The Morrow Project Operation Deep Freeze

You knew it dangerous when you first joined the
Project, but you had hoped that the worse behind
you now. shock of awakening in the century
seemed to bring you closer with the other members of
your team. They ve become your lost link to life before
the holocaust. As you move through the you begin
looking for clues that might explain what happened to
your missing companions. A glint of steel catches your
eye-a dart. Whoever it is, has captured your
by Waker Moore
friends alive and possesses some technology. From over
your radio team member announces they ve found tire
You regroup at your
tracks leading south.
base. Fearing for your friends safety you act
quickly. Leaving a skeleton crew behind, the rest of you
set out in the fusion-powered V-350 in search of your
missing comrades.
of the Morrow an organization
preserving mankind, had agreed to
to awake after the war, sometime
such as yours planted across the U.S.
with the most equipment, but as
plans of and man. .
Your team awakes in tha cruel of the 22nd
mutations and vicious your survival.
Upon awakening you were by prime and given
on the situation at hand, has over a year and
that contact has made. you follow your prime
tive, to aid the surrounding populace you sat up
your own prime at an complex you ve found in the
upper peninsula of base is run by an
computer known as its you
to them Life is not but a
new begins to bloom.
News of your and knowledge to These
tales the curious who were looking for a place
aroused the who looking for profit,
This scenario is designed for an ongoing Morrow campaign,
Members from an existing team are abducted by Slavers and sold to a
group of renegade geneticists known as the Breeders. During
ing, two members from Damocles were kidnaped out on a
hunt. The remaining team was then fed odyssey to
find them, Exactly where this takes place be largely dictated by
the campaign in progress. On the the team ran a small
military force and the enemies of the Marrow Project, the
Warriors of The Morrow team at Damocies had their own prob-
lems, as they had to fight off an attack from an advance group of
The scenario ended with the team finally rescuing their cap-
tured companions only to find themselves cutoff from Damocles by
an army of All or none of these events may apply to your
campaign, but fleshing out the adventure should give the imaginative
Project Director something think about.
tracking tire tracks be found indicating which
way Slawers went, this fails, an escaped slave will
method of the abduction vary somewhat with the players which way the Slavers were heeded with his
dying breath.
terrain. The Slavers wilt attack a group of three or fewer
members with surprise on their side. Assuming a Once the players be handcuffed to a
terrain two Slavers will in trees with nets, while and then given the to arrest the paralysis.
There are and to
others well camouflaged in the bushes with
The other salves ara mostly towns people and some suffer
#art pistols. The dart a nerve agent that will cause
almost immediate paralysis. occur in seven from genetic radiation poisoning. The
are equipped with two trucks and at least one
after the paralysis takes effect an antitoxin is
given. Use Table D of the poison chart on 42 of the arm per person, the equipment from the captured
each round to if the takes effect. Morrow Project members. The Slavers are taking the
Any communications the players get off to home majority of slaves to the Rich Five. The Morrow
shouid be the only clues the other have to what sonnet end another slave of uncontaminated stock be
happened t o t hei r f ri ends. t he players captured are to
picked up along the way by a small group of the Breeders
play another character until they are rescued then ail they in a jeep and an captured intact. The Morrow
should know is they were shot, and possibly dead.)
team shouid have chance to their tracking ability
other method of capture would use one of the female
to detect the tracks of the other two vehicias. Use any
slaves with her foot caught in a steel trap, When the team
subtractions deemed appropriate due to weather
comes to het aid two with gas masks hidden
The Slavers will continue on into Kentucky
by will throw two grenades. All the captured
highlands selling the rest of their slews to the Rich Five,
should be told is that they were hit by two grenades.
before turning about. they meet up with the team on
When the area is searched either the darts or the
the return then they will turn tail back to the Rich Five
will reveal that they were not On a successful
rather than fight.
any question they ll refer the team to man
Merlin. He knows all there is to know around these parts.
