Amazon Search Dominator Delux Training And Rolodex

Amazon Search Dominator Deluxe Training
And Rolodex
Thanks so much for investing in my  Deluxe Training And Rolodex package! I
know you're going to find it to be a great asset in your business.
I'm not going to spend a lot of time going on and on about what a smart
decision you made by upgrading or anything like that. Instead I thought we
should just get right into the training and deliver tremendous value.
I do want to say one thing real quick though.
The marketing tactics I'm about to show you are a little bit sneaky (but totally
 legal ) and SUPER EFFECTIVE! Some of them have a potential for abuse, which
will only hurt everyone involved. So please use them the right way.
Okay? Okay. :)
So without any further delay here are the...
 4 Super Powerful (and a little bit sneaky)
Techniques You Can Use to Supercharge
Your Kindle Marketing
1. Remember in the main training I mentioned that the keywords people use
to find your book was another customer driven ranking factor?
It's actually a pretty important one too, as far as your book's ranking goes.
The problem is that you usually can't control what search terms a person
uses to look for what they want on Amazon.
Well, here's how you can straight up manipulate that.
I should mention that this technique should only be used for search terms
that would be associated with your book.
It's great for adding juice to your primary and LSI keywords that are in
your title or  keywords section (when you published), but you can't use it
to make a book about trout fishing rank for  weight loss for example.
Okay, here goes. Let's pretend you have a book about self hypnosis, which
is your primary keyword. Some of your LSI keywords include
 hypnotherapy ,  guided meditation , and  relaxation techniques .
First you go to your book page and look for the ASIN number in the
product description section. Copy that number into notepad.
Now go to the amazon search bar and type in  your keyword ,  your ASIN
number and hit search. Here's a live example to show you what I mean...
self hypnosis, B009L34W10
When you hit enter on the search bar you'll notice that your book is listed
(most likely) at the top of the results. Probably it'll be the only one.
Now click on your book to go to it's listing page. Select the entire URL in
the browser address bar and copy that into the same notepad you used
It will look something like this...
Now, see the part that says  &keywords=self+hypnosis in the URL
above? Trim off everything after the  &keywords=self+hypnosis part.
Your new URL will look like this...
Okay, here's where the magic happens. Anyone who follows that link will
appear to Amazon as though they typed in the keyword (self hypnosis in
this case) into the search bar and then clicked into YOUR BOOK'S listing
even though they never actually typed the keyword into the search bar at
Anyone who  buys from that link (even if it's free) will make Amazon
think they found your book by searching for that keyword and bought it.
This will directly effect you book's  relevance and ranking for that term.
You can now replace the  self+hypnosis part of that link with ANY
COMBINATION of words found in your book's title and the  keywords you
entered during the publication process.
Just remember to replace any spaces with  + signs.
You can take this even further. Create a URL with this process for each of
your primary and LSI keywords, and plug them all into a URL rotation
script. Here's an example using the LSI keyword  relaxation techniques .
You can find a free link rotator at or use one installed on
your own site.
Now when you promote your book with free days, with social marketing
blasts, or to free (or bargain) book lists you can use THAT URL instead of
sending them directly to Amazon.
This way everybody who clicks the link and ends up downloading the book
will help your ranking for all those different primary and LSI keywords you
put into the link rotation script.
2. Many people don't know that you can add 4% to 8.5% to your book
royalties by simply promoting it yourself with your own affiliate link.
Obviously this only works with a  paid book ($.99 or better) or a physical
product. Amazon is perfectly fine with you doing this by the way, with a
few provisions.
You can NEVER buy any of your own products (or any others) through
your own affiliate link, and the link can ONLY be hosted on a site owned
by you.
That means you can't directly post your affiliate link with any of the paid
advertising/promotional methods we've been talking about. There is a way
around that little problem though.
Just send the traffic to your site first. It's true that some of the book
promotion sites will only send people straight to your book's page on
But it's also true that a lot of them will let you send the traffic to any page
you want. Not to mention the fact that any social media blasts you send
(or pay to have sent) out can also lead people to your landing page first
as well.
