QuickStudy Latin Vocabulary

Latin Vocabulary
Latin is defined as a  dead language because it is no longer spoken (except in some gratia thanks
Christian rituals), but it survives through the vast body of literature and inscriptions
ingentes gratiae many thanks
avia, -ae (f) grandmother
that have been preserved.
magnae gratiae many thanks
avunculus, -i (m) uncle
Therefore, students of Latin are mostly required to read Latin, rather than write in
salutem dico (also S.D.) greetings (in letters)
avus, -i (m) grandfather
Latin. For this reason, all Latin vocabulary is organized here in alphabetical order, with
salve! salvete! (plural) hail! (a greeting)
the English translation beside each word. The following nouns, adjectives, verbs and coniux, coniugis (m) husband
adverbs have been selected according to these criteria:
si libet please domina, -ae (f) mistress of the
thanks household
sis (for si vis) please
" They represent a good (if not exhaustive) sample of very common vocabulary
dominus, -i (m) master of the
tibi gratious ago I thank you
items found in the most frequently read Latin literature.
ut lubet please
" Most of the words listed have derivatives in the English language.
filia, -ae (f) daughter
vale, valete! (plural) farewell!
A note to students: Many Latin words have more than one meaning in English. We have filius, -i (m) son
Vocabulary vale in pace! go in peace!
provided only one translation that corresponds to the most frequent or general use of
frater, -tris (m) brother
the word. If in doubt, please consult a more comprehensive dictionary.
liberta, -ae (f) freedwoman
libertus, -i (m) freedman
Note: Every noun is followed by the ending of the genitive singular. In parentheses, the
maritus, -i (m) husband
gender of each noun is indicated: (m) for masculine, (f) for feminine and (n) for neuter.
ver, veris (n) spring
mater, -tris (f) mother
hiems, -emis (f) winter
mulier, -eris (f) wife
aestas, -atis (f) summer nepos, -otis (m) granddaughter,
quintus, -a, -um fifth
autumnus, -i (m) fall
sextus, -a, -um sixth
nihil zero/nothing neptis, -is (f) granddaughter
septimus, -a, -um seventh
unus, -a, -um one parens, -entis (m/f) parent
octavus, -a, -um eighth
pater, -ris (m) father
duo, duae, duo two
nonus, -a, -um ninth
serva, -ae (f) slave (female)
tres, tres, tria three
decimus, -a, -um tenth servus, -i (m) slave (male)
quattuor four
ad extremum at last
soror, -oris (f) sister
quinque five undecimus, -a, -um eleventh
ad infinitum forever
uxor, -oris (f) wife
sex six
vicesimus, -a, -um twentieth
ante meridiem morning
septem seven
tricesimus, -a, -um thirtieth
cras tomorrow
octo eight
centesimus, -a, -um one hundredth
crastinus dies tomorrow
novem nine
dudum long ago
decem ten Apollo, -onis (m) the god of the sun
heri yesterday
undecim eleven and of healing
heri vesperi yesterday evening
duodecim twelve
Bacchus, -i (m) the god of wine
albus, -a, -um white
hodie today
tredecim thirteen
Ceres, -eris (f) the goddess of
ater, -tra, -trum black
mane early morning
quattuordecim fourteen
caeruleus, -a, -um blue modo just now
quindecim fifteen
Diana, -ae, (f) the goddess of
nox, noctis (f) night
glaucus, -a, -um gray
sedecim sixteen
post meridiem afternoon (cf.
