Guillone, Sedonia My Hot Muse (Torquere Sip)

My Hot Muse
By Sedonia Guillone
 I am so going to fail this class.
I look up at Raj from my own book and paper strewn desk. The poor guy is pacing back and
forth, wading through piles of laundry and books. Our usually neat room is a casualty of the pre-
final reading period.
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I slip off my reading glasses, set them on my history book and watch him. I mean to respond to
his distress with something useful like,  Of course you re not going to fail. You already have an
index off the books and you re already accepted to the doctoral program. But it wouldn t do any
good. Raj has to please his parents who are still back in India, and in any case, I ve already
forgotten about reassuring him because as usual, I m caught up in simply watching him pace,
sketchpad in one hand, charcoal pencil in the other.
Raj is one of those brainy geeky guys who also happens to be incredibly gorgeous. The fact that
he doesn t seem to understand how fucking hot he really is only adds to his allure. In the
background, music plays on his small boom box, a tape he brought with him from Bengal our
freshman year. The sinewy exotic music offsets his movements, graceful, like a dancer and the
fluorescent light of our room shines on his jet-black hair, like droplets of rain off a raven s
I chuckle to myself as I watch him. He always inspires me to poetic language even though I m a
math major. I felt this way about him from the very beginning of freshman year when Housing
miraculously placed us together. Four years later, the feeling has only gotten stronger and we re
best friends.
He halts in the middle of the room and turns to me, large chocolate brown eyes pleading.
 You re good with ideas, Sean. Please, tell me what to draw.
Holy shit. Is he kidding? My heartbeat raises just enough to make me feel like I m jogging and I
stare back into those incredible eyes of his. Of course I know exactly what he should draw but
I m not sure if I should suggest it, lest I freak him out. Not that he wouldn t be interested. After
four years of living with him, I know that Raj is into guys. However, he comes from a family
where being gay is not even a consideration and they re just waiting for him to get his doctorate,
earn a good living and gain prestige so he can return to India and get married. Personally the idea
depresses the living shit out of me because I m not afraid to admit to myself how much in love
with him I am.
 Let me think about it a minute, okay? I need to buy a few minutes while I sort out the sudden
torrent of stuff going on in my body and mind.
 All right, he says, still pacing.  Just not too long, okay? I watch him some more as he goes
back and forth through our mess.
Raj, on the other hand, deals with his repression by doing nothing. He s a total virgin with guys
and girls, even though he s gone on dates with a few women during our four years here and has
hung out with some guy friends who were definitely attracted to him, like me. Aside from an
unbelievably strict upbringing, he s also painfully shy and I m beginning to wonder how much
longer he can go before he fucking explodes.
He drops his sketchpad to the already-cluttered floor and reaches up, raking his hand through his
hair. It s just long enough on top to sift in blue-black waves through his tapered fingers. Need I
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mention how many times I ve jacked off thinking about those same fingers wrapped around my
 Please, Sean. I m desperate. Just one idea.
 Okay. I think I might have something. Just another minute. I raise my eyebrow at him. He s
been acting kind of strange the whole evening. For the first time since we re roommates, he s
wearing his shirt with all the buttons undone in addition to those thin white baggy pants he
brings back from India on summer break through which the contours of his cock are clearly
visible. Of course, this is a treat for me because in addition to an eyeful of his jewels, I get to
ogle his chest and stomach, all lean and lithe muscle. His skin is incredible, smooth and flawless,
the hue of fresh coffee with a generous dollop of cream. And then there s his nipples, quarter-
size flat circles of dark brown. Mouth-watering to say the least.
I try not to stare at the centerline of definition that divides the two sides of his abs, his small
bellybutton in the middle, soft trail of ebony hair that disappears under the waist of those pants&
Hmm, why is he dressed like this?& as if& he wants me to get an eyeful of his bare flesh.
He s still watching me, his large eyes wide.
