Cthulhu Rising Character Generation

Strike Ranks Summary:
The following information should allow a
Keeper who has experience running Call of
DEX SR SIZ SRM Weapon Mod Example
Cthulhu adventures to generate civilian
01-09 = 4 01-09 = 3 0.0-0.3m = 3 Fist/knife
characters for Cthulhu Rising.
10-15 = 3 10-15 = 2 0.4-1.1m = 2 1H weapon
16-19 = 2 16-19 = 1 1.2-2.1m = 1 2H weapon
All stages of character generation prior to the 20+ = 1 20+ = 0 2.2m+ = 0 Pike/tree?
choosing of a character profession are
identical to the rules found in the Call of Melee Strike Rank Modifier:
Cthulhu rulebook except with the following
The sum of the DEX SR and the SIZ SRM.
Weapons Strike Rank Modifier:
This only really applies to melee weapons.
Consult the above table to determine.
Characteristics and Selected Attributes are
generated as for the Call of Cthulhu character
Movement Rate:
generation rules, with the following additions:
All humans move at 3 metres per Melee
Round Strike Rank, unless specified.
Humanoid Hit Points per Location:
Total Location:
Skill Category Modifiers:
Leg Abd* Chest Arm Head
Skills in Cthulhu Rising are broken down into
01-03 1 1 2 1 1
category groups, each of which has a modifier,
04-06 2 2 3 2 2
based on certain characteristics. Total the
07-09 3 3 4 3 3
values of the influences of each characteristic
10-12 4 4 5 3 4
13-15 5 5 6 4 5
and apply them as follows:
16-18 6 6 8 5 6
19-21 7 7 9 6 7
Primary Secondary Negative
* Abbreviation of Abdomen
+1 per 1 over 10 +1 per 2 over 10 Converse of
-1 per 1 under 10 -1 per 2 under 10 Primary
Damage Modifier:
Agility: Communication:
Total your Investigator s STR+SIZ, then
DEX = Primary INT = Primary
consult the following table:
STR = Secondary POW/APP = Secondary
SIZ = Negative
Total Bonus
01-12 -1d4
Knowledge: INT = Primary
13-24 0
INT = Primary POW/CON = Secondary
25-32 +1d4
33-40 +1d6
Manipulation: Stealth:
41-56 +2d6
INT/DEX = Primary DEX = Primary
every +16 +1d6 extra
STR = Secondary SIZ/POW = Negative
DEX Strike Rank:
Weapon Skills:
Attack % = Manipulation Modifier
Find your Investigator s DEX on the table
Parry % = Agility Modifier
below and read across to find their DEX Strike
If applicable, Psychic Rules are generated
using the Psychic Powers Rules (see separate
SIZ Strike Rank Modifier:
Find your Investigator s SIZ on the table below
and read across to find their SIZ Strike Rank
Cthulhu Rising Character Generation 1
In the 23rd century when Cthulhu Rising is set, Description:
humanity has spread out from Earth to the Anarchists are staunch believers in the theory
stars. I tend to limit players to choosing a or doctrine that all forms of government are
birthplace from within the confines of the Sol oppressive and undesirable and should be
System. If you have decided to set your abolished. As such they live outside the
campaign far from Earth, in the Outer Colonies system as much as possible, frequently mixing
for example, then by all means go for it! While with criminal and separatist elements.
Earth is still the most heavily populated star Occupation Skills:
system in all colonised space, many millions of Computer (Operation), Conceal, Fast Talk,
people have been born and raised in the Streetwise and any three other skills as
Colonies. personal specialties.
In the society of the 23rd Century, males and 2x underworld contacts (Keepers discretion),
females are treated equal in all possible 1d10x100E$ in equipment and personal
respects. effects.
The Investigator gets EDU x15 to allocate Description:
between any skills with a base chance above Running an Android character in a campaign is
00% as percentiles. All the skills do not have allowable only at the Keepers discretion. A
to have points given to them, but points separate supplement will be out soon dealing
undistributed are lost. No skill can start at with generating and playing Android player
higher than 75% (including stat bonuses). characters.
