Book 6 module 4 test A

DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 6 Module 4 Exam A Page 1
Task 1 % Vocabulary test (25 points)
Please translate the following words from English.
Example: 0. full &
1. mean & & & & & & & & 14. complain & & & & & & & &
2. in-laws & & & & & & & & 15. approximately & & & & & & & &
3. flavour & & & & & & & & 16. admire & & & & & & & &
4. robbery & & & & & & & & 17. puzzle & & & & & & & &
5. lock & & & & & & & & 18. startle & & & & & & & &
6. confirm & & & & & & & & 19. obey & & & & & & & &
7. urgent & & & & & & & & 20. scent & & & & & & & &
8. assume & & & & & & & & 21. substitute & & & & & & & &
9. peg leg & & & & & & & & 22. awkward & & & & & & & &
10. neat & & & & & & & & 23. shipping & & & & & & & &
11. flood & & & & & & & & 24. striking & & & & & & & &
12. ability & & & & & & & & 25. dive & & & & & & & &
13. tough & & & & & & & &
Task 2 % True or false? (25 points)
Are these sentences  true or  false ? Please tick the correct answer.
Example: 0. A question ends with a full stop. Ą% true Ą% false
26. Parents are sometimes anxious about children s health. Ą% true Ą% false
27. We are related to our in-laws by marriage. Ą% true Ą% false
28. Some Christmas traditions are preserved from generation
to generation. Ą% true Ą% false
29. We add flavour to a dish by adding water. Ą% true Ą% false
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 6 Module 4 Exam A Page 2
30.  Rob has a similar meaning to  steal . Ą% true Ą% false
31. When we give somebody a lift it means that we take
the same lift in a building. Ą% true Ą% false
32. Children are often envious of other children s toys. Ą% true Ą% false
33. Floods are often caused by famine. Ą% true Ą% false
34. We use a jack to fix something onto a wall. Ą% true Ą% false
35. A tailor is a person who makes furniture. Ą% true Ą% false
36. Tender meat is too tough to eat. Ą% true Ą% false
37.  The other day is the opposite of  recently . Ą% true Ą% false
38. When you buy something and it doesn t work you
should complain. Ą% true Ą% false
39. Some children are fussy eaters. Ą% true Ą% false
40. The job of a fireman requires a lot of courage. Ą% true Ą% false
41. Three is an even number. Ą% true Ą% false
42. They usually charge for excess luggage on planes. Ą% true Ą% false
43. When ice melts it turns into a solid form. Ą% true Ą% false
44. The job of a guard is to guard a place. Ą% true Ą% false
45. Rotten vegetables give off a nice scent. Ą% true Ą% false
46. Children often scrape their knees. Ą% true Ą% false
47. A forehead is a part of head below our nose. Ą% true Ą% false
48. When we hesitate it means that we are certain what to do. Ą% true Ą% false
49. Children often ask embarrassing questions. Ą% true Ą% false
50. To dive means to swim under the surface
of the sea/lake/ocean. Ą% true Ą% false
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 6 Module 4 Exam A Page 3
Task 3 % Words (9 points)
Please fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.
famine foam contrast had ripe trespassing fetch second hand vital deliver
Example: 0. She had three red pens.
51. It s not easy to find a solution to a _______________ problem.
52. I like cold beer with some ______________ on the surface.
53. You should call the police when you see somebody ______________ your property.
54. It takes about two days to _______________ a letter in my country.
55. It s risky to buy a ___________________ car.
56. In my opinion _________________ is the most serious problem of African countries .
57. My grandmother lived to a _________________ old age.
58. Dogs like to ________________ sticks in the park.
59. There s still a huge ________________ between rich and poor countries in the world.
Task 4 % 1 out of 2 (8 points)
Please choose the best answer.
Example: 0. My brother is keen on/about video games .
60. We love travelling so we are anxious about/to go to China in November.
61. The basic ingredient/content of a cheesecake is cheese.
62. Listening to loud music may disturb/interrupt somebody who is asleep.
63. If I order something online I expect an email agreement/confirmation.
64. A tidy person keeps documents on a desk in heaps/piles.
65. My neighbours are jealous/envious of my new car.
66. Living conditions are harsh/gentle in Siberia.
67. Customers complaints/complains give important information to a company.
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 6 Module 4 Exam A Page 4
Task 5 % Word formation (7 points)
Please fill in the sentences with a word formed from the word in capital letters.
Example: 0. All the people admired three magnificent goals by
ADMIRATION Leo Messi in the last match.
68. The ______________ of our team winning the World Cup is very low. LIKELY
69. Fast Foods don t have good _______________ values. NUTRITION
70. Bank ____________ deserve severe punishment. ROB
71. People s ________________ may sometimes be completely wrong. ASSUME
72. I always check if the hotel offers a varied range of _____________ ENTERTAIN
73. In Egypt you are expected to _________________ the price in shops. NEGOTIATION
74. Clothes presented by some fashion ________________ are sometimes awkward. DESIGN
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 6 Module 4 Exam A Page 5
Task 6 % Multiple choice (11 points)
Please choose the best answer.
Example: 0. She __c)__ three red pens.
a) have b) has been c) had
75. You should be __________ your guard when you visit Egypt.
a) at b) on c) in
76. Daisies and carnations are examples of _________.
a) vegetables b) illnesses c) flowers
77. People who show negative attitude towards other races can be called _______________.
a) narrow-minded b) broad-minded c) tolerant
78. The results of the survey we carried _________ last week astonished us.
a) out b) of c) on
79. The verb forms of  strike are ____________.
a) strike, striked , striked b) strike, strack, strucken c) strike, struck, struck
80. We buy sugar in a __________.
a) roll b) bag c) can
81. My neighbours are difficult to put _________ with, they argue all the time.
a) over b) on c) up
82. I should choose cosmetics carefully because my skin is very ___________.
a) sensitive b) sensible c) tough
83. Our vacuum cleaner __________ very unpleasant sound.
a) gives out b) gives off c) gives away
84. People traditionally ____________ fireworks on New Years Eve.
a) let off b) let up c) let over
85. The shape of the Earth is a____________.
a) square b) circle c) sphere
Vocabulary test & & & / 25
True or false & & & / 25
Words & & & / 9
1 out of 2 & & & / 8
Word formation & & & / 7
Multiple choice & & & / 11 Total & & & / 85


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