damp from his shower. Seren was still simmering from Reznik's comments, and having a hard time fighting off the foul mood she could feel stealing over her. When Daffyd brushed against her shoulder as he reached into the cupboard above her for plates and cups, she pulled away almost violently. He looked down at her, opened his mouth to say something, and hesitated. He saw the storm clouds brewing in her dark eyes, and he held his tongue. He would wait until the tempest had passed before he spoke to her about it. He passed the dishes down to her to set out on the table. śHere you go,” he said pleasantly. śThanks,” she replied curtly. She put four of everything in place and put the fifth place setting aside on the counter. śI'm really not that hungry,” she said, looking at Reznik coldly. She glanced at Devany and Daffyd, and went through the dining room. They heard the front door open and close as she went outside. Daffyd turned and stared at Reznik. śWhat happened while I was gone?” he asked. śI said something stupid,” she admitted. śIt upset her.” śWhy do I think it had something to do with me?” his blue eyes held a hint of anger. śWhat did you say, exactly?” Devany looked back and forth between them. She could tell Daffyd exactly what Reznik had said, word for word, if he asked. She had learned early in life not to volunteer information, though, so she remained silent. śI suggested she should join you in the shower,” she said reluctantly, but operating on the theory that it was better to be in trouble for the truth than a lie. śDammit, Gerri!” His eyes flashed with a hint of the temper he was known to display in the face of other people's willful stupidity. He slammed his palm down on the table, making a sharp sound that startled Reznik and Devany both. Devany's eyes went wide with alarm. Daffyd caught her look out of the corner of his eye, and fought an inner battle. He sat suddenly in one of the big chairs and spoke directly to her. śI'm not angry at you, baby,” he told her gently. śYou haven't done anything wrong, and you don't need to see me like this.” He managed a smile that was warm and genuine. He was very at ease with young children. śHow about a hug?” Devany nodded uncertainly, but climbed into his lap and hugged him around the neck. He returned the embrace, embellished it with a kiss on the forehead, and set her down. Then he rose to his feet. śI have to go see if I can undo your mischief,” he said to Reznik. She understood his anger, but wished he understood what she was trying to do. The road to Hell really is paved with good intentions, she thought. I must be halfway there, by now. She subvocalized to Rapsim that there was food ready, if he wanted to come eat. She and Devany sat down. Devany dove into the meal enthusiastically, while Reznik picked and nibbled at hers. She hoped she hadn't done any lasting harm. Rapsim joined them in a few minutes, and the mood improved a bit. Daffyd went out the front door in search of Seren. He had half-expected her to be sitting on the porch swing, but she was nowhere to be seen. He debated with himself whether to call her name, and decided that she probably wouldn't answer; not in her current mood. He considered just leaving her alone to sort things out, as he had been granted the time yesterday, but he felt a powerful urge to find her and clear the air. The last thing he wanted was trouble between the two of them. He went down the front steps into the yard, glancing around for signs of her passage or presence. The weather had continued hot and dry. The grass of the lawn was turning yellow from lack of water. It held no trace of her footprints. He wandered over to the path that led to the lake. Trees clustered thickly here, and the water was invisible until he had descended the trail fifteen feet or so. But there she was, sitting on the end of the dock. Her feet were in the water, her hands braced against the wood on either side, making her shoulders hunch. He had paused when he first saw her, but now continued down the path. As he did, she suddenly pulled her knees up, planted her feet on the dock and rose gracefully. Still facing the lake, she started to undress, pulling her shirt over her head and dropping it at her feet. His eyes were on the trail in front of his feet. When he glanced up, he saw her, naked, balanced on her toes at the very edge of the dock. She dove gracefully into the water. He hesitated. I can't do this. I can't go down there and talk to her now. A voice in his mind answered his protests. You have to! If you don't straighten this out now, you're going to lose a wonderful friend. She's worth the embarrassment and discomfort. Just go! He went. Seren realized he was there when he stepped out onto the dock. Oh no. I can't talk to him now; not like this. Shit! Maybe you can. He obviously saw you, but he came down anyway. Maybe he's not as phobic as you think. And if the sight of your boobs makes him go blind, or have a heart attack, tough! He shoulda stayed in the house. He sat with his feet apart, knees up, with his arms resting on them, fingers loosely interlaced. He looked out at her as she swam slowly back from the raft. She rested her crossed forearms on the end of the dock, her chin on her arms, and glared at him. śWhat brings you down here?” she asked at last. Her tone was less than inviting. śYou.” śAnother of Gerri's bright ideas?” she asked sarcastically. The anger and hurt in her voice made him wince. śNo.” He gazed past the top of her head to the trees on the far side of the lake. He wished he felt as serene as they looked. śSeren, I haven't done anything to upset you. Have I?” His eyes sought hers. She stared into the blue depths, and slowly shook her head. śNo. No, you haven't,” she admitted quietly. śThen please don't take your anger out on me,” he said gently. She closed her eyes against a sudden burn of tears. Again? Holy shit, Seren, you've done more crying in the past three days than in the past ten years! Get a grip already! She looked at him again. śI'm sorry, Daffyd. It's not your doing. It's just ... things. And unfortunately, you're caught in the middle of it all.” śI don't want to be part of the problem, Seren. I want.... śI want to share everything I am, everything I feel, with you. śI want to help.” śI wish you could, dear.” She smiled at him so sadly he almost went into the water, clothes and all, just to put his arms around her and comfort her. Instead, he dropped one knee to the side, and leaned forward to take her hand in his. Her fingers closed around his, her thumb stroked across their backs. She turned her head and kissed the back of his hand. If you only knew what this does to me, she thought. Then, before she did something she might regret, she released him, pushed away from the dock and swam back out toward the raft. śSeren!” he called, the imprint of her lips burning in his mind like a brand. He was confused by her behavior. For the past three days she had been acting like any normal woman from his world. She had been courteous, and pleasant, but there had been a few instances that she had surprised him with her casual contact. But none of her touches, even the couple of times she had kissed his cheek, had felt like the come-hither approaches of a hetero female on the prowl. They had just felt friendly. This press of her lips on his hand had felt incredibly erotic, but then she had retreated. He wished he knew what to do. Go after her, suggested a quiet voice in his head. I can't. Just go after her. Look at her. She might need you. He looked. She had reached the raft, and climbed out onto it. She was lying face down, her head pillowed on her arms, the soles of her feet facing Daffyd. At first glance, she appeared to be sunbathing, but her legs were tightly pressed together, and there was nothing in her posture that suggested she was at all relaxed. Her entire body seemed to be strung like a bow, humming with tension. She might take my head off, if I go out there now. She might need your shoulder to cry on again. I can't. Mykal had never encountered such stubborn resistance. He tried changing tactics. Perhaps you're right. Perhaps she's better off out there, alone, feeling deserted, friendless, and lonely; thinking her only friend in this place doesn't care. Daffyd sighed heavily. He stood up, took off his shirt and sandals, and lowered himself into the water. He swam out to the raft, emerging from the lake at Seren's side. He sat near her hip, facing toward her head, his long legs stretched out in front of him. Her face was turned away, but she craned over her shoulder to look at him. śYou don't give up easily, do you?” she asked. śNot when it's important; no,” he replied. Take a chance, whispered the voice. Touch her. He rested his left hand on her back. She flinched, but he did not withdraw. Her neck was cramping from being twisted around. She swung her head back to center, and rested her forehead on her arms again, all her attention focused on the warm hand in the small of her back. When the hand moved, trailing gently up her back to her shoulders, she jumped; a convulsive, involuntary movement. śShall I stop?” he asked. She shook her head, never taking her eyes from the silvery wood of the raft an inch below her nose. He stroked across her shoulder, down the far side of her back to her hip, back to the center and up again. He repeated the movement down the near side. He felt, and saw, the rigidity leave her spine as she started to relax under his touch. He traced the same pattern, and then changed his position, kneeling at her side. She lifted her head then, and peered at him suspiciously. He smiled at her. śI'm just switching to both hands. If you want me to stop, say so now.” She shook her head again. śNo. Keep going. It's not like I can't trust you.” She put her head back down. This time, when his hands reached her shoulders, he began kneading the knots and tension out of the muscles there and in her neck. He seemed to know just where the worst spots were, and worked on them firmly, but without trying to dig his thumbs wrist-deep into her muscles. She sighed. śWhere'd you learn to do this?” she asked. śHealth class in high school,” he replied. śIt's one of the few things I remember.” śHealth class? They taught you massage in health class?” She twisted her neck to see if he was teasing her. He gently moved it back to neutral, so he could rub it more easily. śOf course. We did a lot of this on each other; boys and boys, girls and girls, boys and girls. It was to teach us that we could touch each other, without having it lead to sexual activity. For most of us, at that point, having someone put their hands all over you meant sex would follow. It was nice to be able to be together, and just give back rubs instead. It took a good deal of strain off a lot of relationships.” Especially for me with boyfriends. śWhat a great idea!” she said. śI wish we had that in my world. That's fabulous.” He smiled and continued rubbing her back. śSeren, do you trust me?” he asked her suddenly. She lifted her head and looked at him. śYes, completely. Why?” śThere's a technique I'd like to finish with, but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.” śDoes it involve body cavities in any way?” she asked, smiling. He laughed. śNo. Not at all.” śThen go ahead,” her head dropped down again. He ran one hand in a long, slow movement from her shoulder, down her back, across the swell of her buttock, down her thigh and calf to her foot. From there, his hand moved to the other foot, and traveled up her body to her shoulder. Then he reversed the stroke, going down the side he'd just gone up, all the way to her feet, and back up the first side. śThere,” he said. śHow's that?” He rose to his feet to ease the stiffness in his knees. śWonderful,” she sighed. śAbsolutely wonderful.” He smiled to hear the earlier anger replaced by this relaxed tone. He looked down at her, pleased that the taut bowstring look to her body was gone. She looked at ease. He stepped across her legs, realizing suddenly that there was more room on the other side of the raft. Then he stretched himself out on his side, head propped on his left hand and gazed at her. She gazed back. śIf I wanted you to keep touching me,” she said hesitantly. śI mean, just rest your hand on my back; would that be asking too much?” śNo. I think I can handle that,” he said. He inched closer, and put his right hand on her back. śSeren,” he said after a long silence. śI want you to know that I consider you a friend"a very dear friend-and that you can trust me.” Blagdur and Graz hovered, drawn by the moment and its fragility. They grinned at the potential. Blagdur reached lightly into Daffyd's mind. Daffyd opened his mouth to say, śI would never do anything to hurt you or upset you; not on purpose.” Instead, he heard himself blurting out, śI'm not Śnormal'. I don't fit society's standard regarding.... śHe broke off, horrified and confused. śRegarding sexuality, you mean,” she finished for him. śYes,” he said, wishing he had some control over his mouth. He heard distant whispering laughter and his stomach clenched. śI don't care,” she said. Her eyes were on his, clear and free of deceit or hidden meaning. He felt a weight lift from his heart. The distant laughter stopped suddenly. śYou don't?” he asked in surprise, partly at her words, and partly that he seemed to be saying what he wanted. śNo. Who you want to be with is none of my business,” she smiled at him. śLook, Daffyd. I have two brothers, whom I love dearly. One of them has been married for twenty-some years to a wonderful woman, the other has been with an equally wonderful man for ten or eleven years. Do I care? No. Are they happy, productive people, with loving spouses? Yes. And that's what counts.” Daffyd stared at her, unbelieving. Her brother had been with one woman for over twenty years! This was astounding! However, there was something else he needed to know, but wasn't certain how to ask. Seren saved him the trouble. śI don't care what society declares is Śnormal',” she said. śSexually speaking, I come under that heading, and so what? What does it mean?” She paused and reached out to stroke his cheek briefly. śAll I care about, as far as you're concerned, is not losing whatever friendship we have. You've become very important to me the past few days. I don't want to lose you.” śAnd this doesn't bother you?” he asked, running his hand across her back. She smiled. śIt bothers me more when you avoid me,” she said. śIf you can stand being physically close, so to speak, with a"quote-unquote"'normal woman', I can certainly handle contact with an Śunnormal man'.” She half turned on her side, and slipped her arm under his, her hand on his ribs. śYou're sure?” he asked, a wistful smile touching his lips. śLook, I'm very tactile. I like touching, I like hugging, I like being close to people I care for. It doesn't mean I want it to lead to sex; it means I like to show how I feel. Do you understand what I mean?” She looked at him quizzically. He nodded. śYes. I absolutely do. Like you, I'm very physical with the people I love; just not in public. I am, in fact, very big on touching.” śI didn't think you liked it very much at all,” she told him. śI mean, you jumped every time I came near you.” śI'm not used to casual contact like that, especially from women. Most of the time, your touch startled me. It wasn't that I wanted you to go away, or to stop.” His hand moved up between her shoulder blades, and pressed lightly. She moved closer, and her arm slid around his waist. She turned more until she was lying on her side facing him. She slipped her other hand under his left arm, which wrapped itself around her. She closed her eyes and struggled with the sudden surge of desire that swept through her from having her naked body held so securely against his chest and belly. What am I doing? We haven't established the rules for being naked around each other yet! We shouldn't be doing this! I shouldn't be doing this, but oh, Daffyd, it feels so nice! She opened her eyes and looked at him. śI think we should head back to shore,” she managed to say. He nodded silently. Neither made a move to disengage from the embrace. śBefore we do,” he said, after a long moment of silence. śMay I kiss you?” She found it odd that he would want to, but thought of Larry, her brother's spouse. Larry would kiss her at the drop of a hat; it was just the way he was. Maybe now that Daffyd's secret was out, he was more comfortable being himself. śYes,” she said. When his lips touched hers, she jumped with the force of the thrill that went through her like an electric shock. He pulled back right away, but she stopped him. śNo, don't go away. It's nice; it just surprised me. Please. Let's try that one more time.” She braced herself for the impact and kissed him again. The kiss was brief, but his lips were warm and soft, and filled her with a longing that this was neither the time nor the place to fulfill. śNow we should go back to shore,” he said, and released her. They stood up, Seren suddenly self-conscious about her nudity. She began to turn away, but he stopped her. śSeren,” he said. śDon't be embarrassed. I think you're lovely, with or without clothes.” He hoped she wouldn't take his comment the wrong way. She smiled over her shoulder at him, delighted with the compliment. śThank you, Daffyd. That's the nicest thing anyone's said in a long time. Thank you.” She turned and dove into the water. He followed somewhat more sedately. By the time he levered himself out onto the dock, Seren was dressed and waiting, holding his shirt for him. He threw it over his shoulder, and slipped his sandals onto his feet. They walked back up to the house in comfortable silence, each thinking it was nice to have cleared the confusion between them. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 31 When Seren walked into the kitchen alone, Reznik cringed inwardly. Devany looked up at Seren and said, śDaffyd went looking for you. Did he find you?” śYes, he did, baby,” Seren replied. She took the fifth place setting from where she had left it earlier, and sat at the table. śHe'll be along in a few minutes. He just went upstairs to put on some dry clothes.” Reznik noticed Seren's wet hair and the damp spots on her T-shirt. She began to put two and two together, and was starting to enjoy the resulting answer. Seren served herself some coleslaw and took a handful of sandwiches. Daffyd joined them minutes later. Reznik studied him when he entered the room. He was wearing the same shirt as before, but his shorts were different. His beard was damp, and the half-circle of short brown hair was wet. Reznik continued her calculations, and decided she hadn't caused irreparable damage in their relationship. She heaved an inward sigh of relief. In fact, it was beginning to look as if they'd finally figured things out. She repressed a satisfied grin. Daffyd sat beside Seren and helped himself to the food. Rapsim glanced over at them, sensing a change of some sort, but unable at the moment to pinpoint it. śOh, Seren,” said Reznik suddenly. śTell Rap what you saw earlier.” Seren described the distortion she had seen in the yard. Rapsim frowned. He had caught that pattern as it was happening, and had been able to go over the readings. It was different from the elusive ones he had been chasing, but it was a wave he had seen before, most often before things went awry on missions. Some species attributed the Śbad luck’ to gremlins, or imps, or even various demons. Rapsim was of the private opinion that there was an unknown species out there whose main pleasure in life was causing trouble and harm for others. The gods knew there were individuals everywhere who enjoyed that sort of thing; why not an entire race? The presence of such a reading caused him some concern, which he kept to himself. He would tell Reznik later, but Seren and Daffyd and Devany did not need to be burdened more than they already were. śIf anyone else notices anything, please inform me,” said Rapsim. śSo far, I have had no good luck finding the source of the surges. I did find out where the power comes from for the lights and things, however.” Seren and Daffyd turned interested eyes on him. śDo tell, Rap,” said Seren around a mouthful of slaw. śThe entire roof is made of solar collectors of a very advanced type. They seem to convert the light directly into electricity and heat. That's how the water for the shower is heated. There's a tank in the attic, and it's heated by the collectors.” śThen why isn't there hot water to the kitchen?” Daffyd asked. Rapsim shrugged. śThis whole place is mixed up, Daffyd. There seem to be items from every era, different realities, different worlds, even. Look at the wine from Keriald. I can't explain it. I would dearly love to know who put all this together, because there is no way all these things came together accidentally. I doubt that we came here accidentally. Someone, somewhere, has chosen us; but for what, I can't even guess.” śDaffyd has a theory about that,” said Seren suddenly. She caught his warning glance, a flash of eyes toward Devany. śMaybe we four can discuss it later,” she finished smoothly. Reznik and Rapsim had also seen the quick dart of Daffyd's eyes, and followed Seren's lead. śYes, I think that's a fine idea,” said Reznik brightly. śRight now, I think I'm going down to the lake for a swim.” She saw Seren's mouth open and forestalled any objection, śI know! I just ate. I promise I'll just float around for an hour while I digest, Mom. And you guys can clean up,” she added, indicating the men. śBecause Devany and Seren and I made lunch.” She looked down at Devany who was taking in everything quietly. śYou want to come swimming?” śThere's no pool here,” said Devany. śAnd I don't have my swimsuit.” śWhy don't we pretend it's a funny-shaped pool, with bushes painted on the walls, and we'll swim in our undies,” suggested Reznik. Devany frowned. śI don't want to get my underwear all wet,” she said. śCould we swim in nothing at all? That's what we did when we were really little. It was fun.” Her desire to get in the water outweighed her fear of the wide outdoors. Gerri's suggestion to pretend the bushes and trees were painted on the walls appealed to her. On the one hand, she was stunned that someone was telling her to use her imagination, but on the other, she was excited at the prospect of giving it free rein. śBy the way,” said Reznik casually to Seren and Daffyd. śHow's the water?” śFine,” said Seren. śPerfect,” said Daffyd at the same time. Reznik grinned and turned away. śCome on, Kiddo,” she said to Devany. śLet's let the old folks hang out here. You and I have a date with the lake.” She offered a hand, which Devany took readily. She was getting used to the custom, and feeling more and more comfortable with these people. However, when they stepped out onto the porch, the open space in front of her was too immense, too frightening. She held back. Reznik looked down at her. śDon't be afraid, Devany,” she said, and squatted beside the child. śLook. If you look over there, doesn't that look like a painting of a road? And those hills behind it; don't they look like someone put them there, trying to make a 3-D picture? Just squint your eyes a little bit, and focus on a little piece.” Devany followed her instructions. All at once, she realized she could make it seem fake. She concentrated. Reznik smiled at the intensity of Devany's expression. śNow,” she said to the little girl. śLet's pretend we're going down a hallway to the stairs down to the pool. Be careful, we don't want to walk into the walls.” With Reznik's vivid narration, Devany's imagination leapt into action, building walls along the yard, turning the path into a staircase leading down, and making the entire bowl of the lake and lawn into a huge swimming pool with projected images on the walls. With this idea firmly lodged in her mind, she was able to enjoy the outing. She beamed up at Reznik, as they made a neat pile of their clothing on the grass. śYou do know how to swim, don't you, Dev?” asked Reznik. Devany nodded. śOkay, then. But remember, we have to take it easy for a little while so we don't get cramps. Right?” Devany nodded again. Everyone knew that. They walked into the water, the lake bottom sandy and nice at the edge of the grass. Devany showed Reznik how well she could float and swim underwater. Reznik showed her how to turn somersaults without getting water up her nose. They played and giggled together, having a wonderful time. Back in the kitchen, Rapsim asked if Daffyd would mind sharing his thoughts. śWhat about Gerri?” asked Seren. śI'll keep her apprised,” said Rapsim with a mysterious smile. He explained about the tiny transceivers they carried in their skulls, and how they could communicate subvocally. Daffyd told the other man his theory regarding their coming together for Devany's sake; how he thought she would be better off in Seren's world. śOr with you,” said Seren. śI thought we agreed you were the number one choice.” śIf I don't get home soon, and do some preventive work,” he said. śMy life won't be worth going back to; not for me, and certainly not for a little innocent like Devany.” śWould you care to enlighten us?” asked Rapsim, mystified. śNot right now,” Daffyd replied. śAll you need to know is that I'm about to be the center figure in a scandal that I don't want her caught in.” He looked at Seren, to see her reaction. She surmised it had to do with the secret he had shared earlier. She covered his hand, where it rested on the table, with her own. śI'm sorry, Daffyd,” she said. śIt must be very hard on you, being such a public figure and everything.” He smiled ruefully. śIt's certainly not easy,” he replied. śIt's very hard to have a personal life when you're public property.” Rapsim watched them with interest. Their relationship had changed subtly, but there was still an undercurrent of unexpressed emotion he found fascinating. However, most of the earlier tension was gone, for which he was grateful. He had feared a major blow-up of some kind sooner or later due to the simmering sexual stresses between them. Now the dynamics had changed; Daffyd was no longer clinging to his homosexual fażade as tightly as before, and Seren had reached a more comfortable level with Daffyd. This was worth keeping an eye on. It was these types of problems he was trained to handle and to defuse. Human relationships were interesting, but made him glad he wasn't one of them. śLet's clean up, then, Daffyd,” he said. śI want to start scanning the basement, and work up through the house. The sooner I find a way home, the sooner you can defuse your situation, and perhaps it will be safe for Devany to be with you. I do agree that she shouldn't return to her world. It's not a good place for her to grow up. In fact, I seriously doubt she would see adulthood as anything other than an automaton, if that.” He shook his head in distaste. śI admit, I don't care much for her reality.” śI can help Daffyd, if you want to get started on the cellar,” said Seren. śNo, that's all right,” replied Rapsim. He smiled at her, a bright, sunshiny grin. śIt's good for me to do something different. Clears my mind, as it were. Why don't you go have fun with Rez and Devany?” śYou sure?” she said. śI don't mind.” śYou heard the man,” said Daffyd, rising to his feet. śShoo.” He winked at her