Book 4 module 3 test B

DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 4 Module 3 Exam B Page 1
Task 1 % Vocabulary test (25 points)
Please translate the following words from English.
Example: 0. Full &
1. invent & & & & & & & & & .. 14. improve & & & & & & & & & ..
2. advice & & & & & & & & & .. 15. scales & & & & & & & & & ..
3. efficient & & & & & & & & & .. 16. go ahead & & & & & & & & & ..
4. ground & & & & & & & & & .. 17. competition & & & & & & & & & ..
5. disadvantage & & & & & & & & & .. 18. management & & & & & & & & & ..
6. afford & & & & & & & & & .. 19. pollution & & & & & & & & & ..
7. crossing & & & & & & & & & .. 20. detail & & & & & & & & & ..
8. suppose & & & & & & & & & .. 21. forwards & & & & & & & & & ..
9. imagine & & & & & & & & & .. 22. crash & & & & & & & & & ..
10. rapid & & & & & & & & & .. 23. trial & & & & & & & & & ..
11. friendly & & & & & & & & & .. 24. tradesman & & & & & & & & & ..
12. fall asleep & & & & & & & & & .. 25. protection & & & & & & & & & ..
13. butcher s & & & & & & & & & ..
Task 2 % True or false? (25 points)
Are these sentences  true or  false ? Please tick the correct answer.
Example: 0. A question ends with a full stop. Ą% true Ą% false
26. Nappies are often made to be disposable. Ą% true Ą% false
27. A judge makes legal decisions in a court of law. Ą% true Ą% false
28. We shouldn t help animals to survive winters. Ą% true Ą% false
29. We use inverted commas in direct speech. Ą% true Ą% false
30. A skyscraper is a single-storey building. Ą% true Ą% false
31. A necessary evil is something that is bad but we
have to agree to it. Ą% true Ą% false
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 4 Module 3 Exam B Page 2
32. It s easy to save a lot of money. Ą% true Ą% false
33. I can check the time my train departs from the station
on the Internet. Ą% true Ą% false
34. Artists and children have fertile imagination. Ą% true Ą% false
35. Tomatoes are root vegetables. Ą% true Ą% false
36. Visually impaired people often have a good sense of touch. Ą% true Ą% false
37. The elephant is unique to Africa. Ą% true Ą% false
38. Facebook, Twitter are social networking websites. Ą% true Ą% false
39. Beef can become inedible if we burn it. Ą% true Ą% false
40. It is easy to get hold of tickets for Euro 2012. Ą% true Ą% false
41. We put information in charts because it s easier
to understand it. Ą% true Ą% false
42. It s safe to drive a car with bald tyres. Ą% true Ą% false
43. A self-confident person always feels ill at ease. Ą% true Ą% false
44. All cars had electrically opening windows
at the beginning of the 20th century. Ą% true Ą% false
45. We have to put a lot of effort if we attempt to do
something difficult. Ą% true Ą% false
46. Students are often on tenterhooks while waiting for
the results of exams. Ą% true Ą% false
47. Cycling downhill is more exhausting than cycling uphill. Ą% true Ą% false
48. Testosterone is responsible for male hair loss. Ą% true Ą% false
49. Sushi is made of raw fish. Ą% true Ą% false
50. Most people are glad when they have to iron
a lot of clothes. Ą% true Ą% false
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 4 Module 3 Exam B Page 3
Task 3 % Reported Speech (20 points)
Please change the following sentences from direct speech into reported speech.
Example: 0.  I can speak three languages. He told me he could speak three languages.
51.  I think it will rain later.
He said&
52.  John is not at home. He is playing football. (use because)
John s mother told us&
53.  I love you.
He said&
54.  We can t afford to buy a new car.
My parents told me&
55.  Steve told her about it. It was a mistake. (use and)
Our friend said&
56.  She won t believe in what you say.
My sister told me&
57.  Where is the nearest bank?
A young woman asked me&
58.  It isn t a good idea to eat a big dessert now.
Her husband said&
59.  I m so tired. I have been working sine 7 o clock. (use because or as)
My friend said&
60.  How much did you pay for it?
My boyfriend asked me&
Task 4 % Verbs (6 points)
Please fill in the gaps in the sentences with the words from the box.
so that if had making would spent had
Example: 0. My son learnt to walk after he had crawled.
61. My sister asked me ________ I was going to come to her birthday party.
62. They told us that they had __________ a wonderful time in Paris the year before.
63. My wife realized that she _________ left her money at home.
64. If he hadn t got married, he __________ be happy now.
65. We work very hard _____________ we can afford a holiday abroad.
66. You re always ____________ the same mistakes.
DIRECT Method For English 33d edition Book 4 Module 3 Exam B Page 4
Task 5 % Multiple choice (9 points)
Please choose the best answer.
Example: 0. If it __b__ rained yesterday we would have gone to the park.
a) has b) hadn t c) haven t
67. If Mary ___________ married, she would have children.
a) got b) had get c) would got
68. I will do the shopping so that we _________ eat dinner at home.
a) can b) could c) would
69. When we __________ the film we went to bed.
a) had watched b) have watched c) were watching
70. My mother asked me if I ___________ to eat sandwiches for breakfast.
a) want b) to want c) wanted
71. If the weather had been fine, we _____________ for a walk.
a) will go b) went c) would have gone
72. They will make you ____________ the car if you leave it here.
a) move b) to move c) moving
73. He was forced ____________ in his room.
a) stay b) staying c) to stay
74. We can t afford ____________ on holiday every year.
a) to have gone b) to go c) go
75. I think the Internet is the most useful ___________
a) inventor b) invent c) invention
Vocabulary test & & & / 25
True or false & & & / 25
Reported speech & & & / 20
Verbs & & & / 6
Multiple choice & & & / 9 Total & & & / 85


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