I steal a guilty look at his full soft lips. I ve spent loads more time fantasizing about what those
lips could do on my body  when I should have been studying. It s a freaking miracle that I ve
pulled off an A average for graduation.
 Well? He crosses his arms and then lowers them again, as if remembering at the last second
that I m supposed to be checking him out.  I have to have a final drawing in by tomorrow or I
blow the class.
I grin at him.  That s what you get for thinking that art is easier than computer science.
At that, he picks up some laundry from the floor and hurls it at me. A sock lands on my shoulder.
But we re both laughing. That s another thing that gets me hot about him. His laugh. It s rich and
sweet and I can see his Adam s apple sliding up and down his throat. It always makes me want to
flicker the tip of my tongue over it.
 More points for a human subject, right? I ask when our laughter subsides.
He nods, looking glum. Both of us don t see what difference it makes what he draws as long as
he s doing the work for the class, but for some reason this professor wants human subjects.
Something about the complexity of the human body that makes the drawing more of a challenge.
And anyway, Raj has been schlepping from MIT to the School of Fine Arts two afternoons a
week for this class. He doesn t want it to have been for nothing.
I shrug, doing my best to effect a casual air.  I could pose for you.
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Raj s eyes widen and a look of relief floods those large brown eyes. You d think that with his
great body and gorgeous face, it wouldn t be his eyes that make me go all weak inside when I
look at him, but they are.  Sean, are you sure? You have exams too.
Something about the tone of his voice makes me suspect he knew I d offer to pose for him. I m
not saying this to brag, but being a tri-athlete does have its advantages, such as leaving you with
a sculpted body, v-shaped torso, sloping thighs and calves and rippling stomach that resemble a
Greek sculpture.
I know I have exams too and am feeling the pressure. But at the mere thought of posing for him,
I ve already started to get hard. I shrug again, feeling my cheeks burn. He ll definitely see me
blush, too. My skin is pretty pale and my cheeks go red easily.  It ll be a break. What the hell?
 Thanks, man. He pulls his desk chair into the center of the room, displacing piles of clothes
and retrieves his pad and pencil.
I come around from my desk and peel off my t-shirt. When I toss the shirt aside and look up, he s
staring at me- and with a desirous look, if I m not mistaken.  Oh, I kind of assumed you meant
for me to pose this way.
Wordlessly he nods. He s already spent plenty of time sketching me fully clothed while I lie on
my bed, reading or sit at my desk, typing into my laptop. I kind of assumed he didn t need any
more of those kinds of sketches. My cheeks burn again. There s something about getting the
moment you ve been waiting for that s as nerve-wracking as it is thrilling.  So& um, should I
leave something on or do you need the full monty?
Normally that joke would pull a chuckle from him, but the energy between us has suddenly
shifted, much more in the direction it s gone for me with the guys I ve actually had sex with.
Raj clears his throat and I can see the pencil tremble between his fingers.  Full&  clears throat
again & full monty.
I grin even though I m nervous as hell. Sweat has erupted in my armpits and on the palms of my
hands. My throat goes dry as my hands go to the button and then the fly of my jeans. I slip them
off, taking my BVDs with them.
I know it may sound weird, but this is the first time in four years I ve been naked in front of Raj.
I ve always been really careful around him and he with me&
That s when it hits me& what s really going on. I d been so wrapped up in the prospect of posing
for Raj I d completely forgotten. Raj is never late with assignments, even in subjects that aren t
directly part of his major. Two days ago, he d gone to MFA and turned in a whole roll of
sketches, telling me when he d gotten back that the class was over.
Holy fuck!
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Now my heart s gone from the jogging pace to a full sprint. After four years, I ve come to realize
that Raj has a whole non-verbal way of communicating and that if I pay close attention, I can
understand a lot of his inner world through the things he doesn t say.
And I know what he s telling me now. Hot damn.
When I step out of my jeans and look up, Raj is staring at my erection. There s absolutely no
way to hide it and even though I m not the largest guy in the locker room, my cock is standing
straight up, full and hard, the pressure swelling all the way into my balls.
