The Pleasure Principle

blockquote { margin: 0em 0em 0em 1.25em; text-align: justify } p { margin: 0em; text-align: justify } .bold { font-weight: bold } .italic { font-style: italic } Copyright An eRedSage Publishing Publication  This book is a work of complete fiction. Any names, places, incidents, characters are products of the author’s imagination and creativity or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is fully coincidental. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or any portion thereof in any form whatsoever in any country whatsoever is forbidden.  Information: Red Sage Publishing, Inc. P.O. Box 4844 Seminole, FL 33775 727-391-3847  The Pleasure Principle  An eRed Sage Publication All Rights Reserved Copyright © 2009 eRedSage is a registered trademark of Red Sage Publishing, Inc. Visit us on the World Wide Web:  ISBN: 978-1-60310-433-3 1-60310-433-X The Pleasure Principle Adobe PDF ISBN: 978-1-60310-434-0 1-60310-434-8 The Pleasure Principle MobiPocket ISBN: 978-1-60310-435-7 1-60310-435-6 The Pleasure Principle MS Reader ISBN: 978-1-60310-436-4 1-60310-436-4 The Pleasure Principle HTML ISBN: 978-1-60310-432-6 1-60310-432-1 The Pleasure Principle ePub  Published by arrangement with the authors and copyright holders of the individual works as follows:  The Pleasure Principle © 2010 by Calista Fox  Cover © 2010 by Rae Monet, Inc.  Printed in the U.S.A.  ebook layout and conversion by  The Pleasure Principle  *** By Calista Fox           TO MY READER:  I’ve always loved reluctant heroesâ€"you know the kind that come across as only being in the fight for the girl, the money or the glory. But who, in the end, will put their own life on the line to save the day. (And get the girl!) My all-time favorite hero is Han Solo. So I suppose it was only a matter of time before I wrote a futuristic story starring a bad boy, reluctant hero. There’s so much more to D.T. Vaughn than meets the eyeâ€Ĺš and Gizelle is the perfect woman to bring out all his hero-like qualities, while burning up the pages at the same time! Enjoy!  Chapter One Year 3091 Andromeda Galaxy, Planet PX330â€"aka the Pleasure Planet â€Ĺ›We’ve got fleas,” said Gizelle Sobera’s new companion, a devilishly handsome man named Trey whom she’d picked up at port that very morning. He hadn’t offered a last name. She hadn’t bothered to ask for one. Galaxy roamers were skilled vagabonds who worked for their shuttle passage between planets. They were meant to be temporary commodities in one’s life, not permanent fixtures. She’d venture to say this one’s talents ran the gamut from laborer to lover. But she was only interested in Trey in the former sense. Or so she’d been reminding herself all morning. Pulling in a long breath of thick, sticky-sweet air, she leaned back against a wide tree trunk and contemplated his warning. Having just scaled the craggy surface of the cliff on which they now stood, she was winded and her muscles burned from the physical exertion. But her mind was sharp and alert. Trey shot her a level look, his strong jaw set. â€Ĺ›I’m telling you, we’re being followed.” â€Ĺ›Impossible. I’m the only one in this millennium who’s seen these coordinates.” A quick blast into the mouth from her tiny inhaler gave her the boost of oxygen she needed. Instantly refreshed and thoroughly revived, she pushed away from the tree and added in a confident tone, â€Ĺ›No one but yours truly can find this place.” She pocketed her inhaler and then held up her right index finger, the tip of which blinked yellow and green. Four days ago, when she’d started this journey, she’d implanted a directional microchip just beneath the surface of her skin. The centuries-old digital map for the lost gold had been a bitch to decipherâ€"taking several years, in fact, once she’d discovered and downloaded it. But she’d eventually worked through the codes. And the plot points she’d recovered, which were translated step-by-step into her mini-earpiece, had led her to this deserted tropical island in a remote area of a planet she’d rather not be on. But when trillions in gold barsâ€"and many livesâ€"were at stake, what choice did she have? â€Ĺ›Look.” Trey crossed the ledge’s rugged terrain and pointed a blunt-tipped finger at the ground before her. â€Ĺ›There’s your footprint.” He frowned as he seemed to realize his last ones had been marred by the spotty patches of green grass that covered the soft soil. So he stamped his booted foot in the slightly muddy, reddish-brown clay, right next to her print. It rendered a full impression. â€Ĺ›Here’s mine.” Gizelle eyed him curiously as he strode forward several feet ahead. He pointed again, this time to a very clear print that was embedded in the damp ground. One that did not match theirs. â€Ĺ›Unless one of us has sprouted a third legâ€"the walking kind,” he quickly added with a naturally wicked glint in his obsidian-colored eyes, â€Ĺ›then this print belongs to someone who’s been here before us. Quite recently. Strategically skirting us. But still, very close by.” Gizelle scanned their immediate surroundings as she listened carefully to nature’s elements. Adjacent to their cliff was a tall waterfall that spilled into an enormous pool a good sixty feet below. The crashing wall of water echoed in the canyon, mingling with the calls of the exotic wildlife, none of which Gizelle could identify. This wasn’t her home turf. Being an Earthling here left her vulnerable. For her to have picked up a â€Ĺ›flea”â€"a term from the old days on Earth, yet one still frequently used in her line of workâ€"meant she could very well find herself in grave danger. Especially given her occupation of intergalactic blockade runner turned treasure hunter. Not helping matters was the peculiar sensual influence of PX330, located in the Galactic Core of the Andromeda Galaxy. This particular rock was best known as the Pleasure Planet. For good reasons. Reasons Gizelle vehemently, though sometimes unsuccessfully, defied. The atmosphere of the Pleasure Planet tended to stimulate its inhabitants and visitors in erotic ways, which Gizelle focused all of her energy on repelling. Especially right now, when so much was at stake. Still. There was no escaping the dewy feel of her skin as the humidity worked its magic on her. No eluding the sultry scent of citrus mixed with a fresh floral aroma which wafted on a warm breeze and inspired the desire to lounge on the silky sand of the beach below. The shores on Earth had long since morphed from sand to rocky, sooty land from the natural evaporation of surface water as the age-old prediction of global warming came to fruition in the middle of the previous millennium, coupled with the eerily systemic eruption of underground volcanoes and earthquakes created by the sudden convergences of the eight tectonic plates. The aftermath of the earthquakes made neighbors of islands and continents that had once been thousands of miles away from each other. What was left of Hawaii had instantly become a suburb of Los Angeles, with no need for a bridge over the gaping hole between them given today’s levitational transportation. Survivors had been few because even the advanced science and technology of the modern world had not been able to counter the effects of Mother Nature. But the space communities had, of course, endured. And had rebuilt life on Earth, for the most part. The effort was ongoing, hindered by the intergalactic war that broke out decades ago. A war still being fought today, on the ground as much as in space. Half a galaxy away from the warzone, the Pleasure Planet was like a time capsule displaying all things beautiful and natural and heavenly, a reminder of what Earth had once looked and smelled like before the ravaged lands stretched across the planet and the scent of death permeated the air. PX330 teased the senses of those who’d studied Earth’s history with virtual vision and sensory programs. Thinking of the war’s destruction on her home planet made Gizelle all the more determined to locate the gold and get the hell off the Pleasure Planet. She had important work back home. Troops and families of the Protective Forces to help. Cities and lives to salvage. As her eyes scanned the lush jungle in which she and Trey were currently ensconced, his observation that they were being trackedâ€"and its dire implicationsâ€"left her scowling. â€Ĺ›Well, hell.” Her gaze returned to the third footprint. Gizelle wondered where this mysterious adversary was hiding. Why hadn’t they heard him or seen him in the hour and a half they’d been on the tropical island? And was he alone, or was he a scout for a larger hunting party? Turning to Trey, she said, â€Ĺ›We didn’t settle on the cut you’d get for helping me recover the gold bars.” â€Ĺ›I told you, I’m not interested in currency.” Gizelle propped a hand on her hip and attempted to stare down her sexy new companion. No easy feat. He had a steely gaze that matched his resolve. And he really was devastatingly handsome. Though, when she’d called out to him on the floating pier as he’d sauntered past her newly acquired sailing vessel, her interest in him hadn’t been a typical woman’s for such a gorgeous male specimen. Lord knew she didn’t need a quick romp or an intergalactic romance on this trip. Been there. Been fucked. Literally and figuratively, thanks to the rogue pirate, D.T. Vaughn. What a disaster that tumultuous affair had turned out to be. D.T. was hotter than rocket boosters, with just as much thrust, but it was dangerous to think of him so she pushed him from her mind. What she did need was someone to help her recover the largest lost treasure in Andromeda’s history. Yet, this wretched planet was already wreaking havoc on her senses. Something about the thick, sultry air wove a spell on her, heightening her sexual awareness, teasing her erogenous zones, drawing out all her physical needs, and making her think too much about her much-neglected wants and desires. Every one of which a man as strong and virile and masculine as her new friend, Trey, could fulfill. But she wasn’t on the Pleasure Planet for sex. She was here to recover a treasure that would yield a substantial bounty capable of supplementing the resources needed by the collective, galactic Protective Forces to continue fighting the war in the Milky Way Galaxy. Gizelle shoved a hand through her long, light brown hair and lifted the thick mass off the back of her neck. The gentle breeze caressed her skin like a lover’s fingers after a long night of slow and easy lovemaking. She ignored the titillating sensation that shimmied down her spine. Tried to keep her mind on business instead. â€Ĺ›I appreciate charitable gestures when it comes to helping the war effort,” she said. â€Ĺ›Just so you know, your life’s in danger if someone other than the two of us is hunting for the gold and believes we’re poaching on their territory. Those bars are valuable. Whoever’s searching for them will do whatever it takes to get their hands on them. Still want to work on a voluntary basis?” She knew her look challenged him. â€Ĺ›Because I’d pay well to keep you from turning tail and running.” Trey’s soft lips tipped at the corners in a cocky grin. â€Ĺ›I’m hardly the â€Ĺšturn tail and run’ type.” Her gaze slid to the laser gun strapped to his thick, powerful thigh. She was inclined to agree with him, actually. He didn’t appear to be afraid of much, including pirates who would easily blast a hole through his head to protect a recovered fortune of this magnitude. When her eyes returned to his, she caught the hint of determination in them, overshadowed by the unmistakable look of lust flashing in his obsidian irises. Gizelle had to add â€Ĺ›Pleasure Planet Atmosphere” to her list of current occupational hazards, because her body responded to his dark, edgy looks. His tight-set jaw. His black-as-midnight eyes, which were fringed by long, sooty lashes. And all those rigid muscles and bronze skinâ€Ĺš. Hands that were made to pleasure a womanâ€Ĺš. By all that was holy, how could she not think about sex with this man? Damn this wretched planet! She dropped the thick mass of hair she’d been holding off her hot neck and clenched her fists at her sides. Concentrate on the task at hand. Remain focused. Her mission meant everything to her. More than the sudden need to satiate some longstanding desires. Having gone so long without so much as a quickie in the cargo hull with one of the galaxy roamers she transported for a nominal fee, she was probably experiencing some sort of bizarre transference of lust from D.T. to Trey. And why are you even thinking about that selfish pirate? D.T. Vaughn was a temptation best avoided. She frowned, wondering if he was the one following her and Trey. But as she continued to survey the immediate surroundings, there wasn’t a rustle of leaves, a snap of twigs or anything else to signal that D.T. or anyone lingered in the shadows, waiting to follow them into the cave, hold them up and hover away the gold. Her gaze returned to Trey, a man she’d known for mere hours, a significantly shorter time than she’d known the pirate D.T. Vaughn. Yet something told her she could trust him. â€Ĺ›I said I’d help you,” he told her. â€Ĺ›So let’s find the booty.” His tanned skin gleamed in the light of the four moons circling PX330. The golden glow outlined his strong, tight muscles. His thick black hair shone almost blue as the beams of light hit it at an angle. D.T. would look this magnificent in the perpetual twilight, too, and it bugged the shit out of her to be thinking of him like that. Because D.T. was the enemy more often than not. Stifling a sigh, Gizelle pressed on. Trey kept pace next to her despite the fact that his long legs carried him much faster than her somewhat shorter stride. Not that she wasn’t stalking across the grassy plain at a good clip, heading toward a tall hillside that likely housed the entrance to the cave she sought. As she stole another glance at the tall, hunky stranger by her side, a tingle of exhilaration and good old-fashioned lust inched up her spine. Trey was intriguing on so many levels. Gorgeous beyond words, with hands that kept drawing her attention, causing her to imagine what they’d feel like on her naked body, squeezing her breasts, stroking her clit. And by the stars! If she could have D.T. and Trey together, for just one nightâ€Ĺš. Get a grip! Clearly, she’d been on the Pleasure Planet too long. How could she be thinking about sex at a time like this? When so much was at stake? â€Ĺ›Humph.” Trey’s garbled sound drew Gizelle’s attention from her errant and oh-so-wicked thoughts to the hillside they’d reached. Or rather, the gaping hole that had once been part of the hillside. Gizelle’s temper exploded. â€Ĺ›That son of a bitch!” Her fists balled at her side again as anger tore through her, chasing out all of the desire that had been building within her. Clumps of dirt and weeds framed the top of the wide hole, roots dangling, debris falling. And on the ground, in the soft mud from the recent rain, were more of the third-party footprints Trey had spotted earlier. â€Ĺ›Something tells me you know the culprit who swiped the gold from under your nose.” Trey’s observation made her angrier. â€Ĺ›I have a hunch. D.T. Vaughn, a man I never should have let anywhere near me, let alone trusted,” she seethed between clenched teeth. Gizelle did not have to explore the cave to know the gold bars had already been removed by her new nemesis. Forcing her jaw to unlock, she said to Trey, â€Ĺ›I just might have to kill him for this.” â€Ĺ›Think you’ll be able to find him?” She glared at her companion. â€Ĺ›Oh, believe me, I know exactly where to find him.” She’d scour every Pleasure Club on the planet if she had to. She’d barge into every private room occupied by a Pleasure Provider and her client until she found D.T. No doubt that was where the rogue would spend some of her gold! â€Ĺ›Exactly how do you intend to recover the treasure from him?” Trey asked, one of his dark brows lifting as a curious twinkle lit his onyx eyes. â€Ĺ›He’s so predictable,” she fumed. â€Ĺ›I know exactly what he wants.” Was she willing to give it to him in exchange for the gold? Damn it! D.T. had her over a barrel, yet again. But she had an unexpected ally on her side this time around. She slid her sexy galaxy roamer a coy glance, knowing the smile on her face was a devious one. D.T. was selfish and self-serving. A pirate. A scoundrel. A man who didn’t play by the rules. A man who made outrageous demands, expecting everyone he negotiated with to concede to his wishes. Gizelle never had. But this timeâ€Ĺš. Her scowl deepened. She’d have to play her cards right, make strategic moves, in order to win this hand. To get what she wanted from D.T. without falling into the obvious trap he’d set for her. With so much at stake, she’d pull out all the stops to get that gold back. And finally put the rogue D.T. Vaughn in his place. Crooking a finger at Trey, she gestured for him to follow her back to the boat. â€Ĺ›Onto Plan B,” she said, a wicked idea already forming in her head. Chapter Two D.T. Vaughn took four long strides across the imported platinum floor of his oceanfront dwelling, turned sharply on his booted heels, and took four more long strides. All that gold! It was all his. He’d transported it out of the cave and off the island mere minutes before Gizelle and her one-man crew had reached the forgotten grotto. Excellent timing on his part, to be sure. Granted, it wasn’t easy to outsmart Gizelle. But it was a challenge he rose to on a regular occasion because, well, there just weren’t many women like her who captivated him so completely, who set up and then satiated his constant need for excitement. The thrill of the chase in any form turned D.T. on as much as Gizelle herself did. In this particular chase, his first course of action had been to swipe and decode the coordinates of the map she’d downloaded. D.T. had worked through the puzzle for almost as long as she had, but he’d succeeded first. He’d discovered the location of the gold months ahead of Gizelle. And though he’d waited until today to recover the bountiful treasure, he’d been planning this hunt all along. Knowing she would want the gold. Knowing she would eventually figure out where it was hidden. Knowing she would do anything to get it back when she discovered it was missing. A devious grin played on his lips as a warm, muggy breeze blew in through the wall of open floor-to-ceiling windows. D.T. mentally patted himself on the back for his coup. Today, he’d stolen a boatload of gold from underneath Gizelle’s nose. That made him damned clever and damned stupid at the same time. His grin widened as he imagined her reaction to showing up two minutes too late to recover the gold. She’d be furious. Homicidal, probably. He chuckled softly. Crossing to his massive desk, he reached for the vintage Scotch in the elegant cut-crystal decanter and poured a healthy splash into a matching glass. A toast was in order. Sure, there’d be hell to pay when Gizelle finally caught up to himâ€"where the devil was she, anyway? But he’d deal with her wrath when it came his way. He just couldn’t fathom why she wasn’t beating down his door this very second. Where else would she search for him? She had to be on the planet somewhere, trying to find him. She’d never let a slight like this, or such a massive fortune, go. He had all this in mind when he sank into his chair and turned it to face the ocean, reminiscent of Earth eons ago. The Pleasure Planet replicated the days of yore and then took the peaceful times to all-new levels with atmospheric enhancements. The four moons, which cast