and smiled his brief smile. śFine,” she said. śYou don't have to tell me twice to go have fun.” She climbed free of the bench, patted Daffyd's shoulder and smiled at Rapsim. śLater, boys,” she said, and left. Rapsim and Daffyd worked quickly and before long, Rapsim had vanished down the basement stairs to begin his interior scanning. Daffyd went with him, and then used the tunnel to get to the barn to check on Dammit. He cleaned out her stall again, put down fresh bedding and hay. Then he checked the cow herself, and decided he could put off milking her for another hour or two. He wandered over to the fence, and looked down at the lake where Seren and the others were swimming and splashing. Reznik was standing on Seren's shoulders, preparing to dive off, while Devany laughed at the sight. Seren was holding onto the other woman's calves to help her keep her balance until Reznik could dive, but Reznik toppled and they both fell over in the water with a gigantic splash. They surfaced, laughing and coughing and sputtering. He smiled at their antics and thought about joining them. Then he remembered Seren's telling him she was a norm, and decided to leave her and Reznik to get acquainted. He stepped back without being seen. He kept himself busy with chores. He chopped more wood, filled the woodbox behind the stove, and then set about with a couple of rags to remove the dust layer from everything. When everything was softly shining, he sat at the piano and played. He was completely absorbed in the music he was creating, and failed to hear the return of the female contingent. They had heard the evocative music from the top of the path, and had approached the house quietly. None of them wanted to disturb his playing. They sat on the front porch for a while, Devany tucked between the other two, and listened. Seren looked over Devany's head at Reznik. śIsn't he incredible?” she said quietly. Reznik nodded. She glanced at Devany and discovered the child had fallen asleep against Seren's arm. śI'll take her up to bed,” said Reznik. She stood up and gathered the little girl into her arms. śIf you'd get the door.” Seren rose and opened the front door for Reznik to enter the house. When the young Recruit went upstairs with Devany in her arms, Seren crept into the living room and settled herself on the couch. Daffyd was unaware of her presence. Everything he had been feeling for the past few days, from his anger at himself and the unscrupulous reporter, to his confusion about this new world, his longing for Seren and the subsequent awareness of the abiding loneliness of his life, all poured out his hands onto the keys of the piano. The resulting music was stirring and haunting, and caused myriad emotions to whirl through her, leaving her confused and trembling. He stopped suddenly and looked around, as if he had suddenly sensed he was no longer alone. He stared at her for a long moment. His gaze was so intent that she felt awkward, uncomfortable under it. śI'm sorry, Daffyd,” she said at last. śAm I intruding?” She leaned forward to rise from the couch, but he waved her back. śNo, Seren. I just get lost sometimes, in my music.” He smiled slowly. śOne of those Śartistic temperament’ things, I suppose.” śI understand,” she said. śI get like that when I'm writing. You get so caught up in your creation, you lose track of the real world. It's hard to come back to Śreality'.” śExactly. You do understand.” His left hand toyed idly with the piano. His face was thoughtful and distant. Seren stood up. śYou look like you need to be alone for a while,” she said softly. He looked up at her, and the deep loneliness in his eyes tore at her. He shook his head. śI've been alone all my life,” he said cryptically. She stood completely still and met his eyes. What do I say to that? she thought. How do I answer that? What do you need from me, Daffyd? What do you want? Why do you make me feel like a teenager again? I don't need this! śDo you want me to stay?” she asked. I can't tell you what I want, because, although you've been very understanding, you're still a norm, and what I want, what I need from you; I can't have. He pushed the thought aside and replied, śYes. I will even attempt to throw off the melancholy mood, and liven things up. What sort of music do you like?” She laughed. śI like everything. How about something lively?” Reznik came in just then. śLively sounds good. Something we can dance to!” Her eyes sparkled. śHow about a polka?” She demonstrated with an imaginary partner, counting out the beat. Seren laughed again. Daffyd nodded to Reznik's count, and pulled something appropriate out of his memory. śPERFECT!” Reznik shouted. śCome on, Seren! Let's party!” They moved the couch and coffee table out of the way, dithered briefly over who would lead. Seren won by claiming age privilege. With Daffyd playing the lively tune, the two women danced around the living room, laughing every time they lost count, or missed a step. Daffyd's surface mood lightened somewhat, but his sense of isolation and loneliness intensified with every shout of laughter, and every glance he caught of Seren and Reznik with their arms around each other. At last, Seren begged off and collapsed, breathless and laughing, onto the couch. Reznik flopped on the other end. They grinned at each other. śThat was a blast!” said Reznik. śBless you for the music, Daffyd.” śYes, dear. Thank you,” added Seren. śI haven't had that much fun in ages.” Daffyd turned and smiled at them, pleased he had been party to Seren's enjoyment. śMy pleasure, ladies,” he said, smiling his odd little smile. Seren beamed back at him, still trying to catch her breath. Her giggles subsided somewhat when she saw the deep sadness in his eyes, behind the smile. This wasn't the time or place to talk with him, but she resolved not to let it go much longer. He stood abruptly. śIt's about time I tended to poor Dammit,” he said. śShe's due for her evening milking, I think.” Seren spoke up from her sprawl, śCan I have another shot at it?” śIf you like,” he said. śI'll pass, guys,” said Reznik. śI'll just track down Rap, and see what mischief he's up to.” śHe's down in the basement, I believe,” Daffyd told her, as he headed that way with Seren trailing behind. Reznik joined the little convoy, and left them at the bottom of the cellar stairs. Seren and Daffyd used the tunnel to the barn, closing doors behind them as they went. Daffyd went outside to drive the cow back to the barn, while Seren fetched the milk pail and stool. With Dammit ensconced in her stall, Seren put the bucket in place, and settled herself on the low seat. She looked up at Daffyd, who was resting a hand on the cow's hip. śJust stay close, okay?” she said to him. śYou never know when I might need you.” śI'll be right here,” he told her, rather hoping she would need his help. However, she was rewarded with a stream of milk on her second attempt. She continued for a few minutes, but her hands began to cramp. She stopped and gazed at him. śYour turn,” she said brightly, and relinquished her spot. She watched him fill the bucket, his hands moving steadily, with seeming lack of effort. śHow do you do that?” she asked. śYou make it look so damn easy.” He shrugged. śI don't know. Some things you just don't forget how to do, I suppose. My grandmother had about ten cows, and every summer I would spend a month or so at her farm, and guess what I did morning and night?” He spread his fingers and looked at his hands. śOld habits die hard, they say.” He stood up and collected the full pail from under the cow and took it into the storage room to pour it into a milk can. Seren followed. She wanted to talk to him, but didn't know how to start. She watched him empty the bucket, and put the lid on the can. She went into the barn and sat on a bale of straw while he took the pail outside to rinse at the trough. When he returned, and put the bucket back in the storeroom, she approached him. She touched his hand to get his attention, slipping her own into his, lacing their fingers together. He looked at her curiously, an eyebrow raised in question. śDaffyd, I want to ask you something important and I don't know where to start,” she said. śI mean, I know what I want to say, but I ... the words ... I can't.... śShe sighed in frustration. He smiled. śTake your time, then. I'm not in a big hurry to go somewhere.” He squeezed her hand in gentle reassurance. She bit at her lip nervously. This could blow up on me so bad, she thought. But nobody should be as alone as you seem, Daffyd. Especially someone as sweet and wonderful as you. śOkay.” Deep breath. śYou are possibly the kindest, nicest man I have ever known,” she paused for another deep breath. śBut you seem so incredibly sad and lonely. It's just there in your eyes, and your smile, and it kills me to see it.” She reached with her free hand and touched his face. śDon't you have anyone, besides your family, who just loves you for you? Because you should.” She smiled a tender, wistful smile. śYou should have friends who would fight just to spend an hour with you, for your humor, and warmth, and I don't know what all....” He shook his head. śMost people want to spend time with me for my money, and fame, and to be seen with the ŚGreat Man, Himself'.” His smile was cynical, his eyes bleak. śThen they're fools,” she said. She stroked his beard with the backs of her fingers. śIt doesn't matter,” he said. śI have my family. The rest is unimportant. Besides, I'm used to it by now.” He tried to wave it off as meaningless, as if her words weren't cutting his soul to the quick. śNo one should ever have to be used to the loneliness I see in you,” she said. I know you're gay and everything, but maybe this will be all right, even from a woman. She lifted her face to kiss him. śSeren, don't,” he whispered, realizing her intent, but her lips touched his once, and again. śNo,” he said when she pulled back a half-inch, his voice almost inaudible. He released her hand and raised both his to push her away, but somehow the intention and the action lost their connection. His arms went around her and pulled her closer. When her mouth pressed his again, and he felt her tongue tracing his lip, the control he had been exerting over his emotions collapsed suddenly and completely. He made a small sound of protest, almost a whimper, into her mouth, and succumbed to the embrace. He kissed her fiercely, tasting her tongue and her lips. He kissed her face, her jaw, her neck and back to her lips. His arms held her so tightly she could scarcely breathe, but hers were around him just as securely. The intensity of his response stunned her, but she returned his kisses with equal fervor. She rubbed her cheek against his beard, and felt a wetness on her face. She pulled back to look at him, and realized the tears she felt were his. His breathing was ragged and he fought for a shred of control. What am I doing? Seren, can you ever forgive me? I'm so sorry. He was suddenly aware of how closely Seren's body was pressed to his, and that she could not help but realize the extent of his arousal. He was embarrassed that she should see him like this, but she did not appear to be insulted or repelled in any way. He tried a more tender kiss, the first surge of passion now under a tighter rein. To his wonder and delight, she responded willingly. She wiped the tears from his cheeks. śIt's quite all right, love,” she said softly. She toyed with the back of his neck. As he had surmised, she was well aware of his physical response to their passionate embrace. She knew what she would like to do next, she just wasn't sure how to go about suggesting it. He was caught in the same dilemma. They continued to hold each other and to exchange increasingly intimate kisses for a long moment. I can't do this much longer, he thought. Seren, I want you more than I've ever wanted anyone in my life. Perhaps you should run now. Seren's thoughts were on a similar track, but had taken a more practical turn. I want you so much, Daffyd. Where can we go, though? The bedroom is too far away, I wouldn't make it that distance without tearing your clothes off ... where, where, where? Her eyes lit up, and she smiled at him mischievously. śWhat are you thinking?” he asked, with mock suspicion. śI was just thinking that someone might have left a blanket or a quilt or something up in the hayloft.” She dimpled at him, her eyes dancing with desire and humor. śYou want to come up there with me and look?” Another dimple appeared and vanished. He stared into her eyes, knowing what she meant, but not entirely believing it. Hadn't she told him she was a norm? Maybe she had told him a half-truth. śWell?” she asked. śOr would you rather just stay down here? Alone?” He shook his head. śI'd rather come up to the loft with you,” he said. She smiled, her eyes warm and inviting. She pulled out of the circle of his arms and went out to the ladder up to the loft. He followed her closely. In the front wall of the loft was a small window that looked out over the pasture. An old-fashioned quilt, neatly folded, was draped across one of the rails that kept people from falling into the mangers below. Seren and Daffyd exchanged an amused glance. śNear the window looks comfy,” she said, indicating the deepness of the loose hay there. He agreed with her, and they spread the blanket out. They looked at each other, suddenly awkward and embarrassed. She laughed quietly. śThis is silly,” she said. śWe're too old to be acting like teenagers, but that's how you make me feel.” She put her hands in his, and stepped close. śKiss me, Daffyd.” He did, and the awkwardness and embarrassment were replaced by longing and desire. They pulled apart long enough to help each other undress and then lay down on the blanket, bodies close, but not quite touching. Fingertips explored with long, light strokes. She brushed her lips across the hair on his chest and kissed his neck, nibbling and tasting him. He ran eager, gentle hands over her belly and breasts, caressing and teasing. They smiled into each other's eyes, and laughed softly, their kissing and touching playful and joyous. She pressed herself close against him, murmured her wanting into his ear. She pushed him over onto his back. She ran her hands down his chest and abdomen, onto his thighs. She stroked his erection with teasing fingers, before she straddled his hips and guided him into her. As she lowered herself onto him, she heard his sharp intake of breath, and felt him lift himself to meet her. She bent forward, her body touching his from hip to shoulder, her arms around his neck and kissed him. Her hips rocked back and forth. He matched his movement to hers and the rhythm increased, intensified. She bit at his shoulder and neck with the pleasure and passion their union was causing her. Daffyd, you feel so wonderful, so good. She whimpered into his mouth as the first wave of climax swept through her. Her hips thrust down at him, bucked against his. His arms held her close. śSeren,” he whispered her name. She lifted her head far enough to gaze into his eyes, their bodies still moving together. He kissed her. śI can't hold back much longer,” he told her. She smiled. śGood,” she told him. śIt's not fair that I have all the fun.” She closed her eyes and shuddered with another wave of intense sexual pleasure. Then she focused on his face again, and kissed him. śGo for it.” śBut I'm inside you,” he said. śYou want me to ... finish in you?” śAbsolutely.” What an odd thing to ask, she thought. śYes, love. Inside me. Always.” His eyes widened in stunned disbelief, and excitement. I'm dreaming or dead, he thought. This can't be happening. The pleasure certainly felt real enough as his own climax thundered through him. He thrust into her as deeply as he could, a cry of release and joy escaping his throat. As the orgasm subsided, he sank back beneath her, relaxing into the makeshift bed of hay. She slid off him and lay beside him, her head pillowed on his shoulder, her arms around him. He held her, kissed her forehead, and thought, If this is a coma-induced hallucination, I think I'll just stay here for a while. He lifted her face to look into her eyes. śI have an answer to your question,” he said. śWhat question?” she asked dreamily. śThe one you asked me downstairs; whether I have anyone who loves me just for me.” He brushed a tendril of hair away from her face. śThe answer appears to be: Śyes'.” She smiled and kissed his neck. śIt does, doesn't it?” She snuggled closer. Sweet Daffyd, this feels so nice, so right. I love this with you. She ran an idle hand across his belly, trailing fingers through the light brown hair. śSo much for the theory that men reach their sexual peak in their late teens or early twenties,” she said, smiling. He laughed. śI admit my recharge time was somewhat shorter back then. I could certainly give an encore performance a lot sooner. However, I will argue that the quality has improved.” He kissed her temple. śNo argument here, Sweet Thing,” she said. śOf course, I have no idea what you were like forty years ago, but right now you're wonderful to make love with. Tell me this was not just a one-time thing. I'd be so disappointed.” I would, too. I think I love you, Daffyd, and it scares me to death. I don't ever remember feeling quite like this. Her tone was light, but he felt the fear behind her words. He turned his body toward her so he could comfortably put both arms around her. śI would never use you for sex, Seren. You're far too important to me. I will share my body, my mind, my soul, everything I am, with you, always.” He looked into her eyes. śWhat did you call this just now?” śMaking love,” she said. He smiled; a slow, tender movement of his lips. śThat's lovely,” he said. śIt's exactly right for how this feels with you.” He kissed her lips. She melted into him. śI love kissing you,” she murmured into his mouth. śI just love you,” he said quietly. She pulled back and gazed into his eyes, not completely certain she had heard him correctly. He read the look on her face. śI love you, Seren,” he said, wanting her to know beyond all doubt, how he felt. He felt her stiffen in his arms. Please don't run. I won't hurt you. I'm not a monster, Seren. I just love you. Is that so terrible? He relaxed his embrace, in case she wanted to escape. He wouldn't fight her. śDon't let me go,” she whispered. śIf you let me go, I'll run. I will. I know I will. But I don't really want to.” Her brief laughter had a shaky, frightened quality to it. śI want to stay here with you, but I'm so afraid, Daffyd.” The rigidity of her body had become trembling. His arms tightened again and he felt her hands clutching at his shoulders as she held herself tightly to him. śWhat are you so afraid of?” he asked her when the tremors had subsided and she had relaxed. She shook her head. śI don't know. Losing you, maybe. Loving someone again ... I don't know.” She kissed his chin, and then spent a minute trying to spit out the loose hair from his beard that she had picked up. She finally had to use her hand to get the single little strand off her tongue. They laughed together over the incident, and her fears receded further. śCan I ask you something?” she said when they had stopped chuckling. śAnything,” he replied. śThis is kind of personal,” she hedged. śSeren, we're lying naked together. We've been as physically close as two human beings can be. In fact, I recall that we were still joined at the end of the act. I don't think we could get any more personal than that.” He looked at her with an amused expression. śYou have a point,” she admitted. śAnd you just reminded me of something else I want to ask, so now I have two very personal questions for you.” śThen ask,” he said. śOkay, but I want to sit up first. I can't think when your lips are right here,” she kissed them. śIt's too distracting.” He rolled onto his back, his hands behind his head and watched her settle herself cross-legged beside him. She sat with one hand resting on his abdomen. śAll right. First, you told me earlier today that you were gay, am I right?” śGay? What is Śgay'?” he asked. śOh. It's what we call men who don't fit society's sexual norm,” she explained. śGay, queer, fag ... there's a hundred terms.” śWe're called twists, twisted, freaks. As you said, a hundred things,” he told her. śI have to admit, Śgay’ is certainly less hate-filled than some others I've heard.” śSo, I didn't misunderstand, then,” she said. śYou are gay, or whatever.” śYes. I don't fit the normal standard. What's your question?” he asked. śWhat are you doing here with me?” She saw the flash of hurt in his eyes and hastened to reassure him. śI'm not objecting! I love that you are. I love being naked with you. I love making love with you. I'm just very confused.” śSo am I,” he said slowly. śBefore I answer that, I need to ask you to clarify something for me.” śGo ahead.” śYou did tell me that you're a norm ... I mean normal, sexually speaking.” śYes.” śThen I give your question back to you: how can you be here with me?” He freed one of his hands to cover hers where it was making mindless designs on his belly. They stared into each other's eyes for minutes. Seren ran their conversations through her head: the earlier one on the dock, and the current one. She started to laugh. Daffyd was also replaying their discourse, and shaking his head with a disbelieving chuckle deep in his chest. śHeteros are Śnormal’ in your world?” he asked. At the same moment, Seren was saying, śYou're heterosexual, aren't you?” śYes,” they replied together, and laughed. Seren untangled her legs and lay on top of him, looking down into the laughing blue eyes. śYou know,” she said. śIf we had just been a little clearer in our communications, we could have avoided a lot of confusion.” She kissed him. śYes. It never occurred to me that your world was so different from mine,” he said, nibbling at her neck. śMe neither,” she said. śI thought you were homosexual. Your whole manner, the way you were acting around me....” śI've spent fifty years perfecting that image, Seren. Just so I could fit into society's mold. It's very nice to be able to be me with you.” He took her face in his hands. śYou're such a lovely woman.” He kissed her lightly. śNow, you had another question for me.” śOh, yes.” She looked embarrassed. śWhen we were, uh ... no, when you were um.... śShe sighed and laughed. śThis is really hard to ask, okay?” He nodded, amused at her evident discomfort and the flush creeping up her cheeks. śI'll try this one more time.” She put her face in his neck for a moment to hide. Then she looked into his face again. śWhy did you feel you had to ask if I wanted you to"what did you call it?"'finish’ inside me?” śBecause women in my world don't like it when a man does that without permission,” he answered simply. śAnd most of the women I've been with haven't allowed it. It's probably been thirty years or so since the last time.” She stared at him, stunned. śThirty years? You haven't, uh, gone all the way, so to speak, in thirty years?” śAround there,” he said, so matter-of-factly, she wanted to shake him. śThat's awful!” she exclaimed. śHow can you enjoy sex when you have to worry about pulling out just then? It's uncivilized!” He laughed at her reaction. He had often felt the same way; that sexual pleasure was for sharing, right to the very end, but he had respected his partners’ wishes. śThat's just the way it is,” he said. śIt's supposed to minimize the chances of making a baby. Speaking of which; aren't you concerned?” She shook her head. śI had my tubes tied after Meggie,” she said. He looked puzzled, so she continued, śThe Fallopian tubes? The ones that go from the ovaries to the uterus? Snipped and tied off; no more babies for me.” śI see.” He ran his hands down her body, and laced his fingers together in the small of her back. He sighed contentedly. śSo I don't have to...” he began, but they heard the door to the tunnel open, and Reznik's voice calling. śSeren! Daffyd? You guys in here?” she shouted. śMaybe they're outside,” they heard her say, whether to herself or Rapsim, neither could guess. Seren was seized with a fit of giggles. She had sudden mental picture of Reznik climbing into the loft and finding them as they were; naked, Seren sprawled all over Daffyd, their arms around each other, legs comfortably entwined. She buried her face in his shoulder, shaking with her efforts to suppress her mirth. Apparently, Daffyd's mind tended to wander similar paths. Seren could feel his broad chest vibrating with his own held-back laughter. They heard Reznik calling them again, her voice drifting in the window at their heads. śShall I tell her we're coming?” he said. Seren laughed harder, finding it more and more difficult to keep her amusement under control. śNo. We already have,” she smirked. She looked into his face, and realized the word did not have the same connotation for him as it had for her. He was at a loss to explain her hilarity. She shook her head helplessly. śI'll explain later. Right now, we better get dressed before she comes back in.” They scrambled into their clothes and were just stepping off the ladder when Reznik walked in from the pasture. śThere you are!” she exclaimed. śWhy didn't you answer when I called? What were you doing?” She stared at them for a moment, noticing the carefully neutral expressions, the tousled hair. She watched Daffyd run his hand over his bald head, down over the light brown hair that remained; a neatly trimmed half circle around the back of his head. His manner was dignified and almost haughty. She reached over and pulled a stalk of hay out of his beard, another from Seren's collar. śNever mind,” she laughed. śIt's none of my business. And Seren"your T-shirt's inside out.” śWhoops! Śscuse me,” Seren turned pink and ducked into the storage room. Daffyd coughed into his hand, trying not to grin. Seren reappeared a moment later, with her shirt the right way out. śWas there something in particular you wanted?” Seren asked, unsuccessfully attempting to stifle a wide smile. śDevany's awake. She wants Daffyd, and I told her I'd track him down for her.” śIs she all right?” Daffyd asked, opening the door to the tunnel. śShe's fine,” said Reznik. śI think she might have had a bad dream, but she's fine.” [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 32 śYou're just not fun to be with anymore, Karina,” Greg said. śEver since your mother took off, you've been a real drag.” He didn't notice the flare of fury in her chestnut eyes, or the thinning of her lips. śAnyway, I just don't think we should be together anymore.” śYou know what? You're abso-fucking-lutely right!” He gaped at her in surprise. He had expected her to cry and go to pieces. She had been doing a lot of that lately. It had been a big factor in his current decision. This righteous anger was unprecedented. śAnd for your information, my mother didn't Śtake off'.” śYeah, sure. She Śvanished',” he snorted in disbelief. śI hear Buddy from Ashmore Śdisappeared', too.” śWhat? You mean Des Potter? They found him drunk in Digby two days later, you retard!” She pushed him suddenly. śGet out, Greg. Get the hell out of my house!” She jumped up from the couch and pointed to the front door. śOUT!” She was trembling with outrage and disappointment. He had seemed so much better than this. She had thought she could rely on him for moral and emotional