Common Sense C - Advice and Warnings for C and C++ Programmers:Working with C++
Common Sense C - Advice & Warnings for C and C++ Programmers
by Paul Conte
29th Street Press
ISBN: 1882419006 Pub Date: 10/01/92
Table of Contents
Instead of printing the first two output files in q1, this code prints the second output file twice. Although the HoldName member avoids memory conflicts between separate objects, it does not avoid memory conflicts between multiple invocations of the same objects state-changing member functions. The solution to this problem is much more complex, requiring either some form of dynamic memory management by the OutQ class, or special coding techniques for multiple references to the same OutQ object. As this example illustrates, object-oriented programming in C++ is no simple panacea to all your programming ills. Its often the case that half-complete class definitions introduce sneaky traps for the unwary. And creating robust classes for what appear at first to be simple objects is often much more difficult than you first imagine.
This example suggests a guideline that applies to both the implementation and use of C++ objects: Understand the lifetime of object data.
OOP, Not Oooops!
It might seem that the problems weve just examined arose because we tried to apply OOP techniques to a non-OOP system interface. Would we avoid problems by starting from scratch? Well, consider a textbook example of OOPdefining a string object type. Figure 8.3 shows part of a String class definition. A String object contains the string data in memory allocated by new, and the current string length in an integer member. The code shows one of the constructors, which allocates memory and copies a normal C null-terminated string to the memory pointed to by the objects strdata member. The example also shows an assignment operation, which overloads the = operator. Both the constructor and assignment member functions use the MakeString utility function to allocate memory and copy string data.
One of the intended advantages of this type of string class is to allow code such as the following:
String a("abc");
String b("");
This code is more straightforward than using Cs standard string functions, and the String class takes care of managing the necessary memory to hold a strings data, regardless of its size. This automated memory management is done in the operator= function by releasing memory assigned to the target of the assignment (e.g., b, above), then allocating enough memory to hold the result of the string expression on the right-hand side of the assignment (e.g., a, above).
But what happens in the following code, where b is defined as a reference to a?
String a("abc");
String & b = a; // a and b refer to
// the same string
Because both a and b refer to the same object, the release of bs memory actually releases as memory as wellbefore the copy takes placeand the assignment fails. Note that a similar problem could occur in a plain C (or other language) function that didnt guard against modifying an output argument that might also be an input argument. But common goals of creating C++ classes are to simplify assignment and expressions for new object types and to hide memory management. Thus, youll encounter more occasions where you have to watch out for unexpected ways that member functions, including overloaded operators, can get you in trouble.
In this simplified example, the solution is to avoid releasing the target strings memory, if it points to the same location as the source string. The revised member function is shown in Figure 8.4. To avoid problems like this, remember to implement assignment functions so that the same object can appear on both sides of the = operator. This rule can be quite challenging for classes that overload other operators in addition to =. Which leads to another way to minimize trouble: avoid overloading operators other than =.
Table of Contents
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