A player chooses from one of the below Description:
character classes, and depending on type By the 23rd Century, government bureaucracy
chosen, receives EDU x 10 to allocate to the has reached new heights of complexity. The
relevant occupational skills: Civil Servants keep the wheels of interstellar
government oiled and moving. The player must
choose a branch of government: ICA, ICC or
" Anarchist
Federal Government.
" Android
Occupation Skills:
" Civil Servant
Administration, Computer (Operation), Credit
" Company Suit
Rating, Data Analysis, Fast Talk, and any
" Computer Specialist
three other skills as personal specialties.
" Criminal
" Doctor of Medicine
Rented 2 bedroom apartment; E$1000x1d10 in
" Drifter
savings; E$20,000pa salary; 1x government
" Engineer (Orbital/Planetary)
contact (Keeper s discretion).
" Entertainer
" Journalist
Company Suit
" Lawyer
" Mechanic
Much of 23rd Century life is in some way
" Missionary
influenced by the transnational mega-
" Parapsychologist
corporations. A Company Suit is a junior
" Pilot (Aerospace/Interstellar)
executive of one such corporation, newly
" Police Officer
promoted from the rank and file, on a good
" Private Investigator
salary with stock options.
" Psychic: Freelance
Occupation Skills:
" Psychic: MetaPol
Administration, Bargain, Computer (Operation)
" Punk Credit Rating, Data Analysis, Fast Talk, Orate,
" Separatist and any two other skills as personal
" Scientist
" Soldier
Luxury apartment (1 bedroom) in a private
corporate compound; E$500x1d100 savings;
Cthulhu Rising Character Generation 2
E$35,000pa salary; 1x corporate contact;
E$1000 x1d20 in company share options. Drifter
Computer Specialist
For whatever reason, a Drifter has chosen to
Description: drop out of accepted society, and wanders the
Without highly skilled men and women to space lanes, working their passage at various
design, program, and troubleshoot the jobs, traveling from colony to colony.
complex computer systems of the future, life in Occupation Skills:
the 23rd Century would be far more difficult, if Bargain, First Aid, Hide, Listen, Psychology,
not impossible. Computer Specialists are Sneak, Survival, Vacc Suit.
usually employed by a company s IT division, Background:
though many prefer to move from contract to E$100x1d10 personal equipment.
contract on a freelance basis.
Occupation Skills: Engineer, Space
Computer (Operation, Programming, Security),
Electronics (Communications, Security,
Space Engineers are responsible for the
Systems), Data Analysis, and any two other
design, construction, and maintenance of
skills as personal specialties.
space stations and space vessels. The orbital
engineer s life is a difficult one and is often
Rented 1 bedroom apartment; E$1000x1d20
short as accidents are not uncommon in the
savings; personal equipment related to
harsh and unforgiving environment of space.
Occupation Skills:
Science (Chemistry, Physics), Computer
(Operation), Electronics (Systems), Data
Description: Analysis, EVA, Mechanical, and one Space
With Law Enforcement techniques as Engineering skill as a specialisation.
advanced as they are in the 23rd Century, Background:
criminals in the future have to be highly skilled E$30,000pa salary; E$1000x1d4 savings;
professionals not only to be successful, but to personal equipment related to profession.
avoid capture and incarceration. This class
does not cover violent criminals like murderers Engineer, Planetary
and rapists, instead covering white collar
criminals, forgers, con-artists, cyber-criminals
Planetary Engineers are essential to the
and thieves.
continued existence and growth of colonies.
Occupation Skills:
The colonial engineers keep the existing
Bargain, Computer (Operation), Evaluate, Fast
systems operational and continue to produce
Talk, Scan, Streetwise, and any three other
new equipment, habitats, and vehicles.
skills as personal specialties, pertaining to
Occupation Skills:
criminal field of expertise.
Science (Chemistry, Geology, Physics)
Computer (Operation), Electronics (Systems),
Forged identification; E$1000x1d4 personal
Data Analysis, Mechanical (Vehicle), and one
equipment; 2x underworld contacts (Keeper s
Planetary Engineering skill as a specialty.
E$30,000pa salary; E$1000x1d4 savings;
Doctor of Medicine
personal equipment related to profession.