That landing page should be super simple and clean looking. It should just
have a picture of your book or product with a strong call to action. Also,
DO NOT use any URL shortening or cloaking links as this is a violation of
Amazon's terms.
Speaking of Amazon's terms, I highly suggest you take the time to read
them all yourself. You can find them (as well as a link to the sliding scale
payout table) here...
Kindle books fall under the  general products pay scale.
One thing you need to know that's important and easily overlooked is that
if you use your affiliate link to promote  free kindle books you risk
forfeiting your commissions for the entire month if...
a. You  sell more than 20,000 free Kindle books
b. More than 80% of the books you sell are  free
In short, just don't use your affiliate link on free book promotions.
3. You can have a live link to your product on the sales page of products
similar to yours and you can control the anchor text and  presell people
on your product also.
And no, I'm not talking about the  Customers who bought this item also
bought section.
I'm talking about the customer reviews section. Nobody I've ever revealed
this to knew about this, and every one of them were shocked when I told
them. I'll just include an excerpt from Amazon to explain it...
 In the text of your review, you can link directly to any product offered on ... insert text in your review that looks something like this: [[ASIN:0545010225
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) (Hardcover)]]. When your review is displayed
on, this text will be transformed into a hyperlink. ... You are limited to 10
product links in your review, and your link text may not be longer than 256 characters. ...
When I first found this hidden bit of information I literally let out a whoop
of joy! My wife woke up and couldn't seem to understand why I was doing
my  happy dance in the living room during the dead of the nite. She still
doesn't get it.
So, here's how this works.
You go to one of the bestselling books or products in your genre or
category and buy it. (You don't actually have to buy it to leave a review,
but if you do Amazon shows an  Amazon Verified Purchase mark next to
your review which makes it more credible looking.)
Then you rate the book/product and leave a review of it. In your review
you mention something like...  If you loved the John Grisham books
you've read in the past you will definitely like to READ THIS BOOK too.
with the words  read this book hyper-linked to YOUR book.
Now anybody who reads your review, which will be a lot of people if you
do this on a popular book or item, will see a live link to your product and
may click on it.
Plus they've been  pre sold on it because they read your review.
Here's the format to leave these  live links in your review, again this is
straight from Amazon...
 you can enter the text that creates a product link directly. Start with "[[ASIN:"
and then include the ASIN (an Amazon identification number that can usually be
found in the Product Details section of a product page). Next, type a space and
then the text you'd like to appear when the link is displayed. Finish up with  ]]"
Here is an example of how it would look...
[[ASIN:0545010225 This is the anchor text for the link]]
As with almost everything in life there are a couple little  catches to
making this work. First, Amazon will only show the live link if your review
is one of the top few shown on the page.
If you choose a book that only has 2 or 3 other reviews you don't really
need to worry about this because yours will be displayed with live links by
default since there aren't enough other reviews to push it down out of
But what happens if your review is one of 20 or 3000? Well, in that case
Amazon will display the reviews in order of which ones were voted to be
 most helpful by visitors to the page. This is the second little  catch .
The most recent reviews will be displayed in the right hand column of the
page ordered by when they were posted, but they WON'T have the live
link displayed unless someone clicks them to read the whole review.
If there are too many reviews for yours to be displayed by default then
your only option is to make sure that your review is voted to be the most
helpful. That way it'll be displayed at the top of the list and get the most
Amazon judges which ones are most helpful based on 2 factors, both have
to do with how many people vote on the question  Was this review helpful
to you at the end of your review.
The first is the raw number of  votes your review got. The second is the
percentage of people who vote  yes to the question.
For example, if two reviews had the same percentage of  yes votes but
review 1 had 200 total votes (both  yes and  no ) and review 2 had only
100 total votes, then review 1 will be displayed ahead of number 2.
Now let's say 2 reviews each had the same total number of votes but
number 1 had 90% of people vote it was helpful and number 2 had 91%
of the people vote that it was helpful. In that case number 2 would win.
