New Friends Placement Test

Placement Test
Grammar Language in Context
1 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedz 3 Uzupełnij dialog zdaniami A-E.
 A, B lub C.
Joe: Hello! What s your name?
0 This ...... my friend, Sophie.
Pedro: 0 And what s your name?
A am B is C are
Joe: My name s Joe. 1......
1 Hello, what s ...... name?
Pedro: I m twelve. And you?
A my B it C your
Joe: I m eleven. 2......
2 I ...... Jane.
Pedro: I m from Spain.
A  m B is C are
Joe: ......
3 ...... is it? It s a banana.
Pedro: Madrid.
A Who B What C Can
Joe: ......
4 Have you got a sister? Yes, I ...... .
Pedro: Yes, I ve got two sisters.
A am B can C have
Joe: ......
5 Your cat ...... got funny ears!
Pedro: Yes, I do  and I like my new friends.
A is B has C have
A Where are you from?
6 ...... you from Poland? Yes, we are.
B Do you like your new school?
A Have B Be C Are
C How old are you?
7 Can John play football? No, he ...... .
D Have you got any brothers or sisters?
A isn t B hasn t C can t
E Where in Spain?
8 ...... are in class 5b.
F My name s Pedro.
A They B He C I
9 Do you like pizza? Yes, I ...... .
A have B does C do
10 ...... go!
4 Przeczytaj tekst. Przy zdaniach
A Come B Let s C Are
prawdziwych wstaw v, a przy
fałszywych x.
2 Uzupełnij tekst podanymi
wyrazami. NEWCASTLE
Hi. My name s Tim. I come from Newcastle in
England. Newcastle is a big city. It s got a lot of
in is got his are his  s can good shops and sports centres. You can play a
lot of different sports here. I love swimming and
have can t are
football. I don t like tennis. My sister s name is
Anna. Her favourite sport is tennis! She loves
tennis and she plays it very well. I play football
My dad 0...... a teacher. 1...... name is John
every Wednesday and every Saturday. I ve also
Johnston. I m 2...... my dad s English
got a brother, Harry. He likes basketball and
class. There 3...... twelve children in
tennis but he doesn t like swimming. Sometimes
I play basketball with him.
...... class. My dad s 5...... a brother
and a sister, my uncle Fred and my aunt
0 Tim lives in a big city.
Florence. They 6...... very nice. My mum
1 You can play tennis in Newcastle. ......
...... name is Maria. She s a singer. She
2 Tim loves tennis. ......
...... sing really well. I 9...... also got two
3 Anna s favourite sport isn t swimming. .......
brothers, Joe and Jim. Joe can play
4 Tim s brother doesn t like basketball. ......
football and Jim can play the guitar.
5 Tim sometimes plays basketball. ......
I sometimes play football with
10 5
Joe but I 10...... play the guitar. TOTAL MARKS 30
Photocopiable Pearson Education Limited 2007 New Friends Placement Tests
Placement Test
Grammar Language in Context
1 Zakreśl właściwą odpowiedz 3 Uzupełnij dialog zdaniami A-E.
 A, B lub C.
Joe: Hello! What s your name?
0 Your dog ...... got beautiful eyes!
Pedro: 0...... And what s your name?
A is B has C have
Joe: My name s Joe. 1......
1 ...... is it? It s an apple.
Pedro: I m twelve. And you?
A Who B What C Can
Joe: I m eleven. 2......
2 ...... are new.
Pedro: I m from England.
A They B He C I
Joe: ......
3 This ...... my sister, Anne.
Pedro: Oxford.
A am B is C are
Joe: ......
4 Have you got a brother? Yes, I ...... .
Pedro: No, it isn t. But it s very nice.
A am B can C have
Joe: ......
5 Do you like chips? Yes, I ...... .
Pedro: Yes, I do  and I like my new friends.
A have B does C do
A Where are you from?
6 ...... you from Spain? Yes, we are.
B Do you like your new school?
A Have B Be C Are
C How old are you?
7 I ...... Jane.
D Where in England?
A  m B is C are
E Is it big?
8 ...... play!
F My name s Jason.
A Are B Let s C Come
9 Can John play tennis? No, he ...... .
A isn t B hasn t C can t
10 Hello, what s ...... name?
4 Przeczytaj tekst. Przy zdaniach
A my B it C your
prawdziwych wstaw v, a przy
fałszywych x.
Uzupełnij tekst podanymi
wyrazami. LIVERPOOL
Hi. My name s Tina. I am from Liverpool in
England. Liverpool is a big city. It s got a lot of
in is my got her plays name good shops and sports centres. You can play a
lot of sports here. I play tennis every Friday and
can every great there
football every Monday. I don t like swimming.
My brother s name is Alan. His favourite sport
My aunt 0...... a teacher. 1...... name is tennis! He plays tennis every day! I ve also got
a sister, Harriet. She likes basketball and tennis
is Jenny Graeme. I m 2...... my aunt s
but she doesn t like swimming. Sometimes I play
French class. 3...... are twelve children
basketball with her.
in her class. My aunt is 4...... mum s
0 Liverpool is big. ......
sister. She is very nice. My mum s 5......
1 Liverpool hasn t got a lot of shops. ......
is Maria. She s a singer. I have 6...... two
2 There are sports centres in Liverpool. ......
sisters, Nina and Lola. Nina is a 7......
3 Tina plays tennis every Wednesday. ......
dancer. Lola 8...... the drums and sings.
4 Tina s brother likes tennis. ......
I 9...... sing too. We are in a pop
5 Harriet doesn t like basketball. ......
group! We sing and play 10......
Pearson Education Limited 2007 Photocopiable
New Friends Placement Tests
" Testy kwalifikujące do odpowiedniego
poziomu nauczania (Placement Tests). Testy
kwalifikujące do odpowiedniego poziomu nauczania
pomagają ocenić, czy uczniowie opanowali język
angielski na tyle, aby rozpocząć kurs New Friends
2, czy też powinni przejść najpierw przez poziom
New Friends 1. Aby pewnie przejść z poprzednich
kursów do kursu New Friends 2, uczniowie
muszą uzyskać minimum 26 punktów w teście
kwalifikującym. Jeśli wynik zawiera się między 18
a 25 punktami, można zdecydować się na przejście
do New Friends 2, pamiętając, że uczniowie będą
musieli bardzo dokładnie przerobić materiał
zawarty w lekcjach wstępnych (Starting Point)
i że będą potrzebowali dodatkowych ćwiczeń
z gramatyki i słownictwa wprowadzanego w New
Friends 2. Wskazane jest użycie New Friends 1, jeśli
przeciętny wynik uczniów to mniej niż 18 punktów.
Testy kwalifikujące w wersjach A i B zawarte
w Zeszycie Testów mogą być również użyte  na
końcu roku szkolnego  jako testy do New Friends 1.
Klucz do Placement Tests
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 B 6 C 7 C 8 A
9 C 10 B
1 His 2 in 3 are 4 his 5 got 6 are 7 s
8 can 9 have 10 can t
1 C 2 A 3 E 4 D 5 B
1 v 2 x 3 v 4 x 5 v
1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 C 6 C 7 A 8 B
9 C 10 C
1 Her 2 in 3 There 4 my 5 name 6 got
7 great 8 plays 9 can 10 every
1 C 2 A 3 D 4 E 5 B
1 x 2 v 3 x 4 v 5 x
Photocopiable Pearson Education Limited 2007 New Friends Placement Tests


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