The Rich Five is a group descended from five wealthy
industrialists who were frozen along with a portion of
man is actually a young boy who to
their empire the war. Awaking from their
no more than ten years old. He not know how he
a hundred years before the first Morrow
came by the name, only that he s old man
began their world. They are equip
Merlin for as long as he can He lives with his
with the luxuries that a third world country might
mute mother in a shanty hidden in woods, Old man
offer and the weaponry to any military
has t he power of di vi nat i on among ot hers and t he
force in the have much of
people provide him with food and services for answers to
through labor until it is now
their problems.
mixture of the with 20th century
The of the Rich Five do not ask
He seems to already know an inordinate amount of
Slavers their staves, so they do not that
information about the Morrow Project and wit!
doing any wrong. They re doing a service providing
gladly aid the team in exchange for a gift. The gift
food and housing of the are
can be a service if desired or any of the that
to. Their own comfort and that of their parent
the team has with them. man Merlin is
empire is prime As long does
will know the that the t%am
not or a of the Rich Five, they
wilt only something that he might find for. A
will be
for example.
the Morrow team approaches about their miss-
Once the service or gift is old man
ing they will be apologetic; but they will not
will call the team member who has shown the most
turn over the as they provide a much needed
wisdom and compassion into his home. Merlin
vice. wilt offer to show the slaves just sold
that person into a room of the they
to see if any of them are their abducted companions. If
not seen before. He ask that the
any of the slaves are questioned, they tell the team
quietly while he prepares. Merlin light a
that some of the healthier were taken from the
ing incense and start to chant. After ten minutes he
a couple of days back. Rich Five hearing this
stare directly into the eyes of the chosen
be notably furious that healthy slaves were sold to
and while his lips do not move, he will appear to speak.
another group. They ask the Morrow team to be their
answer to the of your missing companions
and allow them to stay at one of their homes while
will come to you from the skies above in two days time.
to the bottom of this. If the team refuses the
The should be given this to their
Rich will and will ask the team to wait
ings, rest up, and to make any necessary repairs they
outside of town. They enjoy showing off their resources
to their vehicles. At the end of the day, a
much as do using them. the team stays
mass in tha sky wilt seen coming from the west. At
each their own room and all the luxury of
it appear to be a spaceship, but with the of
what was day living.
their binoculars the be to that it
The Rich Five torture of the to
is a group of 11 hot air balloons together in
who the other Morrow were sold to.
common They pass over the town as they
They will this information to barter with the team for
descend, landing in a clearing 16 km outside of Avalon.
a fusion pack or something of equal value, the team is
The townspeople will look on in but
forced to flee, then they should encounter the Slavers
unthreatened as has foretold of the air
the next day. It be made to
wagons arrival.
team that they win any sort of a fight with the
The Ballooners are mad% up of 15 families, They
Rich without heavy losses and prolonged war. The
to and to do some trading if town
only information the Slavers is that they sold the
looks prosperous enough. will an hour or
others to the who in the moun-
more to tie down their and it is during
tains to the The Rich Five will know that the
this time they are the most of strangers. They
Breeders are a group of renegade geneticists who operate
possess a large number of and binoculars and
out of used to the part of Colorado. The
will be surveying the Any large or
problem now is in Locating the prime base,
approaching be warned to stop short by shot f rom
on% of the cannons on the If the team does not
stop then the Ballooners shoot OR% warning shot
before firing on the vehicle. The cannon fire is
The Morrow team have to over km to
mounted on each side of the ship. They have a
the Breeders main base. The amount of encounters
of API shells, a handful of and
t hat occur shoul d be up t o t he di scret i on of t he Proj ect
At on% major encounter should occur on
If the stops, then Big along with of
the way Colorado as cross a vast expanse of
the other men, witt approach the team with in
land. the prime directive of the Morrow
hand. Jake will explain that are simple wayfarers
Project Is to aid others in whatever capacity they and
looking for trade in these tough times.  We ain t looking
undoubtably the team should meet some people in need
for no trouble, but we re prepared to handle it if n it
of aid along the way.
etong. So yourself now; you friend or
Along on% of the trails, km from the Breeders!
foe? Assuming they declare friend, Big
base, is a small town by name of Avalon. The
will introduce and invite the
are mostly farmers and they are friendly, when
to their camp for drink and talk. The vehicles will have to
stay put though, the Ballooners having had trouble with
similar vehicles before.
