100816154130 100816 witn un pakistan 3

BBC Learning English
Words in the News
16th August 2010
UN appeals for more Pakistan flood aid
The UN has warned that up to 3.5 million children in Pakistan are at high risk from diseases
following the flood disaster. It says an urgent increase in funding would significantly help to
reduce the risk. Mike Wooldridge reports from Islamabad:
As new areas of land in southern Pakistan succumb to the floodwaters, the UN is stepping
up the urgency of its warnings about the threat from waterborne diseases.
This also follows confirmation from the UN over the weekend of the first case of cholera.
UN officials say access to vulnerable children has improved and the relief operation now has
the capacity to respond; it's primarily about funding.
They say that being able to deliver more safe drinking water would make an immediate
difference to saving the lives of children.
But the UN's appeal for $110 million for the water-related aspects of the relief operation has
only been met to the tune of $19 million.
Mike Wooldridge, BBC News, Islamabad
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2010
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Vocabulary and definitions
succumb are lost or defeated
floodwaters excessive water from rivers that has covered the land
stepping up increasing
urgency pressure to do something immediately
waterborne diseases illnesses that are carried by or through water
confirmation proof that something is true
cholera a serious infection of the bowels, passed on through dirty
vulnerable unprotected; exposed to harm or danger
relief operation action to help people after a disaster
to the tune of to more or less this amount
More on this story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-south-asia-10978671
Read and listen to the story and the vocabulary online:
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2010
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