shimmering gold rays across the water and backlit the mountain ranges in the distance. The damp, floral-scented air that teased the senses. The vintage quaff and nosh, such as his Scotch, that intoxicated the mind, body and spirit. The decadent pleasure offered at the Pleasure Clubs and just about everywhere else on the planet. All of this gave those who’d fled ravaged Earth and the embattled Milky Way Galaxy a sense of peace and freedom. Beauty and life restored. It was no wonder those who could afford to live or take extended vacations on PX330 found sanctuary here. An escape from the pain caused by nature and war on their own planet. An immersion in pleasure that helped to rejuvenate the soul. And the belief that good would eventually conquer evil, a notion D.T. toyed with on an hourly basis. Enjoying a few quiet moments with nothing but the sound of crashing waves to fill the night air had him lost in thought. But not so lost that he didn’t still dwell on Gizelle. Wasn’t the least bit surprised, in fact, when he felt the sharp tip of her dagger press against the side of his neck. Lightly at first, but then she seemed compelled to push a bit harder until she pierced the skin. Not a bad cut by any means, but it caused D.T. to wince as he felt a drop of warm blood on his skin. â€Ĺ›Please tell me that thing’s on stun.” He was careful not to make any sudden movements. Gizelle’s dagger was dangerous enough. The laser blast that shot out of the tip with the touch of a button yielded a neat and tidy death. Excluding the blood and gore, of course. â€Ĺ›It’s not,” she said. â€Ĺ›And that shouldn’t surprise you.” â€Ĺ›Pissed, I see.” â€Ĺ›No, D.T., I was pissed two years ago when you said you wouldn’t come back to Earth with me and fight for our galaxy. I was pissed six months ago when you demanded I stay here with you on this hedonistic planet instead of serving a cause I believe in. One you should believe in, too.” The tip of her dagger pressed harder against his thick neck. Crossing Gizelle wasn’t child’s play. Just one more thing he loved about her. â€Ĺ›Now I’m furious,” she continued on in a tight voice. â€Ĺ›Even more so since I’ve spent half the night looking for you in Pleasure Clubs.” â€Ĺ›Well, then.” He relaxed his muscles to alleviate some of the pressure from the blade. â€Ĺ›Don’t miss the jugular, sweetheart.” â€Ĺ›If I did,” she said in the haughty tone he’d never heard until the night he’d wanted her to abandon her post with the Protective Forces, â€Ĺ›it would only be to start someplace lower.” Ouch. That would hurt. Because he was rather fond of his balls, he tried to placate her. â€Ĺ›Clever of you to figure out the coordinates of the gold.” â€Ĺ›Greedy of you to steal it.” â€Ĺ›What can I say?” He knew there was triumph and gloating in his voice. â€Ĺ›It was one of those challenges too tempting to pass up. It’s not everyday I get to compete against someone as cunning as myself.” The blade fell away from his neck. D.T. dared to take the opportunity to look at her. Gizelle’s long, light brown hair fell in soft waves around her slender shoulders. She wore an alluring outfit that, for the moment, he had to ignore because there was something more pressing to deal with than how breathtakingly beautiful she was. Gizelle stood beside him with a look of incredulity on her pretty face. No, it was worse than that. The words you rat bastard pirate seemed to linger on her tongue, unspoken for the moment. He was smart enough to not make any sudden movements. Turning slowly in his chair, he locked his gaze on Gizelle’s. She stared at him as though he truly were the scum of the century. The biggest disgrace in two galaxies. Maybe three. And that cut to the quick. For the moment, he overlooked the disdain he saw. â€Ĺ›Look,” D.T. began. â€Ĺ›I can explain about the gold. In fact, it’s all yours, baby. I didn’t steal it to keep it.” â€Ĺ›Liar!” Her fury was quick and vehement. Her arm shot out and that damned blade was pressed against his skin once more at his Adam’s apple. But D.T. wasn’t one to be toyed with for long. In a swift move, he caught her unaware and struck the underside of her wrist with his knuckles. Her dagger went sailing across the room. D.T. felt the slight nick on his throat from the jerk of the blade, but he knew it wasn’t serious. While Gizelle was still off guard, he grabbed her other wrist and pulled her to him. Losing her balance on the tall heels she was obviously unaccustomed to wearing, she literally fell into his lap. Exactly where he wanted her. Well, maybe not exactly where he wanted her. But it was a good start. â€Ĺ›First, let’s keep the sharp objects away from the flesh and all my favorite body parts, huh, sweetheart?” â€Ĺ›I still have my laser gun.” D.T.’s teeth ground together. â€Ĺ›Oh, for fuck’s sake, Ellie. I told you the treasure was yours.” â€Ĺ›As if I’d believe you.” She glared at him. â€Ĺ›And don’t call me that. You gave up all rights to terms of endearment a long time ago.” His eyes locked with hers, his own temper flaring. â€Ĺ›Because I asked you to stay with me? Really, that was such a cruel and unfair request?” She opened her mouth to protest, he was sure, but then promptly closed it. D.T. raised an eyebrow. He waited a spell. Finally, she said, â€Ĺ›All you care about is yourself. If you’re offering up that huge bounty, there have to be strings attached. I know you too well, D.T.” His jaw tightened. For a few moments, he debated what to say. What to do. Because she was right, of course. She shifted in his lap in an attempt to get away, but he didn’t relinquish his hold on her. He clutched her wrist, though not so tight that it would hurt. His other arm snaked around her waist. D.T. settled more comfortably in his oversized chair, and Gizelle had no choice but to situate herself, too. Her hip pressed against his groin, and her shoulder rested against his chest. He inhaled her enticing scent. The fragrance was fresh and crisp like the cleansing aroma of a light rainfall. It reminded him of early summer on renewed Earth, pre-war, when the grass turned deep green and vibrant wildflowers dotted the hills. He hadn’t really wanted to leave that home as a young man, except for the burning desire he’d had to help protect the planet from the invading force. Her mere scent reminded him of simpler times. It stirred a sense of innocence and naĂĹ»vete every human being possessed before coming of age, before the reality of adulthood and combat and tragedy tainted all of the optimistic views of youth. Suddenly, D.T. wanted nothing more than to end this argument with Gizelle and somehow find their way back to where they’d been when they’d first met. That coveted nothing-matters-at-this-very-moment-except-you-and-I phase. Before they’d started talking about the war and she’d told him what she did in the name of freedom and he hadn’t told her what he did. When they’d left battles and politics out of the equation, everything had been perfect between them. Thinking about those passionate nights made D.T.’s erection grow. It didn’t help that Gizelle’s heat and proximity worked wicked magic on his body. â€Ĺ›What the hell are you wearing?” he managed to ask, though his voice was tight with a sudden need for her. She distracted him on so many levels. â€Ĺ›Clothes, D.T.” He cocked his head at her, particularly because her sarcasm was dulled by the hint of desire that crept into her voice. â€Ĺ›I wasn’t planning to stay over on this wretched planet. I just came for the gold. And I needed something befitting to wear to the Pleasure Clubs.” She all but sneered. He narrowed his eyes. â€Ĺ›What the hell were you doing there?” â€Ĺ›What would I be doing there, D.T.? Looking for you, you arrogant ass! Hoping you weren’t showering Pleasure Providers with gold bars like they were drops of rain in a torrential downpour!” He scowled at her. How frivolous she thought he could be. How shallow. How selfish. Then he realized he hadn’t done much lately to prove otherwise, so he couldn’t exactly hold a grudge. Instead, he latched onto the way her green eyes flashed with fury and something else. Something that looked so very close to envy that it made D.T. laugh out loud. â€Ĺ›You’re jealous!” She pushed away from him with a huff, but he had a strong hold on her. She wasn’t going anywhere. â€Ĺ›Of all the idiotic things to say to me, D.T.!” She glared at him with murder in her eyes. Which made him laugh even harder. â€Ĺ›Oh, come on, sweetheart,” he said as he came around. â€Ĺ›It’s okay to admit it. In fact, I was a little jealous myself today.” Her glare turned suspicious. â€Ĺ›What on Earth have you ever been jealous of?” His jaw tightened for a moment. How easily the tables had turned on him. But fair was fair, wasn’t it? â€Ĺ›Who’s your new friend?” Gizelle was the one to laugh this time. â€Ĺ›You’re jealous of Trey?” He merely stared at her, expecting an answer. She grinned at him, her irritation seeming to drift away with triumph. He was not fool enough to believe her levity would last for long, but it was a nice change of pace. â€Ĺ›I just met him this morning. At port. He was for hire, so I hired him.” â€Ĺ›To help you recover the gold?” he eyed her with suspicion. â€Ĺ›Andâ€Ĺš?” A playful look crossed her pretty face, but a hint of lust also crept into her eyes, assuring D.T. she found her new crewmate desirable. â€Ĺ›He’s not that kind of hired hand.” â€Ĺ›But you’re attracted to him.” She shrugged nonchalantly. â€Ĺ›He has a certain look that’s appealing to me.” D.T. was not so blinded by the thrill of the chase to have missed the fact that Trey bore a striking resemblance to him. The thought stroked his ego. Hmm. He found it rather intriguing the way this whole situation had played out. Well, with the exception of the blood she’d felt compelled to draw earlier. But it was dried now, so he let the insult slide. His thoughts lay elsewhere. D.T.’s eyes raked over her body from the thin strip of black leather encircling her slender neck to the sheer white blouse with two satin ribbons knotted in a bow just below her full breasts. Her short black skirt veed high on the left side, leaving a gaping slit to the top of her bare thigh, revealing creamy white flesh his fingers itched to touch and his tongue begged to explore. The ruffled hems of the skirt and blouse added a delicate, feminine touch to the seductive ensemble. But the crowning jewel was the sheer material of the blouse. Through it, D.T. could see the dusky circles of her areolas and the tightened peaks of her bare nipples. He groaned deep in the back of his throat as he took in the full view of her. She’d dressed for seduction, a means to an end. She’d come for the gold, prepared to do what she must to get it from him. Just thinking of the lengths she’d go to in order to get her treasure, the erotic things she’d do to him, the uninhibited things she’d allow him to do to herâ€Ĺš. Lust raged within D.T., sending a roaring heat wave through him from head to toe, specifically targeting his cock, which hardened to an unbearable degree. But his passion didn’t cloud his mind. Not too much, anyway. â€Ĺ›Did you intend to use Trey as reinforcement if your attempt to seduce me for the gold didn’t succeed?” â€Ĺ›Whatever it takes,” she said in a tone that sounded inviting and provocative to him. The images that slipped into his mind of their own volition both enraged and excited him. D.T. had no intention of ever sharing her with another man. Then again, visions of Gizelle in the throes of passion, being pleasured by not just one, but two menâ€"who to his comfort looked remarkably similar in features and statureâ€"made him even harder. He could hear her lusty moans and her cries of pleasure as they both filled her completely and made her come over and over again. His grip on her tightened. Maybe out of possessiveness, maybe because he didn’t want her to slip away tonight. He wanted her all to himself. But he’d be lying if he denied that thoughts of doubling her pleasure still lingered in his mind. â€Ĺ›I’m not sharing you tonight,” he said in a tight voice. A tone of finality. No arguing, no negotiating. â€Ĺ›What makes you think I’m staying? You already said I could have the treasure. I plan to collect it and be on my way.” D.T.’s anger sparked again and he all but dumped her out of his lap. â€Ĺ›What the hell!” She found her footing quickly on her high heels. But he’d clearly surprised her with his sudden rebuff. Standing to his full six-foot-five-inch heightâ€"effectively towering overâ€"he snatched up the small, silver remote on the corner of his desk and then thrust his hand out to her. â€Ĺ›Hover control. Gold’s in my bedroom. Go get it and take it with you. I’ll stay right here. I won’t interfere.” She eyed him curiously. Again with doubt. â€Ĺ›You’re giving it to me that easily?” â€Ĺ›No.” He shook his head. â€Ĺ›There’s nothing easy about this. I stole that gold for a reason.” Her green eyes narrowed on him. â€Ĺ›Why do you need it? What could be more important than using it to help the Protective Forces fight the war in our galaxy? You’re an Earthling, too, D.T. What could be more important than helping to save our planet? Our people? Our galaxy?” D.T.’s jaw tightened for a moment. â€Ĺ›I stole it to lure you here.” She crossed her arms over her chest and he wasn’t sure if it was a defensive move or a means to cover herself. Either way, it effectively broke what was surely a heated look on his face. Disappointment oozed through him, making him scowl. â€Ĺ›You really can believe me, Ellie,” he finally said, sincerity in his voice. And for whatever reason, she faltered. Her mouth gaped open. She stared at him a moment, and he could see in her eyes that she really, truly wanted to believe that he was offering her the treasure with no strings attached. D.T. needed her to accept it. Now. Before he said anything else. Before he gave in to his need to touch her. He didn’t want his desire for her to be misconstrued in any way. Settle the business first. Then get down to the pleasure. That way, she’d know his true intentions. Those intentions might not be wholly nobleâ€"because, hot hell, did he want her! But they were honest. Tentatively reaching out a hand, she took the remote from him. She stared at it a moment, confusion on her pretty face. Then her eyes lifted to meet his. â€Ĺ›I just don’t get you.” She almost sounded sad. â€Ĺ›I mean, you purposely push my buttons. Then you do something nice. And when that’s not happening, youâ€Ĺš.” She shook her head and let out a long sigh as pink patches stained her porcelain cheeks. D.T. took a step forward, closing the gap between them. His gaze locked with hers. â€Ĺ›I make you hotter than Earth’s sun?” Gizelle sucked in a deep, sharp breath. Held it for a moment. Then let it out slowly. Shaking her head, she said, â€Ĺ›Worse than that, actually.” D.T.’s brow jerked upward and he knew his look was a lascivious one. â€Ĺ›Is that really such a bad thing?” *** Trey stepped back into the shadows cast by the four moons, their golden streams of reflected light shimmering brilliantly across the smooth water that lapped against the shore outside D.T.’s dwelling. The constantly shifting emotions between Gizelle and D.T. had made Trey teeter between stepping in to get the seduction moving in the right direction and railing at them both for being two of the most obstinate, misguided people he’d ever met. They denied everything about each other that drew them together in the first place. Their determination, their steel-resolve, their need to be a part of something bigger than themselves. The need to help their people and serve a higher cause in whatever capacity possible. Couldn’t they see how similar they were? Divided because they’d taken different paths, but still connected on so many levels. As Trey watched D.T. brush his fingers over Gizelle’s cheek, he hopedâ€"willed, actuallyâ€"that they would call a truce for the evening. D.T. was giving her the gold. Trey had heard the entire exchange. And he understood now why D.T. had swiped it in the first place, just minutes before she was about to recover it. It didn’t take a space shuttle scientist to figure that one out. But there was more to D.T.’s motives than he’d let on. Trey could sense it. Did Gizelle realize she wasn’t the seductress this evening? Clearly, D.T. was letting her think she was, but as he stepped toward her and pressed his body to hers, Trey got the distinct impression D.T. was moving in for the kill. He had more in mind than just handing over gold. Trey settled in, making himself comfortable as he perched atop a tall rock along the shore within full eyesight of D.T.’s dwelling. The wall facing Trey was all glass. He wouldn’t miss a thing. And if this rocky romance took a wrong turn, Trey would be there to put it back on track. â€Ĺ›Whatever it takes,” he muttered, borrowing Gizelle’s words. And the tattoo around his bicep glowed brightly in the dark night. Chapter Three â€Ĺ›I told you I didn’t intend to steal the bounty from you,” D.T. said when she remained silent. And damn it, the look in his dark eyes made Gizelle almost believe him. â€Ĺ›It was just a means to an end.” â€Ĺ›Ah.” She let out a low sigh of resignation. Or of disappointment. Or of something else she wouldn’t allow herself to feel fully. Heartbreak, perhaps? â€Ĺ›And here we are. At the end.” â€Ĺ›No,” D.T. said, his voice strong and full of conviction. Which confused her all the more. His body was all but melded to her, and his large hand reached for one of hers. As their fingers tangled together, heat raced through every inch of her, nearly singeing her to her core. She sucked in another deep breath to steady herself. He pulled her forward through that inch or two of space that had separated them. â€Ĺ›Another beginning.” As their bodies touched, his black eyes glowed with lust. â€Ĺ›A second chance.” Gizelle worked down a hard swallow. She felt breathless and a bit swept away, though she fought both feelings. Because, as usual, there was just too much at stake for her to give in to him. Damn the war and all the strife it caused! With another slight shake of her head, she said, â€Ĺ›I can’t give you a second chance, D.T.” â€Ĺ›Why not?” His voice lowered and his head dipped. He inhaled deeply, as though he found the scent of her intoxicating. His soft lips grazed her temple, causing a moan of desire to lodge in her throat. â€Ĺ›Didn’t I just prove I’m not a complete heathen? That I support The Cause?” She nodded her head, speechless as his mouth whisked over her cheek before his lips pressed ever-so-lightly to the corner of her mouth. Gizelle’s breathing accelerated and her chest rose and fell more rapidly against his. She suddenly wished he weren’t wearing a shirt because she desperately wanted to feel his heat and muscles pressed against her, surrounding her. â€Ĺ›I need the gold, D.T.,” she mumbled breathlessly. His lips blazed a trail over her jaw and down the long column of her throat, causing her head to fall back to give him better access to her burning flesh. With his mouth on her, Gizelle almost forgot the reasons why she needed the gold. That he could still turn her on this quickly scared the hell out of her. It also excited her beyond belief. â€Ĺ›Tell me what the gold is for,” he said just before his tongue laved at the hollow of the base of her throat. Gizelle’s fingers tightened around his as he held her hand. Her other palm pressed to his muscular chest, almost in an attempt to push him away so that order could finally be restored to her sexually charged thoughts. So the passion-induced haze that suddenly clouded her mind could dissipate. But she didn’t push him away. Rather, Gizelle’s fingers curled