flavus, -a, -um yellow
septemdecim seventeen
Iuno, -onis (f) the goddess of
duodeviginti eighteen fulvus, -a, -um brown
proximus, -a, -um next
undeviginti nineteen
purpureus, -a, -um purple
Iuppiter, Iovis (m) the most powerful
tempus meridianum noon
viginti twenty
ruber, -bra, -brum red
god, god of the
vesper, -eris (m) evening
viginti unus, -a, -um twenty-one
viridis, -e
lowgreen skies
viginti duo, duae, duo twenty-two
Lares, -ium (m) household gods
triginta thirty
Mars, Martis (m) the god of war
triginta unus, -a, -um thirty-one
Mercurius, -i (m) the messenger of
acipenser, -eris (m) sturgeon
quadraginta forty
the gods
allec, -ecis (n) widely used sauce
quinquaginta fifty
Minerva, -ae (f) the goddess of
made of fish
sextaginta sixty Ianuarius, -a, -um January
amygdala, -ae (f) almond
septuaginta seventy
Februarius, -a, -um February
Penates, -ium (m) the household gods
octoginta eighty aper, apri (m) wild boar
Martius, -a, -um March
Pluto, -onis (m) the god of the
nonaginta ninety asellum, -i (n) cod
Aprilis, -e April
centum one hundred
cerasum, -i (n) cherry
Maius, -a, -um May Proserpina, -ae (f) the goddess of the
ducenti, -ae, -a two hundred
ficus, -i (m) fig
Iunius, -a, -um June
trecenti, -ae, -a three hundred
garum, -i (n) widely used sauces
Saturnus, -i (m) the most ancient
Quintilis*, -e July
quadrigenti, -ae, -a four hundred
made of fish
god, father of
Sextilis**, -e August
mille one thousand
lepus, -oris (m) hare, rabbit
Iuppiter and Iuno
September, -bris, -bre September
duo mila two thousand
mel, mellis (n) honey
Venus, -eris (f) the goddess of love
October, -bris, -bre October
decies centena milia one million
mulsum, -i (n) a drink made of
Vulcanus, -i (m) the god of fire
viginti centena milia two million November, -bris, -bre November
wine and honey
December, -bris, -bre December
ostrea, -ae (f) oyster
panis, -is (m) bread
*(in 44 BCE, Quintilis was renamed
perdix, -icis (m/f) partridge
anulus, -i (m) ring
primus, -a, -um first
Iulius in honor of Julius Caesar)
phasiana, -ae (f) pheasant
armilla, -ae (f) bracelets
secundus, -a, -um second
polenta, -ae (f) barley porridge
fibula, ae (f) brooch
tertius, -a, -um third
**(in 8 BCE, Sextilis was renamed
puls, pultis (f) grain porridge inaures, -ium (m) earrings
quartus, -a, -um fourth
Augustus in honor of the emperor) vinum, -i (n) wine monile, -is (n) necklace
cena, -ae (f) dinner fructus, -us (m) profit obsidio, -onis (f) siege
certamen, -minis (n) contest fuga, -ae (f) flight odium, -ii (n) hatred
accusator, -oris (m) prosecutor
civis, -is (m) citizen furor, -oris (m) wrath officium, -ii (n) duty
acerbitas, -tatis (f) harshness
civitas, -atis (f) state, citizenship gemma, -ae (f) jewel onus, oneris (n) burden
acies, -ei (f) line of battle
clementia, -ae (f) mercy gens, gentis (f) a people opera, -ae (f) trouble
adulatio, -onis (f) flattery
concilium, -ii (n) council genus, generis (n) type opes, opum (f) wealth
adulescens, -ntis (m) young man
coniuratio, -onis (f) conspiracy gloria, -ae (f) fame ops, opis (f) help
adulescentia, -ae (f) youth
conscientia, -ae (f) knowledge gravitas, -atis (f) importance opus, operis (n) work
aedificium, -ii (n) building
consilium, -ii (n) advice habitus, -us (m) condition oratio, -onis (f) speech
aequitas, -tatis (f) fairness
consul, -ulis (m) consul hasta, -ae (f) spear os, oris (n) mouth
aes, aeris (n) bronze, money
consultum, -i (n) decree homo, -inis (m) human being otium, -ii (n) leisure
aetas, -tatis (f) period of life
copia, -ae (f) abundance honor, -oris (m) honor paedagogus, -i (m) slave teacher
aevum, -i (n) age, generation
copiae, -arum (f) troops hospes, -pitis (m) guest pars, partis (f) part