The medical doctor of the 23rd Century is just Entertainer
as concerned with saving lives as his
counterparts in other eras but he has far more
The entertainment industry is larger than ever
advanced equipment and techniques available
in the future. The Federal Network has holo-vid
than at any other time in human history.
channels numbering in the thousands, with
Occupation Skills:
something to suit all tastes.
Credit Rating, Computer (Operation), Data
Occupation Skills:
Analysis, First Aid, Pharmacy, Psychoanalysis,
Entertain, Fast Talk, Orate, and three other
Psychology, Science (Biology), Surgery.
skills as a specialty.
Rented 2 bedroom apartment; E$40,000pa
E$1000x1d4 savings; personal items related to
salary; E$1000x1d100 savings (10% liquid,
profession; 2x media contacts (Keeper s
rest in shares and stocks or property);
personal equipment related to profession.
Cthulhu Rising Character Generation 3
Description: Missionaries travel the colonies, spreading the
The Federal Network carries it s own news word of their religion to the new frontier,
channels as well as scores of others. serving the spiritual and religious needs of the
Journalists are usually employed by either colonists and preserving the religious traditions
Federal Network News (FNN) or by one of it s and histories of Earth.
independent rivals, though some prefer to Occupation Skills:
move from contract to contract on a freelance Data Analysis, Fast Talk, First Aid, History,
basis. The vast majority of news is delivered Occult, Other Language (Speak and
electronically, directly. The "daily me" concept Read/Write), Religion.
of multi-sectioned electronic publishing with Background:
information and advertising tailored to each Personal items related to profession.
individual's needs is an everyday reality in the
23rd Century. Parapsychologist
Occupation Skills:
Computer (Operation), Data Analysis, Fast
The parapsychologist is dedicated to searching
Talk, Read/Write Other Language, Streetwise,
for evidence of phenomena that is inexplicable
and any two other skills as personal
by science. They are experts in the occult and
ancient histories of Earth.
Occupation Skills:
2x media contacts (Keeper s discretion);
Computer (Operation), Data Analysis, History,
E$15,000pa salary; E$1000x1d4 savings;
Occult, Read/Write Other Language, Religion
personal items related to profession; small
and any one other skill as personal specialty.
E$1000x1d4 savings; personal items related to
profession; 2x contacts (Keeper s discretion);
Description: rented accommodation.
A Player wishing to run a Lawyer Investigator
much first choose their field of expertise: Civil, Pilot, Aerospace
Corporate or Criminal. Choosing Criminal will
usually mean that they work for the Federal
Aerospace Pilots are trained to operate a
Government. Civil or Corporate lawyers
variety of suborbital vehicles ranging from
usually belong to private law firms.
small shuttlecraft to heavy duty cargo carriers
Occupation Skills:
to high-tech military craft.
Administration, Bargain, Computer (Operation)
Occupation Skills:
Credit Rating, Data Analysis, Fast Talk, Law,
Astronomy, Computer (Operation), Electronics
and any two other skills as personal
(Communications, Systems), Vacc Suit, Pilot
(Aerospace), Scan.
E$50,000pa salary; E$1000x1d20 savings; 2x
If employed salary is E$10,000 +(1d10x1000)
legal contacts; 2x contacts related to field of
pa; E$1000x1d4 savings; current ICC license;
expertise, e.g. 2x police contracts for criminal
personal items related to profession.
lawyers (Keeper s discretion); luxury 2
bedroom apartment in well to do area.
Pilot, Space
Since the invention of AI in the mid-22nd
Century, the majority of interplanetary and
Mechanics repair and maintain the planetary
interstellar space vessels have become almost
vehicles and machinery of the future.
completely automated, only requiring human
Occupation Skills:
pilots for delicate maneuvers like orbital
Computer (Operation), Data Analysis,
insertion and docking.
Electronics (Systems), Mechanical (Aero-
Occupation Skills:
space, Vehicle), and any two other skills as
Astronomy, Computer (Operation), Data
personal specialties.
Analysis, Electronics (Communications,
Systems), EVA, Pilot (Spacecraft), Vacc Suit.
E$15,000pa salary; personal equipment
related to profession; ground vehicle.