support, but his ideas of comforting her always seemed to involve getting inside her clothes. Even now, moments before hitting her with this bombshell, he had been kissing her and trying to get a hand under her bra. When she had asked him to stop, he had responded with, śYou're no fun anymore.” He rose and sauntered to the hallway. She glared hateful daggers at his back. Seren had been missing for almost three weeks and Karina was beginning to despair. They had heard nothing from her, there had been no hint as to what had happened. The stories from Ray Gaudet and Bobby Melanson had been unshakable. Both swore that Seren had simply fallen into the ground, or so it seemed. Greg reached the front door. śSo, I'll prob'ly see you around, Karina,” he said. She stared frostily. śI doubt it, Greg,” she replied. I don't hang around under the same rock as you any more. Jerk! śYeah, whatever,” he said, and left. He had heard that LeeAnn Amero had broken up with her latest boyfriend. He had also heard that LeeAnn was the kind of girl who probably wouldn't turn down the comforting embrace of male friends. He hoped she considered him a friend. After all, he had talked to her once or twice at school. Karina shut the door and bolted it; something she hardly ever did. When the phone rang she picked it up and said, śWhat?” Then she recovered her composure. śI'm sorry, whoever you are. I mean, Śhello?'” śKari?” said a familiar voice. śAre you okay? It's Uncle Roy.” śRoy!” she almost shouted at him. śWhere are you?” śI'm at the airport in Halifax, hon. I'm just waiting for my bags, I've got a car rented, and I'll be there in a few hours. How are you holding up?” His warm voice washed over her, bringing an enormous sense of relief. śOh, I'm so much better, now, Uncle Roy,” she said, almost sobbing at the thought of being able to hand over responsibility to a real, live adult. śJust get here as soon as you can. I'll fill you in then. Thank you for coming!” śI'm only sorry I couldn't get down sooner, Kari,” he replied. śYou're sure you're all right? Is there anything you want me to pick up on the way?” śNo, just hurry, Uncle Roy. I love you!” She grinned into the phone. śLove you too, Baby. Hug your sisters and brother for me! See you soon.” He broke the connection and Karina did a happy dance down the hall. The twins would be home soon from soccer and baseball practice. Karina decided to stop at the pizza place downtown, place an order, and then pick up Meggie from her piano lesson. By the time they came back through Weymouth, the pizza would be ready. She couldn't wait to tell her siblings that Uncle Roy was on his way! With a heart and step much lighter than they had been a short time earlier, she skipped to her car and headed out. * * * * Llewellyn sat in the living room of Daffyd's home on the remote island in the south Pacific. He was watching the newscast on the big vision screen and shaking his head. The scandalous article and photographs, combined with Daffyd's sudden disappearance had created a media sensation. The music world had been rocked to its foundation. While certain members of the Conductors’ Guild were scrambling to hide any connection with the disgraced ap Owen, denying they knew anything about his perversion, others were coming out in the open, declaring their own heterosexual status. As more men and women, conductors and performers both, came forward to announce that they, too, were attracted to the opposite sex, society reeled and then rebelled. Fights broke out on street corners, bars, even in schoolyards. University students marched in mobs for or against tolerance for heteros. Llewellyn was stunned by the extent of the response to Daffyd's exposure. He was glad he had come to this quiet corner of the world, although he was a little uncomfortable with the natives of the island. Their little bit of paradise had never been influenced by the standards and mores of the rest of the world. Their culture had grown for thousands of years without being subjected to the beliefs of the western world, which had swept over Asia and Africa a millenium ago, and had been brought with the settlers to the New World and Australia. Here, in these tiny island kingdoms, men and women raised their families, living together openly. Homosexual behavior was tolerated, accepted even, but heterosexuality was the standard. Llewellyn understood at last why Daffyd would want to retreat to such an out-of-the-way place. He set himself to learn about these people. It wasn't so long ago that men and women in his own culture had had to couple in order to reproduce. He could remember the advent of artificial insemination when he was a young boy, and the freedom that had meant for women. Then came the huge scientific breakthrough of which he himself had been a part. He firmly believed that men belonged with men, and women with women, but it wouldn't kill him to learn something new. He shut off the news. He didn't want to see any more fighting, or burning, or ranting. He went for a walk down to the little village. The local people greeted him cheerfully, waving from their airy huts. He waved back and headed for the house of the Chief. They were becoming good friends. Llewellyn was even getting used to the idea of the Chief having a wife and a houseful of children and grandchildren. It wasn't such a bad way to live, he thought. * * * * Reznik, stretched out on the porch swing, was enjoying a few moments of solitude. Rapsim was off somewhere, scanning. Seren and Daffyd had taken Devany upstairs to get her ready for bed. When she had woken from her nap, she had been quite distraught. She had evidently had a bad dream, but could not remember the details. She had wandered through the house, calling plaintively for Daffyd. Reznik had heard her from the basement, and had run upstairs. śCan I do anything for you, Devany?” she asked. śI want Daffyd,” said Devany. śHe's down in the barn. Do you want me to take you there?” She held out a hand, ready to lead the little girl down the stairs. Devany shook her head and backed away. Downstairs was where they took you for reprogramming. śTell you what, then. You wait right here, and I'll go find him for you.” It had taken her longer than she thought it would. Devany was quite tearful by the time they came up the cellar stairs, and had almost leapt on Daffyd when he came through the door. He had lifted her easily and cuddled her into his chest, staring at Seren over the top of the curly head. He had taken Devany into the living room and sat on the couch with her curled in his lap. Seren sat nearby, one leg tucked beneath her, half-facing Daffyd and Devany. She rested a hand on his shoulder. śWhat's wrong, Devany?” he asked. She shook her head. śI saw something bad happen to you. It was scary.” śWhat did you see?” he wondered what she meant. śWhen?” śWhen I was sleeping,” she said. śI don't remember what it was, just that it was bad and it scared me.” śIt was just a bad dream, baby,” he soothed her. śNothing to worry about. I'm fine, see?” He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket, dried her tears and wiped her snuffly nose. śThere,” he said. śDon't cry, Devany. It wasn't real. I'm right here.” He kissed her forehead. She had settled down some, then, but had refused all attempts to dislodge her from his lap for quite some time. Finally, he was able to move as far as the piano bench, where she sat pressed against his side while he played and sang to her. Seren had watched and listened for a while, thinking what a pleasant baritone voice he had, before going out to the kitchen to put supper together. During the post-meal cleanup, Reznik had managed a few moments alone with Daffyd. śWell?” she said archly, an amused look in her eye. śWell, what?” he had replied, assuming the most superior demeanor in his repertoire. He flicked a glance down his nose at her, his smile barely moving his mouth. She laughed outright. śWell, what, indeed!” she hooted. śHA! Excuse me, Mr. ap Owen, wasn't it you I saw with hay in your beard earlier? Do you mean to tell me that you and Seren, she of the inside-out shirt, were playing cards in the hayloft?” She saw a protest in his expression, and held up a hand to ward it off. śI know! It's none of my business! But I want you to know that I'm really happy you two figured things out. You seem like you'd be very good together. And I told you so!” He smiled then. śYes, you did. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, but what you were trying to tell me was very difficult for me to believe. I'll explain why later.” The rest of the evening passed in conversation. Daffyd described his world to the others, eliciting Śaaahs’ of understanding and interest. Rapsim, in particular, expressed dawning enlightenment. śI think I am aware of your world, Daffyd,” he said. śOr ones similar. There's one in particular that's very tolerant, very advanced in many ways. We Recruit from it from time to time. But I believe your Earth is quite primitive in its perception of the Great Beyond.” śWhat do you mean?” asked Daffyd. He was sitting on the couch, Devany drowsing in his lap, Seren settled comfortably close beside him. His arm was across the back of the couch behind her shoulders, not quite touching her. He felt strange being so near to embracing her in front of the others, but no one else seemed to find it odd in the least. śI mean that your people don't look out to the stars, to the possibility of other worlds, other realities. You don't have the literature, or art, or even television programs that stimulate the imagination to explore Out There. Your Earth, and many like it, is focused in on itself.” He paused for a moment, seeing Daffyd's nod of agreement. He waited to see if Daffyd had a comment, and when none was forthcoming, Rapsim continued, śThat's why we don't Recruit there. Without some frame of reference, some idea that they might not be alone in the universe, most people don't react well to dealing with new species. Rez and Seren's Earth has a rich history of speculative fiction and most people in their Śadvanced countries’ have considered the idea of quantum realities, parallel universes, alien cultures, space travel and so on. They're very open-minded. Wonderful people, really, overall.” He winked at Reznik, who grinned back. Daffyd ran light fingers over Seren's shoulder. śI rather gathered that,” he commented. She smiled and leaned against his side. Talk drifted onto other topics, meandering here and there, as conversations will. Daffyd looked at Devany, who was almost completely asleep, and announced he would put her to bed, and probably turn in, himself. śWe'd better clear out of the living room, then,” said Reznik. śLet you have your couch.” Seren smiled impishly. śYou don't have to. Daffyd's sleeping upstairs tonight ... with me.” Rapsim merely raised an eyebrow in response while Reznik grinned. Now, Reznik relaxed on the swing, thinking over the day's events. She was tired, but not quite ready to go to bed. Rapsim joined her on the swing, lifting her legs out of the way, and hopping up. He set her legs down across his lap. śI think I've found something,” he said. śI'll know more in the morning. I'm getting tired, and I might be misreading. If I'm right, though, we may have a way out of here.” Reznik pursed her lips and whistled slowly. śWhat did you find, Rap?” He smiled at her, a bright, sunshiny grin. śI'll tell you tomorrow. I want to be absolutely certain before I say anything more.” śBut you're pretty sure...” she said. śI'm definitely on to something,” he said. śI'll have a definitive answer tomorrow, after breakfast. If I am right, we could be travelling tomorrow and I'm not doing it on an empty stomach.” Reznik laughed. śThat sounds like the Rap I know and love.” śI just hope I figure out how the things work properly,” he said. śYou will, Rap. I have faith in you, baby.” She jackknifed forward and kissed his cheek. śI'm heading up to bed, too.” She stood up. śHere's hoping you're right, Rap. See you later.” śNight, Rez. I'll be up in a while. I want to think for a bit.” Reznik went inside, leaving Rapsim to ponder the implications of his findings. The following day promised to be most interesting. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 33 Seren stared into the bathroom mirror. She had brushed her teeth and washed her face. Daffyd had already had his turn and, as far as she knew, was waiting for her in bed. She felt nervous and quite unlike herself. Her earlier encounter with Daffyd had been spontaneous, unexpected. Now, after having invited him to share the big bed with her, she was consumed with unnamed fears. Seren Elizabeth Baker, she said sternly, silently, to her reflection. This is no way for a grown woman to be acting! You've already shared your body with him, what's the big deal? I'm afraid. What on Earth of? Not him, certainly? No, never him. He would never do anything to hurt me on purpose. I know that. But I'm afraid something will happen, something bad. I couldn't stand to lose him now. How did he get to be so important, so quickly? There was no answer to her question. She took a deep breath and slowly released it. She tightened the belt of her robe, tying it closer to her, and left the bathroom. A quick trip to check on Devany provided more diversion time. The little girl was still awake, looking out her window at the moon. śWhat's wrong, honey?” asked Seren, sitting on the edge of the little bed. śThe bad dream I had before,” said Devany. śI'm afraid it'll come back if I go to sleep.” śTry to think about happy things, then,” said Seren. śThat's what I do when I get scared.” śYou get scared?” Devany's eyes were round with amazement. Seren smiled softly. śYes, baby,” she said. śEveryone gets scared sometimes. It's part of life. You just can't let being scared control you. You have to stand up to the fear, and say, ŚGo away. I don't need you.’ Going ahead when you're really afraid is what being brave is all about.” Devany looked doubtful. śHow about if I tell you a story? That might help you get to sleep,” said Seren. śNo, thank you,” said Devany. śI want to try what you said about thinking happy thoughts and chasing away the scary things. Dreams aren't real, are they? They can't hurt you, can they?” śNo, Devany. Dreams are just your mind telling tales.” Oh, are they, now? And what kind of tale was your mind telling the other night? She shook off the thought, and frowned. She was missing a connection somewhere. Never mind, she would find it another time. Right now, she had Devany to take care of. śThat's all right, then,” said Devany. śYou can go to bed now. I'll be okay.” śYou sure? I can stay up with you, if you like.” śNo, but can I call you if I get scared worse?” she lifted worried eyes to Seren's. śOf course you can. If you get really scared, you know where to find Daffyd and me. Just come and jump into bed with us, okay? That's what my little girl does when she has bad dreams; she gets into my bed and snuggles.” She smiled and brushed Devany's hair from her forehead. śAll right. Good night, Seren,” said Devany, and rolled on her side. Seren went to the master bedroom. She quietly closed the door behind her and came farther into the room. The lamp on the night table cast a warm glow over the bed. Daffyd lay on his back, the covers pulled to his chest. His sharp eyes noticed her hesitation. śSeren?” he said in a low voice. śWould you rather I slept on the couch?” śNo,” she said quickly. śNo. I want this. I do. I'm being stupid, that's all.” Her hands plucked nervously at the knotted sash about her waist. śWhy don't you leave your robe on, then, and come here?” He threw the blankets back to open a spot beside him. She crawled in next to him, into his waiting arms. He had been right to suggest she leave the robe on. It provided her with a feeling of security, helped her feel less vulnerable. But oh! he was warm and solid under her hands. She molded herself against him, belly to belly, legs entwined, her heart pounding against his chest. He pressed her head to his shoulder, under the corner of his jaw, and cradled her. He felt her trembling. śAre you certain you want to be here, now, with me?” his voice was gentle. I don't know what I want, Daffyd. I want to hold you and love you. I want to run as far as I can from you. I want you to kiss me and I want you to go away and leave me alone! The turmoil of her emotions was too much for one person to contain. Tears began to spill, to her embarrassment and shame. She doubted that any other person in her life had ever seen her cry so much. She tried to control her breathing, taking shallow breaths with a wide-open mouth, hoping to hide the fact of her weeping. He felt the spreading wetness on his shoulder, and the movement of her breasts on his chest as she tried not to sob openly. śI'll ask one more time, Seren. Do you want me to leave?” She shook her head, her face buried in his neck. śNo, Daffyd. I need you.” He had to strain to hear the words. He pulled back a little and cupped her face in his big hand. He kissed her wet cheeks, her lips. śIf you're sure you need me, I'll stay.” śI do,” she whispered. śOh, I do. I need this.” She kissed his throat. śI need you.” He shushed her fears and rocked her gently in his arms, holding her close to him. śCan you tell me what's wrong?” he asked at length. śNo,” she said miserably. śI wish I knew. This is so unlike me to come apart like this. I feel so frightened, Daffyd, and I don't know why.” She rubbed her cheek over the hair on his chest. śI think I'm afraid of losing you,” she said at last. śSuppose Rapsim finds a way for us all to go home. I'd never see you again.” She kissed his chest softly. śI don't want that.” śNeither do I,” he said, and brushed his lips across her forehead. His fingers trailed down her back to her hip, exploring her curves. śCome home with me,” she said. śYou and Devany both. Assuming we find a way back to my world, that is.” She looked into his eyes. śI can't imagine life without you, Daffyd. Actually, I can, and I don't like the idea very much.” She smiled. śThe idea has crossed my mind; going home with you, I mean. Reznik suggested it to me. I thought she was being foolish, but I couldn't shake the thought.” He bent his neck and gazed into her dark eyes. śI want to. I do. But what would I do there, Seren? How will you explain me to your children, your friends and family? How would I make a living?” śI don't know, but something tells me a man of your abilities and talents wouldn't have too difficult a time making a career out of anything he wanted. Start a local orchestra; we could use a little culture. Teach music. Meggie is learning to play the piano; I bet you could teach her a lot.” She touched his face. śI'm sure we'd come up with something.” śAnd what will you tell your children about me, or Devany?” he asked. śYou really like playing Devil's Advocate, don't you? I mean you're making me look at all the possible difficulties, the downside of everything,” she said. śI want you to be certain that you're prepared for the reality of it all,” he replied. śThe reality is that life without you would be so incredibly empty,” she told him. śIf we have to rent an apartment for you until the kids are used to your being part of my life, then that's what we'll do. I'd rather have you move in with me, share my bed every night from the get-go, but we can work it out, Daffyd. We'll tell my children the truth, and we'll get the Recruits to help with a story for the rest of the world. Rap did say they do that sometimes. I have to figure out how to explain my sudden disappearance anyway.” She stroked his shoulder. śI know. We'll tell people that you're an old friend from a long time ago that I ran into, and fell in love with.” Her dimples put in an appearance. śYou're going to tell people you're in love with me?” He felt a jolt of fear before he remembered. śThat's right. Hetero is normal for your world.” His face grew thoughtful. śI could take you to a restaurant and hold your hand?” śYou could lean across the table and kiss me, if you wanted to,” she laughed softly. śWe can cuddle on the couch and watch movies with the kids. And if I were to turn to you and do this,” she demonstrated with a deep and lingering kiss. śThey wouldn't care, except Meggie would probably make gagging noises. She doesn't care for that Śmushy stuff', as she calls it.” He looked at her in wonder. I could live with you. I could share a bed with you and no one would care. I wouldn't have to hide my feelings and pretend you're Śjust a friend'. We could actually have a life together. Seren watched the play of emotions across his strong features; wonder, disbelief, hope. She saw his internal struggle to accept something completely foreign to his experience. At last, he spoke, śI want to come with you, if it's possible. I want Devany and me to stay with you. But if it's possible for me to go home, just for a short time, I want my family to know that I'm all right, and to tie up some loose ends that will make their lives easier.” śWhat happens if you go home and can't get back to us?” she asked. śI'll find that out before I go. I'm not going anywhere if it means never seeing you again. I need you, Seren.” He ran gentle fingers over her face. śI feel that I've been wanting you my whole life, wanting this, knowing I could never have it. But here you are. And being with you is everything I ever dreamed love could be.” He smiled, embarrassed at his confession. śIt's foolish for a man my age to be telling you all this. Falling in love is for the very young, isn't it?” śSo the very young would have us believe,” she said. They fell silent. He kissed her hesitantly, suddenly afraid he would wake and she would be gone. She nuzzled his beard, his neck, her nibbling kisses bringing gooseflesh out on his arms. They cuddled and laughed together, desire slowly mounting. śCould you untie my robe?” she asked, her hands otherwise occupied. He could and he did. It fell open and she wriggled free of its folds, tossed it onto the floor. He grinned as she kicked at it one last time and he pulled her into a close embrace. She felt wonderful against his body and he lost himself in her caresses. He had found a woman whose passion matched his own, who wasn't ashamed of her own desires. Their lovemaking was intense and joyous, quiet laughter mingled with soft murmurs of longing. He held her and loved her and wanted nothing more. They slept, Seren's back against his chest, Daffyd's arms loosely wrapped around her. He dreamed. They held him in chains and tore the clothing from his unresisting body. śFight!” they jeered. śFight us, and she dies, too!” Cruel, mocking laughter filled the night. He would do nothing to harm her. He loved her, and although she had never said so, he knew she loved him too. He wished he had heard it from her, though, just once. A light shone on the site of his execution. Darkness crowded on all sides, hiding those who jeered and mocked him. A voice, familiar, but unnamed, led the taunting, śLook at him now ... thought he was so wonderful. The Great Daffyd ap Owen. He's twisted. Evil. Unnatural. What is the penalty?” śDeath!” the unseen crowd sighed. śHow shall he be cleansed?” śBy FIRE!” a roar of hatred and fear. Rough hands pushed him into the light. He heard his name and he lifted his bowed head, searching. It had been her voice"but she shouldn't be here! He squinted, trying to see past the circle of light. The shadows were dark and deep. He mouthed her name silently. His heart ached for what they might have had. He was manhandled into the chair and bound securely to it. Her voice screamed his name from behind his left shoulder and he turned his head. A torch landed beneath the seat. The heat rose into him. He writhed against his bonds. The pain was enormous. He called her name, tried to turn toward her, to see her one last time. He could feel the fat layer under his skin melting, running inside him. He heard her shriek of horror, and then she was there, beyond the curtain of heat that engulfed him. Her face was a mask of terror and despair. He saw the shape of his name on her lips and the words, śI love you.” He smiled, despite the pain, and then knew nothing beyond the agony. He cried out in his sleep, waking first Seren and then himself. He sat up and collapsed slowly back as he realized he was not burning to death. He had forgotten he was sharing the bed, and when Seren touched him, he jumped, and made a startled śAaah!” sound. śSeren!” he gasped. śAre you all right?” she asked with more than a little concern. She turned on the bedside lamp and looked at him. Sweat ran down his chest and face, and his hand trembled when he reached out to her. śI will be,” he hazarded. śI think.” He squeezed her hand; a drowning man clutching at straws. She studied him for a moment. śI'll be right back,” she said and slid out of bed long enough to grab the towel from her morning shower. She climbed back beside him and began to wipe him down"his face, his chest, his abdomen and arms. śThat must have been some dream!” she said, as she pressed the towel to his forehead and across his bald pate. śIt's not one I care to repeat. Ever.” He smiled at her shakily. śI'm thankful it was only a dream, though.” She took his hand and held it to her lips. śDo you want to talk about it?” He shook his head. śI don't know. It was quite ... unpleasant. Horrifying, in fact. I don't want to burden you with it. It might give you nightmares.” śIf it will help you sleep, I can listen. Besides, I've got you to snuggle up with in the night, if I get scared.” Her eyes radiated concern, and he saw her love for him in their depths. He cradled her cheek in his hand. He sighed heavily. śIt was about being burned alive,” he said, with a grimace of lingering pain. śWhoever was doing it to me, they were going to kill you, too, if I fought them. At first, I didn't realize you were there, but I heard you call my name. I couldn't see you, though. You were in the shadows....” śYou said my name, just before they put you in the chair.” śYes, to myself. How did you know?” His eyes searched her face. śThey set fire to you, to that stuff that burned without flame,” she said, her gaze focused on the memory. Gooseflesh had appeared on her arms. śYou screamed then. I heard you.” śAnd you came. I saw you through the heat. You said ŚI love you’ to me.” śYes, I did. It was the only thing I could do ... and you smiled ... through the pain and the burning ... you smiled. Oh God, Daffyd, you were melting and I couldn't stop it!” Her chest heaved with remembered horror. Tears filled her eyes. śHow could you smile?” She brought her gaze to the present, to his face. He stroked her cheek. śBecause I wasn't going to die without ever hearing you say it. You had never said those words to me before then.” She stared into the intense blue eyes. śYou're right. I hadn't.” She frowned thoughtfully. śWhen did you dream? Why didn't you tell me about it?” śLast night, I guess. It woke me up and I came downstairs to check on you.” She smiled in mild embarrassment. śI wanted to lie down with you on the couch, but I didn't think you would understand. So I just kissed your forehead and came back to bed.” śYou kissed me?” He looked surprised and pleased. She nodded. śAnd I did tell you I had a bad dream. Remember, this morning outside the bathroom? I didn't want to tell you I was dreaming about horrible things happening to you. It's not something you want to hit someone with the first thing in the morning.” He chuckled softly. śNo, I suppose it isn't.” She turned her face to kiss the palm of his hand that was still cupping her face. śWhy are we both dreaming this, Daffyd? Do you think it's a warning of some kind?” śI don't know, sweet. I don't know what to think.” Seren took his hand in both of hers and held it tightly. śMaybe if we change part of it, we can change it all. I mean, in case it was a premonition or something.” He frowned, puzzled. śWhat do you mean?” śI mean, I'm not going to wait until I'm losing you to tell you what you already know anyway, just because I'm afraid.” His look of puzzlement increased. She touched his lips with her fingertips. śI love you, Daffyd,” she said. śI know,” he replied, and pulled her down to lie on top of him. śBut tell me again, anyway.” She slipped one arm around his neck, the other under his shoulder. She kissed him tenderly. śI love you. More than I can ever tell you.” He returned the kiss. śI love you, too, Seren.” More than life, he thought, and knew this to be true. If it ever became necessary, he would lay down his life to keep her safe. His strong arms wrapped her in a warm, protective embrace. She lay her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Sleep claimed them both. