MEXIFORNIA Victor Davis Hanson 6
MEXIFORNIA Victor Davis Hanson 7
we are becoming. People from the rest of the country look at the
eerie, fascinating thing that California is becoming, and they won-
der about their own destiny.
I once thought Santiago and his children were going to
become like us, but now I am not so sure. Instead, I think our
state is becoming more like the Larasâ€"or at least like something
in between. In my small hometown of Selma in the middle of
California’s Central Valley, more people now speak Santiago’s lan-
guage than my own. The city’s schools are more segregated than
when I attended them forty years ago and their scholastic achieve-
ment is far lower. There are now more overt signs of material
wealth among Selmansâ€"new cars, cell phones, CD players, VCRs,
color televisionsâ€"but also much more anger that â€Ĺ›aliens,” even if
their fortunes have greatly improved in the United States, remain
still poorer than the native-born. At the corner store there are more
signs in Spanish than in English. And the government-subsidized
apartment building two miles away is full of small children, baby
carriages and young pregnant womenâ€"all evidence that someone
at least still thinks big families are good in a world where many
childless natives deem them bad.
So are we now a Mexifornia, Calexico, AztlĂÄ„n, El Norte, Alta
California, or just plain California with new faces and the same
old customs? Many of us think about this in the abstract. Charles
Truxillo, a Chicano studies professor at the University of New
Mexico, for example, promises that some day we will all be part
of a new sovereign Hispanic nation called â€Ĺ›Republica del Norte”
encompassing the entire Southwest. â€Ĺ›An inevitability,” Truxillo
calls it, and it will obtain its sovereignty, he warns, â€Ĺ›by any means
necessary” as â€Ĺ›our birthright.”
What is the nature of California, traditionally the early warn-
ing sign to the rest of the nation, and what will be its eventual state
of being? After September 11, 2001, the question of secure bor-
ders and a unified citizenry no longer stands afar in the future or
remains a parlor game of academics and intellectuals, but is a mat-
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