The Modern Dispatch 053 Beer, an Ouija Board, Pretzels, and a Demon

The Modern Dispatch
Pinebox Adventures
Beer, an Ouija Board,
Pretzels, and a Demon
While at a party, the heroes and several GM characters Late in the morning hours, most of the partiers have
play with a Ouija board. The sinister device reveals gone home, except for James, Lana and the heroes.
a cryptic message,  Bloody Mary. This is a clue James pulls out a Ouija board and asks if anyone
Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying
suggesting heroes go to the restroom and try the would like to play.
Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
old legend of Bloody Mary (Repeat the name while This Ouija board is special. James found it left in
looking in a mirror three times, before a lit candle, and the apartment when he moved in six months before.
while alone). If a hero makes the attempt, horror is The previous owner of the apartment, Joe Breen, had
definitely in his future. If no hero takes the bait, James committed suicide; at least that was what the police had
 Howdy from 12 to Midnight
Jones, a friend at the party does. determined. Actually, Breen had been communing with
In case you are not familiar with us, 12 to Midnight
The ritual releases a demon that attempts to possess several dangerous spirits and one night inadvertently
is a Texas-based RPG publisher specializing in
the hero (or James), and uses that person against summoned Sudalak, a demon of night terrors. Sudalak
modern horror. You might not normally think  Texas
and  horror go together, but we are pretty sure you others. Once released, the creature must be appeased had played with his victim for several days before
will change your mind after spending some time in
or defeated. bleeding his wrists and allowing Breen to die. Sudalak
This adventure is written for 4 characters of at least awaits for a calling from the physical world. Once
Pinebox, Texas, that is a nice little rural community
4th level, but may be scaled up or down depending on released, his powers are great enough to create Hell on
smack-dab in East Texas. There is a university nearby,
the makeup of the team. This is a roleplay-intensive Earth in this little apartment.
a pine forest called the Big Thicket, and a mess of
mini-adventure. Make sure the players can pull it off There are two ways for the heroes to defeat Sudalak.
beautiful wildflowers every spring. Unfortunately, it is
before attempting to run it. One way is to kill the possessed person s body. The
also the epicenter of a whole lot of bad mojo. We re
second way is to play along with Sudalak s horrific
talking dark magic, serial killers, haunted buildings
games until Lana can cast a spell of protection.
the whole ball of wax. Introduction and Background
If you want to learn more about Pinebox, just visit
James Jones has great parties in his two-room, 2nd story
our Web site at You can start using
Author: Ed.Wettermanżÿ
apartment. The heroes have attended this one, as well as
the free campaign setting on our site right now, then
Lana Fowler. Fowlers hair is dyed a purplish maroon
editors: Jerry.Blakemore
watch it continue to grow right here in the pages of
and is spiked and short. Her lipstick and fingernails are
Modern Dispatch. Of course, Pinebox is our setting,
painted black, and her eye shadow is heavy and dark.
but all the material in these pages can just as easily be
Despite her carefree appearance, Lana is actually a shy
dropped into yours.
layout: Preston.dubose
girl who enjoys watching others. She usually wears a
If you have any ideas for future issues,
sly smile upon her lips, as if amused by the actions of
or if you want to comment on what you
read here, please drop by the forums on others. The truth is that Lana is a witch, taught by her
our website.
mother, and she has never quite fit in.
