Book 6 module 8 test B

DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 6 Module 8 Exam B Page 1
Task 1 % Vocabulary test (25 points)
Please translate the following words from English.
Example: 0. full &
1. regard & & & & & & & & 14. reduce & & & & & & & &
2. give up & & & & & & & & 15. ankle & & & & & & & &
3. trade & & & & & & & & 16. temptation & & & & & & & &
4. row & & & & & & & & 17. resemble & & & & & & & &
5. at random & & & & & & & & 18. tension & & & & & & & &
6. rude & & & & & & & & 19. motionless & & & & & & & &
7. vacuum cleaner & & & & & & & & 20. shrink & & & & & & & &
8. contagious & & & & & & & & 21. gamble & & & & & & & &
9. mosquito & & & & & & & & 22. novelty & & & & & & & &
10. clarify & & & & & & & & 23. angle & & & & & & & &
11. heal & & & & & & & & 24. chain & & & & & & & &
12. cupboard & & & & & & & & 25. emergency & & & & & & & &
13. undo & & & & & & & &
Task 2 % True or false? (25 points)
Are these sentences  true or  false ? Please tick the correct answer.
Example: 0. A question ends with a full stop. Ą% true Ą% false
26. Burglars have a lot of regard for the law. Ą% true Ą% false
27. Smoking is difficult to give up for some people. Ą% true Ą% false
28. We use  on the contrary when we agree to what
has just been said. Ą% true Ą% false
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 6 Module 8 Exam B Page 2
29. When a party is tame we have a lot of fun. Ą% true Ą% false
30. If you told a girl that she s extraordinarily beautiful
she d be very angry. Ą% true Ą% false
31. We use the blunt edge of a blade for cutting. Ą% true Ą% false
32. When we choose something at random it means
we consider carefully beforehand. Ą% true Ą% false
33. We lick with our hands. Ą% true Ą% false
34. People try to wipe unpleasant memories from their mind. Ą% true Ą% false
35. We vaccinate to become immune to diseases. Ą% true Ą% false
36. A dormitory is a kind of a hotel room
with splendid furniture. Ą% true Ą% false
37. Onion juice is an example of a home remedy for a cold. Ą% true Ą% false
38. We draw blinds in the morning. Ą% true Ą% false
39. A restaurant owner dreams of becoming infamous
for the quality of food. Ą% true Ą% false
40. Some women weep while watching a sad film. Ą% true Ą% false
41. Dry pavements are slippery. Ą% true Ą% false
42. Supermarkets reduce prices to tempt people
into buying things. Ą% true Ą% false
43. If you can t manage your work you can be replaced
by somebody else. Ą% true Ą% false
44. It s sometimes worth waiting for some time to get
a product of inferior quality. Ą% true Ą% false
45. If you don t wash your clothes properly the may shrink. Ą% true Ą% false
46. You can easily distinguish twins if they look
precisely the same. Ą% true Ą% false
47. A dozen is ten. Ą% true Ą% false
48. We can lean on our close friends or family
if we need help. Ą% true Ą% false
49. You need to have a work permit if you
want to work in some counries. Ą% true Ą% false
50. Contaminated water is good for your health. Ą% true Ą% false
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 6 Module 8 Exam B Page 3
Task 3 % Words (9 points)
Please fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.
air grasp furs equipment hydrogen had sneezing massage chest roadworks
Example: 0. She had three red pens.
51. I m in favour of wearing fake _____________ not real ones.
52. He startled the birds by _______________ loudly.
53. I found an old _______________ when I was digging the garden.
54. After a long holiday it s good to ____________ your flat to get rid of the smell of dampness.
55. A _______________ is the best remedy for tense muscles.
56. ______________ is the lightest gas.
57. There are a lot of traffic jams because of _______________ in this city.
58. Although he s only five his ______________ is quite firm.
59. I d like to play golf but the _________________ is too expensive for me.
Task 4 % 1 out of 2 (8 points)
Please choose the best answer.
Example: 0. My brother is keen on/about video games .
60. A person of higher rank is our superior/inferior.
61. A surgeon must be very precisely/precise.
62. Our cooker/cook broke down and we ll have to buy a new one.
63. When we moved to the country it was difficult to adapt/adjust to the rural lifestyle.
64. When he asked me if I was sure he sow the grains/seeds of doubt in me.
65. Polish scientists got a reward/grant to continue their research on the new medicine.
66. We shiver/tremble with cold.
67. I have never worked as a volunteer/voluntary.
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 6 Module 8 Exam B Page 4
Task 5 % Word formation (7 points)
Please fill in the sentences with a word formed from the word in capital letters.
Example: 0. All the people admired two magnificent goals by Leo Messi in the last match.
68. Light bulbs often need _______________ in the house. REPLACE
69. Some international organisations are immensely _______________ . POWER
70. It s difficult for lively children to stand ________________. MOTION
71. Well managed ___________________ are often successful. ESTABLISH
72. A lot of people would be happy about the ______________ of the Swiss Franc. SHRINK
73. It s difficult to _______________ the results of the next elections. PREDICTION
74. Urban areas are more ______________ populated than rural ones. DENSE
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 6 Module 8 Exam B Page 5
Task 6 % Multiple choice (11 points)
Please choose the best answer.
Example: 0. She __c)__ three red pens.
a) have b) has been c) had
75. All rights ________ means that only the owners of the book may publish it.
a) booked b) protected c) reserved
76. Some criminals decide to confess because they have. ________
a) guilty conscience b) clear conscience c) dark conscience
77. You get the most privacy in a _______ .
a) skyscraper b) detached house c) terraced house
78. When you promise to tell the truth in court you ________.
a) curse an oath b) swear an oath c) promise an oath
79. I prefer to sit in a non-smoking ____________.
a) track b) platform c) compartment
80. When I don t have time I choose fruit and vegetables simply _______ random.
a) on b) in c) at
81. If we gain respect it means that we go up in somebody s ___________.
a) estimation b) estimate c) range
82. I quickly become fed _______ with romantic comedies.
a) away b) down c) up
83. The verb forms of  bind are _______ .
a) bind , bint, bint b) bind, bound, bound c) bind, bind, bind
84. My grandfather suffers from heart ________ .
a) illness b) cold c) sickness
85. Water _________ in a city could have serious consequences.
a) contaminate b) contaminatement c) contamination
Vocabulary test & & & / 25
True or false & & & / 25
Words & & & / 9
1 out of 2 & & & / 8
Word formation & & & / 7
Multiple choice & & & / 11 Total & & & / 85


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