SIMATIC C7 636 Key

Smaller, faster machines:
Increase your competitivity with
the new all-in-ones
Would you like to pack high-performance machine controls into a really small space? The new
SIMATIC® C7-636 all-in-ones combine a powerful SIMATIC S7-300 CPU with a SIMATIC Operator
Panel in one compact unit. This reduces not only space but also overhead for installation,
wiring and engineering, reducing, in turn, your time to market and ensuring you a competitive
edge. With their 6 pixel-graphics color display, the new SIMATIC C7-636 all-in-ones provide
attractive, simple operator guidance for your machines and even offer Asian characters for
your markets in the Far East.
Making more out of your machines
Smaller control cabinets and shorter in- Brilliant color display Onboard technology
stallation times provide you, as machine
To simplify operator control on your ma- Counting, measuring, closed-loop con-
and plant constructor, with competitive
chines, SIMATIC C7-636 is equipped with trol, positioning: few machines can do
advantages by saving time and costs.
a rugged membrane keyboard and a long- without technology functions. The
life, easy-to-read, backlit 6" LC display. By C7-636 all-in-ones already come with
Two in one
customizing the design of the operator integrated, powerful technology func-
The SIMATIC C7 all-in-ones integrate a
panel, you can give your machine its own tions for which you require no additional
control and an operator panel in a single
distinctive look. hardware or software.
compact unit. In comparison to a modular
solution, you require less space and save Minimum space requirement PROFIBUS included
configuration and installation overhead.
The unit s compact design makes it possi- The C7-636 all-in-ones are equipped with
ble to use smaller control cabinets. Inte- a PROFIBUS DP V1 interface which can be
More power, more throughput
grating the unit directly in the operator configured as either PROFIBUS master or
The new SIMATIC C7-636 all-in-one is
console makes a control cabinet comple- PROFIBUS slave. In addition to cyclic I/O
the latest addition to the C7 product line
tely unnecessary. The all-in-ones are fac- data transfer, DP V1 also enables acyclic
for the upper performance range. The
tory-assembled and ready to connect, data transfer. This makes it possible to
two-processor solution consisting of
saving configuring, electrical construction transfer diagnostic data and alarms/inter-
S7-300 CPU and SIMATIC Operator Panel
and installation overhead. rupts from field devices to the C7 or to
makes higher machine cycle rates pos-
load parameter assignment data into the
sible thanks to shorter program execu- Maintenance-free with
field devices, including field devices from
tion times. micro memory cards
other manufacturers.
Thanks to retentive data storage on micro
Flexibly expandable
memory cards (MMC), the C7s need no
Typical applications include electroplat-
backup battery and are thus maintenance- When it comes to SIMATIC C7-636, all-in-
ing, bottling plants, compressors, grain
free. The MMC can be used to store entire one means not restricted. It can be ex-
mills, textile machines, wood-processing
STEP® 7 projects and larger volumes of da- panded by adding any or all S7-300 mod-
machines, plastics machines, packaging
ta for archiving and recipe management. ules. The modules can be plugged directly
machines and conveyor systems.
into the back of the SIMATIC C7-636 or
into an expansion rack, depending on
SIMATIC C7-636 Key
how many modules are needed. You can
Operator Panel SIMATIC OP 270
also connect distributed I/O via PROFIBUS,
Display Pixel graphics, 6 color display,
allowing you to customize your C7 solu-
resolution 320 x 240 pixels
tion based on the machine version.
Operating elements Membrane keyboard with 24 function
keys (18 of them with LED),
programmable, 36 system keys
Visualization system configuration SIMATIC WinCC flexible V1
CPU memory 128 Kbytes
Load memory or micro memory card (MMC) 64 Kbytes to 8 Mbytes
Instruction execution time (in µs)
" Word operation, min 0.2
" Floating-point instruction, min 6
" Memory bits 2048
" Timers, counters 256 of each
Total number of loadable blocks (FCs, FBs, DBs) 1024
Integrated I/O 24 DI, 16 DO, 4 AI + 1 Pt100, 2 AO
The information provided in this brochure contains
Communication interfaces MPI; PROFIBUS DP V1
merely general descriptions or characteristics of per-
Technology functions Counting, frequency measurement,
formance which in case of actual use do not always
apply as described or which may change as a result of
closed-loop control, controlled positioning
further development of the products. An obligation to
Configuring and programming PLC component STEP 7, Version 5.2 or a newer version
provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if
Dimensions W x H x D (in mm) 260 x 273 x 79
expressly agreed in the terms of contract. SIMATIC® is a registered trademark
Siemens AG
of Siemens. Other designations used
Automation and Drives
in this publication may be trademarks
Printed in Germany
whose use by third parties for their
Order No. E20001-A460-P210-X-7600 © Siemens AG, 11/2003
own purposes could violate the rights
41C8308 MK.AS.C7.52.4.01 SB 11035. Subject to change without prior notice
of the owners.


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