Beer, an Ouija Board, Pretzels, and a Demon
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The Modern Dispatch
However, this is a time-consuming process and the There is room for two more players at the board. Allow Knowledge (Arcane Lore) checks DC 10. If
heroes must keep Sudalak s attention from her. The game is played with everyone lightly touching successful the hero remembers the old ritual-game
This is truly a horror adventure, and character the planchette (pointer) and moving it in small circles of Bloody Mary. You stand before a mirror, with one
deaths are possible. Sudalak, being a demon of night about the board. The board has the alphabet, 0 to 9, candle lit in a darkened room and chant Bloody Mary
terrors, can control and change the environment as he and Yes and No written upon it. Allow any heroes who three times. The purpose of this was to see  Bloody
wishes making him a very dangerous opponent. He wish to join in the fun. Mary s ghost. Obviously the spirit of Sudalak wants
feeds off fear, so he wants to torture and terrify his James and Lana begin by welcoming any spirits who the heroes to do this for him to  cross over. Sudalak
victims for as long as possible before killing them and wish to communicate, though Lana takes the Ouija does his best to communicate that he needs their help
taking possession of their souls. ceremony much more seriously to  cross over. He attempts to
than James, who is really only tell them that he is  trapped here
What is Fear Effects?
doing it for a laugh. James asks the and wishes only to move on in the
Let s Get this Party Started&
Fear Effects is
first question,  Do you think I m afterlife. He needs the ritual to find
12 to Midnight s
The party has gone late into the early morning hours.
sexy? He then causes the pointer peace. If the heroes do not follow
own set of add-
Most of the partiers have gone home, except for just a
to move to the Yes. He laughs this line of reasoning, have Lana
on horror rules.
few friends, a girl named Lana, and you. Your friend,
and plays on this way for a few agree to do so.
These rules do
James Jones, whose apartment hosted the party, has
minutes. If a hero is willing to perform
not require the use of a sanity
pulled out an old 1970s Ouija board.  Who wants to
Things get more serious when the ritual, have him do so in the
score. Instead, they rely on a
try? He asks with a smile. Lana, who has been very
Lana asks,  Is there anyone here bathroom in front of the large
saving throw called a Horror
quiet and shy most of the night suddenly perks up.  I
who wishes to speak to us? The mirror over the washbasin. If no
check. You will see references
do! and she moves to sit opposite James.
planchette seems to leap from the hero is willing to make the attempt,
to three different kinds of
fingers of the players and hovers James does so. Of course if the
Horror checks mentioned in
The apartment itself is on the second floor of the AJ
in small circles around the Yes. heroes  metagame this and refuse
this adventure: minor spooks,
Smith Apartments. It consists of two bedrooms, two
Have heroes who are playing to allow anyone to do so, then the
medium shocks, and great
bathrooms, a small kitchen, a combined dining room
make Spot checks (DC 10). If party ends normally. Unfortunately,
and living room, and a small balcony accessed through
successful, they perceive that the James attempts the ritual on his
If you aren t using Fear
a sliding glass door. The front door opens onto a railed
planchette moved on its own. If own later and is found dead in
Effects, be sure to check it out.
porch and stairs descend to the first floor and parking
the heroes remove their hands and his apartment. The subsequent
It makes any mediocre game
lot beyond. There are neighboring apartments, but
have Lana and James do the same, investigation states that James was
great, and any great game (such
due to the supernatural effects of the Sudalak, no one
the pointer obviously moves of its the victim of a brutal murder. The
as those by 12 to Midnight)
outside the apartment can hear what is happening.
own accord. police are baffled, however, as the
even better. However, if you still
Allow the heroes to ask questions apartment was locked up tight,
are not convinced to run this
and answer them, remembering including the flip lock on the main
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are
adventure using the Fear Effects
that the Sudalak wants to fool door.
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the
rules, then just ignore comments
them into believing he is a playful,
United States and other countries and are used
in the adventure about minor
harmless spirit, and that he needs
with permission.  d20 System and the  d20
spooks, medium shocks, or great
them to perform the ritual to allow
System logo are trademarks of Wizards of the
him access to this dimension.
Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms
Eventually have the pointer spell
of the d20 System License version 6.0. A copy of
out  Bloody Mary , and then  Sudalak .
this License can be found at
Beer, an Ouija Board, Pretzels, and a Demon
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The Modern Dispatch
overcome the horror (defeating the spiders, etc) or by
The Ritual: Sudalak s Return Pocket Dimensions of Terror
a hero s  death.
