Penelope Rivers Lust at First Site Short Lollipop Lick

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Lollipop Lick
Copyright 2011 by Penelope Rivers
ISBN: 978-1-61829-005-2
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Author s Note: All characters depicted in this work of fiction are 18
years of age or older.
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Published by New Line Press
Cover by Fantasia Frog Designs
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Lollipop Lick
By Penelope Rivers
The very first time that Malan Woods talked to Kent Greenwood,
he was sucking off another guy behind the dumpster at the college.
For Malan, who had always thought that he was as straight as he
could be, it was a terrible experience. There he was, dressed and
ready to head to work, going towards his car that he had strategically
parked in the most vacant lot in school, and then suddenly he heard
the sound of moaning.
Kent, a red-haired boy with a great deal of freckles and a slight,
tall build, was holding onto a man s erection. This man was forty-
something years old judging by the looks of him, and Kent, who was
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leaning forward with his reddish lips moving seductively over the
mushroom-like tip, was doing a job that not even a woman would
want; thus, Malan was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Should
he reveal himself to Kent, who he only knew because they had a class
together, or should he remain hidden and be forced to listen to the
 Umms and  Awwwss of the stranger.
Luckily, the time that it took Malan to decide was adequate to
answer the question for him. The man gave a jerky moan, his hips
moving forward, and then Kent violently jerked his head to the right
as white liquid poured down the strange man s penis. Malan, who was
hidden against the orange brick of the school at the back of the
alleyway, covered his mouth and contemplated running inside to wash
his face. Even if I m late for work, I can t run into Kent.
Just as he placed his hand on the doorknob to head back into the
college s cafeteria, however, a familiar, soft-spoken voice said,  You
can come out, you know.
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Jumping in horror and shock, Malan stood like a statue in the
alleyway, watching as Kent s shadow became clear and more
pronounced as he approached. Kent, who appeared much taller now
that he wasn t kneeling before a stranger, was looking right at him.
He was wiping body fluid off his unusually red lips, the odd
coloration being something that Malan had never noticed before, and
he was strangely enough wearing a fairly indecent smile. He was
already doing what he did in everything class: unwrapping a sucker
and pulling it from its bright red wrapping, after which he shoved it
into his mouth and grinned.
 Get s the flavor out, said Kent, as if Malan had asked him
anything at all, which he hadn t.
 Ugh, was Malan s intelligent and slightly horrified response.
 Well, said Kent, as bemused and as nonchalant as ever,  see
you in class, I suppose.
Malan didn t understand it: not the circumstance of having to suck
off another guy, nor the way that Kent had talked when he passed
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him. It was as though Malan had caught him doing something as
simple as littering. He spent so long rooted to the spot that he hardly
realized that he was a half an hour late for work.
Kent had done something to him, plain and simple. That had to
have been the reason why Malan kept imagining all that Kent could
do with his constant overflow of colorful suckers.  I can t believe that
I am doing this, thought Malan that morning before he prepared for
his first class of the day, the one that he would meet Kent in. I just
can t get him out of my mind.
The whole night, he had dreamed of one thing only: Kent and his
freakishly red lips. Was it normal to have lips as red as cherries? Why
did he always have something in his mouth? Why had he been having
oral sex with an old man to begin with? It wasn t natural& but then,
was it so natural to get so obsessed about it?
This was something so upsetting to Malan that he switched
positions several times in bed, but it was getting hard to ignore the
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very prominent body part that was now giving him his morning
 hello. Moaning slightly, he knew that he had to do something fast.
He could take a cold shower or he could& NO! He thought inwardly
quite violently. I refuse to jack-off to the image of a guy sucking me
off. That crosses the line.
Suddenly, all that Malan could see, though, was Kent s red lips.
They were taunting him, glistening with juices from a sucker, his
bright green eyes flickering with laughter at the idea of Malan s
discomfort. Once again, he moaned and realized that he couldn t help
himself. He placed his hand downward, working his way up and
down, feeling the throbbing heat.
Shaking all over at the horror of what he had done, Malan reached
over to his box of tissues that he kept on the side of his bed for this
purpose, cleaning up the white liquid that had gushed out of his body.
