National Intelligence Priorities Framework v4

The Chart
National Intelligence Priorities Framework (composited from different timeframes)
Band A/Tier 1
Info Date Notes
Afghanistan (Apr 2013) Apr 2013  top target
Afghanistan (Jan 2007) x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Bangladesh (Apr 2013) Apr 2013  focused on isolated areas to a minor degree, which are 4 or 5
Bangladesh (Jan 2007) x x Jan 2007
Bolivia x Jan 2007
Brazil (Apr 2013) 3  high Apr 2013
Brazil (Jan 2007) x Jan 2007
Bulgaria 3H 4H 5 4H 3 4H 3H 5H 5H 4 4 4H Jun 2009
Burkina Faso 3H 5H 5H 3H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 4H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H Apr 2009
Burundi (Apr 2009) 5H 5 5H 5H 5H 5 5 5 4 5H 5 5H 5H Apr 2009
Burundi (Jan 2007) x Jan 2007
Cambodia Apr 2013  more or less irrelevant
Cape Verde 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 4H 4H 4H 5H 5H 5H Apr 2009
Chad 3H 1 5H 4H 4 2 5 2 4H 4 3 5H 5H 3 3 4 Apr 2009
18 of 31 categories are priority 1. Likely CYBR, CINT, WMDN, nuclear
China (Apr 2013) 1 1 1 1 1  low  low  low 1 Apr 2013 programs are additional top priorities. But the documentation confirming this
has not been released.
China (Jan 2007) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Colombia x x Jan 2007
Cote d'Ivoire x Jan 2007
Croatia Apr 2013  completely white
Cuba x x x x Jan 2007
Czech Republic Apr 2013  completely white
Denmark Apr 2013  completely white
DR Congo (Apr 2009) 5H 5 5H 5H 5H 4 4 5 3 5 5 3 5H 4 Apr 2009
DR Congo (Jan 2007) x x Jan 2007
Egypt x x Jan 2007
Ethiopia x Jan 2007
EU 3 3 3 5 5 5 Apr 2013  6 individual areas
Page 1
Arms Control and Treaty Monitoring (ACTM)
Environment and Natural Resources (ENVR)
Domestic Security/ Political Stability/ Internal
Advanced Conventional Weapons Systems
Regional Crisis/Flashpoints to war (SRCC)
Military Capabilities and Activities (FMCC)
Economic and Financial Stability (ECFS)
Military and Civilian Infrastructure (INFR)
Humanitarian relief/ Complex Emergency
Human Rights And War Crimes (HRWC)
Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDN)
Health and Infectious Diseases (HLTH)
Food Products and Security (FOOD)
International Trade Policy (TRAD)
Emerging Strategic Technologies
Foreign Policy Objectives (FPOL)
Leadership Intentions (LEAD)
Money Laundering (MONY)
Counterespionage (CINT)
Counterterrorism (TERR)
Criminal Activity (CRIM)
Energy Security (ESEC)
Demographics (DEMG)
Proliferation (ACWP)
Drug Trade (DRUG)
US Forces At Risk
Nuclear Program
response (HREL)
Weapons Trade
Politics (DEPS)
Cyber (CYBR)
Arms Exports
The Chart
Finland Apr 2013  completely white
France (Apr 2013) x x x Apr 2013  par with Germany
France (Jan 2007) x x x x x Jan 2007
The Gambia 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 4H 5H 5H 4H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H Apr 2009
Georgia x x x Jan 2007
Germany (Apr 2013) 5 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 Apr 2013 9 areas in total covered
Germany (Jan 2007) x x x Jan 2007
Haiti x Jan 2007
Hungary 4H 4H 4 4H 5 4H 3H 5H 4 5 4H Jun 2009
IAEA 1 Apr 2013
India x x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Iran (Apr 2013) Apr 2013  Primarily red ,  top target