around the soft material of his shirt, which was opened at the neck to reveal the full swells of his pectoral muscles. Her back arched slowly as her hips bowed forward, so their lower bodies were more tightly pressed together. It was a completely involuntary reaction to D.T. and the desire he so easily evoked. Gizelle couldn’t help herself. â€Ĺ›Tell me why you need the gold,” he said again as his head bent further and his tongue slid over her collarbone. â€Ĺ›Provisions.” Her fingers unraveled from the material she clutched and instead threaded through his thick, dark-as-night hair. Every inch of her still responded so vehemently to their closeness. To his touch. The fingers of her other hand remained twined with his. Gizelle was caught in his sensual spell, unable to break it. As D.T.’s arm snaked around her waist, he held her tightly to him. Gizelle sighed into his ear. He felt so good. And he was giving her the gold. That made it so easy for her to give herself over to the passion he sparked. â€Ĺ›Tell me you’ll be careful skirting the blockades,” D.T. said in his soft, intimate voice. His breath teased the sensitive skin on her neck, making her shiver with need. But his words made her pull away slightly. She stared up at D.T., seeing the concern reflected in his onyx eyes. He eased her back into her arms. â€Ĺ›No,” he whispered as his warm lips grazed her temple. â€Ĺ›Don’t go anywhere, Ellie.” Gizelle melted a little. She’d always loved his passionate nature. His soft whispers. The nickname only he used with herâ€"despite her earlier complaint. All of these things made every moment with D.T. exciting and intimate. Even if she’d been fuming moments before and was still totally lost when it came to figuring him out. Figuring them out. As his lips brushed her skin and then glided ever-so-softly over her mouth, Gizelle fell a little more under his spell. A soft sigh escaped her parted lips just before D.T.’s pressed against them with a certain possessiveness that excited her all the more. An uninhibited desire made her entire body melt against him as her arms slipped around his neck. When his tongue delved deep into her mouth, she welcomed the sweet invasion. The erotic taste of him. The fire he ignited. His arms tightened around her and flames of desire crept up Gizelle’s spine, making her burn with need. Her fingers twisted in the silky strands of his jet-black hair and she gave herself over to the fever that blazed through her. Breaking their kiss, she whispered, â€Ĺ›I’ll be careful.” Hell, she’d say anything at this point to placate him and keep his body pressed to hers. When his mouth claimed hers again, Gizelle forgot all about being angry with D.T. She forgot that she’d come to the Pleasure Planet for the sole purpose of recovering lost gold. And when his tongue slipped inside her opened mouth once more, tangling with her tongue, teasing her senses with silent, erotic promises, she almost forgot about the war. D.T. could do that to her. In a heartbeat. With just a heated look or a scorching kiss. Everything besides her intense desire for him retreated to the far recesses of her mindâ€"including Trey, her sexy standby man, who she wouldn’t need now. Gizelle let D.T. lead her into an impassioned kiss that went far beyond setting every inch of her on fire. She felt the sizzling sensations from her head to her toes. Everything in between burned with the intensity of D.T.’s kiss, the excitement he so easily evoked. Her body pressed tightly against his as her fingers twisted in his thick, silky hair. Within seconds, Gizelle was drowning in her need for him. D.T.’s hands roamed her body, up her spine, down her sides, his thumbs brushing against the outer swells of her breasts, and then over her hips to slip around to her ass. Gizelle thrust her tongue against his, engaging it in an erotic dance. His large hands cupped her cheeks and gave the globes a hard squeeze in response to her deep kiss. A thrill of excitement and anticipation shot through her. Gizelle moaned into his mouth, an unchecked reaction to the passion he incited. When D.T. backed her up against the massive glass-top desk, his hands clasped her waist. He lifted her up slightly so that she was perched on the edge. Gizelle’s legs spread wide to accommodate D.T. as he moved between them. His mouth tore free from hers and in a strained voice, he said, â€Ĺ›God, I want you.” Her toes curled in her high heels. Desire rocketed through her, targeting her pussy, which clenched tight at the overpowering sensation. As her pulse raced and her chest rose and fell with exhilaration, Gizelle’s gaze locked with D.T.’s. â€Ĺ›A truce for tonight?” His eyes left hers and swept over her body. When they landed on her breasts, which she knew were revealed through the thin material of her blouseâ€"a strategic move on her partâ€"his dark gaze turned even more intense. Emotions played on his ruggedly handsome face. Raw and honest. She could see how much he desired her and how deeply his feelings for her ran. His gaze returned to hers. â€Ĺ›I want more than just a truce for the night.” Gizelle’s breath caught. Her eyelids grew heavy under the weight of his stare and the vehemence in his voice. She heard the certainty, the absolute resolution, in his deep tone. He wanted her for more than this one fleeting moment in time. â€Ĺ›D.T.,” she managed to whisper around the lump of emotion that welled unexpectedly in her throat. For all his faults, the man sure as hell knew how to wrap his fingers around her heart and caress it with tenderness. But what about tomorrow? She’d been shafted by him more than once. Left angry and without something she needed desperately, be it a treasure or D.T. himself. Could she trust him? Yes. Regardless of how pissed off he made her on all-too-frequent occasions, Gizelle had to admit that she trusted D.T. with her life and maybe, just maybe, with her heart. As her fingers tightened in his hair and her legs wrapped around his waist, bringing him as close to her as possible, D.T.’s head dipped and he kissed her once more. She wouldn’t answer his question tonight. Instead, she’d give in to the pleasure he seemed determined to give her. And she’d reciprocate. And come morning, Gizelle would ask him one last time to return to Earth with her. Chapter Four D.T.’s cock swelled to all-new proportions as it pressed against Gizelle’s mound. The material of his leather pants and her thin panties were no barrier against her heat, and that did wicked things to his body. Her flared skirt had crept up when he’d hoisted her onto the desk and now it fell over her slim hips, away from the juncture of her legs where he was currently positioned. His mouth broke free of hers and trailed down the long column of her neck. Her head fell back and she moaned softly, which made him even harder. Christ, he could come right now. It would take nothing more than her fingers grazing over his erection, and D.T. would fall apart. He wanted her that much. Responded to her that vehemently. But he held his excitement in check, because what D.T. really wanted was to bring her pleasure. To lick her pussy and hear her moan deeply. To thrust his cock into her as she screamed his name. To make her come again and again. When his mouth reached the rounded tops of her breasts, he wondered how he’d made it through all the discussions and arguments tonight. From the moment she’d landed in his lap, he’d wanted nothing more than to fuck her, to drive her absolutely wild and then give her everything she wanted, everything she desired. Everything she needed. He had nowhere to be tonight. He was in no rush. Yet D.T. felt a sense of urgency. His own desire and needs welled within him as the fingers of one hand pulled at the tie on Gizelle’s blouse while his other hand swept away the material to expose her plump, creamy white breasts. Sweet lord. Aphrodite couldn’t have been this beautiful way back in the days of Greek mythology. He’d studied the ancient times in school and had even been a bit infatuated with the goddess of love and beauty. But then he’d met Gizelle, and D.T. had realized his childhood fantasies had been foolish in comparison to real, live, honest-to-God attraction. Gizelle stirred his senses, heightened his arousal, called to his heart as no other woman, fact or fiction, ever had. As his lips swept over her velvety skin, his tongue sweeping over her warm flesh, D.T. groaned. Honestly, nothing compared to touching and tasting this woman. His mouth moved lower until his lips brushed over her pink areola and then her tight nipple. She sucked in a breath and her response to him made fire roar through D.T.’s body. With her head thrown back, her eyes closed, and her long hair cascading over her slender shoulders, she was a vision to behold. Her lips parted with her heavy breathing, and her fingers released the strands of hair she’d been clutching. The tips grazed over his neck, down to his shoulders. She gripped him tightly as D.T.’s tongue went to work on her nipple. â€Ĺ›Oh, God,” she moaned as her fingers pressed into his muscles. Her legs tightened around his waist, silently conveying her excitement. D.T.’s tongue swirled around the taut peak as his thumb swept over the other hard nipple. When he sucked hard, she gasped. When he lapped at the tight center, she moaned. Shifting his mouth to the other nipple, he lavished it with attention as his fingers worked the peak he’d just left. Then he gave both breasts a not-so-gentle squeeze, and Gizelle bucked against him. â€Ĺ›D.T,” she gasped. â€Ĺ›You’re making me so hot.” And he was just getting started. D.T. pushed the blouse off her shoulders and down her arms, then tossed it aside. â€Ĺ›Smart move, sweetheart,” he said of her risquĂ© outfit. â€Ĺ›No need to seduce me, but I appreciate the gesture, anyway.” She shook her head. Her eyes were still closed and she wore a dreamy expression on her beautiful face that told him she was already lost in ecstasy. The thought made his chest puff out just a bit. â€Ĺ›I’ll do whatever I have to for The Cause. You know that. But the fact that you willingly gave me the gold, without me having to seduce you or fight you for itâ€Ĺš.” Her lids fluttered open and she stared at him. â€Ĺ›I appreciate that, D.T.” He gave a slight nod. â€Ĺ›And I appreciate the fact that you didn’t take the gold and run.” A soft smile tipped her lips. â€Ĺ›You touched me and I knew I wasn’t going anywhere. You knew I wasn’t going anywhere.” â€Ĺ›True,” he said a bit cockily. He grinned at her and added, â€Ĺ›Nothing about us is perfect, but it is damn hot.” Gizelle laughed. â€Ĺ›I can’t argue with that.” â€Ĺ›Mmm, good. The less you argue, the more I get to do this.” His mouth crushed hers and he kissed her long and deep with all the passion he possessed and all the passion she ignited within him. Gizelle’s arms snaked around his neck in a tight embrace and he pressed his body against hers. D.T.’s hands moved over her bare back and down to her hips. He pushed the material of her skirt up to her hips and then twisted his fingers in the waist band of her miniscule panties, dragging them down as she lifted off the desk. He broke the kiss just long enough for her to unwrap her legs so he could discard the tiny swath that barely covered her. Then he positioned himself between her legs again. D.T. pressed his cock against her mound and let out a low groan at the heat that penetrated his pants. His cock throbbed with need. His heart hammered in his chest at the thought of making love to Gizelle. â€Ĺ›Sweetheart,” he whispered as his lips brushed hers and then swept across her high cheekbone to her temple. â€Ĺ›I want you more than anything.” To prove his point, he knelt between her legs, forcing her to release him again. His tanned hands splayed against the creamy white flesh of her inner thighs, his thumbs absently rubbing her skin. Gizelle squirmed under his touch, which turned D.T. on all the more. â€Ĺ›Oh, God,” she moaned. â€Ĺ›I know what you’re going to do to me, D.T. And I’ve wanted it for so long.” Her lids seemed to grow heavy again as she stared down at him. He could barely see the shimmering pale green irises that were framed by thick, dark lashes. But the look she gave him was sultry. Heated. Full of desire and dark promises. And an intense need to be the recipient of all the pleasure he intended to give her. D.T.’s erection strained against his pants and he wanted so much to feel her hands on him. Her mouth, her tongue. He wanted to lose himself in the feel of her before he pushed his cock deep into her tight pussy. But before that, D.T. wanted to make her come. His hands moved upward, spreading her legs a bit wider. When his thumbs met at the heart of her, he ran their pads over her already wet and swollen lips. Gizelle’s body jerked in response to his touch, but D.T. didn’t let up. He stroked her in long, full movements that had her panting in a heartbeat. Then one thumb pressed to her clit as the other moved over her inner lips and teased her tight opening with slow circles. Gizelle’s head fell back and her hips pushed forward, silently imploring him to continue. To give her more. D.T. didn’t intend to hold back. He’d give her exactly what she wanted until she begged for more. *** His thumbs on her sensitive flesh were enough to make Gizelle grip the beveled edge of the desk and hold on for dear life. When D.T.’s head dipped between her legs and his tongue joined the party, it was all she could do not to scream from the pleasure that shot through her. And the excitement over knowing exactly what he intended to do to her. Spreading her wide with his thumbs, his tongue began a slow, sensuous dance over her flesh, tasting, teasing, tantalizing. He licked at her with long strokes, then targeted her clit with a strong, focused flicker that had her squirming and moaning and racing head-on toward a powerful orgasm. Then he sucked at her, drawing her swollen clit into his mouth, before he flicked at it again with the tip of his tongue. The constant change in technique kept her from coming, but that did not mean that Gizelle’s excitement wasn’t soaring through the roof. Relinquishing her tight hold on the edge of the desk, one hand pushed through his hair as the other palm flattened against the glass top to steady herself. Gizelle bucked and writhed from the sensual onslaught of D.T.’s skilled tongue. When his mouth closed fully over her and his rhythm became quick and determined, her pulse escalated along with her breathing. â€Ĺ›D.T.,” she gasped as wave after wave of sensation flooded her body, making her so damned hot. So aroused. So in need of him. She careened toward climax. â€Ĺ›Oh, God.” D.T.’s tongue continued to tease and titillate her clit. His long finger circled the opening of her pussy before pushing deep and causing Gizelle to cry out. The sweet invasion was so erotic, so needed, Gizelle could barely stand it. As D.T. set a steady pace of licking and sucking her clit while pumping his finger in and out of her, Gizelle responded by lifting her hips and thrusting them toward him, taking everything he had to offer. When the sensations collided and exploded inside her, she cried out his name. Her fingers tightened around his strands of hair. Gizelle rode the waves of ecstasy, loving every single second of pleasure D.T. gave her, knowing there was so much more to come. As her orgasm ebbed, D.T. continued to stroke her slowly with his tongue and finger. He kept her arousal at full peak, even though she’d just climaxed. With a long sigh, she said, â€Ĺ›How the hell did I go six months without that?” D.T.’s head lifted and grinned up at her, looking quite pleased with himself. â€Ĺ›Missed me, did you?” She smiled despite herself. â€Ĺ›You’re such an ass.” Shaking her head, she playfully said, â€Ĺ›Arrogant and much too cocky. On the other handâ€"” â€Ĺ›Damned good in bed?” Gizelle laughed. â€Ĺ›And then some.” D.T. stood, towering over her, then he leaned down, his lips hovering close to hers. â€Ĺ›You inspire me.” Her gaze dropped to his lips, so close she could feel them brush against hers as she asked, â€Ĺ›Feeling particularly inspired tonight?” â€Ĺ›Oh, yeah.” His hands gripped her hips just as his mouth pressed to hers. His kiss was as hot and demanding as always. Yet it held a hint of something darker, something needier. A mixture Gizelle couldn’t quite define but which enticed her and excited her nonetheless. Territorial. That’s what his kiss conveyed. As though he alone possessed her and wouldn’t allow anyone else to. A message for Trey? Desire flooded her veins all over again, running thick and molten, because she remembered how thrilling it was to imagine both men pleasuring her. But D.T. wanted her all to himself. There was something equally thrilling about that, too. Entrancing, really, with the way his possessiveness seeped through her from head to toe, making her think of all the nights she’d spent with D.T. All the naughty things he’d done to her. Gizelle wanted him to do those things to her tonight. Lord, how she wanted him! Shifting out of his embrace so that she could slip off the desk, her hands went to work on his clothing, stripping away his shirt and tossing it aside. As he toed off his boots, she worked the fastenings on his leather pants and within seconds, D.T. was gloriously naked in front of her. Exactly how she wanted him. He grinned at her. â€Ĺ›Impatient tonight.” She nodded. She could barely breathe, she was so in need of him. Whatever their differences, she had no trouble overcoming them and letting go of her inhibitions when she was with D.T. He assaulted her senses on every level so that she felt consumed by him. Drawn to him. Drowning in the essence of him. Her fingers itched to touch him, her tongue begged to taste him. And her pussy ached for him. She needed him deep inside her, pounding hard, quelling her intense desire. As he sank into one of the oversized chairs in front of his desk, he pulled Gizelle down with him. She straddled his lap as he pushed the thin material of her skirt up to her waist again. Then his large hands smoothed over her skin. Gizelle felt the heat of his touch all the way to the core of her being. He cupped her ass and squeezed hard, and she rubbed against his erection, allowing the length of him to tease her labia and drive her just a little bit wilder, make her just a little bit wetter. Her hands gripped his shoulders as she rode him slowly, loving the feeling of the head of his cock pressing against her opening. Her hips moved forward. And when they moved back, the smooth skin of his rock-hard erection stroked her in long, full movements and then targeted her clit. It felt better than just about anything else she’d ever experienced. Except, of course, having D.T. inside her. When his hands moved to her hips and he forced her to pick up the pace a little, Gizelle felt her orgasm build again. Her gaze locked with his, and his looked just as dazed, just as seductive as she was sure hers did. Her lips parted. Her breath came in heavier pulls, causing her breasts to rise and fall. D.T.’s eyes slipped down her neck to her chest in such a sensuous way, she felt the intimate gesture as though it were a physical one. She rocked against him, not yet taking him inside her body. Her eyelids fluttered closed and a soft moan fell from her lips. â€Ĺ›I’m going to come soon,” she told him in a soft, yet tight, voice. D.T. groaned. â€Ĺ›You’re hot and wet, sweetheart.” His hands gripped her a bit more firmly. â€Ĺ›I want you hotter. Wetter.” A wicked thrill shot through Gizelle and her fingertips pressed deeper into his broad shoulders. â€Ĺ›And then what?” she whispered, her eyes