Book 5 modules 1 7 exam B

DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 5 Module 7 Exam B Page 1
Task 1 % Vocabulary test (25 points)
Please translate the following words from English.
Example: 0. full &
1. access & & & & & & & & 14. sensitive & & & & & & & &
2. anniversary & & & & & & & & 15. due to & & & & & & & &
3. look forward to & & & & & & & & 16. circumstances & & & & & & & &
4. willingness & & & & & & & & 17. oversleep & & & & & & & &
5. go dutch & & & & & & & & 18. upside down & & & & & & & &
6. convenient & & & & & & & & 19. indicate& & & & & & & &
7. afford & & & & & & & & 20. mankind & & & & & & & &
8. privacy & & & & & & & & 21. witness & & & & & & & &
9. sudden & & & & & & & & 22. fragile & & & & & & & &
10. offend & & & & & & & & 23. cautious & & & & & & & &
11. provided that & & & & & & & & 24. proof & & & & & & & &
12. scratch & & & & & & & & 25. custom & & & & & & & &
13. purchase & & & & & & & &
Task 2 % True or false? (25 points)
Are these sentences  true or  false ? Please tick the correct answer.
Example: 0. A question ends with a full stop. Ą% true Ą% false
26. All children are looking forward to cleaning their rooms
before Christmas. Ą% true Ą% false
27. When we are very unpleasant to our friends we should
make up for our behaviour. Ą% true Ą% false
28. Men use lipsticks more often than women. Ą% true Ą% false
29. We use inversion to sound less formal or emphatic. Ą% true Ą% false
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 5 Module 7 Exam B Page 2
30. When we go on a blind date we know the person
we re going to meet. Ą% true Ą% false
31. We use the indefinite article in a particular sense. Ą% true Ą% false
32. We don t need to rush when we re late. Ą% true Ą% false
33. If you want to make a good impression on a first date
you should come on time. Ą% true Ą% false
34. It wouldn t bother me if everybody forgot my birthday. Ą% true Ą% false
35. You lose your balance when you can t stay steady. Ą% true Ą% false
36. The teacher always gives injections to students. Ą% true Ą% false
37. I would feel offended if someone called me a fool. Ą% true Ą% false
38.  Provided that is the opposite of  providing . Ą% true Ą% false
39. A love affair can destroy the image of a politician. Ą% true Ą% false
40. People scratch their heads when they re trying to answer
a difficult question. Ą% true Ą% false
41. A driving license is a proof that you own a car. Ą% true Ą% false
42. Most people work hard in their leisure time. Ą% true Ą% false
43. We deserve a rest after hard work. Ą% true Ą% false
44. People put their rubbish into their drawers. Ą% true Ą% false
45. When something becomes scarce it means that
there is plenty of it. Ą% true Ą% false
46. When we describe a person as lean it means that
she is attractive. Ą% true Ą% false
47. When you slow down the speed of your car increases. Ą% true Ą% false
48. It s easier to arrange a hotel accommodation in high
than in low season. Ą% true Ą% false
49. We use lungs for breathing. Ą% true Ą% false
50. Sensitive people take criticism well. Ą% true Ą% false
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 5 Module 7 Exam B Page 3
Task 3 % Simple or Continuous (10 points)
Please fill in the sentences with the appropriate tense (Past Perfect Simple, Past Pefect
Continuous, Future Perfect Simple, Future Pefect Continuous).
Example: 0. When I arrived they had been cooking so we had to wait. (cook)
51. When I came home my wife & & & & & & & & & & & the floors so I went out in order not to
disturb her. (clean)
52. By the end of this month I & & & & & & & & & & & . a new car. (buy)
53. We couldn t fall asleep after we & & & & & & & & & .. a horror. (watch)
54. When the letter arrived she & & & & & & & & a shower for twenty minutes. (take)
55. When Tom joined me I & & & & & & & & & & . for half an hour. (work out)
56. By the time you are ready I & & & & & & & & & . my lunch. (eat)
57. Before we got married we & & & & & & & & & for a year. (go out)
58. My daughter & & & & & & & . to speak English before she went to London. (learn)
59. By 7 o clock we & & & & & & & & & .. for 7 hours. (sleep)
60. By November he & & & & & & & & & & .. in that company for two years. (work)
Task 4 % Articles (5 points)
Please fill in the sentences with  a, an, the or  - .
Example: 0. My wife works as a nurse
61. Murderers should go to _____ prison.
62. At two o clock I will be eating _____ lunch.
63.  What ____ beautiful woman!
64. We used to spend our holiday at ______ Baltic Sea.
65. Are you going to wear this blouse? No, I ll take ____ blue one.
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 5 Module 7 Exam B Page 4
Task 5 % Conditionals (10 points)
Please fill in the following sentences with verbs in the correct tense.
Example: 0. Mary is my workmate.
If I meet Mary at work , I will ask her about it. (meet, ask)
66. John helped us a lot so that we could move out in two days.
If John & & & & & & & & & & & & ..& & & us, we & & & & & & & & & & .& & & & & .. to
move out in two days. (not help, not be able to)
67. My wife is very busy this week. We can t go to the restaurant.
If my wife & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .& & & . so busy, we & & & & & & & & ..& & &
to the restaurant. (not be, go)
68. I failed my exams because I hadn t studied enough.
I & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & . my exams if I & & & & & & & & & & & & .
& & & & & & & & ..& & more. (pass, study)
69. We often travel to Spain. Our friends live there.
When we & & & & & & & & & & & & & & .& & & & . to Spain, we & & & & & & & & & & .
& & & & & & .. our friends. (travel, visit)
70. It s not a good idea to swim in this river.
If I & & & & & & & & & & & & & & . you, I & & & & & & & & & & & & ..& & & in this river.
(be, not swim)
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 5 Module 7 Exam B Page 5
Task 6 % Reported Speech & Passive Voice (10 points)
Please change the sentences using reported speech or passive voice.
Example: 0.  What are you going to do at the weekend?
He asked me what I was going to do at the weekend.
71.  Have you ever been to Italy?
They asked &
72. We should clean our room more often.
Our room&
73.  We don t have to get up early. It s Saturday. (use because)
Her husband told her&
74.  Turn the volume down. I m trying to study. (use because)
Her brother told her &
75.  What is your favourite dish?
The cook asked me &
Vocabulary test & & & / 25
True or false & & & / 25
Simple & Continuous & & & / 10
ęrticles & & & / 5
Conditionals & & & / 10
Reported & Passive & & & / 10 Total & & & / 85


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