christmas snowball fight pomysł na zabawę

Teacher s notes
8. Snowball fight 10. Winter Role Play
" Distribute slips of blank paper. " Divide students into pairs.
" Ask students to write down some questions " Distribute the roles of boy/girl to student A and
associated with Christmas time on this piece snowman to student B.
of paper. " One person is a child (A) the other a snowman (B).
" Students have to read their role cards, and on your
(e.g. Do you eat carp for Christmas? What is mark they have a conversation staying true to
your favourite Christmas song? What is the best their characters (explain that they might have to
present you have ever got? What is your dream change the way they move/talk/gesture etc.).
present? Do you bake gingerbread cookies? " Allow up to 5 minutes.
When do you unwrap presents? How many " Go over the final decisions  ask students what
reindeer does Santa have?). influenced their choices.
" Students report whether they managed to
" Tell them to crumple the paper up and start persuade their snow friends to stay or not. If so,
a snowball fight. they have to say what the bait was; if not, the
" When they throw all the  balls , ask students to snowman has to report what points were made to
pick up the ones close to them and answer the justify their choices.
questions written on their snowball.
" They must also answear any additional questions
that their friends might have, as long as they
are connected with the original question on the 11. Letter of application
" Copy the job advert and letter template for each
" Explain that they have found an interesting job
9. Find somebody who& advert and that they need to write a letter of
application using the template provided.
" Copy and distribute the  find somebody who " They should list their experience and qualifications
cards. (such as toy designing and toy making, creativity,
" Tell students that they are going to play a game to understanding children s minds, team work
find out things they might not know about each abilities, working under the pressure of time, in
other, and they are all connected with the topic low temperatures etc.).
of Christmas. " Students should explain why they would be
" They will have a few minutes to fill out the cards. perfect for the job.
" The task is to find as many different people as " They should also state their requirements (such
possible. as lunch time and snacks, sets of uniforms,
" Students who completed the cards go over their duties apart from the ones on the standard job
lists, saying whom they found for each item. description).
" Ask for more details (e.g., if Kate loves singing " Go over the vocabulary and expressions.
carols what are her favourite ones?).
Christmas Activities 2013


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