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 34 A cheerful knock at the door woke them. Reznik opened the door and poked her head into the room. śI'm not interrupting anything, am I?” she asked, grinning widely. śCome on, you two. Breakfast is ready! And Rap has some news!” Her grin widened even more. śCome on!” śWe'll be right there,” grumbled Seren sleepily. śGo away.” śI'll be back if you're not downstairs in fifteen minutes!” Reznik withdrew her head and closed the door. Daffyd opened an eye and peered after her. śWhat was that all about?” he asked. śI don't know,” Seren rolled over and cuddled into his arms. śBreakfast. News. Something about Rap.” They lay together, quietly snuggling as Reznik's words percolated through sleep-dulled minds. Meaning sank in and eyes flew open. śRapsim's found something, I know he has.” śRap's got news!” the words tumbled over each other as both spoke. They threw the blankets back. Seren slid lithely out of bed. Daffyd watched her for a moment. He enjoyed so many things about her at so many levels that just watching her choose clothing gave him pleasure. She looked over her shoulder at him. śWhat are you waiting for? You heard the girl. Get a move on!” He glimpsed her smile as she turned back to the closet. He got out of bed, feeling somewhat awkward and embarrassed at first, but the feeling quickly faded, in the face of Seren's unselfconscious nudity. For the first time in his life he was comfortable being casually naked with a woman he had been intimate with. It was an odd and wonderful feeling. He wondered what Seren felt. She studied him surreptitiously. Nude, he looked exactly as he had in her dream, even to the way he moved. A sudden image of the heat rising around him, his body devoured by the invisible flame, superimposed itself, more real than the man barely seen behind it. She gasped, a tiny, sharp intake of air. śDaffyd,” she hadn't meant to speak; his name fell from her mouth. He looked up, saw the terror in her eyes. In a stride, he was beside her, hands on her arms, concern radiating from his gentle face. She put her arms about him, and held him fiercely. śYou always know when I need you,” she said to his chest. śFrom Day One, every time I've really, really needed someone to hold on to, you've been there.” śIt's partly been selfishness on my side,” he admitted and stroked her hair. śSince we met, I've wanted to put my arms around you, hold you. But it's not something I could tell you. But when you needed a hug, or a shoulder to cry on, I could be there for you without feeling that I was forcing myself on you.” He kissed her forehead. śAre you all right?” śI will be. I had a flash of that damn dream"it scared me.” She tried a smile to let him know she was quite all right. śI'm okay now.” He saw the truth in her eyes. śI'm going to be fine, Seren. Don't worry about the dream, it's just another part of this insane place, I'm sure.” His words sounded confident and sure, but privately he was more concerned than he was letting on. What if it was a premonition, a hint of things to come? He put the thought aside. He kissed her again and moved away from her. śI don't dare hold you like this any longer,” he told her with a smile and a wink. śOr I'll have to take you back to bed and we'll never hear Rapsim's news.” She laughed quietly, the fear at bay. They hastened into their clothes and down the stairs. Breakfast was waiting. Reznik and Rapsim had prepared it this morning. They had decided to give the new couple a chance to be alone. Rapsim had made coffee and had then run upstairs to check something. When he returned, he had had a huge triumphant smile on his broad face. His green eyes almost glowed with self-satisfaction. To Reznik's annoyance, he would not reveal his secret until everyone was gathered. That was when Reznik had turned over the bowl of batter, the pan and the spatula to Rapsim and had gone upstairs to wake the others. Devany sat at the table, eating a bowl of the cereal Seren had brought with her that first day. Seren and Daffyd came into the kitchen. Seren poured coffee into the big ceramic mugs she and Daffyd preferred, while Reznik filled plates with bacon and pancakes. When they were all seated and eating, she turned to her colleague. śNow will you tell us what you've found?” she asked, in some annoyance. He grinned at them. śWe can leave anytime,” he announced. Seren, fork halfway to her mouth, stared, slack-jawed, at him. Daffyd's eyes looked over the rim of his mug. He set it down, wiped his lips with a napkin, and looked intensely at Rapsim. śAnd when we leave Śhere', where do we end up?” asked Reznik, the first to recover. She had, after all, been expecting something along this line. śIt depends on the painting,” Rapsim said. Everyone stared blankly at him. śPainting?” said Seren. śThe ones upstairs?” asked Reznik. śWhat, precisely, do the paintings have to do with our leaving?” Daffyd asked, rubbing his forehead as if to restore circulation to his brain. śThey're Portals,” said Rapsim, and smiled. śPortals?” said the three adults in almost perfect unison. śPortals,” confirmed the little man. śPortals to where?” asked Daffyd. śAlmost anywhere,” said Rapsim, and nibbled a bit of bacon. śHow do we use them?” queried Seren. śI can activate them with the multi. They seem to work well, at least one-way. I'm not certain about getting back. We'll have to make some test runs, experiment a bit. We'll need some rope and patience, and a volunteer.” Reznik rolled her eyes at that. She knew Rapsim would never allow civilians to do ŚRecruit’ work, which meant that Reznik was the volunteer in question. śI noticed rope in the basement yesterday,” said Daffyd. śI'll be right back.” He stood up and swung his long legs free of the bench. He strode away, and reappeared a short time later with a sizable coil of rope slung over his shoulder. He dropped it on the dining table, and rejoined the group in the kitchen. śThat should do,” he said and resumed his interrupted meal. śPerfect!” said Rapsim, his eyes lighting up. He loved exploration and new worlds. The portals he had discovered were unlike any others he had ever encountered. He was eager to learn more about them. śHurry and eat,” he told them. śI'll meet you upstairs in the art room.” He took the rope, which looked too much for his short frame but which he carried effortlessly, and dashed upstairs. Reznik rolled her eyes again. śCome on, folks,” she said wearily. śWhen he gets like this, it's best just to go along for the ride. We can clean up later.” They left the dishes on the table, some of them with food only partially eaten, and followed Reznik up the stairs. They found Rapsim in the room with most of the paintings. He had lined several up against the wall, including the one that Devany had said was of her world. The second picture was of a forest in winter. There was no snow, but the trees were bare and stark, with the occasional evergreen for a bit of color. There was the merest glimpse of a cabin or cottage through the trees, too hidden in the woods to make out any details from this angle. Daffyd frowned at this one. It tugged at his mind for reasons he couldn't place. śI believe that's your world, Daffyd,” said Rapsim. śBut what the location might be.... śHe shrugged. Daffyd frowned more deeply and shook his head. The third showed a dusty road in front of an old-fashioned general store. The day there appeared hot and sunny, the shadows of the hand rail sharp and black on the front porch of the shop. An antique and faded gas pump stood near the road, suggesting the site was twentieth century. Rapsim pointed at the painting. śThat's our reality, but I'm not certain of the world. However, it might be a good place to start. We should be able to contact the Recruits from there, and get us transport to Headquarters. Assuming it's contemporary, of course.” He looked at the others. śThat's one of the fascinating things about what's happened. You, Daffyd and Devany, are from the future and the past in relation to the rest of us. I wish I knew how that was done. It's the one thing we've never been able to perfect: time travel.” The fourth depicted a modern-looking world: a cityscape that made Seren and Daffyd look twice. The trees, houses, shops ... everything seemed scaled down, squat and dense. There was a solid, utilitarian appearance to the buildings, although they were not without a certain aesthetic factor. Some had intricate carvings, beautiful decorations, but there were no towers, no soaring arches, just solid heavy walls and slightly arched windows. śThat's my home world,” said Rapsim. śIt's one of the main cities. I think it's current, but I'm uncertain. In any case, I'll keep it as a last resort.” śWhy is that, Rapsim?” asked Daffyd. He wondered if Rapsim were in some sort of trouble on his home planet. śThe gravity is almost four times that of Earth,” said the little man. śYou'd have to crawl in on your bellies, and the strain might be too much for any of you. It would be hard to breathe, you wouldn't be able to move. As I said, last resort.” He grinned suddenly. śIt's considered bad form to kill people you're trying to rescue.” śI can see how that would hurt one's reputation,” said Daffyd dryly. Then he indicated the last of the paintings Rapsim had put on display. It was of the ubiquitous field of grass outside. śWhy did you choose that one?” śI thought we might get lucky and hit one of the transfer points that brought us here. It's worth a try if the others don't do the job.” They studied the pictures. Rapsim rubbed his hands together. śWhere shall we begin?” he asked. śAnywhere but there,” said Daffyd, pointing at the forest. śI don't care much for that one.” śNo. He's right,” agreed Seren. śThere's something about it.... śShe moved closer to Daffyd and put her hand in his. Devany was examining the paintings closely. śYou think we can go into the pictures?” she asked sceptically, a most adult expression of disbelief on her dainty features. śYes. I do,” said Rapsim. śWell,” said Seren. śYou did say that gas station, store thing was a good place to start. Let's go there. Do your hocus-pocus, Rap. Let's rock Śn’ roll.” Daffyd's eyebrows lifted at the terminology, but he remained silent. One of these days he would find out what it all meant. If he was going to live in Seren's reality, he had better get to know these things. Now was not the time, though. Reznik said, śI'm game, Rap. Gimme the rope and send me through. Better yet, throw the end of the rope through first and make sure we can pull it back. I do not want to be stranded in Nowhereville, Iowa, or wherever, in 1943 or some other time not my own.” As she spoke, she freed a section of the rope, which lay on the floor in front of the five paintings. Rapsim aimed the multi at the picture and thumbed the controls. The painting shimmered, and changed in some indefinable way, becoming almost three-dimensional. Looking at it now was like looking through a window. Reznik tossed the end of the rope at the painting. It went through the frame and landed on the road with a puff of dust. It distorted at the frame, the way a straw in a glass of water seems to when looked at from the right angle. Here in the room, the rope was a good half-inch in diameter, but it appeared as string beyond the frame, having shrunk to scale where it lay on the road. śOh, man,” said Reznik, staring at it. śThat makes my eyes hurt.” śIt makes my brain hurt,” said Seren. śIt's like those weird drawings where the staircases go up and sideways and upside down. They make your eyes go crazy trying to follow them.” śTry pulling it back, Gerri,” said Daffyd. She verified with Rapsim and began pulling. They watched the rope as it came out of the picture, string to cable like one of David Copperfield's illusions. śOh, wow! This is weird!” exclaimed Reznik, and pulled the end free altogether. śThat was freaky!” She made a quick, but moderately complex harness around herself with the rope. She tugged the end to make sure it was secure and gave the coil to Daffyd. śYou're big and strong, Sweetie Pie. Rap needs to work the multi. You hold onto this, and pull me out if things go bad, okay?” śAbsolutely.” He took it from her and hung it on his arm, so the end attached to Reznik could be paid out easily. śBe careful, Gerri.” śOh, I will! I'm trained for this stuff, remember?” She grinned and kissed his cheek. śYou're a doll, Daffyd. I'm glad to know you.” She looked at Seren. śYou too, Seren. Whew. Okay, Rap. Here I go.” She ruffled Devany's hair and prepared to step into the picture. The others watched her leg vanish. śHey!” she exclaimed, feeling around with her apparently missing foot, there's a ledge here.” She ducked her head, and was suddenly on the far side of the frame. They could see her hips and low back, as if she were standing on something just on the other side. She jumped down, out of sight for a moment, and reappeared on the road, a little figure of herself. They saw her grab the rope and wiggle it. It moved in Daffyd's hand. śWe're still connected,” he said, with a quick glance at Rapsim. He returned his attention to Reznik, and twitched the hemp cord in reply. She had experienced a disorienting moment of breathlessness as she went through the Portal, and had paused a moment to take a deep breath before jumping down to the road. She took a quick look around in all directions, assessing the area, checking for any obvious signs of danger. Nothing appeared to pose an immediate hazard. The road stretched out to both sides from where she stood. Behind her, the rope stretched across a patch of grass and disappeared into a faded billboard that appeared to be advertising animal feed, but which was so worn, and bleached by the sun it was hard to be sure. She flapped the rope, and felt an answering rhythmic movement. She smiled. It was typical of Daffyd to reassure her like that. Geez, he's a nice guy, she thought. I hope things work out for him and Seren. She brought her mind back to the current job. No danger right here, what else is around? She stood at the edge of a short stretch of dirt road. It forked in either direction, about fifty feet away, and wandered into the countryside. Some distance to her right stood a farmhouse surrounded by trees. Across the road, directly in front of her was the old country store with the ancient gas pump. Faded metal signs hung against the walls and on the screen door. An unpleasant feeling began to steal over her. She checked again for danger signs, but the entire area was still. She tried using her transceiver to contact Rapsim or other Recruits who might be in range, but heard no reply. The dust puffed up under her feet as she crossed to the store. She wondered if she had enough rope to go inside. Daffyd was letting it out behind her, but she didn't know how much more leeway she had. She continued moving forward. If necessary, she could undo the harness with a single tug and be free to explore. And if something goes wrong, I'll have to run like hell. She stood on the wide plank steps that led to the front porch of the store, and looked around again. Her sense of unease, almost of déja vu, was increasing. She disliked the feeling intensely, especially since there seemed to be no solid foundation for it. She took a deep, cleansing breath, and concentrated on each sense in turn. Nothing moved. She saw nothing strange or out of place. Everything looked completely normal, although somewhat abandoned. Maybe it's lunchtime and everyone's home filling their faces. She sniffed the air: dry dust from the road, a hint of wild roses nearby, a suggestion of spilled gasoline from the pump. She put a hand on one of the support posts. It felt splintery and worn, but solid in her grasp. She listened for signs of life. One of the metal signs hung crookedly, and banged softly in the light breeze, making little Śting’ sounds as it bounced off the wall. Other than that, there was silence: no insect drone, no hum of a far-off vehicle, no radio or TV from inside the store, no laughing, shouting children, no birds, nothing. It wasn't right. She reached the door and opened it. When she tried to move forward, the rope held her back. She turned and looked back the way she had come. The rope had not caught on anything, but it was quite a distance, all told. Maybe Daffyd couldn't, or wouldn't, pay out any more. She tried to subvocalize to Rapsim again, but heard only static whispers that sounded like mocking laughter. She hesitated and considered her options. A sudden scratchy sound from inside the store decided her. She was, after all, trained for this sort of thing. She undid the harness and went through the door. śNO!” shouted Rapsim at her image. She didn't appear to hear him. Daffyd's face clouded with anger at her reckless behavior, but he maintained a grip on the rope. Rapsim tried the transceiver, but met with the same mocking static. śGet her out of there!” said Seren sharply. Rapsim whirled. śWhat?” śGet her out of there, Rap. NOW!” śHow can I? I've got to stay here and keep the Portal open so she can get back. What are you so worked up over?” He didn't admit to being concerned. He didn't like Reznik's being out of sight, but he didn't think it warranted the level of upset Seren was displaying. Seren glared at him for a heartbeat. Can't you feel it, Rap? What's wrong with you? Gerri's in terrible danger!! śDaffyd ap Owen, don't you dare let go of that rope,” she said. He glanced over at her, but she was already in motion. She scrambled into the painting feet first, and hopped quickly down from the ledge in front of the billboard. She ran, stumbled, regained her balance and kept going. She pounded up the steps, calling Reznik's name. She banged the door open and dashed inside, coming to a sudden halt. The store interior was gloomy after the glare of the sun on the white dust of the road. She squinted, hoping her eyes would adjust sooner. śGerri!” she yelled. śWhere are you?” There was no answer. She was beginning to be able to make out details more easily. Behind the shop counter, a doorway led to what was probably a storeroom and living quarters. This store had that sort of look to it, that it was a family business and the proprietors lived on the premises. Seren went around the end of the counter, where the hinged top stood open. She hoped she was following Gerri's trail. Behind the counter, on the floor, were some unpleasant stains, and a torn piece of cloth, similarly marred. She suppressed a shudder. Like most women, Seren could easily recognize bloodstains when she saw them. She went cautiously through the door. A short hall confronted her, with another door to the left. On her right, an archway led to a short staircase of four or five steps, with another arch at the top. She peeked through the open door on the left, glancing quickly over the boxes and shelves of the storage room. Reznik did not appear to be present. Something scrabbled behind her. She turned toward the arch. Something moved"a flash of sudden motion beyond the top of the stairs, then nothing. Heart pounding, hands clammy, Seren moved stealthily towards the steps. Something fell over with a loud crash in one of the rooms upstairs. She heard Reznik's voice cursing and a dull thud. Legs appeared at the top of the stairs, headed quickly toward Seren. She jumped back as the legs leapt down, bringing Reznik into view. śOh, geez, Seren! Come on! We've got to get out of here!” Reznik grabbed Seren's shoulder and pushed her into the shop. Seren stumbled, but caught herself and ran for the front door, with Reznik close behind. Questions could wait for later. Her sense of urgency had not abated, but was intensifying rapidly. They burst out into the sunny stillness, still running. Together, they jumped to the ground and sprinted across the road. As the door banged shut behind them, they could hear low, snarling, snapping sounds. Seren's stride hesitated as she began to cast a look over her shoulder. śDon't even,” said Reznik. She picked up the rope close to the billboard. śI hope Daffyd's as strong as he looks,” she said. śCome on, Seren. Grab the rope and go! Go! GO!” She took a half-turn around her wrist, saw that Seren was holding on and pushed the other woman toward the sign. She felt the rope go taut and Seren vanished into the picture. Reznik sprang after her, Daffyd pulling her along. She landed on top of Seren at Daffyd's feet. He continued to reel in the hemp cable, but his attention was on Seren. He was about to ask if she was all right, when he felt a sudden pull on the rope. He looked up quickly and stared with growing horror into the painting. śRap!” yelled Reznik. śClose it! Now, now, NOWNOWNOW!” Rapsim thumbed a switch. The rope sheared off where it had entered the painting. The scene fell into stillness. They stood in a group, Devany clinging to Daffyd's leg, her eyes huge with terror. The picture was as it had been, except for a harness of rope, torn or chewed into shreds. It was surrounded by a cluster of small, incredibly savage-looking creatures with far too many sharp teeth for comfort. One of the creatures was in the foreground, large as life. śIt's on that ledge,” said Seren. śIt was right behind us!” śShit, Rap! That was close!” Reznik's eyes studied the thing in front of them. It seemed to be glaring voraciously out at them, a malevolent gleam in its yellow eyes. A shred of rope dangled from its open mouth, caught on one of the razor-sharp fangs. śIt's got rows of teeth, like a shark,” said Reznik. Seren fought down a wave of revulsion when she realized what else was caught in the teeth; scraps of material and what appeared to be part of a human finger. She turned Devany's face away, shielding the child's eyes with her hand. Reznik collapsed onto the floor, sitting in front of the picture, and let herself tremble with the excess of adrenalin surging through her system. Seren put her hand on Reznik's shoulder. śAre you okay?” she asked. śOh sure. We're trained to act and not fall apart until after the danger passes.” She laughed shakily. śWhew!” śI'm glad you took to your training so well,” said Seren. śI'm glad you're not one of those stupid people who stop to ask ŚWhy?’ when someone says, ŚRUN!'” śI was already creeped out, anyway,” said Seren. śThe reason I came after you in the first place was that I felt you were in danger.” śGood instincts! Hang on to her, Daffyd"and listen up when her intuition yells,” said Reznik. Daffyd had helped Seren to her feet and still had a hand resting on her shoulder. Reznik grinned up at him and Seren moved a step closer to lean against him. During this exchange, Rapsim had been consulting the multi. He turned troubled eyes to Reznik, who had looked again at the creature in the painting and was just turning to glare at the Kerialdan. Rapsim was opening his mouth to tell her something when she spoke. śThat's Randarma, isn't it?” she said in a controlled voice. Rapsim nodded unhappily. śRAPSIM BA SHARAVAL, you sent me to RANDARMA? What were you thinking?” śI'm so sorry, Gerri,” he said. śI couldn't get an accurate reading on what planet it was until just now. The signature said our reality, the painting suggested a human colony ... it looked promising.” He looked miserably upset. śGerri, I would never have let you go through, if I had known. You know that.” She did, too. Besides, he was calling her ŚGerri', which he almost never did. The incident had shaken him badly. śI know, Rap. Anyway, the time is wrong there. That had to have been just before we got there a few years ago. I found ... parts upstairs.” She shuddered. Rapsim looked revolted. śAm I being impertinent when I ask if you care to let us in on what just happened?” came Daffyd's dry tones. Seren nodded. They stared at the other two. Daffyd had picked Devany up and had pressed her face into his shoulder and neck so she wouldn't see the thing in the painting. śSorry,” said Reznik. śIt's just.... śShe puffed out a breath that fluttered her bangs. śLong story. Okay. Some years ago, a colony of humans from several worlds, settled on a planet in the Muran sector. They picked an area that the scout ships had said looked promising, dug up the native vegetation, planted crops and grass and trees ... all that good stuff, and made a life there.” She exchanged a quick glance with Rapsim, then continued. śSo, there they were, building homes, businesses, raising crops and livestock and children. It was a lot like any small town in the early twentieth century U.S. śOf course, they were in contact with the Recruits. We're kind of the glue that holds the colonies together. Then, they didn't check in for a week or more, and the last ship that had stopped there also lost contact.” She looked at Rapsim again. śDo you want to tell this part?” He shook his head. śNo, Rez, you're doing fine.” She took a deep breath. śWe were sent to investigate. Number One thought it was probably a commsat problem. We didn't know about those things.” She gestured with her thumb over her shoulder at the toothsome face in the foreground of the picture. śI didn't recognize the store because I didn't get there. Lucky me, I was in the group that searched the school house.” Her face twisted in remembered horror. śIt was one of my first Missions. Only a few colonists had survived, and only by luck and circumstance. The school had no survivors.... śHer voice trailed off. śOh, Gerri,” Seren breathed. She examined the creature behind Reznik's shoulder. Her vivid imagination painted hideous pictures of the things a pack of those fierce-looking things could do to a room of helpless children. She felt nauseated. She glanced up at Daffyd. His expression said that his imagination was at least as strong as hers. Reznik looked back at the picture, and then scrambled backwards away from it, making a sound of revulsion in her throat. Rapsim put a hand on her shoulder. śWhat is it?” His gaze followed hers. On the floor below the painting, taloned claws twitched spasmodically. The creature's front paw had been neatly severed when Rapsim had closed the Portal. He