ager, agri (m) farm estate
cor, cordis (n) heart hostis, -is (m) enemy pater, patris (m) father
agricola, -ae (m) farmer
cornu, cornus (n) horn ignavia, -ae (f) idleness patientia, -ae (f) patience
agricultura, -ae (f) agriculture
corpus, -oris (n) body ignominia, -ae (f) disgrace paupertas, -tatis (f) poverty
ambitio, -onis (f) ambition
culpa, -ae (f) blame imperium, -ii (n) authority pax, pacis (f) peace
amicitia, -ae (f) friendship
cupiditas, -tatis (f) desire industria, -ae (f) diligence pecunia, pecuniae (f) money
amicus, -i (m) friend
cura, -ae (f) anxiety ingenium, -ii (n) talent pedes, -itis (m) foot soldier
amnis, -is (m/f) river
custodia, -ae (f) protection iniuria, -ae (f) injustice periculum, -i (n) danger
amor, -oris (m) love
dea, -ae (f) goddess insidia, -ae (f) plot, ambush philosophia, -ae (f) philosophy
ancilla, -ae (f) hand maid
decor, -oris (m) beauty insula, -ae (f) island plebs, plebis (f) poor people
angellus, -i (m) angel
decretum, -i (n) decree invidia, -ae (f) envy poena, -ae (f) penalty
anima, -ae (f) air, life
detrimentum, -i (n) loss ira, irae (f) anger poeta, -ae (m) poet
animal, -alis (n) animal
deus, -i (m) god iudex, -dicis (m) judge populus, -i (m) nation
annus, -i (m) year
dictator, -oris (m) dictator iudicium, -ii (n) judgment porta, portae (f) entrance
apparatus, -us (m) equipment
dies, -ei (m/f) day ius, iuris (n) law, a right portus, -us (m) harbor
aqua, -ae (f) water
dignitas, -tatis (f) dignity iuvenis, -is (m/f) a youth potestas, tatis (f) power
ara, -ae (f) altar
diligentia, -ae (f) diligence iuventus, -utis (f) youth principium, -ii (n) beginning
aratrum, -i (n) plow
discessus, -us (m) departure labor, -oris (m) work probitas, -atis (f) honesty
arbitrium, -ii (n) judgment
discipulus, -i (m) learner lapis, -idis (m) stone prudentia, -ae (f) wisdom
arbor, -oris (f) tree
disputatio, -onis (f) argument laus, laudis (f) praise puella, -ae (f) girl
arcus, -us (m) bow
divitiae, -arum (f) wealth lex, legis (f) a law puer, -i (m) boy
argentum, -i (n) silver, money
doctrina, -ae (f) instruction liber, libri (m) book pugna, -ae (f) battle
argumentum, -i (n) proof
dolor, -oris (m) pain libertas, -tatis (f) freedom rapina, -ae (f) pillage
arma, -orum (n) weapons
dominatus, -us (m) control litterae, -arum (f) letter ratio, -onis (f) reason
ars, artis (f) skill
dominus, -i (m) master ludus, -i (m) game, school regio, -onis (f) region
arx, -arcis (f) citadel
domus, -us (f) house luna, -ae (f) moon regnum, -i (n) monarchy
astrum, -i (n) star
dux, ducis (m) leader magister, -tri (m) school teacher res publica,
auctor, -oris (m) author
ecclesia, -ae (f) church maiores, -um (m) ancestors rei publicae (f) state
audacia, -ae (f) daring
eloquentia, -ae (f) eloquence mater, matris (f) mother rex, regis (m) king
auditor, -oris (m) listener
eques, equitis (m) knight mare, -is (n) sea rus, ruris (n) country
augur, -uris (m/f) soothsayer
equus, -i (m) horse medica, -ae (f) physician sacerdos, -otis (m/f) priest, priestess
auris, auris (f) ear
excellentia, -ae (f) excellence medicus, -i (m) physician sagitta, -ae (f) arrow
aurum, -i (n) gold
excidium, -ii (n) destruction memoria, -ae (f) memory sapientia, -ae (f) wisdom
auxilium, -ii (n) help
exercitus, -us (m) army mens, mentis (f) mind satura, -ae (f) satire
avaritia, -ae (f) greed
exilium, -i (n) exile merx, mercis (f) goods scelus, sceleris (n) crime
aviditas, -atis (f) longing
exitium, -i (n) destruction miles, militis (m) soldier schola, -ae (f) school
avis, -is (f) bird
exsul, -ulis (m/f) banished person miseria, -ae (f) misery scientia, -ae (f) knowledge
bellum, -i (n) war
fabula, -ae (f) fable mors, mortis (f) death scriptor, -oris (m) writer
