003welcome.qxd" 08.05.2001 8:54 Uhr Seite 3
General Contacts
General Enquiries 01625 855169
Fax 01625 855071
Subscriptions subs@linux-magazine.co.uk
E-mail Enquiries edit@linux-magazine.co.uk
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Editor John Southern
CD Editor Richard Smedley
Staff Writers Keir Thomas, Dave Cusick ,
Martyn Carroll
Contributors Alison Davis, Richard Ibbotson,
Luke Leighton, Colin Murphy,
Alison Raouf, Richard Smedley
International Editors Harald Milz
Hans-Georg Esser
Ulrich Wolf
This month sees the release of a variety of Eventually, most distributions seem to
International Contributors Simon Budig, Mirko Dlle,
new Linux distributions, some of which we merge. Although they all have their own
Albert Flugel, Bjrn Ganslandt,
Georg Greve, Sebastian review in this issue. These releases have, of nuances, their collective similarities ultimately
Gunther, Pablo Gussmann,
course, been precipitated by the recent outweigh individual differences. SuSE has its
Andreas Huchler, Patricia Jung,
Oliver Kluge, Lars Martin, Jo
release of the 2.4 kernel. Each new YaST configure system, Debian its package
Moskalewski, Christian Perle,
Thomas Ruge, Ronald
distribution builds on the one before it and is apt-get tool and Mandrake its drake tools. All
Schaffhirt, Fabian Schmidt, Tim
Schrmann, Volker
better than the last, with advances being good. All worth having. All missed when on
Schwaberow, Stefanie Teufel,
Christian Wagenknecht
made either in ease of use or in functionality. another machine but equally all
Design Renate Ettenberger vero-design, The promise of added functionality naturally circumvented on other systems. It leaves me
Tym Leckey
necessitates an upgrade but which wanting a combination of everything and so,
Production Bernadette Taylor,
upgrade to choose and how to manage it? like most other users of Linux, I add packages
Stefanie Huber
If I remain with one distribution I gain the and modify files until the system ends up as
Operations Manager Pam Shore
benefit of being very familiar with it the hybrid I require. Another user may love or
Advertising 01625 855169
Carl Jackson Sales Manager
anticipating its shortfalls and fully exploiting loathe my systems but they re my systems,
Verlagsbro Ohm-Schmidt
its strengths. Sticking with one boxset would and so, my choice.
free me from the constant race to keep up This exercise left me thinking just how
with new developments with so many many distributions are available. Woven
Publishing Director Robin Wilkinson
distributions coming out I would need to Goods for Linux lists some 71 distributions.
Subscriptions and back issues
install almost daily to keep up with every However if we count differing systems rather
01625 850565
innovation and so would lose productivity. than distributions then, as everyone
Annual Subscription Rate
Also, my day job allows me to use Linux configures there own machine, there could be
(12 issues)
UK: Ł44.91. Europe (inc Eire) :
exclusively and so I need a stable system. said to be at least 175858 distributions. Why
Ł73.88 Rest the World: Ł85.52
Back issues (UK) Ł6.25
On the other hand, I wouldn t like to miss this figure? Well, this is the most conservative
Distributors COMAG, Tavistock Road, West out when other distributions race ahead. figure based on the number of people who
Drayton, Middlesex
Sticking with one system may mean that the have registered on the Linux counter
England UB7 7QE
virtues of another s tools pass me by and (http://counter.li.org). Although not everyone
Print R. Oldenbourg
changing between distributions has the who is registered is still using Linux, a far
Linux Magazine is published monthly by Linux New Media UK
Ltd, Europa House, Adlington Park, Macclesfield, Cheshire, advantage that I am always up to date. higher number are not registered who do use
England, SK10 4NP. Company registered in England.
Fortunately, I can resolve this dilemma quite Linux. The site estimates up to a hundredfold
Copyright and Trademarks (c) 2000 Linux New Media UK Ltd
easily: With development systems at home, and factor for each country, giving England some
No material may be reproduced in any form whatsoever in whole
a stable system at work, I am lucky enough to 685,400 active Linux users. Quite a
or in part without the written permission of the publishers. It is
be able to run many environments and so can community. Now if only I can find someone to
assumed that all correspondence sent, for example, letters, e-mails,
faxes, photographs, articles, drawings, are supplied for publication
try out differing distributions as and when they finish off the vCard standards...
or license to third parties on a non-exclusive worldwide basis by
Linux New Media unless otherwise stated in writing.
are launched. This odd arrangement means I
ISSN 14715678
can keep up to date with what is new and only
change my work machines when finally I
Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds
cannot manage without that must-have utility. John Southern, Editor
Linux New Media UK Ltd is a division of Linux New Media AG,
Munich, Germany
We pride ourselves on the origins of our magazine
Whilst every care has been taken in the content of the magazine, the
which come from the very start of the Linux
publishers cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the
revolution. We have been involved with Linux
information contained within it or any consequences arising from the
use of it. The use of the CD provided with the magazine or any
market for six years now through our sister European-based titles Linux Magazine (aimed at
material providied on it is at your own risk. The CD is comprehensively
professionals) and Linux User (for hobbyists), and through seminars, conferences and events.
checked for any viruses or errors before reproduction.
By purchasing this magazine you are joining an information network that enjoys the benefit of
Technical Support
all the knowledge and technical expertise of all the major Linux professionals and enthusiasts. No
Readers can write in with technical queries which may be
answered in the magazine in a future issue, however Linux
other UK Linux magazine can offer that pedigree or such close links with the Linux Community.
Magazine is unable to directly provide technical help or support
We're not simply reporting on the Linux and open source movement - we're part of it.
services either written or verbal.
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