squatted and peered more closely at the thing on the floor. It resembled a raccoon's little hand, with nimble-looking digits, but with long, wickedly curved claws. śPass me a paintbrush, someone,” said Rapsim, holding out a hand. Seren looked around, took a brush from one of the jars and put it into the waiting hand. Rapsim held it by the bristle end and pressed the other into the palm area of the amputated paw. The digits spasmed and closed around the brush, causing everyone to jump. One of the toes moved again, and where the curved underside contacted the wood, a long sliver peeled off the brush. śOh my God!” exclaimed Seren. śThe claws are sharp the whole length?” śOh yes,” said Rapsim. śLike little sabres.” He, too, had been part of that Mission, and he vividly remembered seeing what those claws could do. Wooden doors, plaster walls, even solid logs couldn't stop them for long. Poured concrete slowed them some; steel was better because the shrill sound it gave off as they gouged into it was shrill enough to hurt their ears, and they soon stopped. śWe've got to get rid of it before it hurts someone. Is there a box or a jar or something?” Rapsim looked around. Seren dumped the rest of the brushes out of the big glass jar and gave it to Rapsim. He put it on its side and, using the brush, deftly flicked the abomination into the bottle. He stood the jar upright. The hideous thing inside twitched once and was still. Daffyd picked up the jar. He had given Devany to Seren, who settled her comfortably on a hip, as she had done with all her own children when they were little. śI'll just take this downstairs and burn it,” said Daffyd, looking at it with distaste. śThat's a capital idea,” said Rapsim. śPerhaps we should all come down. I think we'd all like to see it destroyed.” He picked up the painting. śThis, too, I think. I shudder to think what might happen should someone unprepared go there.” Silently they trooped down to the kitchen. Daffyd soon had the fire roaring. He opened the whole top of the firebox, and emptied the jar into the leaping flames. An unpleasant odor assailed their nostrils. Devany made a choking sound and coughed. Rapsim came forward with the painting. He set it in the stove to burn. As the fire licked hungrily at the frame and then the canvas, eagerly tasting this new morsel, unearthly howls and shrieks filled the room, seeming to come from nowhere in particular, and everywhere at once. The sounds lasted only seconds, but left everyone covered with gooseflesh, the hair on the napes of their necks standing on end. śWhat the high holy hell was that?” exclaimed Reznik, not really expecting an answer. śHasn't this been fun?” said Seren with great sarcasm. śGolly, gosh, darn, gee. I just want to run right upstairs and try this again! Don't you?” She scrubbed her face with her hands. Daffyd and Devany stared at her as if she had gone mad. Neither was overly familiar with this brand of black humor, and both thought she was serious. śShe's being ironic,” said Reznik. śSaying the opposite of what she really means. Don't worry. It's just something we do in our world to stay sane.” She smiled reassuringly. śAs for myself, I want to know why the multi didn't say what world it was until way too late!” Rapsim looked unhappy. śI'd like to know that myself, Rez. Perhaps the next time, I should go through, and you maintain the Portal.” śMaybe.” She started clearing the table. śLet's tidy up, make some lunch, recover and try again. You said the Recruits know Devany's world. Maybe we can contact them from there.” He nodded his agreement. śBut later, as you said.” They worked quickly to clean up and put together a hasty meal. Rapsim identified cans of soup in the pantry, and while Daffyd heated that, Seren made grilled cheese sandwiches. They sat around the table, eating and thinking. śSeren,” said Rapsim, breaking the silence. śHow did you know Rez was in danger?” śI don't know, Rap,” she replied. She sipped at her soup. śI guess ... I don't ... arrgghhh,” she growled. śLet me start again. Ever since I was, oh, maybe eleven or twelve ... thereabouts ... I've had Śflashes'. Premonitions. They've never been anything real specif.... śHer dream flitted through her mind and she stumbled over her words. śSpe-speci-cific. Just feelings when a friend needed to talk, or when something bad was going to happen. Occasionally, I Śsee’ good things coming, but more often the bad.” Rapsim nodded solemnly. śWhen we get home, would you agree to psi-testing from the Recruits? It sounds like you have a natural Ability. I'd like to find out, even if you don't want training or anything. It would be interesting to know.” śRap, if you get us home, I'll agree to any damn testing you want! It'll be the least I can do for you.” She reached across the table and patted his hand. He grinned in response and the general mood lifted. śWonderful! Thank you. Daffyd, Rez is right. Hold on to this woman and listen to her instincts.” He chuckled. śI intend to hold on to her,” said Daffyd quietly. śAs long as I can.” His pulse rate increased. He had never imagined he would ever hear himself say those words, or any remotely like them, openly in front of other people. He saw the smiling approval on Reznik's and Rapsim's faces, and turned to Seren. She took his hand, kissed it, and replaced it on the table. śBack atcha, Daffyd,” she said. Reznik translated for him, śShe means she intends to hang on to you, too.” Daffyd smiled, looking pleased. śWhat's going to happen to me?” Devany piped up suddenly. Seren put an arm around the narrow shoulders. śHow would you like to come home with Daffyd and me?” śYes, please,” Devany replied, looking past Seren to Daffyd. śIt's acceptable?” They laughed. śYes, Devany. It's very acceptable.” Daffyd reached behind Seren to pat Devany's back. śWe both want you, baby.” As he straightened, he let his arm circle Seren's waist for a moment. She smiled at him, realizing what a big step this was for him. Rapsim nodded his agreement with their plan. śSo, then,” he said. śShall we try again?” They all exchanged glances, wondering how this would turn out. Then they trooped back upstairs. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 35 Mykal replayed the scene over and over. He was dismayed. The interference signature was subtle, but clear, once discovered. Somehow, the Portal had been manipulated without his being aware of it. They should have teleported through to a colony near the station the two Recruits had been at. From there, it would have been a matter of moments before transport could be arranged. However, they had entered a proscribed world, and almost been killed. Dommi approached, drawn by the near-black streak in Mykal's aura. Trouble? he queried. Certain, came the unhappy reply. Interference, but so sly! Look! Mykal showed Seren and Reznik's headlong flight from the store into the billboard, and their narrow escape from the ravener at their heels, to Dommi. I was unaware of the substitution, Mykal admitted miserably. What else might have the Destructive Ones done? Dommi's aura shimmered. The possibilities are endless, he said solemnly. However, it seems this attempt failed because of that one"the one you did not intend to use. Perhaps this combination is more powerful because of her. All you can do now is watch, and perhaps nudge a tiny bit. Everything you had intended is working. The pair have bonded with each other and the child. All is as according to your plan. I have confidence in you, Mykal. You have chosen good subjects and the project is worthy. Mykal's aura flashed green-gold with pleasure. I am gratified to hear it. I was uncertain. Whatever else happens, you have brought healing to the female. She has let herself feel love for another again. Deep, strong and real. And he has not allowed himself this strength of caring since he was very young. Look at him ... all of him. You see? Mykal studied Daffyd's life, and noted the two instances Dommi indicated. I do, yes. Look at him now. What do you see? Joy at her presence, at her existence. He would be happy now merely knowing she lives. He has given up a great darkness at the thought of spending his life with her. Precisely. You have helped him lose that bleak emptiness. And the child, too, benefits. See her happiness in their wanting her. I think this has been quite the exercise for you. Bring it to a safe conclusion, Mykal, and you will doubtless move up a level. Thank you, Dommi. Mykal was awed by his superior's praise. Dommi seldom made remarks like this to anyone. He was pleased that he had apparently chosen wisely. 'Make the multiverse a better place in some way’ had seemed a simple enough instruction, but it had proved much harder than he had anticipated. He returned his attention to the Śpresent'. * * * * śDo you think you'll be able to contact the Recruits from Devany's world?” asked Seren. They stood in a loose cluster, looking at the paintings again. śWe might be able to hail a patrol, if one's in the area. The multi might be able to contact that reality's Recruit Headquarters, but I'm not certain I can keep the Portal open from the other side. I'm hesitant to put the multi through. If it doesn't work from over there, we'd be stuck, and possibly in worse trouble than we are right here.” Daffyd looked at the forest picture. śIf you can arrange transport from Devany's world...” he paused, thinking. śIs there a chance I could return to my reality briefly? I would like to put some of my affairs in order.” śI don't see why not,” said Rapsim. śCan I see Nanny512 and say goodbye?” asked Devany suddenly. She turned enormous eyes on the adults. śI don't know yet, Devany,” said Rapsim. śPerhaps. But we don't want anything to happen to you. We don't want Nanny512 making you stay there.” śI know. But she was very good to me. She might wonder if I'm all right. I would like her to know that I'm going to live somewhere different now.” Her little face looked troubled. śI'll go through again, Rap,” said Reznik. śMaybe I can track down this Nanny person and then you can send Devany to me on the rope. If Nanny makes a grab for her, Daffyd yanks Devany to safety. What do you say?” She looked down at her partner. śIt could work,” he said slowly. He opened the Portal to Devany's reality. Reznik prepared to step through. śHere I go into the turnip field, or whatever it is,” she said. śToo bad we can't get closer to the building.” She hesitated when Rapsim groaned and slapped his forehead. śWhat's your major malfunction, Rap?” śRez! I'm so stupid!” He thumbed the controls and the picture slid sideways before zooming in on the complex. śGee, Rap, that's handy,” said Reznik, watching the walls looming ever nearer. śThis little trick might have been useful earlier.” She said dryly. śI know. I didn't think of trying to scan while the Portal was open. This type is new to me, too,” he said, somewhat defensively. śIt's okay, Rap. It might have been worse if you'd scanned into the room where the raveners were, and they jumped through before we knew what they were.” She glanced meaningfully at Devany. Rapsim nodded. It didn't bear considering. He beckoned to the little girl. śLook, Devany. Can you give me directions to get to where Nanny512 usually is?” he asked her. She studied the scene in front of her. The frame seemed to be panning slowly through the courtyards, drifting through solid walls in a disorienting fashion. Suddenly she gasped and Rapsim paused. They were looking at the sports field where Devany had been just before being teleported. A group of children were going through their paces. Devany recognized the others from her Section. Deep in her mind, a voice whispered, Home! Before anyone could stop her, she tumbled through, landing in the mud beneath the rings. Unseen, unheard, Blagdur and Graz sniggered and watched. śOh, shit!” exclaimed Reznik. Daffyd's outstretched hand grasped empty air where he had just missed Devany's shirt. They all stared in dismay at the little girl, watching her scramble to her feet and look around. Devany gasped for breath. She had felt for a moment as if she had had no air. She rose to her feet and stared at her surroundings. There was no sign of Daffyd or the others. She was back where she had been several days ago. She wondered if she had hit her head and it had all been a strange dream. The other children weren't reacting to her reappearance; perhaps she had never really been gone. Even the Sports Supervisor showed no surprise. Devany was confused and disoriented. She wanted Seren and Daffyd. Even if they were only dream people, she felt safe and secure with them. She also felt something she had no word for. She had never been taught about being loved, and had no idea that was how she felt. All she knew was that she felt warm inside when they were near. The Sports Supervisor called for the activity to end and rounded the children up to return them to their Nanny. Devany took her accustomed place, and the line moved obediently along. Rapsim followed her progress as closely as he dared. He kept the focus moving with her, just above her head. Seren, Daffyd and Reznik were all crowded near, each ready to lunge through to grab her if any danger seemed to threaten. The children filed into their large room and sat at their study areas, ready to take up their lessons. Devany stood uncertainly in the middle of the room. Her desk was no longer in its old spot. She realized that Seren and Daffyd and the others were real; she had not dreamed it all. She hoped they were still watching her. She just wanted to see Nanny512, say goodbye and go back to her new people. Nanny512 entered the room. When she saw Devany standing there, she stopped and stared. Her mind whirled, considering outcomes and horrified by most of them. She made a silencing gesture to the child, who obeyed. Nanny512 quickly set the other children to their next task, before turning to Devany. śCome with me,” she said calmly, although her heart was hammering in her chest. She led Devany to the adjoining dormitory. śWhere have you been?” she asked. śI don't know how to explain,” said Devany. śI've been in another world. It's not like here, and there were other people"Seren and Daffyd and Reznik and Rapsim. Seren and Daffyd want me to go with them, but I wanted to say goodbye to you first.” Nanny512 frowned. śYou must have dreamed it, Devany. There is no other world.” Even as the words left her lips, she suspected that she might be wrong. śThen where was I?” Devany asked reasonably. śI wasn't here sleeping, because you wouldn't have taken my desk away. I was gone, wasn't I?” Nanny512 did not want to do anything to fuel the child's imagination, but neither did she want to lie. śYes. You were gone. But, Devany, how did you get back?” śRapsim found Portals, and one of them was to here. They're probably watching right now.” She looked around. śDaffyd? Seren? Are you there?” Nanny512 looked around in confusion. Then a hand appeared in mid-air near Devany's shoulder. A moment later, the head and shoulders of a young woman in an almost military-looking uniform appeared. śRight here, kiddo,” said Reznik. She had been the first to react when they had read Devany's lips. Daffyd had a firm grip on Reznik's belt, while Seren held her legs. Nanny512's mind did a quick recalculation. She said to Reznik, śIs it true? Are you from another world? Do these people exist, and do they really want Devany?” śYes, yes and yes. They want to make a family together, with Seren's other children.” śShe will be cared for? She'll have opportunities to learn whatever she loves, to use her mind, her imagination? Without fear?” Nanny512's face held shifting emotions: hope, fear, disbelief and hope again. śYes. Absolutely she will. Seren and Daffyd love her to pieces.” śThen take her now! Quickly! Before Security comes.” She turned to Devany. śI had a family, when I was little, Devany. Just like the one you're going to. I hope you'll be happy there. I love you, Devany.” She hugged the little girl, to Devany's amazement. śGoodbye, Nanny512. You were always so good to me! I won't forget you.” The outer door opened, and hurrying booted feet made loud sounds across the large room. Nanny512 lifted Devany into Reznik's waiting arms. śHurry! Go!” she hissed. Daffyd was already pulling Reznik back through the Portal. The Security detail burst in just in time to see Nanny512 relinquish her grip on the child. One of the guards rushed forward and seized Devany's heel. Her foot vanished into nothingness, his hand with it. He seemed to be struggling, then his hand was flung back. He reached forward immediately. His fingertips faded and he shrieked, pulling his arm back in agony. The end of his middle finger had been neatly severed, leaving a bloodless wound. He stared at the white bone surrounded by red flesh, and fainted. The Captain of the detail turned to Nanny512. śYou assisted an Escape,” he said emotionlessly. śYou know the penalty.” He raised his weapon and fired once. Nanny512's body crumpled lifelessly to the floor. The Captain spoke into a transmitter in the wall, calling for a Removal Team. He looked at the empty room, and put the incident out of his mind. He sent three of his men to take the children to another area so they would not see the Removal and wonder. The wounded man was told to report to the Infirmary. Moments later, Removal arrived. The corpse was put on a gurney and covered with a sheet. As it was rolled away, one of the Team mopped the blood from the floor. Soon, all was as it had been. The Captain dismissed his detail, and went upstairs to report to the Section Head. Devany felt again that moment of breathlessness, and was back with her new Śfamily'. A hand was clinging to her foot and Seren was busy prying the fingers free. She threw the hand back forcibly through the open Portal and Rapsim closed it hastily. A half-centimeter of black glove with a fingertip inside it fell into the room. Reznik deftly pocketed it before Devany saw. It would be tossed into the fire later. śNow what?” said Seren. śThey're going to be on the lookout for us, or her, anyway. Should we go back into the field until you can contact the Recruits?” Rapsim shook his head. śThe field is too open. We'd be spotted right away.” He sighed. śWe'll keep trying.” Daffyd spoke, so quietly that Rapsim almost missed his words. śCan you open that one and look around?” He pointed to the forest. Seren was busy checking Devany, and missed the exchange. śCertainly. May I ask why?” śIt looks familiar to me.” His brow furrowed. śYou said it's my world. There are some things I would like to tend to before I go home with Seren. But I want to know exactly where that is first. Can we get a look at the house?” Rapsim activated the Portal to Daffyd's universe. Seren looked up from Devany. It took a moment for her to understand what she was seeing. śNO!” she screamed, and grabbed Daffyd's arm. He turned and looked at her. śDon't go! Oh, Daffyd"please, please don't go there!” śI'm just looking right now, Seren,” he reassured her, taking her hand. śBut I might have to.” śNO!” She clung to his hand with both of hers. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her panicked heart. śDaffyd"you can't. Please trust me on this.” She stared into his face. śPlease.” He stroked her cheek, starting to feel more comfortable showing affection for her in front of these friends. śI want to see the house, Seren. I'll decide then.” He did not yet have the courage to kiss her in public, but when she moved close and put her arms about him, he made no attempt to disengage. They looked at the painting. Rapsim had waited patiently during Seren's outburst, and now he moved the controls, zigzagging through the woods. The house, barely glimpsed before, came into view. Daffyd chuckled with relief. The others looked at him curiously. He regarded Seren, lifted her chin with a finger. śIt's all right, Seren. There's no danger there for me,” he smiled into her eyes. śIt's my sister's getaway cottage. I have a key. I'll let myself in, do what I have to do and be right back.” Seren shook her head stubbornly. śNo, Daffyd. There is huge danger there. I feel it. You ... can't ... go.” śI have to, Seren. I won't be long.” śNO!” She pulled from his grasp and almost ran from the room. Daffyd hesitated for a heartbeat and followed her. Reznik held Devany and watched the pair leave. śLet them work it out, baby,” she said. Rapsim continued to examine the scene. Finally, he closed the Portal, focussed on the front porch of the cabin. He looked at Reznik. śIf he goes through, we should put a rope on him. Seren's instincts are very good. Something there bodes ill for him. We'll have to be extra careful.” Reznik nodded her agreement. The Destructive Ones grinned in anticipation. This would be easier than they had thought. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 36 Seren was furiously pacing the floor of the bedroom when Daffyd entered. She whirled on him, eyes blazing with anger. śYou stubborn, stupid, arrogant man!” she shouted at him. Tears brimmed in her eyes. śI can't believe I let myself fall in love with you"I'm even more stupid than you are! I hate this! I hate you! Go, then! Go get yourself killed"see if I care!” Her fists clenched and she half-raised them. He felt her words slice to his core like a knife. He knew she didn't mean them. He hoped she didn't mean them, but, oh! how they hurt. For a moment, he debated whether to leave and go through the Portal, or to try to explain his reasons. He wavered. He wanted to walk"to run"away from the hurt he knew she was capable of inflicting on him. Instead, he stepped closer, gripped her upper arms. She went rigid in his hands, and tried to twist away. śLet me go!” she snarled. śNo, Seren,” his voice was quiet, gentle. She closed her eyes, caught in a maelstrom of anger, fear and love. She wanted to feel nothing, to be immune from hurt forever. If she could just not care about him, then his death wouldn't devastate her. She feigned a coldness she didn't feel, and looked into his face. The hurt and loneliness she saw there undid her resolve. Tears rolled silently down her face. śWhy, Daffyd?” she whispered. śWhat is so important you have to risk your life?” śMy family,” he said simply. She looked at him questioningly. śI want them to know I'm all right. I want to prepare them for what's coming.” His hands moved up her arms and cupped her face. śI want to provide for them.” śI don't understand,” she said. śProvide what? How?” śI want to give Rhiannon power over my estate,” he said. śWhen someone goes missing, all their assets are held until it can be assumed they have died. That means until their eightieth birthday. I don't want them to have to wait for twenty-two years to have the use of my money, my properties.” śThat's a long time,” she agreed. śAnd I understand you want them to know you're safe, but Daffyd....” śI have to try,” he interrupted. śAll I have to do is contact my lawyer, get him to put it all under Rhiannon's control; the houses, the apartments, cars, money, everything.” He smiled crookedly. śI'm worth a lot, Seren. I can give them access to enough money to keep them for the rest of their lives, to do whatever they want.” She stared at him, trying to take it all in. He had told them he was famous and in great demand. She had never thought of what it meant in monetary terms. Money had no relevance in their current situation. She wondered if he would be happy living in her modest home. She was moderately wealthy, herself, but he was talking of houses and apartments in plural terms. She had to ask. śI never gave it any thought, Daffyd. May I ask how much we're talking about?” śMillions. Quite a few.” He smiled down into her eyes. śMillions?” she said in a small voice. śYou've got millions and you want to give it up to be with me?” She stared into his face. His little smile warmed her heart. śIt's only money, Seren. It can't buy me this.” He touched his lips to her cheek, then her mouth. śI love you,” she said softly, kissing him back. She put her arms around him and pressed her face against his chest. śI'm so scared for you, though.” śI know you are,” he told her. śBut I have to try. It'll mean so much to so many people.” She nodded, her face still pressed to him. śI know. Now.” She moved closer, her entire body touching his. She kissed his throat. The feeling of impending danger was strong and she knew she might never hold him like this again. śLove me before you go,” she murmured into his neck. śNow?” He was startled, almost shocked. śYes. Now.” Her lips traveled up his neck to the corner of his jaw, her tongue making darting forays as she went. His mind rebelled at the thought of having sex in broad daylight, especially when there were other people in the house, ones who might come looking for them at any moment. His body, however, was responding to her nibbling kisses. śI need to, Daffyd.” She looked into his eyes. śI need you.” He ran his fingers through her hair, kissing her tenderly. She untucked his T-shirt and slid her hands under it, stroking the smooth skin on his back. He sighed into her mouth, tasted her tongue. She pushed the shirt up his body, and he ducked to help her take it off. Her hands caressed his chest, ran softly over him, exploring. He pulled her shirt over her head, knowing she wore nothing underneath. He smiled into her eyes, and his hands cupped her breasts, thumbs lightly teasing the erect nipples. A soft moan escaped her lips, and a surge of desire flooded her belly. She stepped back away from him, her eyes never leaving his face. She undid the zipper of her jeans and pushed them, and her panties, down her hips. She stood naked in front of him. He caught his breath. Her body was womanly, full breasted, sweetly curved at hip and waist. She held her hands out to him. He moved toward her, almost dreamily, half not believing this was happening. Seren's hands unbuttoned his pants. When she had undressed him, she stood close, her fingers lightly stroking his erection. He whispered her name. She put an arm around his waist and pressed herself as closely to him as she could. She kissed him deeply, all her love and need for him expressed in her questing mouth. His held her tightly and kissed her with all the passion and love his big heart was capable of. śI love you so much,” she said to him. He gazed into her lovely eyes. He kissed her cheeks, her eyes, and her lips. śYou're the most incredible woman,” he said, his eyes smiling at her. śI want to love you like this for the rest of my life. Every day.” śEvery day?” She smiled playfully, and touched his face with her fingertips. śEvery day,” he affirmed, and chuckled at the expression on her face. śAssuming I don't have a heart attack from it.” She laughed into his chest. śYou're silly, and wonderful, and I love being with you.” She led him to the bed and drew him down beside her on it. They lay together, quietly exploring and touching each other, as if it were their first time. śI don't ever want to let you go,” she whispered. śDaffyd, I'm so scared, so scared!” The fear threatened to rise up and devour her. śI'm right here, Seren,” he kissed her, caressed her, pressed himself to her. She fought the terror by focusing on the feel of his hands on her body, the taste of his kisses. Neither of them heard the discreet knock on the door, nor realized that Reznik had peeked in, wondering what was keeping