New compact control systems with
improved processing, communication
and technology functions
Do you lack sufficient space in your machine for a control and operating panel? The solution:
SIMATIC� C7. The compact control system consists of a standard S7-300 controller and an operator
panel both accommodated in a space-saving housing. The I/Os are even on-board. This enables
complete machine controls to be installed in the smallest of spaces and reduces the expenditure
required for assembly, installation, wiring and engineering. SIMATIC C7 offers integrated
technological functions such as counting, controlling, positioning and frequency measurement.
And if you decide to purchase the innovated SIMATIC C7-635 unit, you will enjoy improved
communication, processing and technological functions.
Innovations offer considerably
greater performance
FBs and DBs). This means that the
The compact C7-635 control systems, The acquisition and output of signals
user programs that were developed
which are particularly suited for the via the integrated digital and analog
construction of series and special ma- I/Os are also more rugged and accu- for the S7-300 CPUs can easily be
reused for the C7.
chines for processing and production, rate.
have been substantially improved. For
PROFIBUS included
Copy protection with
example, the cycle time for mathemat-
Micro Memory Cards
The C7-635 compact unit has a
ical operations has been considerably
PROFIBUS DP V1 interface that can
Thanks to residual data storage on
reduced because the floating point
be configured either as a PROFIBUS
the Micro Memory Card (MMC), C7
commands are performed three times
master or slave. DP V1 enables the
units function without a backup
faster. Furthermore, direct access to
acyclical transfer of data  even to
battery and therefore require no
the high-speed hardware counters
non-Siemens devices. This means
maintenance. STEP� 7 projects and
permits considerably more dynamic
that diagnosis data and alarms from
larger data volumes for archiving
performance and positioning tasks. In
field devices can be transferred to the
and recipe editing can be stored on
short, overall performance has been
C7 or parameterized data loaded into
the MMC. By requesting the MMC
substantially increased.
serial number during program execu- the field devices.
Rugged and high-speed
tion, an even more effective copy
Direct control of frequency
signal acquisition
protection for user software can be
The direct access to input addresses implemented. In other words, great-
The new C7 devices can now directly
accelerates the recording of actual er security for your investment.
control all frequency converters from
values  ideal for counting functions
More loadable function blocks
the MICROMASTER product range.
and frequency measurement. Since
The number of possible block num- This is made possible by the addition-
the maximum counting frequency
al control types when positioning
bers for FCs, FBs and data blocks has
can be set for the counter channels,
using the integrated analog output.
been increased to a total of 512. The
frequencies above this level are fil-
number of loadable blocks has also
tered, making the counting function
been extended to 1024 (total of FCs,
more immune to external disruptions.
SIMATIC C7-635 Key SIMATIC C7-635 Touch
Operator Panel Operator Panel Touch Panel
Display Full graphic representation, blue mode Full graphic representation, blue mode
Resolution 320 x 240 pixel Resolution 320 x 240 pixel
Size 6 Size 6
Control element Membrane keyboard with Touch screen
24 function keys (18 with LED),
35 system keys
CPU working memory 64 KB
Load memory via MMC 64 KB to 8 MB
Command runtime (�s)
" Word operation, min. 0.2
" Floating point command, min. 6
Operands: bit memories, timers, counters Per 256
Number of loadable blocks
(total of FCs, FBs, DBs) 1024
I/O 24 DI, 16 DO
4 AI + 1 PT 100
2 AO
Communication interfaces MPI; PROFIBUS DP V1
Technological functions Counters, frequency measurement, closed-loop control, controlled positioning
Dimensions W x H x D (mm) 260 x 273 x 79 260 x 199 x 79
SIMATIC� is a registered trademark
Siemens AG
of Siemens. Other designations used
Automation and Drives
in this publication may be trademarks
Printed in Germany
whose use by third parties for their
P.O. Box 48 48
Order No. E20001-A440-P210-X-7600 � Siemens AG, 09/2003
own purposes could violate the rights
90327 Nuremberg 41C8171 MK.AS.C7.52.3.11 SB 09033. of the owners. Subject to change without prior notice
The information provided in this brochure contains
as a result of further development of the products.
merely general descriptions or characteristics of
An obligation to provide the respective characteris-
performance which in case of actual use do not
tics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms
always apply as described or which may change
of contract.


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Siemens Simatic Automation Przeglad produktow 2007
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