why do we need a car

Why do we need a car? (+/-)

Everybody knows that cars are very important in our life. We canłt imagine how
people could live without this invention many years ago. A lot of families in
all countries have their own cars nowadays, they help us in daily life. Our
life has become easier since the end of last century, when people made their
first car.
There are many advantages of having a car. Firstly we may move quickly from
one place to another. It means that, if we have a car, we can go to the office
or to school more easily than by bus, train or tramway - we donłt have to spend
several minutes in a crowd and be exposed to delay or robbery . Equally
important thing is that we can put heavy luggage in the boot and we donłt have
to carry it. We can also have touring holidays or trips when we want. Another
thing is that when youłre driving a car, you can get a fascinating experience,
you may drive fast, feel free and... relax. You can also give somebody a lift
or pick up girls/boys if you have a good car.
But having a car has also disadvantages. First of all, if you want have a car
you have to pay much money for petrol and services. In the last several years
there has been very popular way to limit our expenses - you may supply your car
with engine on ground gas. Everybody knows that cars emit fumes and pollute the
atmosphere. In big cities there is a problem with too many cars. Sometimes you
may go to the office by car longer than by bus or metro - you stay in traffic
jams, you may have a problem with finding a parking space. Moreover there is
huge smog and we feel bad and we are nervous. When we go by car we can also be
afraid about our health or life - there are many crashes on the roads and we
should be very careful and sensible. The next disadvantage is that if we use a
car in our daily life, we become lazy and we donłt want to take any exercises
like walking or running. We become fatter and weaker.
In spite of the fact that there are so many disadvantages of having a car we
realize, that our life would be much harder if we didnłt have a car. If we have
money, if we drive carefully and always remember, that on the road we should
also be polite, if we profit from cars reasonably - we can enjoy driving for
many years.

weaker - słabszy
pick up - podrywać
the next - następny
sensible, reasonable - rozsądny
supply - zaopatrzyć
take part in... - brać udział w...
to be exposed to... - być narażonym na...
invention - wynalazek
daily life - codzienne życie
delay - spóźnienie


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