them. She hastily, quietly withdrew when she saw their reflection in the dresser mirror. She returned to Rapsim and told him they would probably be delayed a while. He nodded, his mind on what to try next after Daffyd visited his world. Reznik took Devany out to play on the tricycle and the tire swing. The little girl was finding it easier and easier to play outside, especially with Reznik. While Devany played, Reznik cast a quick glance at the bedroom window. She assumed Seren and Daffyd wouldn't be reappearing anytime very soon. They, meantime, were losing themselves in each other. He stared into her dark eyes. śI never thought I would ever feel like this,” he told her in a quiet voice. śI never believed I would ever meet a woman who would love me like you do. I've wanted you all my life, Seren.” śI know, love. I've wanted this all my life.” She wrapped him in her arms and even twined a leg over his. śThis incredible feeling ... I can't describe it. It's passion, and love ... but so much more. I need you. I need to have you in my life, Daffyd. I want to wake up beside you every morning, and share my life with you.” śI want that, too, Seren. More than anything.” He rose up on an elbow, and she rolled away from him, onto her back. She touched his face. He moved over her, her thighs opening for him, her arms circling his waist. She cried out in pleasure as he entered her, and a sound of inexpressible joy came from deep in his throat. They clung to each other, bodies moving in slow rhythm, the tempo increasing as they strove to join as tightly, as deeply as possible. Pleasure overwhelmed her, and she arched against him, quivering and calling his name. He thrust deeper into her, his own release fast approaching. When it came, he felt as if his very life was flowing into her. He crushed her to his chest, and breathed her name. For long moments, they held each other, still joined, hearts beating wildly, ragged breathing slowly returning to normal. He kissed her shoulder, her neck, and he smiled tenderly. śDo you know how much I need you?” he asked. She slipped her arms around his neck and looked into the blue eyes. She sighed in deep contentment. śI need you, too. More than I can tell you.” A cloud passed across her features. śDaffyd, sweet love, be careful. I couldn't bear to lose you now.” śI'll be fine, Seren. You won't lose me so easily.” He moved to lie beside her, not wanting her to have to bear his considerable weight any longer, and cuddled her close. Her hand trailed across his chest and abdomen. She kissed him softly. śI suppose we should go back to Rap and Rez,” she said. śI'd rather stay here with you, but they'll be wondering what happened to us.” śI'd like to spend the rest of my life with you like this,” he said. śBut, waking up beside you every morning is a good start.” She looked into his face and dimpled impishly. śMake love like this every night?” śAbsolutely. Barring that heart attack thing.” They smiled, and gazed at each other for long moments. Neither wanted this time to end, and Seren's heart was heavy with dread. She had the horrible and unshakable feeling this wasn't the start of something incredible, but the end. She touched him everywhere, filling her hands, her heart, her mind, with him. Unshed tears burned her throat, but she refused to make things more difficult for him. Finally, they rose and dressed. Before they opened the door, Seren put her arms around him one more time. He held her and kissed her hair. śI love you, Seren,” he told her. śSweet, incredible, lovely Seren. It'll be all right. I'll be careful, I promise. I'll be back with you before you know it. You'll see.” They returned to the art room. Rapsim was still there, and when he saw them, he summoned Reznik sub vocally. She acknowledged him and called Devany. śLet's go, kiddo,” she said. śTime to check out Daffyd's world.” Devany jumped off the tricycle. It toppled onto its side in the driveway. She paused to set it upright, but Reznik called again. śJust leave it for now, Devany. We better scoot.” She left it where it lay, and ran to join the Recruit. They hurried into the house and up the stairs. Reznik grinned at Seren and Daffyd when she entered the room. Seren's eyes met hers, and Reznik winked knowingly. Seren saw the knowledge in the younger woman's face, and she flushed, embarrassed. Reznik gave her a cheerful thumbs-up sign, which made Seren smile. The men completely missed the communication between the two women, being focussed on the picture of Rhiannon's cabin. Rapsim opened the Portal. Daffyd prepared to step through. śWait!” Reznik commanded. Daffyd stopped mid-stride. śWhat is it?” he asked. śRope,” she said. śWhat?” he asked. śRope, baby. With Seren's alarms going off like they are, we better be able to yank you out a moment's notice,” said Reznik. śAnd how do you propose I explain the fact that I'm trussed like a turkey, in case anyone should be at the cottage?” he asked, with a trace of sarcasm. śFine. I won't do a harness. How about a loop around your wrist?” she suggested. śRap can keep close focus on you, and we'll be able to pull you to safety if anything goes awry.” śIt's not necessary,” Daffyd began, but Seren interrupted him. śPlease, Daffyd,” she said quietly. śI'd feel better if you had it on.” He regarded her worried face. Then he looked at Rapsim. śCan you keep near to me? I don't want to drag five feet of rope around behind me.” śI'll be right beside you,” said Rapsim. śBe careful, Daffyd.” Reznik had made a loop at the end of the rope. She slipped it over Daffyd's hand and snugged it around his wrist. She kissed his cheek. śBe careful, Big Guy. We all want you to come back safe and sound.” Daffyd glanced quickly at the others. It was odd, he reflected. They felt like the dearest of friends to him, for all that he had only known them for a few days. They all knew his secret, and they all liked him anyway. His gaze lingered on Seren. He leaned toward her and kissed her. śI'll be back soon,” he said, and stepped onto the porch of the cabin. He experienced the moment of breathlessness, and then took in a deep lungful of fresh forest air. He breathed deeply, feeling a strange sense of mingled peace and loss. He had been here many times over the years, another refuge from the hectic pace of his public life. He had bought it shortly before he had discovered the houseboat, and when he realized he wasn't using the cottage very often, he gave it to Rhiannon. It was a perfect getaway for her and Morgyn, being only a two-hour drive from her home. It felt strange being here, knowing it was for the last time ever. He was digging the key out of his pocket when the door opened. Morgyn stood there, mouth agape, eyes huge with surprise. Her sudden appearance startled Daffyd, as his had startled her, but he recovered first. śHello, Morgyn,” he said. śMay I come in?” She stepped back into the big room, still staring in disbelief. Daffyd smiled and strode past her. śIs Rhee here?” he asked, looking at the familiar room. He noticed some pictures he didn't recognize on the walls. They were probably Beatrice's contribution. He made a moué of distaste. He didn't care much for Beatrice. Morgyn found her voice at last. śMother is down by the lake with Ria. They've gone exploring.” śWonderful!” he said. śYou're all here!” She approached him. He held out his arms to her and she moved slowly into them. When she felt the reality of him under her hands, she hugged him fiercely. śOh my God, Uncle Daffyd!” She held onto him tightly. śWhere have you been?” He kissed her forehead. śIt's a long and unbelievable story,” he said. śI think I'll wait for Rhiannon to get back before I tell you.” He released her. śI need to call Stanley,” he said, referring to his lawyer. śMay I use the vidphone in the den?” śOf course,” she said. śI'll run down and get Ria and Mama.” She tore her eyes from her uncle and went towards the back door. śGood. Thank you. I'll be a few minutes, Morgyn. Ask Rhiannon to wait until I'm finished, would you? It's very important.” śI will. I'll just tell her there's someone here she needs to see.” She grinned mischievously. śYou can surprise her like you did me.” He chuckled and went into the den. Morgyn went in search of her mother and daughter. She couldn't wait to hear Daffyd's news, and she wondered what was so urgent that he needed his lawyer. Daffyd shut himself into the cozy, private room. He dialed Stanley Rose's private number and was connected almost immediately. The lawyer's expression transformed from mild annoyance at the intrusion to outright shock. śDaffyd!” he exclaimed, leaning forward in his chair. śMy God, man! Where have you been?” śIt's a long story, Stanley,” said Daffyd. He flipped through the scandal sheets on the desk, looking at the pictures of himself in a detached way. They were of someone else, he felt, someone so alone and desperate that he would willingly accept a night of soulless passion to fill the emptiness in his heart. śRight now I need you to work quickly. I'm going to disappear again, Stan, and I want Rhiannon to have control over my estate.” śBut, Daffyd, you can't just ... I mean, your assets are considerable! Are you certain this is wise?” It offended his sensibilities to hand over such a lucrative estate to someone else. Daffyd suppressed a smirk. śI'll tell Rhiannon to keep you on, Stanley. Now, draw up the papers and fax them to me at this number,” he read the digits to the lawyer. śGot it? Good. I want her to have full power over everything; all my property, real and personal, my bank accounts, safe deposit boxes"everything. Do you understand?” Stanley nodded, fingers tapping busily at his computer as Daffyd spoke. śI don't think this is wise, Daffyd, but give me a moment.” He concentrated on calling up Daffyd's file. śThere it is. Everything, Daffyd? Are you sure? Do you want me to put any restraints on this? I mean, what if you need some of your money, your assets?” śI can trust Rhiannon, Stanley. If I need anything, she'll come through for me. Don't worry. I'm going somewhere I won't be recognized, where these damned papers won't be haunting me.” śIs there such a place, Daffyd?” Stanley wanted to ask if the stories were true, but held his tongue. śYes. That's where I've been, and that's where I'm going. I can't fight this, Stan. My reputation is gone, my former life is done. I just want to provide for my family, and retire in peace.” He spied a note beside the vidphone with his father's name, and the Śphone number of Daffyd's home in the south Pacific. Stanley sighed and hit one more key. Beside Daffyd, the facsimile portion of the vidphone hummed to life. śI understand, Daffyd. Rumors like this, whether real or not, can destroy a person. I'm awfully sorry it happened to you. And, Daffyd ... I don't care if they're true. You're a good and decent man, no matter what.” Daffyd stared at the other man. śThank you, Stanley. That means a lot to me.” By now, three pages of legal mumbo-jumbo had emerged from the fax machine. Daffyd skimmed them quickly, and signed each page. He fed them back in, sending the signed copy to Stanley. The lawyer had watched Daffyd write his name, and he now affixed his own to the document. He noted that he had witnessed via vidphone and that he was satisfied as to the identity of the signator. śThere you are, Daffyd,” he said. śSigned, sealed and delivered. I'll have a copy to Rhiannon later today, with a list of your assets.” śThank you, Stan. It's a big relief.” Daffyd smiled at his lawyer. śGoodbye, and bless you.” śGoodbye, Daffyd. Good luck, wherever you go.” Daffyd smiled and broke the connection. He quickly dialed the number beside Llewellyn's name on the note. He knew it was the wee small hours of the morning, but he wouldn't have a chance to speak to his father again. Llewellyn's voice was thick with sleep when his tired face appeared on the screen. śWho the hell wants me at this hour?” he grumbled. śIt's Daffyd, Dad,” said his son. The old man's eyes widened. He stared into the screen. śDaffyd! Oh, my dear boy,” he blinked away sudden tears. Daffyd swallowed a lump in his throat. śI'm okay, Dad. I don't have time to tell you what happened to me, or where I've been. I'm at Rhee's cabin, and I'm just going to talk to her, and then I'll be gone again.” He wished he could hug his father one more time. śThose papers ... did they have anything to do with your disappearing like you did?” Llewellyn asked. Daffyd shook his head. śNo, Dad. I'm not even sure how they got out on the street so fast. I knew she had pictures, but ... anyway. I'm sorry. I was careless and stupid and I'm sorry you have to suffer because of it. I love you, Dad.” śI love you, too, Daffyd. No matter what. You understand me?” Llewellyn couldn't bring himself to admit Daffyd's perversion out loud. śI understand. I have to go. Rhee's waiting in the other room. She doesn't know I'm here and I better talk to her. I just want you to know that I'm going to disappear again, but I'll be fine. I have a good, safe place to go to, and someone wonderful to share it with.” śYou stay safe, son,” said his father. śI miss you, and if you can, call or write, would you?” śIf I can, Dad.” He fought back a tear, knowing such a thing was not possible. śBye.” śGoodbye, son.” Llewellyn closed the link, and sat back on the bed, thinking about Daffyd. He hoped his son would be safe and happy wherever he went. It was a long time before he went back to sleep. Daffyd wiped his eyes, took a deep breath and returned to the big room. He found Rhiannon questioning Morgyn. śWho, Morgyn?” she was saying. śJust tell me who!” Morgyn saw Daffyd come out of the den. śHe can tell you himself, Mother.” She turned Rhiannon to face Daffyd. Rhiannon's brain refused to believe what her eyes were telling it, until Daffyd took her shoulders in his big hands. śHello, Rhee,” he said. śDaffyd,” she whispered. śYou're alive!” She embraced him warmly, tears spilling. śWhere have you been? And why do you have a piece of rope on your arm?” śWe better sit down for this,” he said, and led her to the couch. He sat turned to one side, his left arm resting along the back of the sofa, the six-inch tail of rope standing oddly out from his wrist toward the wall. He jiggled his hand and felt an answering tug. They were still watching, then. śI don't know where to begin, Rhee,” he said. śBut it all started in Montreal a few days ago.” śA few days! Daffyd, you've been missing for more than two weeks!” Rhiannon exclaimed. His eyebrows lifted in surprise. śReally? I guess that explains the papers, then. I didn't think she had had enough time to get those pictures published. I was hoping to be able to warn you, first. It's only been four days or so for me.... śHis voice trailed off and he thought deeply, making a mental note to ask Rapsim about the time anomaly. He gathered his thoughts, and at last related his tale of teleportation to his sister and niece. He told them of his experiences over the past few days, editing the more personal elements, but telling them about Seren and his feelings for her. śAnd that rope connects you to this Śother world?” asked Morgyn in disbelief, when he had finished. śYes it does.” He moved his arm slowly and the piece of rope lengthened. When he rested his hand on the back of the couch again, the cord became shorter. śSee?” They remained dubious. Before he could continue, the back door opened and little Ria came in. She had gotten tired of amusing herself outside, and it was getting chilly. She saw Daffyd, squealed and ran to him, throwing herself into his lap, smothering him with kisses. Seren and Reznik, watching from the other side of the Portal, laughed at her enthusiasm. śAnkle Daffyd! Ankle Daffyd!” she screamed. He laughed and kissed her back delightedly. śBaby Ria! Baby Ria!” he echoed her tone and hugged her. As he settled her in his lap, she looked at him with enormous blue eyes, very like his. śI not a baby, Ankle Daffyd,” she told him solemnly. He laughed. śYou're my baby, Ria,” he told her. He cuddled her to his broad chest and looked at Rhiannon and Morgyn. śI'm going back there soon. I've arranged with Stanley for you to have control over all my assets, Rhee. I forgot something, though. I'd like you to arrange something for me.” śYour assets? But Daffyd, how will you survive? What will you do for money?” She gestured in confusion. śDon't worry about me, Rhee,” he said. śMy money wouldn't do me any good in Seren's world, anyway.” He smiled gently. śI'll be fine, Rhee.” śIf you say so.” She still didn't believe his story, but was willing to play along until she found out the truth. śWell, what's this thing you want me to do?” śI want you to find out from the Procreation Bank who has children from my sample. I want you to provide for them. A half million for each child, Rhee.” śBut why, Daffyd?” Donors seldom took an interest in their genetic offspring. śIt's just something I want to do, Rhee.” He couldn't begin to explain, even to himself, but it was tied somehow to Seren and her children; the fact that their father had helped to raise them until his death. He felt an obligation to his own, unknown, children. He knew there were three; he had received a notification from the ProcBank each time a portion of his sample was used. The oldest must be close to thirty by now, he thought. Perhaps his gesture would mean a better life for them, their families. It pleased him to be able to help them like this. He looked at Rhiannon's unhappy expression, and he searched for the cause of her distress. It slowly dawned on him. śYou think I'm going to.... śHe glanced down at Ria in his lap. śRemove myself, don't you, Rhee?” He used their childhood expression for committing suicide. She started to protest, but then nodded slowly, slowly. śHow can I believe your story, Daffyd?” she asked. śIt's so fantastic!” śWould you like to meet Seren?” he asked. They stared at him. He turned his face toward the wall, and spoke Seren's name, holding out his hand in a Ścome hither’ gesture. The wall near his wrist wavered, a pair of feet appeared, legs. A hand put itself into Daffyd's and a woman slid down the back of the couch, landing on the seat between Daffyd and Rhiannon. Rhiannon and Morgyn jumped. Ria stared from the safety of ŚAnkle Daffyd's’ lap. Daffyd smiled and squeezed Seren's hand. śHello,” Seren said. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 37 Beatrice Lowell parked her car at the end of the long path that led to the cottage. She was in a foul mood, having been delayed a day by a sudden demand that she put in overtime. As a result, instead of the long weekend she had planned for, she was only going to have tonight and tomorrow with Rhiannon. She would have arrived earlier, but a flat tire had contributed to her delay and her increasingly black mood. She glanced in the window as she crossed the porch, and stopped suddenly. She quickly pulled back to avoid being seen, but to a place where she could peer in. Daffyd ap Owen and a strange woman were sitting on the couch, holding hands and talking to Rhiannon and Morgyn. It was disgusting to see him flaunting his perversion this way. She couldn't understand why Morgyn would allow Ria to sit in his lap like that. She backed away, and took out her cell phone. She consulted her private phone book and began making calls. * * * * Daffyd put down his coffee cup, pried Ria loose from his neck and rose to his feet. śIf you will excuse me for a moment,” he said. śI'll be right back.” He paused, and slipped the loop from his wrist. śI don't really want an audience for this,” he said, and shook a warning finger in Reznik and Rapsim's direction. Seren suppressed a grin, but let him go, despite the continuing low-grade warning murmuring in her head. He went into the bathroom and closed the door. śI'm having a hard time believing this,” said Rhiannon. śBut here you are!” Seren sipped her coffee and smiled at the other woman. śI know it must seem unreal,” she said. śI just want you to know that he'll be fine in my world. It does exist, and heteros are the norm. He'll fit right in.” Morgyn looked at her in wonder. śYou really love him, don't you? I mean, really, like a life-partner, Significant Other sort of love.” Seren met Morgyn's eyes. śYes, Morgyn. I really do. He's the most amazing man I've ever known. Ever.” She marveled to herself that this was true. Daffyd's reality overshadowed Terry's memory and she knew she had finally let Terry go. śHow will your children react?” asked Rhiannon. śI don't know. We'll find a way to get them used to his being around. If he has to live in an apartment or something for a while, then that's what we'll do. I'm not going to desert him, or turn my back on him, no matter what.” She looked from Morgyn to Rhiannon and back again. śHe's so important to me. I wish I could tell you how much he means to me. But all I can say is that I love him more than anyone I've ever known.” They were awed at her open admission. Rhiannon decided she liked this woman. She had never seen Daffyd so relaxed and happy as he seemed in Seren's presence. She was beginning to realize just how difficult and lonely his entire life must have been. She deeply regretted any pain she might have caused him with her lack of understanding. As Daffyd returned to the main room, the front door opened and Beatrice entered. She feigned surprise at Daffyd's presence, and delight at his safe return to his family. She took his hands and her mouth smiled warmly, although her eyes slid from his. śAnd who is this?” she asked about Seren. Seren stood and offered her hand. śSeren Baker,” she said, by way of introduction. śI'm a friend of Daffyd's.” Friend, indeed! Beatrice wanted to sneer as she shook Seren's hand. Spread your legs for him, more like. A sudden image of Seren and Daffyd, naked bodies entwined, popped into her mind. A tingle of arousal caressed her groin. She denied it, ignored it and turned back to Daffyd. śCan I enlist your help?” she asked. śIt's starting to get quite chilly out, and I'd like to bring in more wood for the fireplace.” She smiled in his direction. śWe had someone cut down a few dead trees,” she continued. śThey're mostly cut up, but I could use some help bringing it in.” Morgyn half-rose. śI'll help, Beatrice,” she said, but Daffyd waved her back. śI'll do it, Morgyn.” Seren frowned as he went out the back door behind Beatrice. He hadn't put his rope back on and she hoped that Rapsim was still following him. She looked for the loop, but it had disappeared. I guess Rez or Rap pulled it back, she thought. She didn't notice that it had slid from the back of the couch, and was between the sofa and the wall. Rapsim had noticed Daffyd's departure, but assumed he would be safe with family. Daffyd followed Beatrice through the gathering darkness to a clearing some distance from the cabin. She had picked up a flashlight from the kitchen junk drawer on their way out, and she swung it from side to side as they walked. They entered the clearing. Beatrice showed Daffyd the pile of logs and the wheelbarrow. When he bent to pick up the first length of wood, she signaled with her light. A small crowd materialized out of the undergrowth. They surrounded Daffyd. He straightened, the wood forgotten. He looked at them warily, including Beatrice in his assessment. She smiled icily. He turned in a slow circle, looking for a way out. He hoped Rapsim was watching, and he wished he had put the rope back on his wrist. As it stood, there was nothing to do but wait and hope an opportunity for escape presented itself. His heart thudded heavily behind his ribs and he took a deep, slow breath. He couldn't afford to panic. A torch flared suddenly, and then another. The flames dazzled his eyes, accustomed to the dusk in the woods. The silence was unnerving, and the crowd closed in. He turned toward Beatrice, thinking he might be able to overpower her, but as he moved forward, something hard and heavy struck the back of his head. He fell to his knees, stunned. A second blow landed and he toppled forward. A booted foot took him in the side, another hit his thigh. He tried to rise, but was beaten down. He covered his head with his arms, hoping the crowd would tire of their sport and leave him merely beaten and bloody. Still the mob made no sound, except for the heavy breathing from their exertions. Daffyd felt a rib crack under the blows, and he coughed out bright blood. He clenched his teeth and refused to cry out when someone's well-aimed kick crushed his testicles. He would not give them the satisfaction of the smallest whimper. Something wet hit him then, and trickled down his neck. More splashes, and he was soaked from head to toe. He smelled the nauseating odor of gasoline and he knew Seren had been right to fear for him. He moved weakly, still trying to protect his face and head, trying to crawl with broken bones. His heart, his mind called out to Seren and a terrible sorrow filled him that they would never have the life together that they had imagined. I'm sorry, Seren. I wanted so much to be with you, love you. Forgive me, love. Beatrice took one of the torches, and with a hideous grin of hatred and loathing, she lowered it. With a great WHOOMPH, the fumes ignited. Daffyd was instantly engulfed in flame. He writhed in pain so enormous, so much worse than anything he had yet endured, that he screamed his agony into the night. His clothing burned briskly, his hair and beard flared and were gone. Beatrice watched, a grim smile on her lips. The others, beginning to be horrified by the reality of what they had done, torn between Śknowing’ they were destroying evil, and the fear that maybe, just maybe, he didn't deserve this, began to fade away into the shadows. Whispers of laughter echoed through the woods just at the edge of hearing as Blagdur and Graz enjoyed the spectacle. Seren came off the couch, eyes huge with terror. Her heart was leaping in her chest, her throat had gone dry. śNO!” She shrieked. She turned this way and that, her terror overwhelming her ability to think. She fought it down and ran for the back door. She flung it open and dashed outside, searching the dark woods. There! What appeared to be a bonfire. śNO! DAFFYD!” She screamed until her throat was raw, and ran, stumbling, hysterical with fear and horror. Rhiannon followed, telling Morgyn to stay with Ria. Reznik and Rapsim suddenly realized their error and were frantically scanning for Daffyd. They saw the flaming bundle on the ground without realizing what it was. Suddenly Reznik shouted and leaped through the Portal. She landed close to Beatrice and knocked her into one of the abandoned gas cans. It fell and gasoline splashed. Beatrice stumbled and fell to one knee. She dropped the torch. Flames licked at her dress, liked what they tasted and began to feast. She batted at them with her hands and then ran. Reznik tore off her jacket and tried putting out the fire that was devouring Daffyd. Seren burst into the clearing and threw herself down beside him, ripping off her shirt to mimic Reznik. śSeren"grab him"Portal"no air,” Reznik gasped. Seren put her arms around his chest, his back against her breasts, ignoring the flames attacking her. Rapsim's head appeared behind her and he shouted to let her know where the Portal was. Reznik took Daffyd's legs. Seren pushed herself backward through the Portal, Reznik close behind. The moment of nothingness, breathlessness, extinguished