If that doesn't make sense the easiest thing to do is go to Amazon and
look at books with large numbers of reviews. You'll see what I mean.
Now, you have to be logged in to your Amazon account in order to vote,
and you can't vote on your own review.
I find that the easiest thing to do is go to one of the crowd-
sourcing/micro-workers sites I list in the Rolodex below and pay people a
few cents to go vote for your review.
It doesn't cost that much to be voted into the top review spot and if you
give yourself a few dozen votes of  padding , and make sure your review
is actually valuable, you'll find that yours will be hard for anyone else to
push out of the top spot.
Even if you did get pushed out you could easily post another job to vote
yourself back into the number one spot. Or you could leave it in the
second spot where it will likely stay for an even longer time.
Here's a little  twist you can use to make even better use of this method.
I almost listed it separately, but decided to go ahead and include it here
since it's very similar to what I just showed you...
Use this method on books in the  Top 100 Free section of your genre.
That way you can  purchase it for zero dollars and your review sill still
show as being an  Amazon Verified Purchase .
Also the books that are in the top 100 free list are usually being promoted
via paid methods as part of a new book launch.
This means that it probably won't have a bunch of reviews, so yours will
likely be displayed with live links by default, AND there will probably be
hundreds of people downloading it during the free promotion period.
All of those people have a chance to see your review and click through to
your book.
If you can find a book similar to yours in the overall top 10 free list (for all
of Kindle), and do this early enough, you'll have a chance to get your links
in front of literally THOUSANDS of people.
Remember, paid promotion services like BookBub can often drive upwards
of 20,000 free downloads in a single 24 hour period. Also keep in mind
that BookBub type promotions often occupy the top 5-10 free spots on all
of Kindle.
Then, when these books come off the free promotion they typically stay
on the top 100 bestselling PAID books list for a while. This will usually
generate hundreds of sales for the original book and many more
thousands of views to the page (and your review).
When you use this technique you do need to keep a few things in mind.
a. Your review has to provide real value to the people who are going to be
reading it. You can't make it blatantly obvious that you are just reviewing
to promote your own book.
If you do nobody will click your links because they won't trust what you
say and you'll likely get people voting it down in helpfulness and reporting
it as abuse.
b. You have to do this on books that are related to yours. You can't just go
and blast out reviews on cookbooks that link to your mystery novel. If you
do it will be seen as spam.
c. When you pay people to vote for your review spread it out over a few
days. It doesn't look natural for your review to go from buried at the
bottom of the list to several hundred  yes votes in a day. Try to fly under
the radar.
And that's it for this technique. Just remember that there are new books
being released and offered for free every day. You should never run out of
opportunities to use this and over time you can get a LOT of free traffic to
your books by using this consistently.
Oh I almost forgot one last thing. If you'd like a good book that teaches
you how to leave a high quality book review then check this one out. It's
only $.99 and I think the information in it will help you a lot!
4. Bestseller status on demand. There are a lot of benefits to your book
being an  Official Bestseller .
You get to put a  Bestseller icon on your book's cover and mention it in
the description. This leads to a big increase in sales.
You also get a huge boost in  authority which means more respect. You'll
be a recognized expert in your genre which lets you charge more money
for your related products and services.
There's really no downside I can think of.
Most people think this is a hard thing to achieve, which couldn't be further
from the truth. In fact, to be an  official bestselling author all you have to
do is keep 3 things in mind.
a. You don't have to dominate the entire Kindle store on Amazon or hit
number 1 on the New York Times Bestsellers List. In fact, all you have to
do is take the number 1 spot in ONE single category or sub category.
b. Amazon updates it's bestseller list EVERY HOUR. This means you only
have to hit the number one spot for ONE HOUR out of the day and you
can now claim to be an official  bestselling author .
c. Books purchased by you and given as gifts DO count towards the hourly
sales totals.
The most important thing you can do here is to choose a good category
for your book.
Don't just go for the most obvious  top level one, drill down in the sub
categories until you find one where the top 5 bestsellers have a overall
 Amazon Bestsellers rank of say 1,000 or worse.
