static modifiers

# All global modifiers are here. They are applied from certain game-features.
# Effects are fully scriptable here.

#these names can NOT be removed or changes, as the code uses them....

# Difficulty Modifiers

very_easy_player = {

global_manpower_modifier = 0.5
infantry_cost = -0.5
cavalry_cost = -0.5
artillery_cost = -0.5
bigship_cost = -0.5
lightship_cost = -0.5
galley_cost = -0.5
build_cost = -0.5
merchant_cost = -0.5
colonist_cost = -0.5
inflation_reduction = 0.5
global_revolt_risk = -3
badboy_limit = 25
war_exhaustion = -0.2


easy_player = {
global_manpower_modifier = 0.25
infantry_cost = -0.25
cavalry_cost = -0.25
artillery_cost = -0.25
bigship_cost = -0.25
lightship_cost = -0.25
galley_cost = -0.25
build_cost = -0.25
merchant_cost = -0.25
colonist_cost = -0.25
inflation_reduction = 0.25
global_revolt_risk = -1
badboy_limit = 10
war_exhaustion = -0.1


hard_player = {
badboy_limit = -10

very_hard_player = {
land_morale = -0.25
naval_morale = -0.25
badboy_limit = -15

very_easy_ai = {
land_morale = -0.25
naval_morale = -0.25

easy_ai = {

hard_ai = {
land_morale = 0.25
naval_morale = 0.25
global_tax_modifier = 0.25
max_war_exhaustion = -3


very_hard_ai = {
land_morale = 0.5
naval_morale = 0.5
global_tax_modifier = 0.5
max_war_exhaustion = -6

# Provincial Static Modifiers

overseas = {
local_tax_modifier = -0.90 #90% penalty if overseas.
local_missionary_cost = 0.75 #75% more expensive overseas.
local_spy_defence = -0.05 #5% penalty on defending in overseas.
regiment_recruit_speed = 100 #50% longer time to build troops
ship_recruit_speed = 100 #100% longer time to build troops
garrison_growth = -0.05 #5% penalty on garrison growth
local_manpower_modifier = -0.5 #50% penalty on manpower.
max_attrition = 10
supply_limit = -1

coastal = {

non_coastal = {
local_colonist_cost = 0.1 #10% more expensive colonists

coastal_sea = {
supply_limit = 5

tropical = {
local_colonist_cost = 0.2 #20% more expensive colonists
local_colonist_placement_chance = -0.1 #10% penalty
local_colonial_growth = -0.25 #Harsh population growth
attrition = 5 #Attrition increased by 5 weights
max_attrition = 5 #Maximum Attrition is increased by 5

local_tariffs = -0.5 #crippled here.
local_tax_modifier = -0.5 #crippled here.
local_trade_income_modifier = -0.5 #crippled here.


sea_zone = {
max_attrition = 5 #Maximum Attrition is 5

land_province = {
max_attrition = 5 #Maximum Attrition is 5
stability_cost = 5 #stability cost
garrison_growth = 0.1 #10% base growth
direct_tax_percentage = 0.10 #10% base minimum

mild_winter = {
attrition = 2 #Attrition increased by 2 weights
max_attrition = 2 #Maximum Attrition is increased by 2

normal_winter = {
attrition = 5 #Attrition increased by 5 weights
max_attrition = 5 #Maximum Attrition is increased by 5

severe_winter = {
attrition = 10 #Attrition increased by 10 weights
max_attrition = 10 #Maximum Attrition is increased by 10

out_of_supply =
max_attrition = 10 #Maximum Attrition is increased by 10

blockaded =
local_tariffs = -1.0 #crippled here.
local_tax_modifier = -0.75 #75% penalty if blockaded
local_trade_income_modifier = -0.75 #75% less trade income.