Iran (Jan 2007) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Iraq x x x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Israel x x x x x x x Jan 2007
 below Germany (*individual marks come from Panorama, their sourcing is
Italy x x x Uncertain
Japan (Apr 2013) Apr 2013  par with Germany
Japan (Jan 2007) x x x x x Jan 2007
Jordan x Jan 2007
Kenya x Jan 2007
Kosovo x x x Jan 2007
Laos (Apr 2013) Apr 2013  completely white
Laos (Jan 2007) x x Jan 2007
Lebanon x x Jan 2007
Liberia x Jan 2007
Libya x x Jan 2007
Liechtenstein Apr 2013  completely white
Luxembourg Apr 2013  completely white
Malaysia Apr 2013  focused on isolated areas to a minor degree, which are 4 or 5
Mali 5H 1 5H 5H 5H 4H 5H 5H 5H 5H 4 5H 4H 4 5H 5H Apr 2009
Mauritania 3H 1 4H 3H/5H 5 5H 5H 5 5H 5H 4 3H 3H 4 5H 5H Apr 2009 Conflicting data on FPOL
Mexico 3 4 3 3 3 1 3 Apr 2013
Mexico (Jan 2007) x x x x Jan 2007
Myanmar x x Jan 2007
Nepal Apr 2013  more or less irrelevant
Niger 5H 1 5H 5H 4H 5 5 5H 4 5H 4H 4 5 Apr 2009
Nigeria x x Jan 2007
North Korea (Apr 2013) Apr 2013  Primarily red
North Korea (Jan 2007) x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Provide intelligence on the following Russian topics: CINT. FMCC, ENVR,
Norway Apr 2013
OPEC Apr 2013  No longer a high priority target
Pakistan (Apr 2013) Apr 2013  top target
Pakistan (Jan 2007) x x x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Palestine (Oct 2008) 1 2 5 2 4 1 1 3 4 3 3 4 2 5 Oct 2008
Palestine (Jan 2007) x x Jan 2007
Paraguay 2 3 4 4 3 5 4 3 3 3 4 Mar 2008
Philippines x Jan 2007
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The Chart
Romania 3H 4H 5 4H 4H 4H 3H 5H 5H 4 5H 4H Jun 2009
Russia (Apr 2013) x x x x x x x x Apr 2013  Primarily red , add'l information from FRA and NIS Spying stories.
Russia (Jan 2007) x x x x x x x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Rwanda (Apr 2009) 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 5 5H 4 5H 3 5H 4 Apr 2009
Rwanda (Jan 2007) x Jan 2007
Saudi Arabia x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Senegal 4H 5H 5H 4H 5 5H 5H 5H 5H 5H 4H 5 5H 4 5H 5H Apr 2009
Singapore x Jan 2007
Slovenia 4H 4H 4H 4H 5H 4H 5H 5H 4H 5H 4H Apr 2009
South Korea x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Spain Apr 2013  below Germany
Sudan x Jan 2007
 focused on isolated areas to a minor degree, which are 4 or 5 , but provide
Sweden (Apr 2013) Apr 2013
the NSA bulk access to fiber-optics and intelligence on the following topics:
Counterterrorism and Russian: LEAD, DEPS, ESEC, CINT
Sweden (Jan 2007) x x Jan 2007
Syria x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Taiwan x x x x x Jan 2007
Tanzania x Jan 2007
Thailand (Apr 2013) Apr 2013  focused on isolated areas to a minor degree, which are 4 or 5
Thailand (Jan 2007) x x Jan 2007
Turkey x x x x Jan 2007
Uganda x Jan 2007
UN (Apr 2013) 2 3 3 Apr 2013
UN (Jun 2009) 5H 5H 4H 1 4 5H 3 3 4 5H 3 Jun 2009
UN (Jan 2007) x Jan 2007
Uzbekistan Apr 2013  focused on isolated areas to a minor degree, which are 4 or 5
Vatican Apr 2013  completely white
Venezuela x x x x x x x x x x Jan 2007
Zimbabwe x Jan 2007
Terrorist/Militia Groups
3 Sep 2004
Encoded as IICT Tier 2
Abu Sayyef Group ASG
3 Dec 2005
2 Oct 2008
Al-Badr Mujahideen 2A Aug 2007 File 3148 Corrupted
2A May 2007