still closed, her body still raging with excitement as she stood on that beautiful precipice of desire, anticipating the moment when she fell over. Craving it, but also keeping it at bay because D.T. felt so unbelievably good. She wanted to savor the moment as long as possible. â€Ĺ›Then I’m going to thrust into you so deep and so hard, you’ll come again.” That was almost enough to push her over the edge. She let out a low groan, tightened her grip on his shoulders, and pressed herself more firmly against his thick cock. Her swollen lips slicked over his shaft from base to tip and back. His soft pubic hair teased her sensitive skin, adding another erotic sensation to the ones that already consumed her. â€Ĺ›I love it when you talk dirty,” she whispered in his ear. Then her mouth grazed his, teasing him, as her tongue darted out and flicked over his lips. â€Ĺ›You’re testing my restraint,” he told her in a tight voice. Gizelle smiled. â€Ĺ›And you’re driving me wild.” As her clit reached the tip of his cock again, he held her in place and shifted slightly beneath her, rubbing himself against the ultra-sensitive nub until Gizelle was panting harshly. Her back arched. He caught a hard nipple in his mouth, sucking on it as he stroked her clit. Gizelle’s hands left his shoulders and her fingers tangled in his hair. â€Ĺ›Oh, God.” She moaned deep in her throat on a broken breath, knowing there was no way to hold back the wave of desire that threatened to crash over her. One hand moved from her hip to the breast he wasn’t teasing with his tongue. His thumb swept over the taut peak as he continued to suck the other one. Gizelle bucked against him, finding just the right spot. â€Ĺ›Oh, fuck,” she said as all the intense feelings collided inside her. The explosion made her cry out in sheer ecstasy. But before the sensations dimmed, D.T. shifted beneath her again until his cock pressed against her opening. He thrust upward, pushing deep into her. Gizelle cried out again. As his hips bucked beneath her and Gizelle rode him, another orgasm hit her hard and fast. And then D.T. let out a low, primal growl as came, too. His hot seed flooded her already wet pussy. She clenched him tightly, prolonging the pleasure for both of them as they enjoyed every last second of their climaxes. When the sensations finally ebbed, Gizelle wrapped her arms around D.T. and slumped against his hard body. â€Ĺ›It doesn’t get much better than that.” â€Ĺ›Sure it does. Just give me twenty minutes, sweetheart.” Gizelle let out a short laugh. â€Ĺ›You may only need twenty minutes. I, on the other hand, may need a little longer to recover from that.” As it was, her entire body tingled from head to toe. But it was her heart, hammering in her chest, that really needed time to recover. While her pussy throbbed with the lingering effects of D.T.’s lovemaking, her inner walls continued to hold him tight, as though unwilling to let him go. She didn’t want him to slip from her. She could hardly blame her body for responding as it did. D.T. was an incredible lover. And being naked with him, their bodies pressed together, joined in the most intimate way, was one guilty pleasure she wasn’t inclined to give up easily. Even if they were having trouble seeing eye to eye on some issues. Thinking of her mission, Gizelle pulled away slightly and stared at D.T., whose ruggedly handsome face was made all the more gorgeous by the lingering traces of desire and fulfilled pleasure. â€Ĺ›You’re really giving me the gold?” D.T. grinned. â€Ĺ›Think I just told you that so you’d fuck me?” She shrugged. â€Ĺ›Not really, butâ€Ĺš.” A dark eyebrow crooked. â€Ĺ›You wouldn’t put it past me?” At that remark, Gizelle tilted her head and eyed him curiously. â€Ĺ›You’ve been known, on occasion, to bend the rules so you get your way.” â€Ĺ›True,” he conceded. â€Ĺ›But seriously, Ellie, I don’t need the gold. If you do, take it.” â€Ĺ›Oh, I do,” she insisted. â€Ĺ›And I will.” She pushed off his lap and out of his embrace, though, admittedly, she hated the sense of loss she felt as his cock pulled out of her. Gizelle brushed her skirt down so it swung into place, the hem caressing her legs at mid-thigh. â€Ĺ›The Protective Forces are in need of provisions, there’s no doubt about it.” She turned away and began to pace. She lifted her arms and swept up the mass of damp hair on her neck and back. The cool evening breeze that touched her skin felt heavenly. Almost as good as D.T.’s touch. â€Ĺ›The invading forcesâ€"the Gylliansâ€"have made it difficult to transport necessities from planet to planet within our own galaxy,” she continued. â€Ĺ›Since all the citizens of the Solar System have become accustomed to trading specialties, once free trade opened up, they’ve been reliant on certain items from certain planets.” She turned back to D.T. and added in a grave tone, â€Ĺ›And with exchanges being so difficultâ€"deadly even, because of the Gyllian snipers blowing trade shuttles out of spaceâ€"it’s become nearly impossible for each planet to produce enough medicine, food and supplies for its inhabitants to survive.” D.T. nodded. â€Ĺ›I’d heard times were getting tougher.” Her hands dropped to her sides and the thick strands of hair fell back into place. â€Ĺ›Not just tougher, D.T.” She planted her hands on her hips. â€Ĺ›Impossible. But I can procure provisions, provide amble currency for people to buy what they need, and maybe, just maybe, keep our Protective Forces and the inhabitants of our planets healthy, strong and able to continue fighting. To finally defeat the Gyllians.” D.T.’s jaw tightened, but Gizelle rushed on before he could say anything. Like how much he didn’t want to hear about her involvement in the war. Or the way she risked life and limb to achieve what needed to be done. Hope and excitement entered her voice as she told him the rest of her grand plan, the part no one else knew but which Gizelle was wildly optimistic about. â€Ĺ›I can use some of the currency I get from selling the gold to buy back the one commodity the collective, galactic Protective Forces need above all else.” D.T.’s eyes narrowed on her. â€Ĺ›And what, pray tell, is that?” She couldn’t help her cocky grin as she said, â€Ĺ›I’m going to sway General Tanner to return to duty. With the amount of currency I’m going to offer him, there’s no way in hell he can refuse me.” D.T. shot to his feet. Gizelle stood in front of him, reveling in exhilaration over her impending coupâ€"one she was certain would put the Protective Forces back in control, strengthen the fighter brigades and ensure victory. She felt damn proud of herself for coming up with the idea all on her own. But her enthusiasm was, quite clearly, lost on D.T. He closed the small gap between them. His large hands clasped her shoulders and he looked deep into her eyes. â€Ĺ›It’ll never happen, Ellie. Don’t even bother trying to bribe the General. He won’t concede.” â€Ĺ›And how, exactly, would you know that?” She knew her look challenged him. Admittedly, she hated that they’d veered off in this direction, but when it came to her job, the war and D.T.’s avoidance of it all, she got riled in a heartbeat. Her passion simmered as she stared at him, waiting for his answer. His jaw ground tight. His broad shoulders bunched and one thought entered Gizelle’s head. Here we go again. Letting out a sigh, she lifted her hands in the air in surrender. â€Ĺ›Goddamn it, D.T. Why does this keep happening with us? We’re on totally different planes. We don’t share the same ideals. We don’t have the same commitments or concerns. You get to while away your days on a planet that encouragesâ€"no, evokesâ€"hedonistic behavior. Meanwhile, back home, people are dying.” D.T. let out a low growl and spun sharply away from her. In an instant, it felt as though all the air had been sucked out of the room. And the windows were all wide open. A peculiar chill chased up Gizelle’s spine, making her shiver. She’d never really been the recipient of D.T.’s anger, but she had the distinct feeling it would be powerful and all-consuming. And she wouldn’t weather it well. She found herself searching for her blouse. Not that it would provide an ample barrier from the frost D.T. seemed able to call forth at will, but she did feel a little more dignified and a lot less vulnerable with her clothes back on. â€Ĺ›Look, this isn’t espionage, D.T. I’m not doing anything scandalous or dangerous by reaching out to the General. I justâ€Ĺš. Shit.” She shook her head. Whether he agreed with her was moot at this point, because her mind was made up. She knew this would be one more thing that pushed them apart, yet she didn’t feel the need to keep it from him. They’d never be of like minds, but she did believe she could confide in him. Even so, she felt the wedge between them deepen as she said, â€Ĺ›Tanner resigned from his post four years ago and then just disappeared. We need him back.” It was as simple as that. This particular General had more victories under his belt than any other in Earth’s history. Rumor had it, he was cunning and daring, a strategic and tactical genius. And his fighter pilots had loved him, would follow him to the outer reaches of the Milky Way to destroy Gyllian fighters, no questions asked. Though the High Leader of the galactic Protective Forces, Commander Heath, was a force to be reckoned with, he was much older than General Tanner and didn’t fight alongside his pilots. Tanner’s fearless leadership and camaraderie was legendry, and it was what the Protective Forces needed now to keep the fighter brigades motivated and determined to win this war. â€Ĺ›General Tanner no longer exists,” D.T. said in a surly tone as he stalked across the room and snatched up a decanter of Scotch. Gizelle’s jaw fell slack for a moment. â€Ĺ›He’s dead?” she asked, incredulous. There’d been no word of that. Granted, the intel she’d received on him wasn’t current. In fact, it was a bit sketchy. But there’d been nothing to indicate that the war hero was deceased. What a shame. He’d been so young. And damn it! They really needed him! â€Ĺ›D.T.,” she prompted when he didn’t respond to her previous comment. Nor did he respond now. Instead, he poured a healthy amount of amber liquid into his glass and then promptly drained it. â€Ĺ›D.T.,” she repeated, a bit more insistently. After pouring another glass of Scotch, he turned to her and said, â€Ĺ›No. The General is not dead.” Gizelle perked up. â€Ĺ›You know him, then?” She crossed to where he stood, still looking tense and on the verge of erupting. But there was something about his disposition that told her he was no longer angry with her. Something else weighed heavy on D.T.’s mind. What was it? â€Ĺ›He’s retired,” D.T. said in a curt tone. â€Ĺ›Passed by here a while back, but believe me, sweetheart, he doesn’t want to hear your proposition for returning to the war. There isn’t enough gold or currency in all of space to get him back in a fighter craft.” Gizelle’s brows knitted together. â€Ĺ›That hardly sounds like the patriot everyone on Earth has waxed poetic about for the past four years. Supposedly, he was the most committed officer and pilot the Protective Forces has ever known. And the way he rallied the troopsâ€"to this day, the brigades still rave about him.” D.T. shook his head. At her enthusiasm? â€Ĺ›He hated the war,” D.T. said, his voice still tight. â€Ĺ›Believe me. He has no desire to return to it.” Her head cocked to one side. â€Ĺ›Everyone hates the war, D.T. Except the currency brokers who are making a fortune on their outrageous exchange rate. And then there’s everyone on this stupid planet, who reap the rewards of pilots on leave.” Her jaw clenched in disgust. Or maybe in jealousy, because surely D.T. was one of the many who blew his wad on the Pleasure Planet’s ladies of the evening. And damn it, with the four moons circling this rock, it was always evening. She turned away and began to pace the platinum floor, just one more of D.T.’s endless extravagances. His entire dwelling screamed of opulence and glowing seductiveness, with the soft lighting and the ocean view and the open windows. The furnishings were the best on the market, and Gizelle knew the market well. They made her slightly angry, all over again, that D.T. was so wrapped up in his personal pleasure that he didn’t give a damn about what was happening in their home galaxy. Then againâ€Ĺš. Gizelle spun around and pinned him with a look as he took another drink of Scotch. Her eyes narrowed on him. Something ticked away at the back of her brain and she could swear there was something she was supposed to know about D.T. that she didn’t. Casting as wide a net as possible, she said, â€Ĺ›You know, you hardly seem like the type to toil away in hedonistic pleasure while your race is under siege.” Was D.T. hiding something from her? Why the hell hadn’t she thought of this before? Was she so hell-bent on achieving her own mission that she couldn’t see past such an obvious faĂĹĽade? Couldn’t see the asteroid for the field? Moving swiftly toward him, she reached for his half-full glass and drained the contents. Then she pinned him with another hard look. â€Ĺ›There has to be a reason I don’t hate you, D.T. Something compelling that eats away at my subconscious mind, telling me not to loathe your decadent ways. Like there’s something more I’m supposed to know. See. Believe in.” Her eyes narrowed on his dangerously sexy features. Her throat tightened when she looked past the scoundrel she thought him to be and maybe, just maybe, saw something more. â€Ĺ›Tell me what it is,” she said, her voice compelling as it filled the quiet room. â€Ĺ›Tell me who you are, D.T. Really.” Chapter Five He seriously wanted to end this conversation. She was digging too deep. Going too far. Making him think about a life he’d left behind, one he didn’t intend to remember, let alone rejuvenate. Yet, as Gizelle stood before him, looking so amazingly beautiful and sensual following the multiple orgasms he’d given her, her green eyes glowing in the moonlight that filtered in through the open windows, he knew he couldn’t lie to her. But damn it! To tell her the truthâ€Ĺš. Finally. After all this time. Would it make a difference? Would it even matter to her? Or would she simply rebuff him, angered anew by the fact that his current mission wasn’t the one she wanted it to be? D.T. swore under his breath. He’d have taken another swig of Scotch if she hadn’t swiped his glass. But he suspected, after their previous discussions, she likely needed the fortification as much as he did. Propping his hip against the edge of the desk, D.T. crossed his arms over his chest. â€Ĺ›You may find this difficult to believe, but I do care about the war. The outcome, in particular. I want us to prevail, make no mistake about it, Gizelle.” She set the empty glass beside him. â€Ĺ›You have a funny way of showing it, D.T. Wanting me to quit blockade running. Spending all your time on this planet.” He could tell she had something disparaging to say about PX330, and he didn’t blame her. He could at least understand that it seemed decadent and frivolous for him to reside here. But damn it! It was also extremely advantageous as he gathered intel for the Protective Forces. He was a spy, for Christ’s sake! His belief in The Causeâ€"freedom and everything it took to fight for itâ€"was something that lived and breathed in his heart and soul. The need for victory flowed through his veins the way it did every other warrior in the galaxy. D.T. had fought for the Milky Way’s freedom since he was sixteen years old. He continued to fight for it today. Not that Gizelle or many others would know that. For D.T. was working a covert intelligence mission that gave the illusion of his disinterest in the war in his home galaxy. But really, he played a pretty damned active role in combating the invading force. In all honesty, the currency he could score from the gold bars he’d recovered today would help his plight exponentially. But he knew Gizelle needed the resources more than he did, for D.T. had other streams of revenue to tap into in order to help him secure the information needed by the Protective Forces to continue to fight their enemy. Including his own vast fortune. He wasn’t above dipping into his private stash of gold to make things happen when all other means of persuasion failed. Though he did have a pretty damn good system in place as it was. The life forms from M81â€"home to the invading forceâ€"might be droids, but they still had some basic needs. The Pleasure Providers on PX330 offered services that satiated those desires. And like other planetary forms, human, alien or droid, the Gyllians tended to say the damnedest things in the throes of passion. D.T. and the leaders of the Protective Forces benefitted greatly from the information the Pleasure Providers gleaned while sharing the evening with a fighter from M81. Would Gizelle ever understand his role? Would he even try to help her understand? The thought lodged itself in his brain. Was he as much to blame for their current dysfunctionality as she was? Yes. Letting out a low groan, he turned away and started pacing again. There was a reason he didn’t tell Gizelle everything. Even though it just might make her see him in a different light. A better light. Even though it might lead to a partnership between them that had the potential to keep her safe. He’d held all of his secrets close for so long for one reason. Because he couldn’t begin to fathom rehashing the past. Calling forth all the memories he’d locked away, for purposes of maintaining his sanity. What D.T. had gone through since the age of sixteen, as he’d fought the invading force and moved up quickly in the ranks, was something he didn’t want to relive. Not even for Gizelle. Yet, when she moved toward him, he felt his resolve weaken. On her beautiful face was a compelling look along with confusion and the obvious need to understand him, connect with him. â€Ĺ›D.T.” And he knew he was about to lose this battle. â€Ĺ›Why are you here? Why do you prefer this planet to ours?” Her voice was soft, reminding him of the intimacy they’d shared. They’d once bonded together physically despite their differences, but D.T. had never been as open and honest with her as he should have been. With his physical needs, yes. He’d never held back his passion for her, his desire. Even emotionally, he was willing to give her everything she needed to understand his depth of emotion and his true feelings for her. Yet when it came to telling her who he really was, D.T. had never gone that far. Had never allowed himself to wallow in the past in order to bridge that one last gap with her. Shaking his head as the dread crept up on him, and the memories he’d successfully kept at bay for the past four years encroached on his mind, he knew his time had come. But D.T. still struggled with telling her what she obviously needed to know. When her hand reached out to him and her fingers curled around his forearm, he stopped pacing. Stopped running. â€Ĺ›There’s something I’m supposed to know about you,” she said in a soft voice. â€Ĺ›What is it?” D.T.’s jaw work vigorously. But he chose not to turn away. â€Ĺ›I support the war, Gizelle. I believe in The Cause. I do what I can for it.” And that’s when everything seemed to click into place for her. He could see the sudden shift in her as a look of surprise and excitement lit her eyes, and her fingers tightened around his arm. â€Ĺ›Oh, my God,” she said in a breathless tone. â€Ĺ›I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” She shook her head as though in amazement. â€Ĺ›General Dylan Tanner. D.T. That’s you, isn’t it?” What could he say to