belua, -ae (f) wild beast
factum, -i (n) fact mores, morum (m) character senator, -oris (m) senator
beneficium, -i (n) kindness
facultas, -tatis (f) ability mos, moris (m) custom senectus, -tutis (f) old age
bestia, -ae (f) animal
fama, -ae (f) rumor mulier, -eris (f) woman senex, senis (m) old man
bos, bovis (m/f) bull, cow
familia, -ae (f) household mundus, -i (m) world serva, -ae (f) slave
caelum, -i (n) sky
fatum, -i (n) fate munia, -orum (n) duties servus, -i (m) slave
calamitas, -tatis (f) misfortune
femina, -ae (f) woman nauta, -ae (m) sailor signum, signi (n) sign
canis, -is (m/f) dog
feriae, -arum (f) festivities navigatio, -onis (f) voyage silva, -ae (f) forest
caput, capitis (n) head
ferrum, -i (n) sword nefas (n, indecl.) sin socius, -ii (m) ally
caritas, -tatis (f) affection fides, -ei (f) faith nomen, nominis (n) name sol, solis (m) sun
carmen, -minis (n) poem flumen, -minis (n) river nox, noctis (f) night spes, spei (f) hope
castrum, -i (n) fort forma, -ae (f) appearance nubes, nubis (f) cloud status, -us (m) position
casus, -us (m) disaster/accident fortuna, -ae (f) fortune nuntius, -ii (m) messenger studium, ii (n) pursuit
causa, -ae (f) legal cause forum, -i (n) market place nuptiae, -arum (f) marriage summa, -ae (f) sum
frigus, -oris (n) cold
celeritas, -tatis (f) speed obses, -idis (m/f) hostage temeritas, -tatis (f) rashness
General Nouns (continued)
temperantia, -ae (f) moderation durus, -a, - um hard solus, -a, -um alone semel once
tempestas, -atis (f) season eloquens, -entis eloquent stabilis, -e stable sic thus
statim at once
templum, -i (n) temple eximius, -a, -um extraordinary studiosus, -a, -um eager
subito suddenly
tempus, -oris (n) time
extremus, -a, -um extreme subitus, -a, -um sudden
tantum modo only
terra, -ae (f) earth
facilis, -e easy superbus, -a, -um haughty
tum then, next
testis, -is (m) witness
falsus, -a, -um false tardus, -a, -um late, slow
tunc then, next
timor, -oris (m) fear
felix, -icis happy totus, -a, -um entire
ultro on the other side
turba, -ae (f) crowd
ferus, -a, -um uncivilized tristis, -e sad
undique everywhere
tyrannus, i (m) dictator
fortis, -e strong turpis, -e shameful
utinam if only
urbs, urbis (f) city
fortunatus, -a, -um lucky tuus, tua, tuum your
vere truly
uxor, uxoris (f) wife
gratus, -a, -um grateful urbanus, -a, -um of the city
vix hardly
valetudo, -dinis (f) health
humanus, -a, -um humane utilis, -e useful
vacca, -ae (f) cow
humilis, -e humble vehemens, -entis violent
venenum, -i (n) poison
immortalis, -e immortal velox, -ocis fast
verbum, -i (n) word
inanis, -e empty verus, -a, -um true
The first Latin form is the present active
veritas, -tatis (f) truth
incertus, -a, -um uncertain vetus, -eteris old
indicative for the first-person singular (I
vestis, -is (f) clothes
love), followed by the present active
infirmus, -a, -um weak
infinitive (to love), the perfect active
via, -ae (f) street
informis, -e ugly
indicative (I loved), and, finally, the per-
victor, -oris (m) winner
ingens, -tis large
fect passive participle (having been
victoria, -ae (f) victory abhinc ago
loved). If the verb is regular, only the
iniustus, -a, um unjust
first-person singular present and the
victus, -us (m) way of life adhuc so far
integer, -gra, -grum whole
infinitive are provided. These are the
admodum very much
vicus, -i (m) village
invictus, -a, -um unconquerable
essential forms that allow students to
alias/aliter otherwise
villa, -ae (f) country house
conjugate any Latin verb. Some  defec-
iratus, -a, -um angry
aliqua somewhere
vinum, -i (n) wine tive verbs lack some tenses or verb
iustus, -a, um just
forms (see, for example, ait and cano).