2A Aug 2007
al-Ittihad al-Islami al-Ittisam Bal- AIAI aka
Kitab wa Sunah AIBKWS
3 Sep 2008
3 May 2005 Encoded as IICT Tier 2
3 Feb 2008
Al-Gama'at al-Islamiyyah aka The
Islamic Group
3 May 2008
3 Sep 2008
1 Jul 2004 Encoded as IICT Tier 0
1 Oct 2004
x x x Jan 2007
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The Chart
1 Apr 2009
1A Jul 2007
Al Qaida in Iraq aka Tanzim
AQI aka
Qaidat al-Jihad Fi Bilad al-
1 Feb 2008
Rafidayn aka al-Zarqawi Network
al-Qaida Kavkaz Jan 2008 Although not identified as an individual NIPF priority, the Kavkaz may
fall under the category of the North Caucasus Islamic Extremists,
4 May 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 3
Al-Takfir Wa al-Hijra aka Al-Takfir
5 Jul 2008
Wal Hijra
5 Dec 2008
3 Mar 2004
Encoded as IICT Tier 2
3 Jul 2004
1 Dec 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 0
1 Jan 2006
3 Apr 2008
Algerian Armed Islamic Jihad
The GIA is part of the al-Qaida GJS (See GJSN), Note (Sep 2008)
3 May 2008
aka Algerian Armed Islamic GIA
The GIA, now defunct, was listed as an NIPF CT Priority 3 target.
3 Jun 2008
Group aka Armed Islamic Group
3 Jul 2008
3 Aug 2008
3 Sep 2008
Allied Democratic Forces ADF 4 4 Apr 2009
1 Apr 2008
Ansar al-Islam aka Ansar al-
AI aka AS
1 Sep 2008
2 Jan 2007 Encoded as IICT tier 1
2 Feb 2008
Anti-Coalition Militias aka Anti-
1 Mar 2008
Coalition Militant
2 Apr 2008
2 May 2008
2 Dec 2008
Note: (Sep 2008) The  Bologna Network functioned under the Global
 Bologna Network 1 Sep 2008 Jihad Support Network and was a group of TCG and GIA affiliated
recruiters, facilitators and other support personnel.
Democratic Forces for the
FDLR 4 4 Apr 2009
Liberation of Rwanda
East Africa al-Qaida aka al-Qaida EAAQ/ 1A May 2007
in East Africa AQEA
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The Chart
in East Africa AQEA
1A Aug 2007
5 Jan 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 4
3 May 2005 Encoded as IICT Tier 2
East Turkistan Islamic Movement ETIM
3 Jun 2005 Encoded as IICT Tier 2
2A Jan 2008
1 Jul 2004
1 Oct 2004
Encoded as IICT Tier 0
Egyptian Islamic Jihad EIJ
1 Feb 2006
1 Feb 2008
2 Oct 2004
Encoded as IICT tier 1
2 Mar 2005
1 Apr 2005
1 Jun 2005
1 Jul 2005
1 Dec 2005 Encoded as IICT Tier 0
1 Apr 2006
1 Jan 2007
Global Jihad Support Network
aka al-Qaida Global Jihad
1 Mar 2007
Support Network aka North
1A Nov 2007
African Extremist Network aka Global Jihad Support Network (GJSN) is formerly known as the North
African Extremist Network (NAEN)
North African Extreme Network 1 Feb 2008
1 Mar 2008
1 Apr 2008
1 May 2008
1 Jul 2008
1 Sep 2008
1 Oct 2008
1 Nov 2008
2 May 2006
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
? arakat al-Muqawamah al-
HAMAS 2 Mar 2008
2 Apr 2008
2 Jul 2004
Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM), HUA was declared a foreign terrorist
2 Apr 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
Harakat ul-Ansar aka Harakat ul- organization in 1997, and in an attempt to circumvent the declaration was
Muhajideen aka Harakat al- HUM/ HUA renamed Harakat ul-Mujahideen (HUM) in 1998. Note (Jan 2007) HUM is a
Muhajidin Pakistani extremist group known to help al-Qaida members escape from
2 Jan 2007
Afghanistan. HUM has close affiliations with Jaish-E- Mohammed(JEM).
