Traffic Generation Report

Traffic Domination Secrets and
Shortcuts To Finding High Paying Clients
Secret 1: Warrior Special offers
Secret 2: Blogging
Secret 3: Article Marketing
Secret 4: Video marketing
Secret 5: Safe Swaps
Secret 6: Craig list
I have written this report with one simple aim: To help you quickly grasp traffic
domination secrets and make money today.
You and I know that traffic is the life blood of internet marketing. Traffic makes your site
valuable or not. Unfortunately most people don t know how to get traffic. That s why
about 80% of the 266 million website online don t make any money. Just a tiny
proportion of internet marketers who have mastered traffic generation tactics make a
living worth talking about. I will share with you a few tips in the coming pages.
But why should you listen to me?
I have read many books, reports; listen to videos and attended many seminars on the
subject of internet marketing. I have sold thousands of dollars of products, tested many
approaches and occasionally gone overboard to discover what works and what doesn t
work on internet marketing. And this report is not about theory but, is deeply rooted in
practical guidelines and tips. You will be surprised to see how easy they are to apply.
Whereas I cannot claim to know it all, I can say with confidence that having been in this
field for a couple of years working on one subject for about 18 hours a day continuously;
I know some things you don t know. And these things can help you make money, real
money starting today.
So are you ready to start? Ready to grasp these concepts that I am about to reveal?
Of course you do! Now, let s get down to business. Read this report carefully; preferably
from beginning to end and in the order the topics are arranged. I promise you this will
change your perception about internet marketing and open a new income stream you
have been dreaming about.
Whereas every effort has been made to accurately represent facts, testimonials and
opinions in this report, no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections,
representations or guarantees about future earnings is made whatsoever. Any earnings
implied are only estimates of what I think you could earn. There is no assurance,
promise or guarantee you will do so. If you rely upon any figures provided, you take full
responsibility for the results.
Your success or lack of it in using the information or strategies provided in this report
depends on a variety of factors. I have no way of knowing or controlling how well you
will do, as I do not know you, your background, your work ethic, your dedication, your
motivation, your desire, or your business skills or practices. Therefore, I do not
guarantee, promise or imply that you will get rich quickly, that you will do as well, or
that you will have any earnings whatsoever.
You are advised to do your own honest due diligence before making business decisions,
use caution and seek the guidance from qualified responsible professionals. You may
not consider any examples, documents, or other content in this book as legal advice.
Nothing contained in this report constitutes legal advice in any way. You should consult,
if need be, with your own attorney on any legal questions or opinions you may have.
I assume no responsibility, under any circumstances, for any loss or damage arising
from the use of any, information, or opportunity contained within this book.
I believe the purchase price, which has been arbitrarily set me, is fair for the value that
you receive and has no relationship to objective standards. Your agreement and
understanding of this, though not expressly stated, is implied.
Testimonials, case studies, and examples found in this report may be exceptional
results, do not necessarily reflect the typical purchaser s experience. And do not
represent or guarantee that you will achieve equivalent results in any circumstances.
However, you should perform due diligence and avoid taking such results at face value. I
will not be responsible, whatsoever, for any errors omissions or commission in the
information contained in this report.
Mary Wilhite
The 6 Traffic Domination Secrets
Most people are aware of the huge potential in internet marketing, but few know how to
get started or even where to start. Internet marketing is a relatively an old industry
that took root in the early 90s.
The reason you need to pay attention to this report is because traffic strategies and
systems for getting paying clients keep changing. I will attempt to give you the latest
here. The techniques I have used and tested their efficacy.
One thing that you must note is that when it comes to traffic generation, there is no
sleeping. You are at a constant war. Because what works today may be overshadowed
by tomorrow s technological advancements.
Here are the 6 traffic and client generation secrets
Secret #1 Warrior Special Forum
This is a dedicated page of the warrior forum where members are allowed to place
offers to other members at a discount.
The general idea is to identify a need. Create a product that fills the void and sell it on
this special forum. The most common products are videos, ebooks, software or a
combination of all. For your product to excel it must be something unique and highly
educative. Most warriors are highly sophisticated internet marketers and detect any
mediocre products from a far.
Your Target Clients:
" Your fellow members
" Professionals
Estimated Expense:
If you are building a product from scratch, you may opt to outsource all the activities.
Let us assume you want to put up a quick product on popular topics like list building or
traffic generation breakthrough strategies.
