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Apache Server for Windows Little Black Book:Organizing Your Web Site
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Table of Contents

Using ApacheWrapper
It’s hard to keep a Web site organized when the only way you can operate Apache is through that unattractive console window. A freeware program by Matthew Keller—who co-authored this book—called ApacheWrapper gives Windows 95/98 users a better interface to work with. To install and run ApacheWrapper, follow these steps:

WARNING!  ApacheWrapper looks for Apache to be installed in C:\Apache\apache.exe. However, a user can specify a custom path (as noted in the readme file) by running ApacheWrapper with an argument containing the path to the executable, such as apachewrapper.exe C:\program files\apache\apache.exe. This can easily be added to the shortcut to ApacheWrapper.

1.  Download the latest version of ApacheWrapper from mattwork.potsdam.edu/projects/ApacheWrapper. The file apache-wrapper.zip is copied to your computer.
2.  Run WinZip or a similar program to extract the files to your computer.
3.  Double-click on the setup.exe file to install ApacheWrapper. At the end of the process, a dialog box appears informing you that installation was successful. Click on OK to return to your Windows desktop.
4.  To run ApacheWrapper, select Start|Programs|ApacheWrapper.
5.  ApacheWrapper causes the usual Apache DOS console window to open briefly, after which the window closes. In the console window’s place, a feather appears in your system tray (see Figure 3.8).

Figure 3.8  ApacheWrapper uses this feather to let Windows 95/98 users know the server is running.
6.  Double-click on the feather icon to display ApacheWrapper’s pop-up menu. When you are ready to close Apache, click on Exit. A dialog box appears asking you confirm that you want to exit ApacheWrapper.
7.  Click on OK to close ApacheWrapper. The DOS console window reappears; click on the Close button or press Ctrl+C to stop Apache.

In the version available as this book was written (v1.2 revision 39), the source for the program was also available, and the program was optimized so that it consumes virtually no processor usage after startup.

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