that? Nope, not me. You’ve got the wrong guy, sweetheart. Gizelle would see right through him. And maybe he wanted her to. Shoving a hand through his hair, he shook his head and let out a short laugh. One that sounded like a man who’d just been caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar and didn’t mind it. Which really confused him. But he said to Gizelle, â€Ĺ›Don’t get all patriotic on me, sweetheart. I’m as dedicated as they come. You can’t top me.” He shook his head again. â€Ĺ›But I’m far beyond capable of leading fighter brigades. It’s not a part of me anymore.” She opened her mouth to protest. The excitement in her eyes making them wide and vibrant. But he cut her off instantly. â€Ĺ›No, Gizelle. I’m not going back. And I meant what I said earlier. There’s not enough gold or currency in all of space to change my mind.” He moved past her, cutting off the connection of her hand on his arm. Stalking back to his desk, he refilled his glass. But he didn’t drink. Instead, he stared at the amber liquid as it swirled in his glass. This planet, this new life was safe and sane for him. Well, okay, maybe not wholly safe because he was a spy. But he was so damned good at pretending to be an Earthling detached from the mayhem in his home galaxy that he’d created a persona and existence that did give him a measure of security. And best of all, he wasn’t watching the people he cared about die on a daily basis. Turning away from Gizelle, D.T. stared out the open windows at the four distinct glimmering rays of the moons that played on the placid water. This view typically calmed him, but not tonight. Not with Gizelle here. Not with this sudden burning need he had to convince her of his good intentions. To what end, he didn’t know. Except that D.T. hated how she’d pulled away from him six months ago. How she’d avoided him all this time, and had only ended up here tonight because he’d stolen the gold from her. Lured her here. And then she’d pulled away from him again, hadn’t she? So he had to reveal all his weaknesses and relive his past in order to make her see him for who he really was, and maybe win her back? Yes. Goddamn it! â€Ĺ›D.T.” Her smooth-as-silk voice made his eyes close. When her fingers touched his arm again, he drew in a deep breath, inhaling the sultry night air and her intoxicating scent. He’d compartmentalized his life the past four years, and that had meant putting Gizelle in a place that didn’t conflict with his job or his previous life and memories. Tonight, however, she was a part of his entire existence. And he knew she wouldn’t accept anything less. Surprisingly, when she moved closer to him and her breast brushed his bicep, the hard nipple teasing his skin through the thin material of her blouse, D.T. felt a peculiar longing that told him he could no longer hide from his past. Compartmentalize his life. Keep Gizelle at bay. But even as those thoughts infiltrated his mind, he knew another absolute, one that would never sit right with her. One she would never forgive him for. Staring down at her, D.T. said, â€Ĺ›I’m not going back, Gizelle. Not for gold or currency. Not even for you.” Chapter Six Heartbreak was an emotion Gizelle had locked away, in the depths of her soul, a very long time ago. She’d experienced the kind of core-shattering pain that only came with losing people she loved, the bone-deep sorrow, the intense grief. Some miracle had given her the strength to rise above it and focus on something other than her sense of loss during her darkest years. The overwhelming pain had been dimmed by her rage. Anger was an emotion she could channel into something good, while grief would only lead to despair and hopelessness if she’d allowed it. She hadn’t. Gizelle had embraced the fury inside her when her family had been murdered by Gyllian snipers right before her eyes. She’d been spared, but only to do the bidding of the Gyllians. Her rage had helped her focus on escaping their clutches, stealing a fighter ship, and braving a near-impossible escape from the enemy’s battle station. Gizelle was a fighter through and through. It was an inherent part of her, fully engrained within her, body, heart and soul. So when D.T. admitted to being the legendary General she sought and then refusedâ€"outright, adamantly refused to return to the Milky Way with her, to leave the outrageously extravagant Pleasure Planet in order to help save their peopleâ€" â€Ĺ›Oh!” Her fists clenched at her sides before she lifted her hands and waved them in the air. She’d strangle D.T. if only she could! â€Ĺ›That self-serving son of a bitch!” Trey poked his head around the wall of the cockpit of her small cargo ship. â€Ĺ›Something wrong?” She narrowed her eyes on him. Trey cocked his head to the side. â€Ĺ›Guess you didn’t get what you wanted from Vaughn.” â€Ĺ›Oh, I got what I wanted from Vaughn,” she said between clenched teeth. â€Ĺ›He gave me the gold. It’s in the cargo hull.” He’d given her something else, too, but there really was no need to share that with Trey. â€Ĺ›Damn him,” she said. â€Ĺ›I need more than the gold. I need General Tanner!” Trey’s dark brows knitted together. â€Ĺ›Now you’ve lost me. I didn’t catch much of the conversation after the, uh, show.” Gizelle shook her head, ignoring the heat that touched her cheeks at his unabashed remark. â€Ĺ›I’ve lost me, too. I mean, all this time, he was right underneath my nose.” â€Ĺ›Come again?” Gizelle’s teeth ground together at that unintentional innuendo. Any sort of sexual double entendre was sure to set her on edge at this point because the mere thought of sex with D.T. was still so damned appealing. Even though she currently hated him. Again. With a sigh, Gizelle said, â€Ĺ›D.T. is General Dylan Tanner. The one I intended to persuade to return to the Milky Way to help lead the Protective Forces. That’s what a good portion of the gold was for.” â€Ĺ›Ah,” Trey said, apparently catching on. â€Ĺ›And your friend refused your offer.” â€Ĺ›He’s not my friend,” she said, irritated. She hated the fact that she was almost pouting. Damn it. D.T.’s refusal to return to Earth with her did more than annoy or anger her. It broke her heart. â€Ĺ›He’s selfish and arrogant and self-indulgent and he’d rather be holed up here, drowning in the whole sensuality of this stupid planet, than help his own people.” She shook her head again, disgusted. â€Ĺ›What kind of heathen is that, I ask you?” Trey merely shrugged a broad shoulder. â€Ĺ›Maybe he’s got a reason. A good one.” â€Ĺ›For letting his fellow human beings suffer? Die? Um, yeah. I’m sure he’s got a damn good reason for that.” And she hated every one that popped into her head. He was more interested in the Pleasure Providers on this rotten planet. He was more intoxicated by his decadent, vintage Scotch. He was more captivated by the four fucking moons! Gizelle’s temper flared. â€Ĺ›There isn’t a reason good enough for turning his back on the Protective Forces when they need him. Now more than ever.” She really needed to pace, to release some of her frustration and tension. But the one-person cockpit didn’t allow her much space. And it didn’t help that Trey seemed to take up more than a fair share of what little space she did have. So she stood in front of him, her arms crossed over her chest. â€Ĺ›I have the gold. And with it, I can do a lot of good things to help The Cause. But we really need General Tanner to rally the weary troops. How in hell am I going to convince D.T. to return to Earth with me?” Trey propped a broad shoulder against the wall. â€Ĺ›How’d you get him to give you the gold?” Gizelle frowned before admitting, â€Ĺ›I didn’t do anything. He’d already intended to give it to me. Apparently, he only stole it so I’d come to him to claim it.” A slight grin tipped Trey’s full mouth. â€Ĺ›Sounds like a man who knows what he wants.” â€Ĺ›And isn’t afraid to go after it.” Lord knew, he’d pursued her relentlessly from the get-go. â€Ĺ›So,” Trey mused in a contemplative, if not somewhat devious, tone. â€Ĺ›If he was willing to use trillions in gold bars to lure you to his lair and hand over said gold, I’d say that clearly gives you the upper hand in this scenario.” Her eyes narrowed on her tall, dark and handsome companion. â€Ĺ›How so?” Trey pushed away from the wall and closed the gap between them with one wide stride. Staring down at her with a smoldering look in his dark-as-night eyes, he said, â€Ĺ›You believed you could seduce him for the gold. Obviously, you didn’t have to. Can you seduce him into returning with you?” Gizelle let out a half-snort, half-laugh that was decidedly unladylike. She plopped into her chair. â€Ĺ›Not a chance in hell. D.T. was adamant. And when he’s being stubborn about something, there’s absolutely nothing I can do to sway him.” â€Ĺ›Oh, really?” Trey knelt down, wedging himself between Gizelle’s legs and forcing them apart. â€Ĺ›Hey,” she protested. But then the wicked glint in Trey’s eyes and the hands on her bare thighs told her exactly what he was getting at. â€Ĺ›Oh, I don’t think so. I mean, really, this would never work.” As a dark eyebrow crooked at her response, Trey’s large hands moved further up her legs until they disappeared under the hem of her loose skirt. The erotic touch notwithstanding, she managed to swallow down another protest. She’d considered using Trey in a no-holds barred seduction in order to get the gold before D.T. had handed it over to her without strings or the need for seduction. Or violence. She knew she possessed the ability to ignite D.T.’s lust with little more than a sexy outfit. After the way he’d responded to her tonight, acting so territorial, so possessive, wouldn’t he just shoot through the solar system if he saw her with another man? And Trey was the only man who could help her pull off this seduction. For one thing, he was bold and daring. He proved that by keeping his gaze locked with hers as his thumbs absentlyâ€"or maybe purposelyâ€"caressed her inner thighs. And he looked remarkably similar to D.T., which would no doubt tweak D.T.’s massive ego and make him determined to prove to Gizelle that even a devilish imitation like Trey wasn’t the man for her. A smile teased her lips as a plan formed in her head. â€Ĺ›Oh, you’re good,” she whispered. To herself. To Trey. Because his sensuous touch and the heat in his onyx eyes made her believe she could persuade D.T. to return to Earth with her. â€Ĺ›He’ll be tormented by every second that he has to see us together. Which means we have to be in public, where he can’t make a scene or beat the crap out of you for touching me.” Her brow lifted. â€Ĺ›A Pleasure Club. One he’d never want to be kicked out of. He’ll have to suffer through every minute of us together or concede the fight.” Trey’s dark eyes glowed seductively. â€Ĺ›Selfish on my part, but I hope he’s got a really strong constitution.” A thrill of excitement shimmied up her spine at the lascivious look on Trey’s face and the innuendo that hung in the air. â€Ĺ›He’s strong-willed, no doubt about it.” â€Ĺ›Then I’ll have to pull out all the stops. And enjoy every second of it.” His hands swept higher. He clutched her bare hips and pulled her toward him until Gizelle was perched on the edge of the seat. The breath escaped her body at the raw intensity in his eyes, the scorching look he gave her. And when his mouth crushed over hers, she whimpered in exhilaration as much as in protest. Her fingers curled into tight fists, so determined was she not to touch him. She’d just made love with D.T. And damn it, D.T. was the man of her dreams. But, oh, God! Trey was one hell of a kisser. And if she was going to make D.T. so hot and bothered, so freaked out that she was with another man that he’d do anythingâ€"like return to Earth!â€"to keep from seeing Trey fuck her, then she at least had to act the part, right? And so she unclenched her fingers and wrapped her arms around Trey’s neck as he deepened the kiss. I can do this, she told herself. Really, what was so difficult about letting such a devastatingly handsome man seduce her? In front of D.T., no less? Self-indulgent scoundrel deserved it, after all. She’d finally get her revenge for the endless amounts of time he spent at the Pleasure Clubs, for she was sure he toiled away the days with Pleasure Providers. Now was the chance for Gizelle to even the score. And secure an added bonus, getting the General to take up the command he was born to lead. As Trey’s kiss deepened, she couldn’t help but think of how D.T. would respond to seeing an intimate moment like this. But something else occurred to Gizelle, too, a wicked thought that really had no business infiltrating her mind, but which had taken up residency earlier in the day and continued to demand her attention because of Trey’s skilled hands on her body and the erotic dance his tongue engaged hers in. Making love with both D.T. and Trey would be one seriously mind-blowing experience. And it just might be the only way to forgive D.T. for his decadent Pleasure Planet indulgences. She moved her hands to Trey’s chest and shoved lightly to break their incredibly hot kiss. â€Ĺ›Okay, stud. You’ve proven your point.” She was breathless, in fact. â€Ĺ›As well as your value in this situation.” Trey grinned at her as he stepped away. Gizelle didn’t dare stand, for fear her knees would knock together and her legs would collapse beneath her following such a stellar kiss. â€Ĺ›Now.” She sucked in some much-needed oxygen. â€Ĺ›We need to find D.T. I’m sure after our argument, he’s sought entertainment.” She rolled her eyes, but fought off the wave of jealousy that threatened to wash over her. Business was business. That was what this was. She had a mission to accomplish and regardless of whether she found D.T. in the arms of a Pleasure Provider or two, she would see this through. Because there was something in the way he’d kissed her, touched her, made love to her, that told Gizelle he really would care if he saw her in the arms of another man. How vehemently he reactedâ€"and what he’d do to remedy the situationâ€"she couldn’t guarantee. So that meant she’d have to pull out all the stops, too. Steeling herself for what would surely be the most decadent night of her life, Gizelle finally found the strength to stand without wobbling on her tall heels. She pointed an accusatory finger at Trey. â€Ĺ›Stop gloating. It was just a kiss.” â€Ĺ›A prelude,” he countered with another sexy look, â€Ĺ›to victory.” â€Ĺ›Yes.” Gizelle latched onto the sentiment. â€Ĺ›Victory. That’s what this is all about.” And her patriotism and sense of duty helped her to believe she was making a much-needed sacrifice for the survival of an entire galaxy and its inhabitants. Some sacrifice. Chapter Seven D.T. had had enough Scotch for the evening, but he took another sip anyway. It was really unfortunate that he wasn’t drunk. He should be by now, but there was some sort of internal programming that caused him to remain alert and attuned to his surroundings even though he’d downed a good half-bottle between the liquor he’d had at home and the refills he’d had thus far at the Pleasure Club. As his wrist rotated slowly, causing the whisky to swirl in the expensive crystal glass, he tried to lose himself in the sensual music that wafted through the club, mixed with the erotic sounds around him. D.T. sat at one of the few small, intimate tables in the lounge. Mostly, the dimly lit room was filled with dark blue sofas and oversized chairs. Plush and inviting, and nearly all of them were occupied by couples, threesomes or foursomes indulging their darkest passions and wildest fantasies. The soft, glittery rays from the chandeliers cast shadows over scantily clad and fully naked bodies respectively. The inky blackness crept up the mahogany wood paneling of the walls. This could have been any nightclub on Earth a century ago. D.T. was a history buff and he liked all things vintage, not just his Scotch. This particular club was elegant and sophisticated, matching the clientele. It was unlike the majority of the Pleasure Clubs on PX330, which was the exact reason D.T. preferred it. Rather than having loud music with a hard-driving beat, harsh, multi-colored lighting, and furniture and fixtures indicative of today’s cutting-edge style, D.T.’s club of choice was more subdued. Upscale and tasteful. Yet still erotically stimulating. All of which made him think of Gizelle. He had to shake his head from the crowded thoughts, images of making love with her earlier in the night. Too bad the moans coming from all around him reminded him of hers. They were soft and feminine, filled with pleasure and desire, mingled with a sense of urgency. As he glanced over his shoulder, D.T. caught sight of a couple occupying one of the large chairs. The woman sat perched on the edge, her long, bare legs spread wide and draped over the arms of the chair. The man between her legs licked her pussy in determined strokes that seemed to keep her in a constant state of arousal. With her head thrown back and her bare breasts jiggling slightly, she looked ready for a good, hard fuck. D.T.’s cock twitched. Not because he wanted to be the one to fuck her, but because he couldn’t help but think about Gizelle and how passionately she’d responded to him tonight. She’d rode him slowly at first, building their desire to the point of boiling. And then she’d taken him deep in her tight, wet pussy. Sweet lord, he’d wanted to come that very second. By contrast, he’d wanted to fuck her all night long. Would have, if she hadn’t gotten off on her tangent, determined to find General Dylan Tanner and bribe him to return to Earth with her. â€Ĺ›Fuck,” he mumbled. Hadn’t she blown out of his dwelling in record timeâ€"with the gold, no lessâ€"when he’d refused to return to the war? D.T. slammed his glass of Scotch and silently prayed it would finally, finally, numb his senses. No such luck. When he lifted his gaze from the glass and saw Gizelle standing a mere four or five feet away from him, his cock swelled and his heart hammered in his chest. She wore that incredibly sexy outfit that was blatantly revealing. Her rosy nipples were tight and pressed against the sheer fabric of her blouse. Her long, light brown hair fell over her shoulders in soft waves, making his fingers itch to stroke the silky strands as he kissed her long and hard. Settling a little more comfortably in his chair, he said, â€Ĺ›You can tease me with that outfit all you want, sweetheart. I’m not going back to our galaxy.” â€Ĺ›I’ll give you points for being so damned obstinate,” she said. â€Ĺ›But you lose some for your extreme arrogance. I’m not here for you, D.T.” Her gaze lifted above his head and a sexy smile tipped her full, luscious, red-tinted lips. â€Ĺ›I’m here for him.” It took a good deal of effort for D.T. to tear his gaze from the beautiful sight before him, but curiosity got the best of him. He glanced over his shoulder again and found a tall, broad-framed man stalk forward with purpose. It was the man D.T. had seen Gizelle with earlier. Trey, she’d called him. A man who looked disturbingly familiar, as though D.T. were looking in a mirror. The unruly, midnight-colored hair and onyx eyes the stranger possessed could very well have made him D.T.’s twin. And the wicked glint in those eyes, as they landed hungrily on Gizelle, as if no one else in the club existed, made D.T.’s temper flare. What the hell was this? D.T.’s own black eyes narrowed as he watched the stranger approach Gizelle, wrap an arm around her small waist and turn her so her back was to D.T. Then he boldly kissed Gizelle, his mouth crushing over hers, his tongue obviously delving deep. Heat and anger exploded within