I sink down onto my bed.  How do you want me? The double edge of the question hangs in the
Raj swallows hard and bows his head as if to be modest, but his eyes are so large I can see his
glances flickering one after the other down my chest and stomach, back to my fully hard cock.
 Um, on your side, I guess, you know, that classic pose in a lot of paintings.
Yeah, I know the one. The pose that will continue to give him a full view of my hard on, which
is getting painful it s straining so much. I m so tempted to tell Raj I know what s going on and
he should just come over here and get into bed with me, but I know him, he ll be embarrassed
and then I ll feel bad. His refined mannerisms are one of things I love about him and I hate to
think I d put a dent in our friendship by busting him openly.
Besides, now that he s telling me he s ready, I don t want to blow it.
I recline into the pose he s indicated, levered up on one elbow, one knee bent, an arm draped
casually over it. Of course, my woody is standing out full force and I m glad that his art
professor isn t really going to be seeing the sketch.
Raj holds up his pad and soon the soft scrape of his pencil on the paper fills the space. Outside
our dorm room, I can hear the usual goings on, people laughing and talking as they walk down
the hallway, doors opening and closing, CD players blasting and the toilets flushing. But the
sounds fade far into the background as I wrack my brain for a way to get Raj to the next step. I
get the sense that now he s let me know what he wants, he s kind of waiting for a cue from me.
I think for another minute while my cock starts throbbing with the need for release.
That s what gives me my idea.
 Hey Raj?
His pencil stops and he looks at me, a definite gleam of nervous sweat on his smooth forehead.
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I clear my throat so my voice doesn t crack from nervousness.  Um, it s kinda painful sitting
here with this. I indicate my hard cock.  Do you mind if I take a minute to relieve the
His eyes go wide and he nods without hesitation.
I break the pose and lean back on my elbow.  Thanks, man. It won t take long. You don t have
to leave or anything. Like he was going to leave!
 Oh& okay, he says, his voice trembling.
I feel his gaze pasted on me, a major turn on as I palm my cock and start rubbing it. My hand
slides easily up and down the hard shaft and I catch my breath as the pleasure floods my body.
I m breathing heavily now and I hear Raj breathing in equally ragged pants, in rhythm with
I glance over at him. He s watching me, brown eyes wide, unblinking, his full soft lips parted.
My chance is now.  Raj, I whisper,  C mere.
To my great relief and joy, the pad and pencil slip from his hands to the cluttered floor and he
rises from the chair, his gaze riveted on mine. He stands up, giving me a clear view of his
erection tenting the thin cotton of his baggy pants. His cock is straining so hard it looks like it ll
burst through the material any second.
He kneels down beside the bed, his expression an incredibly sexy mixture of heavy-lidded
arousal and tentative confusion.
Without thinking, I reach out and grasp his hand, guiding it to my cock. I hear his breath catch
when his fingertips meet with the shaft. I wrap his fingers lightly around it and cover his hand
with mine, showing him how to stroke it and how much pressure to put on it so that his palm
glides easily against my hard-on.
He takes to it naturally, probably from having had plenty of practice on himself and I lift my
hand away so that I can finally slip my fingers into his sleek hair, thick and luxurious against my
With gentle pressure on his head, I pull him closer, at the same time leaning in so I can kiss him.
I want our first kiss to be incredible for both of us so I start with a tentative brush of my lips
against his.
Mmm. Fucking incredible. His lips are as soft as I d imagined they d be and I hunger for more. I
brush over them again, back and forth. He s eager and responsive, his lips parting in an obvious
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I can t suppress a groan and slip my tongue between his lips. I suckle his tongue and lips,
drinking in his musky flavor, running my tongue over his smooth teeth and along the ridges in
the roof of his mouth. The whole time, his hand is still working my cock and it feels so damn
good, his palm sliding up and down, massaging the smooth skin.