2 Apr 2008
2 Sep 2008
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The Chart
Harakat-ul-Mujahadin al-Alami HUMA 2 May 2004
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
2 Apr 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
1B Jan 2008
Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami HUJI
2 Apr 2008
2 Sep 2008
Hizb-e-Islami 2 Jul 2006
Encoded as tier 1
2 Mar 2004
2 May 2004
2 Jul 2004
2 Aug 2004
2 Oct 2004
2 Jan 2005
2 Feb 2005
2 Mar 2005
2 May 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
2 Jun 2005
2 Aug 2005
2 Sep 2005
2 Oct 2005
Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin aka
2 Jan 2007
Hizb-I-Islami Gulbudin aka
Hekmatyr Islami Gulbuddin aka HIG
2 Mar 2007
Hekmatyar Islamic Organization
1B Apr 2007
1B Jun 2007
1B Aug 2007 File 3148 is partially corrupted
1B Jan 2008
2 Feb 2008
2 Mar 2008
2 Apr 2008
2 May 2008
2 Sep 2008
2 Jun 2008
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The Chart
2 Jul 2008
2 Sep 2008
2 Oct 2008
2 Nov 2008
2 Feb 2006
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
Hizballah (Lebanese)
1 Jun 2008
1 1 Apr 2009
Islamic Army of Aden IAA 2 Jan 2006 Encoded as IICT Tier 1
Islamic Defense Front aka
Islamic Defender's Front aka IDF/ FPI 4 Aug 2005
Front Pembela Islam Encoded as IICT Tier 3
In May 2005, the Islamic Jihad Group (IJG, a splinter group of the
Islamic Jihad Group aka Islamic
IJG /IGU 1B Jan 2008 IMU) changed its name to the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU) in order to
Jihad Union
broaden the scope of their objectives and recruiting pool.
2 Mar 2004
2 May 2004
2 Jan 2005
2 Mar 2005
2 Jun 2005
2 Jul 2005 Encoded as IICT Tier 1
Note (May 2004) In Mar 2001, the IMU merged with the Islamic
Movement of Tajikistan. In May 2005, the Islamic Movement of
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan
2 Aug 2005
Uzbekistan (IMU) changed its name to Islamic Movement of Turkistan
aka Islamic Movement of IMU/ IMT
(IMT). Note (Mar 2008) Associated with al-Qaida.
2 Sep 2005
2 Jan 2006
1B Aug 2007
1B Jan 2008
2 Feb 2008
2 Jun 2008
1B Oct 2008
Jama'at Islami 2 Sep 2005 Encoded as IICT Tier 1
Analyst Note: Jamiat Islami is not assessed to be the Jamaah Islamiyah which operates in Asia. IIR 6 034
0191 03 states the Jamiat Islami is a terrorist organization that operates in Afghanistan and Pakistan and
Jemiat Islami Dec 2008
supported the Taliban government from Pakistan through diplomatic and media outlets
2 Aug 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
2 Dec 2006
1B Jul 2007
1B Oct 2007
Note (Jun 2008) The JI has been linked to several deadly attacks
across Indonesia and is the most dangerous terrorist group to US
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The Chart
across Indonesia and is the most dangerous terrorist group to US
2 Feb 2008
interests in Southeast Asia. Since 2000, the JI has been involved in
2 Jun 2008
at least six bombings of civilian facilities and two embassies resulting
Jemma Islamiyah JI in the death of over 250 and injuring hundreds more. Most recently
2 Mar 2008
the JI is noted in reporting linked to the planning of a suicide bomb
1B Apr 2008
attack in Manila, Philippines (TD- 314/45913-06), and planning
2 Apr 2008
terrorist attacks against US interests in Indonesia and the southern
Philippines (ACIC FPN06-0015 13-Apr-2006)