Item Estimated expense
War room membership $37
Design expenses/copywriting $750
Ghost writing $500
Total $1287
If you are good in writing and do the research yourself, then your expenses will be less.
And if you carefully search within yourself, you will realize that there something you
know that others don t know and may be willing to pay for it. It could be a bad habit you
kicked out and you can share tips. It may be that you are able to memorize large
amounts of data and have tricks others can learn. It doesn t have to anything technical.
Estimated Income:
It is difficult to tell you how much you will make. However, it is not uncommon for a
simple product that takes less than a week to generate anything above $2000. That
means that you can easily make $713 per week working only during your spare time.
Tools You ll Need:
" War Room membership
" Laptop or personal computer
" Internet connection
Step By Step Guide:
1. Sign Up for War Room membership. You can t post a warrior special offer
without membership.
2. Open a pay pal account.
3. Look for hungry market  You need to offer a solution to a person with a
problem. This the universal rule of making money. You can t sell ice to Eskimos
but you can sell it to people in the Sahara desert.
4. Create a product. It must be a product that people are willing to pay money for.
5. Offer the product  Your offer will tell you if your judgment was right. Poor sales
result mean that your price may be unrealistic or the product is not valuable to
people you are attempting to sell to or that your marketing is poor.
Sample Of Warrior Special Forums:
Discover How to Make $500 a Day With These Mobile Marketing Breakthrough
Cut through the hype and&
Discover How to Make $500
a Day With These Mobile
Marketing Breakthrough
In just a few days you could be attracting more clients,
closing more sales and making more money.
I'll show you exactly how you can be a successful mobile marketing
professional making more money and earning the respect you
Includes Special Bonuses (Value $ 133 ) - To Give You The Ultimate Advantage Over
Your Competition If You Order Today - From This Page!
Dear Fellow Warrior:
You are here for 1 of 2 reasons:
1) You're looking for an effective legitimate way to generate $500 a day for yourself and
loved ones. You're tired of paying big money for ebooks and videos, that purport to
teach about mobile marketing but fall terribly short of their promise.
2) You ve heard about mobile marketing for some time now, but you're confused about
which tactics actually work, which tools to use and where to start. You know that mobile
marketing works for some people, but aren't sure how to make it work for you
You may have asked yourself:
" How can I cut through all the hype about mobile marketing and find out if I really
can use it to make money?
" How can I avoid wasting time on unproven untested systems and experts
and focus my efforts on the simple tactics that get results?
" How can I manage my mobile marketing efforts with social media?
" Which mobile marketing tools are the right ones to use for my target
" How does one go about getting good paying clients?
" How will I fix my fees?
Secret #2 Blogging
Definition :
Generally a blog is a hybrid of what is happening in a person's life and the web. There
are as many types and forms of blogs as there are people.
Why you need a blog:
" It is easy to start and maintain
" It is search engine friendly
" It will increase traffic.
" Increases your online visibility
" Boosts your credibility online
" You get immediate feedback
" You create a magnetic online tribe
" Improves your writing
" Your reading increases and skyrockets your knowledge
" You become disciplined
How a blog aids in traffic domination :
" Readers flock to your blog to reader content.
" Readers can recommend your site to other readers.
" Your ranking increases since search engines likes blogs.
Estimated Expense of Running a Blog:
Your total expense will depend on what method you ll use to develop blog. You can do
most of the work yourself and significantly reduce the cost.
Expense Items cost
Domain Name @ GoDaddy (.mobi) - one time $6.99
Monthly hosting fee ( $9.95
Total $16.94
SEO key points:
" Have back links on other sights.
" Post with keywords on your headlines and two or three times in your body.
" Have your blog registered in major directories.
" Make your sight relevant to your target market.
Things to remember:
1. Content is king and if you have it people will book-mark your site.
2. People don t want to read your content word for word unless you are really
3. Use list numbering in you posts for people to pick key information.
4. Avoid outright selling in your blog.
5. Give facts, quote authority sources.
6. Use captivating headlines and subheads.
7. Keep posts short, 400-800 words is good enough.
8. Respect your readers and assume they are intelligent people seeking information.
9. Edit your post ruthlessly and use proper grammar.
10. Optimize your post with the right keywords.
Secret #3 Article Marketing
Article marketing is the type of advertising that is done with short informative articles. It
is highly an effective method and apart from time investment, it normally costs nothing.