Should a hero attempt the ritual, he should be alone There are several rules for the game that Sudalak is
Rule 3: Sudalak must provide the heroes with
(As should the GM and the player involved!) in the about to play with the heroes. These rules were set up
some way to combat or fight back against whatever
darkened bathroom. The character must stand before by the Creator, and must be adhered to. Furthermore,
nightmares he creates relative to the threat. So in the
the mirror with the door closed and a single candle he does not want to actually kill the heroes& yet.
case of the example spiders, there should be a torch
lit. To successfully perform the ritual, the hero must He feeds on fear and terror, so by
or bug spray. If fighting zombies,
chant,  Sudalak, Sudalak, Sudalak. Once this occurs, creating scenes that frighten and
there should be knives or guns.
the candle extinguishes and the Demon s spirit is terrorize them, he accomplishes
Words of Warning: The weapons are placed within
released. this goal.
This adventure 10 of the heroes at the beginning
His first action is to attempt to possess the summoner Rule 1: The Sudalak can
can be a lot of each nightmare. Note, these
during a surprise round. (See Possession SQ of the transform reality, but only within
of fun for weapons operate normally in
Sudalak.) If possession attempt fails then the character the constraints of the apartment.
the players, the Dreamscape and can affect
may act on his initiative but first suffers a Great Fright The physical dimension of the
especially the Sudalak! He may end any scene at
(if you are using Fear Effects) from the supernatural apartment does not change, and
possessed player who now gets his whim (See Sudalak description.)
 attack . If the possession is successful, then a horror the heroes may move from room
to mess with his friends! Sudalak s creation s CR should be
check is irrelevant. to room within it. However, the
However, I do have this roughly equal or just better than
If Sudalak successfully possesses one of the heroes, contents of the apartment may
warning for you. Be prepared! the EL of the heroes. He may not
give him the player handout  Note to Dream Weaver change at Sudalak s whim (See
Have your d20 Modern directly attack the heroes, though
Hero. Take time to explain that he is playing the Sudalak description for how this is
Roleplaying Game and other his creations can.
demon against his friends! accomplished)
game books ready so you have Rule 4: Two exits exist the
If the summoner successfully resists the possession, Rule 2: Sudalak desires to
access to whatever stats you front door and the balcony. The
the demon moves to other rooms in the apartment and prolong the terror and fear of those
might need to run the adventure. front door may be disguised by
tries to possess other heroes until either he succeeds or in the apartment, so he does not kill
The possessed might choose Sudalak s nightmare, but it does
everyone has fled the apartment. any of them outright, though he
to have a fire that spreads from exist. Any hero who successfully
If no hero performs the ritual, allow James to make may have them experience dying
room to room, so you should be Searches (DC 16) for the door
the attempt. James is automatically possessed for in the dream state. For instance, he
familiar with the effects of fire must then overcome a Will save
purposes of the furthering the adventure. creates a room covered in spiders
and smoke. (DC 16) to open it, as the demon
Once the possessed character reenters the common which leap onto the heroes in a
Remember to counter projects all sorts of fearful horrors
area of the apartment, he smiles and says,  The fun is great stinging, biting, swarm. A
whatever the  possessed beyond the door. Once exiting
about to begin. The Sudalak uses his powers to bolt hero  dies due to the bites, but
creates by giving appropriate through the door, the hero is free
and lock all the doors and windows, shutting everyone awakens moments later in the same
devices and weapons to the of the Sudalak. The door cannot be
in. Then the real horror begins. room of the apartment and Sudalak
heroes. But most importantly, opened from the outside, and the
starts another wave of terror.
have fun! hero may not reenter the apartment
Here is where the adventure gets quirky and is perfect Any hero who dies in this manner
until Sudalak is finished.
for the roleplaying-intensive group. The GM and the must make a Great Fright check.