aliquando sometimes
vir, viri (m) man
laetus, -a, -um happy
amplius moreover
vires, virium (f) strength
abeo, -ire, -ii, -itum to go away
levis, -e light
ante before
virtus, virtutis (f) courage
accedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessum to approach
liber, -ra, -rum free
bis twice
vis, vis (f) force
accendo, -ere, -cendi, censum to light
longus, -a, -um long
breve tempore soon
visus, -us (m) sight
adeo, -ire, -ii, -itum to go near to
magnus, -a, -um big
breviter briefly
vitium, -i (n) fault
ago, -ere, egi, actum to act, to do
malus, -a, -um bad
ceterum furthermore
vulgus, -i (n) common people
ait, aiunt she/he says,
medius, -a, -um middle (of)
circa around
they say
meus, mea, meum my
clam secretly
alo, -ere, alui, altum to support
militaris, -e military
ADJECTIVES comminus close by
ambulo, ambulare to walk
mirus, -a, -um wonderful
contra on the other side
Every adjective lists the masculine, femi-
amo, amare to love
nine, and neuter nominative endings.
mortalis, -e mortal
cotidie daily
appello, appellare to call
acer, acris, acre sharp multus, -a, -um many
deinde next
audeo, -ere, ausum sum to dare
acerbus, -a, -um harsh novus, -a, -um strange demisse humbly
audio, -ire, -ivi, -itum to hear
adultus, -a, -um adult obstinatus, -a, -um firm diligenter diligently
bello, bellare to wage war
diu for a long time
aequus, -a, -um equal opportunus, -a, -um suitable
bibo, -ere, bibi to drink
eo in that place
alius, -a, -ud other parvus, -a, -um small
cado, -ere, cecidi, casum to fall
facile easily
altus, -a, -um high plenus, -a, -um full
caedo, -ere, cecidi, caesum to cut
fere almost
asper, -ra, -rum harsh praeclarus, -a, -um noble
caleo, -ere, calui to be hot
fortasse perhaps
audax, -acis bold praeteritus, -a, -um past
cano, -ere, cecini to sing
fortiter bravely
aureus, -a, -um golden proprius, -a, -um one s own
capio, -ere, cepi, captum to capture
graviter seriously
avarus, -a, -um greedy prudens, -entis wise
capto, captare to seize
haud not at all
bellus, -a, -um beautiful publicus, -a, -um public
careo, -ere, -ui, -iturum to be without
ibi there
brevis, -e short pudicus, -a, -um modest
carpo, -ere, carpsi, carptum to pick, to
interdum at times
carus, -a, -um dear pulcher, -chra, -chrum beautiful
intus within
celer, -ris, -re quick rarus, -a, -um rare
castigo, castigare to punish
ita thus
certus, -a, -um sure rectus, -a, -um straight
cedo, -ere, cessi, cessum to withdraw
item similarly
civilis, -e civic rusticus, -a, -um rural
ceno, cenare to dine
iterum again
clarus, -a, -um clear sacer, -cra, -crum holy
censeo, -ere, censui, censum to assess
nunc now
communis, -e common sacrilegus, -a, -um sacrilegious
cerno, -ere, crevi, cretum to perceive
palam openly
conscius, -a, -um aware salvus, -a, -um safe
cesso, cessare to delay
partim partially
crudelis, -e cruel sanctus, -a, -um holy
cieo, -ere, civi, citum to rouse
parum insufficiently
cupidus, -a, -um eager sapiens, -ntis wise
passim all over cingo, -ere, cinxi, cintum to surround
demens, -entis crazy scelestus, -a, -um infamous
plane plainly cito, citare to excite
desidiosus, -a, -um lazy securus, -a, -um safe
prius previously claudo, -ere, clausi, clausum to close
difficilis, -e difficult serius, -a, -um grave
prope near coeo,-ere, -ivi, coitum to meet
dignus, -a, -um worthy similis, -e similar
recte correctly
coepio, -ere, coepi, coeptum to begin
doctus, -a, -um learned simplex, simlplicis simple retro backward
coerceo, -ere, -ui, -itum to repress
dulcis, -e sweet sollicitus, -a, -um disturbed saepe often
cogito, cogitare to think
Verbs (continued)
