Sharecash Money Machine

Buyer: Daniel Ang E K (
Transaction ID: 24W79470LP929181A
A complete guide how to make $50/day with ShareCash
Probably some of you are already know a few methods how to make money with ShareCash,
but i can guarantee you that my method is a working unique one and it was never shared
anywhere before. So fasten your seatbelts and be ready to make big money via ShareCash
daily with my easily scalable incredible method!
You will need:
1. A ShareCash account, signup here it s free
and/or a CPAlead account, sign up here, it s also free and the best thing: there is an
instant approval this time!
2. An eBay account and of course you also need a PayPal account, because without this
you cannot sell on eBay
Investment needed: $1.00 - $2.00
Difficulty level: this guide is suitable for newbies and experienced users as well
Earning proof:
Buyer: Daniel Ang E K (
Transaction ID: 24W79470LP929181A
Payout proof:
The Method:
This method is about promoting your ShareCash uploads and/or CPAlead offers on eBay,
now you may ask how this can be done, please read more below:
After you already have or created the above mentioned accounts,
Step 1) Sign in to your eBay account and find an item on eBay that you know will get
THOUSANDS of views - as an example, go onto eBay Pulse and find a model of classic car in
the 'most watched' section. It s just an example, do not copy-paste what i said, please be
Step 2) Then find some pics of a similar car on the net (use Google Image Search or any
other image source of your choice)
Step 3) Make an eBay listing for it (I m really not here to teach you how to create a listing on eBay, but if
you can t do it by your own, eBay happily helps you out:
Start the listing really cheap ($100-150), and with no reserve - to maximise the amount of
interested parties of course. There will be a listing fee of $2.00 for this price category ($50.00 - $199.99),
but if you list an item which is cheaper than $50.00, the listing fee will be only $1.00 or even lower:
Step 4) Upload just one of the photo's you found onto the actual eBay system, and then in
the text of the ad include 'click this link for more images'. At the link's location, you will
insert your ShareCash link, or either you can insert your CPAlead offer the following way:
Step 5) And now you can select between two basic options or you can test all of them if
you d like making more listings:
Option 1: Using ShareCash, upload the pics you found to ShareCash (you can extract them to
a .rar with winrar, or you can upload them one-by-one) and promote the direct links on eBay
Buyer: Daniel Ang E K (
Transaction ID: 24W79470LP929181A
listings or experienced users can make a landing page with the pics locking it with their own
content locker and promote their landing page link on eBay listings (of course your own
landing page means more money on the end of the day)
Option 2: Using CPAlead, make a nice landing page (a Blogspot blog is just fine) with your
pics in it and lock your content with CPAlead s gateway optimized for Blogger and promote
your blog link on your eBay listings
Note: If you decide to use CPAlead, you may need to fake the referer, there are good guides why you need and
how to do that:,
If you use ShareCash, they allow almost all kind of traffic (except the chan sites, like, so you don t
have to hide/fake anything!
Step 6) Obviously you need to end the listing manually towards the end (you can simply click
'end listing' as long as there is more than 12 hours remaining) to avoid extra eBay fees and
an unhappy 'buyer'!
So, you end up with thousands wanting to see the extra pics of the car, and each of them
having to complete one of your submits in order to do so...if you go with CPAlead, there s
no need to reinvent the wheel Jð, so just promote email/zip submits with the highest EPC!
As an additional 'incentive', quite a few ebayers will ask you for a contact number (you will
almost always get this, especially with a car ad), so add an extra note on the listing saying 'if
anyone wants to call that's cool, my number is at the bottom of the photo page' - add a
number, but not yours of course! So this is basically a way of getting some extra leads if you
are using CPA.
In other words, you give the people who REALLY wants this fictious car TWO good reasons to
complete one of your submits!!
Unfortunately you can't manage to get all the thousands (i usually get around 2000
viewers/day) to buy into your BS, but you will get a good few hundred, which more than
cover the $2.00 eBay fee and if you follow step 6 as well (end the listing in time), you don t
have to pay any additional fees except this $2.00.
You can twist this method so many ways, that s why i love it so much Jð
Let s say if you really - i mean REALLY - want to sell something on eBay, you can do this
method as a complementary to make yourself an extra income!
I guess, many of you may have a question for now, something like this:  Won't eBay start
suspending my account, because i don't actually sell the item itself?
Buyer: Daniel Ang E K (
Transaction ID: 24W79470LP929181A
No, not at all - or at least not unless you really abuse one account and list tonnes of stuff on
it and never sell anything
I use a legit account, make my ad look real, answer any questions etc.
Just because I decide the item isn't for sale anymore towards the end is not an issue at all - it
happens thousands of times a day on eBay, and there is no reason for them to suspect
Also, even if eBay don't like your ad for some reason (i.e. if somehow they pick up on your
monetised link), they will simply end it AND GIVE YOU YOUR LISTING FEE BACK!
This would never result in an account being banned, unless of course as I said earlier, you
totally overcooked a single account.
Tip: If you want more traffic to your eBay auction and who don t, you can always post ads
about your eBay listings on free classified sites, like craigslist or gumtree.
Note: ShareCash has announced a few days ago, that they doubled their rates, which means
for the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia you will get AT LEAST 40 cents
for every download, as compared to their old 23 cents. The best part is this is only a base
rate: the rest of their many offers all pay higher! They have offers that pay 50 cents, 80
cents, a dollar, and higher. As for other countries, they now pay a base rate of 25 cents for
any international download. There are some offers for international countries that pay
more than the base rate.
So this can easily skyrocket your earnings!
And well done thats how easy it was, just wait for the money to start pouring in!
I hope you like my method and you have learnt something new from this e-book.
You may not edit, resell or handout the information provided in this e-book.
All Rights Reserved.


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