Characters may also exit by the
Dream Weaver Hero get to use their imaginations to Such heroes also suffer a temporary
balcony, although it may appear otherwise. They may
scare and terrorize the other heroes. Sudalak is the level drain. Each level requires one week of rest to
perceive a fiery hell, or it may appear as if the hero
master of illusion, combining the dream state and recover. Any hero whose total level drops below 0
is a hundred stories above the parking lot below. To
reality into one ever changing horrifying vision. dies and becomes a Lost Soul (as described in Green s
jump from the balcony, a hero must succeed in a Will
Guide to Ghosts). A scene ends when the heroes either
Beer, an Ouija Board, Pretzels, and a Demon
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The Modern Dispatch
save (DC 16). If successful, he leaps over the banister C. Aliens- A xenomorphic alien is alive somewhere also loses if all the heroes escape the apartment. When
and lands one story below, suffering 2d6 damage in the apartment. It is coming for dinner. this occurs, Sudalak urges the possessed person to
(20 feet fall). He is now free of the nightmare, but D. The Undead come for Breakfast- Straight up commit suicide. To resist, the character must succeed
cannot reenter the apartment, nor can he hear what is zombie brawl. Night of the Undead. in a Will save (DC 12). Sudalak returns to his own
transpiring inside. E. Reliving Past Events- If the heroes faced some dimension after this final attack. If the possessed
horror in an earlier adventure, bring it back for this person makes his save, he experiences a Great Fright
one. horror check to deal with the repercussions of being
Ideas for Nightmarish
F. Vampires- You are in a ancient castle. A coffin possessed by a demon.
rests upon a marble platform in front of you. When It is also possible for one or more heroes to distract
A. The Dark Forest- each room becomes part of
the heroes look inside the coffin, it is empty. Off in the Sudalak by effective roleplay, Intimidation, or
a small clearing surrounded by ancient woods. The
distance a wolf howls. Now you can make out some other means. Lana knows witchcraft and a ritual for
woods are dark, it is night, and something prowls at
etchings upon the platform. Two words are spelled exorcism. The heroes must distract the Sudalak while
the edge, preparing to make a meal of the heroes.
out. Vlad Dracula. Lana performs the ritual. See Ritual of Exorcism at the
B. The Adventurer- Apparently the person
back. Lana s roll is d20 +6 Will +1 Charisma modifier
possessed plays roleplaying games, and the rooms of
Ending the Tale& +2 synergy bonus +5 for knowing Sudalak s name.
the apartment become a dungeon crawl. The modern
Sudalak may be defeated when the heroes reduce the Sudalak s roll is d20 + character Will +4 Will bonus +
heroes becoming their favorite archetype fantasy
Dream Weaver Hero down to 0 or fewer hit points. He character hit dice plus 1.
Sudalak: Demon of Night Terrors
attacks that do 10 or less damage, unless the weapon the dreamscape to change. The possessed may create up
Dream Weaver (Template)
or attack is under the effect of a Bless spell, is magical, to four medium sized creatures per round (or 2 Large,
The dream weaver is an acquired template that
or of similar FX. 1 huge, 8 small, 16 Tiny, 34 Diminutive or 68 fine), but
modifies any possessed humanoid during the time he
Darkvision (Ex): The dream weaver can see in total may take no other action. The creatures created may
is possessed by Sudalak. The dream weaver uses all of
darkness out to 60 feet. not exceed the average level of the heroes by more
the primary statistics except as noted here.
Fear Aura (Su): The dream weaver may use this than 2. The dreamscape may involve gases, acid, fire
Challenge Rating: Original character level +1.
ability at will to freeze an opponent. The victim is or anything else the possessed desires, but the heroes
Hit Points: +8 (Demonic power)
frozen in terror for 1d4 rounds and cannot move or take must have some way of overcoming the environment,
Special Qualities: A dream weaver keeps all of
any other actions. Negating the fear effect requires a and some way of fighting off the creatures created.
the original s extraordinary abilities but none of its
successful Will save (DC 13). The range is 30 ft. and The demon feeds on fear and terror, so the death of the
supernatural or spell-like abilities. The dream weaver
may be directed at one foe at a time. heroes is not necessary.
retains the original s other special qualities or talents.
