triggered modifiers

# Triggered modifiers are here.
# these are checked for each countries once/month and then applied.
# Effects are fully scriptable here.

# A Sound Toll for Denmark primarily.
sound_toll = {
trigger = {
owns = 6 #skåne
owns = 12 #sjaelland
culture_group = scandinavian
OR = {
38 = { #Riga
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
310 = { #novgorod
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
43 = { #Danzig
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
33 = { #Neva
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
34 = { #Ingermanland
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
36 = { #Estland
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
37 = { #Livland
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
39 = { #Kurland
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
40 = { #Memel
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
41 = { #Ostpreussen
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
42 = { #Warmia
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
48 = { #Hinterpommern
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
47 = { #Vorpommern
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes

global_trade_income_modifier = 0.25 #25% more trade income.

# Black Sea Trade.
bosphorous_sound_toll = {
trigger = {
mercantilism_freetrade = -2
owns = 149 # Edirne
owns = 317 # Bursa
151 = { # Thrace
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes

global_trade_income_modifier = 0.15 #15% more trade income.

# Discovery of the East Indian trade route.
east_indian_trade_route = {
trigger = {
has_discovered = 1460 # Cape of Good Hope
num_of_ports = 4
NOT = { mercantilism_freetrade = -2 }
idea = quest_for_the_new_world
technology_group = latin
OR = {
400 = { # Muscat
owned_by = this
529 = { # Dadra
owned_by = this
OR = {
529 = { # Dadra
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
559 = { # Bihar
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
630 = { # Sunda
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes
667 = { # Guangzhou
NOT = { owned_by = this }
cot = yes

global_trade_income_modifier = 0.2 #20% more trade income.

# Christian control of Mecca.
christian_mecca = {
trigger = {
owns = 385 # Mecca
religion_group = christian

prestige = 0.01 #1% more yearly prestige
missionaries = 0.5
icon = 9

# Jerusalem held by Muslims or Christians
jerusalem_held = {
trigger = {
owns = 379 # Judea
OR = {
religion_group = christian
religion_group = muslim

prestige = 0.01 #1% more yearly prestige
missionaries = 0.5
icon = 9

# Non-Catholic control of Rome.
non_catholic_rome = {
trigger = {
owns = 118 # Roma
NOT = { religion = catholic }
prestige = 0.01 #1% more yearly prestige
missionaries = 0.5
icon = 9

# Western Influences.
western_arms_trade = {
trigger = {
NOT = { technology_group = latin }
NOT = { technology_group = latin2 }
any_neighbor_country = {
technology_group = latin
relation = { who = THIS value = 150 }

prestige = -0.01 #1% less yearly prestige
land_tech_investment = 6

# Time of Troubles.
time_of_troubles = {
trigger = {
has_country_flag = time_of_troubles

global_revolt_risk = 10
stability_cost_modifier = 0.20

# Revolution
revolution = {
trigger = {
has_country_flag = revolution

global_revolt_risk = 10
stability_cost_modifier = 0.1

# Peasants' War
peasant_war = {
trigger = {
has_country_flag = peasant_war

global_revolt_risk = 10
stability_cost_modifier = 0.1

# Counter Revolution
counter_revolution = {
trigger = {
capital_scope = { continent = europe }
revolution_target_exists = yes
is_revolution_target = no
NOT = {
revolution_target = {
war_with = THIS
revolution_target = {
truce_with = THIS
revolution_target = {
alliance_with = THIS
OR = {
government = absolute_monarchy
government = enlightened_despotism
government = despotic_monarchy
government = feudal_monarchy
government = administrative_monarchy
government = constitutional_monarchy
government = bureaucratic_despotism
government = imperial_government
prestige = -0.05
stability_cost_modifier = 0.3

# vive la Revolution
vive_la_revolution = {
trigger = {
is_revolution_target = yes
war = yes
global_manpower_modifier = 0.5
land_morale = 0.25
max_war_exhaustion = -4.0

# Reaction
reaction = {
trigger = {
capital_scope = { continent = europe }
OR = {
government = absolute_monarchy
government = enlightened_despotism
government = despotic_monarchy
government = feudal_monarchy
government = administrative_monarchy
government = constitutional_monarchy
government = bureaucratic_despotism
government = imperial_government
revolution_target = {
war_with = THIS

prestige = 0.1
stability_cost_modifier = -0.1

# Crusader
crusader = {
trigger = {
religion = catholic
crusade_target = {
war_with = THIS
global_manpower_modifier = 0.3
global_tax_modifier = 0.1
land_morale = 0.1
prestige = 0.01
icon = 9

# Excommunication
excommunication = {
trigger = {
excommunicated = yes
religion = catholic
prestige = -0.02
tolerance_own = -3
icon = 10

# Large Tribes
large_tribe_bad_adm = {
trigger = {
OR = {
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = tribal_democracy
num_of_cities = 10
NOT = { ADM = 7 }
global_tax_modifier = -0.33

large_tribe_bad_dip = {
trigger = {
OR = {
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = tribal_democracy
num_of_cities = 10
NOT = { DIP = 7 }
global_revolt_risk = 3

large_tribe_bad_mil = {
trigger = {
OR = {
government = tribal_despotism
government = tribal_federation
government = tribal_democracy
num_of_cities = 10
NOT = { MIL = 7 }
badboy_limit = -20

# Barbary Pirates

barbary_pirates = {
trigger = {
or = {
owns = 334 # Tangiers
owns = 1751 # Ceuta
or = {
owns = 335 # Mellila
owns = 337 # Oran
culture_group = iberian
religion_group = christian
prestige = 0.01
galley_cost = -0.1
lightship_cost = -0.1

# Bad Boy Modifiers

small_country_1 = {
trigger = {
NOT = { num_of_cities = 16 }
badboy = -3


small_country_2 = {
trigger = {
num_of_cities = 16
NOT = { num_of_cities = 21 }
badboy = -1.5


small_country_3 = {
trigger = {
num_of_cities = 21
NOT = { num_of_cities = 25 }
badboy = -0.5


small_country_4 = {
trigger = {
num_of_cities = 26
NOT = { num_of_cities = 31 }
badboy = -0.25


eastasia_europe_trade = {
trigger = {
or = {
capital_scope = { continent = asia }
capital_scope = { continent = oceania }
any_neighbor_country = {
has_country_modifier = india_trade_co
merchants = 0.5
trade_tech_investment = 4
merchant_placement_chance = 0.05
merchant_compete_chance = 0.05
global_trade_income_modifier = 0.05
icon = 5



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