language tests 11a

Name: _________________________________________ Score: ____________ / 30 points
1 Choose the correct answers. (6 points) 4 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the
verbs in brackets. (6 points)
It s possible that Sally could have / must
As far as we know, Mr Smith is believed to have
have met him before.
left (believe/leave) by plane yesterday.
1 Paul looks exhausted. He can t have had /
1 According to the latest theories, the burglars
may have had an easy morning.
_________________ (think/get in) through an
2 There s the parcel! It must have delivered /
open window on the first floor.
must have been delivered while we were out.
2 The plane _________________ (report/crash)
3 She could have / might have telephoned me
because of an engine failure; however we now
but I suppose she didn t want to.
know this is not true.
4 A Why is her finger bandaged?
3 The climate _________________ (believe/
B She might have cut / might have been
change) many times throughout history.
cutting it while she was preparing the salad.
4 Ancient humans _________________ (claim/
5 A Why didn t he tell her?
know) many uses of plants as medicine.
B He shouldn t have / couldn t have seen
5 A statement from the Prime Minister
her, I suppose.
_________________ (expect/make) about the
6 She called to cancel the visit so it looks like
situation in the next few days.
I wasted my time yesterday. I needn t have
6 The conditions _________________ (say/be)
cleaned / didn t need to clean the flat at all.
very bad at the time of the accident.
2 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
The first letter of each word is given. (4 points) 5 Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
There is one extra word that you do not need. (6 points)
If we leave before seven then the chances are
we ll get home before dark
charismatic innovative astute witty
conversationalist outspoken
1 I was worried at first but speaking to the
strong-willed manipulative
doctor has really put my m_________ at ease.
2 I wasn t prepared for the meeting at all but
She knows what to say to get the reaction she
I managed to b_________ my way through it.
wants. She s very manipulative.
3 If I don t get to g_________ with this problem
1 I met Sam but he s not exactly a good
soon we ll be in big trouble.
____________. We barely spoke a word.
4 A Where is my book?
2 He seems able to make any situation work for
B You must have put it somewhere, it didn t
him. I wish I was as ____________.
just move of its own a_________.
3 Please don t bring up politics! He s very
3 Match the beginnings (1 4) and the endings (a e)
____________ on certain issues and might
to make full sentences. (4 points)
cause offence.
4 You should have seen the audience! I ve never
It s so difficult, I can t make
seen such a ____________ speaker.
1 I m racking
5 I don t care how difficult it is, Paul will do it.
2 Where was I? I ve completely lost
He s incredibly ____________.
3 My mind went
6 It was hilarious talking to Dave last night.
4 Just take
I had no idea he is so ____________.
a the thread of what I was saying.
6 Choose the correct answers. (4 points)
b a wild stab at it. You might be right.
c blank and I had no idea whatsoever.
Let s come / move / head on, shall we?
d head nor tail of it.
1 The trouble / fall / accident is, we don t have
e my brains but it s no good.
enough money.
2 There s a hook / hitch / block here, I m afraid.
3 Just to go back to the issue / idea / point you
made earlier&
4 It is a problem but I m sure we ll get across /
over / round it somehow.
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2012 New Matura Success Upper Intermediate PHOTOCOPIABLE


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