regiment_recruit_speed = 0.2
ship_recruit_speed = 0.2


no_adjacent_controlled = {
local_colonist_cost = 0.15 #15% more expensive colonists
local_colonist_placement_chance = -0.05 #5% penalty
local_colonial_growth = -0.05

provincial_tax_income = {
local_missionary_placement_chance = -0.007 # penalty for each tax-income
local_missionary_cost = 0.01
supply_limit = 0.2 #20% weight for each tax-income
local_spy_defence = 0.01 #1% for each tax income.
regiment_recruit_speed = -0.01 #1% shorter time to build troops for each cash.
ship_recruit_speed = -0.01

city_population = {
local_missionary_cost = 0.01 #1% for each 1,000 pop.

city = {
local_tax_modifier = 1.0 # full tax

capital_city = {
population_growth = 0.02 #2% base population growth
local_manpower_modifier = 0.1 #10% bonus on manpower.
tax_income = 2 #Extra income bonus
garrison_growth = 0.1 #10% bonus on garrison growth
fort_level = 1

colony_level = {
local_colonist_cost = -0.02 #2% cheaper for each level
local_colonist_placement_chance = 0.04 #4% chance for each level. (up to 40% bonus)
local_tax_modifier = 0.1 #10% for each level.

native_aggressiveness = {
local_colonist_placement_chance = -0.03 #3% penalty
local_colonial_growth = -0.025 #2.5% less growth for each agressive

core = {
direct_tax_percentage = 0.90 #90% more in a core

same_culture_group = {
local_tax_modifier = -0.1 #10% penalty if same culture group but nothing else. Not applied if the controller is the Union Tag of the culture group.

non_accepted_culture = {
local_tax_modifier = -0.3 #30% penalty if different culture
local_missionary_placement_chance = -0.017 # penalty
local_manpower_modifier = -0.3 #30% penalty on manpower.
local_revolt_risk = 1 #1% revolt risk!

different_religion = {
local_tax_modifier = -0.3 #30% penalty if different religion and not in same group
stability_cost = 20 #more expensive for each province
local_revolt_risk = 1 #1% revolt risk!

same_religion_group = {
local_tax_modifier = -0.3 #30% penalty if different religion but same group
stability_cost = 5 #more expensive for each province

has_inland_center_of_trade = {
population_growth = 0.01 #1% base population growth
tax_income = 2 #income bonus for keeping a cot!
merchants = 0.5 #0.5 merchant for each cot.

has_coastal_center_of_trade = {
population_growth = 0.01 #1% base population growth
tax_income = 2 #income bonus for keeping a cot!
merchants = 0.5 #0.5 merchant for each cot.
colonists = 0.1 #0.1 colonist from naval activity.

# Each full 100 gold worth of trade is one level
center_of_trade_level = {
population_growth = 0.01 #1% base population growth
tax_income = 2 #extra income bonus
local_manpower_modifier = 0.1 #10% bonus on manpower.

occupied = {
local_revolt_risk = 1 #1% revolt risk for each year occupied.
garrison_growth = -0.01 #1% penalty on growth if occupied.

under_siege = {
population_growth = -0.05 #5% penalty if occupied by enemies

looted = {
population_growth = -0.05 #5% penalty if looted
max_attrition = 5 #Maximum Attrition is increased by 5
local_tax_modifier = -0.5 #50% less tax income.
regiment_recruit_speed = 0.3
ship_recruit_speed = 0.3


scorched_earth = {
population_growth = -0.20 # 20% penalty
max_attrition = 10 # Maximum Attrition is increased by 10
local_tax_modifier = -0.75 # 75% less tax income.
supply_limit = -1 # Can support fewer regiments

tolerance = {
population_growth = 0.01 #3% penalty if occupied by enemies
local_revolt_risk = -1 #1% revolt risk for each intolerance level

non_culture_cot = {
foreign_merchant_compete_chance = -0.15 #Each non-culture CoT controlled reduces compete chance by 15%

revolt_risk = {
local_tax_modifier = -0.05 #-5% for each rr
local_spy_defence = -0.01 #reduce defence by 1%
regiment_recruit_speed = 0.1 #10% longer time to build troops for each rr
ship_recruit_speed = 0.1

nationalism = {
local_revolt_risk = 0.3 #0.3% for each year revolt risk!
minimum_revolt_risk = 0.3 #0.3% for each year revolt risk!

manpower = {
garrison_growth = 0.01 #1% increase from manpower.

friendly_regiments = {
local_revolt_risk = -1.0 #-1% for each friendly regiment in the province.
minimum_revolt_risk = -0.5 #same here


active_missionary = {
local_revolt_risk = 6 # 6% revolt risk!