He sat up, seeing his reflection in his small mirror hanging on the
wall, and caught sight of himself in it. For the first time, he truly hated
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what he saw: his disheveled brown hair, his blue-grey eyes, his
fingers that were dripping wet. Never before had he imagined himself
with another guy& until now.
Malan peered at the clock by his bed, realizing that he was now
running late again thanks to the red-lipped  monster, and he
launched himself into his slightly cluttered closet and pulled on his
usual attire of jeans, a T-shirt, and a cap. Scurrying out the door
fifteen minutes later, he nearly tripped over a pair of shoes that he had
not put away the night before. Even his mother s usual breakfast
yes, it was an unfortunate circumstance that he still lived at home, but
he thought that his parents were amazing went ignored.
He glanced sadly at the eggs on the kitchen table, looking up into
his mother s bright, jewel-eyed smile as she looked at him, and
shivered with guilt. Probably, she would weep if she knew. This was
why he kissed her once, rushed out of the kitchen as fast as he could,
not even bothering with an explanation.
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After he had jumped into his car, it felt like it took him too long
and also not long enough to reach the university. He had made it
right on time without his usual dilly-dallying in the kitchen over eggs.
As he rushed forward, he felt hit heart pound harder in his chest. I am
going to look the person in the eye that I imagined while jacking
myself off this morning, he thought. Do I really want to go to class?
While he was so busy being horrified by the idea of running into
Kent, he did just that. Kent was standing outside the classroom door
as if waiting for Malan, a sucker in his mouth and a grin on his
succulently red lips. He made a popping motion with the sucker and
grinned at him, using his tongue to grace the sticky, sweet mess in his
mouth. Malan s heart spend up even more so, and he felt building
heat in other areas as Kent ran his tongue over the tip of the sucker
again, winking at Malan as he did so.
Malan shivered, heading into class and knowing that he had no
other choice, foregoing his usual seat in the front for a place in the
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back. Unfortunately, so did Kent for reasons unknown to him. Malan
wondered whether Kent was taunting him, or whether he was even
aware that he had put a spell on him. The very idea of it was enough
to make him want to punch Kent in the face or maybe do other
things to his face&
Stop it! STOP IT! He thought wildly, shaking his head as he
peered up the long set of desks. Kent was right beside him, so close
that it was unnecessary. He was also grinning with such wickedness
that Malan was now certain that he knew that something was up. It
was terrible. Malan squirmed in his seat.
 Stop it, hissed Malan to Kent as the professor began another
incredibly boring lesson.  Leave me alone, why don t you& 
Kent pulled the sucker out of his lips with a POP! And rolled it
around on his tongue. His eyes were gleaming.  I have no idea what
you re talking about. What did I do? I just wanted to sit next to you.
 You know exactly what you re doing, Malan hissed back,
eyeing the professor nervously. The man was oblivious, like usual, to
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everything except for his own voice.  You made it so that you re all
that I think about. All day yesterday and all this morning you and
that stupid lollipop of yours.
A surprised expression crossed Kent s face, and Malan realized
what he had just said, so he quickly clamped his mouth shut and
turned scarlet. Kent, who had bit down on his recent sucker with a
significant crunch, was eyeballing him carefully. He didn t actually
know, thought Malan darkly. But he sure does now. I can t believe
that I m such a moron. This is ridiculous. I should pretend to be sick,
just head home&
That was when Kent said triumphantly:  You like me.
 I most certainly do not! said Malan loudly, standing up
violently and showering the ground with his notes.
While the usual talk behind their professor did not wake the
droning old man from his stupor, Malan s loud pronouncement did.
The old, shriveled, white-haired man turned around looking
scandalized that someone did not find his topic as fascinating as he,
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and he placed the chalk down on the desk with deliberate anger. The
professor said,  Boys, if you have a conversation that you find more
entertaining than my topic, I suggest that you leave the classroom this
While Malan mumbled an apology, his face scarlet as the hundred
other students turned around to look at them both, Kent said loudly
with enthusiasm and no embarrassment,  Will do, Professor. Come
along then, Malan. I want to finish talking about this outside.
 But I no, wait a second! said Malan loudly as Kent began to
gather his things for him, the professor looking both startled and
scandalized by this reaction. Normally, the student would have just
sat down and made no noise for the rest of the lesson.