Cthulhu Rising Character Generation 4
If employed salary is E$10,000 +(1d10x1000) registration card; rented accommodation;
pa; E$1000x1d4 savings; current ICC license; personal items related to profession.
personal items related to profession.
Psychic: MetaPol
Police Officer
Description: Attached to the Federal Law Enforcement
Policing in the 23rd Century is handled by the Authority, MetaPol, or the Metasensory Police,
Federal Law Enforcement Authority. From their is mainly made up of telepaths and precogs,
headquarters on Earth, and via many local who use their powers to interrogate those who
stations throughout the Federal Colonies, have committed crimes against the Federation,
Federal police officers have the unenviable or to predict the outcome of certain events.
task of tackling crime over interstellar Occupation Skills:
distances. Computer (Operation), Data Analysis, Fast
Occupation Skills: Talk, First Aid, Gun Combat (Hand Gun); Law,
Computer (Operation), Data Analysis, Dodge, Psychology, Streetwise. For Psychic Abilities,
First Aid, Gun Combat (Hand Gun), Hide, Law, see the document  Psychic Powers .
Listen, Streetwise. Background:
Background: E$15,000pa salary; psychic registration card;
E$15,000pa salary; 2x police contacts 2x police contacts (Keeper s discretion);
(Keeper s discretion); E$1000x1d4 savings; E$1000x1d4 savings; personal items related to
personal items related to profession; rented profession; rented accommodation.
Private Investigator
Description: In Cthulhu Rising, the Punk Occupation covers
There is still a healthy customer base for the teenagers and young people, especially a
23rd Century Private Investigator, whether member of a rebellious counterculture group.
contracted to corporations or hired by private They may have rich parents and are taking
citizens. Most PI s are ex police. time out to travel.
Occupation Skills: Occupation Skills:
Bargain, Computer (Operation), Data Analysis, Computer (Operation), Data Analysis, Fast
Fast Talk, Gun Combat (Hand Gun), Hide, Talk, Streetwise, and any two other skills as
Law, Streetwise. personal specialties.
Background: Background:
E$1000x1d10 savings; private investigator s E$1000x1d4 savings; personal items; 1x minor
license; rented accommodation and if self underworld contact.
employed, a small office with 1 member of
staff; personal items related to profession. Separatist
Psychic: Freelance
Separatists are citizens born and raised in the
Description: colonies, who are supporters of the Colonial
After completing Federal Service, many Independence movement, outlawed by the ICA
psychics continue to work for the MAA, but during the Colonial Wars (2258-60). Though
some go freelance, and find work for one of separatist support is still high in some regions
the many PSPs - Psychic Service Providers - of the Outer Rim Territories, the leaders of the
private organisations licensed and regulated movement have had to go underground, to
by the MAA who hire out their talents to block avoid arrest and transportation to a Federal
telepathic snooping and other paranormal dirty Re-education Centre.
tricks. It has become common practice for Occupation Skills:
executives of large corporations and Computer (Operation), Data Analysis, Fast
government bodies to employ such agents as Talk, History, Streetwise, and any two other
'psychic security'. skills as personal specialties.
Occupation Skills: Background:
Administration, Computer (Operation), Data Personal items related to profession.
Analysis, Fast Talk, Hide, Law, Psychology,
Streetwise. For Psychic Abilities, see the Scientist
document  Psychic Powers .
Scientists are usually in the employ of, or work
E$1000x1d10 savings; employment with a
for projects funded by, one of the mega-
PSP with a salary of E$20,000pa; psychic
Cthulhu Rising Character Generation 5
corporations. Their fields vary, from AI to Electronics Systems
genetics, to terraforming and xeno-biology. Engineering
Occupation Skills: Entertain
Computer (Operation), Credit Rating, Science EVA
(Chemistry, Physics), Science (Geology) or Forward Observer
Astronomy, Data Analysis and one Science Gun Combat
skill as a specialization. Gunnery
Background: Law
Accommodation in private corporate Leader
compound; E$40,000pa salary; E$1000x1d4 in Mechanical Aerospace
company share options; personal equipment Mechanical Vehicle
related to profession. Medical Surgery
Natural History
Soldier Pilot Aerospace
Pilot Spaceship
Powered Armour
Soldiers as Investigators are usually ex United
Earth Armed Forces or ex Colonial Admin-
istration Security, now in the employ of a
corporation or a member of a private
mercenary unit.