D.T. He nearly jumped to his feet and tore the two apart, except he’d never created a scene in one of the Pleasure Clubs before, and he couldn’t afford to do so now. Though he’d always allowed the Pleasure Providers to bring him cocktails and flirt outrageously with himâ€"even letting them curl up in his lap from time to time to perpetuate the faĂĹĽadeâ€"he’d been very careful to keep his appearance casual. Interested enough in the women and the booze and the pleasure, but detached enough so that he didn’t draw too much unwanted attention to himself. When he slipped tokens to a Pleasure Provider, no one but her knew it was for intel, not sex. D.T. reminded himself that he had an image to protect. A role to play. And going off half-cocked because Gizelle was pissed at himâ€"and had found a near dead-ringer to make him jealousâ€"was not a smart thing. And yet, damn, how the rage welled inside him. Fast and furious. His fingers itched to grab his laser gun and blast a hole right between the stranger’s legs. Instead, D.T. lifted his hand and signaled one of the Pleasure Providers to bring him another Scotch. Hell, he knew what Gizelle was up to, even it was still such a foreign concept to him. He was strong enough to rise above this new threat. He’d been tortured routinely since he was sixteen, from violent means of â€Ĺ›persuasion” from the enemy to try to glean information, as well as from the constant reminder of having lost his family and friends at the hands of the Gyllian fighters. He could withstand unfathomable levels of pain. This would just be one more. As a petite, dark-haired Pleasure Provider set a full glass in front of him, D.T.’s jaw clenched. He waved her away, knowing she’d add his drink to his tab. His eyes remained locked on Gizelle as Trey continued to kiss her. His jaw ground tight. In truth, D.T. liked to think it was impossible for him to get riled over another man kissing Gizelle, but he had to admit, that earlier jealousy was coming back full force. And it mingled with a disturbing feeling of arousal as he recalled the previous images that had infiltrated his mind. The vision of both him and Trey pleasuring Gizelle. As D.T. reached for his glass, he realized drinking was going to be damn-near impossible with the lockjaw he had going on. In fact, every single muscle in his body was tense with indecision. The need to pummel Gizelle’s â€Ĺ›date” warred with the need to make love to her again. Whether Trey was involved or not. When the kiss finally ended, D.T. felt some measure of control return to him. Perhaps Gizelle only meant to do something bold like this to get his attention. Then she’d send the stranger on his way and try to reason with D.T. Try to sway him, make him see her side of things, agree to her plight. Assuming her plan set him back on course. Made him feel infinitely more grounded. He took a short sip of his drink as Trey’s arms slipped from Gizelle’s waist and she turned to face D.T. With desire glowing in her green eyesâ€"for him or for Trey?â€"she said, â€Ĺ›It could’ve been different between us, D.T.” â€Ĺ›Yeah,” he said, his tone tight and clipped. â€Ĺ›Because of the war, one or the both of us could be dead. Personally, I prefer we don’t travel that path.” She gave a slight shake of her head and long, loose curls fell across her forehead, making D.T. want to sweep them back so her beautiful face remained fully revealed. â€Ĺ›We could have worked together. But you’re too selfish for that, aren’t you?” D.T. didn’t take the bait. Didn’t have time to, really. Suddenly, Trey’s arms were around Gizelle’s waist again as he pressed himself against her back. He whispered something in her ear that made her smile sheepishly and blush vibrantly. â€Ĺ›Trey,” she whispered before ducking her head. D.T.’s fist tightened around the glass of Scotch. Trey better not think for one second he was going to take Gizelle from D.T. Trey’s lips grazed her neck and her body trembled slightly. Then Trey’s hands left her waist and eased slowly up her sides. Then forward till they cupped her breasts. D.T.’s jaw clenched. It was all he could do not to jump out of his chair and take Trey down. Don’t make a scene, he reminded himself. Subconsciously, he glanced around, trying to discern if anyone took note of the little jealousy scene playing out. The last thing D.T. needed was to have his cover blown because he’d lost his cool. Well, no. The absolute last thing he needed was to watch some other guy screw Gizelle. Anger boiled within him, making his entire body tense. Just as Gizelle’s eyes locked with his, Trey’s fingers worked the strings below her breasts. The bow untied and her blouse drifted open, revealing all the creamy white flesh and large, beautiful breasts D.T. longed to touch and taste. And that was when he realized her true intent. Son of a bitch. She was going to put him over the proverbial barrel. Use sex and his intense attraction to her against him! Ah, the seduction plot, again. Only this time, she really had brought her reinforcement, a man who clearly wanted her and was willing to pleasure her right here in front of everyone in the club, including D.T. But, Goddamn it, D.T. wouldn’t let it go that far. He set his glass down and was just about to stand when Trey’s hands smoothed over Gizelle’s breasts, palming them. Her head fell back on his broad shoulder as his mouth went back to work on her neck, licking and nipping at it until Gizelle moaned deeply. Her eyelids fluttered closed. D.T.’s groin tightened as his anger brewed more violently. Both pleasure and pain were created by seeing Gizelle turned on by Trey and by watching her beautiful body bared. D.T.’s head spun. Maybe the Scotch had finally kicked in. Indeed, D.T. seemed almost paralyzed in arduous fascination as Trey’s fingers toyed with her hard nipples before sliding down her flat belly and disappearing into the loose waistband of her skirt. Trey slowly shoved the skirt toward Gizelle’s knees. The material dropped to the floor and pooled around her tall heels. She wore no panties. He noticed that first, and second, the undeniable beauty that stood before him. She was so gorgeous, she stole his breath. And all rational thought. D.T. was unable to move, unable to put a stop to this before it went any farther. As Gizelle’s arms lifted and her fingers reached behind her to twine in Trey’s hair, his hands working on her breasts, D.T. swallowed hard. The eroticism of the lounge and its sexually charged atmosphere washed over D.T. along with the throaty moans and pleasure-filled cries that echoed in the club as the Pleasure Providers sought and gave their own brand of ecstasy. Their environment clearly had the same effect on Gizelle. They were both lost in a sensuality D.T. was certain neither one of them expected possible. He himself had never dreamed of seeing Gizelle in a place like this, giving herself over to the hedonism and decadence she’d so vehemently protested all this time. But she’d obviously checked her inhibitions at the door. She wasn’t holding back. As he considered all of this, plus the fact that he was captivated by the erotic scene before him, the strangest thing happened to D.T. One of Trey’s hands slid down Gizelle’s stomach again until his fingers reached the juncture between her parted legs, and D.T. didn’t reach for his laser gun, as he’d wanted to do earlier. Trey slowly rubbed her labia and then targeted her clit, making her fingers clench in his hair and her teeth catch her bottom lip, and D.T. found himself completely and utterly captivated. Sure, in the sane part of his mind, D.T. knew what Gizelle was up to. And he really, truly wanted to put an end to it, because he didn’t think he could continue watching this scenario play out without wanting to strangle Trey. And yet, God, Gizelle was so beautiful. And it was obvious she responded to Trey because he looked like D.T. in every way, including size and dark demeanor. D.T. found himself fantasizing that, with her eyes closed, she was imagining D.T.’s hands on her body, his lips on her neck. Not Trey’s. It was an easy way to hang onto the thinning threads of sanity. Mesmerized, D.T. continued to stare at her, taking in her lean body, her lush, light brown hair, her perfectly sculpted face. All of these things held him spellbound. Conversely, yes, he loathed the fact that another man was touching her incredible body and was eliciting the deep moans of pleasure that escaped her parted lips. And yet D.T. felt compelled to watch. To see if Trey could satisfy her. To see if Gizelle would actually get off on another man touching her. As Trey’s fingers continued to tease her nipple and her clit, D.T. sensed Gizelle was close to coming. But she didn’t give into the obvious desire that gripped her. Instead, she opened her eyes and they locked with D.T.’s. Almost. Her gaze seemed a little unsteady, a little hazy from her desire. D.T.’s jaw clenched tighter before he said, â€Ĺ›You’ve made your point.” â€Ĺ›Have I?” she countered in a provocative tone, laced with her arousal. And then she shifted in Trey’s arms and turned to the tall, dark stranger. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him passionately, igniting D.T.’s jealousy all over again. â€Ĺ›For fuck’s sake, Ellie,” he said between his teeth. â€Ĺ›I know what you’re trying to do.” She broke the kiss and glanced over her bare shoulder. â€Ĺ›I’m proving the lengths I’ll go to in order to get you back to Earth.” He gave a quick, agitated shake of his head. Damn it. His cock still throbbed at seeing her naked and in the throes of passion. â€Ĺ›That’s the thing, sweetheart. There’s nothing you can do that will get me to go back. Nothing you can do with me or with Trey.” Her grin turned wicked, her voice confident. â€Ĺ›I beg to differ.” Her gaze shifted as she scanned the room, taking in the couples, the orgies, that no longer helped D.T.’s plight. The entire scene created sensory overload, what with the sound of flesh slapping against flesh and the orgasmic cries mingled with the intense pleas for more pleasure. The sight of men and women engaging in carnal activities created a lusty atmosphere and generated the faint scent of sex. All of these things taunted D.T. as much as Gizelle’s seduction did. He knew what she was doing, for God’s sake. And yet, when she turned back to Trey and her hands slid down his body, D.T.’s mouth went dry and his brain seemed to freeze. What the fuck was that all about? As one of Gizelle’s hands eased over Trey’s obvious erection and cupped his balls in his black leather pants, D.T. literally thought he’d lost his mind for letting the game go this far. And yet he didn’t reach for her. Didn’t pull her away from Trey. Yes, he questioned his sanity over that. Maybe the Scotch was making him slow to react with the anger and violence he’d felt moments ago. Because, seriously, no one but him should be touching Gizelle or bringing her pleasure. But there was something so enticing about the situation. This was her game. She was playing the seductress role to the hilt, and D.T. found it stimulating. He couldn’t say why for sure, other than the fact that he really and truly loved her body and enjoyed seeing her naked and drowning in ecstasy. Damn it. It turned him on to see her so passionate, so lost in the eroticism of the moment. Even if some other guy was touching her. He thought about this a moment longer as Gizelle’s small hand stroked the bulge in Trey’s pants until Trey’s eyes glowed with heat and desire and the obvious need to fuck her. Sure, there was a big part of D.T. that made him want to stand up, close the gap between them, and pound the hell out of Trey. But there was another part of him that didn’t want to budge, didn’t want to take his eyes from the couple before him. Because D.T. was wholly turned on by watching Gizelle. His gaze slid over her naked body, taking in the sharp slope of her shoulders, the long, graceful line of her spine, the delicate rounding of her hips and the perfect shape of her ass. Toned legs gave way to perfectly proportioned calves and feet that were ensconced in tall, black leather heels. She was a vision he couldn’t get enough of. Regardless of the reason for her nakedness, she still captivated him. And so D.T. found himself becoming slightly detached from his jealousy and rage. Maybe it was all the Scotch that now dulled his anger and made him focus more clearly on her beauty and the beauty of the moment they’d found themselves in. He doubted she’d grasp this strange place he’d shifted into. Then again, he didn’t intend to share it with her. No. D.T. would let her play out the entire scene. If he could seriously hold his jealousy intact, he had a feeling watching Gizelle tonight would be an incredibly erotic experience. Vouyerism was, after all, a big part of his life as a spy. Only this time, he got to feast his eyes on the only woman who truly stirred his senses and soul. And it was the strangest damned thing to admit, but the idea of seeing Gizelle pleasured actually turned him on all the more. He had no idea what that was all about. Didn’t have the clarity of mind to try to figure it out. All he knew was that, when Gizelle divested Trey of his clothingâ€"all of his clothingâ€"D.T. didn’t jump to his feet and demand that she stop. Oddly, it seemed as though he were watching a replay of himself engaged in a sexual tempest with Gizelle, because Trey looked that much like him. And maybe that, and the fuzziness that settled in his brain because of the Scotch, was what let D.T. relax a little and see how this scheme of Gizelle’s played out. After all, it remained to be seen whether she’d go all the way with Trey. *** This isn’t working. The thought flitted through Gizelle’s mind as she glanced at D.T. over her bare shoulder and found him staring directly at her, a look of challenge in his black eyes. He knew what she was up to and he was willing to let her continue down this path. For how long? That was the question. Because, in all honesty, she’d never intended to take this game all the way. She knew she had to go to extremes to get and keep D.T.’s attention. She was playing on his emotions, pushing him to the edge in order to get him to agree to return to Earth with her. But he seemed almost inclined to let her continue. To cross a line she’d never really considered crossing. Damn him. She turned back to Trey and gave him a tight smile. â€Ĺ›He’s obstinate,” she said in a low tone. â€Ĺ›Did I mention that?” Trey grinned at her. â€Ĺ›Looks to me like he’s enjoying the show. Now that he’s wiped the scowl off his face and he’s no longer looking at me with murder in his eyes.” â€Ĺ›As though he really wants to see us together,” she said with a slight shake of her head. â€Ĺ›I just can’t understand. Oh, hell. Of course I can understand. D.T.’s playing his own game.” So Gizelle continued hers. As her hands splayed across Trey’s expansive, well-defined chest, she couldn’t help but think how much the smooth skin and hard muscles reminded her of D.T.’s. Trey’s entire body, in fact, made her think of how hard and sinewy D.T.’s body was. The fact that she’d stripped Trey naked still surprised Gizelle, and a tingle of embarrassment, mixed with a hint of excitement, shimmied down her spine. She really didn’t have too much trouble traveling this wicked path. The heat that rose off of Trey’s skin, combined with the heated stare from D.T. that she felt to the core of her being, had Gizelle’s internal temperature boiling. The sexually charged atmosphere surrounded herâ€"the naked limbs, the exploring hands, the teasing tongues, the plunging cocks, all of these things made Gizelle’s pulse race. Her heart hammered in her chest and her pussy throbbed with desire. It seemed that all of her convictions fell to the wayside. She didn’t forget her true mission, that was for certain. But she did find it easier to concentrate on the seduction, rather than lose herself all over again to the anger she’d felt because of D.T.’s refusal to return with her. She had the distinct feeling that she could sway him. But he was going to force her hand. He wouldn’t give in easily. And he wouldn’t make it easy for her. No problem, Gizelle thought as she pulled in a deep breath. Two can play this game. She cleared her mind of all thoughts and focused solely and what she had intended to accomplish when she’d set this plan in motion. Giving Trey a playful smile, she said, â€Ĺ›As they say on my planet, let the games begin.” She leaned close to her new friend and pressed her lips to his. The kiss could have been a simple, easy, teasing one. Trey didn’t allow that. Instead, his arms wrapped around Gizelle’s waist and tightened, crushing her naked body against his, making her painfully aware of their lack of clothing. His heat and hard muscles seemed to surround her, drawing her into a warm cocoon that helped Gizelle to keep her inhibitions at bay. As her fingers tangled in his thick hair, she let his tongue stroke hers, and it made her heart pound even harder. When Trey’s hands moved from her waist and began to roam her body, she felt an internal fire that she knew innately was just the beginning of a rager that would rip through her body if she continued this seduction plan. She’d soon understand why her small ship sometimes suffered circuitry meltdown when she reentered the Earth’s atmosphere. The blazing heat could cause serious damage to her mechanical systems. And Trey’s heat just might do the same to her insides. Or maybe it was knowing that D.T. watched them, without interruption, that had her on fire. Was this turning him on? Driving him wild? Making him want her even more? Those thoughts settled in Gizelle’s brain and she found herself convinced that D.T. didn’t stop her, didn’t rip Trey’s limbs from his body and pluck his balls from between his legs, because D.T. was actually enjoying the show. Surprisingly, that made Gizelle even hotter. And determined to turn up the heat. Chapter Eight As Trey’s kiss deepened, Gizelle let all thoughts fall to the wayside. Instead, she felt his hands on her body and his hard muscles pressed against her, and the truth was that all of it felt really, really good. When Trey’s hands eased over her bare flesh, moving up her sides and front until he cupped her breasts and teased the nipples tight, her body tingled from head to toe with erotic pleasure. Pressing herself against Trey, she was sure she conveyed her desire for him. But another dark desire lurked in her mind. Dragging her mouth from Trey’s, she whispered, â€Ĺ›I want both of you.” Excitement flashed in his onyx eyes. â€Ĺ›I’ll do whatever you want.” Her heart hammered a little harder in her chest as Gizelle’s pulse kicked up a few notches. â€Ĺ›How do weâ€Ĺš?” She shook her head, not sure how to go about this. How to set a mĂ©nage a trois in action, particularly given one of the party’s extreme agitation at the game she was playing. Then again, if D.T. hadn’t put a stop to things by now, maybe he was more interested than she’d guessed. â€Ĺ›Leave it to me,” Trey said, breaking into her thoughts. â€Ĺ›That way it looks like it was my idea, and he won’t hold it against you.” She hadn’t considered that. But Trey seemed to be an expert in this area, so she deferred to him. â€Ĺ›Lead the way.” And he did. Pulling her into another all-consuming kiss, Trey’s hands went back to work on her body and Gizelle allowed him to command her passion. The mere thought of D.T. joining in, of the two men pleasuring her at the same time, was so erotically stimulating, she felt she just might jump out of her skin at the thought of it. When Trey shifted slightly and backed her up against a wood-paneled