2 May 2008
2 Sep 2008
2 Oct 2008
2 Sep 2003
2 Mar 2004
2 May 2004
2 Apr 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
Jaysh-e-Mohammed aka Jaysh- Note Sep 2005: JEM is dedicated to uniting Kashmir with Pakistan
2 Apr 2005
e-Muhammad aka Jaish-e- JEM and is aligned with the pro Taliban political party Jamiatt-i Ulema-i
2 Sep 2005
Mohammed Islam (JUI-F)
2 Nov 2005
2 Dec 2005
2 Mar 2006
2 Jan 2007
2 Sep 2008
2 Oct 2008
2 Sep 2003
2 Nov 2003
2 Aug 2004
2 Sep 2004
2 Nov 2004
2 Dec 2004
2 Feb 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
2 Mar 2005
2 Apr 2005
2 May 2005
2 Jul 2005
2 Aug 2005
Feb 2006
Mar 2006
Mar 2007
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The Chart
1B Aug 2007 File 3148 corrupted
2 Oct 2007 Encoded as IICT tier 1
Lashkar-Tayyiba aka Lashkar-e-
Oct 2007
The Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT) is the armed wing of the Pakistan-based
Tayiba aka Lashkar-e-Tayyiba
religious organization, Markaz ud-Dawa wal-Irshad (MDI)
aka Laskshar-e-Tayyiba aka Al- LT/ LeT
Ashka al-Taeba aka Laskhar-e-
Feb 2008
1 Mar 2008
2 Mar 2008
1 Apr 2008
2 Apr 2008
2 May 2008
1B May 2008
1 May 2008
1 Jul 2008
1 Aug 2008
1 Sep 2008
1 Oct 2008
1 Nov 2008
1 Dec 2008
2 Jan 2009
LIFB 4 Dec 2003
Encoded as IICT Tier 3
1 22 Apr 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 0
2 22 Apr 2005
2 Mar 2006 Encoded as IICT Tier 1
2 Jul 2006
2 Jan 2007
2 Mar 2007
1B Jun 2007
1B Oct 2007
1A Jan 2008
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The Chart
The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) is part of the Al-Qaida
Global Jihad Support Network (formerly known as the North African
1 Feb 2008
Extremist Network or NAEN). LIFG was formed in 1992 and
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
consisted of returning Libyan fighters from the Afghan-Soviet war
aka Libyan Islamic Fighter Group
who banded together for the purpose of overthrowing Qadhafi s
government. Most of the fighters fought with UBL during the conflict
and trained at the UBL sponsored Torkham Camp on the Afghanistan-
Pakistan border.
1 Mar 2008
1 Apr 2008
1 May 2008
1 Jun 2008
1 Aug 2008
1 Sep 2008
1 Oct 2008
1 Nov 2008
Lord's Resistance Army LRA 4 4 Apr 2009
Markaz ud-Dawaa wal-Irshad aka
MDI 1 Apr 2008
Markez ar-Irshad See LT Note
3 Jan 2004
Encoded as IICT Tier 2
3 Apr 2006
Moro Islamic Liberation Front MILF
2A May 2007
3 Oct 2008
note: Prior to its dissolution, the GICM was a Tier 2 Counterterrorism
target., Nov 2008 Note: Analyst Note: Individuals associated with the
3 Dec 2003
now dissolved Moroccan Islamic Fighting Group, also known as
Groupe Islamique Combattant Marocain (GICM), aka Moroccan
3 Jul 2006
Islamic Combatant Group remain a National Intelligence Priorities
Encoded as IICT tier 2
Morrocan Islamic Combat Group
Framework (NIPF) Counterterrorism (CT) priority 2A target. Note
aka Moroccan Islamic Fighting
3 Jan 2007
(Feb 2007) The GICM has demonstrated a threat to U.S.
Group aka Morrocan Armed GICM /MIFG
Islamic Group aka Groupe
3 Feb 2007 and Western persons and interests by its involvement
Islamique Combattant Marocain
with the 11 March 2004 Madrid train bombings, the 16
2A Dec 2007
May 2003 Casablanca bombings, and the 12 May 2003
2A Nov 2008
Riyadh bombings, as well as individual members
involvement in other Europe-based plots.