Space Engineering
Occupation Skills:
Armoury, Dodge, First Aid, Gun Combat
(Rifle), Hide, Listen, Survival, Tactics, Vacc
Tactics (Small Unit)
Unarmed Combat
E$1000x1d20 savings; personal items related
Xeno medicine
to profession.
Zero G Combat
PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT: The individual with this skill has had
experience with bureaucratic agencies, and
Investigators also have skills in other areas.
understands the requirements of dealing with
Allocate INTx5% to any skill or skills, except
them how they work.
those at 75%, or Cthulhu Mythos.
The Investigator is trained in the maintenance
Write down the characters name, his/her
and repair of military hardware. When this skill
appearance (including civilian clothing), his/her
is gained during basic training, it applies to
beliefs and goals, his/her place of birth,
small arms, i.e. rifles, handguns, machine
relatives, education etc.
guns. The Armoury skill is used to repair
damaged weapons, clear weapon jams, etc.
An individual with astronomy has the ability to
Cthulhu Rising is set over 250 years into the
determine which stars and planets are
future. As a result of this, certain skills have
overhead at a particular time and when
been added that didn t exist in the original
celestial events are due to occur on their home
rules. They are listed below, followed by their
planet. Individuals who are academically
trained in astronomy have usually been taught
how to read the 3D star charts used in
Astrogation on interplanetary and interstellar
space travel.
Computer Programming
Computer Programming:
Computer Security
An Investigator with Computer Operation as a
Data Analysis
skill is trained in the basic usage of computer
systems. Computer Programming however,
Electronics Communications
allows a Investigator to understand computer
Electronics Security
Cthulhu Rising Character Generation 6
programming languages and procedures and Electronics Security:
have at least basic education in the hardware
This skill enables a Investigator to bypass
aspects of computers.
physical security features, such as locked
doors or alarm systems.
Use of this skill enables an investigator to write
programs and to retrieve and analyze obscure,
Electronics Systems:
damaged or concealed data.
The Investigator with this skill has the ability to
repair basic electronic devices. This does not
Computer Security:
include weaponry, for which the Armoury skill
The Computer Security skill is the ability to
is needed.
bypass security software to in effect  hack into
secure computer systems. Using this skill may
Engineering, Planetary:
take anything from mere minutes to hours.
Examples of Planetary Engineering Skills are
Depending on the sophistication of the
as follows:
software, modifiers to the roll may be applied
by the Keeper.
This skill governs the construction of structures
Data Analysis:
ranging from small buildings to massive
Data Analysis is an Investigators ability to work
skyscrapers. Keepers may wish to limit
with stored information in a variety of formats,
Investigator skills to general areas such as
be it electronic or hard copy. Depending on the
small construction, medium construction, and
organisation of the media in question, and the
large construction. Individuals with this skill
search criteria, Data Analysis skill use can take
can design, supervise the construction of, and
anywhere from several minutes to several
inspect structures.
hours. Examples are given below:
Uncatalogued data 8 hours +
Catalogued data 4 hours + This skill governs a variety of mining
Catalogued data with use of a search 1-3 hrs
operations ranging from commercial digging to
aid (e.g. a computer search program)
the building of underground complexes.
Catalogued data with state of the art Less than
Individuals with this skill can supervise mining
data search software an hour
operations and inspect underground sites for
their structural integrity. Individuals may have
Of course, the amount of time spent and the
various specializations in this skill such as strip
results will depend on the nature of the
mining, deep mining, and so forth.
information sought and whether it is actually
present. While this skill can be used to locate
Engineering, Space:
secured information, it does not permit access.
This skill category governs construction work
This may require Fast Talk, Persuade,
in low and zero gravity conditions, as well as
Computer Use, Bargain, Credit Rating, or good
repair and maintenance of high-technology like
old fashioned breaking and entering.
star drives and power planets. Some examples
of this skill are as follows:
An Investigator with this skill is trained and
Drive Engineer:
experienced in the handling, placement and
This skill governs the maintenance and repair
efficient use of explosives.
of F-Drives, the technology that makes
interstellar travel possible.