cognosco, -ere, -novi, -nitum to recognize fleo, -ere, -evi, -etum to weep occido, -ere, -cidi, -cisum to kill taceo, -ere, -ui, -itum to be silent
tego, -ere, texi, tectum to cover
cogo, -ere, coegi, coactum to force fluo, fluere, fluxi, fluxum to flow occulo, -ere, -ui, -tum to hide
teneo, -ere, tenui, tentum to hold
colo, -ere, colui, cultum to cultivate fugio, -ere, fugi to flee odi, odisse, osurum to hate
termino, terminare to end
committo, -ere, -misi, -missum to unite fugo, fugare to make offero, -ferre, obtuli, oblatum to offer
tero, -ere, trivi, tritum to wear out
compello, -ere, -puli, -pulsum to assemble flee oppono, -ere, -posui, -positum to oppose
terreo, -ere, -ui, -itum to
concido, -ere, -i to collapse fundo, -ere, -fudi, fusum to pour out opprimo, -ere, -pressi, pressum to oppress
condo, -ere, -idi, -itum to found fungor, -i, functum to perform opto, optare to desire
timeo, -ere, timui to
confero, -ferre, -tuli, collatum to bring gemo, -ere, -ui to groan oro, orare to speak, beg
together gero, -ere, gessi, gestum to accom- ostendo, -ere, ostendi, ostentum to show
tollo, -ere, sustuli, sublatum to raise
conficio, -ere, -feci, -fectum to prepare plish pareo, -ere, -ui to obey
trado, -ere, tradidi, traditum to surrender
confido, -ere, -fisum to trust guberno, gubernare to steer pario, -ere, peperi, partum to beget
traho, -ere, traxi, tractum to draw
congrego, congregare to assemble gusto, gustare to taste paro, parare to prepare
tutor, -ari, -atum to take
conor, -ari, -atus sum to try habeo, -ere, habui, habitum to have pasco, -ere, pavi, pastum to feed
care of
conservo, conservare to maintain horrifico, horrificare to frighten patior, pati, passus sum to suffer
uro, -ere, ussi, ustum to burn
consumo, -ere, hortor, -ari, -tatus sum to encourage pello, -ere, pepuli, pulsum to drive out
usurpo, usurpare to usurp
-sumpsi, -sumptum to consume iaceo, -ere, iacui to lie perdo, -ere, perdidi, perditum to destroy
utor, uti, usus sum to use
convenio, -ire, -eni, -entum to come iacio, -ere, ieci, iactum to throw peto, -ere, petivi, petitum to beseech
vagor, vagari to wander
together ignoro, ignorare to ignore pono, -ere, posui, positum to place
valeo, -ere, valui, valitum to be well
convoco, convocare to call impello, -ere, -puli, -pulsum to strike possum, posse, potui to be able to
veho, -ere, vexi, vectum to carry
together again premo, -ere, pressi, pressum to pursue
versor, -ari, -atum to be active
creo, creare, creavi, creatum create impero, imperare to rule probo, probare to approve of
cresco, -ere, crevi, cretum to believe impono, -ere, -osui, -ositum to impose propero, properare to hurry
verto, -ere, verti, versum to turn
culpo, culpare to blame incedo, -ere, -cessi, -cessum to walk protego, -ere, -texi, -tectum to protect video, -ere, vidi, visum to see
curo, curare to take incito, incitare to arouse provideo, -ere, -vidi, -visum to provide vigilo, vigilare to be
care of ineo, -ire, -ii, -itum to enter pugno, pugnare to fight
vito, vitare to avoid
damno, damnare to condemn insulto, insultare to insult punio, -ire, -ivi, -itum to punish
vivo, -ere, vixi, victum to live
debeo, -ere, -ui, debitum to owe insurgo, -ere,
puto, putare to think
voco, vocare to call
dedo, -ere, -idi, -itum to give up -surrexi, -surrectum to rise up
quaero, -ere,
volo, velle, volui to wish
defendo, -ere, -di, -defensum to ward off interficio, -ficere,
quaesivi, questitum to inquire
volo, volare to fly
defero, deferre, -tuli, -latum to carry -feci, -fectum to kill
quatio, -ere, quassum to shake
vulnero, vulnerare to wound
away invenio, -ire, -veni, - ventum to find
rapio, -ere, rapui, raptum to seize