Why articles:
" They help you create back links. Every article directory you write for will have a
link that pointing to your blog.
" They will help you boost your credibility and show your passion for a topic. It is
difficult for someone who is not passionate about a certain topic to write 500 or
more articles online.
" Articles help you do soft selling.
" They will help you showcase your expertise.
" They increase traffic to your website.
" They help you share your knowledge with knowledge-thirsty readers
Step By Step Guide:
1. Open accounts with top article directories. Consider those that rank highest in
These are the best article directories by Alexa traffic rank and Google pagerank.
1. Alexa TR = 298 PR6
Has more than 1 million articles and nearly half a million writers.
2. Alexa TR = 3,147 PR5
Established in 2005 this website provides a platform and easy process for
producers to publish their work online.
3. Alexa TR = 3,386 PR6 consists of a dynamic network of authors and content contributors.
4. Alexa TR = 7,287 PR4
Provides useful information to the World on a wide ranging viewpoints.
5. Alexa TR = 24,759 PR5
6. Alexa TR = 26,949 PR6
7. Alexa TR = 27,840 PR5
8. Alexa TR = 29,878 PR3
9. Alexa TR = 30,890 PR6
10. Alexa TR = 31,192 PR3
2. Post at least one article a day. This requires dedication and discipline and will
pay handsomely later.
Secret #4 Video Marketing
Video marketing is the latest fad in internet marketing. It is more captivating and
entertaining. Some online surfers prefer to listen to voice as they multitask.
Advantages of Video Marketing
üð Most people have been brought up in the television culture and would prefer
to watch than read.
üð Video seems to get more trust from internet users than the printed word.
üð Major search engines give video priority than text on the web.
Step By Step Guide:
1. Create an account on Youtube.
2. Create a video
3. Post your video.
Secret #5 Safe Swaps
Safe Swaps is an online service that links people interested in swapping adverts. The
system allows you to introduce ads to your email list and provides tools to manage
Key features are:
üð List owners access each other s database to swap adverts for mutual benefit
üð You can check reputation of list owners
üð You can reject or accept AdSwaps
üð Ability to accept or reject proposed AdSwaps
üð Tracking Clickthrough and conversion is easy
üð Communication between Swappers allowed
üð AdSwap calendar maintenance
Why safe swaps?
Google adwords have become too expensive for list building. In addition, the cost of
most advertising programs online has also shoot through the roof. Safe swaps provide
an easier more affordable alternative for low budget internet marketers.
Action step:
" Login on .com and register.
" Familiarize yourself with strategies boosting traffic to your site using this
revolutionary system.
Secret #6 Craiglist
Craigslist is a centralized network of online communities, featuring free online classified
advertisements. There are sections devoted to jobs, housing, personals, for sale,
services, community, gigs, and discussion forums.
Craig Newmark started the service in 1995 as an email distribution list of friends,
featuring local events in the San Francisco Bay Area. It expanded as a web-based
service in 1996 and now is available in more than 2000 cities in 50 countries.
How to use Craiglist to get Clients.
Step no. 1. Look for companies advertising on Craiglist
Step no. 2. Write them an email introducing yourself and your services.
Here is a sample of email you can send:
My name is& ..
Though you don't know me, I have a business strategy for boosting sales specifically
tailored for businesses of your size that may be of interest to you.
I developed this strategy 3 years ago and it has been used successfully by businesses in
Texas, Jersey California and New York with little operating expense.
It involves just sending a few SMS to your clients with your offers.
One client who has consistently used it has experienced growth of 145% in the last 12
months alone. John Abott of Cleveland Ohio says:  This system is so easy to implement.
I wonder why I resisted it for so long.
While a 45 year old lady who runs a restaurant in New York city says:  My restaurant is
always full. Thanks to this revolutionary strategy.
I have written a report about this breakthrough system of marketing and I want you to
have it.
It won t be available online for long. And if you click on this link you will have access to
a step-by-step process of implementing this strategy to increase your sales.
Click here now&
The people who will download your report will be hot prospects who you can do a follow
up selling your services to.
It is rare that someone uses all the 6 strategies to get traffic and clients. Most marketers
identify one or two that have the highest leverage and exploit them to the maximum.
You may decide to follow them.
Master one model that will help you get clients and better ranking the most.


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