Nightmare Creation (Su): The dream weaver If the dream weaver suffers a MAS result from
A dream weaver has the following special qualities:
can change the interior of the apartment into any an attack, the dreamscape and all its creatures end
Acid and Fire Resistance 20 (Ex): The dream weaver
dreamscape he desires, though it must retain its original immediately, though he may create a new weave
ignores up to 20 points of damage caused by acid or
dimensions (Size, height, rooms, etc.) He may also should he remain conscious. A hero may  die in a
fire each time it is subjected to such an attack.
bring into being any nightmarish creature he wishes nightscape. Any hero who dies in this manner suffers
Damage Reduction (Su) 10/Blessed, Magical: The
that fits into the space available. It takes one round for a Great Fright horror check and suffers a temporary
dream weaver ignores damage from any weapons or
Beer, an Ouija Board, Pretzels, and a Demon
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The Modern Dispatch
level drain. Recovery requires one week of rest to
regain one level. Any hero whose total character level
Lana Fowler
drops below 0 dies for real and becomes a Lesser
Mage Spells Prepared: (3/2; save DC = 12 + spell
Manifestation as defined in Green s Guide to Ghosts.
Character Statistics
level): 0-detect magic, light, read magic; 1st-Hold
A scene ends when the heroes overcome the horror, or
Portal, Mage Armor.
the horror overcomes them (a hero s  death ).
Smart 4 / Mage 1 (CR 5)
Hit Dice: 5d6+10
The dream weaver may only attack with illusions.
Initiative +3 BAB +2 STR 10 (+0)
Physical attacks by the dream weaver against his
Wealth: +1
11, touch
antagonists are strictly prohibited.
Reputation & Allegiance: +3; None
Defense 11, flat Melee +2 DEX 8 (-1)
Possession (Su): Once per round as a full round
footed 11
Possessions: Purse, (usual contents), cat collar with
attack action, the demon can attempt to merge with a
Hit Points 35 Ranged +1 CON 14 (+2)
humanoid creature and seize control of its body. To do
Save Fort +3 Grapple +2 INT 15 (+2)
Occupation: Student; Knowledge (Arcane Lore),
this the demon must first move into the target s location.
Knowledge (History), Research.
Doing so does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
Save Ref +0 14 WIS 14 (+2)
(The demon spirit s movement rate is 40 ).
The target can resist the possession attempt with
Save Will +6 0 CHA 12 (+1)
a successful Will save (DC 20) (Base 10 + 6 HD +
(March 2, 1986 to present)
Charisma modifier of 4). If the save succeeds, the
Lana is a Freshman at East Texas University and is
Attacks: (melee) unarmed attack: (provokes AoO)
demon s attempt fails and he is pushed into an adjacent
majoring in psychology. Her mother was a witch who
Atk +2; Dmg 1d3 (nonlethal)
space. If the save fails, the demon enters the body of
owned a bookstore in the Village of Rice, Texas. Lana
(melee) full unarmed attack: (provokes AoO)
the target and possesses it. The soul and consciousness
was raised reading occult books and learning various
Atk +2; Dmg 1d3 (nonlethal)
of the possessed person is held captive within his
spells of her mother s devotion. She has always felt
own body and the demon has full access to all his
Speed: 30 ft.
like an outsider and is basically very shy. Her hair is
memories and knowledge. Any attack on the body of
dyed a purplish maroon and cut spiky and short. Her
Facing & Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
the possessed person that deals MAS damage allows
lipstick and fingernails are painted black and she wears
Special Qualities: arcane skills, arcane spells,
another Will save to drive out the demonic spirit
lots of eye shadow.
summon familiar
(whether or not the MAS Fortitude save succeeds). If
Skills: Bluff +4; Craft (Chemical) +9; Computer Use
the dream weaver s body is reduced to zero or less hit
Character Speak
+7; Concentration +5; Decipher Script +12;
points the demon returns to its own dimension.
