130206152017 vwitn penguins release text

BBC Learning English
Words in the News
6 February 2013
Penguins and sea lion returned to
A special day for 62 penguins and one sea lion rescued late last year off the Brazilian
coast after getting lost during migration.
They ve been looked after in a rehabilitation centre and now, after having been
tagged, are being released into the ocean to catch a current to take them home.
The sea is choppy but, with a little help, one by one they slip back into the sea.
the movement of certain animals from one place to another  often when the
seasons change
the looking after and caring for someone or something while it returns to
good health
fitted with a device which can be tracked electronically
a current
the movement of water in a particular direction
with a lot of little waves caused by the wind
Watch the video online:
Penguins and sea lion returned to Atlantic http://bbc.in/X2Oz9G
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from
news reports.
Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence
migration / rehabilitation / tagged / a current / choppy
1. Hen harriers have been __________ by the conservation organisation since
2002 in an effort to learn more about their movements across the country.
2. According to the official version, Frank Morris, and the brothers John and
Clarence Anglin were presumed drowned in the cold and __________ waters of
San Francisco Bay.
3. The Portuguese man-of-war normally lives in warm seas off Florida Keys, the
Gulf of Mexico, Indian Ocean, Caribbean and Pacific, but winds and
__________ can bring it to UK water.
4. Toads are very conservative about where they breed and a decline in numbers is
accelerated when roads are built across their __________ routes.
5. Academics and designers have come up with a device to help people recover
from the physical effects of a stroke.
Envisage uses motion sensor technology to show patients whether or not they
are doing their __________ exercises correctly.
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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1. Hen harriers have been tagged by the conservation organisation since 2002 in
an effort to learn more about their movements across the country.
Source: Hen harrier Bowland Betty killing prompts reward offer
2. According to the official version, Frank Morris, and the brothers John and
Clarence Anglin were presumed drowned in the cold and choppy waters of San
Francisco Bay.
Source: Alcatraz escape still surprises, 50 years on
3. The Portuguese man-of-war normally lives in warm seas off Florida Keys, the
Gulf of Mexico, Indian Ocean, Caribbean and Pacific, but winds and currents can
bring it to UK water.
Source: Portuguese man-of-war found at Westward Ho! beach clean
4. Toads are very conservative about where they breed and a decline in numbers is
accelerated when roads are built across their migration routes.
Source: Stroud toads helped to cross roads in a bid to boost numbers
5. Academics and designers have come up with a device to help people recover
from the physical effects of a stroke.
Envisage uses motion sensor technology to show patients whether or not they
are doing their rehabilitation exercises correctly.
Source: Exercise device helps 'envisage' recovery from strokes
Words in the News © British Broadcasting Corporation 2013
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