The two of them headed outside into the university hallway where
students were bumping into each other or laughing. Kent still had
Malan s backpack as if Malan was a dog and his things were the bone
that would keep him following. It was all just as well, though,
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because he was certain that he would be running in the opposite
direction right now if Kent hadn t taken his car keys.
Malan followed Kent towards an unknown area, and he found
himself in a completely secluded part of the university that was below
ground that he had never noticed before. They headed into a
handicapped bathroom, meaning that there was only one stall and a
door lock to keep others out of the entire area. It was the usual white
on white tile extravaganza, but right now, it looked glaringly neon in
the circumstances.
 So, said Kent after a moment as Malan followed him nervously
inside of the bathroom,  you like me, huh?
Kent was still sucking on a blue lollipop, his tongue working it
around and around his mouth several times. For a second Malan felt
his breath catch in his chest, but then he realized that Kent might have
been right& which was absolutely horrifying to him.
All day yesterday, he had fantasized about Kent. This morning,
when Kent had chosen to sit next to him, his heart had sped up in his
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chest. If it had been a girl that he had been daydreaming about, then
he would have admitted it in an instant. The only thing that was
different this time was the gender of his quarry.
Slowly, Malan nodded, his face flushing.  Please don t tell
anyone. Please.
 Let me guess, said Kent softly, finally removing the sucker
from his red lips.  You ve never thought of a guy like that before, and
it embarrassed you? Well, don t be shy. I knew that I was only into
men since high school, and it isn t bad at all.
Malan flushed further. What was he doing, in a school bathroom
none no less? This was a conversation that needed to be held behind
locked doors and in a completely empty house. After all, a janitor
could come striding by at any moment, and their very intimate talk
could be overheard.
 Should we really be doing this here? asked Malan softly.
 Could we go someplace else?
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Chuckling softly, Kent said,  You re a nervous guy, aren t you?
In class, you re pretty twitchy too& but don t worry, I return your
feelings. I couldn t get you out of my head since yesterday either.
Maybe it was love at first sight.
Already, Kent was kneeling down before him, his mouth sucker
free for the first time in ages. Malan was so surprised as Kent jerked
down his zipper that he didn t even have time to try to stop him as he
yanked down his pants and briefs all in one swift motion and left them
at his ankles. Shivering slightly in expectation and confusion, Malan
held onto the handrail that handicapped people usually used and
exhaled sharply,  No, wait a second! Anybody can walk by. They ll
hear Oh, God!
Kent had given the tip of his penis one slow, seductive lick that
caused him to get extraordinarily excited all at once. Whether it was
all that tongue action with his lollipops or something else, there was
only one-way to describe Kent and his super powered mouth ability
amazing. Better than any girl, any other person, that Malan had ever
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been with. His knees were already buckling underneath the pleasure
of it all.
In one quick movement, Kent had the full of him in his mouth,
running his tongue over the mushroom top and gently using his finger
to caress the prominent vein underneath. Malan s breathing became
ragged, and he realized that Kent was going to make him cum
quickly more quickly than he probably had in his entire life. It
wasn t his fault. Kent, after all, was just too amazing.
Finally, after the incredible tongue bath, Kent felt his hips buck
slightly as he released. Unlike with the strange, older man yesterday
that suddenly filled Malan s heart with intense jealousy, Kent took all
of it in his mouth, swallowing with a grin on his lips as he did so. A
long, white trickle of fluid dribbled down his face, but he licked all of
that too, still simpering. Almost immediately afterwards, he took out a
sucker and placed it in his mouth, rolling it around and around and
Malan knew that it wouldn t take him too long to be hard again.
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 Good, eh? Kent asked with a grin, holding the sucker in his
cheek almost like a hamster.  I told you so.
 But what about you? Don t you you know want it too?
Kent smiled slowly, a less teasing glint in his eye.  You re new to
this. I m not sure that you re ready to do it for me.
Malan looked at Kent who had the reddest of lips, and he smiled
hesitantly, a blush filling his cheeks as he did so. It was embarrassing
to think it, but he knew that he was prepared. After all, Malan felt his
heart pound at the thought of being that close to Kent, and he had
already begun to feel jealous at the idea that some other guy had
touched him. I m being ridiculous, he thought darkly. I just barely
talked to him yesterday. I ve only noticed him vaguely in my classes. I
shouldn t be this excited.