 I don t like the looks of this.
Forgery +7; Intimidation +5; Knowledge (History)
Telepathy (Su): The dream weaver can communicate
 There is more to the universe than we can sense
+8; Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy) +6;
telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that
with our eyes, touch or smell.
Research + 12; Search + 7; Sense Motive +4
has a language.
 Spirits are not inherently evil. They are just souls
Saves: Will saves receive a bonus of +4.
Talents & Feats: Educated: (Knowledge (Arcane
bound to the sins of this world.
Action Points: The dream weaver may not use any
Lore), Knowledge (History)), Improved
 If a spirit needs help to cross over, we should do
action points while possessed.
Initiative, Savant (Knowledge: Arcane Lore) +4,
everything we can.
Abilities: All remain the same, though the Charisma
Simple Weapons Proficiency, Ritual of Exorcism,
 My momma was on crack! Let s get the hell out of
may be modified down to 1 or up to 18 as the dream
Studious, Toughness, Trick.
weaver wishes.
Beer, an Ouija Board, Pretzels, and a Demon
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The Modern Dispatch
James Jones Ritual of Exorcism
This ritual drives out demons or evil spirits possessing
Feats: Educated (Knowledge [art] and Knowledge
Character Statistics
a victim or inhabiting a building.
[popular culture]), Personal Firearms Proficiency,
Ritualists: The ritual calls for at least one priest or
Renown, Simple Weapons Proficiency, Windfall.
Fast 3 / Charismatic 3 Ordinary (CR 5)
similarly qualified primary ritualist (6 or more ranks in
Hit Dice: 3d8+3d6
Initiative +2 BAB +3 STR 8 (-1) Knowledge [Theology and Philosophy] or Knowledge
Wealth: +1
[Occult] is acceptable).
17, touch
Defense 17, flat Melee +2 DEX 14 (+2)
Reputation & Allegiance: +5; None Primary: The primary ritualist must succeed in
footed 15
at least three of five opposed Will saves against the
Possessions: Owns the apartment. Possesses a .45
Hit Points 27 Ranged +5 CON 10 (+0)
demon. The demon may add its Hit Dice to its rolls;
auto he keeps in top of his closet, 1 extra clip, and
the primary may add her Charisma modifier and gets
Save Fort +3 Grapple +2 INT 13 (+1)
various personal possessions.
a +2 synergy bonus if she has 6 or more ranks in
Save Ref +6 10 WIS 12 (+1)
Threshold Knowledge (Theology and Philosophy).
Requirements: The primary gets a +5 circumstance
Save Will +3 0 CHA 16 (+3)
(November 1, 1985 to present)
bonus if she knows the demon s true name or if he has
James is a Sophomore at ETU, but his true major is
some other hold over the spirit..
spending his parent s money and having lots of parties.
Attacks: (melee) unarmed attack: (provokes AoO) Components: Bell, book, and candle, as well as
He is basically a nice guy, but he is an alcoholic and
Atk +2; Dmg 1d3-1 (nonlethal) something symbolizing purity (salt is commonly
is mainly concerned with having a good time. He
(melee) full unarmed attack: (provokes AoO)
is currently flunking out of the university. He is of
Costs: Once the fifth Will save is made, the primary
Atk +2; Dmg 1d3-1 (nonlethal)
average height and weight and is fairly handsome.
takes temporary Wisdom damage equal to the hit dice
Speed: 30 ft.
He wears blue jeans, a t-shirt and a cowboy hat in the
of the demon.
presence of ladies.
Facing & Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Casting Time: One minute (12 rounds) of chanting
Skills: Bluff +9; Craft (visual art) +7; Diplomacy and preparation, followed by the clash of wills between
Character Speak
+9; Drive +7; Gamble +4; Knowledge (art) +8, entity and primary ritualist. Each clash (opposed Will
 Hey, look what I found.