the flames. Seren crept out from beneath Daffyd and looked at him, moaning in her throat. His chest rose and fell irregularly, weakly, as he gasped for air. Everywhere she looked was blackened, charred. There was nothing recognizable of the man whom she had come to love so much. Reznik had turned Devany's face away, and was holding her in a fierce hug. Rapsim was using the multi in its medi-scan mode, and shook his head at the readings. His eyes met Reznik's and he shook his head sorrowfully. Seren looked up at them. śHelp him,” she pleaded. śIf we could get him to a Recruit Base...” Reznik said, her voice trailing off. Rapsim's head came up suddenly, and he turned to the painting of his home world. He opened the Portal, muttering curses and imprecations on himself for being so incredibly stupid. He skimmed over the city quickly, pinpointing a large, squat building. The he searched upwards, past the atmosphere, praying to all the Kerialdan gods that the Portal would reach as far as he needed it to. A glowing dot appeared in the dark sky. He closed in on it. It resolved itself into a space station, with a symbol on the side that Seren recognized from the Recruits’ uniforms. The image zoomed closer, until they were looking at the corridors. A heartbeat later and they were staring at the medical bay. śTake him and go!” he said. Seren put her arms about Daffyd again, wincing with her own pain as well as in empathy at his pathetic whimper. Reznik grimaced as she took his legs, the smell of charred flesh revolting even her. They went through together. Rapsim gathered Devany into his arms and jumped into the painting. Medics stared in surprise at the sudden intrusion, then in concern as they realized the extent of injury of the man before them. As soon as Rapsim appeared, he began to bark orders. śStasis field. Quickly! And tend to the woman.” His uniform and face were well-known to the medics. They hastened to obey. Seren was led gently to a bed and her body scanned to assess the extent of the injuries. A small device was placed on Daffyd's chest and a silver glow enveloped him. The medics nodded, satisfied. Reznik had submitted herself for treatment. Her hands and forearms were burned from taking Daffyd's legs. With thin gloves covering the wounds, Reznik left to report to the Station Head. śI'll be back in a flash,” she told her friends as she strode away. Seren's hands, arms, breasts, abdomen and neck were blistered and scorched from her closer contact. The medics were coating her in a cool gel that took the pain away on contact. She felt the physical pain depart, but she ached for Daffyd. She appealed to Rapsim with eloquent eyes. He gestured to her that he would be right there. He took Devany to one of the Medicos. śGive this one something to help her sleep. She's seen far too much for one day, and she needs to rest.” He stroked the little girl's hair. śIt's going to be all right, now, Devany,” he told her. She turned vacant eyes to him. śI want Daffyd,” she said. śHave a rest for a while, first,” he said to her. śWe'll see about Daffyd later.” He watched the Medico administer a sedative, and he himself carried Devany to a bed in a corner of the Infirmary where she wouldn't be able to see Daffyd's pitiful form. Then he returned to Seren. śThe stasis field will keep him stable"exactly where he is"until we can transport him to Headquarters,” he told her. śThen what, Rap? Look at him! How can he possibly survive?” She bit her lips and let the tears run freely. śHow do I survive? I need him.” He patted her shoulder. śWe'll do what we can, Seren. Our technology is pretty amazing.” Privately, he agreed with her. Burns were among the nastiest wounds to treat, and Daffyd's looked as though they went deep. He smiled reassuringly. śJust lie back and rest. We'll come get you when we're ready to move him.” She lay back, keeping her eyes on Daffyd. The medics had used some sort of anti-gravity device and had moved him to a bed. Her eyes searched for a part of him that wasn't touched by the flames, but all was charred. She turned away, no longer able to bear the horror of seeing him so. Rapsim spoke to the Chief Medico. śHow is she?” he asked about Seren. śWill she be all right?” śOh yes. I'm quite certain the burns will heal without mark. I'm not sure about this, though. See here?” Rapsim looked at the read-out and pursed his lips. He looked over at Seren, who was beginning to drowse as the medication in the gel began to take effect. He looked back at the reading. śIt's very early on,” he said. śLet's give her a few days before we tell her. She has enough to worry about without that. Leave it to me.” The Chief nodded. śShe seems very strong, psycho-emotionally, I mean.” śYes, she is,” agreed Rapsim. śIn fact, when she's well, I want her psi-tested.” The doctor looked at his scanner. śYou might want to put that off,” he said to Rapsim. śUntil this is resolved, one way or another.” He indicated the anomalous reading. śWould that affect the results?” asked Rapsim. The Medico shrugged. śIt has been known to. Best to wait.” Rapsim nodded. All he wanted right now was to get Daffyd to Headquarters Medical Center. Then he could see to Seren and Devany, making sure they got the healing they needed for their minds and spirits. śCall me when transport is available,” he said to the Chief. He climbed onto one of the beds and was instantly asleep. * * * * Rhiannon saw Beatrice running, flames flaring up from her blazing skirt. She saw her drop and roll back and forth to smother the fire. She glanced to where Seren and a stranger were struggling with a burning pile of something she couldn't recognize. She hesitated, gagged when she saw them pick it up, and realized it had legs, was human in shape. Oh dear God, that can't be Daffyd, she thought. She wavered, not knowing where to go, when Seren and the others vanished. She hesitated a half-second and then ran to Beatrice. Beatrice lay on her side, moaning in pain. Rhiannon knelt beside her, wondering what terrible thing had happened out here. śTriss? Are you all right?” She looked at the scorched clothing, the charred flesh at leg and hip. Half of Beatrice's face was badly burned from the flames flaring as she had run. śWho did this to you?” To her amazement, Beatrice giggled. śI don't know,” she said. śSomeone bumped into me, and I fell on one of the gas cans.” She giggled again, horribly. śBut I got him for you, Anna. Got that wretched twist! He won't come bothering you ever again.” Rhiannon stared in growing horror as realization crept over her. She looked back at the clearing where small fires still blazed brightly near the spot where the thing"Daffyd"had been. Oh, sweet God above! It had been Daffyd, and Beatrice had been responsible. She backed away from the terrible tittering, turned and ran. She met Morgyn at the edge of the clearing. śI called the fire department,” Morgyn told her mother. śWhere's Uncle Daffyd and Beatrice? Where's Seren? Rhiannon could only gag and point. Morgyn heard the chilling laughter. śWhat is that?” Rhiannon found her voice. śIt's Triss. She ... she killed Daffyd.” She looked into Morgyn's eyes. śShe set him on fire, Morgyn. I saw Seren and someone else trying to help him"they all just vanished. It ... it must have been that Portal thing"but, Oh Morgyn! He ... I ... it didn't even look human anymore ... just black and burning!” She burst into tears at the horror of it all. Morgyn put her arms around her mother and fought her own tears. śMaybe they'll save him, Mama,” she said. Rhiannon shook her head. She couldn't imagine Daffyd wanting to survive; the pain he would endure, the surgeries he would need to make him look remotely human, the stares from strangers for the rest of his life, and the pity in Seren's eyes. No. It would be better for him just to be gone. Poor Seren, too! She imagined Seren's anguish when she found Daffyd ablaze. Rhiannon wept for her lost brother and the dreams of happiness gone in a searing flash of flame. Beatrice's giggle sounded closer. The two women turned to see her shambling toward them, grinning obscenely. Rhiannon moaned in revulsion and hatred, and taking Morgyn by the hand, she ran for the cottage. They slammed the door behind them and locked it securely. The whoop of approaching sirens announced the arrival of the fire trucks and rescue team. They doused the fires in the clearing, cursing whoever would use gasoline to start a fire in the woods, especially during such a dry winter. Their spotlights made the clearing bright as day. Beatrice shuffled into the light, searching for Daffyd's body. śHe was right here,” she said querulously, whining to anyone who would listen. śI burned the evil out of him right here! Where did he go?” She looked at the shocked rescuers with her good eye. śCan you help me find his body? I need to show Anna....” One of the paramedics took her unburned arm and led her away. He exchanged glances with the firefighters, one of whom made a gesture that indicated the woman was quite mad. He agreed wholeheartedly. A firm knock at the door roused Rhiannon from her grief. The fire chief told her the fires were out and they had taken a badly burned woman to the hospital. śDo you know who she is?” he asked. śYes. Her name is Beatrice Lowell. She's my spouse.” She looked past his shoulder into the forest. śShe killed my brother, and accidentally set fire to herself.” śThere's no body, Ma'am,” he told her. śShe had accomplices, I'm sure,” she said. śI doubt you'll find him. But I saw him burning on the ground. He was dead.” She couldn't allow herself to believe he might have been alive through that. It was just too terrible to consider. śThe police will be out later, Ma'am,” he said. śI'm sorry for your loss.” He left. She closed the door and returned to the couch. She sat, numb now, too overwhelmed to cry any more. Soon she would have to call Llewellyn and tell him what had happened, but not now. Not now. Morgyn cuddled Ria in her lap, and let her tears fall where they would. She thought of the tenderness in his face when he looked at Seren, and the love in Seren's eyes when she looked back. Her heart ached for everything he should have had with Seren, the happiness he had deserved. He had always been so good to his family, so loving and giving. She had never realized how alone he had been until tonight. She put her face in Ria's hair and wept. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 38 Seren sat at the window of the observation lounge at the Galactic Recruits Headquarters. Gerri Reznik dropped into the next chair. śHey, there,” she said to Seren. śYou okay?” śI will be,” came the reply. śSix months is a long time to wait.” śIt'll be over before you know it,” said Reznik. śWhat if he changes while he's in that ... tank?” Seren's worried eyes fastened on Reznik. śWhat if his feelings change ... or his mind ... or the essential him?” śYou'll have to deal with that then,” Reznik replied sensibly. śRight now, you have to take care of you.” She studied Seren for a moment. śAre you ready to go home? Your kids are waiting.” Seren smiled slowly. śYes. I'd like to be bringing Daffyd and Devany with me, but I suppose this gives me time to prepare the kids. At least Devany will be able to come in another week or so.” śShe's doing real well. Good thing Rap is her counselor. He already knows what she's been through, and he is one of the best. You know he'll be keeping in touch with you.” śSo he said,” Seren smiled again. śHe's a funny little man. I like him a lot.” śSo do I, Seren. He's the best!” She stood. śI have to get going soon. The Taravalan should be arriving to pick me up for my Mission.” Seren looked up at her. śThat was odd timing, that we returned only ten minutes after you and Rapsim disappeared, but more than a month for me.” śDon't get me started on paradoxes,” laughed Reznik. She held out her hand. Seren rose to her feet, and hugged her instead. śCome visit sometime.” Reznik grinned. śYou kidding? Try to keep me away. Love you, Seren. I hope everything works out okay for you and Daffyd. He's an awful good guy.” śThanks, hon. So do I.” They embraced again. śLove you, too, Gerri. Be careful.” śI will. Bye, Seren.” She left the lounge, her long legs carrying her swiftly away. Seren watched her go and sat down again. She returned to her contemplation of the stars. Home! She was going home sometime today. Her burns had healed, her mind was intact. She was A-OK, or so they claimed. She wasn't certain they were right. She didn't feel A-OK. She felt a deep emptiness that was worse in its way than what she had felt when Terry died. She wished Daffyd could be coming home with her. She wished she knew for sure that he would be with her again some day. She sighed heavily, and went to see him one more time before she left for Earth. He was submerged in a big tank of pale greenish-blue gel, floating motionlessly. The first time she had seen him in it, she had asked how he was breathing, how were they feeding him. He had no intravenous lines, no oxygen mask. śThe gel contains everything he needs,” Rapsim had told her. śIt's quite oxygen rich, and his lungs are using it like air, pulling out the oxygen he needs, releasing carbon dioxide into it. It's nourishing his body directly, feeding each cell. If you watch, you'll see he swallows some now and then. It'll do amazing things for him.” He explained that it was dissolving the destroyed tissue and would help Daffyd to regenerate new bone, muscle, and skin. The broken rib had already healed, his lungs were recovering from breathing in the superheated air. But he had sustained terrible injuries. śHow long will he be in there?” she had asked. Rapsim kept whatever doubts he had to himself. Even with the restorative powers of the gel, and the other technologies the Recruit Medical Corps had at their disposal, he doubted Daffyd would survive. Telling Seren this would be cruel and hurtful. śA good six months, I would think,” he told her. By that time, either Daffyd would be on the road to recovery, or he would be dead. Now Seren stood by the tank, her hand resting on the cool transparent wall, and stared at him. She averted her eyes from the clawed hands, fingertips burned away, and blackened bone showing through. There was scarcely an untouched spot on his body. The hate-filled crowd had made certain he was thoroughly doused before setting him alight. She wished there was some way to communicate with him, to let him know she would be waiting. She watched the tiny movement of his chest, the only sign of life as he breathed the gel. She closed her eyes and remembered what he had been, the laughter and loving in his blue eyes, the tenderness in his hands. She turned her back on the tank and left. Rapsim was waiting in the corridor outside her quarters. She invited him in. śI understand you're going home today,” he said. śI'm sorry I can't accompany you.” śThat's okay, Rap. Devany needs you more than I do.” She smiled at him warmly. śI hear the Recruits move fast.” His face took on an innocent, questioning expression. She laughed. śDon't play coy with me, Rapsim. I'm certain you had a hand in my cover story.” śOh, that!” He grinned. śIt's sort of plausible.” śHow did you get all the records in place so fast? I mean ... damn! We only got back, what ... two days ago?” śAll part of our work, Seren. Sometimes it's necessary. Don't worry. It's all undetectable. As far as anyone investigating will know, the records, the emails, files, everything, have been there since whatever date they say.” śAnd Devany's papers?” she asked. śThey'll be ready before she is,” he replied. śDevany Renée Roussimoff, born in Uzbekistan, parents killed tragically, put in adoption center until you discovered her through email correspondence with one of the workers. You've spent the past month in Uzbekistan, trying to finalize the adoption"somehow your message to your children was lost.... It'll work, Seren. We're even flying Devany to Halifax from Russia, via I don't know where yet. It'll all look the way it should.” She shook her head in disbelief. śYou people are amazing!” He beamed. śNow, the person taking you home is a Psi-Master. He's going to help with your children, give them something like a post-hypnotic suggestion. You can tell them the whole truth, and talk about it among yourselves, or with Recruits, but not with the general town populace. You understand.” śYes. I know. It sort of worries me, but I do understand.” The door chime sounded. śIn,” she called. The door slid open and a tall man with thick blond hair stood there. śSeren Baker? I'm Ellison Jones. I'm here to accompany you to Earth. Are you ready to go?” He smiled, the warm brown eyes meeting hers. śI guess I am.” She turned to Rapsim. śI'll miss you, Rap.” śOh, I'll be around,” he said. śJust to check up on you and Devany; see how you're doing. Keep you posted on Daffyd's progress.” She put her arms around him and hugged him for a long moment. He returned the embrace and kissed her gently. śTake care, Seren.” śYou too, Rap.” She smiled crookedly, a hard lump in her throat making it difficult to speak. She stood and followed Ellison Jones to the waiting scout ship. They made pleasant, innocuous conversation as they walked through the corridors of Recruit Headquarters. He deftly drew forth information about her children, herself and marveled at her strength of mind. He knew the story of her past week or so, and knew many people who wouldn't have come out of it so intact. She was an amazing woman. The scout ship was small, comfortable and equipped with hyper-drive. The pilot explained to Seren that she might feel a long moment of disorientation as they jumped through hyperspace, but it would pass quickly. He was surprised at her laughter. śI'm sorry,” she said. śThe whole past week has been one long, damn moment of disorientation. What's one more?” Ellison grinned at her. The pilot, not knowing her story, shrugged her comment off. śI'll let you know just before it happens,” he said. She nodded, and winked at Ellison. śIt'll be about an hour,” the pilot continued. śJust make yourself at home.” The little ship pulled free of its moorings and they were on their way. For the next hour, Seren and Ellison chatted. He was easy and relaxed and helped her to feel better about things in general. He understood her grief and fear over Daffyd, but helped her to focus on the upcoming reunion with her children. śIs there anyone with them, do you know?” he asked her, although he had memorized all the pertinent information. śRap told me that my brother, Roy, was been there for a week or so,” she said. śBut I gather he went back to Toronto yesterday. Larry was taken ill suddenly. Nothing serious, but when Roy found out I was coming home, he felt it was all right to scoot home. I hope Larry will be all right.” śDo you want to include Roy in your list of people who can know the truth?” śYes, please, and Larry, if you can arrange it,” she said. śThey'll love this stuff. They're both big science fiction fans. The fact that I've spent the past however long in the Twilight Zone will tickle them pink!” She laughed at the prospect, then grew serious. śTell me, Ellison. How exactly are you going to keep us from blabbing to the world?” śIt's a trade secret,” he said, smiling. śRapsim said you'd ask, and he gave me clearance to tell you. I have certain psionic abilities. I'm going to tap into everyone's mind, very subtly, and set up mental roadblocks. That's all. Nothing harmful, nothing drastic. No memory or personality erasure. When anyone not cleared is around, the cover story will be the only thing that comes to mind. When it's safe, you'll be able to discuss the reality.” Seren grimaced. śIt doesn't sound safe,” she said. śBut, what choice do I have?” Ellison didn't tell her that he had already tried the technique with her, but had met with an unconscious, yet very firm refusal. He hadn't dared to push her mind further, but had made a mental note to discuss her with Rapsim on his return. He trusted that her own nature would keep her from sharing her story with the world. śI can write about it, though, right? As in fictionalize it? It'll make a hell of a story,” she said. He stared at her for a brief moment. Her comment had followed on the heels of his thought so quickly that he wondered if she had read his mind. śAbsolutely. Fictionalize away!” Rapsim, we definitely have to talk about this woman! śPrepare for the jump,” said the pilot from the front of the little ship. It felt more like a twist and a rollover loop than a jump, and she was left feeling somewhat nauseated and disoriented. However, the pilot had been right, and the feeling soon passed. śWe'll be there in another forty-five minutes or so,” the pilot informed them. śEllison, please don't think me rude,” she began. śBut I'd just like to think about things for a bit.” śGo right ahead, Seren,” he said. śNo offense taken.” They fell silent. Seren thought about her children and what to say to them. Maybe it's just as well that I have six months to prepare you for a.... Her mind shied away from the word Śstepfather’ ... new man in my life. What will you think of your mom in a serious relationship? I haven't had anyone since your dad died, not really, not anyone important. And this one is so incredibly important. She closed her eyes and let her mind drift and whirl, sorting, discarding, planning. Thoughts of Devany and Daffyd mixed and mingled with images of her children. She couldn't wait to get home. * * * * Meggie opened the front door and looked out for what seemed like the eight hundredth time. Matt was pacing the front hall, and Theo sat in the living room, apparently reading her favorite book. Karina put her head into the hall from the kitchen, where she was preparing a welcome-home meal. śMeggie! Close the door. Matt, go sit somewhere. Go listen to music. She'll be here, when she gets here!” She returned to the kitchen, and nervously checked the vegetables and chicken she had cut up to make stir-fry. The rice was perfect; everything seemed in order. She gathered up the dishes and utensils she had used in preparation and started to wash up. If she didn't keep herself busy, she would be as bad as Matt and Meggie. She envied Theo her seeming calm. A shriek from the front hallway almost made her drop a kitchen knife on her foot. śShe's here! She's here!” Meggie shrilled, almost high enough to set neighborhood dogs barking hysterically. Karina put the knife in the drainer, and hurried to the front door, drying her hands on her jeans as she ran. The other three had already boiled out onto the porch. A nondescript dark car had pulled into the driveway. Seren and a blond stranger were getting out. Matt and Theo approached them, but Meggie developed a sudden case of shyness. She clung to Karina's hand. It had been more than a month since Seren had disappeared, and Karina's emotions were in turmoil. Relief warred with anger; joy with apprehension. In the past month, Karina had kept the bills paid, her family together, had quit a job she hated and found another with a more understanding boss. She had discovered strengths she had never realized she had. Now she was afraid of being reduced to child status again. On the other hand, she could now hand the responsibilities back to Seren, and resume her life. She watched Matt and Theo hug their mother, and saw Seren's arms holding them tightly while tears ran down her face. Karina and Meggie moved closer. Seren released the twins and smiled at her other daughters. She held her hands out to them. śMummy?” said Meggie timorously. Seren nodded. śMummy!” The little girl threw herself into Seren's embrace. Karina stood quietly nearby. Seren put Meggie down and turned to her eldest. śKari,” she said. śMum.” Her feelings were still roiled and confused, but when Seren put her arms around her, Karina hugged her back ferociously. Tears flowed freely. śWe were so worried! Why couldn't you call? Where were you?” śLet's go inside, honey. I'll explain everything.” They trooped into the house, the blond stranger right behind. They sat around the kitchen table, looking at each other for long minutes. Ellison stood silently in the doorway. śFirst, I need to introduce Ellison Jones. He's a ... how do I explain you, Ellison?” She looked over at him. He grinned suddenly. śWell, Ma'am, I suppose you could say I'm part of the organization that is helping with your adoption of Devany Roussimoff.” śYou"we"really are adopting a Russian girl?” exclaimed Karina. śYes. I am. I hope you'll be able to let her be one of us. She's had a very rough time, and she needs a lot of support, and love.” śWhy didn't you talk to us first?” Theo demanded. śYeah, Mum. It's not like you to do something this big without a family meeting, at least.” Karina said. Seren looked at Ellison. He nodded. śGo ahead, Seren. Tell them the truth. I'll just listen in, if you don't mind.” śGo ahead,” she said. She looked at each of her children in turn, meeting each one's eyes. śThis is going to be very hard to believe, guys. Just let me tell it, and save the questions for later, okay?” They all nodded, wondering what she could possibly be going to say. śIt all started at Foodland,” she began. śI was walking to the car.... śShe proceeded to tell them the tale of her displacement. She told of meeting Daffyd and Devany, of Reznik and Rapsim's arrival the next day. She talked of the Portals, and the dangers, of Devany's world and its harshness. She touched briefly on Daffyd's world and the injury he sustained. She explained about the Galactic Recruits and who Ellison really was. śWay cool, Mum!” breathed Matt. śCan I join?” Ellison smiled from the door. śYou can apply when you turn eighteen,” he said. śWhen does my new little sister get here?” asked Meggie. At last, she was going to be a big sister, and not to a poopy, noisy baby, but to a little girl she could play with. This was exciting! śI think in about ten days. The Recruits will be flying her to Halifax, so it looks like she's coming from Russia. They'll let us know exactly when.” She looked around the table. śYou guys okay with all this?” They nodded. śIt's going to take some getting used to, but yeah,” said Theo. śI can't wait till I'm old enough to apply to the Recruits!” said Matt. śI'm just glad you're home safe and sound, wherever you were,” said Karina. Ellison coughed politely. Everyone looked at him. śI just have a few things to say to you all,” he said. śSeren, you know all this, feel free to ignore me.” He focused on the young minds before him and spoke quietly. śNot everyone knows about these things, and many people would not understand. It's very important you keep what you know to yourselves for now. Perhaps the time will come when the whole world will be ready to accept the reality of alternate worlds, other planets, but for now.... śHis voice was soothing and low. They listened raptly, caught by his tone and his gentle mind touches. He talked for fifteen minutes or so, and released their minds gently, one by one, checking quickly to ensure his blocks were securely set. Satisfied, he clapped his hands, and brought them to full awareness. śIt was a pleasure meeting you all,” he said. śBut I must go and let you get reacquainted with each other.” The children murmured polite replies and Seren stood to shake his hand. śThank you,” she said. śFor everything.” śMy pleasure, Seren.” He smiled into her