But I want more. I want to taste him everywhere, feel his hard body pressed against mine. The
barriers between us have finally lifted and I think he ll let me do anything.
I reach out and take hold of his shirt, pushing it back off his shoulders. Thank God, he responds
by letting go of my cock long enough to shrug out of his shirt completely and drop it to the floor.
I grasp his upper arms again and tug him on top of me.
He looks down at me for a half second, his lips parted, swollen and gleaming from our kiss,
those intoxicating eyes of his simmering down at me.
I don t say anything, just wait to see what he ll do next. His cock is rock hard against mine. I
give a slight shuckle of my hips and he groans and dips his head down, kissing me, his chest
sinking onto mine, the heat simmering between our bodies.
I clasp my arms around him, palming his smooth back. The sleek muscles under my hands move
and flex as we kiss. His skin is warm and has that soft yet masculine feel that drives me wild. I
run my fingertips down the long hard muscles along his spine, letting my hands steal under the
gauzy material of his pants.
Oh God, the skin on his ass is smoother than silk and his buttocks are rock solid. Heaven in the
flesh. I push the pants down to his hips, my pelvis rocking against his. Each rub of our cocks
together sends shoots of amazing heat right down to my balls.
I squeeze Raj s bare ass, rubbing it in tight circles. I slide my hands up his back and turn over,
our bodies moving as one body, me on top.
My cock surges again. I can t believe Raj is here, almost naked, underneath me. I kiss him easy
and slow now, wanting to take my time and savor him. I suckle some more on his sensuous lips,
letting his tongue roll against mine, teasing the roof of his mouth again.
He groans into my mouth when I do this and his hips arch upward, pressing our cocks harder
together. It s really hard not to just rub like mad against him and get off, but he s so fine and I ve
been crazy about him for so fucking long that I force myself to slow down. I want it to last as
long as possible, just in case there s not a next time.
Finally I pull away from his lips and nibble on his jaw. His mocha skin is velvety smooth and
tastes so damn good I can t believe it. His hands are on my back, his palms rubbing my muscles
and I can feel right through his touch that he loves my body. The unspoken appreciation urges
me on and I trail hot, open mouth kisses down his throat, swiveling the tip of my tongue over
that Adam s apple I ve coveted for so long.
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He seems to like that a lot too, judging by the way his fingertips dig into my back with each
round of my tongue on his throat. His beard is incredibly light and there s just the finest rasp of it
against my taste buds. I ve always loved to fuck but this is a different experience for me - how so
completely into him and absorbed my mind is with my body.
After what feels like a long time, I m able to lift my tongue from his throat and move down,
tasting his collarbone and dragging my tongue down the line that divides his chest muscles. I
lower my head to one of those incredible nipples and taste it. Raj groans again and the dark
brown nipple immediately pebbles under my tongue. I love how into this he is and swirl my
tongue around the tight bud until his hands are clutching my back furiously and his hips are
undulating wildly.
In a slow teasing trail, I drag my tongue across his chest and give his other the nipple the same
treatment. I taste him long and slow although my cock is pulsing so hard now I don t think I ll
last much longer.
I kiss a trail down his smooth stomach, taking just a few extra seconds to tease his belly button,
pushing the tip of my tongue in as far as it will go. That drives him wild and his hands slide into
my hair, his fingers curling into it, tugging gently, telling me without words what he wants me to
Taking hold of the waistband of his pants, I slide them off, lifting them away from his cock,,
long and thick, a drop of cum glistening at the tiny opening in the head.
A surge of hunger practically makes my mouth water and I close my hand lightly around the
reddish shaft. He hisses in pleasure from the contact and cries out softly when I close my lips
around the head and suckle the drop of cum right up.
Damn, everything about Raj smells and tastes good. I slide my lips further down, taking him in
more than halfway. I cup his balls and squeeze them just enough to make him moan as I suck
him, my head bobbing up and down, my eyes closed, lost in the perfect fantasy.
