G90 canned cycle taper cutting

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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\b\f0\fs24 G90 canned cycle taper cutting
\par \pard
\par \cf0\b0\f1\fs16
\par The command G90 performs a one pass cutting cycle, where the cut is applied in the X axis. Also, by using the command R __ within the G90 block, tapers can be generated.
\par If the one pass move needs to be repeated, only the values that change (ie, movement dimensions) need to be entered in the next block.
\par \f0
\par A G9\f2\'d8 command for straight line cutting is written in the following format:
\par G9\'d8 X (U) __ Z (W) __ F __ ;
\par where,
\par F __ is the feedrate.
\par \f0 A G9\f2\'d8 command for taper cutting is written in the following format:
\par G9\'d8 X (U) __ Z (W) __ R __ F __ ;
\par where,
\par R __ is the dimension defining taper angle.
\par F __ is the feedrate.
\par \f0
\par }


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