deleo, -ere, -evi, -etum to destroy iuro, iurare to swear
redeo, -ire, -ii, -itum to return
desidero, desiderare to long for iuvo, -are, iuvi, iutum to help
reficio, -ere, -eci, -ectum to repair
despicio, -ere, -exi, -ectum to despise laboro, laborare to labor
rego, -ere, rexi, rectum to rule
Layout: Dale A. Nibbe
dico, -ere, dixi, dictum to say laetor, -ari, -atum to be glad
relinquo, -ere, -liqui, -lictum to abandon
dimico, dimicare to fight laudo, laudare to praise
reperio, -ire, repperi, repertum to discover
This QuickStudy® guide is an outline of the
discedo, -cedere, lego, -ere, legi, lectum to choose,
resisto, -ere, -stiti to resist
vocabulary taught in Latin courses. Keep it
handy as a quick reference source in the
-cessi, -cessum to depart, to read
respondeo, -ere,
classroom, while doing homework, and as a
go away licet, -ere, -itum est to be per- -spondi, -sponsum to respond
memory refresher when reviewing prior to
exams. Due to its condensed format, use it as a
disco, -ere, didici to learn mitted
resto, restare to remain
Latin to English guide, but not as a replacement
do, dare, dedi, datum to give ligo, ligare to bind for assigned classwork.
rideo, -ere, risi, risum to laugh
doceo, -ere, docui, doctum to teach malo, malle, lui to prefer
saluto, salutare to greet
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
doleo, -ere, -ui to suffer maneo, -ere, mansi, mansum to remain
salveo, salvere to be well
including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval
system, without written permission from the publisher.
dubito, dubitare to doubt mereor, -eri, -itum to deserve ©2002 BarCharts, Inc. 0408
sano, sanare to heal
duco, -ere, duxi, ductum to lead misceo, -ere, miscui, mixtum to mix
scindo, -ere, -idi, -issum to separate
edico, -ere, -ixi, -ictum to proclaim misereor, -ari, -atum to pity
scio, scire, scivi, scitum to know
edo, -ere, -idi, -itum to publish mitto, -ere, misi, missum to send
scribo, -ere, scripsi, scriptum to write
efficio, -ere, -feci, -fectum to construct moneo, -ere, monui, monitum to warn
secerno, -ere, -crevi, -cretum to divide
eicio, -ere, eieci, eiectum to throw moveo, -ere, movi, motum to move
sedeo, -ere, sedi, sessum to sit
out mutilo, mutilare to cut off
sentio, -ire, sensi, sensum to feel
free downloads &
emendo, emendare to correct muto, mutare to change
sequor, sequi, secutus sum to follow
hundreds of titles at
emo, -ere, emi, emptum to buy nascor, nasci, natus sum to be born
servio, -ire, -vivi, -itum to be a
eo, ire, ii, itum to go navigo, navigare to sail
Customer Hotline # 1.800.230.9522
eripio, -ere, -ipui, -eptus to snatch neco, necare to kill
servo, servare to guard
We welcome your feedback so we can
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spero, sperare to hope
maintain and exceed your expectations.
erro, errare to wander nescio, -ere, -ivi, -itum to be
spiro, spirare to breathe
excipio, -ere, -cepi, -ceptum to capture ignorant of
sto, stare, steti, statum to stand U.S. $4.95
excogito, excogitare to invent nitor, niti, nisus to make an
sum, esse, fui, futurus to be CAN. $7.50
expello, -ere, -puli, -pulsum to expel effort
sumo, -ere,
ISBN-13: 978-142320637-8
facio, -ere, feci, factum to do noceo, -ere, nocui, nocitum to harm ISBN-10: 142320637-1
sumpsi, sumptum to take up
fero, ferre, tuli, latum to bear nosco, -ere, novi, notum to know
supero, superare to be above,
fio, fieri, factus sum to become nuntio, nuntiare to announce
to conquer
firmo, firmare to strengthen obsideo, -ere, -edi, -essum to besiege
surgo, -ere, surrexi, surrectum to arise


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