Raj s cock pulses against my lips and I can feel that he s going to come pretty soon. I pull my
mouth away form his cock and look up into his face. His lips are parted and he s panting, his
dark eyelashes practically hiding his eyes.
 Please, Sean, more. Everything.
I feel like lightning has just shot through my body. Raj asking& no, begging& directly for sex?
Man, I must be doing a pretty good job of getting him hot enough to beg. Well, who am I not to
I lean over and open the drawer to my nightstand, but Raj grasps my wrist.  You don t need one
of those, he whispers.
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Wow, he wants me to go bareback. We both know how careful I ve always been. Maybe it
comes from having a nurse for a mom. But I m clean and he knows it.  Okay. I reach for a
small bottle of lube and pour some into my hand as quickly as I can then toss the bottle aside.
I lather up my cock and reach down to Raj s ass, rubbing the excess oil over his tiny pucker.
He moans again and opens his legs wider, a nonverbal invitation for me to get between them. I
settle my larger body over his, pushing his legs so that they bend over my shoulders. I take
several minutes to play with his hole and get him ready since he s never done it before. His
hands clutch my arms, his fingertips pressing into my triceps. His eyes are closed and his full lips
have a smile on them as I push one fingertip inside him and wiggle it around, stretching him
open, bit by bit.
He groans softly from the invasion of my fingers.  Now, Sean, please.
His plea goes straight to my cock. I position myself on him and push the head of my oiled cock
His eyes fly open as if I ve shocked him and I wait, holding my breath.
Slowly, the grin comes back to his lips and he moves his hips up, pushing my cock in a bit
Damn, this is totally heaven. I grin too, my body humming from the pleasure as I push my prick
in deeper, deeper and then give one more push. Ahhh& I m buried in to the hilt now and Raj
groans, telling me that it s good for him to.
I start rocking against him, slower at first, then a bit faster, letting him adjust to the feeling of my
cock filling his tight channel.  Sean, that s so good, he whispers, shocking me again with his
He moves his hands from my arms to my hips, urging me to fuck him harder. I m so close to the
edge that I can t hold back, moving faster, harder, deeper. I remember at the last second to move
into him at different angles and make it feel really good for him. The fact that I m his first is an
incredible high.
 Stroke yourself, I tell him.
Immediately, his hand goes to his cock and he pumps it wildly while I keep sliding in and out of
him. I m so close, the climax is thrumming in my balls. I move harder and faster, unable to stop
the explosion.
My cock is pulsing, hot and gushing filling him. My whole body clenches, bracing against the
force of my climax. From the corner of my eye, I see his hand, still stroking his own cock. His
body stiffens under mine and his eyes squeeze shut, his head tilting back. His cum shoots out,
ribbons of white heat splashing on our stomachs and chests.
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We re both breathing heavily and staring at each other, as if we can t believe what s just
happened. Letting out a long breath, I collapse lightly on top of him, my cock still hard, buried
deep inside him. The longer we stare, the more disbelief& and something else& something really
sweet, floods in.
 Hey, Sean?
 I had another idea.
I grin. After this last great idea Raj had, I m all ear.  What s that?
 Well, you know the apartment we rented for next year?
Oh, the apartment. Something else I d forgotten. Since we re both in grad school, we already
have an apartment lined up, lease signed and everything and we re moving in right after
graduation. Hmm, I think all along we ve never wanted to be apart.  What s your idea?
 I was thinking that maybe we could share a room, like we do now and rent out the other one.
What do you think?
Closing my eyes, I press my lips against his warm damp skin, breathing in the scent of our sex.
 I think that s one of the best ideas I ve ever heard.
 Okay. Good. He falls silent and I feel his hand slide into my hair.
His breath sighs in my ear and I smile.
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My Hot Muse
Copyright © 2007 by Sedonia Guillone
All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever
without written permission except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or
reviews. For information address Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX 78680
Printed in the United States of America.
Torquere Press, Inc.: Sips electronic edition / August 2007
Torquere Press eBooks are published by Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX
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