SHSpec 147 6205C17 Prepchecking

6205C17 SHSpec-147 Prepchecking

A rudiment is that which is used to get the PC in shape to be audited in
that session. The body of a prepcheck session has the purpose of letting the
PC live in that lifetime. You are after duration, so you have to have
thoroughness. A rudiment has to be clean, but not permanent. The processes
you are using are insufficiently fundamental to do a permanent job. End
rudiments are simply to get the PC back to the world of the living and
smoothly out of that session. Middle ruds are even more evanescent. In the
body of a prepcheck session, we are going to do something that will change the
PC's attitude towards living and improve his ability to confront life in this
lifetime. So we will do anything we can to straighten out some point that is
askew in his attitude.

What is an overt? All things are contained in the concept of
interiorization into and exteriorization from. There is no beingness in this
universe that is bad; there is also none that is absolutely good. But there
is a badness and a goodness about beingnesses, and that is an individual's
ability to interiorize into or be something or exteriorize out of and not be
something. When an individual no longer has power of choice over that fact,
he can be considered to be aberrated on that point. There are vias by which
you enter a certain beingness, steps of becoming that beingness. There can be
degrees of freedom of choice about entering or leaving something. For
instance, there is a difference between the position of a career officer and
the drafted private, or a slave. War and slavery reduce power of choice.
That is what people object to in them, not the blood and gore. After all, no
one really campaigns against highway deaths, which are greater than the total
World War I toll. Not to mention racing deaths. You can almost evaluate
practices and beingnesses relative to people's power of choice over being them
or not being them. Where an individual has a high degree of freedom, we find
a fairly high-scale activity.

There is another activity going on reactively beneath this, a cycle of
beingness - not-beingness - beingness. See Fig. 9 The PC has decided to be
something. Then, for some reason, he has found that he can't un-be this thing
easily, so he uses a mechanism of committing overts against this thing in
order to cease to be it. He commits these overts and withholds himself from
this beingness on a repetitive cycle, and his overts will get worse and worse,
and his effort not to be it will become more and more violent, until he
stretches out to a maximum distance. After reaching that point, he will still
commit overts against it, but every new overt and withhold will bring him
closer to becoming the thing again. This is grim.

So he has a beingness, tries to postulate himself out of it, and for some
reason it doesn't work. Then he will commit overts against that beingness and
that type of beingness. He will think he is really separating himself from
it, to a midpoint, after which every overt and withhold brings him closer to a
totally enforced beingness which is a complete overwhelm. Now he doesn't even
think he has ever tried to un-be it. All knowingness on the subject of
un-being it vanishes as well. He becomes it on an inversion. That is what is
the matter with overts, and that is what a thetan is trying to do with overts:
he is trying to un-be.



1. An individual assumes a beingness.

2. He doesn't want to be it any more.

3. He tries to postulate himself out of it.

4. He fails to postulate himself out of it.

5. He tries to un-be it by committing overts.

6. He withholds himself from it.

7. He alternates overting and withholding, escalating up to a point of
maximum separation.

8. Continued overts and withholds bring him closer to the beingness again.

9. He goes into total overwhelm and becomes the beingness enforcedly, on an

10. All knowingness on the subject of un-being it vanishes. He doesn't even
think that he has ever tried to un-be it.

This cycle takes place on all dynamics. On the second dynamic, it is
very apparent. Overts and the feeling of being unable to get out are very
apparent in this area. Similarly, on the third dynamic, one can try to
individuate from a group to the point where one is being a group and damning
all individuals, as in Communism, which results from an overwhelm by the
group. Back down the track, somebody has been a god. One day he decides to
stop being it, commits overts, becomes it enforcedly, and then one day you
will find that it is a terminal. Spiritualists are obsessively being
spirits. However, the spirits they are being are other than themselves.

So in [handling O/W with] prepchecking, you are working with the
mechanisms that bring about a Routine 3 bank. Remember that if the individual
is being any one of the items you get in Routine 3, he was it, then wanted not
to be it and couldn't un-be it and started using the O/W mechanism to separate
himself from it, and ended up getting into it obsessively.

Because that cycle takes place in this lifetime, note that the PC has a
certain beingness and connections with all dynamics. The item you are trying
to handle is his current identity. If you held the PC to this lifetime in the
prepcheck, you might well recover material that would otherwise be lost to
this identity. Going backtrack in prepchecking would just be handling free
track in other identities; this might be better handled with Routine 3. Most
of the chains can be dead-ended in this lifetime, though not all. This
lifetime is not a pure identity. It is colored by beingnesses he has had in
the past.

In order to straighten out this lifetime, you must be pretty good, and
you can't be superficial. You will get nowhere taking nothing but the PC's
criticism of someone, since criticism is just the last shadow, the total
defeat. He can no longer be this thing, he can only criticize. If he is so
unhappy being it, what did he do to it, to make it such an unhappy thing to
be? "Getting overts" is the mechanical statement. What your goal is, is to
find out how he, Joe Doakes, made Mary Lou such a miserable person to be,
because obviously he was being Mary Lou, in this lifetime. He has been every
one of the eight dynamics in this lifetime, to some degree. He will discuss
them all with you. If you unplowed him from the one he was trying most
obsessively not to be, he would be free to be it, and it would blow off in
smoke. You would have returned to the individual his power of choice of
beingness. [Hence the PTS rundown question, "Who would you really hate to

If you can return to the individual his power of choice of beingness, you
will get a tremendous resurgence on the case. You could go at it this
crudely: "Who haven't you liked recently?" You get a reading terminal. You
are trying to solve, "How did you make _______ a horrible thing to be?"
Another way to put it is, "What have you done to _______ ?" It must be a
chain, because you have to get to the first part of the cycle. As you run
this, his opinion of the terminal will change. He will stop being unwilling
to be it, and there is now a sector of existence from which he is not
retreating, so his reachingness into it is improved. His doingness in that
sector can occur because his beingness of that sector has been reoriented.
You can't reach into or affect any area from which you are retreating. Also,
a person will not do anything that a certain beingness can do, when the person
cannot be that beingness.

So you could find the this-lifetime person who could do the things that
the PC wishes he could do, run off his overts on that person, and at the
least, the PC's worry about not being able to do those things will cease.
Perhaps he will now even be able to do the thing. I.e. you could ask, "What
do you wish you could have done?" "Who could do that?" Then run O/W. Or you
could ask, "Who couldn't walk? Who couldn't go anyplace? Who was a terrific
runner? Who went everywhere?, etc." Aunt Chrysalis was crippled. The PC
wanted to kill her. He gets into being Aunt Chrysalis.

Prepchecking will at least improve the PC's condition, even though his
whole track needs to be straightened out. You do need to get actual overts,
not thinks about what he would like to do or wanted to do. That only tells
you that he has been wanting not to be whoever the thoughts are about.
Thinking about something is an harmonic of wishing. Someone who tells you
that he has had unkind thoughts about his father is just telling you he wishes
he weren't his father. Getting off these unkind thoughts is not therapeutic.
To spring him out of his enforced beingness, you must break up the system that
got him there. You must get at the O/W's that he has been using in order not
to be his father. Criticism = a wish not to be = disagreement. Disagreement
is what the meter reads on. If one is willing to be something, that thing
won't read on a meter. What the PC is trying hardest not to be is what he has
done the most to. Also the identities he is totally overwhelmed by won't
read. You will get no change as long as you take his thoughts and
already-knowns and criticisms. That is what he has been telling everybody for
years, with no change. The PC has to cease to fight being it and get to where
he can comfortable become it, at which point he will cease to be it.


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