Traffic Authority Gain A Social Presence

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Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Google + and even
YouTube itself& whatever platform it is social media is huge.
With each platform, we can easily create a presence and of
course make money from it.
But before we dive in, you ve read the Traffic Authority
Manual right? Because you shouldn t start by reading this
eBook if you haven t. So make sure you ve read The Manual,
and then we re ready to push forward with this section.
Done that?
So I want to bring your attention towards social media.
You ve seen Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, YouTube
channels (obviously) and even Instagram accounts right?
Well we can easily build a presence using one of these and
we can then look to make money from it.
Because lets say we have a Facebook Page called I Love
Dogs. We have 30,000 likes, and all of these likes have been
naturally gained. Now we can t force someone to like our
Facebook page, and believe me, nobody is going to like a
page on I Love Dogs if they hate them. So what we ve got is
a simple Facebook page which has a potential audience of
around 30,000 people which is hugely targeted to people
that love dogs.
Think of it like an email list, we can then monetize this by
selling advertising space to brands and businesses within the
Dog s industry. We can promote Dog Training courses
through our own unique affiliate link making commission
every time something is sold. Not only that, we can create
our own range of products on Dogs to then market to our
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Facebook page. We can sell physical products related to
Dogs, such as grooming accessories, t-shirts about dogs,
other merchandise& in fact anything about dogs we could
You see the opportunities are endless, and there s various
social media platforms you can use.
I ve used this strategy to transform a niche specific
Facebook page from 140 likes to 30,000+. I ve built a Twitter
profile that has over 5,000 followers& all from using this
strategy. Not only that, but I ve used it to gain more
subscribers for various YouTube accounts.
You see it can be used for any social media platform, and
I m going to show you how.
But where should you start?
Where To Start
Well obviously, you need to decide on the social media
platform you re going to develop a presence on. You may
already have one, but if not, here are the best options:
" Facebook  You can develop a Facebook page on a
specific niche. Once you have a base of people who
have liked your page, its very easy with regular posts for
things to be shared and more likes to be attracted. You
can also use Facebook ads to boost exposure to a
targeted demographic of certain promotions on your
Facebook page. Or what about a Facebook group?
You can set it to Private and charge a subscription for
people to be members, or open it up to the public and
then start getting users to recommend others. With
good activity, you could easily charge advertising in
the future
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" Twitter  Why not create a twitter profile and look to use
this strategy to gain more followers? If you have an
account with a large amount of targeted followers,
again you can easily market to them after. The
downside with Twitter is it s not very personal, and not
only that, when marketing you only have 140
characters to get your sales message across.
" YouTube  This works excellent with YouTube. Lets face
it; we re targeting YouTube channels with a lot of
subscribers. All we re going to be doing is siphoning
their subscribers, to then subscribe to our channel also.
Can we become an authority like them too? The more
subscribers, the more money making potential we
" Instagram  The new kid on the block (almost) and it s
an option for us to use. Create an Instagram account
related to your niche, and simply just upload related
photos. We can then of course use the Traffic Authority
strategy to drive targeted traffic to our Instagram
profile, getting them to follow us. The more followers we
have, the more money making potential. The only issue
with Instagram is it s  mostly mobile, meaning that we
only have the scope to reach mobile users. If you re
promoting an affiliate offer and the sales page isn t
optimized for mobile, it s no good.
Now these 4 I ve hand selected from the bunch, I ve tried
other social media platforms, but these 4 work the best. In
my honest opinion if you don t know where to start, start with
Facebook and YouTube.
Although again, you need to spend time on your social
media profiles& . We re not going to keep our social
presence if we don t update them. So if you don t like
creating videos, don t opt for YouTube. If you don t use a
mobile a lot, don t opt for Instagram.
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You need to offer value. Why are people going to follow or
like you re social media page and continue being interested
in what you offer?
It s really important.
1. So first start by setting up a social media profile on the
niche you re targeting.
2. We then need to follow the 4-step process as shown in the
So we then find keywords related to our niche, and then
search for related channels with high authority (again, I talk
in more depth about this in the Manual.) Once we ve found
them, its time to contact them and negotiate. Remember,
we need to try and get them to recommend our social
media profile in a video, along with linking to it in the
description. So this is where we have to tailor the approach.
The Approach
So how do we play it?
Well with this method we don t have to offer that much.
Simply because the authority (the person we re contacting,
the channel owner) knows that we re not directly making
money from this. We re just trying to get some Facebook
likes, and that s not going to be seen as them helping us to
make thousands of dollars right?
So play it down.
You need to outweigh their part in the proposition to yours. In
other words, we need to use Perceptual Contrast (take a
look at the negotiation section of the Manual for more on
this technique).
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We re basically making it seem like we re not benefiting a lot
from them creating a video for us, and they re actually
getting quite a lot of out the deal.
So it s all about what we re going to offer them in return.
What To Offer
Like I ve mentioned various times already, we don t have to
offer as much here as we would for other methods.
Here s 3 options that work well.
1. Offer them a one off fee  Just simply pay them for
creating a video and recommending your social media
page. Get them to talk about the benefits of why their
subscribers should like or follow your social media page.
Again remember, we don t have to pay much here.
How many subscribers do they have? How much traffic
do you think they ll send? I wouldn t pay anymore than
$100 for this. A lot of channel owners will simply take a
$50 cash sum to recommend a Facebook page.
2. Give their subscribers an incentive  Why don t you run
a competition on your social media page? This works
great. If you re giving away something cool, and of
high value, related to the niche of the YouTube
channel, this gives incentive for the channel owner to
recommend your social media profile and it also gives
incentive for their subscribers to click through. Capture
emails too while you re there if you can&
3. Collaborate  Again, why don t you collaborate on a
video? If you re good in front of the camera, see if you
can team up on a video and share your knowledge
with their subscribers too. You ll see a lot of musicians
on YouTube doing this too, they team up and
collaborate on a song and at the end ask their
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subscribers to check out their channels. Do something
They all work great.
I ve tried paying them on a performance basis before too,
paying them per follower or like they generate& but this can
get messy and confusing. So stick to the 3 above.
You really just need to offer something awesome on your
social media page related to their niche, and you ll have no
problems getting them to recommend it to their subscribers.
Gaining a social presence is really powerful, but it s a long-
term project. Be patient, and once you ve run a successful
campaign or even a few campaigns using the strategy
shared in Traffic Authority, you ll of created a really good
presence that is highly targeted.
Once your social profile is to a level where you ve got a
good following with good engagement, monetize that
baby! Look to promote affiliate offers, promote your own
products, alongside building an email list from it and more.
The opportunities are endless, and the Traffic Authority
strategy can build you that targeted following.
Cheers to social media!
© 2014 Traffic Authority


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