North Caucasus Islamic Group 2B Jan 2008
Rohingyan Solidarity
4 Oct 2008
Salafia Jihadia SJ 3 Jul 2006
Encoded as IIICT tier 2
2 Dec 2003 Encoded as IICT tier 1
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The Chart
3 Mar 2004 Encoded as IICT Tier 2
2 Jul 2004 Encoded as IICT Tier 1
1 Jan 2006
1 Dec 2006
Salafist Group for Call and Encoded as IICT Tier 0
Combat aka Algerian Salafist
1 Mar 2007
Group for Call and Combat aka
The GSPC announced in 2006 its merger with al-Qaida and is now
1A Jun 2007
Salafist Group for Prayer and
known as al-Qaida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). Note
Combat aka Salafist Group for
1 Apr 2008
AQIM (Jun 2007) The GSPC is part of the al-Qaida Global Jihad
Preaching and Combat aka al-
Support Network.
Qaida in the lands of Islamic 1 May 2008
Maghreb aka Al-Qaida in the
1 Jun 2008
Islamic Maghreb
1 Jul 2008
1 Sep 2008
1 Oct 2008
1 Nov 2008
1 Dec 2008
1B Jan 2008
Siraj Haqqani Network 2 Feb 2008
2 Apr 2008
Taliban Elements Still Fighting 2 May 2008
Note (Jun 2007): The TCG is a transnational terrorist group falling
1 Dec 2005
Encoded as IICT tier 0
Tunisian Combatant Group TCG under the Global Jihad Support Network (GJSN), which is an NIPF
1A Jun 2007
Priority 1A CT target
Terrorist Support Entities and NGOs Associated With Terrorism
1 Apr 2008
Active Islamic Youth
Organization 1 May 2008
1 Jun 2008
3 Apr 2005 Encoded as IICT tier 2
Afghan Support Committee ASC
Note (Apr 2005): AMA operates mainly in the Horn of Africa and has
2 Apr 2005 Encoded as IICT Tier 1 close ties with other terrorist NGOs. AMA is a subsidiary of the
African Muslim Agency AMA Islamic Heritage Restoration Society(IHRS)
4 Apr 2008
2 Dec 2003
2 May 2005
2 Jun 2005
2 Jul 2005
2 Dec 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
2 Feb 2006
2 Mar 2006
al-Haramayn International
Note (Sep 2008) Even though Saudi officials profess the entire
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The Chart
al-Haramayn International
Note (Sep 2008) Even though Saudi officials profess the entire
Foundation aka Al-Haramain aka
2 Apr 2006
organization is "closed , intelligence information indicates the
al-Haramayn Charitable Institute HIF
2 Feb 2007 organization remains in operation under aliases with the same office
aka Mu'assasat al-Haramayn al
personnel and office locations.
1B Aug 2007
2 Apr 2008
2 May 2008
2 Sep 2008
2 Dec 2008
Note (Apr 2008): ALM began as a UK-based Islamic extremist group
advocating armed struggle against the US and the West in pursuit of
a world Islamic state. While ALM professes to be a non-violent
proselytizing and intellectual movement, the group s rhetoric
espouses violent jihad as a duty of all Muslims and opposes
democracy as being contrary to Islam. ALM is predominantly involved
5 Apr 2008 in the recruitment, radicalization, and travel facilitation of potential
jihadists in the UK and Western Europe. ALM recruits integrate into
other terrorist networks that directly support or engage in jihad. In
October 2004, ALM disbanded its UK organization due to increased
Al-Muhajiroun ala Ahlus Sunnah law enforcement focus on the group following its vocal support for
wal Jamaah aka al-Ghuraba aka various terrorist attacks and al-Qaida led from Mecca to Medina to
the Saved Sect ALM escape persecution.
Note (Oct 2007):The Sanabil NGO has been identified as a source of
2B Jan 2008 funding for the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG). The Sanabil
Al-Sanabil office in Kabul was staffed by LIFG members.