Electronics Communications:
The Investigator is trained in the use, repair
Low/Zero Gravity Construction:
and maintenance of communications devices.
Similar to Construction, this skill governs the
Whilst nearly anyone can operate a
construction of structures in conditions
communicator, this skill is necessary to
involving low or zero gravity (as well as
understand why the device does not work
vacuum conditions). Building spaceships and
correctly, or to be aware of device limitations.
space stations requires this skill. Individuals
The Communications skill enables the
may specialize in various areas. For example,
Investigator to jam and evade jamming, and to
a person may be an expert space ship
make minor repairs.
Cthulhu Rising Character Generation 7
EVA: Artillery piece
Use of this skill enables the character to
function more or less normally within low ( half
of the normal gravity the being is used to or Law is split into three distinct areas: Civil,
less) or no gravity situations. For the most part, Corporate or Criminal. If an Investigator wishes
a character with any degree of this skill will be to attempt to interpret law from a different area
able perform routine tasks without a problem. of expertise, their skill is halved.
Special actions (such as running in low gravity
or leaping from one space ship to another) will Mechanical Aerospace
require a skill check. Failure will result in the
Investigators with the above skills have the
action failing in some way (losing control while
ability to operate and repair common
running or missing the ship, for example).
propulsion systems used by Aerospace craft.
Relevant physical skills (such as weapon and
physical combat skills) should be averaged
Mechanical Vehicle:
with this skill (but not to exceed the maximum
A Investigator with this skill has the ability to
in the skill in question) when used in low or
repair the inner workings of ground vehicles.
zero gravity situations. This base level of this
skill for all colonists is 10%, as every teenager
Medical Surgery:
takes a brief training course in orbit.
Investigators with medical ability beyond First
Aid are generally Medical Doctors. Surgery is
Forward Observer:
the ability to perform emergency field surgery
Investigators with this skill have been trained
upon wounded persons under battlefield
to call on and adjust artillery (projectile,
conditions, as well as more advanced surgery
missile and energy) fire from distant batteries
techniques in an equipped hospital.
and from ships in orbit. If artillery of any form
is available (including communication with the
Using this skill, in the same or following
firing battery), the first shots will invariably miss
combat round that a Investigator has just died
the target. On each subsequent round that fire
in will revive the patient, but only if the
is delivered, the Investigator must roll his skill
emergency hit points restored raises him to +1
to adjust the fire to successfully hit the target.
hit points or greater. This process may be
Gun Combat:
aided by special equipment and medicines.
Gun Combat is a specific skill in the use of one
of several military small arms. Investigators
An Investigator who is successfully treated
who acquire the skill Gun Combat without the
with this skill heals 2D3 hit points per week. A
type being specified must immediately choose
success with medicine immediately revives a
one category of small arms to apply it to:
victim of a knock out attack and may (at the
Keepers discretion) revive an unconscious
Handgun (Pistol);
Machine Gun (SMG, SSW, Smart Gun);
Rifle (Combat Rifle, Assault Rifle, Gauss Rifle);
This skill may be used to treat a variety of
Heavy Weapons (Rocket Launchers, Grenade
ailments and conditions (diseases, cancer,
Launcher, Rail Gun, Man Portable Missile
etc.) and to perform surgical procedures
(implanting an artificial heart, for example).
High Energy Weapons (Plasma Weapons,
Some conditions may be beyond the scope of
Fusion Gun);
treatment, however.
Shotgun (Shotgun): 30%.
Natural History:
This skill reflects the information known in a
The Investigator is trained in the use of one or
general sort of way by the Investigator about
more heavy infantry support weapons, either
various terrestrial life forms. An individual with
ground mounted or vehicle mounted. Upon
this skill will have a general knowledge of
gaining this skill, it must be applied to a
common terrestrial life forms and will know
specific heavy infantry support weapon system
about their general habitat, diet, and behavior.
listed below:
Attempting to remember facts about more
obscure life forms will require a skill roll at
Machine Gun
some minus.