Yet excited he was, physically, emotionally, and soulfully. He
was already kneeling before Kent, unzipping his faded Levis, and
nervously tugging them down. A pair of funny, lollipop-adorned
boxer shorts gleamed before him. Even his underwear worshiped the
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suckers that he always had in his mouth. Some other time, he would
ask about why Kent always had to have something in his mouth.
 Are you sure about this? Kent asked, a raspberry sucker in his
lips. He crunched on it loudly and laid the stick with the others.  My
body isn t soft like a woman s body is.
 I m sure, Malan responded, shocking himself by realizing that
he was telling the truth.  Just don t expect something amazing. I ve
never done this before.
It was strange but not unpleasant to see Kent s full manliness
exposed before him. He thought that he would cringe if ever faced
with another man s penis, but he was so aroused by it that it made him
squirm. It wasn t difficult for him at all to place his hand at its base,
giving the tip of Kent one long, sensuous lick as if it was one of those
suckers that Kent enjoyed so much. Kent let out a long, low moan.
After receiving such a positive reaction, Malan leaned forward
and took the full of Kent into his mouth, going as far as he could. It
was a different sensation, one that was filled with heat and hardness
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and veins. He tenderly stroked Kent s base as he licked and sucked in
a way that he himself would enjoy. Meanwhile, Kent was holding fast
onto the toilet behind him, his eyes swimming with pleasure.
 Ah, Kent moaned.  You are good at this. Very good.
Malan felt heat and throbbing as Kent came into his mouth, and it
filled him with a salty and not entirely pleasant flavor. Though he
could have spit it out, he swallowed it, smiling up at Kent who was
breathing heavily above him. Malan was so into the moment that he
scarcely heard a couple of people walking by the bathroom while
talking loudly.
 Here, Kent whispered, digging around in his back pocket and
pulling out a tangerine flavored sucker.  Lick that lollipop.
Hesitating, Malan took the sucker and pressed it inside of his lips,
sucking on the sweet goodness. Suddenly, he understood why Kent
was so enthralled with them. After having just sucked off Kent, the
sweetness combined with the salty flavor and blew him off his feet.
He stared jewel-eyed at Kent, surprised.
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 Good, eh? Kent chuckled deeply, tilting his head as Malan
stood up.  Told you so.
Malan took the sucker out of his mouth and placed it with its
wrapper on the toilet seat. Though he didn t know why, Kent s vivid
red lips were like a gorgeous, sexy beacon to him. He seized Kent s
neck, running his fingers up his freshly shaved cheeks, and leaned
downwards. The two of them shared a wet, sensual, and erotic kiss.
As their tongues intertwined, Malan realized something. Kent s
mouth, so constantly filled with incredibly sweetness, tasted just like
a sucker. It wasn t because he had just been licking a tangerine
candy it was something else. Eagerly, he deepened the kiss, so
enthralled by the flavor that he didn t even realize that he was hard
again until he was.
When they broke apart, both panting slightly, Kent raised an
eyebrow at him and said carefully,  Are you sure that you re a newbie
at this?
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In response, Malan grabbed and kissed him deeper and deeper, his
mouth wanting to never stop. He felt eager and passionate to explore
this new person that just could not be human. After all, who tasted
like candy? Who had the sucking abilities of a god? He half-expected
Kent to be able to produce ice cream out of his nipples had he been in
the mood to try it.
Eagerly, wanting to find out more, he ran his fingers all the way
down Kent s body underneath his shirt. Kent threw up his hands,
stepping out of his pants completely, and tossed his shirt to the floor
some distance away regardless of hygiene issues. Kent was panting
slightly, his breath ragged, and he reached forward to kiss Malan
some more.
The two of them fell heavily against the bathroom wall with an,
Laughing softly, feeling more enthralled than he ever had with a
woman, Malan seized his shirt now too and tossed it to the same pile.
The two of them were completely naked, chest-to-chest and mast to
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mast, ready for more. Except, as Malan had never cared to explore the
region of male on male sexuality, he wasn t one hundred percent sure
what  more was. Kent, grinning teasingly and excitably, appeared to
sense this and grabbed his hand.
 Here, Kent whispered, nibbling Malan s ear as he exhaled
softly.  I will show you what to do next. This is going to be fun for
you and for me.