Knowledge (popular culture) +9; Knowledge save) takes one round.
 This& ain t right!
(current events) +7; Perform (singing) +9; Pilot Effect: If the primary ritualist wins the majority of
 Well, hell, I ain t afraid of anything. Bring it!
+7; Profession +4 the five opposed Will saves, the entity is banished. If
 You gotta problem?
it is an Outsider, it is forced to return to its place of
Languages: English (speak, read and write); Spanish
 You better sit down, before I sit you down!
origin and may not return unless summoned. If it is a
(speak, read and write)
ghost or other entity tied to this earth, it is disrupted
for 10d10 months or is wholly destroyed, depending
on how strongly the entity was tied to this world.
Failure: If the primary ritualist fails by more than
two Will saves (i.e.. The entity won by a margin of 4-1
or 5-0), the entity may choose to possess her instead.
The two must make another opposed Will save (and
remember that the primary ritualist has now suffered
temporary Wisdom damage). If the primary ritualist
fails this save, he is possessed.
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The Modern Dispatch
Note to Dream Weaver Hero
Congratulations. You are now possessed by a Demon successful Will save with a DC 13. The range is 30 ft. The dream weaver may only attack with illusions.
of Nightmares. As such you gain the following abilities and may be directed at one foe at a time. Physical attacks by the dream weaver against his
and may create special dreamscapes and creatures to Nightmare Creation (Su): The dream weaver antagonists are strictly prohibited.
throw at your friends! You get to be Freddy! Enjoy! can change the interior of the apartment into any Possession (Su): Once per round as a full round
dreamscape he desires, though it must retain its attack action, the demon can attempt to merge with a
original dimensions (Size, height, rooms, etc.) He humanoid creature and seize control of its body. To do
may also bring into being any nightmarish creature he this the demon must first move into the target s location.
Dream Weaver (Template)
wishes that fits into the space available. It takes one Doing so does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
The dream weaver is an acquired template that
round for the dreamscape to change, and requires a (The demon spirit s movement rate is 40 ).
modifies any possessed humanoid during the time he
Will check DC 12. The possessed may create up to four The target can resist the possession attempt with
is possessed by Sudalak. The dream weaver uses all of
medium sized creatures per round (or 2 Large, 1 huge, a successful Will save (DC 20) [Base 10+ 6 HD+
the primary statistics except as noted here.
8 small, 16 Tiny, 34 Diminutive or 68 fine), but may Charisma modifier of +4]. If the save succeeds,
Challenge Rating: Original character level +1.
take no other action and this requires a successful Will the demon s attempt fails and he is pushed into an
Hit Points: +8 (Demonic power)
check DC 12. The creatures created may not exceed adjacent space. If the save fails, the demon enters
Special Qualities: A dream weaver keeps all of
the average Level of the heroes by more than 2. The the body of the target and possesses it. The soul and
the original s extraordinary abilities but none of its
dreamscape may involve gases, acid, fire or anything consciousness of the possessed person is held captive
supernatural or spell-like abilities. The dream weaver
else the possessed desires, but the heroes must have within his own body and the demon has full access to
retains the original s other special qualities or talents.
some way of overcoming the environment, and some all his memories and knowledge. Any attack on the
A dream weaver has the following special qualities:
way of fighting off the creatures created. The demon body of the possessed person that deals MAS damage
Acid and Fire Resistance 20 (Ex): The dream weaver
feeds on fear and terror, so the death of the heroes is allows another Will save to drive out the demonic spirit
ignores up to 20 points of damage caused by acid or
not necessary. (whether or not the MAS Fortitude save succeeds). If
fire each time it is subjected to such an attack.
