2001 09 Password Policies

Easy protection with
When I turn up at different
companies I look around a typical
office and it is easy to work out
Here we can see the encrypted password
login names. Passwords on a system
is wfR0W8eSzI1Lo
that you control however should be
The 11386 refers to the last time the
password was changed in the days
more secure and not too obvious.
since 1/1/70
The 0 refers to the number of
On your Linux system the passwords are stored in days before the password may
the plain text file /etc/passwd be changed.
You can view this file with any text editor. A The 99999 is used for the
typical line is number of days before the
password must be changed.
darth:x:500:100:Darth Maul:/home/darth:/bin/bash
7 shows the number of days
This can be split up as follows: before a password change is forced
that the user will be warned. The
darth - Login Name
following 0 shows the time in days when
x - Encrypted password
the account is disabled after the password
500 - UID (User IDentity number)
expires. Following this could be the number of days
100 - GID (Group IDentity number)
until the account is disabled. A final field is a
Darth Maul - GCOS (Extra info about the user U
reserved field.
such as name etc,.)
Looking at the encrypted password: If we take
/home/darth - Home Directory
/bin/bash - Shell used an eight-letter password, for example ABCDEFGH,
this is first encoded with a salt seed. The salt seed is
As we can see the password is shown as an x a two-character string giving 4096 combinations.
which indicates that we are using shadow This is the first two characters of the password. The
passwords. If we are not the password is a string lowest seven bits of each letter of the password is
which has been encrypted with the DES (Digital then used to generate a 56-bit key for the DES
Encryption Standard). algorithm to run against. The generated 11 ASCII
The problem with just using DES is that the character is added onto the seed to give the 13-
/etc/passwd file is readable to everyone, character encrypted password.
otherwise they would not be able to sign onto Simple dictionary attacks are now fairly quick
the system. This means that they could in turn with some 500,000 words being contained in all
read the encrypted string in a simple text editor. seed combinations and sorted in order. Compared
By using a dictionary attack program such to the password this greatly aids the cracker.
as Crack To overcome this weakness, passwords should,
ftp://ftp.cert.dfn.de/pub/tools/password/Crack/, as we all know, be random letters and characters
which tries a word from its dictionary and and not make sensible words. The usual policies
compares it with the encrypted string until about changing passwords often also apply. To
eventually it guesses correctly. make the password a little more safe requires us to
On the other hand, this is sometimes a good use the MD5 encryption method, which is a little
way to recover passwords and really depends on stronger than DES.
just how much security you need. Shadow Mind you, this is the usual case of do as
passwords are stored in /etc/shadow file which recommended and not as I do. As I write this I have
only root has read permissions. been roothacked.
Signing on as root and looking at the file we Yet another re-install and this time I will use
get a typical line as Tripwire. Still, on the bright side I do have a new box
set distro somewhere... %
12 · 2001 LINUX MAGAZINE 65


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