3 Aug 2004
3 Sept 2004
3 Dec 2004
3 Feb 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 2
3 Jul 2005
3 Aug 2005
3 Nov 2005
2 Dec 2005 Encoded as IICT Tier 1
3 Dec 2005
3 Jan 2006
3 Feb 2006
3 Mar 2006
Encoded as IICT Tier 2
3 May 2006
3 Aug 2006
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The Chart
3 Mar 2007
3 Apr 2007
2A May 2007
Al Wafa aka Wafa al-Igatha al-
2A Jun 2007
2A Jul 2007
2A Oct 2007
2A Jan 2008
3 Feb 2008
3 Mar 2008
3 Apr 2008
3 May 2008
3 Jun 2008
3 Sep 2008
Nov 2008
Conflicting assessments for this period
2A Nov 2008
Egyptian Humanitarian Relief
3 Apr 2005 Encoded as IICT Tier 2
Organization EHRO
5 Mar 2008
Global Relief Foundation GRF
Human Appeal International HAI 3 May 2008
2 Mar 2004
2 Sep 2004
2 Apr 2005
2 May 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 1
2 Jul 2005
2 Feb 2006
International Islamic Relief
2 Apr 2006
Organization aka Islamic World
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The Chart
Organization aka Islamic World
Relief Organization aka World
2 Jun 2006
Islamic Relief Organization aka
IIRO 2 Mar 2007
Hay'at al-Igatha al-Islamiyya al-
Alamiyah aka Haiat Ali Gatha Al 1B Jun 2007
Islami Al Almia aka Islamic World
1B Nov 2007
Aid aka al-Igatha
1B Jan 2008
2 Mar 2008
2 Apr 2008
2 May 2008
2 Jun 2008
2 Sep 2008
2 Nov 2008
2A Jan 2008
Islah aka al-Islah aka the Reform
Party aka the al-Islah Party
3 Feb 2008
5 Apr 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 4
Note (Jun 2005): the Al Birr foundation,which has been linked to Al-
Islamic Charitable Committee Qaida, The Lajnat Al Birr aka Lajnat Al-Birr Al-Islami (LAB aka LBI),
Aka Islamic Charity Committee Islamic Charity Committee, is a Jeddah-based non-governmental
3 Jul 2007
aka Lajnat l-Birr aka Lajnat al- ICC aka organization (NGO) established in part to perform charitable works;
Birr al-Islami aka Al Birr LAB aka however, it also supports Islamic extremist activities worldwide and
Foundation aka Al Birr aka LBI aka BIF maintains deliberate and purposeful associations with terrorist
Islamic al Birr Aka Benevolence organizations including Al-Qaida. Note (May 2008) Al Birr is a Special
International Foundation Designated Global Terrorist organization on the US Treasury s Office
5 May 2008
of Foreign Asset Control Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list
4 Dec 3003
Encoded as IICT Tier 3
3 Mar 2004
3 May 2004
3 Aug 2004
3 Sep 2004
3 Nov 2004
3 Apr 2005
3 Jun 2005
3 Aug 2005
3 Dec 2005
Encoded as IICT Tier 2
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The Chart
Encoded as IICT Tier 2
3 Feb 2006
3 Jun 2006
3 Mar 2006
3 May 2006
3 Jun 2006
3 Jul 2006
3 Jan 2007
3 Feb 2007
3 Mar 2007
Note (Jun 2008): Affiliation with the JT has been identified as an al-
Qaida cover story. Al-Qaida used the JT to facilitate and fund the
international travels of its members. For additional information see:
Jama'at Tablighi aka Jama'at 2A Apr 2007
IIR 2 227 0131 03, Jamaat Tabligh Provides Cover as of 20051228,
Tabligh aka Jama'at al Talibique
and JITFCT Special Analysis US Jamaat Tabligh. More recently, the
aka Jama al-Tablik aka Jamaat JT 2A May 2007
JT has been linked to the 11 July 2006 terrorist attacks in Mumbai,
Talbiq aka Markez al-Tablighi aka
India in which at least 207 people were killed and over 800 injured.