Kent grabbed Malan s hand and led it over his thin, tapered hips
and down past his small, muscular butt. After that, he came to a stop
right over his anal cavity, panting slightly. Catching the meaning
behind the action, Malan s eyes widened and he glanced at Kent in
 Won t that&  Malan whispered,  Won t that, you know, hurt
 I m not a virgin, Kent said softly, shaking his head.  It hurts at
first. I m used to it now, though. I wouldn t let you do it if I didn t
like it.
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 Then& what do I have to do? asked Malan uncertainly.
 Work me out a bit, Kent whispered, helping him insert a finger.
 After that, it s all up to you.
Slowly and seductively, Kent whipped around and pressed both
hands against the wall as if he was at a jailbird lineup. With a grin on
his face, he stuck out his butt and gave a wicked glance over his
shoulder, showing off his dark red lips as he did so. In one movement,
Malan took his finger and inserted it into Kent, wondering what it
would feel like.
It felt hot and tight inside of Kent, so he moved his fingers
around, casting a worried glance at his partner s face. Instead of
looking pained, Kent appeared like he was in the midst of incredible
pleasure. Using two fingers this time, sticking them in his mouth first
in order for Kent to not be so dry, he then inserted them again with a
lot more force. Kent responded to this with a loud, hoarse cry.
Slowly and nervously, Malan leaned downward and ran the tip of
his finger over the anal cavity. He knew it would be too dry this way,
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that it would hurt Kent, so he leaned downward and did something
that he never thought that he would do he stuck his tongue inside of
another man s body.
Kent squirmed in pleasure, moaning softly and gripping harder
against the wall, and Malan continued this process, thrusting his
tongue in and out, as he did so. Malan took his fingers again, pressing
three of them into Kent. Now that Kent was getting stretched out, it
was much easier to get inside of him and move around. Eagerly,
Malan grinned.
 Oh God, said Kent, stopping only long enough to lean down
quickly to grab a condom that was inside of his pant pocket. He
tossed it at Malan hurriedly, who flushed and quickly stuck it on.
 Stop with the child s play already and stick it in me.
Without even a bit of hesitation this time around, Malan thrust
himself into Kent like he had been dreaming about all the night
before, groaning as he felt more pleasure than he ever had in his entire
life. He placed his long, wide-open palms on top of Kent s as they
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pressed against each other. They were panting, their rhythms
beginning to match, their breathing becoming more and more ragged
as they went along.
As Malan finally came, filling Kent with all that he had, the two
of them pressed together and panted in sweat soaked ecstasy. The
whole bathroom smelled of sweat and their lovemaking, something
that Malan didn t necessarily dislike as far as things went. The two of
them, now finished, pulled apart, but Malan didn t want that entirely.
Affectionately, Malan reached forward and grabbed a hold of
Kent, pulling him closer. Kent s eyes widened in surprise, but he
didn t seem to dislike it. In fact, Kent said,  Nobody ever held me like
this after we had sex before.
 I guess that you didn t know a lot of classy guys, then,
responded Malan softly, holding him closer.  Thank you for making
love with me.
 I guess I didn t, Kent chuckled, rumbling Malan s whole body.
 Nobody ever thanked me before either.
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 You know what you said back there? Malan murmured after a
moment.   Maybe it was love at first sight? 
 Yes, responded Kent softly, eyes clouded.
 I think that you may have been right, responded Malan.  I don t
care that you re a guy or whatever. It s never been this way with
anyone else, emotionally and physically. I m not even a romantic.
Kent grinned, eyes gleaming,  I m always right.
After that, they shared one deep kiss that tasted once again of
sweet suckers. As they pulled on their clothes, leaving the bathroom
to discover the three girls that had heard their entire lovemaking
session and were looking frightened, Malan realized only one thing:
He couldn t wait to get Kent home so that he could lick that lollipop
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About the Author
Penelope Rivers is an erotic novelist of M/M romance novels and short stories. A
hopeless dreamer, she spends her day thinking about all things fantasy, romantic
and not. It is her view that when you start choking on the occasionally dry bread
of life, you need something sinfully delicious to chase it down with. Currently,
she lives in Utah with an abnormal amount of pets.
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Books by Penelope Rivers
Lust at First Sight Series:
Lollipop Lick
Eyes on You
The Naughtiest Student
New Line


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