The Ballooners will be very chatty and are interested in
finding out all they can about the areas the team has
traveled through. If asked, they have never heard of a
group called the Breeders, but the place that they ran into
the trouble with some similar vehicles is about a 160 km
from here. The Ballooners saw some the horseless
wagons similar to the team s, only smaller, going into a
cave in the mountains.  Hoping to find some good trading
we began to descend before being chased off by some
shots from below. The have maps and will
gladly show the team where the area they were shot at is
located. If the team seems overly anxious then the
Baltooners will ask for some trade in return for the infor-
mation. The more persistent the team seems, the higher
the price. This might be anything from a case of whiskey
to a look at the autonav if made known to them. The
maps show the team is located 160 km from the cave
the Baltooners spotted, This is the Breeders main base
and is located on the continental divide in Geneva basin
near what used to be Grant, Colorado.
The Breeders were so named because of the bizarre breed-
ing experiments they carry out on themselves and their
captives. A religious belief has developed among them that
from the Chaos, as they call the war, a race of supermen
emerge. They are descendants of a group of scientists
that were caught in a secret U.S. military installation
when the war broke out. They were working on the
effects of prolonged cryogenic sleep on the human body
at the time. Realizing they were trapped, they began
working on a means to leave without harm from the radio-
active fallout outside. They developed a serum that would
allow their cell tissue to reflect the radiation thus allowing
themselves free movement outside, Unfortunately some- demons became known as the Children of the Night to the
thing went wrong. surrounding populace. After repeated attacks, the people
of the area moved away. The Children of the Night
A small group of volunteers injected with the serum
became the guardians outside of the Breeders installation
went outside for the final test. The radiation, along with a
in return for human victims from failed experiments. If
bacterial agent in the area, caused a gradual change in the
the team should defeat the Breeders, the Children of the
serum injected into their bloodstream. At first they found
Night will begin roaming the countryside looking for
themselves becoming overly sensitive to the sunlight and
unable to digest their food. A strange awareness began to
The area surrounding the Breeders prime base contains
develop with the other members of their group, a form of
a much greater number of mutations due to the Breeders
telepathy. When they were brought back into the base, it
seemed they were doomed to die. All of the volunteers inhuman experiments on all forms of life. The day belongs
were given an immediate transfusion. The fresh blood to many of these creatures, but come dusk the Children of
coursing through the veins of the volunteers seemed to the Night rule. There are several caves and a well hidden
awaken an age old instinct. They started to attack all of passage into the installation s lower level where the
the uncontaminated people in the base. No record of the Children reside during the day. The Children number
btoodbath that is known. The remaining scientists about 150 and cover a radius from the Breeders
managed to force the demons they once called their
base. They communicate telepathically and can call up to
friends out into the wilderness, They now work feverishly
fifty members to come within a fifteen-minute period.
on one thing only, finding a cure for those original volun- They will stay away from any large vehicle preferring to
teers who risked all and lost. As time passed, the work of
attack only when they have overwhelming odds in their
the group became more diverse, they began looking for
favor. They will come no closer than a hundred meters to
ways to improve the human condition. Fearing the brave
the entrance of the Breeders base unless forced to for
new world their children would have to face outside, they defensive purposes.
started to experiment with ways of making them stronger
and more intelligent. From this hope developed the idea
of perfecting a race of supermen from a pure stock that A successful tracking roll is necessary to detect tire tracks
could rebuild the world.
leading into the rock face of the mountain where the
As time progressed the Breeders developed a symbiotic Ballooners reportedly saw the horseless vehicles enter a
relationship with the demons they had forced out. These cave. The area is above the tree line and there is no cover
within 200 meters of the rock face. Two half-meter thick near the center of the doors. It would require two success-
steel double doors disguised as part of the rock formation ful climb rolls to make one s way along the rock face to
lead into the Breeders base. Roll against intelli- where they could drop down into the blind spot next to
gence to find the double doors if the tire tracks are not
the door without being seen. The doors are high
detected. A versus intelligence is required to see
and are operated electronically from area and from
the cameras hidden in the rock face walls. The cameras
garage door openers under the seats of the Breeder?
cover a radius in front of the doors. Anyone in
vehicles. There is a 15% cumulative chance per that
view has a 20% cumulative chance per minute to he
the Breeders truck will go out for a food-gathering expe-
noticed by the person on guard unless they are already on
dition for hours. One of the best ways to get in is as
an alert.
a stowaway on the truck. Allow the team to find their
How the team gets into the base will depend much on
own way in, given time they ll think of something. If they
what they find and on how creative they wish to be. Any- decide try and blast their way in, the should
one with mathematics or physics skill will be able to
have enough armament to hold them off until night fall.
determine that the cameras have a blind spot
The Children of the Night will do the rest.


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