# Global Static Modifiers

base_values = {
merchants = 2 #2 merchant yearly'
army_tradition_decay = 0.03 #lose 3% yearly
navy_tradition_decay = 0.03 #lose 3% yearly
prestige_decay = 0.05 #lose 5% prestige each year
tolerance_own = 3
tolerance_heathen = -3
tolerance_heretic = -2

war_taxes = {
global_tax_modifier = 0.5 #50% bonus
war_exhaustion = 0.13 #steady increase.

stability = {
interest = -0.01 #1% interest reduction for loan taken at positive stability point.
merchants = 1 #1 merchant for each positive stability
merchant_placement_chance = 0.05 #5% chance each step.
merchant_compete_chance = 0.01 #1% chance each step.
global_revolt_risk = -1 #-1% revolt risk each step
global_spy_defence = 0.05 #-15 to +15% modifier

positive_stability = {
global_tax_modifier = 0.1 #10% for each positive stab

negative_stability = {
global_revolt_risk = -1 #-1% EXTRA revolt risk each step

cancelled_loan = {
interest = 0.03 #3% increase for each cancelled loan

bank_loan = {
interest = 0.02 #2% increase for each current bankloan

inflation = {
build_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step.
stability_cost_modifier = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step.
merchant_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
colonist_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
missionary_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
infantry_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
cavalry_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
artillery_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
bigship_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
lightship_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
galley_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
transport_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
land_tech_cost_modifier = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
trade_tech_cost_modifier = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
naval_tech_cost_modifier = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
government_tech_cost_modifier = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
production_tech_cost_modifier = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
advisor_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
spies_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step
mercenary_cost = 0.01 #1% for each inflation step

bankruptcy = {
global_revolt_risk = 1 #revolt risk increased by 1 during bankruptcy effects.
interest = 0.10 #10% higher interest during bankruptcy effects
land_morale = -2
naval_morale = -2

monopoly = {
merchants = 1 #1 extra merchant for each monopoly.

war = {
diplomats = 1 #1 diplomat yearly if at war.
max_war_exhaustion = 20 #base max at war.

merchants = -1 #1 less merchant if at war.

peace = {
max_war_exhaustion = 20 #base max at peace.
war_exhaustion = -0.083 # -1 per year

war_exhaustion = {
global_revolt_risk = 1 #increase revolt risk
stability_cost_modifier = 0.05
global_regiment_recruit_speed = 0.1
global_ship_recruit_speed = 0.1

monarch_adm = {
merchant_cost = -0.05 #5% decrease for each step
merchant_placement_chance = 0.03 #3% for each skill-level.
merchant_compete_chance = 0.01 #1% for each skill-level.
build_cost = -0.01 #1% cheaper construction for each skill level.
colonist_placement_chance = 0.05 #5% for each ADM (5-45)
missionary_placement_chance = 0.013 # for each ADM
stability_investment = 2 #2$ for each ADM
government_tech_investment = 1
production_tech_investment = 1
trade_tech_investment = 1
war_exhaustion = -0.016 #about 1/12 decrease each month with an ADM 5


monarch_dip = {
badboy = -0.1 #reduce by about 1 every 2 years with average skill.
badboy_limit = 1 #each increases by 1
diplomats = 0.3 #0.3 for each skilllevel
max_war_exhaustion = -0.11 #-0.11 for each skilllevel.. so a skill 9 reduces max by 1.
spy_efficiency = 0.01 #5% for each skill level

monarch_mil = {
land_morale = 0.1 #0.1 for each skill-level
naval_morale = 0.1 #0.1 for each skill-level
land_tech_investment = 1
naval_tech_investment = 1

trade_efficiency = {
merchant_placement_chance = 0.5 #0.5 for each 1% of TE
merchant_compete_chance = 0.5 #0.5 for each 1% of TE

production_efficiency = {
colonist_placement_chance = 0.2 #0.2 for each 1% of PE (ie, if 100% PE, 20% bonus added.)