Talique Jamaat
See US Naval Criminal Investigative Service Special Analytic Report
2A Jul 2007
(SAR) 191429ZJUL06. Note (Jan 2008) As an organization, the JT
does not advocate violence; however, numerous extremist and
terrorist organizations, including al-Qaida, have exploited JT s
2A Sep 2007 worldwide presence to facilitate international travels.
2A Dec 2007
2A Jan 2008
3 Feb 2008
3 19 Mar 2008
2A 14 Mar 2008
3 Apr 2008
3 May 2008
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The Chart
3 Jun 2008
3 Aug 2008
3 Sep 2008
3 Oct 2008
3 Dec 2008
3 Jan 2009
3 Apr 2009
3 Jan 2006
Encoded as IICT Tier 2
Kuwaiti Joint Relief Committee KJRC 3 Jul 2006
2A Jan 2008
Lajnat ul-Dawa al-Islamiya, or Islamic Missionary Commission, is the
3 Jul 2002 largest non-government organization (NGO) network for Afghan
IICT Tier 2 (See note in file 940)
refugees and run by rich Kuwaitis. Otherwise known as the Islamic
3 Feb 2004
Call Committee, LDI was a subsidiary of the Kuwait-based NGO,
Lajnat ul-Dawa aka Lajnat al-
4 Mar 2004
Social Reform Society. The LDI has been involved in Afghanistan
Dawa al Islami aka Lajnat ul-
IICT Tier 3 (See note in file 940)
since the early 1980s, and had supported the training camps and
Dawa al-Islamiya aka Islamic LDI
4 Mar 2005
extremists there for many years.
Missionary Commission aka
4 Apr 2005
Encoded as IICT tier 3
Islamic Call Committee
2B Aug 2007 File 3148 corrupted
3 Dec 2008
3 Apr 2005
Maktab al- Khadimat aka Maktab
Note (Apr 2005): MK was co-founded by UBL and is considered a
al-Khidmat aka Maktib Al- MK Encoded as IICT Tier 2
3 Apr 2006
precursor to Al-Qaida. MK is currently classified as a Tier 2 NGO.
Khidmat Lil Mujahideen
3 Dec 2006
Note (Sep 2008): Although not identified as a National Intelligence
Priority Framework (NIPF) Counterterrorism (CT) target, the Muslim
Muslim Brotherhood Sep 2008
Brotherhood is an extremist group and has been the subject of
multiple HUMINT collection requirements.
Muslim World League 3 Apr 2005 Encoded as IICT Tier 1
2 Apr 2005
Revival of Islamic Heritage
2 Mar 2005
Society aka Islamic Heritage
Encoded as IICT tier 1
2 Apr 2005
Society aka Heritage Revival RIHS aka
Society aka Islamic Heritage IHRS
2 Jul 2005
Revival aka Islamic Heritage
1B Nov 2007
Restoration Society
2 May 2008
The Qatar Charitable Society 3 Jun 2008
Saudi Joint relief Committee SJRC 3 Dec 2008
2B Oct 2007
4 Apr 2008
Saudi High Commission for Conflicting Assessments for this same period
Page 16
The Chart
2B Apr 2008
4 May 2008
4 Dec 2008
2A Apr 2008
Taibah International Relief
3 May 2008
3 Jun 2008
Third World Relief Agency TWRA 3 Jan 2006
and military officers from Pakistan, with the mission of assisting in
4 Sep 2004
Encoded as IICT Tier 3
Ummah Tameer Nau aka Ummah
UTN spreading modern achievements of science and technology among
2B Oct 2007
Muslims. UTN's real objective was to build a nuclear program for Al-
Oct 2008 Note: As a UBL-owned company, the Wadi al-Aqiq assets
Wadi al-Aqiq Oct 2008 would be frozen due to UBL s listing on the US Treasury s Specially
Designated National s list.
2 Mar 2005
World Assembly of Muslim Youth WAMY Encoded as IICT Tier 1
2 Jun 2006
Page 17


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