pillar, then pressed his body against hers, Gizelle moaned deep in her throat. His fingers caressed her skin. His tongue teased hers. And his hard cock nestled against her belly, full and smooth and demanding her attention. It wouldn’t be the least bit shocking in a place like this for her to kneel down and take him in her mouth. That’s what the Pleasure Clubs were all about, after all. Sexual encounters that were wholly uninhibited, enacted in view of others. Whether in the lounge or the antechambers, everyone in the club was on display for the visual pleasure of the other patrons. So when Trey broke their kiss and knelt between her legs, Gizelle tried not to feel self-conscious. Fought the feeling heart and soul, in fact. It wasn’t difficult, because as soon as Trey’s mouth was on her, Gizelle lost all train of thought. â€Ĺ›Oh, God,” she whispered before she could stop the words from falling from her lips. Her eyelids closed and her palms pressed against the pillar behind her to steady herself. When Trey lifted one of her legs and draped it over his broad shoulder, effectively giving himself even greater access to every inch of her, Gizelle felt the waves of desire crash over her, pushing her steadily toward a powerful climax. It wasn’t just Trey’s skilled tongue on such a sensitive part of her body that sent Gizelle into sensory overload. Knowing D.T. was watching them turned her on more than she’d dreamed possible. He didn’t put a stop to the spectacle she was making of herselfâ€"if anyone was even paying attention, that wasâ€"so he must have found the peep show equally stimulating. He enjoyed seeing her in the throes of passion. As Trey alternated between quick flicks of his tongue on her clit and long, slow suckling with his mouth, Gizelle felt a sensual euphoria that pushed out that last, lingering bit of humility and inhibition. When her eyes locked with D.T.’s, excitement shot through her. His onyx eyes held a wild glint she’d never seen before. A mixture of lust and longing and something dark that she couldn’t identify, but which aroused her all the same. When Trey eased a long finger into her tight canal, while still teasing her clit with his tongue, a small cry of pleasure fell from Gizelle’s lips. Her eyelids grew heavy, but she forced them open, unable to tear her gaze from D.T.’s. Gizelle’s fingertips pressed against the hard pillar behind her, needing it to steady her. Her breasts felt heavy and full, achy with the need for someone to touch them. Her nipples were puckered tight, wanting attention as well. The restless feeling welling within her was a result of anticipation of the orgasm that was about to hit her any second now, as Trey’s finger stroked her wet depths and his lips closed over her clit again. But Gizelle wanted more than just the shuddering climax that built slowly and then exploded within her, making her cry out once again. As the sensations consumed her, her eyes closed. Her body quivered with the intensity of her release, but Gizelle knew she wouldn’t be sated by this. In fact, before the orgasm had fully ebbed, she opened her eyes and, staring directly into D.T.’s again, said, â€Ĺ›I want so much more than this.” The urgency that gripped her was something Gizelle had experienced before with D.T., but it seemed magnified tonight. As Trey unhooked her leg from his shoulder and stood, Gizelle couldn’t stop herself from touching him. When she’d stripped off his clothes earlier, she’d marveled at his build, so similar to D.T.’s. It was no wonder she was attracted to her new companion. And yet, he was so unlike D.T. in other ways. Less territorial. Trey was free-spirited and seemed destined to give pleasure. She smiled at him, because pleasure was exactly what Trey had given her. But she truly did want more. And maybe that was one of the reasons why she’d always frowned upon the decadence of the Pleasure Clubs. Because once one knew the true sins of the flesh, it was damned hard to stop sinning. Gizelle was living proof. As her hands slid over Trey’s rigid abdomen and up to his tight pectoral muscles, she said, â€Ĺ›He may draw the line at you making love to me, but I can’t be sure.” Trey’s eyes were dark with desire. â€Ĺ›So maybe this isn’t the way to get him to return to Earth with you.” â€Ĺ›Maybe not.” But Gizelle didn’t throw in the towel. She didn’t collect her clothing and flee the club. She couldn’t. Because she desperately needed to finish what she’d started. Perhaps the outcome would be infinitely different than what she’d anticipated or hoped for. But at the moment, that was inconsequential. She’d figure out Plan C later. Tonight, though, Gizelle couldn’t possibly leave this club without the fulfillment that awaited her. That would be hers, if she had the nerve to seize it. She did. â€Ĺ›Come with me.” She crooked a finger at Trey. They headed toward one of the antechambers. A few steps away from the tall, opened archway that allowed anyone to view those inside the room, she turned back to D.T. His fists were clenched in his lap as he watched her closely. The passionate haze that clouded Gizelle’s mind affected her rational thinking. But there was no turning back at this point. And she still, somehow, thought she could get what she wanted from D.T. Get everything she wanted from D.T. As he slowly got to his feet, she knew he wouldn’t let her out of his sight. So she turned back to the archway and entered the available anteroom, knowing D.T. would follow her and Trey. Inside, the small room was dimly lit by an elegant chandelier hanging in the center of the room. Directly below was a piece of plush furniture, which looked like an oversized ottoman that stood almost waist high. A sofa and a large chair also filled the small space. The walls were clear sheets of glass that had enormous projection screens embedded in them so that the goings-on in the other rooms were available for anyone in the club to view. That also meant that Gizelle and her men were on public display as well. The thought was unsettling, but not so much that it would derail her one night of over-the-top indulgence. Standing in the middle of the room, Gizelle’s hand swept over the soft, midnight-blue material of the tall ottoman. She knew its purpose, based on its height, length and slim width. A thrill of excitement jolted her as she thought of making love with both D.T. and Trey in this room. She’d never done anything so wicked, had never even thought about being with two men at the same time. But tonight it felt natural. Right. Too exciting an opportunity to pass up. Gizelle didn’t just want her own personal pleasure. She wanted to give it, as well, to D.T. and to Trey. â€Ĺ›Bend forward,” Trey whispered in her ear as he came up behind her. Gizelle shuddered with anticipation as she propped her forearms on the plush material and leaned forward so that her torso sprawled across the ottoman and her ass lifted in the air. Trey’s hands slid over her hips, moving downward and together to squeeze her cheeks. Gizelle’s gaze remained on D.T. as Trey’s hands began to rub her bottom. One hand slipped between her slightly parted legs, and his fingers stroked her labia. Gizelle’s breathing quickened. When Trey pushed two fingers into her pussy, she gasped. Heat singed her from head to toe. The idea of doing something so forbidden turned her on all the more. It was just one night, after all. She’d come this far. Why the hell wouldn’t she go all the way at this point? With a teasing smile, she said to D.T., â€Ĺ›I can see how much this excites you. Even if you don’t want it to.” His jaw clenched for a brief moment before he stepped in front of her. â€Ĺ›I want you to have this one night, Ellie. Watching you come does excite me. It also pleases me, knowing you’re fulfilled.” As D.T. spoke, Trey’s cock pushed past her small opening and he eased into her wet pussy, groaning as he thrust deep. Gizelle gasped again. Trey filled her almost as much as D.T. had earlier. She reached a hand out to D.T. now and her fingers curled around the waist of his leather pants. â€Ĺ›D.T.,” she said in a tight voice as Trey began to move inside her. â€Ĺ›I want to touch you.” His eyes blazed with lust. With his gaze locked on hers, D.T. quickly toed off his boots, removed his shirt and pants, and stood before her, as naked as she and Trey were. This is really happening, she thought. Excitement rippled through her. Gizelle’s inner walls clenched Trey’s cock tightly, making him groan again. Something dark flashed in D.T.’s eyes, but she already knew he didn’t intend to stop Trey from making love to her. Because it really did turn him on. D.T.’s cock stood hard and at the ready, wanting her attention the way Trey’s did. Gizelle licked her lips as she reached for D.T.’s hand and pulled him a little closer. At that moment, Trey withdrew from her and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. Guiding her, he made Gizelle straighten and she released D.T.’s hand. She eyed the tall ottoman and knew what Trey had in mind. As his hands clasped her waist and lifted her slightly so she sat on top of the plush furniture, her excitement escalated. Leaning back, she stretched out on the ottoman as much as she could. The crook of her neck rested at the top, her long hair falling freely over the edge. Her ass settled at the other end of the ottoman, and Trey moved between her legs, parting them and holding them open in a wide V. As his cock thrust into her again, making her cry out and squeeze him tight, she reached for D.T. Gizelle’s fingers wrapped around his erection as her hand slid up and down his thick shaft. D.T.’s eyes flashed with need and desire. In response, her entire body ignited with heat and a prickly sensation that made her restless and reckless. She no longer cared about her views on the Pleasure Clubs and the planet in general. What she was experiencing tonight was something so far beyond her realm of normalcy that she actually felt compelled to step beyond every boundary she’d ever set for herself. It could have been the mystique of the planet that seduced her. Quite possibly, it was the illusion of having two of D.T. making love to her. Whatever the reason, when all was said and done, it was D.T. that she was making love to. And he was making love to her. As he closed in on her, she drew him into her mouth, relinquishing her hold on him with her hand. Trey continued to fuck her and the sensation of having two cocks inside herâ€"the thought of pleasuring two men at the same timeâ€"stimulated Gizelle in a way she’d never imagined. Her own personal pleasure was not neglected. Not by a long shot. The feeling of Trey’s hard cock stroking her in quick movements as D.T.’s shaft filled her mouth and his hand palmed her breast, his fingers teasing the nipple to the point of distraction, Gizelle felt an orgasm build quickly. When Trey’s palm flattened against her belly and moved downward, until the heel of it covered her mound and he targeted her clit with a slow, circular motion, Gizelle could barely hold back the powerful climax that surged forward. As Trey increased the pressure against her clit and thrust harder inside her, while D.T.’s hand squeezed her breast and his cock moved in and out of her mouth, she knew it was impossible to hold back even a second longer. She released D.T. just as the intense eruption inside her made her cry out from the overwhelming pleasure that tore through her. It was a climax unlike any she’d ever experienced before, yet Gizelle knew there was something more powerful looming on the horizon. If she chose to embrace it. As Trey withdrew from her, without seeking his own fulfillment, she sensed he wasn’t willing to impede too much on D.T.’s territory. Which somehow made her even more excited, filled with a sense of belonging she hadn’t felt since her family had been murdered by the Gyllians. Even Trey acknowledged that, in the end, she belonged to D.T. And that made her feel whole on a level she hadn’t known existed. Trey’s fingers twined with hers and he pulled her up and off the ottoman. She glanced over her shoulder at D.T. The possession in his eyes was wickedly exciting, but there was a flicker of knowing in his onyx eyes as though he’d deduced the exact same thing Gizelle just had. The path had shifted somehow, from seduction as a means to an end, to sheer pleasure for three people who obviously needed one night of mindless fulfillment. Ecstasy meant to stamp out pain. She knew this now. Why else would a drifter be this intuitive to a couple in such need of finding a connection that could be permanent? Knowing this made Gizelle feel so much more in tune to the sensations that coursed through her body. Trey led her to the sofa and guided her onto it so that she was on all fours. He positioned himself beneath her, sprawled out on the sofa, his head toward her parted legs. She knew instinctively he was giving D.T. the full pleasure of her body. Trey would not come inside her. He wouldn’t push the boundaries that he somehow knew D.T. had silently established. When Trey’s hands clasped her ass and his mouth went to work on her clit, licking and sucking with the kind of determination that would send her over the edge within seconds, she braced herself for D.T.’s entry into her body. With her ass in the air, he moved behind her, his hands gripping her waist, his foot pressing into the cushion beside her knee while the other one remained planted firmly on the floor. That he hadn’t spoken all this time was something that both perplexed and thrilled her. D.T. wasn’t pulling his usual gruff, territorial bullshit. It was as though he was backing off in order to prove to her that he could be on the same page with her, without being so damned demanding and insistent that his way was the only way. And maybe that’s part of what this evening was all about. As his thick cock pushed into her slick pussy from behind, Gizelle’s body exploded with sensation. â€Ĺ›Oh, God, D.T,” she cried out. He pushed even deeper inside her. Gizelle gasped from the intense feelings that overwhelmed her senses. Trey’s tongue and mouth teasing her clit and D.T.’s cock thrusting deep into her made Gizelle moan with pleasure as her fingertips pressed into the sofa cushion on either side of Trey’s wide chest, while her body rocked and jerked from the sexual onslaught. â€Ĺ›I’ve given up fighting you,” D.T. said in a tight, desire-filled voice. â€Ĺ›Christ, Ellie.” He let out a low groan as he hammered into her. A strange buzzing sound echoed in her ears, making it difficult to hear his low, intense growl. â€Ĺ›Whatever you want, I’d give it to you. Haven’t I proven that yet again tonight?” He had. She wanted to tell him as much, but Trey’s hands lowered her hips just a bit as he feverishly sucked and licked her clit and it was all Gizelle could do to keep from falling apart under the beautiful, glorious, sexual assault on her body. As D.T. fucked her harder and Trey’s mouth worked its wicked magic on her, she stretched forward just enough to take Trey in her mouth. It felt like too much. The intense pressure of D.T.’s cock pushed so deeply into her. Trey’s tongue flickered frantically on her clit, and his erection pulsed in her mouth. She could barely hold on, but it felt too damned good to let go of any of it. The chain reaction was a wild and wicked one. D.T. drove deep, sparking her orgasm, which caused Gizelle to suck hard on Trey’s cock, making him come in the next instant. The excitement that caused made her squeeze D.T. even harder. â€Ĺ›You win,” he said on a harsh breath of air. â€Ĺ›Whatever you want, Gizelle.” â€Ĺ›Just you,” she managed to squeak out as her orgasm filled her entire body with a vibrancy only D.T. could generate. Excitement, love, fulfillment, they all coursed through her, hot and bright. But she needed more. â€Ĺ›Please,” she gasped. â€Ĺ›Come inside me, D.T. Now.” As his cock stroked her even harder and faster, Trey shifted a little beneath her and his fingers replaced his tongue. As he stroked her clit with two fingertips, his movements quick and determined, Gizelle knew there was no stopping another mind-blowing orgasm. She cried out D.T.’s name just as he came, thrusting so deep into her that it prolonged her climax and made her clutch him tight. He growled in that familiar territorial, yet unfamiliar sheer-pleasure way that she found so damned exciting. â€Ĺ›I can’t stop,” she said on a sharp breath. And she came again. The entire room seemed to spin and the erotic moans and cries of ecstasy from the other patrons filled her ears, along with D.T.’s heavy breathing. Gizelle fought to keep her body steady, when all she really wanted to do was collapse on the sofa and let D.T. fall on top of her. Feeling the heat of his skin and the harsh puffs of his breath on her shoulder kept her in a constant state of arousal. So much so, she only vaguely noticed Trey moving away from her. When she finally registered the void beneath her, she could no longer hold herself up. Stretching out on the sofa on her belly, Gizelle took an unsuspecting D.T. with her. â€Ĺ›Oh, God,” she groaned. â€Ĺ›You feel so good.” His warmth, his very presence, made her shudder. Gizelle didn’t think she could be more content at this moment. And then D.T. shocked her by pushing her just one more step forward. â€Ĺ›I love you.” Her heart swelled in her chest as Gizelle gasped for air. Her eyes misted over as she asked, â€Ĺ›Are you sure? Because, let’s face it. I tried to manipulate you tonight.” â€Ĺ›No,” he said, his intimate voice a mere whisper in her ear. â€Ĺ›You tried to sway me to your side. Tried to get me to do something I wasn’t ready to do.” He moved away from her, and Gizelle let out a small cry of protest. But then D.T. grabbed her hand and pulled her off the sofa. He moved to the chair, sank into it and pulled her into his lap. Curled up with Gizelle in his lap, D.T. said, â€Ĺ›I support the war. I’m as much a patriot as you are, Gizelle. But I have to keep my identity under wraps. It’s the only way I can do what I do. The only way I can gather intel and supply it to the Protective Forces.” â€Ĺ›Oh, hell,” she groaned as her face pressed into his chest. â€Ĺ›Oh, D.T. I’m such an idiot. I never knew.” â€Ĺ›Because I never told you,” he said against her temple, so that only she could hear him. â€Ĺ›I didn’t think I could. But you know what?” She lifted her head, stared him deep in the eye. â€Ĺ›What?” â€Ĺ›I can tell you anything.” Gizelle smiled. â€Ĺ›Yes, you can.” D.T. was quiet a moment before he added, â€Ĺ›And we can find some way to work together. To help the Protective Forces to victory. To support each other.” â€Ĺ›D.T.” She whispered his name, then snuggled closer to him as her lips grazed his neck. â€Ĺ›Dylan.” He groaned. Gizelle rushed on. â€Ĺ›You disappeared for a reason.” â€Ĺ›Yeah.” â€Ĺ›My family was murdered by Gyllians,” she said. â€Ĺ›In front of my own eyes.” D.T. didn’t say anything, but his arms tightened around her. Several moments passed before he said, â€Ĺ›Mine, too.” Gizelle’s eyes closed. â€Ĺ›I’m so sorry. I know how it feels.” â€Ĺ›Then you know why I had to find another way to fight the war?” She nodded her head. â€Ĺ›I only wish you’d told me sooner.” He shifted beneath her, forcing her to sit up in his lap. Staring deep into his eyes, that’s when she finally realized the truth about the two of them. â€Ĺ›You’re afraidâ€Ĺš,” she said, her voice trailing off because she suddenly felt very small. And very vulnerable. â€Ĺ›You’re afraid something will happen to me.” â€Ĺ›Is that such a surprise?” â€Ĺ›You didn’t say that. Before. When you told me to stay here, to not return to our galaxy.” Her confusion had to be in her eyes, she was sure, because she couldn’t contain it. â€Ĺ›D.T., you never said you wanted me here for my protection.” His jaw tightened for a moment before he said, â€Ĺ›Would it have mattered? Would it have persuaded you anymore than me telling you I wanted you to stay here with me? In my bed?” â€Ĺ›Damn it,” she whispered. â€Ĺ›You were so demanding when you said it was either you or blockade running.” â€Ĺ›I meant it,” he said. Gizelle shook her head. â€Ĺ›You can’t make me choose. You can’t ask me to, D.T. It’s not fair.” His jaw clenched. â€Ĺ›I know how dangerous it is to make supply runs, Gizelle. Every time you make a run, you put your life at risk.” â€Ĺ›You think I don’t know that?” How many Gyllian fighters had she evaded? Countless. How many had tracked her and tried to shoot the shit out of her small cargo ship? Just as many. â€Ĺ›Look.” He lifted a hand and raked it through his unruly hair. â€Ĺ›I admire what you do. But I don’t like it. And I also know there’s such a thing as pushing your luck.” â€Ĺ›I don’t want to argue about this again,” she said. â€Ĺ›We’re not going to.” One of D.T.’s long fingers slid down her cheek. â€Ĺ›Because we’re going to work together. From now on.” Gizelle’s eyes grew wide. â€Ĺ›Meaning?” â€Ĺ›We’re a team now. Maybe we always have been. In a way.” Gizelle took a moment to process his words. His promise. Then she smiled. â€Ĺ›Yeah, I guess you’re right.” And as she looked around the small, empty room, she realized that Trey had known it, too. â€Ĺ›D.T.,” she said as she turned back to him. â€Ĺ›I love you.” He grinned at her. And Gizelle knew that being a â€Ĺ›team” was only the beginning of what they shared. Epilogue As Trey dragged on his clothes and slipped from the Pleasure Club, he ignored the familiar tingling of the tattoo that circled his thick arm. He hadn’t needed to stay behind to know that Gizelle and D.T.’s partnership had been solidified tonight. D.T. would fight harder for The Cause, because of Gizelle. Because he’d want her out of danger, and he’d find a way to help end the war in order to ensure her safety. The future of the Milky Way Galaxy would not be so bleak now. Humanity would endure. And Trey knewâ€"as he knew so many other things because of his peculiar existenceâ€"that Gizelle and D.T.’s children would do their duty to maintain peace in the galaxy, once it was restored. Trey was that much closer to fulfilling his own destiny. He disappeared into the shadow created by the tall foliage, knowing that now he was needed elsewhere. But it wouldn’t be where he wanted to go, with the people he yearned to see. Not yet. He glanced again at the now-smaller tattoo on his arm. Soon, maybe. But not yet.  