language tests 9b

Name: _________________________________________ Score: ____________ / 30 points
1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the 2 Choose the correct answers. (7 points)
words in brackets. (14 points)
The young girl s forgery / kidnapping /
kidnapping /
If you agree to help me, I  ll never forget
hijacking lasted for three weeks.
(never/forget) it.
1 The blackmailer / con artist / fraudster
1 She couldn t have finished it if you
demanded Ł1 million for the return of the
__________________ (not/help) her.
scandalous photographs.
2 I __________________ (be able to) make
2 Nobody suspected the director but he
something to eat now if we d gone to the
embezzled / forged / defrauded millions of
shop this morning!
pounds from the company over several years.
3 Unless you explain it slowly, he
3 It was a clever blackmailing / hijacking /
__________________ (not/understand).
scam which tricked a lot of people.
4 She would give you a lift if you
4 He pretended to be a long-lost relative who
__________________ (ask) her.
needed a place to stay, but it was all just
5 When we have a test the teacher
a stunt / white-collar crime / a confidence
__________________ (never/let) us use
trick to steal our money.
5 He had two lives: one as a criminal genius, the
6 If I d known it was going to rain,
other as a legitimate / imitating /
I __________________ (come) in the car.
masquerading academic.
7 If I see her, I __________________ (not/tell)
6 He got access to the bank by impersonating /
her anything.
masquerading / pretending as a policeman.
8 They can gift-wrap it for you if you
7 The blackmailers / fraudsters / hijackers
__________________ (ask) them.
demanded $10 million for the release of the
9 I suppose I should __________________
(check) the map last night.
3 Complete the collocations. The first letter of each
10 If only we __________________ (think) of
word is given. (5 points)
that before we started!
11 What a waste of time. I should
The new stereo cost me an arm and a leg.
__________________ (read) the instructions
1 I m going to i_________ some time in the
more carefully.
garden and start a vegetable plot there.
12 I wish you __________________ (consider)
2 The film l_________ almost three hours.
things a little more carefully instead of just
It was far too long.
jumping in with both feet.
3 I hate it when I m trying to talk and people
13 We __________________ (better/phone) him
don t p_________ attention.
before we start. He might have gone out.
4 You lost the bet so p_________ up.
14 If only you __________________ (no/live)
5 It t_________ me most of the evening to write
so far away!
the essay but I think I ve done a good job with it.
4 Complete the sentences with the missing words.
(4 points)
He died in prison at the age of 65, yet more
proof that crime doesn t pay.
1 The price isn t bad but you have to buy
batteries, a case, a charger and headphones 
that s quite a lot of hidden _________.
2 You were laughing at us yesterday. Well now
it s _________ time!
3 I don t know what I d have done if you hadn t
helped me. Thanks a lot, I _________ you one.
4 We worked really hard to get a win in our last
match and now we re _________ the price.
PHOTOCOPIABLE Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2012 New Matura Success Upper Intermediate


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