High Energy Weapon
Rocket Launcher
Guided Missile System
Cthulhu Rising Character Generation 8
Pilot Aerospace: Sciences:
This skill governs all phases of aerospace There are two main categories of science
operation from takeoff to landings and orbital skills. The first is that of planetary sciences
flight. A character with any degree of skill will and is a general area that encompasses
be able to handle standard flight operations various skills which deal with planets and the
without any difficulty. However, special life forms that inhabit them. Strictly speaking,
situations will require skill rolls. Situations biology and geology are planetary science
involving a damaged craft, tricky dockings or Skills. Players who wish to have a
landings, or attempts to do odd maneuvers specialization in the Planetary Sciences will
with an aerospace craft will require skill rolls as need to work out the details of the skill with
will other situations at the Keeper s discretions. their Keeper.
Certain situations will require modified rolls, The second main category of skills are those
the modification of the roll is up to the Keeper that relate to stellar bodies as parts of the
as are the effects of failure. space-time continuum and space-time itself.
An individual with this skill in this area will have
Pilot Spaceship: knowledge of space-time as well as the
various planets, stars, comets and so forth
Piloting an interstellar spaceship is nominally
within it. With the Keepers guidance, players
handled by onboard computer systems. This
may wish to select particular specialties within
skills covers aspects such as orbital insertion
the general field (each specialty would be a
or docking when computer systems are
skill). However, most specializations will be
unavailable. As with Pilot Aerospace, certain
skills possessed by non player characters, as
situations will require modified rolls, the
most players will find them to be too
modification of the roll is up to the Keeper as
specialized to be of general use. Technically,
are the effects of failure.
Astronomy falls within this category.
Powered Armour:
Investigators with this skill have been trained
An Investigator with this skill is well acquainted
extensively in the use of Powered Armour and
with the ways of local subcultures (which tend
the various weapon systems and features
to be similar throughout human society), and
normally associated with it. This skill can be
thus is capable of dealing with strangers
used in place of Vacc Suit skill, but not vice
without alienating them. This does not include
versa. Powered Armour skill also covers
alien contact situations.
maintenance and minor repair.
Investigators with Survival expertise are adept
A method of analyzing psychic phenomena
at locating food and water, constructing or
and treating mental and emotional disorders
finding natural weapons and shelter, and
that emphasizes the importance of free
finding their way across harsh terrain, in a
association and dream analysis. It not only
involves counselling sessions as well as
chemical treatments and virtual reality.
Tactics (Small Unit):
Psychoanalysis used as a form of psychic first
aid, allowing the Investigator to repair another An Investigator with this skill has experience
persons sanity over time, and perhaps hasten and training in small unit (generally platoon
their recovery. A week of regular sessions strength) tactics.
returns 1d6 SAN points to the patient.
Unarmed Combat:
Martial arts training, this skill encompasses all
This is the science that deals with human fist and kick attacks/parrys made by the
mental processes and behaviour. Psychology Investigator.
can be used by an Investigator to try and
determine another person s motives and Vacc Suit:
behaviour patterns. It is not an exact science,
This skill is the ability to use the standard
and Keepers should make the roll in secret.
vacuum suit (space suit), including armoured
Battle Armour and suits for use on various
planetary surfaces in the presence of exotic,
Essentially military scouting, this skill covers toxic, corrosive or insidious atmospheres.
tracking and camouflage whilst in the field.
Cthulhu Rising Character Generation 9
Vehicle: trained to compensate for it. When fighting in
a zero-G environment, any individual has a
The individual is skilled in the operation of
chance of losing control of their
ground based military and non-military
movement/position each combat round. Roll
this skill to avoid losing control and apply the
following modifiers:
Normally, medical expertise is considered to
Firing weapon: -20%
apply only to humans, and to a limited extent
Firing low-recoil (zero-G) weapon: -10%
the animals which live on human colonised
Using a handhold: +25%
worlds. This skill lessens the penalty (applied
Striking in melee combat: -30%
by the Keeper) to the treatment of alien races.
Wearing powered armour: +10% (+25% if
powered armour roll made successfully)
Zero G Combat:
DEX: +5% per pot over 15.
Virtually all weapons involve some form of
recoil, and in a zero-G environment this recoil
and disorient or render helpless individuals not
Cthulhu Rising Character Generation 10


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