unit 08 grammar 01

I don t like walking
1 Correct the mistake in the sentences.
a) I not want to go swimming.
b) Monica doesn t want playing football today.
c) We like to play tennis.
d) I don t like play chess.
e) Do you want going sightseeing?
f) Katia wants reading a book.
g) Frances doesn t wanting to watch TV tonight.
h) I want going out with friends on Saturday.
2 Write two questions using want + infinitive and two questions using like
+ -ing.
a) ______________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________________
d) ______________________________________________________
3 Find a classmate and ask him/her the questions. Write his/her replies
a) ______________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________
c) ______________________________________________________
d) ______________________________________________________
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education.
All rights reserved.www.longman.com/totalenglish/
I don t like walking
Aim: to provide further practice of like + -ing and want + infinitive.
This worksheet is designed to be used in conjunction with unit
Time: 40 minutes
Materials: copy of the worksheet for each student
1 Students correct each of the sentences. Elicit answers from the class.
a) I don t want to go swimming.
b) Monica doesn t want to play football today.
c) We like playing tennis.
d) I don t like playing chess.
e) Do you want to go sightseeing?
f) Katia wants to read a book.
g) Frances doesn t want to watch TV tonight.
h) I want to go out with friends on Saturday.
2 Students write two questions with like+-ing and two questions with want
+ infinitive. Monitor while they work and suggest that students write one
Wh question and one Do& question.
3 Students find a classmate and ask him/her their questions. Students note
down the answers and then write them out in full. Ask for class feedback.
You could extend this exercise by asking students to find two or more
classmates to ask and answer questions with.
Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education.
All rights reserved.www.longman.com/totalenglish/


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