That means that you only have to sell (or give away) 3-5 or so copies
during any hour of that day to push out the number one book in that sub
category if that book has an overall Kindle Bestseller rank of 1,000 or
If you can push 25-30 sales in that hour you'll typically beat out a top 100
or worse ranked book for the number one spot in the sub category.
You can use any of the promotional methods I've mentioned so far to get
this done.
No matter which one you use whether it be paying for social media blasts,
using the micro jobs sites, or just giving away copies of your book, the key
is to coordinate things so that it all happens in one specific hour of the
If you choose to give away gift copies of your book you should keep in
mind that the credit toward your sales ranking is applied when the gift
code is REDEEMED not when it's purchased.
Just remember that this is NOT something you should do on a free book
promotion day. I recommend setting the price to $.99 so each book you
gift only ends up costing you $.70 after you get your royalties.
I also suggest you take a screen shot of your book in the number one spot
for the category in case anyone ever questions if your claims of being a
bestseller are legit.
The last thing I want to mention about this technique is that even though
choosing a fairly obscure category is important for achieving  bestseller
status, there's no rule saying you have to KEEP your book listed under
those obscure categories.
You can always change them after you get your  bestseller status and
from that time on that book will always be a bestseller. :)
Okay, that about wraps up the 4 sneaky promotional strategies I have for you.
I know some of them are a little bit  unfair , but they're all perfectly acceptable
to Amazon. At least I can't find anywhere they're specifically forbidden for you
to use. More importantly, they're all SUPER powerful if you use them right.
Of course you should always do your own research and use your best judgment
before using any promotional strategies in your business. I am not a lawyer, and
I'm not giving you legal advice. All the usual disclaimers apply. :)
The next section will be my personal Rolodex of useful sites and service
providers. Feel free to make use of any or all of them for your books.
Thank you again for investing in my training and picking up this Deluxe
upgrade. I'd love to hear back from you with reports of your success using the
techniques I've just given you.
My Rolodex
Crowd Sourcing/Micro Jobs Sites
These type of sites are very useful.
You can pay anywhere from a few cents to a couple dollars to have people do
anything from send a blast to their own social media contacts, add your product
to their wish lists, place a link to your product on their site, or even
download/purchase your book.
Just remember not to use an affiliate link unless you have them hit your site
The opportunities for promotion are almost endless, and these sites shouldn't be
Fiverr is a great place for cheap services. I suggest using it for link building
campaigns, social media blasts, and even for editing and proofreading your
manuscripts before publishing.
You do need to be careful when you buy gigs there, make sure to check out the
feedback ratings and always go slow when buying gigs. I'm going to include a
list of providers that I've had good results from in the past to give you a place
to start out.
Link Builders
Kindle Specific Promoters
Keep in mind that the results you get from these promotional services will vary
depending on the type of book you have.
Editors and Proofreaders
Dedicated Link Building Sites
Use the sites listed below to generate inbound links to your product's listing
page. You can start out with one package of links and then order more as
needed to outrank your competition.
Paid Advertisement Sites
There are a lot of sites out there that will take your money and claim to
generate thousands of downloads by advertising for your book. Some of them
undoubtedly work but I KNOW for a fact that these do.
BookBub for example can send you up to 20,000 or more free downloads over a
24 hour period. They're not cheap and they make no guarantees about volume
delivered, but if you have the cash to spend up front I think it's definitely worth
The other two sites range in price from $25 to $50 for a promotion and can
easily generate thousands of downloads as well.
The upside to using these type of paid promotions (aside from the ranking boost
you get from all the downloads) is that you'll often get enough free downloads
to push your book to the top of the free bestseller list.
Then when the promotion is over Amazon will continue to promote it at the
regular price. This can generate a few hundred sales at the regular price which
will usually pay for the advertisement along with a nice profit.
This is for advertising books that cost money
This is for advertising books that are free (free day or perma-free)
Facebook Groups To Advertise Your Book On Free Days
Facebook Pages To Advertise Your Book On Free Days


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