eyes. śI hope everything works out for you.” He waved to the children and departed. When he was gone, Karina looked at her mother. śI have stuff ready for stir-fry, if you're hungry,” she said. śI'm getting quite good at it.” śSounds wonderful!” Seren beamed. śWe'll set the table; you make supper.” Awkwardness quickly faded as they fell back into old patterns, talking and laughing as they worked together. Seren answered seemingly numberless questions about Devany and the others. Only Karina noticed the sadness in Seren's eyes when she spoke of Daffyd, and the wistful way she said his name. When the meal was over, and the dishes done, Karina asked to speak to Seren alone. The others grumbled, but complied. They went to watch TV in the living room. śCan I ask you something?” Karina turned to her mother curiously. śOf course, Kari. What is it?” Seren filled the kettle and put it on to boil. śI haven't had a cuppa tea since I got zapped.” śThis man, Daffyd. He's important to you, isn't he?” Seren's gaze went through her daughter into the middle distance. śYes,” she said quietly. śOh yes, Kari. Very important.” śYou said he got hurt?” Karina asked. Seren nodded unhappily. śWhat happened to him?” śHe was burned very badly, Kari. He ... he's in a Recruit hospital in, um, a ... a regeneration tank. Rap said they'll know in six months if he's going to be okay.” śSix months? Oh my god, Mum.” Karina was aghast. śHe's really hurt bad, isn't he?” Seren closed her eyes, biting her lips, trying not to see his tortured, blazing body in the clearing. Tears squeezed out from under her lids. śYes.” She looked at her daughter. śHe's hurt very badly, Kari. I don't know if even the Recruits can save him.” She bit her lip harder. śThis is worse than when your father died.” śMother!” Karina was shocked. śHow can you say that?” śWell, Terry was gone so fast, Kari. One day he was there, and then he was gone. It was horrible. Terrible. But he was gone. I didn't have to sit and wonder and wait for six months to find out whether he was going to live or die. Or worry about what he'd be like if he did survive. But Daffyd.... śHer face crumpled and she sank into a chair. śHe's so ... oh, Kari, Śimportant’ doesn't begin to cover what he means to me. He's warm and sweet and funny and intelligent, and so loving. I miss him, Kari. I miss his arms around me. I miss his smile, his kisses, and his hands on me. I miss him. I need him. Here. Now. Forever.” Karina stared in wonder. She had never imagined her mother could have feelings like this. Karina was still young enough to believe that love and passion were for those under thirty years of age, and she was stunned to realize that Seren was capable of passion and desire. śIf he's okay in six months, then what?” she asked. Seren wiped her cheeks and busied herself making tea. śI don't know, baby. It depends on how he feels, how I feel ... a lot of things.” She poured boiling water over the teabag in her mug. śWhat I would like is for him to be alive, and well and the way he was before he got hurt. I don't think I'm going to stop loving him anytime soon, and I hope he still loves me. I want him here, Kari. I want to share my life with him.” She took the milk out of the fridge and added a splash of it to her tea. śBefore this happened, I was going to bring him home with me; put him in the spare room, get him an apartment or something until you guys got to know him. And then move him in. I wanted so much to have him here, to have you all meet him.” She spooned sugar into her mug and stirred. śI love him, Kari. More than I could tell him. More than I can tell you.” She sipped at her tea. śI never expected to love anyone like this. Ever.” Karina gaped at Seren. She realized there were depths to her mother she had never imagined. śI'm sorry, Mum.” She could think of nothing else to say. śSo am I, kid,” Seren replied. She gathered herself together. śCome on. Whatever is going to happen with Daffyd is beyond my control. All I can do is keep loving him with all my heart and hope for the best. Let's go watch TV.” Tea in one hand, her other arm around her daughter, Seren rejoined her family. [Back to Table of Contents] CHAPTER 39 For the next week, they prepared for Devany's arrival. The spare room was the target of their efforts. They painted, papered, cleaned and refurnished, transforming the room into something Seren hoped would appeal to Devany's imagination and stimulate it. It had been ready for three days when the long-awaited call came. Seren picked up the receiver and heard Rapsim's familiar voice. śAre you ready for your new daughter?” he asked. śRap! Of course we are!” Seren exclaimed. śWhen does she get in?” śHer flight arrives tomorrow afternoon at 4:09. You'll be there?” śYes! Yes! Oh, that's wonderful!” She put her hand over the mouthpiece and called to her children. śDevany's coming tomorrow!” She returned to Rapsim. śRap ... any word on Daffyd?” He hesitated a heartbeat or two. śHe's progressing, Seren. It's very slow going, but he is coming along.” śThanks, Rap. Tell Devany I'll meet her at the airport.” śI will. See you then, Seren,” said Rapsim, and broke the connection. The following afternoon, Seren and the entire group of children anxiously paced the concourse at Halifax International Airport. The flight had landed, but Seren had not yet seen a familiar face. Suddenly, Meggie giggled and started to point. Seren restrained the arm. śBut, Mum! Look at that funny little man.” Seren's head turned, and she recognized Rapsim's stocky figure and square face. She waved. śRap! Over here!” He waved his free hand. The other was holding Devany's. When the little girl caught sight of Seren, her face brightened. She pulled free from Rapsim's grasp and ran toward her new mother. Seren scooped her up and hugged her, kissing her delicate face. śHi, honey!” Seren said. śSeren! Seren! Seren!” Devany grinned, displaying a gap where a baby tooth had fallen out. śLook at you!” Seren laughed. śYou're growing up on me, already!” She glanced at Rapsim. śMatt, go help Rap with the bags, would you?” she said. śMe, too!” Meggie piped up, at the moment more interested in the Śfunny little man’ than she was in her new sister. Seren took the opportunity to introduce Devany to Karina and Theo. When the others had joined the group, she made complete introductions. She realized that in all her stories about her time with Daffyd, Devany, Reznik and Rapsim, she had never mentioned Rap's height, or lack thereof. It was interesting watching her children react to him. He, as usual, was oblivious. śNow, Rap,” she said. śAre you coming home with us?” śIf it's not a problem for you. I'd like to stay for a few days, and see how Devany settles in,” he replied. śYou are never a problem, Rap.” Seren bent and hugged him. śLet's go.” The two and a half hour drive from Halifax to Weymouth was accomplished with much chatter from Meggie in the back seat of the van, where she was sitting with Devany. Rapsim sat in front with Seren, listening to the conversations going on around him, keeping a watchful ear out for signs of distress from his young charge. However, she seemed to be more than a match for Meggie, plying her with questions about her new home and family. He winked at Seren. śI think you might be in for a very interesting time, Seren,” he said. Seren glanced in the rear-view mirror at the two little girls and smiled. śIsn't that a curse? ŚMay you live in interesting times?'” She grinned at Rapsim. śAt least my life won't be boring. But I wish.... śHer voice trailed off. śAnyway, I'm sure she'll keep my mind occupied.” When they pulled into the driveway of the Baker home, it was after seven o'clock. Meggie and Matt carried Devany's suitcases up to her new room. Matt disappeared into his own room to play SuperNintendo. Karina, Theo and Meggie helped Devany unpack and settle in. Downstairs, Seren called the pizza place and ordered an extra-large with everything on it. Fortunately, the delivery boy was available and she didn't have to go out to pick it up. śSo, what do you think, Rap?” she asked, sitting at the kitchen table with him, waiting for the pizza to arrive. śI think that Devany is a remarkable little girl. She's been asking after Daffyd daily, but we haven't allowed her to see him. She knows he's badly injured, and that he might not make it.” It was the first time he had admitted to Seren the possibility of Daffyd's demise. He waited for a reaction, but she had already considered the outcome and had come to terms with it. He continued, śI think that being here with you and your family will be very good for her. And for you.” The arrival of supper and the ravenous appetites of five young people ended their conversation. Laughter abounded in the kitchen, especially when Devany sampled her first bite of pizza. Seren watched her children welcome the newcomer to their midst, and breathed an inward sigh of relief. This might just work out! Devany adapted quickly to her new surroundings and her new family. They, in turn, accepted her as one of them in no time, signified when she and Meggie had a loud argument over which doll was having tea and which was having coffee. Seren was horrified at the level of shrieking, but Rapsim laughed it off. śNormal sibling behaviour, Seren,” he grinned. śMy work here is done.” Two days later he returned to Recruit Headquarters. Summer went on. Seren enrolled Devany at the local school for the fall session and went on a big Śback-to-school’ shopping binge in Yarmouth. Devany found the experience of going to the mall daunting at first, but was soon caught up in Meggie's excitement. School proved no worse than what she was used to, and she was soon moved into the Śadvanced’ group. Slowly, her early life faded into faint memory. With the younger children in school, and Karina working full time and dating a new boyfriend, Seren found herself with too much time on her hands. She had started a new novel based on her experience, but was having a hard time with some of the characters. She set it aside for a few weeks and turned her hand to the nonfiction work she had been meaning to complete. Time still weighed heavily. To keep her mind and body occupied, she decided to renovate the basement. If"no"when, Daffyd turned up, he would have an apartment to live in. Then, assuming things worked out between them, he would move upstairs into her room, and Karina could have her own place. However, when the work was complete, and the rooms furnished, Seren took it over as her space. She moved her computer into the little living room and made a comfortable work area for herself. Somewhere in the back of her mind, this was ŚDaffyd's Place', and it brought her a measure of comfort to write there, and to sleep in the big bed she had chosen with him in mind. She felt closer to him here. From time to time, Rapsim would contact her with an update on Daffyd's painfully slow progress. She asked to be notified when he was conscious, and swore Rapsim to secrecy regarding her anomalous reading. She felt it was her responsibility to tell Daffyd, as soon as he was well enough to hear what she had to say. The months rolled on. * * * * The physical wounds had healed; the body was whole. In fact, he was in better shape now than he had been before the attack. He had been removed from the tank and was now lying in a bed in the infirmary. The readouts of his brain activity showed cycles of dreaming interspersed with states that increasingly approached consciousness. Finally, his eyes opened. He looked at the unfamiliar surroundings, and wondered where he was. He heard voices nearby. He turned his head toward them. Three people walked through an archway into the big room where he alone occupied one of the beds. Two of the strangers wore simple uniforms that were identical to each other. The third was a very short man whose shirt symbol was different from the others'. This one smiled at him. śHow are you feeling?” asked the little man. śI'm not certain,” he replied. śNothing hurts ... but I seem to be in a hospital. Why is that?” śYou were very seriously injured,” said his visitor. śWe've been waiting for you to regain consciousness. The good doctors here called me when they realized you were waking up. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?” The man in the bed shook his head. śNo, I don't mind.” śFirst off, do you know who you are?” Green eyes looked levelly into the blue ones. śDaffyd Merlys ap Owen,” came the reply. śDo you know me?” asked the other. Daffyd frowned. śI do ... but I don't know from where, and I don't remember your name.” Rapsim waved it off. śThat's fine. It'll probably come back. I'd like to show you some pictures we've got. We'll see who else you know.” Daffyd struggled weakly into a half-sitting position. Rapsim touched a panel on the side of the bed, and it rose to support its occupant. Daffyd smiled. śThank you. I feel ... drained.” śYou've not had a chance to use your muscles for some time,” said Rapsim. śIt'll take a bit of effort to get your strength back. Are you ready for the pictures?” Daffyd held out a hand. Rapsim passed him the first photograph. Daffyd looked at it. śThat's my birth father, Llewellyn Huw ap Owen.” He looked at the next one. śEvelyn David Jones, my other father. He passed away a few years ago.” Whoops! thought Rapsim. They had forgotten to account for the time difference between now and Daffyd's Śnow', when they had visited his reality to take the pictures. He gave Daffyd another photograph. śThat's my sister, Rhiannon Gwyneth and her daughter, Morgyn Katharyn ap Owen. All you haven't shown me of my family is my grandniece, Ria.” He handed the pictures back to Rapsim. śJust a couple more,” said the Counselor. śDo you recognize either of these women?” The pictures were of Reznik and Seren. Daffyd studied them. śYes...” he said slowly. śBut I can't remember where we met, or when.... śHe touched Seren's face. śThis one ... I should know her name ... she's very dear to me.” He turned troubled eyes to Rapsim, thinking he might have revealed too much, but he saw understanding and compassion in the square face. śYou know that already, don't you?” Rapsim nodded. śYes. I don't know if it helps any, but you're just as dear to her. Can I let her know you're awake?” Daffyd's face turned thoughtful. śNo, not yet. Not until I remember more. I don't want her to think I've forgotten.... śDisjointed images flitted through his mind: her dimples as she smiled at him, her naked body lying on a wooden raft and his hands on her back, his thumb wiping a tear from her face, her hand in his. He saw her slide down the back of Rhiannon's couch at the cottage, saw her rise and introduce herself to Beatrice. śSeren,” he whispered. With her name came the memories, flooding his mind, overwhelming him. He trembled with the weight of them, the unbelievable tale they told. The pictures fell from suddenly nerveless fingers. The doctors moved forward, but Rapsim held up a hand. śDaffyd,” he said quietly. śWhat are you remembering?” śAll of it,” he gasped. śEverything. Everything. Seren, Devany, you, Gerri ... Beatrice.” He grimaced, as if in pain. śThe fire.” He looked down at his hands, turning them, studying them. He lifted the blankets and stared at his naked body. Then he lifted questioning eyes to Rapsim and the doctors. śHow?” śIt was a rather long process, Daffyd,” said Rapsim. He gestured to the Medicos. One of them came closer and smiled at Daffyd. śYou were encased in a regenerative gel for quite some time,” she told him. śEssentially, it helped your body to grow new tissue to replace what had been damaged and destroyed. You're actually better than new. Younger, in fact.” Daffyd gave her a sceptical look. śYounger? That's rather an intriguing concept, considering some time has passed. How much time, by the way?” śLet me address the younger issue first ... Rapsim told us that you are from a future time, that you were approaching your fifty-eighth birthday when you were injured. During the regen process, we had to choose whether to accelerate the growth to your actual age, or to stop at the age you would be at the current time. We chose the latter, since you'll be living in this time frame from now on. You were born in 1950, and the current Earth date is now December 2, 1999.” śI'm 49 again?” he asked. śMore or less,” said Rapsim. śYour memory's intact because they didn't interfere with your brain at all, merely your body. Congratulations, Daffyd. You've gained eight years or so.” śAnd it's December? Didn't Seren say it was June when she was transported?” His brow furrowed as he sought the memories. śI believe so. It was mid-July when we returned here. You were in the tank for almost five months.” Daffyd looked at him in wonder. śFive months? Five months?” He sighed. śWhere's Seren?” śShe's been home with her children and Devany,” Rapsim told him. śDevany's with her?” Daffyd smiled. śThat's wonderful. How is she fitting in?” śAs if she were born to them,” said Rapsim. śShe's doing wonderfully well. I can let Seren know you're all right, then?” śNot yet,” said Daffyd. śI need to think about what I want to tell her. I think I need to be strong again before I ask her if she still has feelings for me, so I'd like to wait until I'm up on my feet.” Rapsim smiled. śShe asks about you all the time,” he said. śBut I'll respect your wishes. What shall I tell her the next time I talk with her.” śTell her that I'm out of danger, but not that I'm awake yet.” He smiled crookedly. śWhy do I feel so nervous about letting her know?” Rapsim shrugged. śP'haps you just need to sort through your feelings for a bit. I'll go now, and let you rest. It's good to see you, Daffyd.” He patted Daffyd's hand and left, the doctors trailing behind him. Daffyd settled back on the bed and let his mind drift. Eventually he slept. When he woke again, the Medicos started him on a variety of therapies to help him regain his strength. He swam, learning to co-ordinate his arms and legs without the strain of supporting his body weight. He walked endless treadmills, trembling with the effort, his stubborn will overriding his muscles. He pushed himself harder than he ever had, and astounded the doctors with his rapid recovery. In less than two weeks he was moved from the infirmary to residential quarters. He was having coffee one morning when his door chime sounded. śCome in,” he said. The door whooshed open and Gerri Reznik walked in. He rose to his feet. śGerri!” he exclaimed, a broad smile lighting his face. śHiya!” she hugged him enthusiastically, and kissed his cheek. She stood with her arms around him and looked up at him. śHow are ya, Big Guy?” śI'm fine, thank you,” he said, blue eyes twinkling at her. śHow was your Mission?” śPiece of cake!” She grinned. śWell, sort of. I'll tell you about it sometime. Listen, Sweetpea, the reason I came by is Ścause I'm going to Earth in the next couple of days to see Seren. I know you've been avoiding her sort of, and I was wondering if I can bring her a message from you, or something. You can't just let her go on thinking you're still half-dead.” śI know,” he said. He released Reznik and sat down again. His face was troubled. śI'm afraid to, Gerri. It's been a long time. She's had to move on with her life, while I've been in limbo. It feels like days to me, but it's been months and months for her.” He breathed deeply and let it out. Worried eyes met Reznik's gaze. He smiled, a lopsided, embarrassed grin. śI'm so scared. What if she doesn't need me anymore, or want me? You know, I've written letters to her, but I haven't sent any of them out. Maybe I should get you to take them to her. I don't know.” śWhy don't you put them together in a parcel, and I'll tell her you miss her and you want to know how she feels?” Reznik suggested. She sat beside him on the couch and rubbed his shoulder. śMaybe I will,” he said. śWhen are you going?” She grinned at him and kissed his cheek. śDay after tomorrow. I'll come and get them before I go.” They stood up and she hugged him again. śI'm glad you're okay, Daffyd. You're such a doll.” She kissed him and patted his cheek. When she left, he stared at the door for a long moment. Then he went to gather his letters to Seren. * * * * Seren felt the approach of Christmas like a runaway train. Devany had embraced the unfamiliar holidays with great gusto. Hallowe'en, in particular, had delighted her, with its costumes and candy and fun. Now she was wholeheartedly getting into the Christmas spirit. The Bakers had never had so many wreaths, candles, lights, and other decorations in their lives. Nor had the tree ever been up so early or so heavily laden with ornaments and goodies. It was exhausting, and Seren was easily worn out these days. She wondered if she would survive the next five days to The Day itself. She had delegated the job of taking Devany shopping to Karina and Theron, the new boyfriend. It had involved bribing her Number One Daughter with unlimited use of Seren's van, but the peace of mind was worth it. Seren sat at her computer in the basement room and tried to put Christmas thoughts aside. She focused on reading over the last chapter of her latest book, making notes of where she wanted to flesh out scenes, and what she wanted to delete. She lost herself in her work. The doorbell interrupted Seren's train of thought. She waited to see if one of her children would answer it. A moment later the basement door opened and Karina called down to her. śMum! There's somebody here to see you!” Her voice sounded strange to Seren, somehow, but she dismissed the thought as being part of her mood swings of late. She trudged upstairs to the kitchen. Gerri Reznik was leaning casually against the counter beside the sink. śGerri! What are you doing here?” Seren grinned and hugged the younger woman. śIt's wonderful to see you! How are you?” śReally good,” Reznik smiled back, mentally hugging the surprise she had brought with her. śCan I get you something? Juice? Pepsi? Beer?” She opened the fridge door and looked inside. śNo, I'm fine, Seren. Thanks.” Reznik studied the other woman as she stood by the open refrigerator. She seemed to have gained a little weight. In fact, she was getting positively tubby in the tummy. Realization sank in. śSeren,” she said quietly. Seren looked over at her, a small bottle of apple juice in one hand. śAre you ... you know.” Reznik made a gesture with both hands to indicate a pregnant belly. Seren closed the fridge door and smiled softly, almost sadly. śYes.” She stroked her belly protectively. śStarting to show, huh?” śAre you okay?” śOh, yeah. I just wish Daffyd...” she trailed off, her eyes focussing on the middle distance, lost in thought. śWell. I have some news for you,” said Reznik. śHe's awake, conscious, alive and well. He asked me to bring you a message.” śHe's okay?” Her face brightened, and Reznik fought to suppress the huge grin that threatened to burst forth. śHe's great! Lost a little weight, but he had some to spare.” Her eyes twinkled. śYou want to hear his message?” śYes! Of course. Tell me!” She sat at the table, twisted the cap off the juice bottle and took a sip. śOkay. Here goes.” She fought down the grin again. śHe loves you madly, misses you terribly and is living for the day when he can hug your socks off. Actually, and he didn't say this, but it's what I think, my guess is he'd really just like to spend about two weeks in bed with you somewhere private.” She let the grin surface. Seren would assume it was related to the comment. śAnd he sent you something. Hang on. I left it in the front hall.” She walked across the kitchen and opened the door. Seren could hear Devany giggling like mad and Karina's voice hushing her. Seren turned in her seat to see the door and her eyes widened. Reznik was right. He had lost a little weight, but he looked wonderful. She rose unsteadily to her feet, holding on to the table to support her trembling knees. śDaffyd,” it was barely a whisper. His eyes drank her in, noting, but not really registering the thickened waist. Seren, you're so beautiful. He held out his hands. She put hers in them and stepped close, looking up into the wide blue eyes she loved so well. śI've missed you,” she told him. He took her face in his hands, his thumbs stroking her cheekbones, her temples. He hesitated. He had dreamed of this moment for so long, he didn't want to rush through, but to savor it. His lips touched her cheek and slowly made their way to her waiting mouth. She tasted his lips, his tongue, staring into his eyes. Her arms went around him and held him tight, so tight. His hands slid down her neck and her shoulders, wrapping around her and pulling her even closer. śOh, Daffyd,” she murmured between kisses, tears flowing freely. śSweet Daffyd.” She hid her face against his neck, her heart racing. He kissed her hair, stroked her back. When he spoke, his voice was thick with emotion. śSeren, you once asked me to come home with you.... śHe took a deep breath and slowly let it out. He needed to know, but he was afraid of her answer. śDo you still want me?” śDo I still want you?” she repeated his question. śDo fish want water? Yes. YES! I want you. Oh, god, Daffyd, I want you!” She bit her lip. She was starting to babble. śI need you.” She stepped back a pace. śBut there's something you need to know.” He looked at her questioningly. Then, as she stepped back again, loosely holding his hands, he saw her. He saw the roundness of her abdomen and the heavy fullness of her breasts. His little smile touched his lips and shone from his eyes. He released her hand and touched the swell of her belly where his baby grew inside her. śHow?” he asked her. śI thought you said....” śI don't know. Something about where we were, I guess. When the Medicos scanned me, they realized that I had recently conceived. They told me that my tubes had apparently grown back, but the new tubes were fading again. They're gone, now. But I guess they were there long enough for your swim team to get through.” She dimpled. He smiled down at her and caressed her abdomen gently, lovingly. She stood stock still, scarcely breathing. His touch was having an unexpected erotic effect on her. She didn't know why she was surprised"he had always aroused intense desires in her, without ever trying; sometimes without even being aware of her reaction to him. Giggles from the doorway distracted her. Devany was peering through the partly open door, her hands over her mouth. Seren's other children and Reznik pressed close behind. śIs it safe to come in yet?” asked Karina. She approved of the tender way this man was touching her mother and his obvious love for her. Seren deserved someone like him. Daffyd reluctantly removed his hand from Seren's belly, but continued to hold her hand. He raised an eyebrow at her. She nodded. śYes, it's safe,” she told them. Whooping, they piled into the kitchen. Reznik grinned at Seren over the heads of the others as they gathered around their mother and her love. Seren beamed back. Devany demanded that Daffyd pick her up. When he did, she hugged him fiercely around the neck. śI missed you!” she told him accusingly. śI missed you, too, Little Girl,” he kissed her nose. śAre you home to stay, Daffyd?” she asked. śYes, Devany,” and his eyes met Seren's. śI'm home.” Visit for information on additional titles by this and other authors.


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