About The Author:   Award-winning author Calista Fox began her professional fiction-writing career in 2004, following an exciting career in PR, where she specialized in writing speeches and Congressional testimonies. Her books have received rave reviews and she is also the recipient of a Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Erotic Sci-Fi Novella.  Calista attended college on a Journalism scholarship and has worked on newspapers as an editor and reporter. She holds degrees in General Studies and Communications. Calista divides her time between Arizona, San Diego and various other locales in the U.S. and abroad. She has traveled the country several times over by Lear Jet, always with her laptop in tow, and is a spa aficionado. Calista is thrilled to have a great rapport with her readersâ€Ĺš feel free to drop her a note at  Special Bonus Section  Will Trey Save the human timeline?  About Three Kinds of Wicked Special Sneak Peek at To Touch a Woman by Alice Gaines Q&A with Alice Gaines Alice’s Cincinnati Chili Recipe Other Stories featuring Trey  About â€Ĺ›Three Kinds of Wicked” Featuring Trey Trey, a time-striding demigod, spends his life skipping through the human timeline and reuniting couples torn apart by evil forces. Sworn to chastity, sworn to protect those he serves, Trey's own desires must never be expressed. But on a mission to the Summer of Love, Trey meets Sage, a free spirit with a broken heart, and Russ, a scarred POW with a broken mind. His mission is to reunite Sage and Russ. But passion claims them, and their love triggers a destruction and chaos unmatched by any evil. By rights, Trey should be executed for breaking his vows. Instead, he is sentenced to a new kind of servitude. With his chastity no longer an issue, he must find broken human couples and heal them sexually. Only after healing these broken bonds of love will Trey heal the broken human timeline. Only after reuniting these predestined pairs through his physical love will Trey be reunited with Sage. Watch each month for a new "Three Kinds of Wicked" release, starting in July 2009, from Red Sage Publishing. The first story in the series, "Wicked Temptation," unleashes the dangerous passion between Trey, Sage, and Russ. Each following stand-alone story explores Trey's efforts to physically reunite another couple in the preordained human timeline. The series ends with "Wicked Redemption," the companion to "Wicked Temptation," which brings Trey, Russ, and Sage together again. Special Sneak Peek at To Touch a Woman by Alice Gaines Edward and Margaret Sinclair are very much in love and would be deliriously happy in their marriage except for one thingâ€"as good Victorians, neither have had much experience with the marital act. As a result, sex is painful for Margaret and frustrating for Edward. They encounter a mysterious stranger named Trey who may be able to help them solve their problem. Can Trey teach Edward how to touch a woman? Excerpt: Chapter One Why did love have to be so bloody hard? As the carriage rattled over country roads, Edward Sinclair gazed across the narrow space that separated him from his wife of three months. With nothing but the lanterns outside for illumination, she resembled a fae creature of fragile beauty. The shifting light played over her amber curls, pale skin, and deep green eyes. Even in near darkness he could read her fear. Fear she tried to hide behind a brave but faltering smile. Fear of him, for the love of God. Fear that he’d want carnal knowledge of her body again and that he’d muck it up. Again. â€Ĺ›Are you quite well, Margaret?” he asked. She gave him the pleasant expression she always did, an upward curl to her lips that masked the trepidation in her eyes. â€Ĺ›I’m very well, my darling.” â€Ĺ›You seemâ€Ĺš.” Oh hell, what word would he use tonight? â€Ĺ›Out of sorts.” â€Ĺ›A bit tired. It’s been a long day.” â€Ĺ›We should reach Baresford soon. The inn there is clean and sets a decent table.” â€Ĺ›There you are,” she said. â€Ĺ›I’ll be fine.” If only he could believe that. They’d shared such happiness before their marriage. Such joy at falling hopelessly, madly in love with each other. Such excitement when their parents had approved the match. Then, on their wedding night, when they could finally make the ultimate commitment to each other, he’d hurt her with his clumsiness. Things hadn’t gotten any better since. â€Ĺ›I want you to be happy, Margaret,” he said. She leaned across the seat they shared and put her hand on his. â€Ĺ›I am, my darling. Truly.” He lifted her fingers to his mouth and kissed the backs. â€Ĺ›I’ll make that other thing good. I don’t know how, but I will.” Mistake, that. She stiffened. Not much, only enough for a loving eye to catch. She smiled as she pulled away and settled back against her seat. â€Ĺ›We should talk about this,” he said. â€Ĺ›Other couples must have faced the same problem. They’d have worked through it somehow.” â€Ĺ›We will, too.” â€Ĺ›Only if you help me. I need to know how to please you. I need to know what makes you feel good.” Damn him, he already knew what hurt her. â€Ĺ›Everything you do feels good.” Now, she’d started lying outright. She couldn’t think she’d fool him with that. She only hoped to put off the conversation. Well, he wouldn’t allow that any longer. His body craved hers like a drug. If they didn’t do something soon, he’d go mad with wanting her. â€Ĺ›My darling, I know you’re reluctant to talk about this, butâ€"” The coach stopped suddenly, nearly throwing him across the seat and onto her lap. Outside, tack jangled, and the horses whinnied and stamped their feet. He regained his balance and stuck his head out the window. â€Ĺ›Ned, what’s going on out there?” â€Ĺ›A stranger, Mr. Sinclair. I swear, he jumped out at us.” â€Ĺ›Make yourself known,” Edward called. Most likely, the fellow wasn’t a highwayman. If he had been, he’d be issuing orders by now. More likely a farmer who’d drunk too much and had gotten himself lost. The man who approached the carriage was no farmer, though. He wore a finely cut suit of black wool, every bit as expensive as Edward’s own. When he removed his hat, he revealed dark eyes and gleaming black hair a bit too long for fashion.  Q and A With Alice Gaines 1) Please tell us a bit about yourself: First off, I’m an old, widow lady with bad knees. My generation was on the front lines of the sexual revolution and it’s been said, we think we invented sex. I don’t know about that but we did make it very popular. â€Ĺ›If you can’t be with the one you love, love the one you’re with” was a hit when I was coming of age. I still wear my hair hippie-style – straight and long, parted down the middle – even though it’s pure white now. 2) How many books have you written, what genres? Five of the books I’ve finished, have never been published. When I add those to the published ones (do I have enough fingers here to count?), I get ten all together. Three were historical romances (one of those paranormal). One was a paranormal contemporary romance. One was a fantasy with no sex at all but a strong romantic element. I’ve lost count of how many shorter works I’ve published. All are romances, though and all erotic/ultra-sensual. My first publication was a fantasy novella in Secrets 1. I had historical novellas in Secrets 6 and 8. Of course, I’ll have a fantasy romance with in November. I really loved this story, and I’m thrilled that it’ll be part of the launch. 3) What prompted you to become a writer, (erotic)? My imagination has always run wild. Since I was little, I’ve told myself stories, and they were often more satisfying than the ones I read or saw in movies and on television. When personal computers became popular, I had an easy way to write my stories down. Immediately, I discovered that I wanted to write romance and the hotter the better. That probably comes from my background on the front lines of the sexual revolution and my natural optimism. I like happy endings. I don’t care what the â€Ĺ›serious” world thinks of them. 4) What are your plans for future books? My next project will be a full-length romance that takes place in an alternative universe. My heroine discovers herself in a place that on the surface looks like her home, Oakland, California but here, the anti-sex vigilantes have taken over the government. She has to save this universe before she can return to save her own. The future of her children depends on it. 5) How did becoming a writer change your life? What way did it not change my life? I can have Christmas every day. Only, people behave the way I want them to, my presents are perfect, dinner cooks itself and the day has a happy ending. Writing gives me insights all the time. To show my heroines through my heroes’ eyes, I had to learn to look at a woman as the object of sexual desire. As a heterosexual, that was new for me and it’s enriched my appreciation of women. By training, I’m a PhD psychologist and I learn so much about people by writing. True, they aren’t â€Ĺ›real” people, but they have to behave like real people to be believable. Often, they have to be more real than actual people, who act pretty strangely a lot of the time. Plus, I love my characters. It thrills me when someone else loves my characters, too. They’re like my children but without the fighting and the college tuition. 6) Which if any, favorite, authors played into your wanting to write yourself? I still remember the impression, C. S. Lewis made on me as a child and a teen. I wanted to be able to create worlds as magical as his. The Chronicles of Narnia and the Perelandra trilogy are what influenced me to want to write fantasy. Of course, I read romantic literature like Jane Eyre, Gone with the Wind and The Once and Future King (the Arthur legend). Shakespeare rocks my world, especially MacBeth and The Taming of the Shrew. There’s no one better in the English language. He takes my breath away and makes me feel as insignificant as the dust collecting around his writing table. I admire the plays of Arthur Miller, too, especially, The Crucible. That play gave me a lifelong obsession with the Salem witch trials. In romance, I adore Laura Kinsale, Anne Stuart, and Penny Williamson, although I’m sure there are others I should mention here, as well. 7) Any plans to step out of your usual genre? I have done one fantasy. I may do more, especially if that book is successful. I honestly think, though, that my main interest is in writing romance inside fantasy worlds. Alice’s Cincinnati Chili I love to cook. It’s my second obsession, next to writing. Most of my favorite recipes are either copyrighted or too much work for someone who doesn’t love to cook. I make my own pizza and pasta regularly. You really need a pasta roller to make pasta often. My favorite thing to make on an evening when I’m too exhausted to cook or go out and buy something is my version of Cincinnati chili. It sounds weird but it’s really yummy, easy and fast. Start a big pot of water boiling. For one person, open a 15 oz can of good chili with beans and dump half of the contents into a frying pan. Save the rest for another night. Warm gently until hot. Cook your favorite pasta until al dente. (I use spaghetti. I’ve been known to do this with homemade fettuccine.) Using tongs, transfer undrained pasta to the pan with the chili and mix. A little at a time, add pasta water until the chili makes a bubbling sauce around the pasta. Put into a bowl, top with freshly grated jack or cheddar cheese. On the side, have sour cream and hot sauce. If you have mild onion, you can also add some finely chopped. Other Stories Featuring Trey Reckless Exposure by Anne Rainey As fashion photographer, Rand Miller listens to all the reasons why his sexy lover must move out of not only his apartment but also his life, he decides to give her the going away party of a lifetime. The list of party goodies includes: massage oil, margaritas and their mysterious neighbor, Trey Madison. But when dawn creeps over the horizon, will Rand be able to watch the only woman capable of taming his wicked ways walk out of his life forever? Renegade and His Rebel by Titania Ladley When her deserting cad of a husband Renegade LaMarr reappears in Moose Junction, tomboy Cassandra â€Ĺ›Rebel” Thatcher’s as spitting mad as a peeled rattler and prepared to shoot the handsome coward right out of his boots. She’s got her rifle at the ready and a fine-looking, mysterious drifter named Trey to warm her between the sheets and guard her jaded heart against Renegade. Armed with a secret and determined to get rid of Trey, Renegade plots to finally claim Rebel, chaps, spurs, boy breeches and all. Only problem is, before he can draw his six-shooter and declare a challenge, Renegade finds himself falling under Trey’s magical spell right along with his passionate, spitfire wife. Triple Threat by Mia Varano Vegas showgirl, Brandy Tate, is on the run from the mob and the FBI. When stoic FBI agent, Ridge Coltrane, tracks her down he puts them both in danger until a mysterious stranger named Trey rescues them. Brandy opens her heartâ€Ĺš and her bedâ€Ĺš to both men. Will her desire to trust end in heartache, or will it introduce her to a world of seductive delights at the hands of two men? Hard Harvest by Selah March In twenty-second century America, war, disease and pollution have wiped out three-quarters of Earth’s population and left most women sterile. Scientists are battling the specter of human extinction. Now they’ve devised a DNA test and built a database to help each of the remaining fertile females find her perfect genetic counterpart, thereby ensuring healthy, hardy offspring. For Midwestern farm girl Hannah Jenkins, this means accepting a stranger as a potential mate. Unfortunately, the handsome Dr. David Cabot isn’t everything she’d expected. Distant and humorless, he spends all his time in the makeshift laboratory he’s set up in the family barn. He and Hannah use more energy sniping at each other than communicating their wants and needs. After a few months of passionless monthly encounters with no pregnancy to show for it, Hannah is certain David will abandon her at the end of their trial marriage. Then a stranger saves Hannah from robbery at gunpoint, and Hannah hires him to work as a farmhand. The mysterious Trey intrigues both Hannah and David, but can he show them how to make love without making war? And Charlie Makes Three by Jane Thompson It’s 1953 and Ann Reynolds can’t seem to get into the expansively perky spirit of the new decade. After the struggles and derivations of the past twenty years, she feels guilty she’s not as happy as everyone keeps telling her she should be. There’s something missing from her life and she thinks it might very well be her. After dropping her sons off at summer camp, Ann sets out on a journey to discover what’s left of her life when she removes her kids, their schedules and, maybe hardest of all, Charlie Atwood. Charlie is Ann’s ex-husband’s ex-golf buddy. He likes to tell people Ann got him in the divorce settlement along with the dog and a stack of old Saturday Evening Posts. Ann isn’t sure why Charlie has stuck around to help since her husband left three years ago but she knows the time has come to relieve him of active duty. If Charlie was interested in a permanent place in her life he would have let her know by now, and Ann can no longer pretend that what they have between them is enough to sustain her. When Charlie finds out about Ann’s plan to take a solo driving trip down the coast, he is relieved. After three years standing in for his old golf buddy, a break is exactly what he needs. And if the break becomes permanent, well, Charlie can’t say he didn’t see it coming. He isn’t husband material and it’s become increasingly obvious that Ann needs more from him than he can ever give her. Then Charlie hears Ann’s added a passenger to her journey, Trey, a man no one has ever met before. As the gossip regarding the scandalous behavior exhibited between the normally oh-so proper Ann and her handsome stranger reaches him, Charlie feels honor bound to make sure the man isn’t out for just one thing. Ann deserves better, which is exactly why he’s kept his hands to himself all these years. But if all Ann is looking for is a summer flingâ€Ĺšwell, hell, Charlie isn’t opposed to helping her out one last time. And he’s got no problem if her new friend wants to come along for the ride. Check the â€Ĺ›Coming Soon” page at for more previews of upcoming stories in the Three Kinds of Wicked series! And check Trey’s website at for inside information, letters from Trey, sneak peeks, and other deliciously wicked treats! Red Sage Publishing The Leader in Women’s Erotic Romance  Sensual fiction written for the adventurous woman. Featuring the best in women’s ultra sensual and spicy fiction, satisfying your desire for more.  Visit our website and discover delicious temptations and spicy fantasies!


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