Book 5 module 3 test A

DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 5 Module 3 Exam A Page 1
Task 1 % Vocabulary test (25 points)
Please translate the following words from English.
Example: 0. full &
1. hang on & & & & & & & & 14. make up one s mind & & & & & &
2. cheat & & & & & & & & 15. disappoint & & & & & & & &
3. affect & & & & & & & & 16. be aware of & & & & & & & &
4. spoil & & & & & & & & 17. sincerely & & & & & & & &
5. on purpose & & & & & & & & 18. fold & & & & & & & &
6. behind bars & & & & & & & & 19. issue & & & & & & & &
7. suitable & & & & & & & & 20. poverty & & & & & & & &
8. omit & & & & & & & & 21. statement & & & & & & & &
9. income & & & & & & & & 22. prevent & & & & & & & &
10. pretend & & & & & & & & 23. first of all & & & & & & & &
11. minor & & & & & & & & 24. confess & & & & & & & &
12. leave out & & & & & & & & 25. audience & & & & & & & &
13. the pros and cons & & & & & & & &
Task 2 % True or false? (25 points)
Are these sentences  true or  false ? Please tick the correct answer.
Example: 0. A question ends with a full stop. Ą% true Ą% false
26. We usually hang ironed shirts on hooks. Ą% true Ą% false
27. Bad tempered children often lose control. Ą% true Ą% false
28. People are cheerful when they hear horrible news. Ą% true Ą% false
29. Sociable people like spending time alone. Ą% true Ą% false
30. It takes a short time to become a drug addict. Ą% true Ą% false
31. If you want to pass an exam, you should neglect your studying. Ą% true Ą% false
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 5 Module 3 Exam A Page 2
32. People are usually dismissed from work when they work hard. Ą% true Ą% false
33. You should call a doctor when someone becomes unconscious. Ą% true Ą% false
34. By empty threats we mean something that won t be really done. Ą% true Ą% false
35. Winning the lottery can cause a great deal of excitement. Ą% true Ą% false
36. Taxis have priority on the road. Ą% true Ą% false
37. It s not a good idea to mess with your boss. Ą% true Ą% false
38.  Loo is a formal word for  lavatory . Ą% true Ą% false
39. When there are too many choices it s easy to make up your mind. Ą% true Ą% false
40. It s difficult to keep your temper when you get stuck
in a traffic jam. Ą% true Ą% false
41. Some pills may taste bitter. Ą% true Ą% false
42. We use  wish + subject + past tense to show our regret
about a past situation. Ą% true Ą% false
43.  Major and  key are synonyms of the word  chief . Ą% true Ą% false
44. When you are turned away from entering a club it means
that you are refused admission to it. Ą% true Ą% false
45. If people make a statement off the record it means that
a journalist has permission to record it. Ą% true Ą% false
46. If you don t use proper washing powder the colours of
your clothes may fade. Ą% true Ą% false
47. Parents usually praise their children for misbehaviour. Ą% true Ą% false
48. We have to declare all our income. Ą% true Ą% false
49. Shoplifting means stealing things from shops. Ą% true Ą% false
50. It s difficult to cut vegetables with a sharp knife. Ą% true Ą% false
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 5 Module 3 Exam A Page 3
Task 3 %  Wish (10 points)
Rewrite the following sentences using  wish .
Example: I can t play the piano. I wish I could play the piano.
51. I m going to London next week but I don t know English.
I wish&
52. I expect the government to lower the taxes.
I wish&
53. I regret that I didn t buy that beautiful dress.
I wish&
54. I didn t call her on her birthday and she doesn t want to talk to me.
I wish &
55. I think my wife would look better with long hair.
I wish &
Task 4 % Modals & Pronouns (10 points)
Please fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.
should whose wash had though shouldn t might which couldn t have where
Example: She had three red pens.
56. You ______________ throw it into a fire. It s dangerous.
57. He told me about the man _____________ daughter is a famous singer.
58. You can t ______________ seen Michael. He s in London.
59. Shoes ______________ I bought last week are made of leather.
60. I m not sure who called but it ______________ have been John.
61. You ____________ have told me about your financial problems.
62. He looks as ______________ he was drunk.
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 5 Module 3 Exam A Page 4
63. This is the hotel ______________ we spent our honeymoon.
64. It s obvious he _____________ have locked the door. He doesn t have his own keys.
65. If you want to have a meal you should ______________ your hands beforehand.
Task 5 % Future (5 points)
Fill in the sentences with the Future Simple, Future Continuous or Future Perfect.
Example: 0. Our friend will have earned a lot of money by the end of the year. (earn)
66. Tomorrow at 8 o clock we & & & & & & & & & .our favourite soap opera. (watch)
67. I believe I & & & & & & . rich when I grow up. (be)
68. By this time next year I & & & & & & & & & my own house. (build)
69. I & & & & & & you with your homework. (help)
70. My wife & & & & & & & & & . cooking by the time I come back home. (finish)
Task 6 % Multiple choice (10 points)
Please choose the best answer.
Example: 0. She __c)__ three red pens.
a) have b) has been c) had
71. On Monday evening I ____________ a film in the cinema.
a) will watching b) will have watch c) will be watching
72. They haven t decided yet. They _____________ go there by car or by bus
a) can t b) might c) have to
73. By the end of the month he ________________ 3000 pounds.
a) will earn b) will have earned c) is earning
74. They believe their daughter ____________ pass her exams.
a) will b) want c) will have
75. I can t forget the place ___________ we spent our last holiday.
a) were b) which c) where
76. You should read it ____________ you sign it.
a) before b) afterwards c) beforehand
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 5 Module 3 Exam A Page 5
77. People are expected ____________ taxes.
a) paying b) pay c) to pay
78. I wish I __________ basketball well.
a) could play b) can play c) have play
79. We regret ___________ you that the flight to London will be delayed.
a) informing b) to inform c) inform
80. We enjoy _____________ Friday evenings at home.
a) spend b) spending c) to have spent
Vocabulary test & & & / 25
True or false & & & / 25
Wish & & & / 10
Modals & Pronouns & & & / 10
Future & & & / 5
Multiple choice & & & / 10 Total & & & / 85


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