If the dream weaver suffers a MAS result from the dream weaver s body is reduced to zero or less hit
Damage Reduction (Su) 10/Blessed, Magical: The
an attack, the dreamscape and all its creatures end points the demon returns to its own dimension.
dream weaver ignores damage from any weapons or
immediately, though he may create a new weave Telepathy (Su): The dream weaver can communicate
attacks that do 10 or less damage, unless the weapon
should he remain conscious. A hero may  die in a telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that
or attack is under the effects of a Bless spell, or is
nightscape. Any hero who dies in this manner suffers has a language.
magical or similar FX of this sort.
a Great Fright horror check and suffers a temporary Saves: Will saves receive a bonus of +4.
Darkvision (Ex): The dream weaver can see in total
level drain. Recovery requires one week of rest to Action Points: The dream weaver may not use any
darkness out to 60 feet.
regain one level. Any hero whose total character level action points while possessed.
Fear Aura (Su): The dream weaver may use this
drops below 0 dies and becomes a Lesser Manifestation Abilities: All remain the same, though the Charisma
ability at will to freeze an opponent. The victim is
as defined in Green s Guide to Ghosts. A scene ends may be modified down to 1 or up to 18 as the dream
frozen in terror for 1d4 rounds and cannot move or take
when the heroes overcome the horror, or the horror weaver wishes.
any other actions. Negating the fear effect requires a
overcomes them (a hero s  death ).
Beer, an Ouija Board, Pretzels, and a Demon
Page 7
The Modern Dispatch
Open game license
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You the Open Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless
indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. You have written permission from the Contributor to do so.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use 12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with
and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc ( Wizards ). All
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Rights Reserved.
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this Open Game Content due to statute, judicial order, or governmental
License to Use, the Open Game Content. regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material so
1. Definitions: (a) Contributors means the copyright and/or
trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content;
5.Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are
(b) Derivative Material means copyrighted material including
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6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the
 Distribute means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast,
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COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you 15 COPYRIGHT NOTICE
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast,
License, including translations and derivative works under copyright
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Inc.
law, but specifically excludes Product Identity. (e)  Product Identity
Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002, Wizards
means product and product line names, logos and identifying
expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman,
marks including trade dress; artifacts; creatures characters; stories,
owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to Charles Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language,
indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark or Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell,
artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses,
Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Open John Tynes, Andy Collins, and JD Wiker.
concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or
Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, independent System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2004, Wizards
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, spells,
Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered of the Coast, Inc.: Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip
enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content Williams, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment,
does not constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Gygax and Dave Arneson.
magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or
Identity. The owner of any Product Identity used in Open Game OGL Horror is copyright 2003, Mongoose Publishing Limited.
graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark
Content shall retain all rights, title and interest in and to that Product Modern Dispatch #53, 2005, 12 to Midnight, Inc.; Author: Ed
clearly identified as Product identity by the owner of the Product
Identity. Wetterman
Identity, and which specifically excludes the Open Game Content;
(f)  Trademark means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must
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open gaming content
clearly indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing
associated products contributed to the Open Game License by the
Designation of Product Identity: The following terms are
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Contributor (g)  Use ,  Used or  Using means to use, Distribute,
designated as product identity as outline in section 1(a) of the
copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative
Open Gaming License: Modern Dispatch, 12 to Midnight. All
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents
Material of Open Game Content. (h)  You or  Your means the
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may publish updated versions of this License. You may use any
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12 to Midnight"! or RPGObjects"!.
authorized version of this License to copy, modify and distribute
Designation of Open Gaming Content: The following sections
any Open Game Content originally distributed under any version
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content
of Modern Dispatch #53 is designated as open gaming content
of this License.
that contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may
except for terms defined as product identity above. The Sudalak
only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must affix such
/ Dream Weaver template and Ritual of Exorcisim are open
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License
a notice to any Open Game Content that you Use. No terms may be
with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
added to or subtracted from this License except as described by the
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied to any
Open Game Content distributed using this License.
Beer, an Ouija Board, Pretzels, and a Demon
Page 9


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