Sposoby wyrażania mowy zależnej
Sposoby wyrażania mowy zależnej
Reported Speech: Reporting Verbs
Tworzenie mowy zależnej nie polega jedynie na mechanicznym przetworzeniu zdań niezależnych w zależne. Musimy wsłuchać się w wypowiedź i spróbować ją przetworzyć. I tak zdanie: "Why don't we go to the cinema?" said Susan. możemy przetworzyć na dwa sposoby:
1. Susan said why we didn't go to the cinema.
2. Susan suggested that we should go to the cinema.
Poniżej podajemy kilka podobnych przykładów:
a) "Don't go too close to the dog, Jimmy," father said. "But I want to see it!" Jimmy answered.
możemy przekształcić na:
Jimmy's father warned him not to go close to the dog, but Jimmy protested and said that he wanted to see it.
b) "We have just bought a car!" John said. "Really?" Lucy exclaimed.
możemy przekształcić na:
John told Lucy that they had bought a car. She was amazed.
c) "More funds should be spent on schools" Kate observed. "Yes, I agree," Mary answered.
możemy przekształcić na:
Mary agreed with Kate when she observed that more funds should be spent on schools.
d) "I don't think you should eat so many cakes" Henry said. "I feel it is all right," Sarah replied.
możemy przekształcić na:
Henry told Sarah that he didn't think she should eat so many cakes. She disagreed and said that she felt it was all right.
e) "Stand up," the teacher told us.
możemy przekształcić na:
The teacher ordered us to stand up.
f) "I bet Chris will be late," she said.
możemy przekształcić na:
She predicted that Chris would be late.
Tworząc mowę zależną należy pamiętać, że po niektórych wyrazach wprowadzających (np. admit, deny, mention, report
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