[W208] Demontaż lusterka wewnętrznego

AR68.40-P-0001KA Removing and installing inside rearview mirror 6.10.97
MODEL 208.435 /444 /445 /447 /448 /465 /470
1 Mirror base
N70 Overhead control panel control module
Removing, installing
e d
1 Remove overhead control panel control
module (N70)
2 Turn mirror base (1) approx. 45 degrees
i Insert suitable tool into mirror base (1)
from right
3 Remove inside rearview mirror
i The mounting plate for the inside rearview
mirror is glued onto the windshield
4 Install in the reverse order
Commercially available tools (see Workshop Equipment Manual)
Number Designation Make (e. g.) Order number
WH58.30-Z-1008-14A Pin punch Q 4mm Hahn u. Kolb GmbH 51 283 540
Postfach 30 05 69
D-70445 Stuttgart
Copyright DaimlerChrysler AG 11.04.2011 CD-Ausgabe G/08/04 . Nie objęto obsługą zmian. Strona 1


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