trade_refusal = {
trade_efficiency = -0.05 #3% penalty for each.
trade_tech_investment = -5 #-2$ for each.

trade_agreement = {
trade_efficiency = -0.02

defender_of_faith = {
land_morale = 0.5 #0.5 extra land morale
naval_morale = 0.5 #0.5 extra land morale
production_tech_cost_modifier = 0.20 #20% slower tech speed.
trade_tech_cost_modifier = 0.20 #20% slower tech speed.
war_exhaustion = -0.025 #quicker recovery
prestige = 0.01 #1% extra prestige yearly

emperor = {
diplomats = 1 #1 extra diplomat is emperor
spy_efficiency = 0.05 #minor bonus on spies.
prestige = 0.01 #1% extra prestige yearly

states_in_hre = { #bonuses for each state with capital in HRE..
land_forcelimit = 2 #each state increases forcelimit by 5
stability_investment = 1 #and province 2$ each month to stability investments.
global_manpower = 0.5 #each gives 0.5 MP to the emperor.

luck = {
merchant_compete_chance = 0.1
colonist_placement_chance = 0.1
missionary_placement_chance = 0.03
leader_fire = 1
leader_shock = 1
land_tech_cost_modifier = -0.02
trade_tech_cost_modifier = -0.02
naval_tech_cost_modifier = -0.02
government_tech_cost_modifier = -0.02
production_tech_cost_modifier = -0.02
spy_efficiency = 0.05
stability_cost_modifier = -0.50

badboy = {
foreign_merchant_compete_chance = -0.01 #reduced by 1% for each badboy
stability_cost_modifier = 0.01 #1% more expensive for each.

prestige = {
merchant_compete_chance = 0.15 #+15/-15 total bonus from prestige.
land_morale = 0.5
naval_morale = 0.5
diplomats = 1 #1/-1 diplomat yearly if at war.
stability_cost_modifier = -0.33 #33/-33% stability costs.
global_spy_defence = 0.1 #+10/-10
global_trade_income_modifier = 0.15 #+15/-15
defensiveness = 0.1 #+10/-10
mercenary_cost = -0.33 #-33 to +33%


land_maintenance = {
land_morale = 2.0

naval_maintenance = {
naval_morale = 2.0

curia_controller = {
diplomats = 1 #1 extra diplomat as curia controller
prestige = 0.01 #1% extra prestige yearly
stability_cost_modifier = -0.2 #20% cheaper stability
badboy = -0.25 #A nice reduction.

controlled_cardinals = { #bonuses for each controlled cardinal
prestige = 0.002 #7 cardinals increases prestige by 1.4% yearly.
stability_investment = 1 #and province 2$ each month to stability investments.

placed_merchants = {
merchant_compete_chance = -0.005 #-20% at 40 placed.

total_occupation = {
war_exhaustion = 0.01 #increased by war exhaustion.

total_blockaded = {
war_exhaustion = 0.18 #increased by war exhaustion.

uncontested_cores = {
prestige = -0.003

# Scripted and used from Spies
troop_desertions = {
attrition = 5 #Attrition increased by 10 weights
max_attrition = 5 #Maximum Attrition is increased by 10
icon = 8

merchants_despised = {
global_trade_income_modifier = -0.25 #25% less trade income
# merchant_compete_chance = -0.25 #25% worse competing merchants
icon = 6

spies_infiltrated = {
spy_efficiency = -0.25 #25% worse spies.
icon = 2

foreign_support_for_rebels = {
local_revolt_risk = 3 #3% revolt risk!
icon = 2


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